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  • By the year 2100, temperatures are predicted to increase by about 6 °C at higher latitudes and about 3 °C in the tropics. In spite of the smaller increase in the tropics, consequences may be more severe because the climatic niches of tropical species are generally assumed to be rather narrow due to a high degree of climate stability and higher niche specialisation. However, rigorous data to back up this notion are rare.
  • We chose the megadiverse genus Anthurium (Araceae) for study. Considering that the regeneration niche of a species is crucial for overall niche breadth, we focused on the response of germination and early growth through a temperature range of 24 °C of 15 Anthurium species, and compared the thermal niche breadth (TNB) with the temperature conditions in their current range, modelled from occurrence records.
  • Surprisingly, an increase of 3 °C would lead to a larger overlap of TNB of germination and modelled in situ temperature conditions, while the overlap of TNB of growth with in situ conditions under current and future conditions is statistically indistinguishable.
  • We conclude that future temperatures tend to be closer to the thermal optima of most species. Whether this really leads to an increase in performance depends on other abiotic and biotic factors, most prominently potentially changing precipitation patterns.

Species migration in response to warming temperatures is expected to lead to ‘biotic attrition,’ or loss of local diversity, in areas where the number of species emigrating or going locally extinct exceeds the number immigrating. Biotic attrition is predicted be especially severe in the low‐lying hot tropics since elevated temperatures may surpass the observed tolerances of most extant species. It is possible, however, that the estimated temperature niches of many species are inaccurate and truncated with respect to their true tolerances due to the absence of hotter areas under current global climate. If so, these species will be capable of persisting in some areas where future temperatures exceed current temperatures, reducing rates of biotic attrition. Here, we use natural history collections data to estimate the realized thermal niches of > 2000 plant species from the tropical forests of South America. In accord with the truncation hypothesis, we find that the thermal niches of species from hot lowland areas are several degrees narrower than the thermal niches of species from cooler areas. We estimate rates of biotic attrition for South American tropical forests due to temperature increases ranging from 1 to 5 °C, and under two niche assumptions. The first is that the observed thermal niches truly reflect the plant's tolerances and that the reduction in niche breadth is due to increased specialization. The second is that lowland species have the same mean thermal niche breadth as nonlowland and nonequatorial species. The differences between these two models are dramatic. For example, using observed thermal niches we predict an almost complete loss of plant diversity in most South American tropical forests due to a 5 °C temperature increase, but correcting for possible niche truncation we estimate that most forests will retain > 50–70% of their current species richness. The different predictions highlight the importance of using fundamental vs. realized niches in predicting the responses of species to global climate change.  相似文献   

In some turtle species, temperature selection may be influenced by environmental conditions, including acclimation temperature and substrate quality. These factors may be particularly important for softshell turtles that are highly aquatic and often thermoregulate by burying in the substrate in shallow water microhabitats. We tested for effects of acclimation temperature (22 °C or 27 °C) and substrate type (sand or gravel) on the selected temperature and movement patterns of 20 juvenile spiny softhshell turtles (Apalone spinifera; Reptilia: Trionychidae) in an aquatic thermal gradient of 14–34 °C. Among 7–11 month old juvenile softshell turtles, acclimation temperature and substrate type did not influence temperature selection, nor alter activity and movement patterns. During thermal gradient tests, both 22- and 27 °C-acclimated turtles selected the warmest temperature (34 °C) available most frequently, regardless of substrate type (sand or gravel). Similarly, acclimation temperature and substrate type did not influence movement patterns of turtles, nor the number of chambers used in the gradient tests. These results suggest that juvenile Apalone spinifera are capable of detecting small temperature increments and prefer warm temperatures that may positively influence growth and metabolism, and that thermal factors more significantly influence aquatic thermoregulation in this species than does substrate type.  相似文献   

High temperatures (e.g., fever) and gut microbiota can both influence host resistance to infection. However, effects of temperature-driven changes in gut microbiota on resistance to parasites remain unexplored. We examined the temperature dependence of infection and gut bacterial communities in bumble bees infected with the trypanosomatid parasite Crithidia bombi. Infection intensity decreased by over 80% between 21 and 37°C. Temperatures of peak infection were lower than predicted based on parasite growth in vitro, consistent with mismatches in thermal performance curves of hosts, parasites and gut symbionts. Gut bacterial community size and composition exhibited slight but significant, non-linear, and taxon-specific responses to temperature. Abundance of total gut bacteria and of Orbaceae, both negatively correlated with infection in previous studies, were positively correlated with infection here. Prevalence of the bee pathogen-containing family Enterobacteriaceae declined with temperature, suggesting that high temperature may confer protection against diverse gut pathogens. Our results indicate that resistance to infection reflects not only the temperature dependence of host and parasite performance, but also temperature-dependent activity of gut bacteria. The thermal ecology of gut parasite-symbiont interactions may be broadly relevant to infectious disease, both in ectothermic organisms that inhabit changing climates, and in endotherms that exhibit fever-based immunity.  相似文献   

Groups of replicated lines of the bacterium Escherichia coli were propagated for 2,000 generations at constant 32, 37, or 42°C, or in an environment that alternated between 32 and 42°C. Here, we examine the performance of each group across a temperature range of 12-44°C measuring the temperatures over which each line can maintain itself in serial dilution culture (the thermal niche). Thermal niche was not affected by selection history: average lower and upper limits remained about 19 and 42°C for all groups. In addition, no significant differences among groups were observed in rate of extinction at more extreme temperatures. Within the thermal niche, we measured the mean fitness of the evolved groups relative to their common ancestor. Increases in mean fitness were temperature specific, with the largest increase for each group occurring near its selected temperature. Thus, the temperature at which mean fitness relative to the ancestor was greatest (the thermal optimum) diverged by about 10°C for the groups selected at constant 32°C versus constant 42°C. Tradeoffs in relative fitness (decrements relative to the ancestor elsewhere within the thermal niche) did not necessarily accompany fitness improvements, although tradeoffs were observed for a few of the lines. We conclude that adaptation in this system was quite temperature specific, but substantial divergence among groups in thermal optima had little effect on the limits of their thermal niches and did not necessarily involve tradeoffs in fitness at other temperatures.  相似文献   

The distributional limits of many ectothermic species are set by thermal tolerances of early‐developmental stages in the life history; embryos and larvae often are less able to buffer environmental variation than are conspecific adults. In pond‐breeding amphibians, for example, cold water may constrain viability of eggs and larvae, even if adults can find suitable thermal conditions in terrestrial niches. Invasive species provide robust model systems for exploring these questions, because we can quantify thermal challenges at the expanding range edge (from field surveys) and larval responses to thermal conditions (in the laboratory). Our studies on invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) at the southern (cool‐climate) edge of their expanding range in Australia show that available ponds often average around 20°C during the breeding period, 10°C lower than in many areas of the toads’ native range, or in the Australian tropics. Our laboratory experiments showed that cane toad eggs and larvae cannot develop successfully at 16°C, but hatching success and larval survival rates were higher at 20°C than in warmer conditions. Lower temperatures slowed growth rates, increasing the duration of tadpole life, but also increased metamorph body mass. Water temperature also influenced metamorph body shape (high temperatures reduced relative limb length, head width, and body mass) and locomotor performance (increased speed from intermediate temperatures, longer hops from high temperatures). In combination with previous studies, our data suggest that lower water temperatures may enhance rather than reduce recruitment of cane toads, at least in areas where pond temperatures reach or exceed 20°C. That condition is fulfilled over a wide area of southern Australia, suggesting that the continuing expansion of this invasive species is unlikely to be curtailed by the impacts of relatively low water temperatures on the viability of early life‐history stages.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate warming depend on the degree to which plants are constrained by adaptation to their climate‐of‐origin or exhibit broad climatic suitability. We grew cool‐origin, central and warm‐origin provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis in an array of common temperature environments from 18 to 35.5°C to determine if this widely distributed tree species consists of geographically contrasting provenances with differentiated and narrow thermal niches, or if provenances share a common thermal niche. The temperature responses of photosynthesis, respiration, and growth were equivalent across the three provenances, reflecting a common thermal niche despite a 2,200 km geographic distance and 13°C difference in mean annual temperature at seed origin. The temperature dependence of growth was primarily mediated by changes in leaf area per unit plant mass, photosynthesis, and whole‐plant respiration. Thermal acclimation of leaf, stem, and root respiration moderated the increase in respiration with temperature, but acclimation was constrained at high temperatures. We conclude that this species consists of provenances that are not differentiated in their thermal responses, thus rejecting our hypothesis of adaptation to climate‐of‐origin and suggesting a shared thermal niche. In addition, growth declines with warming above the temperature optima were driven by reductions in whole‐plant leaf area and increased respiratory carbon losses. The impacts of climate warming will nonetheless vary across the geographic range of this and other such species, depending primarily on each provenance's climate position on the temperature response curves for photosynthesis, respiration, and growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of in vitro growth of bacterial isolates of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum and Dickeya solani and their pathogenicity was investigated in tubers of two potato cultivars at four temperatures ranging from 18°C to 30°C. The rate of in vitro growth was highly positively correlated with the number of rotted tubers (r ranged from 0.91 to 0.93) and with the weight of macerated potato tissue, which, however, was only found for P. carotovorum and D. solani (r = 0.76; r = 0.91, respectively) and not for P. atrosepticum. The weight of macerated tissue increased with the temperature, but significant differences between species of bacteria were observed only at 26°C and above, at which temperatures D. solani was the most aggressive, followed by P. carotovorum and P. atrosepticum. Almost all potato tubers inoculated with bacteria showed symptoms of soft rot at 26°C and 30°C, but the number of rotting tubers at lower temperatures (22°C and 18°C) decreased significantly. The lowest disease incidence, 11% of tubers with symptoms, was observed for the D. solani and cultivar Sonda at 18°C, what was also confirmed in a separate experiment with tubers from four potato cultivars inoculated with the highly aggressive isolate of D. solani. At temperatures from 18°C to 30°C, the differences in disease severity between potato cultivars with various resistance to bacteria increased in line with temperature, while the differences in disease incidence decreased.  相似文献   

When fed ad libitum (AL), ectothermic animals usually grow faster and have higher metabolic rate at higher ambient temperature. However, if food supply is limited, there is an energy tradeoff between growth and metabolism. Here we hypothesize that for ectothermic animals under food restriction (FR), high temperature will lead to a high metabolic rate, but growth will slow down to compensate for the high metabolism. We measure the rates of growth and metabolism of 4 cohorts of 5th instar hornworms (Manduca sexta larvae) reared at 2 levels of food supply (AL and FR) and 2 temperatures (20 and 30 °C). Our results show that, compared to the cohorts reared at 20 °C, the ones reared at 30 °C have high metabolic rates under both AL and FR conditions, but a high growth rate under AL and a low growth rate under FR, supporting this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Understanding how climate change will affect regeneration from seeds is important for developing conservation strategies. We evaluated seed germination requirements for sympatric species of Xyris from montane rupestrian grasslands (campo rupestre) in Brazil to determine their thermal niche and thermal requirements for seed germination. We also assessed whether projected temperature increases would affect seed germination of the species. Seed germination was evaluated at a wide range of constant temperatures (10–40°C) under light (12-hr photoperiod) and dark conditions. Base temperatures (Tb) and thermal times for 50% germination (θ50) were calculated for three species. The effects of projected mean temperature increase on seed germination percentage and timing were evaluated. All species revealed an absolute light requirement for germination. Thermal germination niche breadth was greatest for X. asperula (15 to 35°C) and narrowest for X. seubertii (20 and 25°C). Base temperatures for X. asperula, X. pilosa and X. trachyphylla were 9.0, 12.8 and 11.1°C, respectively. In the scenario with the highest temperature increase (A2), the greatest reductions in seed germination are observed for X. pilosa and X. seubertii. The lowest projected temperature increase (2°C) was sufficient to decrease by 1 day the germination time of X. asperula and X. pilosa. Species of Xyris do not present a pattern for thermal germination niche and thermal requirements values, indicating that the effects of climate warming on the regeneration of these seeds will probably vary among species.  相似文献   

The thermal response of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus and shovelnose sturgeon S. platorynchus embryos was determined at incubation temperatures from 8 to 26°C and 8 to 28°C, respectively. The upper and lower temperatures with 100% (LT100) embryo mortality were 8 and 26°C for pallid sturgeon and 8 and 28°C for shovelnose sturgeon. It was concluded that 12–24°C is the approximate thermal niche for embryos of both species. Generalized additive and additive‐mixed models were used to analyze survival, developmental rate and dry weight data, and predict an optimal temperature for embryo incubation. Pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon embryo survival rates were different in intermediate and extreme temperatures. The estimated optimal temperature for embryo survival was 17–18°C for both species. A significant interaction between rate of development and temperature was found in each species. No evidence was found for a difference in timing of blastopore, neural tube closure, or formation of an S‐shaped heart between species at similar temperatures. The estimated effects of temperature on developmental rate ranged from linear to exponential shapes. The relationship for rate of development to temperature was relatively linear from 12°C to 20°C and increasingly curvilinear at temperatures exceeding 20°C, suggesting an optimal temperature near 20°C. Though significant differences in mean dry weights between species were observed, both predicted maximum weights occurred at approximately 18°C, suggesting a temperature optimum near 18°C for metabolic processes. Using thermal optimums and tolerances of embryos as a proxy to estimate spawning distributions of adults in a river with a naturally vernalized thermal regime, it is predicted that pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon spawn in the wild from 12°C to 24°C, with mass spawning likely occurring from 16°C to 20°C and with fewer individuals spawning from 12 to 15°C and 21 to 24°C. Hypolimnetic releases from Missouri River dams were examined; it was concluded that the cooler water has the potential to inhibit and delay sturgeon spawning and impede embryo incubation in areas downstream of the dams. Further investigations into this area, including potential mitigative solutions, are warranted.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation is critical to the survival of animals. Tropical environments can be particularly thermally challenging as they reach very high, even lethal, temperatures. The thermoregulatory responses of tropical freshwater turtles to these challenges are poorly known. One common thermoregulatory behaviour is diurnal basking, which, for many species, facilitates heat gain. Recently, however, a north-eastern Australian population of Krefft's river turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii) has been observed basking nocturnally, possibly to allow cooling. To test this, we determined the thermal preference (central 50% of temperatures selected) of E. m. krefftii in an aquatic thermal gradient in the laboratory. We then conducted a manipulative experiment to test the effects of water temperatures, both lower and higher than preferred temperature, on diurnal and nocturnal basking. The preferred temperature range fell between 25.3°C (±SD: 1.5) and 27.6°C (±1.4) during the day, and 25.3°C (±2.4) and 26.8°C (±2.5) at night. Based on this, we exposed turtles to three 24 h water temperature treatments (‘cool’ [23°C], ‘preferred’ [26°C] and ‘warm’ [29°C]) while air temperature remained constant at 26°C. Turtles basked more frequently and for longer periods during both the day and night when water temperatures were above their preferred range (the ‘warm’ treatment). This population frequently encounters aquatic temperatures above the preferred thermal range, and our results support the hypothesis that nocturnal basking is a mechanism for escaping unfavourably warm water. Targeted field studies would be a valuable next step in understanding the seasonal scope of this behaviour in a natural environment.  相似文献   

The western Antarctic Peninsula is an extreme low temperature environment that is warming rapidly due to global change. Little is known, however, on the temperature sensitivity of growth of microbial communities in Antarctic soils and in the surrounding oceanic waters. This is the first study that directly compares temperature adaptation of adjacent marine and terrestrial bacteria in a polar environment. The bacterial communities in the ocean were adapted to lower temperatures than those from nearby soil, with cardinal temperatures for growth in the ocean being the lowest so far reported for microbial communities. This was reflected in lower minimum (Tmin) and optimum temperatures (Topt) for growth in water (?17 and +20°C, respectively) than in soil (?11 and +27°C), with lower sensitivity to changes in temperature (Q10; 0–10°C interval) in Antarctic water (2.7) than in soil (3.9). This is likely due to the more stable low temperature conditions of Antarctic waters than soils, and the fact that maximum in situ temperatures in water are lower than in soils, at least in summer. Importantly, the thermally stable environment of Antarctic marine water makes it feasible to create a single temperature response curve for bacterial communities. This would thus allow for calculations of temperature‐corrected growth rates, and thereby quantifying the influence of factors other than temperature on observed growth rates, as well as predicting the effects of future temperature increases on Antarctic marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Explosives used in mining, such as ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO), can cause eutrophication of the surrounding environment by leakage of ammonium and nitrate from undetonated material that is not properly treated. Cold temperatures in mines affect nitrogen removal from water when such nutrients are treated with bioreactors in situ. In this study we identified bacteria in the bioreactors and studied the effect of temperature on the bacterial community. The bioreactors consisted of sequential nitrification and denitrification units running at either 5 or 10°C. One nitrification bioreactor running at 5°C was fed with salt spiked water. From the nitrification bioreactors, sequences from both ammonia‐ and nitrite‐oxidizing bacteria were identified, but the species were distinct at different temperatures. The main nitrifiers in the lower temperature were closely related to the genera Nitrosospira and Candidatus Nitrotoga. 16S rRNA gene sequences closely related to halotolerant Nitrosomonas eutropha were found only from the salt spiked nitrification bioreactor. At 10°C the genera Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira were the abundant nitrifiers. The results showed that bacterial species richness estimates were low, <150 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), in all bioreactor clone libraries, when sequences were assigned to operational taxonomic units at an evolutionary distance of 0.03. The only exception was the nitrification bioreactor running at 10°C where species richness was higher, >300 OTUs. Species richness was lower in bioreactors running at 5°C compared to those operating at 10°C. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2876–2883. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Temperature influences the geographic range, physiology, and behavior of many ectothermic species, including the invasive lionfish Pterois sp. Thermal parameters were experimentally determined for wild-caught lionfish at different acclimation temperatures (13, 20, 25 and 32 °C). Preferences and avoidance were evaluated using a videographic shuttlebox system, while critical thermal methodology evaluated tolerance. The lionfish thermal niche was compared experimentally to two co-occurring reef fishes (graysby Cephalopholis cruentata and schoolmaster Lutjanus apodus) also acclimated to 25 °C. The physiologically optimal temperature for lionfish is likely 28.7 ± 1 °C. Lionfish behavioral thermoregulation was generally linked to acclimation history; tolerance and avoidance increased significantly at higher acclimation temperatures, but final preference did not. The tolerance polygon of lionfish shows a strong correlation between thermal limits and acclimation temperature, with the highest CTmax at 39.5 °C and the lowest CTmin at 9.5 °C. The tolerance range of invasive lionfish (24.61 °C) is narrower than those of native graysby (25.25 °C) and schoolmaster (26.87 °C), mostly because of lower thermal maxima in the former. Results show that lionfish display “acquired” thermal tolerance at higher and lower acclimation temperatures, but are no more eurythermal than other tropical fishes. Collectively, these results suggest that while lionfish range expansion in the western Atlantic is likely over the next century from rising winter sea temperatures due to climate change, the magnitude of poleward radiation of this invasive species is limited and will likely be equivalent to native tropical and subtropical fishes with similar thermal minima.  相似文献   

Embryonic temperature influenced subsequent growth in juvenile snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina: incubation temperatures of 24 and 26.5°C enhanced growth relative to a temperature of 29°C. Although embryonic temperature normally determines gonadal sex in this species, experimental manipulations revealed that temperature effects on growth were independent of sex. Ambient temperature also affected growth: juvenile turtles grew slowly in a cool (19°C) versus a warm (28°C) environment. In a parallel experiment, turtles from different embryonic temperatures displayed different patterns of temperature choice in response to nutritional status or time of day. We tentatively conclude that embryonic temperature has both direct and indirect (i.e., through temperature choice) effects on growth in snapping turtles.  相似文献   

Three species of Arctic to cold-temperate amphi-Atlantic algae, all occurring also in the North Pacific, were tested for growth and/or survival at temperatures of −20 to 30°C. When isolates from both western and eastern Atlantic shores were tested side-by-side, it was found that thermal ecotypes may occur in such Arctic algae.Chaetomorpha melagonium was the most eurythermal of the 3 species. Isolates of this alga were alike in temperature tolerance and growth rate but Icelandic plants were more sensitive to the lethal temperature of 25°C than were more southerly isolates from both east and west. With regard toDevaleraea ramentacea, one Canadian isolate grew extraordinarily well at −2 and 0°C, and all tolerated temperatures 2–3°C higher than the lethal limit (18–20°C) of isolates from Europe. ConcerningPhycodrys rubens, both eastern and western isolates died at 20°C but European plants tolerated the lethal high temperature longer, were more sensitive to freezing, and attained more rapid growth at optimal temperatures. The intertidal species,C. melagonium andD. ramentacea, both survived freezing at −5 and −20°C, at least for short time periods.C. melagonium was more susceptible thanD. ramentacea to desiccation. Patterns of thermal tolerance may provide insight into the evolutionary history of seaweed species.  相似文献   

The thermal niche of a species is one of the main determinants of its ecology and biogeography. In this study, we determined the thermal niche of 23 species of Neotropical nectar‐feeding bats of the subfamily Glossophaginae (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). We calculated their thermal niches using temperature data obtained from collection records, by generating a distribution curve of the maximum and minimum temperatures per locality, and using the inflection points of the temperature distributions to estimate the species optimal (STZ) and suboptimal (SRZ) zones of the thermal niche. Additionally, by mapping the values of the STZ and SRZ on a phylogeny of the group, we generated a hypothesis of the evolution of the thermal niches of this clade of nectar‐feeding bats. Finally, we used the characteristics of their thermal niches to predict the responses of these organisms to climate change. We found a large variation in the width and limits of the thermal niches of nectar‐feeding bats. Additionally, while the upper limits of the thermal niches varied little among species, their lower limits differ wildly. The ancestral reconstruction of the thermal niche indicated that this group of Neotropical bats evolved under cooler temperatures. The two clades inside the Glossophaginae differ in the evolution of their thermal niches, with most members of the clade Choeronycterines evolving “colder” thermal niches, while the majority of the species in the clade Glossophagines evolving “warmer” thermal niches. By comparing thermal niches with climate change models, we found that all species could be affected by an increase of 1°C in temperature at the end of this century. This suggests that even nocturnal species could suffer important physiological costs from global warming. Our study highlights the value of scientific collections to obtain ecologically significant physiological data for a large number of species.  相似文献   

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