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In the cultured young ovaries of rice, the processes of megagametophyte develop- ment could be switched to the formation of various abnormally organized embryo sacs and then to the initiation of synergid apogamy. The main pathway leading to apogamy was found to go via a linearly oriented 4-nucleate embryo sac to the formation of a li- nearly oriented egg apparatus, from which it was usually the chalazal synergid giving rise to an apogamous proembryo, and the micropylar synergid degenerated. The proembryo thus produced was located at the base of a vacuolated egg cell (Plate Ⅰ, 1–7). The second pathway went through a nonlinearly oriented 4-nucleate embryo sac to the formation of an egg apparatus in which the two synergids were located at one side of the egg and oriented longitudinally. In this case it was often the chalazal synergid that could be triggered to apogamy, resulting in a hook-shaped proembryo embracing the egg cel1 from one side (Plate Ⅰ, 8–11). When ovaries with nearly matured embryo sac were cultured, in a few cases where apogamy was induced, the proembryos observed were all situated at one side of the egg and were hook-shaped (Plate Ⅰ, 12). All these pathways are summarized in a diagram (Fig. 23). Some interesting changes were observed in the synergid and the egg cell of the cultured ovaries by PAS reaction and mercuric bromphenol blue staining. The egg cells, in contrast to in vivo condition, often contained abundant starch grains,. The synergids and synergid proembryos were rich of cytoplasmic protein (Plate Ⅱ, 13, 14). We supposed that the egg may supply some nutrients as well as stimulants to the developing synergid in the course of apogamy. The distribution of starch and protein in apogamous embryoids during subsequent development was also described in this paper (Plate, 15–22).  相似文献   

Young barley flowers of various stages (from megaspore tetrad to mature embryo sac) were used as materials for culture and subsequent embryological observation. Two culture methods, vertical flower culture and horizontal ovary culture, were adopted. The inocula were cultured at nearly 25 ℃ in dark on N6 medium solidified with agar (0.8%) and supplemented with sucrose (3%–12%), MCPA (0.5–2 ppm), NAA or IAA (lppm) and KT or BAP (0.5–1 ppm). After inoculation, ovaries were sampled at 2–3 day intervals, fixed in aceto-methanol (1:3), stained in toto in diluted Ehrlich’s hematoxylin and sectioned by paraffin method. In all three cultivars tested, embryogenesis within unfertilized embryo sac was observed. The gynogenetic embryos, totally 59 in number, derived mostly from egg apparatus, but some of them came from antipodals too. Usually only one embryo was located in an embryo sac, but in a few cases, two embryos within one embryo sac were observed. The first embryogenie division was transverse in direction, resulting in a basal cell and a terminal cell. The basal cell elongated strikingly and thus pushed the terminal cell toward the center of the embryo sac. Subsequent divisions often led to the formation of a proembryo with peculiar linear shape. Later, multicel- lular embryoids with various sizes and shapes were observed. Some of them showed organ differentiation. Most of the differentiating embryoids were similar to the ordinary zygotic embryo of barley, with a terminal scutellum and a lateral coleoptile. However, some of them showed some abnormal appearance. Ovaries inoculated at megaspore tetrad stage could not be induced to gynogenesis, although in a few cases probable nucellus embryos were observed. Instead, ovaries inoculated at later stages (from uninucleate to mature embryo sacs) did give rise to gynogenetic embryogenisis without the occurence of adventitious embryogeny. The induction-frequency was higher in materials inoculated at 8-nucleate or mature embryo sac stages than at earlier stages. In the latter cases, triggering of embryogenesis could take place only when the embryo sacs were well-differentiated after a period of game tophytie development during culture. Gynogenetic embryos could be induced by both vertical flower culture or horizontal ovary culture, but the former was superior in providing better conditions for growth of ovaries and embryo sacs and thus yielded more embryoids. Divisions of unfertilized polar nuclei leading to endosperm-like free nuclei were also found in cultured ovaries. However, such structure was not likely to play a similar role of nurse tissue as in vivo for the gynogenetic embryos in vitro, since it did not often accompany the occurence of embryoids within the same embryo sacs.  相似文献   

韭菜胚囊发育与胚胎发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韭菜胚囊发育为葱型,胚胎发生属柳叶菜型。成熟胚囊中,三个反足细胞形态上常类似卵器,其中二个呈助细胞状,一个呈卵细胞状。卵状反足细胞可分裂成多细胞原胚,但随着胚乳的发育而退化。在未受精胚囊中,卵细胞和卵状反足细胞均可分裂,它们的发生过程与合子胚相似,但因无胚乳哺育,均不能继续发育。论证了反足细胞胚的性质,初步探讨了胚乳与反足细胞无配子生殖的关系。  相似文献   

There is little information on the fate of embryo sacs in plantovules if pollination is prevented. In this study embryo sacsfrom watermelon were observed over a 13 day period followingflowering with (a) normal pollination, (b) non-pollination and(c) induction of parthenocarpic fruit development with naphthaleneacetic acid. Following pollination, and prior to fertilizationapproximately 2 days later, the embryo sacs completed developmentand consisted of two synergids with prominent filiform apparatus,an egg cell, a central cell with two polar nuclei and threeantipodal cells. Sperm nuclei were observed within the embryosac at 2 days and by 4 days the endosperm was proliferating.In the non-pollination treatment the embryo sac was still intactafter 4 days although the antipodal nuclei were becoming hardto distinguish. By 7 days only the two synergids and the eggcell were still well defined, the polar nuclei appeared in somepreparations to be fused, and the antipodals had degenerated.By 10 days the embryo sac was a structure-less watery mass.In parthenocarpic fruit the fate of the embryo sac was similarto that in non-pollinated fruit except that final breakdownwas delayed past 10 days. Maturity of the majority of embryo sacs in an ovary appearedto be contemporaneous with penetration of the pollen tube, andon the basis of the anatomical results it seems possible thatembryo sacs could be fertilized up to 2 days beyond the normaltime. Citrullus lanatus, watermelon, embryo sac, anatomy, pollination, parthenocarpy  相似文献   

Flowers ofPlatanthera bifolia were hand-pollinated and fixed in FPA50 after 2, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days. Ovules, made transparent in Herr's clearing fluid, were investigated using confocal scanning laser microscopy. Pollination initiates the megasporogenesis. Two days after pollination dyads are frequent. Three days later most embryo sacs contain two nuclei. Seven days after pollination the embryo sacs are 4–8-nucleate and some are organized, and a week later all embryo sacs are organized and fertilization takes place. The embryo sac development follows thePolygonum type. Twenty-one days after pollination the egg nuclei have been fertilized and the embryo sacs contain 2- to many-celled embryos. A suspensor is formed during early stages of embryo development but degenerates later. Fertilization of the central nucleus does not lead to endosperm development.  相似文献   

短柄五加开花后雌蕊的发育状态与受精作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
短柄五加(EleutherococusbrachypusHarms.)开花当天,花药散粉,而雌配子体需经4~5d才发育成熟。证实短柄五加为雄蕊先熟植物。开花第5天,成熟胚囊的比率为5769%,其余为退化和不育胚囊。开花第6天,胚囊开始受精。开花第10天,受精胚囊占胚囊总数的5357%。柱头的可授期自开花后第4~5天开始,自花粉萌发至雌雄性核融合大约有2~3d的间隔期。短柄五加受精过程与一般被子植物相同,其受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。观察并统计了合子中雌性核仁的数目、存在状态,指出短柄五加合子中从雄性核仁出现到与雌雄性核仁融合为一个大核仁需经历3d左右;如果以胚乳游离核数目为对照,大部分合子中雌雄性核仁的融合发生在32~128个胚乳游离核时期。大多数合子是以雌雄性核仁融合为一个大核仁后进入合子分裂期;少数合子的雌雄性核仁不经融合也进入合子分裂期。观察到多精入胚囊、多精入卵以及成熟胚囊退化的现象。讨论了被子植物受精过程中有关受精终结的标志等问题。  相似文献   

Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms. is a protandrous plant because the female gametophyte delays its maturation until the fifth day after anthesis and pollen shelling. On the fifth day after anthesis, about 57.69% of the embryo sacs matured and the rest degenerated or failed to develop. Fertilization began in the embryo sac on the fifth day. On the tenth day fertilization took place in 53.37 % of the total of embryo sacs. The stigma became receptible after 3 to 4 days of anthesis. It took 2 to 3 days from the germination of pollen grains on stigma to the fusion of male and female nuclei. The process of fertilization in E. brachypus is not different from most other angiosperms. It belonged to the type of premitotic syngamy. The observations and statistical analysis were made on the number feature of male and female nucleoli in the zygote. The result indicated that it took three days or so from the appearance of male nucleolus in the zygote to its fusion with the female nucleotus. Refering to the number of free nuclei of the endosperm, the fusion of male and female nucleoli in most of the zygotes occurred in the stage of 32 to 128 nuclei of the endosperm. Most zygotes con-tained a big nucleolus resulting from the fusion of male and female nucleolus and proceeding to mitosis. A few without fusion could also proceed to the mitotic stage. Features of multiple sperms entering the embryo sac or entering the egg cell and the degeneration of mature embryo sacs were observed as well. The sign of the termination of fertilization in angiosperms was discussed.  相似文献   

对韭菜开花前1天左右的子房进行培养可获得大量的单倍体植株。观察表明单倍体植株起源于未受精的卵细胞和反足细胞。为了探索培养不同发育时期的子房对单倍体原胚发生频率的影响,我们又对大孢子母细胞时期的幼  相似文献   

The structural and histochemical changes of the egg apparatus in the polyembryonic rice (Oryza sativa L.), ApⅢ with the highest frequence of additional embryos among the polyembryonic rice investigated, before and after fertilization were studied and compared with those of normal and other polyembryonic rices in a similar developmental period. A total of 2 932 ovules were observed and each of them contained only asingle embryo sac with a set of egg apparatus. Among 1 655 embryo sacs, there were 1 643 embryo sacs (99.27%) with one normal egg apparatus in each embryo sac, and only 12 embryo sacs (0.73%) from the remainder with 4 celled egg apparatus, i.e. two eggs and two synergids. Neither the numerous poly egg apparatus and egg like cells, nor the double set of embryo sacs each containing one egg apparatus and other abnormal egg apparatus in single ovary, which were reported by earlier investigators to have high frequency of embryo production in SB 1 and ApⅣ, were observed. The egg cell was located at the subterminal site of the micropylar end of embryo sac. The cytoplasm of egg cell was rich in protein materials and poly saccharide grains, which did not disappear until the division of zygote. The prominent nucleus was closely surrounded by protein and polysaccharide grains, which did not disappear until the division of zygote. No cytological difference was found between egg cells from the normal and abnormal egg apparatus. The two synergids were fully developed and situated at the upper most part of the micropylar end of the mature embryo sac. In most embryo sacs, the synergids were flask shaped with longer necks, and a widened cap shaped top, in close contact with the micropyle. The synergids had a well developed filiform apparatus. The characteristic appearance of the filiform apparatus as well as the cap neck region of synergids before and after pollen tube penetration were easily distinguishable from the egg cell. The structure, the stainability with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and PAS reaction, the process of accumulation, distribution and disapperance of the cytoplasmic protein materials and polysaccharide grains of the two synergids, the persistent and rarely the receptive synergids before and after pollen tube penetration, were closely similar to those of egg cell of the same developmental stage. In comparison with normal and other polyembryonic rice reported, the size of nucleus and nucleolus and their stainability also strongly resembled those of egg cell. Based on the results observed, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) the additional embryos very frequently developed in the young and mature seed of polyembryonic rice ApⅢ were produced by one or two synergids of normal egg apparatus, rarely by 4 celled egg apparatus; (2) during fertilization, the synergids, in addition to the natural specific function of introducing pollen tube and transferring sperms to egg cell and central cell, could be closely associated with the potentiality to breed one or two additional embryos; and (3) as compared with that of normal or other polyembryonic rice it is firstly disclosed that in a few embryo sacs of ApⅢ, the cytoplasmic and nuclear structure, the active anabolism and catabolism of protein and polysaccharide materials and the delayed disorganization at the mid basal region of the receptive and persistent synergid still remained unchanged before the division of zygote. Such salient features could be the predisposition for the origin of additional embryos in ApⅢ.  相似文献   

In nun orchid (Phaius tankervilliae (Alton) B1. ) embryo sac development follows the monosporic pattern. Changes in the pattern of organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis in this orchid were studied using the immunofluorescence technique and eonfocal microscopy. At the initial stage of development the microtubules in the arehesporium were randomly oriented into a network. Later the archesporial cell elongated to form the megasporocyte. The cytoskeleton in the elongated megasporoeyte was radially organized in which microtubules extending from the nuclear envelope to the peripheral region of the cell. The megasporoeyte then underwent meiosis 1 to form a dyad. The dyad cell at the chalazal end was larger than the cell at the micropylar end. Microtubules in the dyad cell were radially oriented. The dyad underwent meiosis to give rise to a linear array of four megaspores (i. e. tetrad formation). The chalazal-far most megaspore survived and became the functional megaspore, which contained a set of randomly oriented microtubules. The microtubules in the other 3 megaspore disappeared as the cells degenerated. The functional megaspore then underwent mitotic division giveing rise to a 2 nucleate embryo sac. The nuclei of the 2-nucleate embryo sac were separated by a set of longitudinally oriented microtubules which ran parallel to the long axis of the embryo sac. Each nucleus in the embryo sac was surrounded by a set of perinuelear microtubules. The gnucleate embryo sac again underwent mitotic division to form a 4-nucleate embryo sac. The division of the two nuclei was synchronous. But the orientation of the division plan of the two spindles was different (i. e. the spindle microtubules at the chalazal end ran parallel with the long axis of the embryo sac and those at the mieropylar end ran at right angle to the axis of the embryo sac). The 4 nuclei of the 4-nucleate embryo sac were all tightly surrounded by randomly oriented microtubules. Later the paired nuclei at the micropylr end and at the chalazal end as well underwent mitotic division in seguence. At this time when the embryo sac had reached the 8-nucleate embryo sac stage. The pattern of organization of the microtubules was very complex. Initially the nuclei were surrounded by a set of randomly oriented microtubules, but after the two polar nuclei had moved to the central region of the embryo sac, three different organizational zones of microtubules appeared, viz: a randomly oriented set of microtubules surrounding each nucleus in the chalazal zone: a set (in the form of a basket) of cortical microtubules which surrounded the vacuoles and the two polar nuclei in the central zone and a loosely knitted network of microtubules surrounding the nucleus that later became the egg cell nucleus in the micropylar zone. The two nuclei that would become the nuclei of the synergids were surrounded by a set of more densely packed mierotubules. Towards far the most micropylar end some microtubules formed thick bundles. The site of appearance of these thick bundles coincided with the site of development of the filiform apparatus. The pattern of microtubule organization after cellularization (i. e. at the beginning of embryo sac maturation) did not change much. The author's results indicated that various patterns of microtubule organization observed in the developing embryo sac of nun orchid reflected the complexity and dynamism of the embryo sac.  相似文献   

大叶杨配囊及胚珠的形成和发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用细胞化学方法研究了大叶杨胚珠、胚囊的形成和发育过程中核酸、蛋白质及不溶性多糖的分布和消长。大孢子母细胞、大孢子四分体及功能大孢子中含较少不溶性多糖,但却含丰富的RNA和蛋白质。功能大孢子经分裂发育成八核的蓼型胚囊。四核胚囊开始积累细胞质多糖,成熟胚囊中除反足细胞外充满淀粉粒。反足细胞形成后不久即退化。助细胞具多糖性质的丝状器,受精前两个助细胞退化。卵细胞核对Feulgen反应呈负反应。二极核受精前由胚囊中部移向卵器,与卵器接触后融合形成次生核。发育早期的胚珠为厚珠心,双珠被。晚期,内珠被退化,故成熟胚珠为单珠被。四核胚囊时期,珠孔端珠心组织退化,胚囊伸向珠孔形成胚囊喙。合点端珠心组织含丰富的蛋白质和核酸,这一性质与绒毡层性质相似,可能涉及胚囊的营养运输。胚囊的营养来源于子房和胎座细胞内贮存的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

This paper describes megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and development of female and male gametophytes in Eleutherococcus senticosus. The main results are as follows: Flowers of E. senticosus are epigynous, pentamerous. Anthers are 4 -microsporangiate. An ovary has 5 loculi. Each ovary loculus has 2 ovules: the upper ovule and the lower ovule. The upper one is orthotropous and degenerates after the formation of archesporial cell, while the lower one is anatropous, unitegmic and crassinucellar, and able to continue developing. In male plants, microsporogenesis and development of male gametophytes took place in regular way, but a series of abnormal phenomena were found in megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes. The microspore mother cells gave rise to tetrahedral tetrads by meiosis. Cytokinesis was of the simultaneous type. The mature pollen was 3-celled and shed singly. The anther wall formation belonged to the dicotyledonous type. At the stage of microspore mother cell, the anther wall consisted of four layers, i.e. epidermis, endothecium, middle layer, and tapetum. The tapetum was of glandular type and its most cells were binucleate. When microspores were at the uninucleate stage, the tapetum began to degenerate in situ. When microspores developed into 3-celled pollen grains, the tapetum had fully degenerates. In the lower ovule of male flower, the megaspore mother cell gave rise to a linear or “T” -shaped tetrad. In some cases, a new archesporial cell over the tetrad or two tetrads parallel or in a series were observed. Furthermore, the position of functional megaspore was variable; any one or two megaspores might be functional, or one megaspore gave rise to a uninucleate embryo sac, but two other megaspores also had a potentiality of developing into the embryo sac. In generally, on the day when flowers opened, female gametophytes contained only 4 cells: a central cell, two irregular synergids and one unusual egg cell. In female plants, microspore mother cells and secondary sporogenous cells were observed. But at the stage of secondary sporogenous cell, the newly differentiated tapetum took the appearance of degeneration. Later, during the whole stage of meiosis, the trace of degenerative tapetum could be seen. At last, the microsporangium degenerated and no tetrad formed. On the blossom day, all anthers shriveled without pollen grains. In female flowers, megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes were normal: the tetrad of megaspores was linear or “T”-shaped; the chalazal megaspore was usually functional; the development of embryo sac was of the Polygonum type. On the blossom day, most embryo sacs consisted of 7 cells with 8 nuclei or 7 cells with 7 nuclei; but the egg apparatus was not fully developed. In hermaphroditic plants, microsporogenesis was normal but the development of male gametophytes was partially abnormal. When the hermaphroditic flowers blossomed, there were more or less empty pollen grains in the microsporangium and these pollen grains were quite different in size. The development of most gynoecia was normal but numerous abnormal embryo sacs could be seen. On the blossom day, female gametophytes were mainly 7-celled with 8-nuclei or with 7-nuclei or 4-celled with antipodal cells degenerated; the egg apparatus wasnot fully developed either.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts (C values) were measured in Feulgen-stained sections of anthers and ovules of sexual plant B-2s (genotype aaaa) and aposporous cultivar Higgins (genotype AAaa) of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare). The mass of the unreplicated nuclear genome of a gamete equals 1C DNA. In both lines, pollen mother cell nuclei were 4C before leptotene; anther wall, dyad, 1-nucleate pollen, and generative cell nuclei were 2C; microspore tetrad, enlarging microspore, and sperm nuclei were 1C. The tapetum persisted as uninucleate cells with 4C DNA. Archespores (2-4C) of both lines initiated meiosis to form megaspore tetrad nuclei with 1-2C DNA. In B-2s, chalazal megaspores (2-4C) formed reduced 8-nucleate Polygonum type embryo sacs, and sacs at 2- and 4-nucleate stages showed distributions with peaks near C1 and C2, corresponding to G1 and G2 cell cycle phases; this is characteristic of active mitosis. Nuclei of 8-nucleate sacs and of eggs and polars were 1C, indicating chromosomes were not duplicated before fertilization. Antipodal nuclei had levels from 1 to 36C, possibly due to polyteny or endopolyploidy. In Higgins, aposporous initials and 2-nucleate embryo sacs showed bimodal distributions of 2n nuclei with peaks at 2C and 4C DNA. Nuclei of newly formed 4-nucleate Panicum type aposporous sacs and of polars were 2C; aposporous eggs stained too faintly for reliable measurement.Names of products are included for the benefit of the reader and do not imply endorsement or preferential treatment by USDA  相似文献   

Fertilization and variation of protein and starch grains in Pulsatilla chinensis (Bung) Regel have been studied at light microscopic level with histochemical test. Based upon the observations, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: The mature pollen grains are two-celled in which the generative cell shows the stronger protein staining than the vegetative cell. And vegetative cells are full of starch garins. When the pollen tube enters into the embryo sac, one synergid is destroyed, or in a few cases synergids are intact. Occasionally two synergids are disorganized as pollen tube penetrates. However, most of the remaining syuergids break down during fertilization, only in a few cases it remains till early stage of embryo development. The contents discharged by the pollen tube consist of two sperms, which stain intensely blue with protein dyes, a great amount of protein and starch grains. Mature female gametophyte (embryo sac) consists of an egg apparatus, central cell, which has a huge secondary nucleus, and antipodal apparatus which retain in course of fertilization. A few of embryo sac contain two sets of egg apparatus, a central cell with two huge secondary nuclei and two sets of antipodal apparatus. In some nucleoli of the central cell the comb-like structure pattern may be detected clearly. There are 1–2 small nucleoli in some egg cells and central cells. All the cells in embryo sac show protein positive reaction. According to the different shades of the color in cells, its may be arranged in the following order: antipodal cells, synergids, central cell and egg cell. Only a few small starch grains are present near nuclei of central cell and egg cell before fertilization, but no starch grains remain in most of the central cell, the synergids and antipodal cells. The fertilization is of the premitotic type. The fusion of the sexual nuclei progresses in the following order: 1, sperms approach and lie on the egg nucleus and secondary nucleus; 2, sperm chromatin sinks themselves into female nucleus, and male nucleolus emerges with the sperm chromosome; and 3, male nucleoli fuse with the nucleoli of egg nucleus and central cell nucleus, and finally forming the zygote and the primary endosperm cells respectively. Nevertheless, as it is well known, the fertilization completes in central cell obviously earlier than that in egg cell. Though it has been explained in cereals and cotton, in Pulsatilla chinensis the main reason is that nucleolar fusion of the male and female nucleoli in egg nucleus is slower than that in secondary nucleus. And the dormancy of the primary endosperm nucleus is shorter than that of the zygote. In the process of fertilization, histochemical changes are considerably obvious in the following three parts: 1, from the begining of fusion of male and female nuclei to form zygote and primary endosperm cell, Protein staining around female nucleus appears to increase gradually; 2, no starch grains are detected in embryo sac. Though only starch grains are carried in by pollen tube, they are completely exhausted during this period; and 3, near completion of fertilization starch grains appear again in zygote, however, not yet in primary endosperm nucleus till its dividing for the first time. The present study reveals that antipodal cells and synergids seem to play a significant role in nutrition of the embryo sac during the fertilization.  相似文献   

花椒和野花椒的无融合生殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花椒与野花椒的胚囊发育类型属蓼型,成熟胚囊的卵器退化。花椒无雄花,不发生双受精,自发形成胚乳并产生珠心胚。野花椒虽有正常花粉,人工授粉后能萌发,但在花粉管长入胚囊之前卵器已解体,中央细胞中已形成胚乳游离核,因此也不发生双受精,由珠心细胞自发形成胚。这种现象是花椒和野花椒在长期进化过程中形成的一种十分特化的适应。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the embryo sac, nucellus, and parts of the micropyle of Lilium longiflorum were studied both before and after pollen tube penetration to examine the interactions between ovule and pollen tube, using transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy. Before pollen tube penetration the egg cell and two synergids are similar. No filiform apparatus was detected and no synergid degeneration occurs prior to pollen tube penetration. The polar nuclei do not fuse until fertilization. No differences in embryo sac ultrastructure were detected between pollinated ovules unpenetrated by pollen tubes and unpollinated flowers of a comparable age. Shortly after the discharge of the pollen tube two enucleated cytoplasmic bodies with different ribosome densities were observed in the degenerated cytoplasm. These structures border both on the central cell and the egg cell as well as each other and are interpreted as remains of sperm cytoplasm after transmission of sperm nuclei. In the central cell both the sperm nucleus and the polar nuclei are associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ER is thought to be a transport mechanism to achieve contact between the haploid polar nuclei and the sperm nucleus. In the egg cell sperm nucleus alignment is not visibly achieved by ER. The persistent cells of the egg apparatus and the central cell appear to become more metabolically active after pollen tube penetration. Pollen tube penetration already occurs despite the absence of a filiform apparatus and a low level of differences between the cells of the egg apparatus.  相似文献   

The structure of ovule, female and male gametophyte, double fertilization and the distrubution of starch grains during the fertilization have been studied. The main results are as follows: ( 1 ) Ovule The ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. The nucetlus appears cylindric, since megaspores and embryo sac development, its internal cells of nucellus become disorganized, so that only a single layer of epidermal cells remains toward the side of the micropyle, On the other hand, the integument is not as long as nucellus, as a result micropyle is not formed. And no vascular bundle is found in the integument. (2) Female gametophyte The mature embryo sac is slender and is composed of an egg cell, two synergids, a central cell and three antipodal cells. The egg cell is situated slightly away from the tip of embryo sac. Some of them contain starch grains. Synergids occupy the tip of embryo sac. Its wall at micropylar region appears irregular in thickenes and irregular in ingrowths to form the filiform apparatus. The centrateell is very large, and strongly vacuolated Two polar nuclei come to contact closely with each other, but not fuse, or to fuse into a large secondary nucleus before fertilization. The polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus are usually situated at the middle-lower position of the central cell or nearer to the chalazal end above the antipodal cell. It is different from egg cell, no starch grains are found here. In most embryo sacs three antipodal cells are found. They are not as large as those in other plants of Ranunculaceae. But six antipodal cells or the antipodal cell with two nuclei may rarely be found. Like synergid, the wall of them appears not only irregularly thickened, but clearly with irregular ingrowths. In a few antipodal cells the starch garins are usually found near the nucleus. By the end of fertilization, antipodal cells become disintegrated. (3) Male gametophyte Most pollen grains are two-celled when shedding, and rich in starch grains. A few of them contain single nucleus or three-celled. (4) The double fertilization The fertilization of Kingdonia unifiora Balfour f. et W, W. Smith is wholly similar to some plants of Ranunculaceae studied. First, the pollen tube penetrates a degenerating synergid. And the pollen tube discharges its contents with two sperm nuclei into the degenerating synergid cell. One of the two sperms fuses with the nucleus of the egg, and the other fuses with two polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus of the central cell. If one sperm nucleus at first fuses with one of the polar nuclei, and then the fertilized polar nuclei again fuses with other polar nucleus. Secondly, the fertilization of the polar nuclei or the secondary nuclei completes earlier than that of the egg. The primary endosperm nucleus begins to divide earlier than the zygote. It seems that one of the sperm nuclei come to contact with egg nucleus, the other has already fused with polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus. The zygote with a single nucleolus appears until the endosperm with 16–20 cell. Thirdly, before and after fertilization there are one to some small nucleoli in egg nucleus and polar nuclei or secondary nucleus. However they increase in quantity from the beginning of the fusion of male nucleis. These nucleoli quite differ from male nucleoli by their small size, and most of them disappear at the end of fertilization. It may be concluded that the small nucleoli increase in quantity is related to the fusion of male and female nuclei. In the duration of fertilization, in ovule starch distribution is in the basal region of integument. But in embryo sac, onlysome egg cells, or zygotes contain starch grains, a part of which was brought in by pollen tube. Sometimes the starch grains are found in some synergids and antipodal cells. No starch grains are found in the central cell.  相似文献   

 Mature ovules of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) were histologically observed by clearing and serial sectioning to characterize the cells of the embryo sac. The results show that the mature embryo sac was located deep inside the hemitropous ovule due to thick nucellar tissue at the micropylar region. For the isolation of the embryo sacs, ovules were collected from ovaries of flowers 1 day after anthesis, and treated with an enzyme solution for digesting cell walls on a gyratory shaker. After 12 h of enzyme treatment, these ovules were dissected using a glass needle under an inverted microscope to release the embryo sacs. The embryo sacs, characterized by their specific size, were successfully released by these successive treatments. The viability of the embryo sacs was more than 80% as assessed with fluorescein diacetate staining. Fluorescent staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole revealed the nuclei of the egg apparatus in the isolated embryo sacs. The procedure for isolating embryo sacs established in this study will offer a new approach to further in vitro studies on fertilization in Dianthus. Received: 20 January 1999 / Revision received: 12 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

This paper deals with early embryogenesis of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis. 1. Ovary superior consists of 34—45 carpels. Each carpel contains 11–45 ovules. The ovule is uni-integument and tenuinucellar. The ovule is anatropous. The archesporium is formed by a single cell, and directly develops into megaspore mother cell. Sometimes the archesporium consists of 2–3 cells, but only one of them develops into megaspore mother cell and the others are degenerated. 2. The mature pollen grain is two-celled and the embryo sac belongs to olygonum type. In most embryo sacs two polar nuclei are fused before fertilization. One of the synergids was destroyed as the pollen tube penetrated into embryo sac the other one disappeared after fertilization. In most cases the antipodal cells became degenerated in fertilization process, only some remained until the first division of primary endosperm nucleus. 3. In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30–72 hours after pollination. In the fertilization one sperm fused with egg nucleus and the other sperm fused with the secondary nucleus as usual. The fusion of the secondary nucleus with sperm was in advance of the fusion of the egg nudeus. 4. The endosperm is cellular type.  相似文献   

Fertilization in maize indeterminate gametophyte1 mutant   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Guo F  Huang BQ  Han Y  Zee SY 《Protoplasma》2004,223(2-4):111-120
Summary. Mature embryo sacs of the maize mutant indeterminate gametophyte1 displayed different cellular patterns compared to those of the wild type. About 40% of the ig1 embryo sacs contained three or more synergids and two or more egg cells at the micropylar end. During fertilization in embryo sacs with two synergids, both of them frequently degenerated and were penetrated by two pollen tubes. 75% of the embryo sacs containing three or more synergid cells were penetrated by two or more pollen tubes, although most of them had only one degenerated synergid. Multiple fusions between the sperm cells and eggs frequently occurred in the same embryo sac, which subsequently generated multiple embryos. There were two or more central cells in about 33% of ig1 embryo sacs. The largest central cell was usually adjacent to the egg apparatus and contained two unfused polar nuclei, while those extra central cells located at the chalazal end usually had a single nucleus. Fertilization occurred only between the male gamete and the largest binucleate central cell. The extra central cells eventually degenerated after fertilization.Present address: GI Basic Research Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A.Correspondence and reprints: State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Biological Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, Peoples Republic of China.  相似文献   

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