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Golden galaxias Galaxias auratus (31–235 mm fork length, L F) were collected monthly from littoral habitats in Lakes Crescent and Sorell, Tasmania, Australia, between July 2000 and December 2002. Spawning habitats were identified and monitored in both lakes, and surveyed in Lake Crescent. Trends in gonado-somatic indices and reproductive stages of development indicated that gonad development in both sexes begins in midsummer and peaks in late autumn to early winter. Males mature at smaller sizes (50% at 52 mm L F) than females (50% at 76 mm L F), larger individuals are predominately females (95% of fish ≥138 mm L F), and overall male to female ratios are female biased ( c . 1:2). Spawning occurs late autumn to early spring (water temperatures = 1·4–9·7° C) with peaks in spawning activity in winter (mean water temperatures <5° C). Demersal adhesive eggs ( c. 1·5 mm diameter) were found on cobble substrata ( c. 20–250 mm diameter) in littoral areas ( c. 0·2–0·6 m deep) and fecundity of fish 71–181 mm L F ranged from 619 to 14 478 eggs. The rate of change in water level over the 20 days prior to monthly sampling was important in explaining the occurrence of spent fish and this accounted for temporal differences in spawning between the populations. Lake hydrology influences the reproductive cycle of G. auratus by possibly providing a stimulus for spawning and it controls the availability of spawning habitat in Lake Crescent. Seasonal hydrological cycles ( i.e. rises during late autumn to winter) and a minimum water level of 802·20 m Australian Height Datum in Lake Crescent during autumn (above which littoral areas of cobble substratum are inundated) are critical to G. auratus populations.  相似文献   

The littoral zone of small off-stream water storage containing a translocated population of Galaxias auratus was sampled fortnightly at day and night with fyke nets, electrofishing and snorkelling over 3 months. Variation in population data provided by each method, including relative abundance indices, size structure, and habitat preferences, were examined. Aspects of behaviour and activity patterns were also investigated. Night sampling using all methods consistently yielded larger catches than day sampling. The size structure of catches varied, with electrofishing at night and fyke netting during the day having higher proportions of juveniles, whilst snorkelling at night and electrofishing during the day had higher proportions of adults. Fyke netting at night yielded by far the largest catches (~3-fold more than other methods) and also captured balanced proportions of juveniles and adults. Galaxias auratus had a strong diel activity pattern and were most active at night. The majority of the population migrated into the littoral zone during the night and back into deeper water during the day. A small number of juveniles remained in the littoral zone and some adults sheltered in the dense cover of species-rich littoral vegetation during the day. Shores with shallow depth profiles appeared to be preferred due to higher catches in these areas using all methods. Based on the results of this study, fyke netting at night in littoral habitats is recommended for monitoring populations of G. auratus. Fyke netting is likely to be an effective method for monitoring other lacustrine galaxiid species; however, further work is required to investigate the effects of habitat variables and fish community structure on activity patterns of galaxiids, and hence their catchability with various methods, in more extensive lentic environments.  相似文献   

Synopsis A comparison of a suite of morphometric measurements and meristic counts of individuals of two landlocked lacustrine and two diadromous riverine populations of Galaxias truttaceus was carried out utilising both univariate and canonical variate analyses. Lacustrine fish had fewer dorsal and anal fin rays than did riverine fish. Differences were not as clear for gill rakers and vertebrae. Comparisons of serial counts were made with two derived lacustrine species, G. auratus and G. tanycephalus, also from Tasmania. Lacustrine G. truttaceus varied in the same direction as the derived species, relative to riverine G. truttaceus. From an analysis of 12 body measurements, the first canonical variate clearly separated lacustrine fish from riverine fish largely based on measurements associated with fins (pre-anal fin length, length of anal base, pre-dorsal fin length, maximum length of dorsal fin and inter-orbital width). An overall value for the correct classification of fish into groups based on locality was 84%. The percentage of fish classified into the wrong habitat (lake or stream) was much less than the percentage classified between localities within habitats. Overall morphological variation was greater between than within habitats. It is suggested that the differences in water movement and food type may in part account for the differences shown and that selective pressures peculiar to the lacustrine environment may be causing the lake populations to diverge from the riverine populations.  相似文献   

We examined genetic differentiation among 23 samples of non-migratory river galaxias from 17 streams in the Taieri River system, South Island, New Zealand. Four major genetic types were found, two of which occur in narrow sympatry in one location. These were compared with topotypical material representing Galaxias anomalus from the Clutha system (Otago) and G. vulgaris from the Waimakariri system (Canterbury) in order to establish identity. Morphological examination of these four major genetic types revealed consistent concomitant differences. The results suggest that there are at least three species of river galaxias in the Taieri system: G. anomalus, G. vulgaris and at least one previously undescribed species. We propose that the genetic structuring and subsequent speciation of this group has been promoted by the absence of the marine juvenile phase that is found in five other members of the genus native to New Zealand. This structuring may be exacerbated by population fragmentation over the last century owing to the negative influence of introduced trout. The phylogenetic diversity within the river system mirrors the diverse flora and invertebrate fauna of the region, and has conservation implications that parallel those resulting from our improved knowledge of the New Zealand herpetofauna through the application of genetic analysis.  相似文献   

The size and age composition, growth and diet of the western minnow, Galaxias occidentalis, in the southern branch of the Collie River in south-western Australia were determined from samples collected at approximately monthly intervals between January 1984 and December 1986. The prominent, narrow hyaline zone on otoliths was shown to be formed annually and thus valid for ageing these fish. An examination of the otoliths of 4711 fish indicated that 69.2 and 26.8% of the fish caught belonged to the 0 + and I + age classes, respectively. While the vast majority of the remaining fish represented the II + age class, a few III + and IV + and one V + fish were also recorded. Growth was seasonal, being greatest in spring and autumn and effectively ceasing in winter. Females began to grow faster than males during their first autumn of life. The respective mean lengths of males and females were 70 and 75 mm at the end of the first year and 90 and 100 mm at the end of the second year. The largest fish caught was a III + female measuring 163 mm and weighing 32.0 g. The respective von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters for L, K and t0 were 109, 0.758 and - 0.338 for males, and 124, 0.762 and - 0.223 for females. Although the diet of G. occidentalis was always dominated by small terrestrial fauna, and particularly insects, conspicuous seasonal differences were found between the more important of the other components. Data on body size, growth and diet of G. occidentalis are compared with those recorded for other galaxiids.  相似文献   

The salinity tolerance and osmoregulatory ability of Galaxias maculatus were investigated. In the field this species has been recorded from salinities of less than 1‰ to 49‰. In the laboratory, upper L.D.50 salinity values of 62‰ after gradual acclimation and 45‰ after direct transfer were established. Within the salinity range of its field occurrence the species is a powerful osmoregulator, being able both to hypo- and hyper-osmoregulate.  相似文献   

Synopsis Galaxias maculatus and Odontesthes microlepidotus undertook significant habitat shifts in a small Araucanian lake during their early life history. After hatching in the littoral zone, free embryos migrate to the limnetic zone. Later, larvae return to the littoral. A third movement, littoral-limnetic, is suggested through acoustic records of fish in the limnetic zone which correspond with the growth curve of littoral sampled juveniles.  相似文献   

Rocio virus (ROCV) is an encephalitic flavivirus endemic to Brazil. Experimental flavivirus infections have previously demonstrated a persistent infection and, in this study, we investigated the persistence of ROCV infection in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The hamsters were infected intraperitoneally with 9.8 LD50/0.02 mL of ROCV and later anaesthetised and sacrificed at various time points over a 120-day period to collect of blood, urine and organ samples. The viral titres were quantified by real-time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The specimens were used to infect Vero cells and ROCV antigens in the cells were detected by immunefluorescence assay. The levels of antibodies were determined by the haemagglutination inhibition technique. A histopathological examination was performed on the tissues by staining with haematoxylin-eosin and detecting viral antigens by immunohistochemistry (IHC). ROCV induced a strong immune response and was pathogenic in hamsters through neuroinvasion. ROCV was recovered from Vero cells exposed to samples from the viscera, brain, blood, serum and urine and was detected by qRT-PCR in the brain, liver and blood for three months after infection. ROCV induced histopathological changes and the expression of viral antigens, which were detected by IHC in the liver, kidney, lung and brain up to four months after infection. These findings show that ROCV is pathogenic to golden hamsters and has the capacity to cause persistent infection in animals after intraperitoneal infection.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers (five tetra‐, one compound tetra‐, one octa‐ and three dinucleotides) were isolated and characterized for Galaxias maculatus, a fish species widely distributed in the Southern Hemisphere. Markers were tested in 89 individual samples from a single location and the number of alleles ranged between 2 and 28. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.103 to 0.910 and 0.098 to 0.935 respectively. No evidence was detected for either linkage disequilibrium (P‐values > 0.05 for each locus pair) or deviations from HWE (P‐values > 0.05 for every loci).  相似文献   

The infection of Myxobolus galaxii Szidat, 1953, from the musculature and abdominal organs of northwestern Patagonian Galaxias maculatus is described. Plasmodia are histozoic and intercellular. Spores are pyriform in valvar view and biconvex in sutural view, with 4-9 edge notches in the sutural line, varying in shape within the same plasmodium. Myxobolus galaxii was detected in fish from 7 of 17 Andean Patagonian lakes, with prevalences ranging between 2 and 17%. A repeating pattern of summer increment in prevalence was observed, which could be explained by the ontogenetic migratory movements of the fish in Lake Gutiérrez. Also, accumulation of plasmodia through the life span of fish was detected.  相似文献   

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