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Pollen grains of 16 species of Microula Benth. and six species of three related genera were examined under LM and SEM, and four of them also under TEM. Pollen grains of Microula and three related genera are dumb-bell-shaped, 3-colporate apertures alternate with three pseudocolpi. Pollen grains are very small,ranging from 12.18 x 7.13 μm to 6.36 x 3.66μm. In general, colpi with os are wider and shorter, rhomboid, but sometimes they are equal to pseudocolpi in length. Colpus margins are regularly or irregularly tooth-like. The surface of colpi is psilate or processed. Ora are circular or lalongated in outline, protruded or not; surface of os membrane is smooth or scabrid. The exine is usually indistinctly layered under LM. The exine surface is psilate, and more or less perforate. TEM examination shows that the pollen wall is differentiated into exine and intine: the exine includes ectexine and endexine, while the ectexine consists of tectum, columellae and foot-layer. However, there are differences in constriction of equatorial area, apertural characters, ornamentation and exinous ultrastructure between these genera. Pollen morphology indicates that the genus Microula Benth. is primitive, directly related to the genus Actinocarya Benth .; the genus Asperugo L. Is more advanced. The genus Eritrichium Schrad. which has two ora or one os and is anisopolar, represents the most advanced group among them. Noteworthily, the diorate phenomenon is found for the first time not onlyin the genus but in the family Boraginaceae.  相似文献   

Adults of the Argas subgenera Secretargas (3 species) and Ogadenus (1 species) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In each species, the anterior pit and Haller's organ are situated in a large dorsal hump of Tarsus I and the 9 setae of the anterior pit are characteristic of the genus Argas in structure and numbers. In A. (S.) transgariepinus, an Ethiopian-Palearctic crevice-dwelling parasite of bats, the Haller's organ capsule roof is solid with a slitlike transverse aperture. In A. (S.) hoogstraali and A. (S.) echinops, Malagasy soil-dwelling parasites of Oplurus (Varanidae) lizards and the hedgehog-tenrec (Insectivora: Tenrecidae), respectively, the Haller's organ is virtually unroofed but partially screened by arborescent dorsal projections from the posterior wall of the capsule, and the open capsule contains numerous fine pleomorphs. In A. (O.) brumpti, a soil-dwelling parasite of the hyrax (Procavia), other terrestrial mammals, and lizards in the Ethiopian Region, the capsule is also virtually unroofed and contains numerous fine pleomorphs. The unroofed capsule is probably phylogenetically primitive and occurs only in these 3 and 2 other Argas species. The soil microhabitat (in Argas confined to 3 of the 4 species recorded here), and the reptile or ancient mammal hosts of these 3 species, as well as the zoogeographical isolation of 2 of the species in the Malagasy Region, are distinctive in this genus of 56 species. The interrelationships between an unroofed Haller's organ capsule and unusual biological properties remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The present paper is a preliminary research of the taxonomy, evolution, geographical distribution and origin of the species of the Genus Pedicularis L. in Xizang plateau. It may be summed up as follows: 1. There are 108 species of Pedicularis in Xizang, representing about 33% of the total species of the genus known in China. Among these species, there are 35 endemics, about 35.9% of the total species of the genus, this is especially true in Southeastern Xizang. Where there are 82.7% of total species of Xizang and 88% of endemics reported. 2. According to the relationships of the morphology of flower, leaf and evolution, the genus Pedicularis in Southeastern Xizang seems very active in evolution, because there is a wide range of flower types varying from the primitive alternate-toothless and opposite-toothed to the advanced beaked and long-tubed corolla-types. 3. There are almost all morphological types of the pollen, especially, the primitive particular tricolpate type is decidedly dominant, and the species with derived type of bicolpate pollen almost all belong to the beeked, long-tubed type of flowers; therefore, the evolutionary tendency and correlation between two types is very clear. According to above conditions, it may be considered that Southeastern Xizang is the evolutionary centre of the Genus Pedicularis L. 4. Basing upon the floristic-geographical analysis of neighbouring regions, we may consider that the members of genus Pedicularis in Xizang mainly come from the East, i.e. the mountains of the plateau frontier in Western Sichuan and Northwestern Yunnan. Finally, the floral relationships with other regions such as Buthan, Nepal, Xinjiang and Qinghai, Gansu, etc. are not so close, because the species in common are not verymany and usually widely distributed species.  相似文献   

Microula pentagona W. T. Yu, S. T. Chen & Z. K. Zhou sp. nov. and M. galactantha W. T. Yu, S. T. Chen & Z. K. Zhou sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from the eastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau are described and illustrated. Microula pentagona is characterized by the pentagonal dark purple pubescent corolla throat, whereas M. galactantha is distinct by its white flowers and a nutlet attachment near the apex. The diagnostic features of the two new species are compared with other species of the genus.  相似文献   

革苞菊属的分类及其地理分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究认为卵叶革苞菊是一个独立种。因此,革苞菊属包含了2个种。革苞菊为北阿拉善一东戈壁分布种,卵叶革苞菊为南阿拉善东部(桌子山-贺兰山)低山丘陵分布种,二者形成明显的替代分布格局。该属为阿拉善荒漠特有属,亦为蒙古高原特有属。  相似文献   

黔蕨属的一些新增补和修正研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
秦仁昌 《植物研究》1987,7(1):71-75
黔蕨属(Phanerophlebiopsis Ching)是本文作者于1965年创立的(分类学报10卷115页)。它是以贵州为发展和分布中心的一个中国特有的蕨属,向东分布到湖南西部,向南到广西东北部,向西到四川东部。它的发现是对鳞毛蕨科的一个有意义的增加。本文提出一些新补充和修正,使我们对它有进一步的认识。  相似文献   

The Malagasy representatives of the large African genus Tricalysia (tribe Coffeeae s.l.) are revised. Three Malagasy species were hitherto recognized in the genus, namely T. cryptocalyx , T. madagascariensis , and T. ovalifolia . In this study, two species, T. boiviniana and T. leucocarpa , are transferred from the genus Hypobathrum and seven new species and two new subspecies are described, raising the species number for Tricalysia to a total of 12. This marked increase in species number is a recurring pattern for many Malagasy genera in systematically poorly known families such as Rubiaceae. All the species are described in detail and illustrated, and a list of exsiccatae and a distribution map are provided. Furthermore, the characters of the Malagasy taxa are compared with those of the continental African species, and their infrageneric status is discussed. With the exception of T. ovalifolia , a member of subgenus Empogona , all Malagasy species belong to subgenus Tricalysia . Because of their unisexual flowers, these species cannot be accommodated within one of the four existing sections in subgenus Tricalysia . A new section, Androgyne , is therefore recognized.  © 2007 National Botanic Garden of Belgium. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 83–126.  相似文献   

A new whitefly genus and species, Aleurocryptus rhynchosiae Dubey, are described from Donimalai mining area of Karnataka, India. Habitus, line art and scanning electron microscopic images of the puparium and other immature stages are provided. The puparia of the new genus and species are found to be pit‐forming on their host leaf, Rhynchosia minima (Fabaceae). The cone‐shaped, apically pointed dorsal setae with a smooth surface and fixed in prominent setal alveoli are newly reported from whitefly puparia.  相似文献   

本文首次报道了我国特有种铁筷子(Helleborus thibetanus Franch.)的染色体数目及其核型。其核型公式为K(2n)=6m(2SAT)+2Sm(SAT)+8st+16t(T),按照Stebbins的核型对称性分类标准应属于“3C”型。本种染色体数目与已报道的本属其它种类完全相同,但核型截然不同,为较进化的不对称性核型。观察中还发现了染色体桥等现象的存在。本文同时对本属内的进化等问题也作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

The genus Pimpinella L., with about 170–180 species in the world, is one of the largest genera of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Based on the Flora Iranica treatment, this genus has 25 species in the Iranian plateau, including 19 species in Iran, and six of those (P. tragioides, P. deverroides, P. pastinacifolia, P. anisactis, P. khorasanica and P. khayyamii) are endemic.  相似文献   

我国沿海线形亚属海链藻的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壳面孔纹的形态学特征是海链藻的重要分类学依据之一。线形亚属的海链藻种类大多是从圆筛藻属修订而来, 它们之间的区别特征细微, 需电镜下观察才能准确鉴定。我国关于线形亚属海链藻的报道较少。研究利用电镜(EM)技术, 对采自我国沿海海域的自然水样, 以及分离获得的单克隆培养藻株进行了形态学观察, 针对其中的海链藻属Thalassiosira Cleve种类开展了形态分类学的专题研究。报道了6个隶属于线形亚属的海链藻种类, 分别是紧密海链藻T. densannula Hasle &; Fryxell、微小海链藻T. exigua Fryxell &; Hasle、线形海链藻T. lineata Jousé、微线形海链藻T. nanolineata (Mann) Fryxell &; Hasle、结线形海链藻T. nodulolineata (Hendey) Hasle &; Fryxell和柔弱海链藻T. tenera Proschkina-Lavrenko, 其中有4个为我国新记录种类: 紧密海链藻、线形海链藻、微线形海链藻和结线形海链藻。对每个种类的形态学特征、生活习性和生态分布进行了描述, 提供了电镜照片。对相似种类的形态学特征进行了比较研究, 分析了孔纹特征的变化类型及其分类学意义。  相似文献   

湖南猕猴桃属植物地理分布及其区系特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵运林  刘享平   《广西植物》1996,16(1):9-16
湖南猕猴桃属植物有21种13变种,主要分布于湘南和湘西两地区,经分析研究,湖南猕猴桃属植物区系有如下特点:1、种类比较丰富,是构成湖南森林植物区系林间植物的主要成分之一;2、地理成分比较复杂,种的分析显示出以中国特有分布为主的特点;3、种间、种内分化强烈;4、特有种较多;5、与邻近地区猕猴桃属植物区系的关系密切,最后,作者对湖南猕猴桃属植物的起源问题进行了分析和推测。  相似文献   

本文报道寄生于甘青微孔草(Microula pseudotrichocarpa W.T.Wang)和疏花微孔草[M.diffusa(Maxim.)Johnst.]上的霜霉属一新种——微孔草霜霉(Peronospora microulaeMeng et G.Y.Yin)。以汉文和拉丁文描述此新种的形态性状,并。附图  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉群落植物区系分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对天宝岩国家级自然保护区3600m^2的长苞铁杉群落植被进行调查。结果表明,该群落有维管束植物49科86属140种,其中蕨类植物7科7属9种,裸子植物2科4属4种,被子植物40科75属127种。植物区系地理成分中,科属组成以泛热带分布为主,温带成分占有一定比例;种组成以中国特有分布和东亚分布为主,而温带成分占较大比例,并伴有一定的热带成分;区系起源古老,保留有大量原始植物,且群落具有濒危性。  相似文献   

Hillson , Charles J. (Pennsylvania State U., University Park.) Comparative studies of floral morphology of the Labiatae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(6): 451–459. Illus. 1959.—Comparative vascular studies of 39 species of mints from 27 genera reveal 2 basic stelar patterns: those in which the dorsal carpellary bundles are terminal in origin and those in which the dorsal carpellary bundles are basal in origin. Gradations of intermediate dorsal carpellary bundle divergence exist. Steles exhibiting terminal dorsal carpellary bundles are always associated with laminal ovules and are interpreted as being primitive. Marginal ovules are associated with floral steles exhibiting basal divergence of dorsal carpellary bundles and are regarded as being advanced. Adnation of traces seems to be a more reliable character in determining phylogenetic relationships than is connation. On the basis of 3 characters, viz: (1) position of dorsal carpellary bundle divergence, (2) ovule position and (3) degree of concrescence, a phylogenetic series of the 8 sub-families of Labiatae from advanced to primitive is proffered.  相似文献   

The vertebrate hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory system is a complex anatomical device for central nervous control over secretion of pituitary hormones. Since it is present in the most primitive vertebrates, the cyclostomes, it is of interest to look for a possible invertebrate anatomical equivalent, or precursor, for clues as to its evolution. We have found in six species of amphioxus, members of an invertebrate group (cephalochordates), considered to be closest to the vertebrates, that there is a morphologically equivalent neuro-epithelial complex, that in many ways resembles the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system of vertebrates. In the six amphioxus species described here the nervous element is a ventral lobe of the brain, the infundibulum, that extends downward along the right side of the notochord, and ends near the dorsal surface of a Rathke's pouch-like structure known as Hatschek's pit. This part of Hatschek's pit has been found earlier to contain a vertebrate LH-like gonadotropin. Therefore, the infundibulum-Hatschek's pit system of amphioxus may be involved in regulating the seasonal reproductive cycle, and it appears to be a direct homologue of the vertebrate hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory system functionally as well as morphologically.  相似文献   

Diplandrorchis is a very curious new orchid genus, containing only one species D. sinica S. C. Chen, found in Huan-ren County of Liaoning Province in northeastern China. It, as the genus name implies, has two fertile stamens, borne on the upper part of the column near the terminal stigma. One of them is opposite to the dorsal sepal, while the other to the median petal (lip). Thus, they represent two median stamens of both inner and outer whorls. This is quite unique in the whole family, including the diandrous group, in which the two stamens are opposite to the lateral petals and thus represent the lateral ones of the inner whorl. The flower is erect, with its pale greenish or whitish perianth nearly regular. Two lateral sepals are more or less oblique, showing some difference from the dorsal one, but the three petals, which are thinner and narrower, are very similar to each other. Neither rostellum nor any other appendages are found in its column, but a terminal stigma and two erect stamens. The pollinia are naked and granular, which, in almost all flowers examined, have naturally fallen out of their cells on to the stigma. Apparently, it is self-fertilised, as found in Tangtsinia and some other primitive orchids. Besides, this interesting orchid is a dwarf saprophyte, with its habit very similar to that of Neottia, another saprophytic genus assigned to the subtribe Neottiinae. The fact that the saprophytic orchids are largely found in the primitive subtribes, such as the Neottiinae, Limodorinae, Vanillinae and Pogoniinae, is worthy of special attention. Theoretically, the saprophytic plants must have developed from green-leaved plants. In the Orchidaceae, however, what ancestor are the most primitive saprophytes derived from ? This is indeed an interesting question closely related to the origin of the Orchidaceae. From the facts mentioned above, the present genus is a very primitive or relic one and of great phylogenetic interest. It is placed here as the most primitive member in the subtribe Neottiinae, although it is sharply distinct from the remaining generaof this subtribe. It may deserve a separate subtribe, but further study is needed.  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》1993,13(1):1-10
自H.Smith在二十,三十年代从我国采集的紫草科标本中鉴定出15属,36种,4变种,均属紫草亚科,其中包括附地菜属一新种,其中,这批标本本来应该包括更多的新种,如Johnston在1928年及以后描述的Microula rockii Johnst.,Onosma mertensioides Johnst.,O.adenopus Johnst.,Trionotis floribunda Johnst.,Kitagawa在六十年代描述的Lappula shanhsiensis Kitag.,本文作者和王庆瑞在八十年代描述的Microula pseudotrichocarpa W.T.Wang,M.turbinata W.T.Wang,M.turbinata W.T.Wang,M.floribunda W.T.Wang,Trigontis longipes W.T.Wang,T.corispermoides C.J.wang。只是由于这批柴草科标本未得到及时鉴定,才推迟了这10个种的发表。  相似文献   

Anatomical characters of leaves of Chinese species of the tribe Thermopsideae, including 3 genera and 13 species, were compared. The results show that the differentiation of mesophyll cells, stomatal types, stomatal distribution and density, shape of epidermal cell, trichome shape and density, cuticular membrane and waxy ornamentation have important systematic and ecological significance among the genera of the tribe. With regard to leaf architecture, pollen morphology and external morphology studies, we suggest that Ammopiptanthus represents an isolated and primitive genus in the tribe and Piptanthus is closely related to Thermopsis. Although different vein-endings, stomatal types and trichomes indicate systematic differences, other characters, such as mesophyll type, stomatal distribution, trichome density etc. are the result of ecological adaptation among the genera. Results of the present study confirm our previous conclusion that two evolutionary trends exist in the tribe, the first towards xerophilization and the second towards cold-adaptation They are caused by the desertification of the central Asian area and the heave of intermountainous plateau. Ecological isolation may be a main evolutary motivation among the taxa in the tribe. We have obs'erved that stomatal density and size in the xeromorphic genus, Ammopipianthus, are not simply a result of the general trend in xerophytes to have high stomatal density correlating with the relatively small size. On the contrary, stomata in this genus are larger than those in the mesophytic genus, Piptanthus, and the density on the lower surface is much less than in the latter. However, stomatal density on the upper surface follows the trend in concordance with increasing aridity and altitute.  相似文献   

The genus Dichocarpum was established by W. T. Wang and Hsiao in 1964, who divided the genus into 2 sections: Sect. Dichocarpum including 10 species distributed on the mainland of E. Asia, and Sect. Hutchinsonia including 9 species native to Japan. M. Tamura and L. A. Lauener made a revision of the genus in 1968, who divided the genus into 4 sections, three for the species of the mainland of E. Asia, including 3 series and 10 species, and the other for the species of Japan, including 2 subsections, 3 series and 9 species. In the present paper, the genus is divided into 2 sections and 6 series, including 15 species and 3 varieties, and a putative phylogeny of the genus is proposed. The genus may be close to the genus Asteropyrum, and these two genera are rather specialized in Thalictroides (Ranunculaceae), because they have three very similar characters: the petal with a long claw, the stephanocolpate pollen and the chromosome morphology. The genus has 2n=24, 35(36?), which indicates that its basic number is X=6, and the species on the mainland of E. Asia (Sect. Dichocarpum) may well be paleotetraploids, whereas those in Japan (sect. Hutchinsonia) are paleohexaploids. Most of the advanced species are distributed in Japan and the most primitive ones in China and the Himalayas, the distribution pattern seggests that the Japanese members of this genus might have immigrated from China in the Tertiary, and differentiated and evolved there. The putative phylogeny of the genus is shown in Fig. 2 (at series level)  相似文献   

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