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Directional export of messenger RNA (mRNA) protein particles (mRNPs) through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) requires multiple factors. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the NPC proteins Nup159 and Nup42 are asymmetrically localized to the cytoplasmic face and have distinct functional domains: a phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeat domain that docks mRNP transport receptors and domains that bind the DEAD-box ATPase Dbp5 and its activating cofactor Gle1, respectively. We speculated that the Nup42 and Nup159 FG domains play a role in positioning mRNPs for the terminal mRNP-remodeling steps carried out by Dbp5. Here we find that deletion (Δ) of both the Nup42 and Nup159 FG domains results in a cold-sensitive poly(A)+ mRNA export defect. The nup42ΔFG nup159ΔFG mutant also has synthetic lethal genetic interactions with dbp5 and gle1 mutants. RNA cross-linking experiments further indicate that the nup42ΔFG nup159ΔFG mutant has a reduced capacity for mRNP remodeling during export. To further analyze the role of these FG domains, we replaced the Nup159 or Nup42 FG domains with FG domains from other Nups. These FG “swaps” demonstrate that only certain FG domains are functional at the NPC cytoplasmic face. Strikingly, fusing the Nup42 FG domain to the carboxy-terminus of Gle1 bypasses the need for the endogenous Nup42 FG domain, highlighting the importance of proximal positioning for these factors. We conclude that the Nup42 and Nup159 FG domains target the mRNP to Gle1 and Dbp5 for mRNP remodeling at the NPC. Moreover, these results provide key evidence that character and context play a direct role in FG domain function and mRNA export.  相似文献   

Transport between the cytoplasm and the nucleus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Active transport of proteins and RNAs across the nuclear-pore complex (NPC) is mediated by a family of related transport receptors which shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. A number of import and export pathways have been described. Some transport substrates require adapters which mediate association with certain transporters. The transport receptors specifically bind to a recognition signal within the transport substrate or adapter, pass the NPC in one direction, and deliver their cargo to the other side of the nuclear envelope. The Ran GTPase is the crucial regulator of bidirectional transport. Ran-modulating proteins establish an asymmetric intracellular distribution of Ran. As a result, Ran is mainly bound to GTP in the nucleus and to GDP in the cytoplasm. Evidently, RanGTP regulates binding and release of the transport substrates by binding to the transport receptors in the nucleus as well as the transport direction across the NPC. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism of translocation through the NPC.  相似文献   

Resistance to anticancer drugs that target DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) isoforms alpha and/or beta is associated with decreased nuclear and increased cytoplasmic topo IIalpha. Earlier studies have confirmed that functional nuclear localization and export signal sequences (NLS and NES) are present in both isoforms. In this study, we show that topo II alpha and beta bind and are imported into the nucleus by importin alpha1, alpha3, and alpha5 in conjunction with importin beta. Topo IIalpha also binds exportin/CRM1 in vitro. However, wild-type topo IIalpha has only been observed in the cytoplasm of cells that are entering plateau phase growth. This suggests that topo IIalpha may shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm with the equilibrium towards the nucleus in proliferating cells but towards the cytoplasm in plateau phase cells. The CRM1 inhibitor Leptomycin B increases the nuclear localization of GFP-tagged topo IIalpha with a mutant NLS, suggesting that its export is being inhibited. However, homokaryon shuttling experiments indicate that fluorescence-tagged wild-type topo II alpha and beta proteins do not shuttle in proliferating Cos-1 or HeLa cells. We conclude that topo II alpha and beta nuclear export is inhibited in proliferating cells so that these proteins do not shuttle.  相似文献   

Mechanical forces are known to influence cellular processes with consequences at the cellular and physiological level. The cell nucleus is the largest and stiffest organelle, and it is connected to the cytoskeleton for proper cellular function. The connection between the nucleus and the cytoskeleton is in most cases mediated by the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex. Not surprisingly, the nucleus and the associated cytoskeleton are implicated in multiple mechanotransduction pathways important for cellular activities. Herein, we review recent advances describing how the LINC complex, the nuclear lamina, and nuclear pore complexes are involved in nuclear mechanotransduction. We will also discuss how the perinuclear actin cytoskeleton is important for the regulation of nuclear mechanotransduction. Additionally, we discuss the relevance of nuclear mechanotransduction for cell migration, development, and how nuclear mechanotransduction impairment leads to multiple disorders.  相似文献   

Summary In order to investigate the chemical composition of the nuclear pore complexes isolated nuclei from matureXenopus laevis oocytes were manually fractioned into nucleoplasmic aggregates and the nuclear envelopes. The whole isolation procedure takes no more than 60–90 sec, and the pore complexes of the isolated envelopes are well preserved as demonstrated by electron microscopy. Minor nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic contaminations associated with the isolated nuclear envelopes were determined with electron microscopic morphometry and were found to be quantitatively negligible as far as their mass and nucleic acid content is concerned. The RNA content of the fractions was determined by direct phosphorus analysis after differential alkaline hydrolysis. Approximately 9% of the total nuclear RNA of the matureXenopus egg was found to be attached to the nuclear envelope. The nonmembranous elements of one pore complex contain 0.41×10–16 g RNA. This value agrees well with the content estimated from morphometric data. The RNA package density in the pore complexes (270×10–15 g/3) is compared with the nucleolar, nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic RNA concentration and is discussed in context with the importance of the pore complexes for the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of RNA-containing macromolecules.Additionally, the results of the chemical analyses as well as of the3H-actinomycin D autoradiography and of the nucleoprotein staining method of Bernhard (1969) speak against the occurence of considerable amounts of DNA in the nuclear pore complex structures.The author thanks Miss Ulrika Lempert, Miss Marianne Winter, and Miss Sigrid Krien for skilful technical help as well as Dr. W. W. Franke for many helpful discussions. The work has been supported by a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant given to Dr. W. W. Franke (SFB Molgrudent, 46).  相似文献   

During apoptosis (also called programmed cell death), the chromatin condenses and the DNA is cleaved into oligonucleosomal fragments. Caspases are believed to play a major role in nuclear apoptosis. However, the relation between dismantling of nuclear pores, disruption of the nucleocytoplasmic barrier, and nuclear entry of caspases is unclear. We have analyzed nuclear import of the green fluorescent protein fused to a nuclear localization signal (GFP-NLS) in tissue culture cells undergoing apoptosis. Decreased nuclear accumulation of GFP-NLS could be detected at the onset of nuclear apoptosis manifested as dramatic condensation and redistribution of chromatin toward the nuclear periphery. At this step, dismantling of nuclear pores was already evident as indicated by proteolysis of the nuclear pore membrane protein POM121. Thus, disruption of nuclear compartmentalization correlated with early signs of nuclear pore damage. Both these events clearly preceded massive DNA fragmentation, detected by TUNEL assay. Furthermore, we show that in apoptotic cells, POM121 is specifically cleaved at aspartate-531 in its large C-terminal portion by a caspase-3-dependent mechanism. Cleavage of the C-terminal portion of POM121, which is adjoining the nuclear pore complex, is likely to disrupt interactions with other nuclear pore proteins affecting the stability of the pore complex. A temporal correlation of apoptotic events supports a model where caspase-dependent disassembly of nuclear pores and disruption of the nucleocytoplasmic barrier paves the way for nuclear entry of caspases and subsequent activation of CAD-mediated DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

核孔复合体(Nuclear pore complexes, NPCs)镶嵌在核膜上,是细胞核与细胞质之间的唯一通道。冷冻电子X射线断层扫描将环状NPCs分为三个环,分别称为胞质环、内环和核质环,胞质环上附有胞质纤丝,核质环上附有核篮。由于物种不同,NPCs由30~50多种不同的核孔蛋白(nucleoporins, Nups)组成,但结构和功能高度保守。根据其结构、氨基酸序列,NPCs定位和功能,Nups被分为跨膜Nups、屏障Nups、骨架Nups、胞质纤丝Nups和核篮Nups。相互间作用稳定、紧密连接的数个Nups可组成亚复合体。为了应对不同生理需要,NPCs处于高度动态变化中,间期和有丝分裂期均可通过组装和去组装改变核孔数量和功能。NPCs的主要功能是调控核质转运,小分子物质可自由扩散,大分子物质则需在核转位信号和转运载体的介导下以主动运输的方式进行转运。除了核质转运这一主要功能外,Nups还能以一个独立于转运的方式影响基因组功能。通过影响染色质结构和影响转录调控元件对靶基因的访问,Nups促进或抑制转录。在酵母,Nups介导的基因调控主要由位于NPCs中的Nups执行;在多细胞生物,不仅NPCs中的Nups,核质内游离的Nups也具有基因调控功能。此外,Nups还能通过参与形成染色质边界和形成转录记忆对基因进行调控。在增殖细胞, Nups通过与DNA修复机器相互作用,参与DNA损伤修复,保护基因组完整性。有丝分裂时,Nups协助核膜解体和中心体迁移,并通过作用于着丝粒来控制有丝分裂组件的空间定位与活性,稳定它们与微管之间的相互作用,保证纺锤体正常组装和染色体准确分离。总之,NPCs与生物分子的核质转运、基因表达和细胞周期密切相关,它的结构和功能的稳定是真核细胞生长、增殖、分化等生命活动的基本保证。  相似文献   

Optical Single Transporter Recording (OSTR) is a technique for analyzing membrane transport kinetics at high sensitivity, selectivity, and spatial resolution. Cellular membranes are firmly attached to microarrays of small test compartments (TCs) with diameters between approximately 0.1 and 100 microm and depths between approximately 10 and 100 microm. This permits to generate either "small" membrane patches containing few transporters or "large" patches containing many transporters. Transport of substrates across membrane patches is recorded by confocal microscopy. The present article reviews recent applications of OSTR to the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The results show that the transport functions of the NPC, previously studied almost exclusively in intact and permeabilized cells, are conserved in isolated nuclei and can be fully reconstituted in purified nuclear envelopes by addition of recombinant transport factors. This opens new avenues to the analysis of nuclear transport including the export of nucleic-acid-protein and ribosomal particles.  相似文献   

Protein export from the nucleus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infects and kills a wide range of cell types; however, the mechanisms involved in VSV‐mediated cell death are not fully understood. Here we show that VSV infection interferes with mitotic progression, resulting in cell death. This effect requires the interaction of VSV matrix (M) protein with the Rae1–Nup98 complex in mitosis, which is associated with a subset of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). VSV displaced Rae1 from spindle poles, caused spindle abnormalities and triggered substantial cell death during metaphase. These effects were attenuated in cells infected with VSV expressing a mutant M protein that does not bind efficiently to the Rae1–Nup98–RNP complex. In cells that progressed to late mitosis, M protein prevented proper nuclear formation and chromatin decondensation. VSV is an oncolytic (anti‐tumour) agent as it preferentially replicates and kills tumour cells. As tumour cells have a high mitotic index, VSV‐mediated mitotic cell death probably contributes to its oncolytic activity.  相似文献   

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