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云南黄檀属一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乔木高sin;/J’枝具皮孔,被短柔毛.羽状复叶长10一14cm;托叶早落;小叶3一4对,厚纸质,椭圆形或倒卵形,长1.3—5.5cm,宽0.7—3.5cm,先端微缺,稀圆钝并有小尖头,基部圆形或楔形,稀浅心形,两面被伏贴短柔毛,下面中脉上毛较密。圆锥花序顶生,长5—7cm,被...  相似文献   

钱义咏 《植物研究》1998,18(4):398-399
本变种和原变种的区别在于:秆高30-50cm,具4-6节,叶舌长1-2mm,顶端齿裂,叶片长2-10cm,宽2-4mm,圆锥花序稍疏松,长8-15cm,宽1.5-3cm,分枝每节1-5枚簇生,小穗长2.5mm,绿紫色,第二颖长2.3mm,外稃长2.4-2.5mm,内稃长约为外稃的2/3。  相似文献   

多孔菌目(AphylloPhorales)中诸如粉孢革菌科(Coniophoraceae),伏革菌科 ,刺单菌科(Hymenochaetaceae),齿菌科(Hydnaceae) 和多孔菌科 resupinate form)。在国内,此目中的平伙类型被专门系统地研究过的除卧孔属(Poria)外尚不多。戴芳澜(1934)对伏苓(Poria cocos (Fr.)Wolf.)作了研究;凌立(1933)报道卧孔菌11种;赵继鼎)(1964)报告37种卧孔菌;邓叔群在《中国的真菌》(1964)中记叙了多孔菌目平伏类型57种,隶属于17属。戴芳澜《中国真菌总汇》(1979)记载了原来散载于真菌志略或真菌名录中的平伙多孔菌类约18属110种。  相似文献   

朱华 《云南植物研究》2000,22(4):395-398
1 LasianthuslarseniiH .Zhu ,sp .nov .Fig .1ProximaL .chevalieriPitard ,sedfoliisminoribus ;floribusminoribus ;calycibus 3~ 4mmlog nis ,lobis 2mmlongisdiffert.AL .kerriiCraibfoliislanceolatisapiceacuminatisbasicuneatis ,nervislateralibusutrinsecus 9~ 1 0 ;bracteisinconspi…  相似文献   

采用近代仪器与传统小气候观测相结合的方法:研究了人工胶林群落结构的生物学效应;对若干生态因于变化规律进行了初步讨论。胶树体温与测试地日照强弱密切相关.西双版纳树温西南高,东北低,西向与北向最高温之差约为l℃;树表和浅层受日照影响直接而明显,随深度增加而减弱,树心比较间接,既受环境影响又受本身机体调节。冬季胶林边行热效应较明显,比林内树温高2℃左右,若加充分利用对防寒有一定意义。树温和气温有差别,气温变幅大,树温变幅小,有利于植物正常生活,建议直接测定树温观察寒害.胶林中适当种植茶树,冷季有增暖效果,能对轻度寒害起缓冲作用.涂黑树干法不是理想防寒措施,因边行增温不明显 况且密林深处有轻微降温趋势,可能导致寒害加重。  相似文献   

Osmanthus lipingensis J.D.Liu,sp.nov.(Sect.Osmanthus).Species proxima O.attenuato P.S.Green et O.urceolato P.S.Green,ag illo foliis serratis,pedicellis longisoribus 5-8 mm longis tubo corollae lobis longiore,filamentis in basi tubi sorollae insertis;ab hoc petiolis brevioribus,5-8 mm longis,corolla campaniforma non urceolata,tubo breviore,vix 3 mm longo differt.  相似文献   

陈介  云波 《云南植物研究》1995,17(4):400-400
苏铁属一新亚种陈介,云波(中国科学院昆明植物研究所,昆明650204)(个旧市第二中学,个旧661400)关键词苏铁科,苏铁属,新亚种、蔓耗苏铁蔓耗苏铁新亚种ANEWTAXAOFCYCAS(CYCADACEAk)INYUNNAN¥CNENCheih(...  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 30 species belonging to 7 genera of Plumbaginaceae from China. The pollen grains were all examined under light microscope, and those of some species under scanning and transmission electron microscope. The pollen grains of the family are subspheroidal, prolate or oblate, (37.5-74.5)× (40.4-81.9)μ in size, 3-colpate, rarely 4-6-colpate, only pancolpate in Ceratostigma willmottianum. The exine 2-layered, 2.0-7.4μ thick, sexine thicker than nexine, verrucate, reticulate or coarsely reticulate. On the basis of the morphology, two types of pollen grains are distinguished in the family: (1) The pollen grains are 3-(rarely 4-6 ) or pancolpate, the exine verrucate. They are found in the tribe Plumbagineae (inculuding the genera Ceratostigma, Plumbago and Plumbagella). (2) The pollen grains are all 3-colpate, the exine reticulate or coarsely reticulate. They are found in the tribe Staticeae (including the genera Acantholimon, Ikonnikovia, Goniolimon and Limonium ).  相似文献   

The pollen of 40 species of Cordia L. was studied by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three major types were found, 3-porate with a reticulate sexine, 3-colpate to 3-colporoidate with a striatoreticulate sexine, and 3-colpate to 3-colporate with a spinulose sexine. These pollen types are correlated with significant differences in the inflorescence, flower, and fruit structures found in the sporophyte. The following revisions are suggested and discussed: that Cordia sect. Varronia P. Br. be elevated to generic status; that Cordia sebestena L. and a few close allies be treated as generically distinct; and that Cordia myxa L. be conserved as the lectotype for the genus, thus continuing a wide application of the epithet Cordia.  相似文献   

几种党参属植物及其近缘种花粉形态的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韦仲新 《云南植物研究》2001,23(3):T001-T002
对6种桔梗科(党参属Codonopsis4个种以及桔梗属Platycodon和风铃草属Campanula各1种)花粉进行了光镜及扫描电镜的观察比较,发现党参属不同种花粉的形态特征很不相同,易于区别,如党参花粉极面观多为7裂圆形,外壁形面具乳突状的短刺,川党参花粉极面观圆形,刺在沟的两旁排成两列,小花党参花粉极面观近圆形至7裂圆形,外壁表面的刺比其它种的都大,鸡蛋参花粉外壁表面的刺柔软而稍为弯曲,其长度为上述各种刺的数倍,桔梗属和风铃草属花粉与党参属花粉的差异更大,桔梗属花粉粒扁球形,极面观五角形,少数四或六角形,风铃草属花粉粒更为特殊,极面观近圆三角形,具3孔,花粉外壁的刺不仅锐利而且很粗,花粉形态在党参属不同种间以及党参属与桔梗属和风铃草属之间的差异为其分类学提供了进一步的孢粉学资料。  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 31 species of the genus Quercus from China. The pollen grains were all examined with light microscope and scanning electron microscope, and those of some species under transmission electron microscope. Pollen grains of the genus are spheroidal or subspheroidal, 16.8-50.4μm in diameter, 3colporoidate or 3-colpate. The exine is 2-layered, 0.4-1.8μm thick, sexine thicker than nexine, granulated tuberculate or verrucate.  相似文献   

Asha Gupta  Chhaya Sharma 《Grana》2013,52(4):277-284
LM and SEM study of the pollen from single specimen of Salvia leucantha Cav., gathered from Kumaon mountains in Western Himalaya have shown significant variations in aperture number and type, shape and size of pollen grains, hitherto not reported. Normal pollen is 6-colpate but 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-colpate to spiraperturate also occur to make it a heterogenous assemblage. In shape, pollen varies from oblate, suboblate, oblate-spheroidal, prolatespheroidal to subprolate, whereas, in size it ranges from 15 μm to 40 μm. Furthermore, besides the marked variations in monads, the polymorphism is also expressed in terms of dyads and triads. Exine ornamentation however, does not vary, it being reticulate-retipilate sexine pattern in all the different types under LM and showing double sculpturing under SEM.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 11 species of thc genus Corylopsis (Hamamelidaceae). The pollen grains were all examined with light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains of the genus are prolate, spheroidal or subprolate. Three size types are recognized: (l) 18-23 μm, found in Corylopsis omeiensis Yang, C.gotoana Makino, C. himalayana Griff and C.platypetala Rehd. et Wils. (2) 24-32μm, found in C. sinensis Hemsl., C.willmottiae Rehd. et Wils., C.veitchiana Bean, C. brevistyla H.T.Chang, C.multiflora Hance, C.pauciflora Sieb. et Zucc. and C.spicata Sieb. Zucc. (3) 34-39μm, found in C. wilsonii Hemsl. and C. cordata Merrill. Pollen grains are 3-colpate and 4-colpate (only infrequently found in Corylopsis sinensis Hemsl.); the exine is 2-layered, 1.25-2.50μm thick, distinctly reticulate, sexine almost equal to nexine in thickness. From the pollen morphology the genus is considered as a natu-ral group.  相似文献   

The genus Cyclocodon Griff. was reduced by C. B. Clarke in 1881 into a section of the genus Campanumoea. Our LM and SEM observations on pollen morphology show that the pollen of all the three species in the former is 3-colporate with the exine sparsely high-spinulose, whereas that of the two species in the latter is 5~8-colpate with the exine relatively densely short-spinulose. SEM observations on seed-coat indicate that the primary ornamentation of the seed-coat of the two species in Campanumoea (s. str. ) is characterized by regular and polygonal areoles which are much larger than the radial walls in diameter and by the bead-like secondary ornamentation on the radial walls, while that of the three species in Cyclocodon is characterized by irregular-shaped areoles which are nearly equal to the radial walls in diameter and by the rope-like secondary ornamentation on the radial walls. Thus, the pollen morphology is closely correlated with the seed-coat morphology. Taking the characteristics of pollen, seed-coat and gross morphology into consideration, the genus Cyclocodon is restored, separate from Campanumoea (s. str. ). One new combination, Cyclocodon celebicus (B1.)Hong, is made in the present paper. The genus Cyclocodon is con-sidered closely related to Platycodon rather than to Campanumoa.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with pollen morphology of 19 species belonging to Cyclobalanopsis and of 31 species belonging to Quercus from China. All pollen grains were examined under light microscope and scanning electron microscope, and those of 4 species of Cyclobalanopsis and of 8 species of Quercus were examined under transmission electron microscope. Pollen grains of Cyclobalanopsis are spheroidal or subspheroidal, 25.2(18.9-31.5) ×23.1 (16.8-27.3) μm in size. Mostly 3-colporoidate, rarely 3-colpate or 3-colporate. The exine is 2-layered, 1.1-1.9 μm thick, sexine thicker than nexine, finely granulate under LM, granulate, spinulate, verrucate under SEM. Pollen grains of Cyclobalanopsis and of evergreen members of Quercus are very similar to each other in size, aperture and ornamentation of exine, but there are some differences in pollen grains between Cyclobalanopsis and deciduous members of Quercus. Therefore, Pollenmorphology supports the treatment of Cyclobalanopsis as a subgenus of Querc  相似文献   

The pollen morphology in 168 species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Rubiodeae, Psychotrieae) has been investigated using light microscopy and, for 61 of the speices, scanning electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopical studies have been carried out for seven of the species. Psychorria is very heterogeneoous pollen morphologically and pollen grain characteristics cannot be used for the delimination of the basis of aperture morphology, thickness of exine, size of lumina, muri, columellae and bacula, and sculpture. A key to the identificantion of the pollen types is presented and all types are issstrated. The pollen grains in Psychotria are usually 3–to 5colporte, 3-to 5-colpate or inapertuarate, rarely 2–4-or 5-porate, and have an exine that vanes widely in thickness. The sexine is reticulate, microreticulate, tectate-perforate, rugulate or intectate, and smooth or sculptured. Exine morphology presents important characters for the taxonomic subdivision of Psychotria . Previous intrageneric classifications are in part supported by pollen morphology, but contradictions between this and other sets of charactes, such as inflorescence features. are common.  相似文献   

Species L. herteriano Kumm. similis, sed differt foliis angusto-ellipticis vel oblanceolatis, superne dentatis. A L. serrato Th1lnb. foliis subcoriaceis, costis utrinque leyiter visibilibus differt.Caules erecti, circ. 18 cm. alti, multidichotomi, basi 3 min. diametro. Folia spiraliter disposita 6-fariam, reflexa, subcoriacea, angusto-elliptica vel oblanceolata,7-9 mm. longa et 1.5-2 mm. lata, apice acuminata versus basin angustata, superne remote dentatal costis utrinque paullo prominentibus. Sporangia in ramulis juvenalibus, axillaria, reniformia, luteola, 1 mm. longa et l.5 mm. lata.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the pollen grains of 11 genera, 22 species in Chinese Oleaceae. A comparative study on the pollen grains was carried out by means of scanning electron microscope and light microscope. The pollen grains of the family Oleaceae are almost spheroidal, oblate and prolate, in polar view tlie majority of the pollen grains are tri-lobulate-circular, the minority are tetra-lobulate-circular and dilobulate-circular. Pollen size: (15-65) × (12- 60)μ, 3-colporate and 3-colpate the minority of the pollen grains 4-colpate and 2- colpate colpus usually distinct and the en doaperature vague. The exine oonsists of two layers, the sexine thicker than the nexine, with big reticulum or fine reticulum, the majority of the reticulum are very distinct. On the basis of the pollen size and exine ornamentation, the pollen grains are divided into following two main types: (1) The larger pellen grains and the exine with big reticulum are found in the genera: Jasminum, Nyctanthes, Ligustrum, and Syringa. (2) The smaller pollen grains and the exine with finer reticulum are found in the genera: Osmanthus, Olea, Chionanthus, Fraxinus, Forsythia, Fontanesia and Linociera. In view of the features of pollen morphology, this family is much similar to the family Itamamelidaeeae. For example, the first pollen type resembles the genus Coryiopsis of the family Hamamelidaceae, but there are some differences between them, the former with a bigger reticulate exine and without any colpal membrane, the latter with a finer reticulate apocolpium and eolpate membrane. The second pollen type is much similar to that of the genera Hamamelis and Loropetalum of family Hamamelidaceae.  相似文献   

Pampanini于1910年发表了桔梗科采自湖北西部的一个新种Codonopsis draco。此后100年无人提起它。最近作者在进行党参属及其近缘类群的专著研究中发现它就是1984年发表的刺萼参Echinocodon lobophyllus D.Y.Hong,也采自湖北西部。本文作了新组合。刺萼参在湖北郧西的分布点已经消失,至今仅知道陕西东南部两个地点有少量植株,可见刺萼参已处于濒危状态。因为它是单种属,对其保护应予特别关注。  相似文献   

Pampanini于1910年发表了桔梗科采自湖北西部的一个新种Codonopsis draco。此后100年无人提起它。最近作者在进行党参属及其近缘类群的专著研究中发现它就是1984年发表的刺萼参Echinocodon lobophyllus DY. Hong, 也采自湖北西部。本文作了新组合。刺萼参在湖北郧西的分布点已经消失,至今仅知道陕西东南部两个地点有少量植株,可见刺萼参已处于濒危状态。因为它是单种属,对其保护应予特别关注。  相似文献   

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