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An unusual species of Leptophlebiidae is described based on males, females, and nymphs from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. As a consequence of its distinct characteristics on all stages, a new genus is established. The new genus can be distinguished from other South American Leptophlebiid genera mostly by: Adults: vein MA of fore wings asymmetrical; hind wings with costal projection well developed, Sc ending at cross vein near costal projection; tarsal claws dissimilar, one blunt other acute; projections of styliger plate forming two well developed lobes with rounded apex, ventrally obstructing view of the penes; penes fused on basal half, each lobe with a ventral furrow and a long and slender spine directed anteriorly. Nymphs: Head prognathous, wider than labrum; labrum with prominent median emargination, with three subtle crenulations; body flattened; hind wings pads present; tarsal claws with over 20 denticles, subapical denticle much larger than remaining denticles; gills long and narrow, present on abdominal segments I-VII; posterolateral projections present on abdominal segments VIII-IX. Phylogenetic analyses conducted based on a previously published data matrix that included other South America leptophlebiid genera placed Poranga nessimiani gen. nov. et sp. nov. as sister to Bessierus + Perissophlebioides. In most analyses this clade was recovered within the Farrodes complex. Nymphs of the new taxa are particularly similar to Bessierus, whereas adults share the very acute costal projection on hind wings seen in non-dipterous members of the Farrodes complex.  相似文献   

Triplectides itatiaia sp. nov. is described from specimens collected on the Itatiaia massif, Mantiqueira mountain range, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished by the presence of hind wing fork I petiolate, the long dorsal excision of segment X and the flat, apically rounded mesal lobes. Female and immature stages are unknown. A key to the Brazilian species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Triatoma jatai sp. nov. is the first new species of triatomine to be described in the state of Tocantins, in the northern region of Brazil. It was caught on rock outcrops in the wild environment and, more recently, invading homes. While T. jatai sp. nov. is morphologically similar to Triatoma costalimai, it is distinguished by its general colouring, differences in the blotches on the connexivum, wing size in females and external structures of the male genitalia. The type series has been deposited in the Entomological Collection and Herman Lent Collection, Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  相似文献   

The subfamily Chloropinae comprises about 442 described species, with only one species recorded from the Brazilian Amazon. The genus Bricelochlorops Paganelli was represented by a unique species from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The species Urubambina rufa (Duda) is the only species of the genus Urubambina Paganelli and has been recorded only from Peru. A new species of Bricelochlorops, B. celutae sp. nov., is described here and Urubambina rufa is recorded for the first time in Brazil. Both species were collected in the state of Acre. A key to species of Bricelochlorops is provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Two new species of the heptageniid mayfly genus Afronurus Lestage, Afronurus meo sp. n. and Afronurus mnong sp. n., are described from Vietnam with line-drawings of key characters. The larvae of A. meo can be characterized by rowed minute spines in the posterior margin of the abdominal terga 1-9 and distinct markings on anterior head, dorsal femora, and abdominal terga. The larvae of A. mnong can be characterized by scattered simple stout setae on the anterior margin and dorsal surface of femora, rowed acute spines on the posterior margin of abdominal terga 1-9, and plain brown body color. Their diagnoses, material data, distributions, and habitat and biological data are provided.  相似文献   

New species of the neotropical genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Five new species of the neotropical genus Neolindus from the Peruvian Amazon region and from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) are described.  相似文献   

During two consecutive years, studies on the sand fly fauna in Po?o das Antas and Fazenda Bom Retiro, two Atlantic Rain Forest Reserves from the State of Rio de Janeiro, were performed using Shannon traps, CDC light traps and human bait collections. Eleven species were identified; Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. edwardsi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. fischeri, L. shannoni, L. ayrozai, L. hirsuta, L. monticola and L. misionensis (first occurrence in the State of Rio de Janeiro). L. intermedia and L. whitmani were the predominant anthropophilic species around houses, while L. hirsuta predominated in the forest.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
A new species of Apobaetis is described based on nymphs and male imago, and the male imago of A. fiuzai. Specimens were collected in the state of Amazonas, northern region of Brazil. Apobaetis hamadae sp. n. can be easily distinguished from the other congeners by the following combination of characteristics: male imago: (1) abdominal colour pattern; (2) area between forceps not excavated medially. Nymphs: (1) distal margin of labrum with shallow medial emargination and with four to five spatulated setae near midline; (2) maxillary palp 1.4× longer than galea-lacinia; (3) tarsal claws 1.2× times longer than tarsus. The male imago of A. fiuzai can be easily distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) abdominal colour pattern; (2) area between segments I of forceps with a deep V emargination.  相似文献   

Myleus pachyodus, a new serrasalmid species, is described from the Rio Teles Pires and Rio Jamanxim, both tributaries of the Rio Tapajós in Mato Grosso and Pará states, Brazil. The new species differs from all congeners by having a remarkable ontogenetic thickening of the teeth shifting from slender incisiform in juveniles to thick bulky teeth at standard length ≥ 100 mm, whereas congeners present slender, antero‐posteriorly flat teeth throughout all life stages. The new species further differs from congeners by having 18–20 branched dorsal‐fin rays, by the lack of a diastema between contralateral outer series of premaxillary teeth and by the presence of 16–25 prepelvic spines, with the anteriormost spine never reaching the vertical through the pectoral‐fin origin.  相似文献   

印象初  郑方强  印展 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1075-1083
记述了采自中国台湾斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科1新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov. 和4新种:红股台秃蝗Taipodisma rufifemora sp. nov., 谢氏台秃蝗Taipodisma hsiehi sp. nov., 周氏台秃蝗Taipodisma chowi sp. nov., 黑胫台秃蝗Taipodisma nigritibia sp. nov.。新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov.同蹦蝗属Sinopodisma Chang, 1940近似,不同之处为前胸背板后缘中央缺凹口,中隆线在沟前区不显,在沟后区留有痕迹。新属同辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma Zheng, 1990也近似,不同之处为雄性后胸腹板两侧叶分开,不毗连。新种红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov. 后足股节内侧和下方红色可与同属其他种相区别。新种谢氏台秃蝗T. hsiehi sp. nov. 缺黑色眼后带可与同属其他种相区别。新种周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov. 同红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov.近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧和下方非红色。新种黑胫台秃蝗T. nigritibia sp. nov. 同周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov.近似,不同之处为前胸背板沿中隆线缺黑色纵带和前翅黄褐色,缺黑色带纹。列出了该属的种检索表。  相似文献   

Three new species of Tricorythopsis Traver (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) are described and illustrated based on nymphs from southeastern Brazil. These new species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the following characters: Tricorythopsis araponga sp. n.: (1) femora with long setae; (2) abdominal segments 5–7 with dorsal tubercles; (3) tarsal claws with 4–6 marginal denticles and 7 + 4 submarginal denticles. Tricorythopsis baptistai sp. n.: (1) tarsal claws with 4–5 large marginal denticles and one submarginal denticle on each side; (2) abdominal colour pattern; (3) abdomen without tubercles; (4) coxae without projections. Tricorythopsis pseudogibbus sp. n.: (1) abdominal segments 6–8 with small dorsal tubercles; (2) tarsal claws with four large marginal denticles, and 3 + 1 or 2 submarginal denticles; (3) coxae dorsally projected; (4) femora broad and with short setae; (5) pronotum with anterolateral projection.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Ca?apava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.  相似文献   

The occurrence of cossonine weevils of the genus Araucarius Kuschel 1966 is limited to South American Araucaria trees. Adults and larvae of two new species, Araucarius kuscheli spec. nov. and A. crassipunctatus spec. nov. have been found under the bark of Araucaria angustifolia trees in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A key for the adults of the genus Araucarius including the two new species and the already known two Brazilian and four Chilean species is presented.  相似文献   

American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is endemic in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As reports of nearby hospitals suggest, the Parque Estadual do Turvo seems to serve as a source for the disease. During three months from November 1996 to February 1997 we collected, in this park, 2,228 sandflies (10 Lutzomyia species and 2 6species). We applied the polymerase chain reaction to 920 females which belong to the following species: Lutzomyia migonei, Lu. pessoai, Lu. fischeri, Lu. misionensis, Lu. lanei, Lu. neivai, Lu. shannoni, and Lu. monticola, in an attempt to verify natural infection by Leishmania (Viannia), the causative agent of ACL. Le. (Viannia) infections were demonstrated by DNA amplification from two Lu. pessoai and one Lu. misionensis female. Lu. pessoai have been found with leptomonas in the gut believed to be Le. (V.) braziliensis in other endemic areas of northeastern and southeastern Brazil. However, Lu. misionensis has never been found carrying a natural infection of Le. (Viannia).  相似文献   

A new rhynchosaur, Hyperodapedon huenei sp. nov., is described from the Upper Triassic Santa Maria Formation of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. The holotype is an almost complete skull and mandible, collected at Inhamandá, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The diagnosis of the genus Hyperodapedon Huxley is revised to include not only H. huxleyi Lydekker and H. gordoni Huxley (as generally accepted), but also the new species described here, various specimens usually assigned to ' Scaphonyx fischeri ' Woodward, and ' S '. sanjuanensis Sill. H. huenei sp. nov. exhibits a number of plesiomorphic features and appears to be the least derived species of Hyperodapedon , forming a sister taxon to the remaining members of the genus. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis for the more derived rhynchosaurs is presented. ' Scaphonyx ' sulcognathus Azevedo and Schultz represents the sister taxon of Hyperodapedon , while ' Rhynchosaurus ' spenceri Benton is considered to be a more derived Middle Triassic rhynchosaur. key words : Rhynchosauria, Hyperodapedon , Triassic, Brazil.  相似文献   

A list of all type specimens of the Family Ceratopogonidae, present in the Entomological Collection of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil is presented. This list includes the genera Bahiahelea, Culicoides, Dasyhelea, Downeshelea, Forcipomyia, Leptoconops, Mallochohelea, Monohelea, Neobezzia, Palpomyia and Sphaerohelea.  相似文献   

A new genus of rust fungi (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales), with species type Caetea itatiaiaensis, was collected on Piptadenia (Fabaceae) at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia in the Serra da Mantiqueira, states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Brazil. This genus is delimited as (i) three-celled teliospores borne on a single pedicel each with a corresponding apical cell and (ii) apical cells giving rise to distally capitate cysts that overhang the teliospore cells.  相似文献   

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