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大蒜品种生态型的数量分类研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 采用实验分类学和数量分类学相结合的方法,将来自北纬22˚~45˚、东经77˚~127˚ 的73个大蒜品种分为3大生态型。不同生态型的主要区别性状是秋、春播的叶片数差比,它反映了鳞芽花芽分化对低温反应的敏感性。由此划分的3大生态型为:低温反应敏感型——秋、春播叶片数差比值大,越冬期叶片生长较快,但一般不耐寒,分布于北纬31˚以南的地区;低 温反应迟钝型——秋、春播叶片数差比值小,越冬期叶片生长缓慢,耐寒,分布于低纬高海拔地区和北纬35˚以北的地区;低温反应中间型——生态特征介于低温反应敏感型和低温反应迟钝型之间,分布于北纬23˚~39˚的地域范围内。  相似文献   

Cathaya argyrophylla in China is generally referred as a “living fossil.” Cathaya was widely distributed in Eurasia during the Tertiary, but is now confined to central and east central China where it exhibits a scattered distribution. Field observations were made in Jinfushan (29˚ N; 107˚10′E), Sichuan Province, in 1978 and in the Huaping Forest District (25˚31′10″— 25˚39′36″N; 109 ˚48′54″—l09˚58′2″E), Guangxi Province, in 1979. In this paper the composition and structure of these interesting communities, their environment, as well as some changes within the communities are discussed. The Cathaya mixed communities contain 88 species of higher plants, 28 species of mosses, and two species of lichens. Among the higher plants 65 species (74%) are endemic to China, 23 species have a Sino-Japanese distributional pattern, and a few are Sino-Southeasr Asian dements. According to the coefficient of similarity of the components, differences in the bedrock underlying these forests, and dominant species, these communities can be divided into two different Cathaya mixed communities. Based on Raunkiar’s classification of life form, the phanerophytes rank first in both types of Cathaya communities (Figure 1) amounting to 89.9% and 81.3% in each com munity. These communities are different from temperate coniferous forests, which contain high percentages of hemicryptophytes. The dynamics of the communities are discussed.  相似文献   

1981—1986年,作了来源于世界不同纬度(24—53˚N)、不同经度(97—143˚E)、不同海拔(0—2650m)的野生大豆的光温生态分析。根据世界各地343份材料(中国292份、日本32份、南朝鲜14份、苏联5份)的分析资料,将世界野生大豆分为七个光温生态型及相应的七个生态地理区。  相似文献   

The second envelope glycoprotein (E2) of hepatitis C virus has been shown to bind human target cells and has become a major target for the development of anti-HCV vaccines. Anti-E2 antibodies have been suggested to be of clinical significance in diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of hepatitis C. However, large-scale expression and purification of E2 proteins in mammalian cells is difficult. As an alternative, E2 fragment (aa 385-730) with a four-amino-acid mutation (aa 568-571 PCNI to RVTS) was expressed as hexa-histidine-tagged full length protein [E2N730(m)] in E. coli and purified to over 85% purity. Purified E2N730(m) was specifically recognized by homologous hepatitis C patient serum in Western blot, suggesting that it displayed E2~specific antigenicity. Rabbit antiserum raised against E2N730(m) recognized E2 glyco-proteins expressed in mammalian cells in Western blot. Purified E2N730(m) was used to detect anti-E2 antibodies in human sera and showed better specificity and sensitivity than previousl  相似文献   

本文研究了哀牢山徐家坝地区优势种群木果石栎的自我调节,其自疏指数为 –2.8208。采用重要值百分数求取竞争系数,以优势种群在正常纯林中的优势度作为其容纳量,并用Lotka—Volterra竞争方程讨论木果石栎群落的优势种群木果石栎、景东石栎、腾冲栲的竞争,结果表明平衡时,相对优势度分别为29.52%、39.90%、30.58%。即木果石栎群落将由木果石栎,景东石栎,腾冲栲三种植物共优组成。  相似文献   

贵州省雷公山秃杉林的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
秃杉Taiwania flousiana)是世界上稀有的珍贵树种。现仅分布于我国云南西部怒江流域的贡山、澜沧江流域的兰坪,湖北西南部的利川、毛坝;以及贵州东南部雷公山等局部地区。国外也仅缅甸北部有少量分布。雷公山是我省秃杉集中分布的唯一地区,其分布区域为北纬26˚20′–26˚25′,东径108˚12′–108˚20′,海拔高度800一1300米,主要分布在沟谷地带的山坡凹部、阴坡及半阴坡;坡度均在30˚以上。 本文通过对雷公山秃杉林的调查,研究了秃杉群落的生境、组成、结构以及更新等,并作了定量方面的初步研究。提出了保护和发展雷公山秃杉林资源以及人工促进天然更新的建议和措施。  相似文献   

本文依据内蒙古自治区四个考古地点的孢粉分析资料,指出呼伦贝尔盟东部地区,在11400±230年前,不仅湖沼棋布,而且生长着由松、榆、椴、胡桃等组成的繁茂的温带针叶—阔叶混交林。公元前1700年,昭乌达盟敖汗旗一带,分布着暖温带针叶—阔叶混交林,从花粉分析说明那时的人类已摆脱了单纯狩猎,开始种植作物、饲养动物。自晚更新世以来,内蒙古植被由混交林向草原迅速的发展。  相似文献   

海南岛坝王岭长臂猿自然保护区植被   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
坝王岭长臂猿自然保护区植被以热带山地雨林为主,在沟谷地形环境中分布着更具雨林特色的块状热带山地沟谷雨林。在海拔较高的山脊山峰处,局部分布有山地苔藓林或山顶矮林。本文通过植被类型的划分、群落分析,讨论了森林群落的分布、环境条件、外貌结构、种类组成等特点,初步调查记述了长臂猿行为与森林植被的关系。 保护区内仍属保存较好的原生植被,优良的森林环境为长臂猿的生息繁衍提供了条件,组成了一个独特的热带山地生态系统。该区是我国目前唯一的类人猿自然保护区。对保护区森林群落的研究,不仅对植被资源的保护及开发利用,而且对长臂猿的保护和利用都具有重要意义;同时,也作为植物群落生态学与高级灵长类行为生态学结合研究的一个尝试。  相似文献   

上海的主要自然植被类型及其分布   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
上海位于北纬30˚23′一31˚37′,东经120˚50′一121˚45′。西北与江苏省,西南与浙江省相邻。土地面积约6000平方公里。佘山,大金山等低山丘陵,植物区系成分主要由山毛榉科(Fagaceae),樟科(Lauraceae)山茶科(Theaceae),胡桃科(Juglandaceae),蔷薇科(Rosaceae)和禾本科(Gramineae)等组成。以青冈(Gyclobalanopsis glauca)、红楠(Machilus thunbergii),苦槠(Gastanopsis sclerophylla)为主的常绿阔叶林、亚热带竹林(水竹Phyllostachys congesta)是上海地带性植被。目前次生的白栎林(Quercus fabri)和各类灌丛分布很广。上海境内的中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带的北界,应以冈身一线为界(即外冈,南翔,莘庄、马桥、柘林和漕泾一线)。  相似文献   

巴山松(Pinus henryi)林主要分布于大巴山区(包括西段米仓山),其分布规律是沿大巴山主脊及其两侧支脉东西延伸、断续分布,集中分布在海拔1400—1800m,形成大巴山区特有的一种重要植被类型。目前,大巴山区分布面积最大、保存最完好的巴山松林集中分布在陕西省南郑县黎坪一带。 对巴山松林生境条件、区系组成、群落外貌和结构及动态分析表明,随生境条件的变化,巴山松林的种类组成也发生有规律的变化,但巴山松在群落中始终占据优势地位,并保持着相对稳定的结构组成性状。巴山松更新幼苗较多,且分布比较均匀,天然更新状况良好。优势种群(巴山松)高度与株数的相关性分析表明,巴山松群落中以高大的巴山松个体为主,幼苗幼树较多;巴山松种群各级立木的数量关系反映出巴山松种群具有年龄集中分布的特点,整个种群表现为周期性波状起伏的稳定发展趋势。巴山松种群的稳定性,决定了巴山松群落具有稳定的发展趋势。巴山松材质优良,是大巴山区中山地带优良的造林树种,值得大力发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对贵州道真县沙河林区的稀有珍贵树种——银杉的调查,研究了银杉的生境,群落组成及生物学特性,提出了适当控制林木密度,清除部分枯枝落叶等地被物可以加速它的天然更新及正常生长。  相似文献   

归龙山位于福建省西南部,北纬25˚32′,东经116˚07′。南邻武平县,西与江西交界。它是武夷山脉南端主要山峰之一,主峰海拔1037m。面积近12km2。森林植被组成主要由锥栗属、杜英属、木莲属,润楠属、木荷属、柃木属和桃金娘属等。常绿阔叶林是本区最基本类型,地带性植被。 武夷山脉植被地带处于泛北极植物区向古热带植物区过渡。  相似文献   

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is situated in 30;14′–30;14′ and 30;33′–30;39′.Though its area. Is only 67000km2, it has many various ecosystem categories. The vegetation is the core of the ecosystem, so it is very important to research. The vegetation in Ningxia is the combination of many various vegetation types which have certain egularity of ecogeographical distribution. The zonal vegetation types in Ningxia arc the semi-desert, the steppe and the meadow-steppe from north to south. And there are the spectrums of the vertical belts of the vegetation in Helan mountain and Lupan mountain. There are also many intrazonal vegetation types—the saline-meadow, the grass-swamp, the salt vegetation, etc. Every vegetation type exists many various plant communities. And each vegetation type or plant community can reflect the comprehensive ecological factors. According to the regularity, we may put forward a principle of plan of the "Sanbei’(northeast, north and northwest China)shelter-forest in Ningxia:l. It is suitable to establish the scrub belts in Ningxia. In the semi-desert, the steppe, the meadow-steppe and the grass-tuft, the soil erosion on the slopes may be controled by the scrub belts following contour-line and the wind-sand-harm on the plateau plain may be prevented by the scrub networks; 2. To plant the shrubs, the semi-shrubs and the therophytes is suitable for fixing the sanddrift; 3. It isn’t difficult to plant the shelter-forest in the irrigation farmland. But it is very important to choose the tree species adapting various soil; 4. All of the forest and the scrub in the mountains must be closed and tended. The mixed-forest may be expanded on the meadow slope.  相似文献   

The leucine dehydrogenase (l-leucine: NAD oxidoreductase, deaminating, EC gene from Bacillus sp. DSM730 was cloned into Escherichia coli C600 with a vector plasmid, pBR322. The E. coli cells carrying a recombinant plasmid, pKULD1 (9.5 kb), produced a highly thermostable leucine dehydrogenase. The enzyme from E. coli cells carrying pKULD103, a deletion plasmid (6.5 kb) of pKULD1, was purified to homogeneity from the crude extract of clone cells by only one ion-change chromatography application with a yield of 73%. The leucine dehydrogenase of Bacillus sp. DSM730 is very similar in enzymological properties to those of other bacteria, except for molecular weight and stability. It has a molecular weight of about 280,000 and consists of six subunits identical in molecular weight (47,000). The enzyme is not inactivated by heat treatment at 80°C for 10 min, and incubation in the pII range of 5.4 to 10.3 at 55°C for 10 min. The Bacillus sp. DSM730 leucine dehydrogenase is the most thermostable of the leucine dehydrogenases so far purified, and is very useful for structure and stability studies, as well as being applicable to l-leucine production.  相似文献   

江西省九连山自然保护区的植被   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
1. 九连山自然保护区位于我国南部的南岭山地东段,处于江西南部,与广东边境相连,北纬24˚31′一24˚39′,东经114˚27′一114˚29′,面积约2000公顷。2.自然保护区内动植物种类极为丰富,其中高等植物1200种以上,约有206科;苔藓植物约30种,蕨类约62种,种子植物1100种以上。脊椎动物100多种。3.动植物区系起源较古老,有许多古代的科属,包括很多残遗种和稀有种。又是我国著名的单种属:观光木属和半枫荷属的家乡。有许多稀有的珍贵动物如:云豹、金猫、豹、华南虎、獐、水鹿、鬣羚、大灵猫、穿山甲、水獭、白鹇、平胸龟等。动物区系上,属于东洋界的华中区。4.自然保护区植被主要有四个群系纲;Ⅰ.常绿阔叶林;Ⅱ.针叶林;Ⅲ.山地草甸;Ⅳ.山地苔藓、矮林;14个群系,约19个群丛。顶极植被为常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

青海湖地区植被及其分布规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
青海湖地区位于青藏高原东北部。境内复杂的地貌类型及青海湖的存在对植被有重要影响。本区植物种类贫乏,现有种子植物52科、174属、445种。主要植被类型有寒温性针叶林、高原河谷灌丛、高寒灌丛、沙生灌丛、温性草原、高寒草原、高寒草甸、沼泽草甸、高寒流石坡植被等。植被分布表现出明显的规律性变化。草原分布于湖盆及河谷地带,由东而西植被类型有更加适应寒旱趋势。温性草原以青海湖为中心;呈环带状分布,而高寒草原的分布则与生境寒冷干旱相一致。山地垂直带谱表现为草原带、高寒灌丛与高寒草甸带以及高寒流石坡植被带。本区植被水平地带性分异受到青海湖的影响,其植被组合及特征表现出与青藏高原植被的明显相似性。作为祁连山南麓中部地区的一个大型山间盆地,其东西方向界于青海省东部地区和柴达木盆地之间,植被东西方向的水平地带性并未表现出明显的过渡特征。根据植被特点及分布规律分析,本区植被有其自身的特殊性,并与青藏高原隆升之后气候寒冷干旱相一致。因此,青海湖地区就整体而言应属祁连山地区植被一个相对独立的组成部分。  相似文献   

 九龙山位于浙江省遂昌县西南部,北纬28˚21′,东经118˚52′。土地面积约75km2。主峰海拔1724m。植物种类丰富,初步统计约有种子植物143科、584属、1149种。植物区系起源古老,地理成分以热带、亚热带成分组成为主。本文用数值分类NTS专用软件在IBM—PC型计算机进行数值分类。主要有6个植被型:常绿阔叶林,常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,落叶阔叶林,山顶矮林,针叶林和竹林。常绿阔叶林为本区地带性植被,常绿、落叶阔叶混交林为本区主要的植被类型。  相似文献   

本文通过考察普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)实验种群对不同频度刈割的反应,揭示刈割对该种群的密度、株高、生物量、单枝生物量和有性生殖份额等有明显的抑制作用,对累积株高增长和光合系统份额则有一定的促进作用。刈割频度越大,作用越大。但对后两者的促进是以消耗地下部分的物质和能量为前提的,超过一定频度的刈割不仅可使其有性生殖份额降至零,还可导致种群消亡。提示过频破坏普遍野生稻地上部分是该种部分种群发生地方性绝灭的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

The balance and exchange of water and energy in the ecosystem of China is noticeably affected by the monsoon climate especially associated with the occurrence of flood and drought in summer time. The determination of evapotranspiration (Ep), an important parameter of water balance, thus, is a linchpin for the investigation of monsoon-its mechanism and practical impacts. A new method to obtain actual Ep value has leen developed, which could monitor the actual Ep value in macro scale by using NOAA/AVHRR satallite data. The principle of the method is based on the experiment carried out by NASA in the eighth decade. In the IGBP( International Geosphere-Bio- sphere Program) studies, 13 special areas were selected for accessing their bio-diversity and the sensitiveness of climate change. NECT (Northeast China Transect) is one of the three mid-scale study areas. The location is 43.5˚ ± 1.5˚ N and 112˚ to 130.5˚ E. There are several biological systems including desert, dry grassland, steppe, forest and cultivated land. The vegetation index, as one of the significant indices of great importance in remote sensing, provides abundant and objective information for regional and global eco-environmental monitoring. NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) is the most widely used vegetation index due to its efficiency, and is defined as: NDVI = ( CH2- CH1 )/( CH2 + CH1 ), where, CHI, CH2 are the albedo of channel 1 and channel 2 respectively. Some studies showed that NDVI is closely related to water supply conditions and Ep is one of the signs of water supply conditions as known, so some of our experiments was carried out to find the relation between Ep and NDVI in NECT. The experimental model of Ep is shown as following: E = a·e b·NDVI, where, a and b are the empirical coefficients. NDVI data of NECT specified in the years of 1990, 1991 and 1992 were selected in this study. The results are highlighted as follows: 1. The climate condition was normal in 1990; precipitation was abnormally high in 1991 as floods occurred in many places of China and droughts occurred in 1992 due to poor precipitation. The climate features of those years could be seen in the Ep map. For example, the area with Ep values from 0 to 250 mm was the smallest in 1991 and biggest in 1992, indicating that Ep reflects climate changes directly. 2. The Ep of China exhibited ribbon-like distribution, with much more prominent variation from west to east than from north to south. By analyzing the Ep in three lines (42N, 44N, 45N) of the transect, it was found that there was quite a similar trend of change in the lines from 200 mm to 800 nun or more. The distribution of the biological systems from the west to the east was as in the order of desert, dry grassland, steppe, dry grassland, cultivated land and forest. The patterns of Ep distribution were in agreement with the distribution of vegetation species in this area especially in the west of the transect. 3. Analysis of the inter-annual variation of Ep among the years of 1990, 1991 and 1992 revealed that one could deduct from the maximum variation (the absolute value) that, under a specific condition of climate change, the most significant response appeared to be at the boundaries between the dry grassland and the steppe where the vegetation population was very frangible and very sensitive to the slightest climate change. The result may be helpful in selecting a target area for further research on the effect and mechanism of monsoon climate.  相似文献   

 Mt. St. Helens is an active volcano on the western flank of the Cascade: range in the southwestern Washington State, USA. It is located at lat. 46˚00′—46˚30′N, long 121˚52′—122˚40′W.We had investigated the alpine vegetation at Pine Creek, Butte Camp on Mt. St. Helens for three times, totaling ten days during August and eptember of 1983.The volcano had erupted sending out much pyroclastic, pumice and lava, which devdstated the vegetation around the crater. They not only mechanically destroyed plants tissue, but also buried entirely or partly of the plants.The radiant heat from the volcanic eruption caused the melting of ice and snow, creating huge mudflows, which estroyed and buried vegetation. The high temperture from direct radiant heat incinerated and scorched all the plants. On the other hand, the higher the elevation is, the stronger the wind and the lower the temperture; also snow was present on the alpine range, and this provided a lee for plants, and consequently some plants survived, and new ones row out of the ground. The alpine vegetation on Mt. St. Helens bears both the characteristic of alpine plants and the brand of volcanic activities: vegetation is sparse, species composition of plants limited, structure of community simple, production low and vegetation propagation being the main type of vegetative reproduction.The different types of lpine vegetation grow in different habitats: The community of Luekea pectinata grow in places covered by ice and snow; the community of Polygonum newberryi, Eriogonum pyroleafolium in localities covered by mudflow; the community of Phyllodace empetriformis on slopes of steep rocks and the community of grasses and sedges on low hills and plains. Hese are the four main communities on Mt. St. Helens. The recovery and succession of the alpine vegetation has been discussed. There are two types of succession, the primary and the secodary, with the secondary being the main one.Finally, the paper has analysed the reason why no forest occurs, on Mt. St. Helens. We think that it is a result of the ctive period of the volcano and that the climate conditions are favouable for forest. Also, we have suggested that some herbaceous plants be sown as soon as possible for they can accelerate the recovery of vegetation, and prevent the runoff of soil and water.  相似文献   

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