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Lipid mediator production by post-implantation rat embryos in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The production of inflammatory lipid mediators by post-implantation rodent embryos was examined in this study. Explanted day 10 rat embryos, either intact or after homogenization, were cultured for 3 hr in vitro and the resulting culture medium and embryonic tissue were assessed for eicosanoids and platelet-activating factor (PAF). The rank order of cyclooxygenase arachidonate products produced by intact embryos was as follows: 6-keto-PGF1 alpha much greater than congruent to PGF2 alpha congruent to TXB2. No lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid metabolism were detected by either high performance liquid chromatography or radioimmunoassay. PAF production was detectable in embryonic cultures. Homogenization of rat embryos prior to in vitro culture enhanced eicosanoid and PAF production from 2.1-6.9 fold over intact embryos. These findings demonstrate the extent of lipid metabolism by early post-implantation rat embryos and support the concept that potent lipid mediators of inflammation generated by the conceptus may play a role in both the initiation and maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Expression of the IGFBP-2 gene in post-implantation rat embryos.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) stimulate mitogenesis in a variety of cell types both in vitro and in vivo. These effects are mediated by both IGF receptors and a family of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), which are found complexed with the IGFs in serum and tissue fluids. Here we compare the sites of expression during early rat embryogenesis of the genes encoding the RGD-containing IGF binding protein IGFBP-2 and IGF-II. At all ages from early post-implantation through mid-gestation, the expression of IGFBP-2 was highly complementary to IGF-II. IGFBP-2 mRNA was detected throughout the epiblast of the egg cylinder as early as e7, when IGF-II expression was restricted to trophectoderm and other extraembryonic cells. As gastrulation proceeded, IGFBP-2 expression ceased as IGF-II expression began in the newly formed embryonic and extra-embryonic mesoderm, but was retained in other epiblast derivatives including the surface ectoderm and neuroectoderm, throughout its rostral-caudal extent. By e10-e11, IGFBP-2 expression in neuroectoderm was restricted to the rostral brain of the primary neural tube and was found in the new population of neuroepithelium formed in the tail bud during secondary neurulation. IGFBP-2 expression remained high in the ventricular layer of the rostral brain into mid-gestation ages but decreased or disappeared as cells entered the mantle layer and began to express the neurofilament-related gene alpha-internexin. IGFBP-2 mRNA was abundant in surface ectoderm, particularly that of the branchial arches, and all ectodermal placodes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A subset of imprinted genes in the mouse have been reported to show imprinted expression that is restricted to the placenta, a short-lived extra-embryonic organ. Notably, these so-called “placental-specific” imprinted genes are expressed from both parental alleles in embryo and adult tissues. The placenta is an embryonic-derived organ that is closely associated with maternal tissue, and as a consequence, maternal contamination can be mistaken for maternal-specific imprinted expression. The complexity of the placenta, which arises from multiple embryonic lineages, poses additional problems in accurately assessing allele-specific repressive epigenetic modifications in genes that also show lineage-specific silencing in this organ. These problems require that extra evidence be obtained to support the imprinted status of genes whose imprinted expression is restricted to the placenta. We show here that the extra-embryonic visceral yolk sac (VYS), a nutritive membrane surrounding the developing embryo, shows a similar “extra-embryonic–lineage-specific” pattern of imprinted expression. We present an improved enzymatic technique for separating the bilaminar VYS and show that this pattern of imprinted expression is restricted to the endoderm layer. Finally, we show that VYS “extra-embryonic–lineage-specific” imprinted expression is regulated by DNA methylation in a similar manner as shown for genes showing multi-lineage imprinted expression in extra-embryonic, embryonic, and adult tissues. These results show that the VYS is an improved model for studying the epigenetic mechanisms regulating extra-embryonic–lineage-specific imprinted expression.  相似文献   

Culture of preimplantation mammalian embryos and cells can influence their subsequent growth and differentiation. Previously, we reported that culture of mouse embryonic stem cells is associated with deregulation of genomic imprinting and affects the potential for these cells to develop into normal fetuses. The purpose of our current study was to determine whether culture of preimplantation mouse embryos in a chemically defined medium (M16) with or without fetal calf serum (FCS) can affect their subsequent development and imprinted gene expression. Only one third of the blastocysts that had been cultured from two-cell embryos in M16 medium complemented with FCS developed into viable Day 14 fetuses after transfer into recipients. These M16 + FCS fetuses were reduced in weight as compared with controls and M16 fetuses and had decreased expression of the imprinted H19 and insulin-like growth factor 2 genes associated with a gain of DNA methylation at an imprinting control region upstream of H19. They also displayed increased expression of the imprinted gene Grb10. The growth factor receptor binding gene Grb7, in contrast, was strongly reduced in its expression in most of the M16 + FCS fetuses. No alterations were detected for the imprinted gene MEST: Preimplantation culture in the presence of serum can influence the regulation of multiple growth-related imprinted genes, thus leading to aberrant fetal growth and development.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells (PgES) might advance cell replacement therapies and provide a valuable in vitro model system to study the genomic imprinting. However, the differential potential of PgES cells was limited. It could result from relative low heterology of PgES cells compared with ES cells from fertilization (fES), which produce different expression of most imprinted genes. Here, we described the establishment of PgES cells by aggregating parthenogenetic embryos at the 8-cell stage (aPgES cells), which may increase heterozygy. We found that derivation of aPgES cells in association with an increased number of inner cell mass cells by aggregating was more efficient than that of PgES cells from a single parthenogenetic blastocyst. The aPgES cells have normal karyotype, stain positive for alkaline phosphatase, express high levels of ES cell markers and can differentiate into teratomas composed of the three germ layers. Moreover, compared with PgES cells, the more highly upregulated paternally expressed imprinted genes were observed in aPgES cells, the same change was not shown in aPg blastocysts. This suggested that the aggregation induced effect could modify the expression of paternally expressed imprinted genes. Our studies showed that aPgES cells, the expression of imprinted genes in which more closely resemble fES cells than PgES cells, would contribute to all organs and avoiding immuno-rejection, which may provide invaluable material for regeneration medicine.  相似文献   

The imprinted region on mouse distal chromosome 12 covers about 1 Mb and contains at least three paternally expressed genes (Pegs: Peg9/Dlk1, Peg11/Rtl1, and Dio3) and four maternally expressed genes (Megs: Meg3/Gtl2, antiPeg11/antiRlt1, Meg8/Rian, and Meg9/Mirg). Gtl2(lacZ) (Gene trap locus 2) mice have a transgene (TG) insertion 2.3 kb upstream from the Meg3/Gtl2 promoter and show about 40% growth retardation when the TG-inserted allele is paternally derived. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments showed that the expression levels of Pegs in this region were reduced below 50%. These results are consistent with the observed phenotype in Gtl2lacZ mice, because at least two Pegs(Peg9/Dlk1 and Dio3) have growth-promoting effects. The aberrant induction of Megs from silent paternal alleles was also observed in association with changes in the DNA methylation level of a differentially methylated region (DMR) located around Meg3/Gtl2 exon 1. Interestingly, a 60 approximately 80% reduction in all Megs was observed when the TG was maternally derived, although the pups showed no apparent growth or morphological abnormalities. Therefore, the paternal or maternal inheritance of the TG results in the down-regulation in cis of either Pegs or Megs, respectively, suggesting that the TG insertion influences the mechanism regulating the entire imprinted region.  相似文献   

The de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are responsible for the creation of DNA methylation patterns in mouse development. Dnmt3b is more highly expressed in early developmental stages than Dnmt3a, and is thought to have an important role in the epigenetic gene regulation during early embryogenesis. Previous reports suggest that Dnmt3b is expressed preferentially in the embryonic lineage, but less in the extra-embryonic lineage, in early post-implantation embryos. However, it is unclear when this lineage-specific differential expression is established. Here we demonstrate that Dnmt3b shows a dynamic expression change during pre- and early post-implantation development. Contrary to the expectation, Dnmt3b is preferentially expressed in the trophectoderm rather than the inner cell mass at the mid blastocyst stage. Subsequently, the spatial Dnmt3b expression gradually changes during pre- and early post-implantation development, and finally Dnmt3b expression is settled in the embryonic lineage at the epiblast stage. The findings are consistent with the role for Dnmt3b in cell-lineage specification and the creation of lineage-specific DNA methylation patterns.  相似文献   

Expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, NCAM, CD44, CD49d (VLA-4, α chain) ,and CDlla (LFA-1, α chain) on mouse oocytes, and pre- and peri-implantation stage embryos was exam-ined by quantitative indirect immunoliuorescence microscopy. ICAM-1 was most strongly expressed at the oocyte stage, gradually declining almost to undetectable levels by the expanded blastocyst stage. NCAM,also expressed maximally on the oocyte, declined to undetectable levels beyond the morula stage. On the other hand, CD44 declined from highest expression at the oocyte stage to show a second maximum at the compacted 8-cell/morula. This molecule exhibited high expression around contact areas between trophecto-derm and zona pellucida during blastocyst hatching. CD49d was highly expressed in the oocyte, remained significantly expressed throughout and after blastocyst hatching was expressed on the polar trophecto-derm. Like CD44, CD49d declined to undetectable levels at the blastocyst outgrowth stage. Expression of both VCAM-1 and CDlla was undetectable throughout. The diametrical temporal expression pattern of ICAM-1 and NCAM compared to CD44 and CD49d suggest that dynamic changes in expression of adhesion molecules may be important for interaction of the embryo with the maternal cellular environment as well as for continuing development and survival of the early embryo.  相似文献   

Kawahara M  Wu Q  Ferguson-Smith AC  Kono T 《FEBS letters》2007,581(27):5178-5184
Recently, we reported that the restored regulation of imprinted gene expression from two regions -H19 differentially methylated region (H19-DMR) and intergenic germline-derived DMR (IG-DMR) - is sufficient for accomplishing full-term development in mice. In the present study, we determined the developmental ability of the bi-maternal embryos (BMEs) containing the non-growing oocyte genome with the IG-DMR deletion (ng(Deltach12)) and fully-grown (fg) oocyte genome. Foetuses derived from ng(Deltach12)/fg BMEs were alive at E19.5 but could not survive further. Comparison with BMEs derived from Igf2+/- ng/fg genomes suggests that bi-allelic H19 expression might be involved in foetal development.  相似文献   

Lu DP  Tian L  O'Neill C  King NJ 《Cell research》2002,12(5-6):373-383
Expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, NCAM, CD44, CD49d (VLA-4, alpha chain), and CD11a (LFA-1, alpha chain) on mouse oocytes, and pre- and peri-implantation stage embryos was examined by quantitative indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. ICAM-1 was most strongly expressed at the oocyte stage, gradually declining almost to undetectable levels by the expanded blastocyst stage. NCAM, also expressed maximally on the oocyte, declined to undetectable levels beyond the morula stage. On the other hand, CD44 declined from highest expression at the oocyte stage to show a second maximum at the compacted 8-cell/morula. This molecule exhibited high expression around contact areas between trophectoderm and zona pellucida during blastocyst hatching. CD49d was highly expressed in the oocyte, remained significantly expressed throughout and after blastocyst hatching was expressed on the polar trophectoderm. Like CD44, CD49d declined to undetectable levels at the blastocyst outgrowth stage. Expression of both VCAM-1 and CD11a was undetectable throughout. The diametrical temporal expression pattern of ICAM-1 and NCAM compared to CD44 and CD49d suggest that dynamic changes in expression of adhesion molecules may be important for interaction of the embryo with the maternal cellular environment as well as for continuing development and survival of the early embryo.  相似文献   

Expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, NCAM, CD44, CD49d (VLA-4, α chain),and CD11a (LFA-1, α chain) on mouse oocytes, and pre- and peri-implantation stage embryos was exam-ined by quantitative indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. ICAM-1 was most strongly expressed at theoocyte stage, gradually declining almost to undetectable levels by the expanded blastocyst stage. NCAM,also expressed maximally on the oocyte, declined to undetectable levels beyond the morula stage. On theother hand, CD44 declined from highest expression at the oocyte stage to show a second maximum at thecompacted 8-cell/morula. This molecule exhibited high expression around contact areas between trophecto-derm and zona pellucida during blastocyst hatching. CD49d was highly expressed in the oocyte, remainedsignificantly expressed throughout and after blastocyst hatching was expressed on the polar trophecto-derm. Like CD44, CD49d declined to undetectable levels at the blastocyst outgrowth stage. Expression ofboth VCAM-1 and CD11a was undetectable throughout. The diametrical temporal expression pattern ofICAM-1 and NCAM compared to CD44 and CD49d suggest that dynamic changes in expression of adhesionmolecules may be important for interaction of the embryo with the maternal cellular environment as wellas for continuing development and survival of the early embryo.  相似文献   

Expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, NCAM, CD44, CD49d (VLA-4, a chain), and CDlla (LFA-1, a chain) on mouse oocytes, and pre- and peri-implantation stage embryos was examined by quantitative indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. ICAM-1 was most strongly expressed at the oocyte stage, gradually declining almost to undetectable levels by the expanded blastocyst stage. NCAM, also expressed maximally on the oocyte, declined to undetectable levels beyond the morula stage. On the other hand, CD44 declined from highest expression at the oocyte stage to show a second maximum at the compacted 8-cell/morula. This molecule exhibited high expression around contact areas between trophecto-derm and zona pellucida during blastocyst hatching. CD49d was highly expressed in the oocyte, remained significantly expressed throughout and after blastocyst hatching was expressed on the polar trophecto-derm. Like CD44, CD49d declined to undetectable levels at the blastocyst outgrowth stage. Expression of both  相似文献   

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a group of noncoding RNAs whose nucleotides are longer than 200 bp. Previous studies have shown that they play an important regulatory role in many developmental processes and biological pathways. However, the contributions of lncRNAs to placental development are largely unknown. Here, our study aimed to investigate the lncRNA expression signatures in placental development by performing a microarray lncRNA screen. Placental samples were obtained from pregnant C57BL/6 female mice at three key developmental time points (embryonic day E7.5, E13.5, and E19.5). Microarrays were used to analyze the differential expression of lncRNAs during placental development. In addition to the genomic imprinting region and the dynamic DNA methylation status during placental development, we screened imprinted lncRNAs whose expression was controlled by DNA methylation during placental development. We found that the imprinted lncRNA Rian may play an important role during placental development. Its homologous sequence lncRNA MEG8 (RIAN) was abnormally highly expressed in human spontaneous abortion villi. Upregulation of MEG8 expression in trophoblast cell lines decreased cell proliferation and invasion, whereas downregulation of MEG8 expression had the opposite effect. Furthermore, DNA methylation results showed that the methylation of the MEG8 promoter region was increased in spontaneous abortion villi. There was dynamic spatiotemporal expression of imprinted lncRNAs during placental development. The imprinted lncRNA MEG8 is involved in the regulation of early trophoblast cell function. Promoter methylation abnormalities can cause trophoblastic cell defects, which may be one of the factors that occurs in early unexplained spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

Summary SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine), also known as osteonectin and BM-40, is a secreted protein associated with a variety of embryonic and adult tissue and cell types, including placenta, parietal and visceral endoderm, certain epithelia (e.g. gut, skin, glandular epithelia), and regions of active chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. Although much is known concerning the tissue distribution of this protein, neither the time and location of its initial appearance nor its functions during embryogenesis have been clearly established. We identified the location of SPARC on two-dimensional protein gels. By using two-dimensional gel analysis of both pre- and post-implantation stage mouse embryos, we find that SPARC is initially synthesized between 3.5 and 4.5 days of embryogenesis. This is the earliest time during development at which synthesis of SPARC has been demonstrated. Inner cell masses isolated from 4.5 day blastocysts synthesize SPARC indicating that either primitive ectoderm, primitive endoderm, or both produce this protein. SPARC synthesis is also detectable in isolated trophoblast vesicles. Thus, SPARC is synthesized not only in placenta, parietal endoderm, and visceral endoderm, but in the precursors of these tissues as well. Examination of 7.5 day embryos reveals that SPARC is synthesized in isolated parietal yolk sac and in whole extraembryonic and embryonic regions. Relative to other proteins, synthesis of SPARC was most prevalent in the parietal yolk sac. The possible implications of SPARC synthesis as early as 4.5 days are discussed.  相似文献   

Ogawa H  Wu Q  Komiyama J  Obata Y  Kono T 《FEBS letters》2006,580(22):5377-5384
In mammals, imprinted genes show parental origin-dependent expression based on epigenetic modifications called genomic imprinting (GI), which are established independently during spermatogenesis or oogenesis. Due to GI, uniparental fetuses never develop to term. To determine whether such expression of imprinted genes is maintained in uniparental mouse fetuses, we analyzed the expression of 20 paternally and 11 maternally expressed genes in androgenetic and parthenogenetic fetuses. Four genes of each type were expressed in both groups of fetuses. Furthermore, quantitative analysis showed that expression levels deviated from the presumed levels for some imprinted genes. These results suggest that mechanisms acting in trans between paternal and maternal alleles are involved in the appropriate expression of some imprinted genes.  相似文献   

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