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The hypothesis that the gramicidin A channel stability depends on the level of ion occupancy of the channel was used to derive a mathematical model relating channel lifetime to channel occupancy. Eyring barrier permeation models were examined for their ability to fit the zero-voltage conductance, current-voltage, as well as lifetime data. The simplest permeation model required to explain the major features of the experimental data consists of three barriers and four sites (3B4S) with a maximum of two ions occupying the channel. The average lifetime of the channel was calculated from the barrier model by assuming the closing rate constant to be proportional to the probability of the internal channel sites being empty. The link between permeation and lifetime has as its single parameter the experimentally determined averaged lifetime of gramicidin A channels in the limit of infinitely dilute solutions and has therefore no adjustable parameters. This simple assumption that one or more ions inside the channel completely stabilize the dimer conformation is successful in explaining the experimental data considering the fact that this model for stabilization is independent of ion species and configurational occupancy. The model is used to examine, by comparison with experimental data, the asymmetrical voltage dependence of the lifetime in asymmetrical solutions, the effects of blockers, and the effects of elevated osmotic pressure. 相似文献
A hierarchical computational strategy combining molecular modeling, electrostatics calculations, molecular dynamics, and Brownian dynamics simulations is developed and implemented to compute electrophysiologically measurable properties of the KcsA potassium channel. Models for a series of channels with different pore sizes are developed from the known x-ray structure, using insights into the gating conformational changes as suggested by a variety of published experiments. Information on the pH dependence of the channel gating is incorporated into the calculation of potential profiles for K(+) ions inside the channel, which are then combined with K(+) ion mobilities inside the channel, as computed by molecular dynamics simulations, to provide inputs into Brownian dynamics simulations for computing ion fluxes. The open model structure has a conductance of approximately 110 pS under symmetric 250 mM K(+) conditions, in reasonable agreement with experiments for the largest conducting substate. The dimensions of this channel are consistent with electrophysiologically determined size dependence of quaternary ammonium ion blocking from the intracellular end of this channel as well as with direct structural evidence that tetrabutylammonium ions can enter into the interior cavity of the channel. Realistic values of Ussing flux ratio exponents, distribution of ions within the channel, and shapes of the current-voltage and current-concentration curves are obtained. The Brownian dynamics calculations suggest passage of ions through the selectivity filter proceeds by a "knock-off" mechanism involving three ions, as has been previously inferred from functional and structural studies of barium ion blocking. These results suggest that the present calculations capture the essential nature of K(+) ion permeation in the KcsA channel and provide a proof-of-concept for the integrated microscopic/mesoscopic multitiered approach for predicting ion channel function from structure, which can be applied to other channel structures. 相似文献
We have measured the fluctuations in the current through gramicidin A (GA) channels in symmetrical solutions of monovalent cations of various concentrations, and compared the spectral density values with those computed using E. Frehland's theory for noise in discrete transport systems (Frehland, E. 1978. Biophys. Chem. 8:255-265). The noise for the transport of NH4+ and Na+ ions in glycerol-monooleate/squalene membranes could be accounted for entirely by "shot noise" in the process of transport through a single-filing pore with two ion binding sites. However, in confirmation of results in a previous paper (Sigworth, F. J., D. W. Urry, and K. U. Prasad. 1987. Biophys. J. 52:1055-1064) currents of Cs+ showed a substantial excess noise at low ion concentrations, as did currents of K+ and Rb+. The excess noise was increased in thicker membranes. The observations are accounted for by a theory that postulates fluctuations of the entry rates of ions into the channel on a time scale of approximately 1 microsecond. These fluctuations occur preferentially when the channel is empty; the presence of bound ions stabilizes the "high conductance" conformation of the channel. The fluctuations are sensed to different degrees by the various ion species, and their kinetics depend on membrane thickness. 相似文献
The surface tension of glycerylmonooleate-hexadecane lipid bilayer membranes and the lifetime of gramicidin A channels were measured at various concentrations of the surrounding solutions. For HCl the surface tension is essentially constant at approximately 5 mN/m up to approximately 1 M, whereas the average lifetime increases approximately 40-fold. At higher concentrations the surface tension decreases markedly. For CsCl the surface tension is constant up to about 1 M then increases with salt level. The average lifetime in this case increases about sixfold. In both cases the lifetime levels off and even decreases at higher salt levels. The increase in lifetime observed with ion activity is therefore qualitatively different from, and not explained by, the established dependence of lifetime on membrane properties (Elliot, J.R., D. Needham, J.P. Dilger, and D.A. Haydon. 1983. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 735:95-103). We have previously proposed that ion occupancy is a determinant of channel stability, and to test this hypothesis the voltage dependence of channel lifetime was measured in asymmetrical solutions. For the case of a potassium chloride solution on one side of the membrane and a hydrogen chloride solution, on the other, the voltage dependence of the lifetime is asymmetrical. The asymmetry is such that when the electrical field is applied in the direction of the chemical gradient for each of the ions, the channel lifetime approaches, at increasing field strengths, that of a symmetrical solution of the respective ion. The voltage dependence of the surface tension, on the other hand, is negligible for the range of voltages used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Wallace BA 《BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology》2000,22(3):227-234
This review compares and contrasts the structures of several different types of ion channels with known three-dimensional structures, including gramicidin and the family of peptaibol channels, as well as the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel, to reveal common features in their structures that relate to their functional roles in ion binding and transport across membranes. Specifically, the locations of aromatic amino acids, the dimensions of the molecules, the multimeric nature of the channels and the roles of hydrogen bonds in stabilising such structures, the means by which the channels open and close, and the chemical nature of the groups which make up the channel lumen are discussed. The emphasis is on the commonality of features found in model channels, which may ultimately be found in other biological channel structures. 相似文献
A model study of the motion of Na+ ions in the cavity of membrane gramicidin channels was performed by the methods of quantum mechanics. An approximation of the distribution of the electrostatic potential along the channel axis, determined by charges on the atoms of the gramicidin A molecule, was obtained. The energy distribution and the wave functions for the stationary states of the ions were determined. The solutions of the Schr?dinger equation for two conformers were compared. 相似文献
Influence of ion occupancy and membrane deformation on gramicidin A channel stability in lipid membranes.

A Ring 《Biophysical journal》1992,61(5):1306-1315
The average lifetime of gramicidin A channels in monoolein/decane bilayer membranes was measured. The results support the hypothesis of channel stabilization by ion occupancy. The effects of electric field and salt concentration are consistent with the expected effects on both occupancy and membrane compression. The lifetime in asymmetric solutions with divalent cation blockers on one side of the membrane shows a voltage dependence such that the lifetime decreases for positive voltages applied from the blocking side and increases for negative voltages. This result strongly supports the occupancy hypothesis. The lifetime increases with permeant ion concentration, and at the one molar level it also increases with voltage. The voltage dependence of lifetime for a low concentration of permeant ion depends on the total salt level. The results for these conditions are consistent with the assumption that membrane compression also influences the lifetime, even for the "soft" solvent-containing membrane considered here. It is proposed that the channel nearest neighbor lipids need not be fixed in a plane at the channel end. Using a liquid crystal model it may then be shown that surface tension is the major component of the membrane deformation free energy, which may explain the significant effects of the membrane compression on the lifetime. 相似文献
The impact on the cation-transport free-energy profile of replacing the C-terminal ethanolamine in the gramicidin A channel with a taurine residue is studied using molecular dynamics simulations of gramicidin A (1JNO) embedded in a lipid bilayer (DMPC) with 1 mol/kg NaCl saline solution. The potential of mean force for ion transport is obtained by umbrella sampling. The presence of a negatively charged sulfonate group at the entrance of the gramicidin channel affects the depth and the location of the binding sites, producing a strong attraction for the cations in the bulk. The potential of mean force by the sulfonate acting directly through electrostatics and van der Waals interactions on the test ion is highly modulated by indirect effects (i.e., sulfonate effects on other components of the system that, in turn, affect the ion free-energy profile in the channel). Because the “entry” sites are located symmetrically at both entry and exit of the channel, the deeper free-energy wells should inhibit exit. Given that the channel has increased conductance experimentally, the simulation results suggest that the channel conductance is normally entry limited. 相似文献
Ion channels assist and control the diffusion of ions through biological membranes. The conduction process depends on the structural characteristics of these nanopores, among which are the hydrophobicity and the afforded diameter of the conduction pathway. In this contribution, we use full atomistic free-energy molecular dynamics simulations to estimate the effect of such characteristics on the energetics of ion conduction through the activation gate of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels. We consider specifically the ionic translocation through three different permeation pathways, corresponding to the activation gate of an atomistic model of Shaker channels in closed and partially opened conformations, and that of the open conformation of the Kv1.2 channel. In agreement with experiments, we find that the region of Val(478) constitutes the main gate. The conduction is unfavorable through this gate when the constriction is smaller than an estimated threshold of 4.5-5.0 A, mainly due to incomplete coordination-hydration of the ion. Above this critical size, e.g., for the Kv1.2, the valine gate is wide enough to allow fully coordination of the ion and therefore its diffusion on a flat energy surface. Similar to other ion channels, Kv channels appear therefore to regulate diffusion by constricting hydrophobic regions of the permeation pathway. 相似文献
O-pyromellitylgramicidin is a derivative of gramicidin in which three carboxyl groups are introduced at the terminal hydroxyl end of the peptide. Experiments with artificial lipid membranes indicate that this negatively charged analog forms ion-permeable channels in a way similar to that of gramicidin. If O-pyromellitylgramicidin is added to only one aqueous solution, the membrane conductance remains small, but increases by several orders of magnitude if the same amount is also added to the other side. In accordance with the dimer model of the channel, the membrane conductance under symmetrical conditions is proportional to the square of the aqueous concentration of O-pyromellitylgramicidin over a wide range. The ratio lambdaPG/lambdaG of the single-channel conductance of O-pyromellitylgramicidin to that of gramicidin is close to unity at high ionic strength, but increases more than fivefold at smaller ionic strength (0.01 M). This observation is explained in terms of an electrostatic effect of the fixed negative charges localized near the mouth of the channel. In a mixture of O-pyromellitylgramicidin and gramicidin, unit conductance steps of intermediate size are observed in addition to the conductance steps corresponding to the pure compounds, indicating the formation of hybrid channels. Hybrid channels with preferred orientation may be formed if small amounts of gramicicin and O-pyromellitylgramicidin are added to opposite sides of the membrane. These hybrid channels show a distinct asymmetry in the current-voltage characteristic. 相似文献
Ion movement through gramicidin A channels. Studies on the diffusion-controlled association step 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7

O S Andersen 《Biophysical journal》1983,41(2):147-165
The permeability characteristics of gramicidin A channels are generally considered to reflect accurately the intrinsic properties of the channels themselves; i.e., the aqueous convergence regions are assumed to be negligible barriers for ion movement through the channels. The validity of this assumption has been examined by an analysis of gramicidin A single-channel current-voltage characteristics up to very high potentials (500 mV). At low permeant ion concentrations the currents approach a voltage-independent limiting value, whose magnitude is proportional to the permeant ion concentration. The magnitude of this current is decreased by experimental maneuvers that decrease the aqueous diffusion coefficient of the ions. It is concluded that the magnitude of this limiting current is determined by the diffusive ion movement through the aqueous convergence regions up to the channel entrance. It is further shown that the small-signal (ohmic) permeability properties also reflect the existence of the aqueous diffusion limitation. These results have considerable consequences for the construction of kinetic models for ion movement through gramicidin A channels. It is shown that the simple two-site-three-barrier model commonly used to interpret gramicidin A permeability data may lead to erroneous conclusions, as biionic potentials will be concentration dependent even when the channel is occupied by at most one ion. The aqueous diffusion limitation must be considered explicitly in the analysis of gramicidin A permeability characteristics. Some implications for understanding the properties of ion-conducting channels in biological membranes will be considered. 相似文献
Ion movement through gramicidin A channels. Single-channel measurements at very high potentials 总被引:17,自引:13,他引:4

O S Andersen 《Biophysical journal》1983,41(2):119-133
The patch-clamp technique of Mueller (1975, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 274:247-264) and Neher and Sakmann (1976, Nature (Lond.), 260:799-802) was modified to be suitable for single-channel measurements in lipid bilayers at potentials up to 500 mV. This method was used to study gramicidin A single-channel current-voltage characteristics. It was found that the sublinear current-voltage behavior normally observed at low permeant ion concentrations and rather low potentials (V less than or equal to 200 mV) continues to be seen all the way up to 500 mV. This phenomenon is characteristic of the low permeant ion situation in which the channel is far from saturation, and implies that the overall rate constant for association between ion and channel is very weakly, if at all, voltage dependent. The magnitude of the single channel currents at 500 mV is consistent with the notion that the aqueous convergence conductance is a significant factor in determining the permeability characteristics of the gramicidin A channel. 相似文献
There is clear evidence that the net magnitude of negative charge at the intracellular end of inwardly rectifying potassium channels helps to generate an asymmetry in the magnitude of the current that will pass in each direction. However, a complete understanding of the physical mechanism that links these charges to current rectification has yet to be obtained. Using Brownian dynamics, we compare the conduction mechanism and binding sites in rectifying and non-rectifying channel models. We find that in our models, rectification is a consequence of asymmetry in the hydrophobicity and charge of the pore lining. As a consequence, inward conduction can occur by a multi-ion conduction mechanism. However, outward conduction is restricted, since there are fewer ions at the intracellular entrance and outwardly moving ions must cross the pore on their own. We pose the question as to whether the same mechanism could be at play in inwardly rectifying potassium channels. 相似文献
Batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels in planar lipid bilayers. Ion permeation and block 总被引:9,自引:18,他引:9

Batrachotoxin-modified, voltage-dependent sodium channels from canine forebrain were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Single-channel conductances were studied for [Na+] ranging between 0.02 and 3.5 M. Typically, the single-channel currents exhibited a simple two-state behavior, with transitions between closed and fully open states. Two other conductance states were observed: a subconductance state, usually seen at [NaCl] greater than or equal to 0.5 M, and a flickery state, usually seen at [NaCl] less than or equal to 0.5 M. The flickery state became more frequent as [NaCl] was decreased below 0.5 M. The K+/Na+ permeability ratio was approximately 0.16 in 0.5 and 2.5 M salt, independent of the Na+ mole fraction, which indicates that there are no interactions among permeant ions in the channels. Impermeant and permeant blocking ions (tetraethylammonium, Ca++, Zn++, and K+) have different effects when added to the extracellular and intracellular solutions, which indicates that the channel is asymmetrical and has at least two cation-binding sites. The conductance vs. [Na+] relation saturated at high concentrations, but could not be described by a Langmuir isotherm, as the conductance at low [NaCl] is higher than predicted from the data at [NaCl] greater than or equal to 1.0 M. At low [NaCl] (less than or equal to 0.1 M), increasing the ionic strength by additions of impermeant monovalent and divalent cations reduced the conductance, as if the magnitude of negative electrostatic potentials at the channel entrances were reduced. The conductances were comparable for channels in bilayers that carry a net negative charge and bilayers that carry no net charge. Together, these results lead to the conclusion that negative charges on the channel protein near the channel entrances increase the conductance, while lipid surface charges are less important. 相似文献
The potential independent limiting flux of hydrated Tl(+) ions through gramicidin (GR) channels incorporated in phospholipid monolayers self assembled on a hanging mercury-drop electrode is shown to be controlled both by diffusion and by a dehydration step. Conversely, the potential independent limiting flux of dehydrated Tl(+) ions stemming from Tl amalgam electro-oxidation is exclusively controlled by diffusion of thallium atoms within the amalgam. Modulating the charge on the polar heads of dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS) by changing pH affects the limiting flux of hydrated Tl(+) ions to a notable extent, primarily by electrostatic interactions. The dipole potential of DOPS and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), positive toward the hydrocarbon tails, does not hinder the translocation step of Tl(+) ions to such an extent as to make it rate limiting. Consequently, incorporation in the lipid monolayer of phloretin, which decreases such a positive dipole potential, does not affect the kinetics of Tl(+) flux through GR channels. In contrast, the increase in the positive dipole potential produced by the incorporation of ketocholestanol causes the translocation step to contribute to the rate of the overall process. A model providing a quantitative interpretation of the kinetics of diffusion, dehydration-hydration, translocation, and charge transfer of the Tl(+)/Tl(0)(Hg) couple through GC channels incorporated in mercury-supported phospholipid monolayers is provided. A cut-off disk model yielding the profile of the local electrostatic potential created by an array of oriented dipoles located in the lipid monolayer along the axis of a cylindrical ion channel is developed. 相似文献
This paper provides an introduction to and overview of the use of stochastic models and statistical analysis in the study of ion channels in cell membranes. An extensive bibliography is included. 相似文献
Ion movement through gramicidin A channels. Interfacial polarization effects on single-channel current measurements. 总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0

O S Andersen 《Biophysical journal》1983,41(2):135-146
Gramicidin A single-channel current-voltage characteristics were studied at low permeant ion concentrations and very high applied potentials. The purpose of these experiments was to elucidate the basis for the small, but definite, voltage dependence observed under these circumstances. It was found that this residual voltage dependence is a reflection of interfacial polarization effects, similar to those proposed by Walz et al. (Biophys. J. 9:1150-1159). It will be concluded that there exists an effectively voltage-independent step in the association reaction between a gramicidin A channel and the permeating ion. Some consequences of interfacial polarization effects for the analysis of conductance vs. activity relations will be discussed. 相似文献