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Equipment designed for simultaneous exposure of rodents to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields is described. Three identical systems were constructed, each capable of continuous exposure of 256 rats or 640 mice to a nominal electric field at less than 50 kV/m, and to horizontal and vertical magnetic fields at less than 1 mT. Design features, construction details, and results of various tests of the systems are described. Tests were made: of phase relations between electric and magnetic fields; of uniformity of electric and magnetic fields; of changes across time in electric-field intensity as a result of animals' soiling of cages and various washing routines; of resistance of bedding material during humid and dry conditions; and of acoustic noise due to background, to field-generation equipment, and to air conditioning equipment. The results demonstrated that fields were effectively generated but that significant and troublesome changes in electric-field intensity occurred because of cage-soiling. However, when cages were frequently cleaned, field intensities were consistent from one exposure to another.  相似文献   

A small, lightweight meter has been developed for magnetic-field measurements, particularly those needed for exposure-assessment purposes. This meter, known as the AMEX-3D, continuously measures all three axes of magnetic-flux density and electronically combines the data into a single estimate of cumulative exposure to the root-mean-square (rms) resultant flux density. The AMEX-3D weighs about 120 g, measures 2.7 cm x 5.1 cm x 10.2 cm, and is battery powered. Two panel-mounted jacks are provided for measuring battery voltage and for reading cumulative exposure data from the unit. The instrument has, within 3 dB, a flat response to magnetic flux densities at all frequencies in its 30-1,000 Hz bandwidth. A detailed analysis of error sources in the AMEX-3D leads to an estimate of +/- 20% as the accuracy of the instrument over its dynamic range, which extends from 0.02 to 15 microT. The AMEX-3D was tested in the field by asking electric-utility distribution linemen to wear AMEX-3D and EMDEX meters simultaneously while working. Agreement between the two measures of exposure was excellent.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of the interaction between extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric fields and animals of arbitrary body shape. This analysis is based on three approximations which are valid in the ELF range: In living tissues, capacitive (displacement) currents are negligible compared to conduction currents; effects resulting from the finite velocity of propagation of electromagnetic fields are negligible; skin effect in living tissues is negligible. Major conclusions of the analysis are: (a) The electric field outside the body, the induced charge on the surface of the body, and the total current crossing any section through the body (eg, through the neck or limbs) are completely determined by the characteristics of the applied ELF electric field, the shape of the body, its location relative to ground and other conductors, and any conduction currents from the body to ground or other conductors. (b) All of the quantities in (a) can be measured using conducting animal models. (c) The magnitudes of the electric field outside the body and the induced charge density on the surface of the body are independent of frequency, in the ELF range, when the body is either insulated from or shorted to ground (and any other conductors in the system). (d) The only quantities affected by the electrical properties of the tissues comprising the body are the current density and electric field inside the body. (e) The electric field outside and inside a body will be unchanged by a scaled change in its size.  相似文献   

The level of exposure of laboratory animals to 60-Hz electric fields is commonly specified in terms of the unperturbed field strength present before the introduction of experimental subjects and their cages. In the research reported in this paper, rats were housed in two parallel rows of 12.4 cm × 25.1 cm × 10.2 cm high plastic cages resting on the lower electrode of a parallel-plate exposure system, and the actual perturbed electric fields experienced by an experimental animal were investigated. The most important results are: 1) Reducing the spacing between the exposure electrodes from 8.7 to 1.7 times the height of a singly exposed rat model, while maintaining a constant unperturbed field strength, resulted in a 15% increase in the electric field at the highest point on the surface of the body and a 10% increase in the short-circuit current of the model. 2) For multiple animal exposures, increases of 10% in both the field at the highest point of the body and the short-circuit current were observed when the electrode spacing was reduced from 8.7 to 2.6 times the height of a rat. 3) Plastic cages caused 1 – 6% reductions in the electric field at the surface of the body, except very near the cage walls, where enhancements of more than 20% were observed. 4) When 16 rats were simultaneously exposed, the short-circuit current, Is, of an individual subject of weight W (in g), that was surrounded on all sides by other rats of weight W, was reduced from the short-circuit current, Iu, measured with the same subject individually exposed as follows: during a 12 h light (sleeping) cycle, Is/Iu = 1.00 – 0.0173W1/2; during a 12 h night (awake) cycle, Is/Iu = 1.00 – 0.0136W1/2.  相似文献   

A programmable system has been developed for the study of both transient and persistent effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure of cell cultures. This high‐precision exposure system enables experimental blinding and fully characterized exposure while simultaneously allowing live cell imaging. It is based on a live imaging cell around which two asymmetrical coils are wound in good thermal contact to a temperature‐controlled water jacket, and is mounted on a microscope stage insert. The applied B‐field uniformity of the active volume is better than 1.2% with an overall exposure uncertainty of less than 4.3% with very low transient field levels. The computer‐controlled apparatus allows signal waveforms that are sinusoidal or composed of several harmonics, blind protocols, and monitoring of exposure and environmental conditions. B‐fields up to 4 mT root mean square amplitude are possible with minimal temperature variation and no recognizable temperature differences between exposure and sham states. Sources of artifacts have been identified and quantified. There are no visible vibrations observable even at the highest magnifications and exposure levels. Bioelectromagnetics 34:231–239, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A dosimeter for assessment of exposures to ELF fields   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are currently no biological indicators of electromagnetic field exposure to aid investigation of the biological effects of ELF fields, but this hiatus is partly compensated for by the ease with which the external fields can be measured. The subject of this report is a small electronic instrument that can log electric-, magnetic-, and transient-field intensities of individual subjects for a duration of two weeks, thus allowing exposure to be assessed in considerable detail. A preliminary survey conducted with the instrument has shown clear differences in domestic and occupational exposures of specific groups. Simple analytical models can be fitted to the field-exposure data by adjusting a few parameters such as current, intensity, and distance. Such modeling may be increasingly useful as the data base on exposures expands.  相似文献   

In repeated short-term tests (four sessions, each of 45-minute duration), and one longer test (a 23.5-hour session), behavior of rats was evaluated in a long, narrow shuttlebox. One side of the box was exposed to an electric field at various strengths, while a visually identical opposite side was shielded from exposure. In the short-term tests, rats generally remained shielded from electric fields of 90 kV/m and greater during the first session, and maintained this response in subsequent sessions. In the longer test, this same preference response was demonstrated at field strengths of 75 kV/m and greater; however, at 25 and 50 kV/m, rats exhibited a statistically significant preference for the exposed region of the shuttlebox, but only during the light portion of a 12-hour light: 12-hour dark cycle. Exposed animals made more traverses than sham-exposed controls between the two ends of the shuttlebox during the first hour of the test. The experimental data support the hypothesis that the observed behavioral effects are the result of direct interaction of the electric field with the animal, and not the result of secondary factors such as electric shock, corona discharge, audible noise, ozone, or vibration of the experimental apparatus.  相似文献   

White-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus, were exposed to 60-Hz electric fields to study the relationship between field strength and three measures of the transient arousal response previously reported to occur with exposures at 100 kV/m. Five groups of 12 mice each were given a series of four 1-h exposures, separated by an hour, with each group exposed at one of the following field strengths: 75, 50, 35, 25, and 10 kV/m; 8 additional mice were sham-exposed with no voltage applied to the field generator. All mice were experimentally naive before the start of the experiment, and all exposures occurred during the inactive (lights-on) phase of the circadian cycle. The first exposure produced immediate increases in arousal measures, but subsequent exposures had no significant effect on any measure. These arousal responses were defined by significant increases of gross motor activity, carbon dioxide production, and oxygen consumption, and were frequently recorded with field strengths of 50 kV/m or higher. Significant arousal responses rarely occurred with exposures at lower field strengths. Responses of mice exposed at 75 and 50 kV/m were similar to previously described transient arousal responses in mice exposed to 100-kV/m electric fields. Less than half of the mice in each of the field strength groups below 50 kV/m showed arousal responses based on Z (standard) scores, but the arousals of the mice that did respond were similar to those of mice exposed at higher field strengths. Polynomial regression was used to calculate the field strength producing the greatest increases for each of the arousal measures. The results show that the amplitude of the transient arousal response is related to the strength of the electric field, but different measures of arousal may have different relationships to field strength.  相似文献   

It has been shown that rats, given the choice, will spend more time out of a 60-Hz electric field than in it at field strengths ? 75 kV/m. This paper describes research to examine the relevance of these data to a different species, the pig. Miniature pigs that had been exposed to a 60-Hz electric field at 30 kV/m for 20 h/day, 7 days/week for as long as 6 months, were tested for their preference for the presence or absence of the field during a 23.5-h period. Similar to earlier results with rats, miniature pigs spent more time out of the electric field than in it during the sleeping period.  相似文献   

Many in vitro experiments on the biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields utilize a uniform external magnetic flux density (B) to expose biological materials. A significant number of researchers do not measure or estimate the resulting electric field strength (E) or current density (J) in the sample medium. The magnitude and spatial distribution of the induced E field are highly dependent on the sample geometry and its relative orientation with respect to the magnetic field. We have studied the E fields induced in several of the most frequently used laboratory culture dishes and flasks under various exposure conditions. Measurements and calculations of the E field distributions in the aqueous sample volume in the containers were performed, and a set of simple, quantitative tables was developed. These tables allow a biological researcher to determine, in a straightforward fashion, the magnitudes and distributions of the electric fields that are induced in the aqueous sample when it is subjected to a uniform, sinusoidal magnetic field of known strength and frequency. In addition, we present a novel exposure technique based on a standard organ culture dish containing two circular, concentric annular rings. Exposure of the organ culture dish to a uniform magnetic field induces different average electric fields in the liquid medium in the inner and outer rings. Results of experiments with this system, which were reported in a separate paper, have shown the dominant role of the magnetically induced E field in producing specific biological effects on cells, in vitro. These results emphasize the need to report data about the induced E field in ELF in-vitro studies, involving magnetic field exposures. Our data tables on E and J in standard containers provide simple means to enable determination of these parameters.  相似文献   


Current models that frame consciousness in terms of electromagnetic field theory carry implications that have yet to be fully explored. Endogenous weak extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are generated by ionic charge flow in axons, dendrites and synaptic transmitters. Because neural tissues are transparent to such fields, these provide the basis for the globally unifying qualities required to properly describe consciousness as a field. At the same time, however, an electromagnetic approach predicts partial transmission of this 1–100 nT field, suggesting external interactions similar to the various ELF magnetic perturbations that are linked to homeostatic and endocrine-related physiological effects. It follows that humans may represent an additional, previously unrecognized source of weak (1–10 nT) ambient ELF magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of induced current densities, electric fields, and rates of energy deposition during in vitro studies with linearly and circularly polarized, extremely low frequency magnetic fields for a cylindrical volume of culture medium.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to ELF fields may induce depression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Exposure to extremely-low-frequency (ELF) electric or magnetic fields has been postulated as a potentially contributing factor in depression. Epidemiologic studies have yielded positive correlations between magnetic- and/or electric-field strengths in local environments and the incidence of depression-related suicide. Chronic exposure to ELF electric or magnetic fields can disrupt normal circadian rhythms in rat pineal serotonin-N-acetyltransferase activity as well as in serotonin and melatonin concentrations. Such disruptions in the circadian rhythmicity of pineal melatonin secretion have been associated with certain depressive disorders in human beings. In the rat, ELF fields may interfere with tonic aspects of neuronal input to the pineal gland, giving rise to what may be termed "functional pinealectomy." If long-term exposure to ELF fields causes pineal dysfunction in human beings as it does in the rat, such dysfunction may contribute to the onset of depression or may exacerbate existing depressive disorders.  相似文献   

The facility consists of a 12 × 11.5 × 2.4 m high room containing six sets of exposure apparatus and the other equipment necessary to maintain a pathogen-free system. The apparatus sets produced 5 mT (rms), 0.5 mT, or a sham exposure. The apparatus was arranged in the room to minimize the fringing field of the 5 mT set at the sham position. Each set was 3.85 × 1.80 × 0.66 m in outside dimension, containing 24 cages in the magnetically homogeneous region. The apparatus was designed using Harvey's figure-eight-configuration and generated a horizontal sinusoidal alternating field. In order to save electric power, the coil of the apparatus constituted a 50 Hz LC resonance circuit with a condensor bank to which electric power was supplied to compensate losses. Magnetic flux density was kept constant by controlling the coil current. Although mild steel was used in the skeleton of the building, the fringing flux at the sham was as low as 0.1 to 1 μT. Stainless steel was used for ventilating ducts, racks for the cages, cage covers, feeder baskets, and watering nozzles. The homogeneity of the field was measured to be ± 10% in the animal residence area, and food and water consumption was found to be unaffected by the field. At 5 mT, the coil current was 370 A, and the hollow coil was cooled by a stream of 20°C water to prevent both heat and dew on the coil surface. Vibration and acoustic noise was prevented by fiber reinforced plastic framework of the coil. High harmonic distortion was not observed at the output terminal of the coil driver. The facility has operated without trouble for 2 years. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed to two procedures which enabled them to press a lever to turn off a 90 or 100 kV/m 60-Hz electric field or, later in the study, illumination from an incandescent lamp. Under one procedure, a response turned off the stimulus for a fixed duration, after which the stimulus was turned on again. A response during the off-period restarted the fixed duration. None of the rats turned the field off reliably. Next, under an alternative procedure, pressing one lever turned the field off; pressing the other lever turned it back on; responding under those conditions differed little from that seen at 0 kV/m. Under both procedures, when illumination from an incandescent lamp served as the stimulus, each rat did turn the stimulus off, and performances varied with stimulus intensity. The results show that a 100 kV/m 60-Hz electric field is not sufficient to function as an aversive stimulus under two procedures where illumination from a lamp does function as an aversive stimulus.  相似文献   

Extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure systems are usually subject to field disturbances induced by external sources. Here, a method for designing a feedback control system for cancelling the effect of external ELF magnetic field disturbances on the magnetic field over the exposure area is presented. This method was used in the design of a feedback-controlled exposure system for an inverted microscope stage. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback control system for disturbance rejection was verified experimentally and by means of computer simulation. Bioelectromagnetics 18:299–306, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether a 6-week exposure to a 50-Hz rotating magnetic field influences melatonin synthesis by 11–18 week-old Wistar-King male rats. Rats were exposed continuously to a rotating magnetic field at 1, 5, 50, or 250 μT (spatial vector rms) for 6 weeks, except for twice-weekly breaks of about 2 h for cleaning of cages and feeding. The rats were housed in exposure and sham-exposure facilities, which were located in the same room, under a 12:12 light-dark photoperiod (lights on at 06:00 h). The room was constantly illuminated by 4 small, dim red lights (< 0.07 lux in dark period). Levels of plasma and pineal gland melatonin were determined by radioimmunoassay. A significant decrease of melatonin was observed between the control group and groups exposed to a magnetic field at a flux density in excess of l μT during the night time, but no statistical differences were found among the exposed groups. These results indicate that subchronic exposure of albino rats to a 50-Hz rotating magnetic field influences melatonin production and secretion by the pineal gland. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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