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SUMMARY 1. In oligotrophic lakes, phytoplankton and bacteria growing in the deep chlorophyll maximum in the cool metalimnion of lakes often dominate biomass and production, but the importance of this source of food for zooplankton is unknown.
2. During much of the day, Daphnia rosea in two mountain lakes inhabited deep chlorophyll layers where food availability was at least equal to that in the epilimnion.
3. To determine the importance of the two strata (epilimnion and metalimnion) for Daphnia , we used a cross-classified factorial experiment to measure how epilimnetic and metalimnetic food and temperature (10 and 16 °C) influenced survival, growth and reproduction.
4. Daphnia survived and grew better when fed seston from the epilimnion of one lake, although chlorophyll, particulate nitrogen and particulate carbon were 2–2.5 times greater in the metalimnion.
5. Temperature had no significant influence on Daphnia survival or growth. Similar results were obtained with food from the second lake, with Daphnia surviving and reproducing better when provided with epilimnetic, rather than metalimnetic food, although the quantities of chlorophyll and carbon in the two strata were similar.
6. Food quality, rather than quantity or temperature, appeared to be the most important determinant influencing survival, growth and reproduction, and the greater food quantity in the metalimnia was not used effectively by the Daphnia .  相似文献   

1. The stable carbon isotope ratio δ13C is a useful tracer of energy flow in lake food webs, and the zooplankton signature is commonly used to establish a baseline for the pelagic habitat. However, sources of temporal variability in the δ13C of different zooplankton taxa are rarely considered. 2. Here, we investigate to what extent temporal variation in the δ13C of particulate organic matter (POM) (<41 μm) and the C : N of zooplankton can explain the temporal variability in δ13C of freshwater zooplankton. We compare temporal patterns of δ13C and C : N for Daphnia, Hesperodiaptomus franciscanus and Leptodiaptomus tyrelli over a 6‐month period at four sites in two oligotrophic lakes. 3. In all three taxa, seasonal variation in zooplankton C : N explained more of the variation in zooplankton δ13C than did the δ13C of POM. This suggests that variation in the lipid content of zooplankton can strongly influence temporal variation of δ13C in zooplankton. 4. Using these data, we evaluate procedures that estimate the δ13C of only the non‐lipid component of zooplankton. If zooplankton lipids are primarily dietary in origin, than extracting lipids or ‘normalising’δ13C based on C : N will exclude a major dietary source, and therefore may be inappropriate. 5. We conclude that temporal variation in body composition (C : N) of zooplankton can significantly influence the temporal variation of zooplankton δ13C signatures.  相似文献   

Freshwater biodiversity loss potentially disrupts ecosystem services related to water quality and may negatively impact ecosystem functioning and temporal community turnover. We analysed a data set containing phytoplankton and zooplankton community data from 131 lakes through 9 years in an agricultural region to test predictions that plankton communities with low biodiversity are less efficient in their use of limiting resources and display greater community turnover (measured as community dissimilarity). Phytoplankton resource use efficiency (RUE = biomass per unit resource) was negatively related to phytoplankton evenness (measured as Pielou's evenness), whereas zooplankton RUE was positively related to phytoplankton evenness. Phytoplankton and zooplankton RUE were high and low, respectively, when Cyanobacteria, especially Microcystis sp., dominated. Phytoplankton communities displayed slower community turnover rates when dominated by few genera. Our findings, which counter findings of many terrestrial studies, suggest that Cyanobacteria dominance may play important roles in ecosystem functioning and community turnover in nutrient‐enriched lakes.  相似文献   

In 49 unpolluted lakes of north-eastern Poland the biomass of algae in summer is significantly related to the concentration of total phosphorus and to the rate of phosphorus regeneration by zooplankton. Using a model with equations describing these relationships, the biomass of blue-green algae and other phytoplankton groups was predicted for 14 polluted lakes. A good approximation of actual values was obtained only for the biomass of blue-green algae calculated from the estimated rate of P regeneration by zooplankton in these lakes. It is hypothesized that more-or-less edible algae of other classes did not show dependence on the rate of input of regenerated P because their biomass was heavily reduced by grazing of zooplankton.  相似文献   

1. Studies of mesic temperate and tropical rivers suggest an important role for floodplain habitats as nursery areas for larval and juvenile fishes. In arid‐land rivers the extent and duration of flooding is diminished and habitats and resources used by larval fishes are poorly known. Our study documented habitat and resource use of larval fishes in the Rio Grande, New Mexico, an arid‐land river. 2. Spatial and temporal distribution of larval and juvenile fishes and their inferred microhabitat preferences were studied during spring, summer and autumn, 2003. Stable carbon (13C : 12C) and nitrogen (15N : 14N) isotope ratios were measured to identify nutrient sources and characterise trophic positions of young‐of‐year fishes in this system. 3. Some fishes recruited during high flows (in spring), whereas others recruited during low‐flow periods in late summer. Regardless of the timing of reproduction, microhabitats with lower current velocity and higher temperature appeared to serve as vital nursery grounds for Rio Grande fishes. Ephemeral backwaters and disconnected side channels held the highest abundance and diversity of larvae and juveniles. 4. Stable isotope analyses revealed that fish larvae obtained carbon predominately from algal production in early summer, but used organic carbon derived from emergent macrophytes as river discharge decreased in mid‐summer. This shift may have been facilitated by microinvertebrate prey that grazed down edible algae and then switched to macrophytes in mid‐summer. Nitrogen isotope ratios did not differ among species or early life stages, suggesting that larval and juvenile fishes use similar food resources, especially when restricted to isolated pools in summer.  相似文献   

1. We studied the effects of increased water temperatures (0–4.5 °C) and nutrient enrichment on the stoichiometric composition of different primary producers (macrophytes, epiphytes, seston and sediment biofilm) and invertebrate consumers in 24 mesocosm ecosystems created to mimic shallow pond environments. The nutrient ratios of primary producers were used as indicative of relative nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limitation. We further used carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13C) of the different primary producers to elucidate differences in the degree of CO2 limitation. 2. Epiphytes were the only primary producer with significantly higher δ13C in the enriched mesocosms. No temperature effects were observed in δ13C composition of any primary producer. Independently of the treatment effects, the four primary producers had different δ13C signatures indicative of differences in CO2 limitation. Seston had signatures indicating negligible or low CO2 limitation, followed by epiphytes and sediment biofilm, with moderate CO2 limitation, while macrophytes showed the strongest CO2 limitation. CO2 together with biomass of epiphytes were the key variables explaining between 50 and 70% of the variability in δ13C of the different primary producers, suggesting that epiphytes play an important role in carbon flow of temperate shallow lakes. 3. The ratio of carbon to chlorophyll a decreased with increasing temperature and enrichment in both epiphytes and seston. The effects of temperature were mainly attributed to changes in algal Chl a content, while the decrease with enrichment was probably a result of a higher proportion of algae in the seston and epiphytes. 4. Macrophytes, epiphytes and seston decreased their C : N with enrichment, probably as an adaptation to the different N availability levels. The C : N of epiphytes and Elodea canadensis decreased with increasing temperature in the control mesocosms. Sediment biofilm was the only primary producer with lower C : P and N : P with enrichment, probably as a result of higher P accumulation in the sediment. 5. Independently of nutrient level and increased temperature effects the four primary producers had significantly different stoichiometric compositions. Macrophytes had higher C : N and C : P and, together with epiphytes, also the highest N : P. Seston had no N or P limitation, while macrophytes and epiphytes may have been P limited in a few mesocosms. Sediment biofilm indicated strong N deficiency. 6. Consumers had strongly homeostatic stoichiometric compositions in comparison to primary producers, with weak or no significant treatment effects in any of the groups (insects, leeches, molluscs and crustaceans). Among consumers, predators had significantly higher N content and lower C : N than grazers.  相似文献   

Prey preference of top predators and energy flow across habitat boundaries are of fundamental importance for structure and function of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as they may have strong effects on production, species diversity, and food‐web stability. In lakes, littoral and pelagic food‐web compartments are typically coupled and controlled by generalist fish top predators. However, the extent and determinants of such coupling remains a topical area of ecological research and is largely unknown in oligotrophic high‐latitude lakes. We analyzed food‐web structure and resource use by a generalist top predator, the Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in 17 oligotrophic subarctic lakes covering a marked gradient in size (0.5–1084 km2) and fish species richness (2–13 species). We expected top predators to shift from littoral to pelagic energy sources with increasing lake size, as the availability of pelagic prey resources and the competition for littoral prey are both likely to be higher in large lakes with multispecies fish communities. We also expected top predators to occupy a higher trophic position in lakes with greater fish species richness due to potential substitution of intermediate consumers (prey fish) and increased piscivory by top predators. Based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses, the mean reliance of Arctic charr on littoral energy sources showed a significant negative relationship with lake surface area, whereas the mean trophic position of Arctic charr, reflecting the lake food‐chain length, increased with fish species richness. These results were supported by stomach contents data demonstrating a shift of Arctic charr from an invertebrate‐dominated diet to piscivory on pelagic fish. Our study highlights that, because they determine the main energy source (littoral vs. pelagic) and the trophic position of generalist top predators, ecosystem size and fish diversity are particularly important factors influencing function and structure of food webs in high‐latitude lakes.  相似文献   

1. Return of large‐bodied zooplankton populations is of key importance for creating a shift from a turbid to a clear‐water state in shallow lakes after a nutrient loading reduction. In temperate lakes, recovery is promoted by submerged macrophytes which function as a daytime refuge for large zooplankton. However, recovery of macrophytes is often delayed and use of artificial plant beds (APB) has been suggested as a tool to enhance zooplankton refuges, thereby reinforcing the shift to a clear‐water state and, eventually, colonisation of natural plants. 2. To further evaluate the potential of APB in lake restoration, we followed the day–night habitat choices of zooplankton throughout summer in a clear and a turbid lake. Observations were made in the pelagic and littoral zones and in APB in the littoral representing three different plant densities (coverage 0%, 40% and 80%). 3. In the clear lake, the zooplankton (primarily Daphnia) were mainly found in the pelagic area in spring, but from mid‐May they were particularly abundant in the APB and almost exclusively so in mid‐June and July, where they appeared in extremely high densities during day (up to 2600 ind. L−1). During night Daphnia densities were overall more equally distributed between the five habitats. Ceriodaphnia was proportionally more abundant in the APB during most of the season. Cyclopoids were more abundant in the high APB during day but were equally distributed between the five habitats during night. 4. In the turbid lake, however, no clear aggregation was observed in the APB for either of the pelagic genera (Daphnia and Bosmina). This may reflect a higher refuge effect in the open water due to the higher turbidity, reduced ability to orient to plant beds and a significantly higher fish density (mainly of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and perch, Perca fluviatilis) in the plant beds than in the clear lake. Chydorus was found in much higher proportions among the plants, while cyclopoids, particularly the pelagic Cyclops vicinus, dominated in the pelagic during day and in the pelagic and high density plants during night. 5. Our results suggest that water clarity is decisive for the habitat choice of large‐bodied zooplankton and that introduction of APB as a restoration measure to enhance zooplankton survival is only a useful tool when water clarity increases following loading reduction. Our results indicate that dense APB will be the most efficient.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of the large orb‐weaving spider Argiope trifasciata in old field habitats of North America and the habitat selection process this species used was studied for 2 years. 2. Because web spiders have limited dispersal abilities and an energetically costly prey capture device, they do not have the ability to sample potential foraging sites. Structural complexity of the vegetation to which the web must be attached is relatively easy to assess. The hypothesis that the structural complexity is a primary factor in determining initial web site selection was tested both by relating the natural distribution of the spiders across habitats to vegetational complexity and by manipulating the complexity of the habitats in a series of experiments. 3. Argiope trifasciata was not distributed evenly among three old field vegetation types. Habitat complexity was related to spider density in both years although no measure of insect activity, prey capture, or prey consumption was correlated with spider distribution. 4. Three experimental manipulations were conducted to test the impact of habitat structure on spider establishment: (1) the amount of natural vegetation was reduced, (2) structures were added to a simple habitat, and (3) the complexity of the structures added was varied. In each case, spiders were introduced and establishment of webs was monitored. In all manipulations, spider establishment was related to the complexity of the substrate available. 5. These results are important for understanding the cues that influence foraging site selection and therefore provide insight into the distribution of species with limited dispersal abilities and high site investment requirements.  相似文献   

Four whole-lake inorganic 13C addition experiments were conducted in lakes of differing trophic status. Inorganic 13C addition enriched algal carbon in 13C and changed the C-DOC by +1.5‰ to +9.5‰, depending on the specific lake. This change in C-DOC represented a significant input of algal DOC that was not completely consumed by bacteria. We modeled the dynamics in C-DOC to estimate the fluxes of algal and terrestrial carbon to and from the DOC pool, and determine the composition of the standing stock. Two experiments in lightly stained, oligotrophic lakes indicated that algal production was the source of about 20% of the DOC pool. In the following year, the experiment was repeated in one of these lakes under conditions of nutrient enrichment, and in a third, more humic lake. Algal contributions to the DOC pool were 40% in the nutrient enriched lake and 5% in the more humic lake. Spectroscopic and elemental analyses corroborated the presence of increased algal DOC in the nutrient enriched lake. Natural abundance measurements of the C of DOC in 32 lakes also revealed the dual contributions of both terrestrial and algal carbon to DOC. From these results, we suggest an approach for inferring the contribution of algal and terrestrial DOC using easily measurable parameters.  相似文献   

Volcanic crater lakes scattered throughout western Uganda are important local sources of water and fish. Two representative but contrasting crater lakes near the Kibale National Park were sampled in 2000; the hyper‐eutrophic Lake Saka, which is highly affected by agricultural practices, and the mesotrophic Lake Nkuruba that is still surrounded by intact forest. The food web structures in these two lakes were assessed using stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analyses, and the mercury (THg) transfer patterns were quantified. The δ15N results indicate that food webs in both lakes are abbreviated, with only one to two trophic levels from primary consumers. The Lake Saka biota had distinctively enriched δ13C values compared with those in Lake Nkuruba, which may be due to 12C‐limited phytoplankton blooms in this lake. In Lake Nkuruba, two introduced tilapiine species and the introduced guppy Poecilia reticulata fed predominantly upon invertebrates and decomposed terrestrial plant material. In Lake Saka, the introduced Nile perch Lates niloticus appeared to occupy the top trophic position, but stable isotope values of the endemic haplochromine cichlids exclude those as Nile perch prey items. THg was found to biomagnify through the food web, reaching highest concentrations in P. reticulata in Nkuruba, which tended to be higher than for L. niloticus in Saka, suggesting increased bioavailability of THg in Nkuruba. Maximum THg concentrations in fish never approached WHO recommended guidelines (200 ng g?1) designed to protect at‐risk groups.  相似文献   

1. Methanogenic carbon can be incorporated by methane‐oxidising bacteria, leading to a 13C‐depleted stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of chironomids that feed on these microorganisms. This has been shown for the chironomid tribe Chironomini, but very little information is available about the δ13C of other abundant chironomid groups and the relationship between chironomid δ13C and methane production in lakes. 2. Methane flux was measured at the water surface of seven lakes in Sweden. Furthermore, fluxes from the sediments to the water column were measured in transects in two of the lakes. Methane fluxes were then compared with δ13C of chitinous chironomid remains isolated from the lake surface sediments. Several different chironomid groups were examined (Chironomini, Orthocladiinae, Tanypodinae and Tanytarsini). 3. Remains of Orthocladiinae in the seven study lakes had the highest δ13C values (?31.3 to ?27.0‰), most likely reflecting δ13C of algae and other plant‐derived organic matter. Remains of Chironomini and Tanypodinae had lower δ13C values (?33.2 to ?27.6‰ and ?33.6 to ?28.0‰, respectively). A significant negative correlation was observed between methane fluxes at the lake surface and δ13C of Chironomini (r = ?0.90, P = 0.006). Methane release from the sediments was also negatively correlated with δ13C of Chironomini (r = ?0.67, P = 0.025) in the transect samples obtained from two of the lakes. The remains of other chironomid taxa were only weakly or not correlated with methane fluxes measured in our study lakes (P > 0.05). 4. Selective incorporation of methane‐derived carbon can explain the observed correlations between methane fluxes and δ13C values of Chironomini. Remains of this group might therefore have the potential to provide information about past changes in methane availability in lakes using sediment records. However, differences in productivity, algal δ13C composition and the importance of allochthonous organic matter input between the studied lakes may also have influenced Chironomini δ13C. More detailed studies with a higher number of analysed samples and detailed measurement of δ13C of different ecosystem components (e.g. methane, dissolved inorganic carbon) will be necessary to further resolve the relative contribution of different carbon sources to δ13C of chironomid remains.  相似文献   

Woodland and forest degradation, driven predominately by agricultural and pastoral production, is a crisis facing many species globally, in particular hollow‐dependent fauna. Large predatory species play important roles in both ecosystems and conservation strategies, but few studies have examined habitat selection of such species in intensively human‐modified landscapes. We quantified habitat selection and resource use by a large, top‐order and threatened snake (carpet python, Morelia spilota), between adjacent areas of high and low anthropogenic modification in inland Australia, a region that has undergone considerable alteration since European settlement. At the low‐impact site, snakes preferred tree hollows and a structurally complex understorey, whereas at the high‐impact site, snakes preferred homestead attics. Based on the decline of the species in this region, however, high‐impact landscapes may only support snakes when they are adjacent to low‐impact habitats. Invasive species comprised a large part of snake diets in both landscape types. Carpet pythons, with large home ranges and habitat requirements that overlap with many smaller threatened mammalian and avian fauna, are generally well liked and easily identifiable by rural landholders. Accordingly, they may play a key role in conservation strategies aimed at the protection of woodland and hollow‐dependent fauna in heavily modified landscapes of Australia's inland regions. However, invasive species, which tend to contribute to declines in native species inhabiting arid and semi‐arid Australia, are beneficial and important to pythons. Our study therefore highlights the diversity of effects that two major threats to biodiversity – habitat loss and invasive species – can have on different species within the same ecosystem.  相似文献   

In this review, I first address the basics of gas exchange, water‐use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in C3 plant canopies. I then present a case study of water‐use efficiency in northern Australian tree species. In general, C3 plants face a trade‐off whereby increasing stomatal conductance for a given set of conditions will result in a higher CO2 assimilation rate, but a lower photosynthetic water‐use efficiency. A common garden experiment suggested that tree species which are able to establish and grow in drier parts of northern Australia have a capacity to use water rapidly when it is available through high stomatal conductance, but that they do so at the expense of low water‐use efficiency. This may explain why community‐level carbon isotope discrimination does not decrease as steeply with decreasing rainfall on the North Australian Tropical Transect as has been observed on some other precipitation gradients. Next, I discuss changes in water‐use efficiency that take place during leaf expansion in C3 plant leaves. Leaf phenology has recently been recognised as a significant driver of canopy gas exchange in evergreen forest canopies, and leaf expansion involves changes in both photosynthetic capacity and water‐use efficiency. Following this, I discuss the role of woody tissue respiration in canopy gas exchange and how photosynthetic refixation of respired CO2 can increase whole‐plant water‐use efficiency. Finally, I discuss the role of water‐use efficiency in driving terrestrial plant responses to global change, especially the rising concentration of atmospheric CO2. In coming decades, increases in plant water‐use efficiency caused by rising CO2 are likely to partially mitigate impacts on plants of drought stress caused by global warming.  相似文献   

We investigate resource and habitat use by apex predators through stable isotope analysis at two Spanish Late Miocene localities: Los Valles de Fuentidueña (~9.6 Ma, LVF) and Cerro de los Batallones (~9.1 Ma, BAT). The temporal window represented by LVF and BAT was crucial in the shaping of the current Iberian mammalian structure because it corresponds to the initial stages of a faunal turnover episode and regional environmental change at ~9.5–8.5 Ma (Vallesian–Turolian transition), associated with an increase in the seasonality of precipitation. Herbivore and carnivore δ13C and δ18O values do not point to significant changes in either the vegetation cover (a woodland to mesic C3 grassland) or the hydrological regime during the time lapse represented between LVF and BAT. This suggests that the environmental shift recorded around the Vallesian–Turolian boundary may have occurred later in time, since LVF and BAT ages are synchronic with the onset of the turnover event. From the standpoint of predator–prey evaluation by means of stable isotope analysis, statistical post hoc tests, mixing model output, and the assessment of niche occupation by LVF and BAT carnivores point to high levels of interspecific competition among large active carnivores, albeit some genera, such as the amphicyonid Magericyon and specially the hyaenid Lycyaena, seemed to avoid competition by taking prey from a more open habitat. Despite the drop in diversity and change in faunal components observed between the LVF and BAT assemblages, a high degree of resource and habitat competition is evident from stable isotope data.  相似文献   

Vegetation of tropical dry ecosystems is represented by patches of plants with different photosynthetic pathways. We used C and N stable isotope mixing models to assess the relative importance of CAM and C3 vegetation as direct or indirect sources of food for birds in a Neotropical semiarid zone. We analyzed tissues from 26 bird species encompassing a broad array of feeding habits in the dry and rainy seasons. Although CAM plants are important elements of our study site, their use as food was mainly restricted to some plant-eating and omnivorous bird species. “Intermediate” or “High” dependence on CAM food was observed in only 7 species: three frugivores, one nectarivore, one granivore, and two omnivores. Instead, C3-derived food sustained most of the bird species studied, even some for which dependence on CAM-derived food was reported in studies using other methodological approaches. Consumption of C3 insects extended to the entire assemblage of birds, including plant-eating species. Our findings highlight the importance of maintaining vegetation heterogeneity in arid zones for animal communities and the need to provide increasing protection measures to woody C3 species, as their local demand for firewood is rapidly increasing.  相似文献   

Aquatic turtles worldwide are plagued with habitat loss due to development and shoreline alteration that destroys the terrestrial–aquatic linkage which they must cross to reproduce successfully. Furthermore, nesting habitat loss can concentrate nesting, increasing nest predator efficiency. We describe how the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island created nesting habitat for Malaclemys terrapin (Diamondback Terrapin), and document nesting success in response to construction progress and the absence of raccoons and foxes, the primary nest predators. We monitored terrapin nests throughout the nesting seasons from 2002 to 2011 to determine overall and within‐nest survivorship. Female terrapins began nesting on the restoration project within 1 year but planned construction during the study eliminated some nesting areas and opened previously inaccessible areas. Overall, nest survivorship was considerably higher than mainland nesting areas due to the absence of raccoons and foxes on the island and within‐nest survivorship was similar. Egg size, hatchling size, and the frequency of shell scute anomalies were similar to other terrapin populations, suggesting normal developmental conditions on the island. We documented annual variation in hatchling size that correlated negatively with mean air temperature during the incubation season. Our results indicate that restored or created isolated island habitat can be located rapidly by terrapins and can become an important source of recruitment in regions where nesting habitat is limited and predation is high. Poplar Island illustrates how habitat loss and restoration can affect turtle populations by revealing the changes in nesting patterns and success in newly created, predator‐free habitat.  相似文献   

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