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The properties of Escherichia coli mutant D2-47LT indicate that it is temperature-sensitive for a protein required for the initiation of chromosome replication. The results of several different experiments are consistent with this hypothesis, and no support was found for the alternate hypotheses tested. Although the strain is usually unable to initiate replication at 42 C, some of the initiation proteins are apparently synthesized at the restrictive temperature. This can cause initiation on partially replicated, but not completed, chromosomes. It appears that the temperature-sensitive protein is required for initiation on completed chromosomes.  相似文献   

We used a Bacillus subtilis mutant described previously, which is temperature sensitive for initiation of replication. The inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis occurring at 45 C was shown to be reversed when the temperature is lowered even in the absence of protein synthesis. If the bacteria are returned to 30 C, after a prior period at 45 C, they are able to initiate the first round of replication in the presence of chloramphenicol, but the initiation of the second round still requires protein synthesis. This paper shows that the proteins necessary to initiate the second round of replication can be present in bacteria long before this round is initiated. In addition, the appearance of these proteins seems to be influenced by the length of the previous 45 C period. Although similar reinitiation kinetics are observed at 30 C after prior 45 C periods of 30 or 65 min, the ability to initiate the second round without further protein synthesis appears much earlier after a longer exposure at 45 C. To explain these results, a hypothesis is presented which assumes that two different proteins are both necessary for initiation. Only one of these proteins could be accumulated at 45 C during the inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. A peculiarity of initiation material in mutant Ts 37 is that it may be active at 45 C if it has been exposed previously at 30 C.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive divisionless mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168, tms-12, is shown to be defective in an early step in septum formation at the restrictive temperature. The nature of this defect has been studied by comparing the growth and composition of mutant and wild-type (tms-12(+)) cells at the restrictive (48 C) and permissive (34 C) temperatures. At 48 C, tms-12 cells grow as nonseptate, multinucleate filaments. Filamentation does not appear to be a result of alterations in properties of the cell wall, since the ratio of mucopeptide to teichoic acid, the autolytic activity, and the ability of the walls to protect cells against osmotic shock are comparable in tms-12 filaments and tms-12(+) bacilli grown at 48 C. Synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid and the segregation of nucleoids also proceed normally during filamentation. The synthesis of membrane, however, is delayed during filamentation of tms-12. No gross alterations were observed in the protein or lipid composition of membranes isolated from mutant filaments. Septum formation resumes when filaments are returned to 34 C and appears to be associated with an increased synthesis of membrane. The occurrence of septa was monitored both by microscopic observation of cross walls and by assays of the number of viable protoplasts released from bacillary filaments upon removal of the cell wall. Septation recovery can be blocked by inhibitors of ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis added during, but not after, the first 7 min of recovery at 34 C. By contrast, inhibition of deoxyribonucleic synthesis does not block recovery.  相似文献   

Mutant of Bacillus subtilis with a Temperature-Sensitive Autolytic Amidase   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
A procedure incorporating a petri plate assay for autolysins has been developed for the systematic isolation of mutants with a temperature-sensitive autolytic amidase. We suggest maa as the name for the gene for this enzyme. One such mutant has been characterized as having a heat-sensitive amidase in a variety of studies with both crude autolysin preparations and purified amidase solutions.  相似文献   

Division site location was measured in Bacillus subtilis clones grown from spores at 30 and 45 C. Regulation of division location is lost in mutant 168ts-151 at 45 C.  相似文献   

Mutant 168ts-200B, resulting from nitrosoguanidine treatment of Bacillus subtilis 168 (trp(-) C2), exhibits a rod-to-sphere morphogenetic interconversion when the incubation temperature is 30 or 45 C, respectively. Ultrathin sections of rods grown at 30 C, after glutaraldehyde-osmium uranium-lead fixation and staining, show trilaminar cell walls with a well-developed underlying periplasm as in wild-type cells. However, the outer wall layer is irregular, and abnormal protrusions of wall material occur at the cross-walls. In contrast, cells growing at 45 C become rounded and are intersected randomly by irregular cross-walls which fail to split normally, resulting in large spherical masses. In these, the outer and inner wall layers and periplasm are lost, and the wall consists only of irregularly thickened and loosely organized middle layer. Wall ultrastructure is reversible in either direction as cell shape changes during temperature shifts. Mesosomes are rare and atypical at either temperature. It thus appears that cell wall ultrastructure is altered by the conditional (temperature-sensitive) mutation, and that loss of normal wall and submural organization is correlated with changes in cell size and shape as well as with inability to complete cell division. Preliminary studies after transformation of the mutant locus to another strain and growth at 45 C showed an increase in mucopeptide, loss of wall teichoic acid, failure of phage adsorption, and identical ultrastructural changes. The site of expression of the basic defect-be it in wall, submural region, or membrane-is undetermined.  相似文献   

A thermosensitive sporulation mutant (t(s)-4) of Bacillus subtilis was isolated, and its morphological, physiological, and enzymatic properties were investigated. This mutant is able to grow equally well at 30 and 42 C, but is unable to sporulate at the higher temperature. Electron microscope studies have shown that the t(s)-4 mutant is blocked at stage zero of spore development. This was further confirmed by its inability to produce antibiotic when grown at the restrictive temperature and by the relatively low ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein turnover during the stationary growth phase, characteristic for stage zero asporogenic mutants. At the permissive temperature, however, antibiotic production and RNA and protein turnover took place at the rate normally found in sporogenic strains of B. subtilis. The above properties were not altered in the parent strain when grown at either 30 or 42 C. By shifting cultures of the t(s)-4 mutant from 30 to 42 C and from 42 to 30 C at different stages of growth, we have been further able to show that the event affected at the high temperature takes place at a very early stage of spore development. As a consequence of this early block in the sporulation process, the t(s)-4 mutant grown at 42 C became defective in the late spore-specific enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of dipicolinic acid. This study suggests that the sporulation process is mediated by a regulatory protein which is altered in the thermosensitive mutant when grown at the restrictive temperature. As a result of this alteration, a pleiotropic phenotype is produced which has lost the ability to catalyze the late biochemical reactions required for spore formation.  相似文献   

Chromosome Replication in Sporulating Cells of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A method of specifically labeling the chromosomal terminus of Bacillus subtilis is described. When sporulating cultures were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine and then treated with 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)uracil, a drug which inhibits deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis rapidly and completely, the only labeled spores formed were those that had completed replication during the pulse period. DNA-mediated transformation was used to show that the DNA of spores formed in the presence of 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)uracil had the same ratio of origin to terminus markers as DNA from untreated spores. Furthermore, spores formed in the presence of 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)uracil had the same DNA content as untreated spores. These two observations indicated that spores formed in the presence of 6-(hydroxyphenylazo)uracil contained completed chromosomes. The rate of termination of chromosomes destined to be packaged into spores was determined by this method, using the Sterlini-Mandelstam replacement system and a single medium exhaustion system for inducing sporulation. With both systems the rate of termination reached a broad peak 2 h after the start of sporogenesis. This was measured from the time of resuspension by using the replacement system and from the point where exponential growth ceased in the exhaustion system. The amount of spore DNA synthesized in the Sterlini-Mandelstam sporulation-inducing medium was very close to one-half the amount of the DNA present in mature spores. This suggests that chromosomes destined to be packaged into spores were replicated from close to the origin and possibly initiated in the sporulation-inducing medium. A method was devised for estimating the time taken to complete replication of the chromosomes destined to be packaged into spores. This was probably no more than 50 min. Whereas starvation must have occurred almost simultaneously in most cells in the population, the chromosome replication that was essential for sporogenesis was distributed over a wide time span. Thus, in some cells, replication started within 10 min of the nutritional step-down, but the peak rate was not reached for 1 h; thereafter replication continued at a substantial rate.  相似文献   

At 47 C, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168 accumulates membrane-associated protein inclusions and exhibits a pleiotropic phenotype indicative of a defect in lipid synthesis. The mutant bacteria cease growing at 47 C, and the turbidity of the culture gradually declines. The lack of growth is not due to the death or lysis of the cells, since viability does not decrease for about 1 hr and the "lysis" can be delayed for several hours by increasing the osmotic pressure of the medium. Synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid stops at 47 C although a residual synthesis of protein occurs. When the temperature is raised, the mutant fails to increase the proportion of 17:0 branched-chain fatty acids and to decrease the proportion of 18:0 and 18:1 fatty acids. The membrane-associated inclusions can be seen by phase-contrast or electron microscopy and remain attached to protoplast membranes during isolation. The inclusions are mostly protein and are digested with Pronase.  相似文献   

The general biological properties of a temperature-sensitive morphological mutant of Bacillus subtilis (168ts-200B) are described. At the restrictive temperature (45 C), cells grow as spheres which divide irregularly to form grapelike clusters. At the permissive temperature (30 C), the mutant grows as typical B. subtilis rods in short chains. A log-phase culture of rods (30 C) may be converted to spheres by transfer to 45 C. Reversion of spheres to rods occurs when the alternate temperature shift is made. Growth curves, deoxyribonucleic acid replication kinetics, and the morphology of mutant 168ts-200B are described.  相似文献   

Morphological studies of a conditionally temperature-sensitive ribonucleic acid polymerase mutant of Bacillus subtilis have revealed that sporulation is inhibited at stage II when the cells are grown at 47.5 C. Growth and sporulation occur normally at 30 C with the mutant. The mutant grows normally at 47.5 C but is prevented from sporulating at the nonpermissive temperature by an abnormal septation during forespore membrane formation which prevents the subsequent engulfment process (stage III). The mutation affects the normal functioning of ribonucleic acid polymerase at the nonpermissive temperature resulting in abortive sporulation.  相似文献   

Synchronous chromosome replication was obtained in a culture of Bacillus subtilis temperature-sensitive mutants growing in a rich medium. At intervals during this replication, samples of cells were transferred to a poor medium to induce sporulation. The results show that the capacity of B. subtilis for induced sporulation reaches a peak about 15 min after chromosome replication has begun. This capacity then declines rapidly, but can be restored by initiating a new round of deoxyribonucleic acid replication. The possibility is discussed that sporulation can be induced only when the chromosome replication fork is passing through a stage 0 operon and that this may be located in the cysA-sul(R) region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a preliminary characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis which appears to be defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication at high temperature. When log-phase cells of the mutant were transferred from 30 to 45 C, protein synthesis and ribonucleic acid synthesis continued more or less normally for several hours, whereas DNA synthesis continued at a normal rate for only 20 to 30 min and then was drastically reduced. The amount of DNA synthesized prior to this reduction corresponded approximately to the amount of DNA synthesized under conditions of protein synthesis inhibition by the parent or mutant strain. After 1 hr of growth at high temperature, cells of the mutant showed a pronounced drop in viable count. After 30 or 60 min of growth at high temperature, DNA synthesis could be restored by lowering the temperature. A longer period of growth at 45 C led to a loss of reversibility of DNA synthesis. Spores of the mutant synthesized no DNA when germinated at high temperature, although an outgrowing cell appeared. When spores were germinated at low temperature until DNA synthesis began, and then were transferred to high temperature, macromolecular synthesis continued as the log-phase transfer experiments described above.  相似文献   

Chromosomes in spores of a thymineless mutant of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 were shown to have a replication fork, unlike chromosomes in spores of the thy+ strain which are in a complete form. As a consequence the number of replication forks in germinating cultures is higher in the thy strain than in the thy+ one. Chromosome replication time (C) in the thy+ strain was found to be about 53 min for growth rates from 20 to 60 min. In the thy strain, C was about 75 min at high growth rates and increased with decreasing growth rate when the thymine concentration was not limiting. With limiting thymine concentrations in the medium replication velocity decreased independently of growth rate.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168 lost its viability irreversibly when grown at temperatures higher than 50 C. It is suggested that this loss of viability is due to irreversible alteration of elongation factor G activity, which was shown in vitro by two different assay methods.  相似文献   

In a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168, induction of the defective phage PBSX occurred at 48 C. Cell lysis began after 90 min of growth at 48 C, and cell viability began to decrease after 10 to 30 min. The loss in viability at the nonpermissive temperature was prevented by azide or cyanide. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis were not inhibited at 48 C. Temperature induction of the temperate phage SPO2 also occurred in this mutant. The temperature-sensitive mutation, designated tsi-23, was linked by transduction to purB6 and pig, the order being purB6 pig tsi-23. Mutation tsi-23 was transformable to wild type by B. subtilis 168 DNA but not by DNA from the closely related strains W23 or S31. DNA from the latter two strains transformed auxotrophic markers of strain 168 at frequencies close to those found with 168 donor DNA. Upon temperature induction, cellular DNA was broken to a size of 22S, characteristic of DNA in PBSX particles. The DNA isolated from temperature-induced PBSX did not give an increased Ade(+)/Met(+) transformant ratio relative to cellular DNA nor contain preferential break points as determined by transformation of four closely linked markers.  相似文献   

Analysis of a Bacillus subtilis Proteinase Mutant   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A Bacillus subtilis mutant having a phenotype manifesting reduced extracellular proteolytic activity was investigated. An extracellular protein was isolated and shown by fingerprint analysis to be a fragment of the wild-type enzyme. By using previously established molecular weights for the wild-type enzyme (2.9 x 10(4)) and the two polypeptide chains derived from it (1.4 x 10(4) each), with the amino acid analysis and fingerprints of both wild-type and mutant proteins, a molecular weight of 1.57 x 10(4) was assigned to the mutant protein. (32)P-diisopropylphosphate labeling of the mutant protein showed only 1 in 53 molecules to be functional. Thin-layer chromatography on Sephadex G-75 demonstrated that the active molecules were separable from the bulk of the isolated protein and had the same mobility as the wild-type enzyme. Fingerprints of tryptic digests of (32)P-diisopropylphosphate-labeled wild-type and mutant proteins showed that the labeled peptides had identical characteristics.  相似文献   

Replication of a Bacillus subtilis oriC plasmid in vitro   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
We constructed an in vitro replication system specific for a Bacillus subtilis oriC plasmid using a soluble fraction derived from cell extracts of B. subtilis. DNA polymerase III and two initiation proteins, DnaA and DnaB, were required for in vitro replication as observed in vivo. Both upstream and downstream DnaA box regions of the dnaA gene were required as cis-elements for in vitro synthesis of the B. subtilis oriC plasmid as well as for in vivo activity. The replication was semi-conservative and only one round of replication occurred within 15min. These results indicate that in vitro replication faithfully reproduced in vivo replication. To elucidate the site of initiation and the direction of replication, we analysed replicative intermediates generated in vitro in the presence of various concentrations of ddGTP by two methods. First, analysis of restriction fragments around the dnaA gene showed a high level of incorporation of the radioactive substrate, indicating that replication began within the vicinity of the dnaA gene. Second, using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, bubble arcs were detected only on fragments containing the DnaA box region downstream of the dnaA gene, indicating that the initiation site resided within this region. The distribution of the bubble arcs suggested that both bidirectional and unidirectional replication occurred in vitro.  相似文献   

A mutant of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051, demonstrated to be deficient in phosphatidylethanolamine, was found to differ from the parent strain in the rate of uptake of a variety of metabolites.  相似文献   

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