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The characteristics and distribution of nucleotide phosphohydrolases of hamster embryo cells were examined. The hydrolysis of ATP and ADP by monolayers of hamster embryo cells was stimulated by Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. In contrast, the hydrolysis of AMP was not increased by these ions. These observations suggest that the enzyme hydrolyzing AMP (ecto-AMPase) is different from the enzymes hydrolyzing ATP and ADP. About 70–90% of the total activity of the nucleotide phosphohydrolases of hamster embryo cells was localized on the surface of the cell membrane. These ecto-enzymes hydrolyzed a variety of nucleotides at rates comparable to those observed for the hydrolysis of AMP, ADP, and ATP. These findings indicated that the ecto-enzymes of hamster embryo cells have a low substrate specificity. The activities of the ecto-enzymes of tumor cells induced in the hamster by Rous sarcoma virus were greatly diminished or abolished in comparison to those of normal hamster embryo cells. This suggests that the ecto-nucleotide phosphohydrolases of hamster embryo cells may be suitable biochemical markers of transformation.  相似文献   

A regulatory role for cytoplasmically derived proteins in chloroplast translation in organello was examined by analyzing protein synthesis in plastids isolated from cells of Euglena gracilis which had been treated with cycloheximide (CHI). Incorporation of [35S]methionine by chloroplasts from CHI-inhibited Euglena was reduced approximately 40 and 90% by exposure of the cells to the antibiotic for 2 and 4 h, respectively. The chloroplast translation products were then analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. The synthesis of polypeptides in the soluble compartment of the plastid was substantially diminished by as little as 15 min of CHI pretreatment. No qualitative alterations of the polypeptide pattern were detected. Qualitative changes were seen in the thylakoid fraction, however. Comparison of the stainable polypeptides and fluorographs of thylakoid membranes from CHI-treated cells with those of controls showed several instances in which the more slowly migrating member of a doublet accumulated with a concomitant depletion of a more rapidly migrating component. A pair of polypeptides at 28 and 30 kDa, which we believe are the Euglena homologs of the photogene product and its precursor, respectively, are representative of this phenomenon. Additionally, thylakoids from cells pretreated with CHI sometimes synthesized novel polypeptides larger than 65 kDa. Finally, when intact chloroplasts from CHI-inhibited Euglena were incubated with a postchloroplast supernatant from normal cells, there was a partial reversion of the anomalies seen in the fluorographs. These data are interpreted to indicate the cytoplasmic origin of one or more proteins whose function is to process chloroplast translation products.  相似文献   

Decreased activities of both 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) synthase and HMG CoA reductase are observed in the presence of sterol in the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) fibroblast. In three different genotypes of CHO cell mutants resistant to 25-hydroxycholesterol both enzyme activities exhibit a decreased response to 25-hydroxycholesterol compared to wild-type cells. Permanently repressed levels of both HMG CoA synthase and HMG CoA reductase activities are observed in another CHO mutant, phenotypically a mevalonate auxotroph. Mevinolin, a competitive inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase, has no effect on HMG CoA synthase activity measured in vitro. Incubation of CHO cells with sublethal concentrations of mevinolin produces an inhibition of the conversion of [14C]acetate to cholesterol and results in elevated levels of both HMG CoA synthase and HMG CoA reductase activities. Studies of CHO cells in sterol-free medium supplemented with cycloheximide indicate that continuous protein synthesis is not required for the maximal expression of HMG CoA synthase activity and provide an explanation for the lack of temporal similarity between HMG CoA synthase and reductase activities after derepression. These results support the hypothesis of a common mode of regulation for HMG CoA synthase and HMG CoA reductase activities in CHO fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer of nucleic acid sequences is a widespread process of genetic change in bacterial populations, one taking on a variety of specific forms. A model capturing some of the general features of this process is formulated. Two major subsidiary variants of this model are analyzed. The first lacks competition between cells. In this case, the transferred genetic element can approach fixation asymptotically if cells bearing it are viable, but not otherwise. The second variant of the proposed model has competition. This gives rise to complex dynamical possibilities, but never fixation of the transferred genetic element. It is argued that the evolutionary transition from gene transfer polymorphism to obligatory genetic exchange, and thus the origin of sex, requires either population dynamics which are not subject to growth rate density-dependence or cell-dependence on transferred genetic elements, although such dependence does not require that the element be beneficial.  相似文献   

It has been observed that microbial cells can adsorb uranium ions from dilute aqueous solutions. Data collected from such experiments can be used to estimate correlative mass transfer coefficients. Physical observations bear out several inadequacies, however, of using an adsorption mass transfer model with a constant transfer coefficient relating the rate of transfer to the concentration gradient. By itself, the mass transfer model contains no provision to include (1) the initial transient, (2) the curvature in the later time rate curve, and (3) the non-linear curve relating initial levels of uranium concentration in solution to final residual uranium concentration for a set of batch experiments. It is found that a better match to observed data can be achieved by utilizing an intermediate state adsorption model analogous to a kinetic model based on an enzyme - substrate coupling scheme.  相似文献   

Cellular genes that are homologous to the transforming genes of certain RNA tumor viruses are suspected to play a functional role during normal developmental processes. To investigate this further, we are studying the expression of the cellular homolog of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene (c-src) during embryogenesis of fish, frog, and chicken by quantitative determination of the activity of the c-src encoded protein kinase (pp60c-src). The kinase activity from embryos of fish, frog, and chicken displays the same enzymatic characteristics as the kinase from adult animals: It phosphorylates only tyrosine residues in protein substrates, and its activity is relatively insensitive to inhibition by the diadenosine nucleotide Ap4A. During the course of development, the varying kinase activity level reflects differential expression of the c-src gene product. The kinase activity is low during early development, increases dramatically during organogenesis, and decreases thereafter to the level found in adult animals. The kinase activity displays an organ specificity, with brain showing the highest activity in embryos as well as in adults. Muscle, however, shows high activities during organogenesis, but no or barely detectable activity in adult animals. Our data suggest, therefore, that the c-src gene product plays more of a role in differentiation than in proliferation processes during embryogenesis, and that it may act as a pleiotropic effector.  相似文献   

Supplementation of culture medium with elaidic acid (400 μg/flask) in L-M cells results in the formation of an otherwise undetected lipid component. We have identified this lipid component to be a mixture of free fatty alcohols containing primarily elaidyl alcohol with cetyl, stearoyl, and oleoyl alcohols as minor constituents. Formation of fatty alcohols by fatty acid supplementation seems to be specific with trans fatty acids (i.e., elaidate, trans vaccenate, and linolelaidate); addition of stearate and oleate to the L-M cells does not produce fatty alcohols. The fatty alcohols accumulated by the trans fatty acid supplementation are associated with both the particulate and supernatant fractions of the cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated recombinant phage and plasmids containing the four developmentally regulated discoidin I genes of Dictyostelium discoideum. Two of the genes are linked within 0.5 × 103 bases with the same polarity. S1 nuclease mapping shows that at least three members of the gene family are expressed and that the 5′ ends of the mRNAs start at equivalent sites. The genes have homologous 5′ untranslated regions and extremely divergent 3′ untranslated regions. In addition, some of the genes are flanked by homologous repeat sequences. The genes encode three different isoelectric forms of the protein. Examination of nucleotide sequences in the protein coding region shows that most nucleotide changes in the 5′ half of the gene result in amino acid substitutions while most base substitutions in the 3′ half are neutral.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of expression of mouse metallothionein was studied by RNA dot and Northern blot hybridization using a cloned cDNA probe. In some instances the synthesis of metallothionein was analyzed by cell-free translation of RNA as well as pulse-labeling of proteins in short-term organ cultures followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Interesting parallels between metallothionein and alpha-fetoprotein gene expression during development were noted. Like alpha-fetoprotein mRNA ( Dziadek and Andrews, 1983), metallothionein mRNA was found to be abundant in developing liver as well as in visceral yolk sac endoderm. In addition, metallothionein mRNA was abundant in parietal yolk sac. During liver development metallothionein and alpha-fetoprotein mRNAs were abundant by Day 12 of gestation, increasing to maximal levels on Day 16 and decreasing during late fetal and neonatal life to basal levels in adult. Metallothionein mRNA increased in maternal liver and was also abundant in certain hepatomas. Synthesis of metallothionein and levels of metallothionein mRNA in visceral yolk sac increased from Day 9 of gestation to maximal levels on Days 11-12 and then decreased abruptly after Day 15. RNA from differentiated teratocarcinoma cells with primitive, parietal or visceral endoderm characteristics each contained high levels of metallothionein mRNA, whereas, levels of this mRNA varied widely among embryonal carcinoma stem cell lines. alpha-Fetoprotein mRNA was not detected in embryonal carcinoma cells but was expressed in visceral endoderm-like differentiated cells. These results indicate that parietal and visceral endoderm cells actively express the metallothionein gene and further suggest that expression may be initiated at the earlier stage of primitive endoderm.  相似文献   

Selection conditions have been optimized in the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell system for a number of genetic markers. The genetic systems studied include resistance to the protein-synthesis inhibitors emetine (Emtr) and diphtheria toxin (Dipr), resistance to methylglyoxalbisguanylhydrazone (Mbgr) which affects polyamine transport, resistance to the nucleoside analogs toyocamycin and tubercidin (Toyr), and resistance to thioguanine (Thgr) and ouabain (OuaR). The optimal expression time following mutagenesis for various markers was between 2 and 6 days. A linear dose-response relationship between the concentration of mutagen (ethyl methanesulfonate) and mutation frequency has been observed over the range of 10–700 μm/ml, for all of the above markers except Toyr. The response of these markers to other mutagens such as tritium (3H) decay and ICR-191 show some specificity. Since the response of a number of genetic markers can be studied simultaneously in the CHO system, it should prove very useful for studies of quantitative mutagenesis and in assay systems for mutagen detection.  相似文献   

Two suppressor cell populations that interact to down-regulate in vivo development of the cytolytic T-cell (CTL) response to trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC) have been further characterized. Suppressor cells induced by the iv injection of trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic spleen cells possess Thy 1.2 antigen. Their precursors are insensitive to pretreatment of host animals with cyclophosphamide (CY). Suppressor cells that arise after dermal sensitization with trinitrochlorobenzene are also Thy 1.2 antigen positive but their precursors are sensitive to pretreatment with CY. These characteristics of the two suppressor T cells (Ts) are identical to those of the two Ts that are generated by similar methodologies and that together suppress contact sensitivity (CS) to picryl chloride. Neither the CS nor CTL response was suppressed when host animals possessed only one set of Ts. In contrast to suppression of CS at the efferent phase, development of CTL was suppressed only when the two Ts were present early during sensitization (afferent phase). Since the results point to several similarities between the two sets of Ts that are active in the down-regulation of the CS and CTL responses, it is suggested that the two dissimilar immune responses directed to the same hapten, namely CS and CTL, may be controlled by the same suppressor cells. Since it appears that the two sets of Ts interact to affect different phases of the CS and CTL responses, down-regulation of each must be accomplished through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

3-Deazaadenosine is both an inhibitor of and a substrate for S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. Its administration to rats results in the accumulation of both S-adenosylhomocysteine and 3-deazaadenosylhomocysteine in the liver and other tissues. In hamsters, however, the administration of 3-deazaadenosine results only in the accumulation of 3-deazaadenosylhomocysteine (P. K. Chiang and G. L. Cantoni (1979) Biochem. Pharmacol. 28, 1897). In order to investigate the possible reasons for this difference, S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from hamster liver has been purified to homogeneity and some of its kinetic and physical parameters have been determined. The molecular weight of the native enzyme is 200,000 with a subunit molecular weight of 48,000. The Km's for adenosine and 3-deazaadenosine are about 1.0 μm, and the Vmax's are also similar. The Km for S-adenosylhomocysteine is 1.0 μm, or more than 10 times smaller than the Km of the rat liver enzyme. This difference in Km value may explain the differences in the response of rat and hamster liver to the administration of 3-deazaadenosine. S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from hamster liver exhibits an interesting kinetic property in that its activity can be affected bimodally by either adenosine or adenosine Anal.ogs. At very low concentrations of these analogs, the activity of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase can be stimulated by 10–30%, and at higher concentrations these same analogs become competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

The morphological conversion of Chinese hamster ovary cells induced by treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP is correlated with increases in the intracellular level of cyclic AMP and the activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. When cholera toxin is used to induce the increase in intracellular cyclic AMP, a similar correlation is obtained. Treatment of cells with prostaglandin E1, which causes a transient increase in intracellular cyclic AMP and a transient activation of protein kinase activity, does not result in the morphology change. From these studies we conclude that a stable activation of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, which results from an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP, induces the morphological conversion of Chinese hamster ovary cells through phosphorylation of one or more cellular components.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase II from mouse sarcoma cells catalyzed the incorporation of UMP into an acid-insoluble fraction in the presence of tRNA. This reaction was not affected by DNase or actinomycin D but was inhibited by α-amanitin. This reaction was dependent on nucleoside triphosphate and manganese ions. RNA synthesized in the presence of tRNA could be digested with RNase A. These results suggest that the RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase II from mouse sarcoma is dependent on the presence of tRNA.  相似文献   

Comparative one-dimensional peptide maps were prepared by the electrophoresis of digests derived from treatment of desmins with Ca2+-activated muscle protease, trypsin, Staphylococcusaureus V8 protease, and cyanogen bromide. Desmins from adult mammalian skeletal and smooth muscles were very similar. Avian smooth muscle desmin, although homologous with respect to many peptides, was different from the mammalian smooth and skeletal desmins. The amino acid compositions of the three desmins were quite similar.  相似文献   

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