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对中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物共有6种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》51卷中未记载的3种进行了详细的描述,并对塔城堇菜、深紫堇菜及隐距堇菜进行了绘图。  相似文献   

梨藤作为中国新分布种发表时所引证的标本为另外的竹种,经研究本种在中国无分布,而原发表的新种流苏梨藤竹(M.fimbriatus)为其变种,本文将其作为1个新等级,并对其花部特征进行了补充描述,从而确定云南分布梨藤竹属竹子有2种,1变种,并编制了分种检索表。  相似文献   

Ligusticum is a highly specialized genus in the tribe Ammineae Koch of the subfamily Apioideae. It is transitional between the tribe Ammineae Koch and the tribe Peucedaneae DC., and shows a very close affinity to the genus Selinum. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed; the external morphology, pollen morphology and geographic distribution are analysed, and its evolutionary tendencies are discussed. In addition, a key to the 34 species is provided, and economic uses reported in the literature are summarized. Ligusticum consists of over 60 species widely distributed in Eurasia and North America; the genus is typically temperate. There are two principal distribution centers, one in the Himalayas, including the Hengduan Mountains of western China, and the other in North America. Thirty-four species occur in China, most of which are distributed in the alpine belt of south-western China, with only a few species occurring in northern China. They usually grow in alpine thicket meadows or in alpine meadows. Among them are 28 species endemic to China, 4 of which are described as new in the present paper, i. e. L.yuayuanense, L.litanense, L.filifolium, and L.yunnanense. L.elatum (Edgew.) C. B. Clarke, a species of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and L. thomsonii C.B.Clarke var. evolutior C. B. Clarke, of India, Pakistan and Kashmir, are reported from China for the first time. Some species are important in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, L. sinense Oliv., L. sinense Oliv. cv. Chuanxiong, L. sinense Oliv. cv. Fuxiong, L. delavayi Franch., L. jeholense (Nakai et Kitagawa) Nakai et Kitagawa, L. tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Hiroe et Constance, etc. The genus Tilingia was established by Regel in 1858, based on Tilingia ajanensis. The chief characters of the genus are distinct calyx teeth and carpels bearing a solitary vitta in each furrow. However, these characters do not differentiate Tilingia from Ligusticum, so that Tilingia was transferred to Ligusticum by Kozo-Poljansky in 1916. Tilingia tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Kitagawa was transferred to Ligusticum by Hiroe et Constance in 1958. Shan et Sheh in “F1. Reip. Pop. Sin.” Tom. 55 supported the treatment by Kozo-Poljansky and Hiroe and Constance The genus Ligusticopsis was separated from Ligusticum by Leute in 1969, based on the prominent calyx teeth of the former. Ligusticopsis included 14 species, all confined to China. But this genus has not been accepted by any other botanists since its establishment. The subdivision of Ligusticum in this paper is based mainly on the characters of involucel bracteoles and mericarps, combined with the shape and aperture types of pollen grains. The genus is divided into the following two sections. Sect.1 Ligusticum, Bracteoles linear or lanceolate, entire; mericarps slightly lateral-compressed to slightly dorsal-compressed; vittae solitary to numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments ovate, lanceolate, or linear; pollen grains mainly rhomboidal or ellipsoidal; apertures gonitreme. Sect. 2 Pinnatibracteola Pu. Bracteoles 1-3-pinnatisect or 2-3-lobed at apex; mericarps dorsal-compressed; vittae usually numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments usually linear, rarely ovate or lanceolate; pollen grains rectangular, elongate-rhomboidal, or equatorially constricted; apertures mainly peritreme, rarely gonitreme or intermediate.  相似文献   

彭华  龚洵  李璐 《云南植物研究》2001,23(2):159-172
报道了中国一新归属--皱稃草属,强调了准确记录外来植物的重要性并简要讨论了在我国建立生物安全立法的必要性。  相似文献   

描述了产于安徽境内的竹亚科刚竹属4个新种,即:糙竹、燥壳竹、广德芽竹、谷雨竹,并讨论了与近缘类群的区别,提供了显示鉴别特征的活植物及模式标本图片.新种的主模式标本均保存于安徽农业大学树木标本馆.  相似文献   

描述了产于安徽境内的竹亚科刚竹属4个新种,即:糙竹、燥壳竹、广德芽竹、谷雨竹,并讨论了与近缘类群的区别,提供了显示鉴别特征的活植物及模式标本图片。新种的主模式标本均保存于安徽农业大学树木标本馆。  相似文献   

A revision of the Chinese species of Androsace updates our knowledge of the genus by providing a brief historical survey, character analysis, discussion on generic relationships and geographical distribution, and a key to species currently recognized. For the sake of completeness, the key is supplemented by an enumeration, and a record of the known distribution of each species. Furthermore, some specimen citations and additional notes on species previously very incompletly known are also included. Seven new species and two infraspecific taxa are described.  相似文献   

【目的】报道了云南省勐腊县中老边境地区舟翅桐属(Pterocymbium R. Br.)及其属下热带落叶大乔木——大花舟翅桐(P. macranthum Kosterm.)在中国的分布新记录,并提供了保护建议。该物种在历史上仅见分布于缅甸中南部和泰国北部、西南部,在中国的发现将其分布区向北扩展至热带亚洲北缘,有助于深入理解中国与东南亚热带森林树木区系之间的关系。【方法】利用体视显微镜对其境内雌株标本进行解剖观察和研究,用数码相机对关键分类特征进行了拍摄记录,并借此完善了其属和种的描述。利用无人机航拍对大花舟翅桐境内种群进行了规模快速评估,访谈当地人对其用途和木材贸易情况的认知,并结合作者在东南亚植物调查经验对其IUCN物种受威胁等级进行评估。【结果】大花舟翅桐在中国境内约有1 000株,分布区面积约2 000 hm2,评定为IUCN红色物种名录易危(VU)物种。【结论】舟翅桐属为中国新记录属,属下大花舟翅桐为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

On the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Persea group (Lauraceae) using the sequences of ITS and LEAFY intron II, the species Phoebe chinensis Chun, P.minutiflora H. W. Li, P.faberi (Hemsl.) Chun, P.microphylla H. W. Li and P.forrestii W. W. Smith, which are characterised by the persistent perianth lobes loosely clasping the base of fruit, apex extrorse, as well as globose fruit, were transferred into the genus Machilis. Accordingly, a new name Machilus montana L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, as well as three new combinations M.minutiflora (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, M.microphylla (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li and M.forrestii (W. W. Smith) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li were reported here.  相似文献   

根据分子系统学研究结果,楠属(Phoebe)中以其宿存的花被片在果时松散、先端外倾,果实球形为特征的物种,即山楠Phoebe chinensis Chun,小花楠P.minutiflora H.W.Li,竹叶楠P.faberi(Hemsl.)Chun,小叶楠Pmicrophylla H.W.Li以及长毛楠P.forrestiiW.W.Smith均应归入润楠属(Machilus),其中原先作为润楠属物种发表的竹叶润楠Machilus faberi Hemsl.应予采用,但山楠一种其种加词发表时已是晚出同名,另起新名为Machilus montana L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,nom.nov,而余下三种作为新组合在此发表,即:M.minutiflora(H.W.Li)L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.;M.microphylla(H.W.Li)L.Li.J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.及Mforrestii(W.W.Smith)L.Li,J.Li&H_W.Li,comb.nov.。  相似文献   

竹亚科刚竹属植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了竹亚科Bambusoideae刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb. et Zucc.的2个新种和5个新变型:瓜竹Ph. longiciliata、浙江甜竹Ph. zhejiangensis、黄槽黄古竹Ph. angusta f. flavosulcata、绿槽人面竹Ph. aurea f. koi、蝶毛竹 Ph. edulis f. abbreviata、黄条燥壳竹Ph. hirtivagina f. flavovittata和花竹Ph. nidularia f. basipilis;作出3个新组合变型:厚皮毛竹Ph. edulis f. pachyloen、安吉锦毛竹Ph. edulis f. anjiensis和花秆早竹Ph. violascens f. viridisulcata;对金条竹Ph. aureosulcata f. flavostriata、对花竹Ph. bambusoides f. duihuazhu、黄槽斑竹Ph. bambusoides f. mixta和黄皮毛竹Ph. edulis f. holochrysa的模式标本给予了重新指定。  相似文献   

中国迷蚜蝇属Milesia厘订(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国原记载分布有14种迷蚜蝇。本文通过对我国迷蚜蝇馆藏标本的收集、整理、鉴定,发现有6个新异名:瑞丽迷蚜蝇M.ruiliana Yang et Cheng和清华迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa的异名,茂兰迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为锈色迷蚜蝇Mferruginosa的异名,黑色迷蚜蝇M.atricorporis Yang et Cheng为黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa的异名,拟蜂迷蚜蝇M.vesparia Shiraki和隆顶迷蚜蝇M.turgidiverticis Yang et Cheng为隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti的异名。并首次报道杂色迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti在中国有分布。到目前为止,我国实际有分布的迷蚜蝇共13种(其中,棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta (Bigot)分布在我国南海,未见标本)。本文提供了每种的腹部特征图,并列出所有中国种类的分类检索表,同时附有地理分布图。中国迷蚜蝇种类如下:闽小迷蚜蝇M.apsycta Seguy、玉带迷蚜蝇M.balteata Kertesz、黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa、锈色迷蚜蝇M.ferruginosa Brunetti、裂翅迷蚜蝇M.fissipennis Speiser、非凡迷蚜蝇M.insignis Hippa、马氏迷蚜蝇M.maai Hippa、桔斑迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti、寡斑迷蚜蝇M.paucipunctata Yang et Cheng、黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa、中华迷蚜蝇M.sinensis Curran、隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti和棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta Bigot。  相似文献   

Nutlets of Hemigenia R.Br. and Microcorys R.Br. were examined using SEM. Significant variation, mainly useful at the infrageneric level, was found in nutlet shape, nature of the attachment scar, nature of surface sculpturing, exocarp cell shape and sculpturing, and nature of the indumentum. Typical nutlets are ovoidal, strongly reticulate or rugose. The exocarp cells are isodiametric and convex to papillate. Also common are cylindrical nutlets, often with longitudinal ridging and papillate exocarp cells. Surface pitting and concave exocarp cells are rare. A cladistic analysis of nutlet characters suggests both Hemigenia and Microcorys are polyphyletic, and Microcorys paraphyletic with respect to Westringia Sm. Notwithstanding that, the infrageneric classification of Hemigenia was largely supported, while in Microcorys, there was support for sect. Hemigenioides, but sects Anisandra and Microcorys were not resolved as distinct.  相似文献   

The genus Yinshania was established by Ma Yu-chuan and Zhao Yi-zhi in 1979, when only one species, Y. albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao, was discribed from Nei Monggol. In the present paper the genus Yinshania is revised and four new species, two new varieties and four new combinetions are reported. There are so far eight species and two varieties in total in this genus. Important morphological characters of the genus are analysed, which shows that the lateral nectariferous glands positioned at lateral base of the brevistamens are triangularovoid; there are dense minute pustules on the surface of valves, which is easily neglected because the pustules disappear or shrinked when dry; simple or furcate hairs are present in the most species, seldom absent; the shape of pollen grains is relatively steady, elliptic or long-elliptic, with the polar view trifidcircular, the equatorial view elliptic or long elliptic, the aperture 3-colpate, exine reticular. The type of genus Yinshania is changed. Cochlearia acutangula O. E. Schulz was published in 1929, but Y. albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao in 1979. They are the same species and a new combinetion, Y. acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y. H. Zhang, is made. Thus, the type of genus Yinshania should be changed to Y. acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y. H. Zhang. Besides, He Ye-qi 6121 (paratype, PE), which is different from Y. acutangula var. albiflora, is separated from it and transferred the typical variety, Y. acutangula. According to the characters of fruit shape the genus Yinshania is divided into two sections, namely, Sect. Microcarpa and Sect. Yinshania, and then Sect. Yinshania is subdivided into two series. Sect. 1. Microcarpa. Silicles widely ovoid or subglobose, 1-2.2 mm long, 0.8-2.2 mm wide, the ratio of length and width about 1.1. Sect. 2. Yinshania. Silicles oblong, oblong-ovoid or long-lanceolate, ellipsoidal, 1.5-4.5 mm long, 0.3-1.5 mm wide, the ratio of length and width about 2.5-3.3. Ser. 1. Henryanae. Raches flexuose; plants densely hairy; leaves 3-5-foliolate, seldom pinnatipartite or pinnatisect. Ser. 2. Yinshania. Raches non flexuose; plants sparsely hairy; leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite. The genus Yinshania is a genus endemic to China, with their range from eastern Xizang to western Hubei from northern Guizhou to central Nei Monggol. The taxa are mostly of a small area. Sect. Microcarpa is concentrated in Sichuan and southern Gansu; Sect. Yinshania is spread from Xizang and Sichuan, nouthwards to Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi, Hebei and Nei Monggol (Ser. Yinshania); and from Sichuan south-eastwards to Guizhou and Hebei (Ser. Henryanae). There are five species in Sichuan. The present paper conjectures that the distribution centre of the genus is in the Hengduan Mountains and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

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