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Yoneda A  Kutsuna N  Higaki T  Oda Y  Sano T  Hasezawa S 《Protoplasma》2007,230(3-4):129-139
Summary. In higher-plant cells, microtubules, actin microfilaments, and vacuoles play important roles in a variety of cellular events, including cell division, morphogenesis, and cell differentiation. These intracellular structures undergo dynamic changes in their shapes and functions during cell division and differentiation, and to analyse these sequential structural changes, the vital labelling technique, using the green-fluorescent protein or other fluorescent proteins, has commonly been used to follow the localisation and translocation of specific proteins. To visualise microtubules, actin filaments, and vacuoles, several strategies are available for selecting the appropriate fluorescent-protein fusion partner: microtubule-binding proteins, tubulin, and plus-end-tracking proteins are most suitable for microtubule labelling; the actin binding domain of mouse talin and plant fimbrin for actin microfilament visualisation; and the tonoplast-intrinsic proteins and syntaxin-related proteins for vacuolar imaging. In addition, three-dimensional reconstruction methods are indispensable for localising the widely distributed organelles within the cell. The maximum intensity projection method is suitable for cytoskeletal structures, while contour-based surface modelling possesses many advantages for vacuolar membranes. In this article, we summarise the recent progress in living cell imaging of the plant cytoskeleton and vacuoles using various fusions with green-fluorescent proteins and three-dimensional imaging techniques. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8562, Japan.  相似文献   

Small-molecule fluorescent sensors that allow specific measurement of nuclear pH in living cells will be valuable for biological research. Here we report that Hoechst-tagged fluorescein (hoeFL), which we previously developed as a green fluorescent DNA-staining probe, can be used for this purpose. Upon excitation at 405 nm, the hoeFL–DNA complex displayed two fluorescence bands around 460 nm and 520 nm corresponding to the Hoechst and fluorescein fluorescence, respectively. When pH was changed from 8.3 to 5.5, the fluorescence intensity ratio (F520/F460) significantly decreased, which allowed reliable pH measurement. Moreover, because hoeFL binds specifically to the genomic DNA in cells, it was applicable to visualize the intranuclear pH of nigericin-treated and intact living human cells by ratiometric fluorescence imaging.  相似文献   

Xu XH  Brownlow WJ  Kyriacou SV  Wan Q  Viola JJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(32):10400-10413
Membrane transport plays a leading role in a wide spectrum of cellular and subcellular pathways, including multidrug resistance (MDR), cellular signaling, and cell-cell communication. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is renowned for its intriguing membrane transport mechanisms, such as the interplay of membrane permeability and extrusion machinery, leading to selective accumulation of specific intracellular substances and MDR. Despite extensive studies, the mechanisms of membrane transport in living microbial cells remain incompletely understood. In this study, we directly measure real-time change of membrane permeability and pore sizes of P. aeruginosa at the nanometer scale using the intrinsic color index (surface plasmon resonance spectra) of silver (Ag) nanoparticles as the nanometer size index probes. The results show that Ag nanoparticles with sizes ranging up to 80 nm are accumulated in living microbial cells, demonstrating that these Ag nanoparticles transport through the inner and outer membrane of the cells. In addition, a greater number of larger intracellular Ag nanoparticles are observed in the cells as chloramphenicol concentration increases, suggesting that chloramphenicol increases membrane permeability and porosity. Furthermore, studies of mutants (nalB-1 and DeltaABM) show that the accumulation rate of intracellular Ag nanoparticles depends on the expression level of the extrusion pump (MexAB-OprM), suggesting that the extrusion pump plays an important role in controlling the accumulation of Ag nanoparticles in living cells. Moreover, the accumulation kinetics measured by Ag nanoparticles are similar to those measured using a small fluorescent molecule (EtBr), eliminating the possibility of steric and size effects of Ag nanoparticle probes. Susceptibility measurements also suggest that a low concentration of Ag nanoparticles (1.3 pM) does not create significant toxicity for the cells, further validating that single Ag nanoparticles (1.3 pM) can be used as biocompatible nanoprobes for the study of membrane transport kinetics in living microbial cells.  相似文献   

Holekamp TF  Turaga D  Holy TE 《Neuron》2008,57(5):661-672
Unraveling the functions of the diverse neural types in any local circuit ultimately requires methods to record from most or all of its cells simultaneously. One promising approach to this goal is fluorescence imaging, but existing methods using laser-scanning microscopy (LSM) are severely limited in their ability to resolve rapid phenomena, like neuronal action potentials, over wide fields. Here we present a microscope that rapidly sections a three-dimensional volume using a thin illumination sheet whose position is rigidly coupled to the objective and aligned with its focal plane. We demonstrate that this approach allows exceptionally low-noise imaging of large neuronal populations at pixel rates at least 100-fold higher than with LSM. Using this microscope, we studied the pheromone-sensing neurons of the mouse vomeronasal organ and found that responses to dilute urine are largely or exclusively restricted to cells in the apical layer, the location of V1r-family-expressing neurons.  相似文献   

A novel imaging sensor system for the determination of plasmid carrying yeast cells was developed. The sensor system consisted of an Silicon Intensifier Target (SIT) video camera, a fluorescent microscope, and a personal computer system equipped with an image memory board. This system was based on the fact that the membrane integrity of only plasmid-carrying cells is lost following cell growth in 5-fluoro-orotic acid (5-FOA) containing medium, and consequently these target cell can be stained with fluorescent probes and detected. In this study, plasmid-carrying cells were detected and their fraction determined in a mixture of both plasmid-carring and plasmid-free cells. A good correlation was observed between the values determined by this sensor system and the conventional method in the 30%-80% range, and one assay was possible within 4 h. This sensor system could be used for the monitoring of plasmid-carrying fraction in recombinant yeast cells during cultivation.  相似文献   

Real-time multi-wavelength fluorescence imaging of living cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S J Morris 《BioTechniques》1990,8(3):296-308
We describe a new real-time fluorescence video microscope design for capturing intensified images of cells containing dual wavelength "ratio" dyes or multiple dyes. The microscope will perform real-time capture of two separate fluorescence emission images simultaneously, improving the time resolution of spatial distribution of fluorescence to video frame rates (30 frames/s or faster). Each emission wavelength is imaged simultaneously by one of two cameras, then digitized, background corrected and appropriately combined at standard video frame rates to be stored at high resolution on tape or digital video disk for further off-line analysis. Use of low noise, high sensitivity image intensifiers, coupled to CCD cameras produce stable, high contrast images using ultra low light levels with little persistence or bloom. The design has no moving parts in its optical train, which overcomes a number of technical difficulties encountered in the present filter wheel designs for multiple imaging. Coupled to compatible image processing software utilizing PC-AT computers, the new design can be built for a significantly lower cost than many presently available commercial machines. The system is ideal for ratio imaging applications; the software can calculate the ratio of fluorescence intensities pixel by pixel and provide the information to generate false-color images of the intensity data as well as other calculations based on the two images. Thus, it provides a powerful, inexpensive tool for studying the real-time kinetics of changes in living cells. Examples are presented for the kinetics of rapidly changing intracellular calcium detected by the calcium indicator probe indo-1 and the redistribution kinetics of multiple vital dyes placed in cells undergoing cell fusion.  相似文献   

Micropatterning approaches using self-assembled monolayers of alkyl thiols on gold are not optimal for important imaging modalities in cell biology because of absorption of light and scattering of electrons by the gold layer. We report here an anisotropic solid microetching (ASOMIC) procedure that overcomes these limitations. The method allows molecular dynamics imaging by wide-field and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy of living mammalian cells and correlative platinum replica electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Multispectral imaging technologies have been widely used in fields of astronomy and remote sensing. Interdisciplinary approaches developed in, for example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, USA), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, USA), or the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL, Japan) have extended the application areas of these technologies from planetary systems to cellular systems. Here we overview multispectral imaging systems that have been devised for microscope applications. We introduce these systems with particular interest in live cell imaging. Finally we demonstrate examples of spectral imaging of living cells using commercially available systems with no need for user engineering.  相似文献   

We describe a simple illumination method of fluorescence microscopy for molecular imaging. Illumination by a highly inclined and thin beam increases image intensity and decreases background intensity, yielding a signal/background ratio about eightfold greater than that of epi-illumination. A high ratio yielded clear single-molecule images and three-dimensional images using cultured mammalian cells, enabling one to visualize and quantify molecular dynamics, interactions and kinetics in cells for molecular systems biology.  相似文献   

Due to diffraction, the resolution of imaging emitted light in a fluorescence microscope is limited to about 200 nm in the lateral direction. Resolution improvement by a factor of two can be achieved using structured illumination, where a fine grating is projected onto the sample, and the final image is reconstructed from a set of images taken at different grating positions. Here we demonstrate that with the help of a spatial light modulator, this technique can be used for imaging slowly moving structures in living cells. This article has been submitted as a contribution to the Festschrift entitled “Uncovering cellular sub-structures by light microscopy” in honour of Professor Cremer’s 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Jones SA  Shim SH  He J  Zhuang X 《Nature methods》2011,8(6):499-508
We report super-resolution fluorescence imaging of live cells with high spatiotemporal resolution using stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). By labeling proteins either directly or via SNAP tags with photoswitchable dyes, we obtained two-dimensional (2D) and 3D super-resolution images of living cells, using clathrin-coated pits and the transferrin cargo as model systems. Bright, fast-switching probes enabled us to achieve 2D imaging at spatial resolutions of ~25 nm and temporal resolutions as fast as 0.5 s. We also demonstrated live-cell 3D super-resolution imaging. We obtained 3D spatial resolution of ~30 nm in the lateral direction and ~50 nm in the axial direction at time resolutions as fast as 1-2 s with several independent snapshots. Using photoswitchable dyes with distinct emission wavelengths, we also demonstrated two-color 3D super-resolution imaging in live cells. These imaging capabilities open a new window for characterizing cellular structures in living cells at the ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

We show that fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of green fluorescent protein (GFP) molecules in cells can be used to report on the local refractive index of intracellular GFP. We expressed GFP fusion constructs of Rac2 and gp91phox, which are both subunits of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase enzyme, in human myeloid PLB-985 cells and showed by high-resolution confocal fluorescence microscopy that GFP-Rac2 and GFP-gp91phox are targeted to the cytosol and to membranes, respectively. Frequency-domain FLIM experiments on these PLB-985 cells resulted in average fluorescence lifetimes of 2.70 ns for cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and 2.31 ns for membrane-bound GFP-gp91phox. By comparing these lifetimes with a calibration curve obtained by measuring GFP lifetimes in PBS/glycerol mixtures of known refractive index, we found that the local refractive indices of cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and membrane-targeted GFP-gp91phox are ∼1.38 and ∼1.46, respectively, which is in good correspondence with reported values for the cytosol and plasma membrane measured by other techniques. The ability to measure the local refractive index of proteins in living cells by FLIM may be important in revealing intracellular spatial heterogeneities within organelles such as the plasma and phagosomal membrane.  相似文献   

Suzuki T  Usuda S  Ichinose H  Inouye S 《FEBS letters》2007,581(24):4551-4556
Using photon counting and charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras, we have applied the method of real-time bioluminescence imaging to investigate protein trafficking in mammalian cells. In the living cells of Chinese hamster ovary and PC12D cells, exocytotic secretion of protein and protein targeting on the cell surface were visualized using the secreted Gaussia luciferase (GLase) as a reporter protein in a minute. After incubation of the cells with luciferin (coelenterazine) for 10min, luciferin was imported into the cells and the vesicle transport network in the cells could be shown by luminescence images of GLase activity. Further, we demonstrate that GLase with a heterologous signal peptide sequence is targeted to the cell surface in neuronally differentiated PC12D cells and luminescence signals could be detected in a few seconds.  相似文献   

In this contribution we present the design of an original Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)-based device designed for an IR microscope coupled to a FPA detector and optimized for in-vivo cell imaging. The optical element has been designed to perform real time experiments of cell biochemical processes. The device includes a manually removable Ge-crystal that guarantees an ease manipulation during the cell culture and a large flat surface to support the cell growth and the required change of the culture wells. This layout will allow performing sequential ATR IR imaging with the crystal immersed in the culture wells, minimizing contributions due to water vapors in the optical system. Using existing brilliant synchrotron radiation sources this ATR device may collect images at the surface of the Ge crystal at a sub-cellular spatial resolution with a penetration depth of the evanescent wave inside the sample of ~ 500 nm within few seconds. A brief summary of the cellular components that should be detected with such optical device is also presented.  相似文献   

Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is useful in probing and characterizing interfaces at high resolution. In this paper, the general principles of this technique are described and several applications of SECM to biological systems, particularly to living cells, is discussed, along with several example systems. Thiodione was detected and monitored electrochemically during the treatment of hepatocytes with cytotoxic menadione. The antimicrobial effects of silver(I) was followed by SECM through bacterial respiration. Living HeLa cells were shown to accumulate ferrocencemethanol (FcMeOH) and generated positive feedback for FcMeOH oxidation that can be further used to monitor the cell viability. Finally, individual giant liposomes, as cell models, with encapsulated redox compounds were successfully probed by SECM. In general SECM has the advantage of very high spatial resolution and versatility, especially for the detection of electroactive substances.  相似文献   

A recent publication by Kim et al. on penetrating both human embryonic kidney cells and mouse embryonic stem cells with Si nanowires highlights the increasing interest in using proven semiconductor materials not only to detect specific biomolecules in solutions but also to deliver genetic material or potentially screen for the presence of particular molecules at the cell level. Many semiconductors are biocompatible and this recent work has shown that penetrating cells with large diameters compared with those of the semiconductor nanowire is not fatal to the cell and that the cells remain functional for a few days.  相似文献   

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