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Summary Special types of cells of the interpeduncular nucleus (ITP) in the frog, Rana esculenta, are described after three types of fixation: osmium tetroxide, aldehydes and potassium permanganate. Large granules with a sub-unit structure occurring together with bundles of filaments and elongated mitochondria are illustrated in the processes of cells, the perikarya of which lie distant from the ependymal lining of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Such processes cross the ITP in a dorso-ventral direction perpendicular to the fibers which traverse the nucleus in a horizontal and frontal plane. They reach the subpial ventral surface of the nucleus ending in foot-like expansions where granules and mitochondria are assembled. The secretory nature of the granules is assumed. The release of possible peptide hormones into the interpeduncular cistern, where a pool of cerebrospinal fluid and large blood vessels occur, cannot be excluded.Thanks are due to Mr. V. Guglielmotti and Mr. D. Gioffré for the preparation of the material for electron microscopy, to Mr. E. Casale for photographic assistance, to Mr. E. Sada and Mr. G. Dafnis for technical assistance on the electron microscope  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamic magnocellular preoptic nucleus of Rana temporaria was studied at the electron-microscopic level with the use of the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) technique. The magnocellular preoptic nucleus of R. temporaria contains at least three different types of neurons: (1) Vasotocinergic neurons, (2) mesotocinergic neurons, and (3) neurons that contain either somatostatin or an immunologically related peptide. The present results are in complete agreement with those of previous immunocytochemical studies conducted at the light microscopic level.  相似文献   

Summary The frog motor endplate in its simplest form consists of an elongated, slender nerve ending embedded in a gutter-like depression of the sarcolemma. This nerve terminal contains the usual synaptic organelles. It is covered by a thin coating of Schwann cell cytoplasm which embraces the terminal with thin finger-like processes from both sides, thereby sub-dividing it into 300–1000 regularly spaced compartments. The individual synaptic compartments correspond to the strings of varicosities or grape-like configurations of motor nerve terminals in endplates of other species and in the cerebral neuropil of vertebrates.Each compartment contains one or more bar-like densities of the presynaptic membrane, active zones, which are associated with the attachment sites between synaptic vesicles and plasmalemma. Active zones have a regular transverse arrangement and occur at specific loci opposite the junctional folds. The attachment sites for synaptic vesicles are at the edges of the bars which are bilaterally delineated by a double row of 10 nm particles attached to the A-face. The structural appearance of vesicle attachment sites in freeze-etch replicas corresponds to that of micropinocytosis. The active zones are often fragmented and the frequency of their association with vesicle attachment sites is highly variable.The junctional folds are characterized by specific sites in which intramembranous particle aggregations occur at relatively high packing density (7500/m2). These sites are located opposite the active zones at the juxtaneural lips, a location where one would expect ACh-sensitive receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 38, Projekt N), The Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (Grants Nr. 3 82372 and 3 77472) and the Dr. Eric Slack-Gyr Foundation Zürich.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of -aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity was studied in the brain of two amphibian species (Triturus cristatus carnifex, Urodela; Rana esculenta, Anura) by employing a specific GABA antiserum. A noteworthy immunoreactive neuronal system was found in the telencephalic dorsal and medial pallium (primordium pallii dorsalis and primordium hippocampi) and in the olfactory bulbs. In the diencephalic habenular nuclei there was a rich GABAergic innervation, and immunoreactive neurons were observed in the dorsal thalamus. In the hypothalamus the GABA immunoreactivity was found in the preoptic area, the paraventricular organ and in the hypothalamo-hypophysial complex. In the preoptic area of the frog some GABA-immunoreactive CSF-contacting cells were shown. In the optic tectum immunolabeled neurons were present in all the cellular layers. A rich GABAergic innervation characterized both the fibrous layers of the tectum and the neuropil of the tegmentum and interpeduncular nucleus. In the cerebellum, in addition to the Purkinje cells showing a variable immunopositivity, some immunoreactive cell bodies appeared in the central grey. Abundant immunolabeled nerve fibers in the acoustico-lateral area and some immunopositive neurons in the region of the raphe nucleus were observed. In conclusion, the GABAergic central systems, well-developed in the amphibian species studied, were generally characterized by close similarities to the pattern described in mammals.Dedicated to Professor Valdo Mazzi (Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università di Torino), in honor of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary In muscle fibers of the frog heart, junctions between outer membranes of adjacent mitochondrial profiles are occasionally found. In thin sections of embedded tissue and of mitochondrial pellets, the intermitochondrial junctional space is 5.4±0.15 nm; the external leaflets of the membranes are joined by periodic structures separated from each other by 16.3±0.29 nm. There are 65.3±2 periodic structures per m of membrane measured on a section perpendicular to the junction. After cryofracture, the outer membrane is cleaved into two parts. Closely packed, parallel rows of large particles and furrows are found either on the P-, or on the E-faces. The rows of particles are 11±0.3 nm thick and are separated from each other by 16.5±0.46 nm, their density being 65±2.28 per m of the membrane. In junctional areas, rows of particles on one membrane correspond with the furrows on the other membrane. Intermitochondrial junctions appear to be real structures and not artifacts due to preparation procedures. The conditions of their occurrence are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology of viable taste disks of the frog was explored with multi-photon microscopy. In order to identify single sensory or supporting cells within the tissue, we searched for fluorescent dyes that stained subsets of the cell population or possibly cell types. Some cell types indeed stained preferentially with certain fluorescent dyes. A subset of glia-like cells (type Ic) stained with BCECF, a H+-sensitive dye, and indo-1, a Ca2+-sensitive dye, both presented in the membrane-permeant ester form. BCECF-ester also stained the dendrites of type III receptor cells, but indo-1 ester did not. Receptor cells of type II stained with MQAE, a positively charged Cl-sensitive dye. A subset of type II cells accumulated amiloride, a positively charged fluorescent diuretic. Certain supporting cells, i.e., wing cells (type Ib) and glia-like cells (type Ic), were labeled by negatively charged dyes, e.g., calcium green-1 dextran. Mucus cells (type Ia) were stained with only two of the 19 dyes examined, and Merkel-like basal cells (type IV) were stained only with a membrane-labeling voltage-sensitive dye, presumably by endocytosis. No dye was found which would stain all types of cells or all receptor cells. This finding reveals a potential problem for future functional imaging aiming at population responses, as the responses of unstained cells then would remain unobserved. Specificity of dyes with respect to cell types was sufficient to identify supporting cells and receptor cells. Cell shape could then be reconstructed, using optical slicing and rendering techniques. Thus populations of dye-loaded elongated cells, especially types Ic, II and III, could for the first time be visualized in three dimensions.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 530, project B2)  相似文献   

Summary The angioarchitecture of the superficial vascular hyaloid system (membrana vasculosa retinae) of the frog eye was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. The terminal vessels form a single-layered sheath intimately adjacent to the vitreal side of the avascular retina. The hyaloid system is subdivided by the ventral venous trunk into three central areas: the dorsal, the temporo-ventral, and the naso-ventral area. Toward the ora serrata, the hyaloid system is bordered by an arterial ring, and by nasal and temporal venous branches forming more or less complete hemicircles. A vascular zone composed of several tongue-like sectors establishes an inter-connection between the peripheral vascular rings and the central areas of the fundus. The arterial blood is supplied from the arterial ring. The drainage of the hyaloid system is provided via two routes: (1) the Y-shaped ventral trunk collects blood from the central areas, (2) the two peripheral venous branches drain the tongue-like sectors. The vessels within the dorsal area follow preferentially a dorso-ventral meridional direction. This densely capillarized territory corresponds in localization to the area centralis retinae. The ultrastructure of microvessels of the hyaloid system is characterized by features typical for capillaries of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The cytological changes in the pars distalis of pituitary of male and female green frog, Rana esculenta during the reproductive cycle have been studied by examining the form, cytoplasmic granulation and numerical proportions of the different cell types. Some sex differences were recorded, particularly in relative total number of cells in a median sagittal section of the pars distalis. No extensive cytological changes occur during the hibernation period, but there are striking alterations at the time of spring awakening, during spawning months and during replenishment of the spent gonads i.e. during late summer and autumn months. Important changes are to be observed in the acidophils type one (A1) and basophils type two (B2) and three (B3). Changes in the A1 cells during breeding season have been speculated as being in support of the spawning activity of the animal. The B2 cells exhibit most profound changes which correlate precisely with the morphological changes in gonads, and these cells are considered as the FSH-gonadotrops. The functional significance of the B3 cells is discussed and it is suggested that they might be the source of an ICSH- or LH-like hormone.The work has been supported by grant from the National Research Council of Italy.The award of postdoctoral fellowship by the National Research Council of Italy is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Small trypsinized explants from ventral skin of frogs (Rana esculenta) were maintained in culture for 4 days during which a newly formed epithelium differentiated along the cut edges of the dermis. During the first 6 h adjacent cells produced numerous interdigitating lamellipodia. After 2 days, epithelial polarity was restored by the formation of zonulae occludentes and the epithelial cells were joined by a few small newly formed desmosomes and by numerous interdigitations. Bipartite junctional complexes consisting of a zonula occludens, followed by a series of typical desmosomes, and characteristic of adult frog epidermis were formed only after 4 days. When cultured in the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis (cycloheximide) the trypsinized epidermis no longer formed desmosomes. Therefore pools of one or more crucial desmosomal proteins must be very low or non-existent. However, cycloheximide did not prevent the formation of cell contact specializations, consisting of a highly developed system of complex lamellar interdigitations, between adjacent cells.  相似文献   

The morphology and topographic distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the stomach and small intestine of the frog Rana esculenta were studied at the light-microscopic level by the use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Scattered immunostained cells occurred in all regions of the gastrointestinal tract investigated. In the small intestine, the number of these cells decreased gradually in the oral to anal direction, i.e. from the pyloric (antral) stomach to the entrance into the colon. Most of the immunostained cells possessed thick, short cytoplasmic processes, which did not display a preferential spatial orientation. Other somatostatin-immunoreactive cells, which were exclusively located in the small intestine, gave rise to a single long extension oriented toward the lumen. In both stomach and small intestine, a complete penetration of the epithelial surface by these processes of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells was observed only occasionally. The morphological features of the somatostatin-immunostained cells speak in favor of endocrine, paracrine, and possibly also intraluminal secretory functions of the enteroendocrine somatostatin system in frogs.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany  相似文献   

Summary The median eminence (ME) of the adult frog, Rana temporaria, was studied by means of electron microscopy including quantitative electron-microscopic autoradiography. In frogs captured in May and June numerous peptidergic neurosecretory fibres extending via the internal zone to the pars nervosa display large swellings containing few granules, mitochondria, neurotubules and cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, few secretory globules up to 1.5 m in diameter occur in these varicosities. In animals collected during the autumn period many of these neurosecretory swellings filled with neurosecretory granules and polymorphic inclusions resemble Herring bodies. Three types of granule-containing neurosecretory fibres were observed in the external zone (EZ) of the ME of adult R. temporaria. Peptidergic A1- and A2-type fibres are characterized by granules 150–220 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter, respectively. Monoaminergic fibres of type B with granules approximately 100 nm in diameter represent 50% of all neurosecretory elements in the EZ of the frog ME; 12% of the total number of granule-bearing axons in the EZ actively taking up radiolabelled 5-hydroxytryptophan are thought to be serotoninergic terminals. Neurosecretory terminals of all types and glial vascular endfeet establish direct contacts with the perivascular space of the primary portal capillaries. Some neurosecretory terminals are separated from the lumen of the third ventricle by a thin cytoplasmic lamella of tanycytes. The possible physiological significance of this structural pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadectomy and testosterone treatment on the fine structure of the Harderian gland in male and female green frogs were investigated in different periods of the year. Gonadectomy, carried out when the glands are in the lowest secretory phase (September), causes degenerative changes consisting of a reduction of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the appearance of autolysosomes, and an increase of nuclear heterochromatin. These effects can be prevented by testosterone treatment. No castration effects are found during the recovery (November) and enhancement (April-May) phases of secretory activity. The results suggest that the frog Harderian gland's sensitivity to testosterone changes during the annual cycle. The androgen dependence of the Harderian gland is correlated with the presence of androgen receptors in both male and female forgs.  相似文献   

Summary With the use of the unlabelled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) technique at the electron microscopic level, it was shown that both the internal and the external regions of the median eminence of the frog contain separate vasotocinergic and mesotocinergic nerve fibres. This observation confirms the results of previous immunocytochemical studies at the light microscopic level. The mean size of the neurohypophysial hormone-containing granules in the external region of the median eminence is significantly smaller than that of the neurohypophysial hormone-containing granules in the internal region of the median eminence. No significant difference could be found between the mean granule size of the vasotocinergic and mesotocinergic fibres of either the internal or the external region of the frog median eminence.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

The history of population size and migration patterns leaves its mark in the genetics of populations. We investigate the genetic structure of the edible frog, Pelophylax esculentus in the Danish archipelago and adjacent countries. This frog is of particular interest because it is a hybrid that, in this area, forms all-hybrid populations of diploid (LR) and triploid (LLR and LRR) genomotypes with no (or very few) adults of the parental species (LL and RR). This study is the first to cover the entire geographic range of Danish, Swedish and German all-hybrid populations, documenting their extent and providing a broad picture of their diversity of neutral genetic markers and genomotype proportions. With 18 microsatellite markers, we found that genetic diversity declines northwards in agreement with the glacial refuge and central-marginal hypotheses; however, populations on small and medium-sized islands are no less diverse than those on large islands and continental peninsulas. Isolation by distance exists across the archipelago with limited influence of fragmentation by brackish seawater. The extremely low genetic diversity in all-hybrid populations, compared with adjacent populations, may be responsible for the maintenance of their special breeding system. We also show large variation among ponds in proportions of LLR, LR and LRR genomotypes, but little geographic pattern in their distribution. Instead, we found relationships between the genomotype proportions and some of 15 habitat parameters monitored. Body size differences among LLR, LR and LRR further suggest ecological differences.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of ICI compound 33,828 (1--methylallylthiocarbamoyl-2-methylthiocarbamoylhydrazine = Methallibure) on the pars distalis of pituitary, testes and thumb pads was investigated in the intact adult male green frog, Rana esculenta. Methallibure affected the gonadotropic basophils (particularly the B2 cells) of the pars distalis, which showed varying degrees of degranulation and underwent a notable decrease in their percentage. Within the testis this compound caused the arrest of spermatogenesis. The most uniform effect of Methallibure was observed in the thumb pads, which invariably showed regression of the epidermis and glandular epithelium. No histological changes occurred in the thyroid and adrenal glands and the B1 and A1 cells of the pars distalis remained unchanged cytologically. It is concluded, in concordance with the available data, that Methallibure is a non-steroidal antigonadotropic compound. The important question about its mode of action has been brought into discussion.Work supported by the National Research Council of Italy, and the Population Council (Grant No. M70.082 C) of New York.  相似文献   

Summary Because the secretion of endolymph has been localized in the ampullar part of the frog semicircular canal, we attempted to determine by cytochemical methods the ultrastructural localization of two enzymes that are assumed to play a role in endolymph secretion: carbonic anhydrase and adenylate cyclase. Functionally, the epithelium of the frog semicircular canal can be schematically divided into three areas: sensory (crista ampullaris), secretory (dark cells), and non-sensory and nonsecretory (transitional and undifferentiated cells) areas. Carbonic anhydrase activity was widely distributed in dark cells. Dark cell labeling disappeared in the presence of acetazolamide. The other cells of the canal did not show any carbonic anhydrase labeling except for the supporting cells of the sensory cells. Adenylate cyclase activity was found on the basolateral and apical membranes of dark cells, and on the apical membrane of sensory cells; weak labeling was also observed in the other epithelial cells. In the apical membrane of the dark cells, adenylate cyclase labeling was dependent on the presence of vasotocin, the frog antidiuretic hormone. The dark cells of the frog semicircular canal thus possess the enzyme equipment needed for the secretion of endolymph and its possible hormonal regulation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Methode zur fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Lokalisation von Catechol- und Tryptaminen wurde die Verteilung dieser Stoffe im ZNS von Rana esculenta untersucht. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Neurone liegen im Nucleus reticularis mesencephali. Außerdem finden sich catecholaminhaltige Nervenzellen im Organon vasculosum hypothalami und in der Area praeoptica. Diese aminproduzierenden Zellen entsenden Zellfortsätze durch die Ependymschicht in den Ventrikel. Über diese Ausläufer erfolgt möglicherweise eine Sekretion biogener Amine in den Liquor cerebrospinalis. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Axone erreichen voneinander verschiedene Kerngebiete und Areale. Neben dem periventrikulären Zellager im Tuber cinereum und in der Area praeoptica werden vor allem der ventrolaterale Teil des lateralen Septumkerns, Striatum ventrale und Epistriatum von Endstrecken catecholaminhaltiger Axone durchdrungen. Serotoninhaltige Varicositäten finden sich dagegen vor allem in Kerngebieten, die in sensorische Bahnen eingeschaltet sind (Nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, Area praetectalis, Tectum opticum, Thalamus dorsalis, Neostriatum). Weitere Ausbreitungsgebiete 5-Hydroxytryptamin-haltiger Fasern sind die Habenula und der Nucleus interpeduncularis, Kerngebiete, über die Erregungen aus dem limbischen System auf vegetative Zentren der Medulla oblongata geleitet werden.
Biogenic amines in the brain of the frog (Rana esculenta)
Summary The distribution of biogenic amines in the central nervous system of Rana esculenta was investigated by means of the fluorescence-microscopical detection of catecholand tryptamines. The nucleus reticularis mesencephali was found to contain numerous neurones rich in catechol- and tryptamines. Apart from this nucleus nerve cells in the organon vasculosum hypothalami and in the area praeoptica were found to contain catecholamines. The clublike processes of these neurones penetrate the ependymal layer and extend into the ventricle. These structures are presumably responsible for a secretion of biogenic amines into the cerebrospinal fluid. Catecholamine- and serotonin-containing axons terminate on different nuclei and areas. Besides the periventricular cellular layer of the tuber cinereum and the area praeoptica, the pars ventrolateralis of the nucleus septalis lateralis, striatum ventrale and epistriatum are pervaded by terminals of catecholamine-containing neurons. Serotonincontaining varicosities are mainly to be found in nuclei, which are intercalated in sensory pathways (nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, area praetectalis, tectum opticum, thalamus dorsalis, neostriatum). Further areas of distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine-fibers are the habenula and the nucleus interpeduncularis, nuclei which coordinate impulses from the limbic system projecting them on visceral centers of the medulla oblongata.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

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