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通过溴化、成酐、氨解等反应,合成了新型肝胆显影剂配体(莱溴氨乙酸)及其四个未见报道的类似物。  相似文献   

本文改进合成了一个未见报道的新型肝胆显影剂—菜溴氨乙酸的类似物。  相似文献   

通过成盐、溴化反应、缩合反应等合成了两个未见报道的新型肝胆显影剂。  相似文献   

合成了六个肿瘤定位显影剂,单氨三乙酰氨基酸配位体,其中三个未见报道。  相似文献   

利用紫色非硫细菌能在厌气光照下和好气黑暗下交替生长的特点和同位素~(99)Mo示踪,来探讨Rhodopseudomonas capsulata中Mo的积累与固氮酶合成的关系。 用硫酸铵和谷氨酸盐作为氮源,把Rps. capsulata置于厌气光照下生长。由于硫酸铵阻遏固氮酶,所以菌体内既无固氮酶活性也无~(99)Mo积累。而谷氨酸盐解遏固氮酶的合成,菌体则显示固氮活性并有~(99)Mo积累。 黑暗好气生长的Rps. capsulata菌体既无固氮活性,也没有~(99)Mo的积累。将这样的菌体转移到含~(99)Mo(无谷氨酸)的培养液进行光照,固氮酶活性迅速出现,同时有~(99)Mo的积累。在Rps. capsulata中钼的吸收与固氮酶的合成及活性是紧密偶联的。  相似文献   

L-乳酸的发酵生产和聚L-乳酸的化学加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L-乳酸广泛应用于食品、医药、日化和工业等各个领域。近年来随着石化资源的不断紧缺,众多化学合成的高分子材料的生产受到了限制。以生物质资源为基础的L-乳酸因此被大量用于加工生产成聚L-乳酸等环境友好型生物可降解材料。正是由于L-乳酸需求量的增大,如何高效低成本地生产L-乳酸显得尤为重要。系统综述了L-乳酸生产菌株的选育,用于L-乳酸发酵生产的廉价资源的开发利用,L-乳酸的发酵生产和L-乳酸的分离纯化等方面的研究进展。目前研究的热点和难点正是基于上述四个部分:菌种方面,以可以高效代谢利用廉价底物,且营养需求低的选育目标获得了多个优良的生产菌种,然而具备综合代谢优势的菌种还有待进一步选育;发酵底物方面,已开发利用多种廉价,来源丰富且易于菌种代谢并高效转化成乳酸的底物,但是对这些底物工业规模应用还有待进一步研究;发酵工艺方面,建立了环境友好型,劳动强度低的发酵工艺,然而实际应用中仍然存在成本高的问题;后提取方面,通过选育低营养需求的生产菌种和采用新型发酵工艺有效地简化了后提取过程,但是实际应用方面仍受发酵工艺成本高的制约。最后对聚L-乳酸的化学加工以及聚L-乳酸的生物降解进行了探讨并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Reduced spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) (i.e., ischemia) plays a key role in traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) pathophysiology and is accordingly an important target for neuroprotective therapies. Although several techniques have been described to assess SCBF, they all have significant limitations. To overcome the latter, we propose the use of real-time contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging (CEU). Here we describe the application of this technique in a rat contusion model of SCI. A jugular catheter is first implanted for the repeated injection of contrast agent, a sodium chloride solution of sulphur hexafluoride encapsulated microbubbles. The spine is then stabilized with a custom-made 3D-frame and the spinal cord dura mater is exposed by a laminectomy at ThIX-ThXII. The ultrasound probe is then positioned at the posterior aspect of the dura mater (coated with ultrasound gel). To assess baseline SCBF, a single intravenous injection (400 µl) of contrast agent is applied to record its passage through the intact spinal cord microvasculature. A weight-drop device is subsequently used to generate a reproducible experimental contusion model of SCI. Contrast agent is re-injected 15 min following the injury to assess post-SCI SCBF changes. CEU allows for real time and in-vivo assessment of SCBF changes following SCI. In the uninjured animal, ultrasound imaging showed uneven blood flow along the intact spinal cord. Furthermore, 15 min post-SCI, there was critical ischemia at the level of the epicenter while SCBF remained preserved in the more remote intact areas. In the regions adjacent to the epicenter (both rostral and caudal), SCBF was significantly reduced. This corresponds to the previously described “ischemic penumbra zone”. This tool is of major interest for assessing the effects of therapies aimed at limiting ischemia and the resulting tissue necrosis subsequent to SCI.  相似文献   

(+)-(1R,2S)-Allocoronamic acid, (?)-(1S,2R)-allocoronamic acid, and their racemate showed an inhibitory effect on senesence in cut carnation flowers. This antisenescent activity was based on the inhibition of endogenous ethylene formation catalyzed by an ethylene-forming enzyme.  相似文献   

以 Nε-苄氧羰基保护的 L -赖氨酸 ( L - Lys( Z) - O H)为原料 ,经过混合酸酐活化 ,与重氮甲烷反应合成重氮酮 ,再经 W olff重排 ,合成了具有光学活性的 L- 7- ( N -苄氧羰基 )氨基 - 3- ( N-叔丁氧羰基 )氨基 -正庚酸  相似文献   

This report describes synthesis and evaluation of cationic complexes, [99mTc(CO)3(L)]+ (L = N-methoxyethyl-N,N-bis[2-(bis(3-ethoxypropyl)phosphino)ethyl]amine (L1), N-[(15-crown-5)-2-yl]-N,N-bis[2-(bis(3-ethoxypropyl)phosphino)ethyl]amine (L2) and N-[(18-crown-6)-2-yl]-N,N-bis[2-(bis(3-ethoxypropyl)phosphino)ethyl]amine (L3)) as potential radiotracers for heart imaging. Preliminary results from biodistribution studies in female adult BALB-c mice indicated that the cationic 99mTc(I)-tricarbonyl complex, [99mTc(CO)3(L2)]+, has a significant localization in the heart at 60 min post-injection. To understand the coordination chemistry of these bisphosphine ligands with the 99mTc(I)-tricarbonyl core, we prepared [Re(CO)3(L4)]Br (L4: N,N-bis[(2-diphenylphosphino)ethyl]methoxyethylamine) as a model compound. [Re(CO)3(L4)]Br has been characterized by elemental analysis, IR, ESI-MS, NMR (1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, and 1H-13C HMQC) methods, and X-ray crystallography. In solid state, [Re(CO)3(L4)]+ has a distorted octahedron coordination geometry with PNP occupying one facial plane. The chelator backbone adopts a “chair” conformation with phosphine-P atoms at equatorial positions and the amine-N at the apical site. In solution, [Re(CO)3(L4)]+ is able to maintain its cationic nature with no dissociation of carbonyl ligands or any of the three PNP donors.  相似文献   

本文以对氨基苯甲酸为原料,经过重氮化、偶合、成盐等反应,合成4个抗肺癌转移药,并作了红外鉴定。  相似文献   

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