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陆地生态系统氮沉降增加的生态效应   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 人类活动在全球范围内极大地改变着氮素从大气向陆地生态系统输入的方式和速率,人为固定的氮素正在不断积累,并对生态系统的结构和功 能产生显著影响。该文从以下几个方面综述了大气氮沉降增加对陆地生态系统的影响:1)氮输入增加可能影响植物生产力和生态系统碳蓄积能 力,生态系统响应的方向和程度取决于系统的初始氮状况(氮限制或氮饱和)以及当地的植被和土壤特征;2)持续氮输入有可能改变土壤氮循环 过程,降低土壤固持氮的能力,甚至导致土壤酸化、盐基离子损耗,进而影响到土壤有机碳的分解;3)高的氮沉降速率和持续氮输入都可能加 速含氮痕量气体的释放,但其影响程度受生态系统初始状态的影响(例如磷限制和氮限制);4)氮沉降增加会影响生态系统的物种丰富度、植物 群落结构和动态,促进森林扩张,改变菌根真菌的物种多样性;5)持续氮输入带来的植物群落结构和植物生理特征的变化可能影响昆虫取食特 性,进而通过食物链改变生态系统的营养结构;6) 氮沉降增加对生态系统的影响并不是孤立存在的,它与CO2浓度升高和O3浓度变化有协同作 用,但难以从其协同效应中区分出各自的影响。最后,该文总结了我国的氮沉降研究现状,并对今后的研究前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

在体外培养条件下,天花粉蛋白胶体金以受体介导的内吞方式进入滋养层细胞和绒癌细胞,最终进入胞质溶胶附着在核糖体上。经相同处理的肝癌细胞,绿猴肾细胞和正常鼠胚肝细胞,金颗粒既不与这些细胞表面结合,也没有被专一内吞的现象。分别用BSA,转铁蛋白活化的胶体金处理滋养层细胞和绒癌细胞的比较观察,也证明滋养层细胞和绒癌细胞对天花粉蛋白的专一亲和性。更有趣的是:天花粉蛋白肝癌单抗胶体金结合物进入绒癌细胞的方式与天花粉蛋白的结果相同;先以旰癌单抗处理也不影响天花粉蛋白肝癌单抗结合物进入绒癌细胞。然而,对于旰癌细胞,天花粉蛋白肝癌单抗胶体金颗粒则专一地结合在细胞的微绒毛表面,这种结合因先以肝癌单抗处理而明显地被竞争抑制。这些实验结果相互印证地提供天花粉蛋白对滋养层细胞和绒癌细胞高度专一的亲和性,并证明天花粉蛋白对靶细胞的原初损伤部位是核糖体。进一步探讨天花粉蛋白在靶细胞表面结合位点的化学性质以及这种蛋白在靶细胞内的转运机制将是重要的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract— The rate of oxygen consumption has been measured micromanometrically in fresh mouse neuroblastoma cells and in corresponding cells cultivated with and without 20% calf serum known to suppress differentiation. Fresh cells and cells cultivated in the serum depleted medium showed a relatively intense respiration (0.5–1.0 × 10−5μl/h/cell), whereas the proliferating, cultivated cells had a low rate of oxygen uptake (0.2 × 10-5μl/h/cell), provided they did not differentiate morphologically during the 4 h of measurement in the serum-free diver medium. Both morphological and metabolic differentiation of such cells occurs rapidly but may be completely prevented by siliconization of the divers.
An increase of the potassium concentration in the medium to 50 mM had essentially no effect on cultivated, differentiated cells, but led to an abolishment of oxygen uptake by fresh cells. No stimulatory effect of potassium was observed.  相似文献   

选用10d金黄地鼠胚胎,取神经管原代培养。通过形态学观察、MTT自动比色定量检测、神经细胞蛋白总量测定以及NSE免疫细胞化学方法,研究了aFGF对神经上皮细胞发育的影响。结果发现,aFGF可明显促进突起生长,增加神经细胞存活数,提高线粒体酶的活性,增加神经细胞蛋白总量,诱导细胞分化。上述结果表明,aFGF具有支持原代培养的鼠胚神经上皮细胞的存活、突起生长、诱导细胞分化的作用  相似文献   

用膜片箝技术的细胞贴附式 (cell-attached)观察O2.-对大鼠肝卵圆细胞株WB -F344K 通道活动的影响 ,结果发现 :1)在细胞处于静息状态时 ,在箝制电压为0mV ,每10mV阶跃 ,测试电压分别达±120mV范围内未记录到通道活动。此时 ,小剂量O2.- 也不能激活WB细胞的通道活动。在细胞外液中加入20mmol/LCaCl2 后通道开启 ,记录到小振幅的通道活动 ,它们的电导是9.48±0.93ps(n=4)。此时再用O2.-作用于细胞 ,通道被激活 ,通道电导增大 ,在正测试电压时为15.74±5.46ps(n=8) ,在负测试电压时为48.32±8.67ps(n=6)。通道活动具有外向整流特性。2)胞外加入4 -AP可抑制该通道的活动 ,而SNP则可增强通道的活动。  相似文献   

The growth rate of Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. is dependent on inorganic nitrogen in culture. Growth rates were saturated between 5 and 10 μmol · L?1 nitrate. The activities of ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase also varied with the concentration of inorganic nitrogen in the medium. All enzyme activities were lowest at 2.5 μmol · L?1 nitrate (the lowest concentration used) increasing to a maximum activity between 10 and 30 μmol · L?1 nitrate. Most enzyme activities followed a hyperbolic curve resembling those described by the Michaelis-Menten equation, with different half-saturation constants.  相似文献   

氮素水平对花生氮素代谢及相关酶活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
 在大田高产条件下研究了氮素水平对花生(Arachis hypogaea)可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸含量及氮代谢相关酶活性的影响, 结果表明, 适当提高氮素水平既能增加花生各器官中可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸的含量, 又能提高硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶等氮素同化酶的活性, 使其达到同步增加; 氮素水平过高虽能提高硝酸还原酶和籽仁蛋白质含量, 但谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性下降; N素施肥水平不改变花生植株各器官中可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸含量以及硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶活性的变化趋势, 但适量施N (A2和A3处理)使花生各营养器官中GS、GDH活性提高; 氮素水平对花生各叶片和籽仁中GS、GDH活性的高低影响较大, 但对茎和根中GDH活性大小的影响较小。  相似文献   

寡糖素对红花及三七培养细胞的生理作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三种寡糖素,即来自人参(Panax ginseng)培养细胞的人参寡糖素、红花(Carthamus tinctorius)培养细胞的红花寡糖素、黑节草(Dendrobium candidum)植物的黑节草寡糖素对红花及三七(Panax notoginseng)的培养细胞的生长及代谢产物的含量均有显著的促进作用。寡糖素可耐高温高压(121℃、.bs/cm^2)灭菌15分钟而不失活,其对植物培养细胞的  相似文献   

真菌诱导子对悬浮培养西洋参细胞的生理效应   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
报道了不同真菌诱导子对悬浮培养的西洋参(Panaxquinquefolium)细胞生长、皂甙和多糖合成,以及细胞内和培养液中过氧化物酶活性的生理效应。悬浮培养的西洋参细胞经刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichumnicoltianae)丝体诱导子处理后,总皂甙产率可由对照的296mg/L增加到679mg/L(约占细胞干重的(16.3%),比对照提高约1.3倍,而且总皂甙的85%排放在培养液中;经黑曲霉(Aspergillusnigran)诱导子处理后,细胞多糖含量可达到11.79%(细胞干重),比对照增加1倍多。初步纯化的刺盘孢菌丝体诱导子和尖孢镰刀菌(Fusuriumoxysporum)滤液诱导子在诱导处理前期能明显促进西洋参细胞生长,同时细胞内及培养液中过氧化物酶活性显著增加;随时间延长,细胞生长和酶活性逐步受到抑制。  相似文献   

将牛的卵母细胞置于添加有不同预处理颗粒细胞及含有卵泡液的培养液或不舍有卵泡液的培养液中进行体外成熟、受精及胚胎发育培养,研究了颗粒细胞、卵泡液及颗粒细胞与卵泡液交互作用对牛卵母细胞成熟、受精后卵裂率、囊胚率的影响。2178枚卵母细胞体外成熟受精后胚胎发育的对比观察结果表明:颗粒细胞、卵泡液及颗粒细胞与卵泡液交互作用对卵母细胞成熟受精后胚胎的卵裂具有显著影响(P〈0.05);颗粒细胞对囊胚的发育有显著影响(P〈0.05);卵泡液及颗粒细胞与卵泡液交互作用对囊胚的发育无显著影响(P〉0.05)。不同因素对卵裂率、囊胚率的影响表现为:颗粒细胞因素〉培养液因素〉培养液×颗粒细胞交互作用。结论:TCM199培养液中添加卵泡液和单层颗粒细胞组成的培养系统用于牛卵母细胞体外成熟及胚胎发育的效果较好。共培养体系中的单层颗粒细胞用经酶消化分散处理后在培养箱中孵育10min的颗粒细胞替代时,胚胎的发育效果并不受影响。  相似文献   

Neural retinal cells of 3.5-day-old quail embryos were cultured as a monolayer to examine their potentials for differentiation in vitro. The "foreign" differentiation into lentoid and pigment cells was much affected by the choice of medium (Eagle's MEM and Ham's F–12); in Eagle's MEM, neural retinal cells differentiated extensively into lentoid bodies and pigment cells, as previously reported in cultures of chick neural retinal cells, while in Ham's F–12, though the cells proliferated as well as in Eagle's MEM, the "foreign" differentiation is inhibited. When primary cultures were transferred to secondary cultures, the occurrence of "foreign" differentiation did not depend on the medium used for the primary culturing, but wholly on the medium used for secondary cultures. This difference in differentiation in two different media was quantitatively substantiated by measuring the amounts of α-, δ-crystallins and melanins of cultured cells.  相似文献   

Aspects of the carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism of Acerpseudcplatanus, L cell suspension cultures grown on a syntheticmedium containing 2 per cent glucose and 1.0 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid and kinetin either at 0.25 mg/l (low kinetin) or at 2.5mg/l (high kinetin) are described. High kinetin inhibits growthas measured by increase in cell number, packed-cell volume,and cell dry weight. Although not inhibitory to glucose utdization,high kinetin inhibits the O2 uptake of the cells. Such cellscontain only a trace amount of fructose and their rate of O2uptake can be raised to that of the low kinetin cells by a periodof fructose feeding. The O2 uptake of both kinds of cell issensitive to malonate but the stimulation of O2 uptake inducedby bis(hexafiuoroacetonyl)-acetone (‘1799’) at 0.2mM is much less with the high-kinetin than the low-kinetin cells.The enzymes phosphoglucoseiseomerase and glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase are much less active in the high-kinetin cells.Mitochondria isolated from both kinds of cells show good respiratorycontrol although slightly lower values for QO2(N), ADP/O ratioand control ratio are recorded with mitochondria from the highkinetin cells. Kinetin at 2.5 mg/l slightly reduces the ADP/Oratio of isolated mitochondria but at 4.0 mg/l their responseto ADP is completely suppressed. Extracellular hemicelluloseformed in presence of high kinetin has a reduced content ofgalactose and xylose and an increased content of glucose. Theseobservations indicate that the inhibition of respiration byhigh kinetin is mainly due to suppression of glucose conversionto other sugars rather than to inhibition of glycolysis or terminalrespiration. High kinetin decreases the rate of protein but not of amino-acidsynthesis. Suppression of the synthesis of particular proteinsmay be an important factor responsible for the reduced cellyield of the cultures in presence of high kinetin. The significanceof these observations to our understanding of the critical metaboliceffects of cytokinina is discussed. Acer pseudoplatanus cells release amino acids into their culturemedium early in the period of batch culture and largely reabsorbthem as incubation proceeds.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the mitochondria of the cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals was studied. In vivo it was found that the zona fasciculata mitochondria have vesicular internal structure. 600-A vesicles appear free in the matrix or as protrusions of the inner mitochondrial membrane. In tissue cultures of the fetal and newborn rat adrenal cortex it was seen that ACTH induces transformation of the tubulo-vesicular internal structure of the mitochondria to 600-A vesicles. Actinomycin D and puromycin inhibited this transformation if they were added with ACTH. When added alone, these inhibitors of protein synthesis induced no change in the ultrastructure of the mitochondria in cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals.  相似文献   

氮磷对污水净化中藻类群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内模拟生物净化槽中比较研究了氮,磷对污水净化藻类群落结构和污水净化效果的影响。其结果TN/TP=44.7/7.01mg/L组,藻类种类多样性最高,净生产力最高,污水净化效果也最佳。  相似文献   

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