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铁线莲属研究随记(Ⅳ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(1)Eichler(1958)在研究马来西亚铁线莲属植物时也深入地研究了中国、越南、泰国、缅甸及喜马拉雅山区的该属标本,认为根据我国台湾标本描述的Clematis taiwaniana Hayata可能为C.javana DC.的异名。本文作者在研究了有关的南洋群岛、中国台湾及日本琉球群岛的标本之后同意Eichler的归并意见;此外,C.grata Wall.var.ryukiuensis Tamura,C.sikkimensis(Hook.F.&; Thoms.) Drumm.ex Burkill,C.connata DC.var.bipinnata M.Y.Fang,C.kilungensis W.T. Wang &; M.Y. Fang等拉丁学名也被归并为异名。(2)对大叶铁线莲组sect.Tubulosae做出了新的分类系统。特产日本的Clematis takedana Makino 自发表后一直被认为是C.apiifolia DC.和 C.stans Sieb.&; Zucc.(大叶铁线莲C.heracleifolia DC.的近缘种之一)的杂交种。此种为木质藤本植物,具三出复叶,腋生花序有多数两性花,呈圆锥状,而相似于C.apiifolia DC.(萼片水平开展,雄蕊无毛,花药狭长圆形,药隔顶端不突出),但其萼片向斜上方开展(花萼宽钟状),花丝上部有疏柔毛,花药条形,药隔顶端有短突起而不同。笔者发现,特产我国河北西部和北京山地的羽叶铁线莲C.pinnata Maxim.(叶为具5小叶的羽状复叶)具有与C.takedana Makino相同的花构造,二者在亲缘关系上极为相近,组成一个自然小群。这二种与特产北京的细花铁线莲C.tatarinowii Maxim.(花两性,萼片直立,花丝上部有疏柔毛,花药狭长圆形,背面有疏柔毛,药隔顶端不突出)组成大叶铁线莲组sect.Tubulosae的原始群——羽叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Pinnatae。而原来的大叶铁线莲C.heracleifolia DC.等种组成此组的进化群——大叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Tubulosae,其特征为花通常单性,萼片直立,雄蕊常有疏柔毛,茎直立,草质至木质。此外,还对C. siamensis Drumm.ex Burkill的4变种和C.connata DC.的5变种进行了分类。(3)描述了3新系、3新种和4新变种。(4)做出了6新组合和3新等级。  相似文献   

(1) Clematis taiwaniana Hayata, C. grata Wall. var. ryukiuensis Tamura, C . sikkimensis (Hook. f. & Thoms. ) Drumm. ex Burkill, C. connata DC. var. bipinnata M. Y. Fang, C. kilungensis W. T. Wang & M. Y. Fang etc. are reduced to synonymy. (2) New classifications for sect. Tubulosae Decne., C. siamensis Drumm. & Craib and C. connata DC. are proposed. (3) 3 series, 3 species and 4 varieties are described as new. (4) 6 new combinations and 3 newranks are made.  相似文献   

As a genus Acronema was first proposed by Falconer, but it was only a nomen nudum. The genus was effectively established by Edgeworth (1851) on the basis of a himalayan species, Acronema tenerum (Wall) Edgew. (= Sison tenerum Wall. 1828). Bentham & Hooker had placed the genus within Pimpinella in 1867. C. B. Clarke followed the same treatment in the Flora of British India in 1879. The much detailed systematic work of the genus was done by H. Wolff in Engl. Pflanzenreich (1927). The chief distinguishing character of the genus lies in the acuminulate of filamentous apices of the petals. At present the genus contains about 23 species chiefly in the himalayan regions and South-west China, many being found in Sichuan, Yunnan and eastern Xizang. They are usually growing under the shade of forest, roadside and riverside at the altitude 2100—4800 meters. In this paper 18 species and 2 varieties are presented, of which 5 species, 2 varieties and 1 combinations are considered as new and three arc first recorded fromChina.  相似文献   

The genus Indigofera Linn. is one of the largest genera of papilionatae of Leguminosae. It comprises 700 species in the world, of which 80 species and 8 varieties occur in China. It was established by C. Linnaeus in 1752 and had been studied by J. Desvaux (1813), A. P. De Candolle (1825), G. Bentham ex Harvey (1862), G. Bentham et J. D. Hooker (1865), P. Taubert. (1894), P. Ch. Tisseraut (1913), and B. Gillett (1958) etc. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed and the evolutionary trends of some important morphological characters are discussed. According to the plant habit, characteristics of leaves, shape of fruits and the number of seeds per fruit, Indigofera Linn. from China are divided into 3 subgenera: Subg. I. Indigofera, Subg. II. Sphaeridiophors Desv., Subg. III. Acanthonotus (Benth.) Benth. et Hook. f., in Subg. Indigofera, 14 subsections are reported. A systematic key to the species is given.  相似文献   

报道了秦岭种子植物区系4新记录属[杜若属(Pollia Thunb.)、美冠兰属(Eulophia R.Br.ex Lindl.)、常山属(Dichroa Lour.)和吊灯花属(Ceropegia Linn.)],8新记录种[川杜若Pollia miranda(Lévl.)Hara、长距美冠兰Eulophia dabia(D.Don)Hochr.、常山Dichroa febrifugaLour.、肉色土栾儿Apios carnea(Wall.)Benth.exBaker、柳叶蓬莱葛Gardneria lanceolata Rehd.et Wils.、显脉獐牙菜Swertia nervosa(G.Don)Wall.ex C.B.Clarke、皱果赤瓟Thladiantha henryi Hemsl.var.henryi和宝兴吊灯花Ceropegia paohsingensis Tsiang et P.T.Li]。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with taxonomic studies on the genera Lathraea Linn. and Christisonia Gard. (Orobanchaceae) in China. In the genus Lathraea, only a single species in China, L. japonica Miq., is recongnized in the paper. It occurs in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and northern Guangdong, also in Japan. L. miqueliana Franch. et Sav., L. chinfushanica Hu et Tang and L. japonica Miq. var. miqueliana (Franch. et Sav.) Ohwi are treated as new synonyms of L. japonica Miq. in this paper. In the genus Christisonia, the most of collections from China, which were identified as C. sinensis G. Beck before, are treated as a new synonym of C. hookeri C. B. Clarke. A few collections of this genus from China, which were mistakenly described as Gleadovia lepoense Hu snd G. kwangtungense Hu, should be transferred to Christisonia hookeri C. B. Clarke. It is distributed in southeastern and south China, westwards to the Himalayas.  相似文献   

李鸣  高光跃 《植物研究》1994,14(3):263-266
本文对国产獐牙菜属和花锚属药用植物的花瓣进行了扫描电镜的研究.发现实验样品花瓣的表面纹饰(包括初级雕纹与次级雕纹)具各种类型,在属间、种间以及种与变种间都存在稳定区别,具有一定的分类意义.研究结果为近缘植物分类提供了新的证据和建议.文中并附检索表与扫描电镜照片.  相似文献   

报道了产自湖南省沅陵县的2个湖南省植物新记录属[裸芸香属(Psilopeganum Hemsl.)、野丁香属(Leptodermis Wall.)]和7个湖南省新记录种[裸芸香(Psilopeganum sinense Hemsl.)、野丁香(Leptodermis potanini Batalin)、稻草石蒜(Lycoris straminea Lindl.)、珠芽虎耳草(Saxifragagranulifera Harry Smith)、祛风藤(Biondia microcentra(Tsiang)P.T.Li)、荠苨(Adenophora trachelioides Maxim.)和西南齿唇兰(Odontochilus elwesii C.B.Clarke ex J.D.Hooker)],并对新记录植物的地理意义进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对伞形科(Apiaceae)棱子芹属(PleurospermumHoffm.)的宝兴棱子芹〔P.benthamii(Wall.ex DC.)Clarke〕和松潘棱子芹(P.franchetianumHemsl.)、西藏棱子芹(P.hookeriClarke var.thomsoniiClarke)和太白棱子芹(P.giraldiiDiels)、康定棱子芹(P.prattiiWolff)和瘤果棱子芹(P.wrightianumde Boiss.)的果实横切面的解剖结构特征进行了详细观察和比较分析。结果表明:6种植物虽然在外部形态上两两相似,但彼此间的果实解剖结构特征却存在一定的差异。共同特征是果棱均比较发达,且外果皮与中果皮分离,常形成空腔,每个果棱有1个明显的维管束,中果皮高度退化,果壁均很薄,棱槽和合生面均有油管,其中合生面油管数为棱槽油管数的2倍;差异主要表现在果实横切面外形、果体的压扁程度、果棱的发达程度、外果皮拱起程度及角质层的有无和厚度、维管束大小和着生位置、棱槽油管数以及合生面与侧棱的关系等方面。根据观察结果认为康定棱子芹与瘤果棱子芹不宜合并,建议将西藏棱子芹与太白棱子芹予以合并。  相似文献   

The taxonomic problem of cryptic species has long been recognized. Hemiboea subcapitata C. B. Clarke is a widespread and morphologically diverse species including two varieties, H. subcapitata var. subcapitata C. B. Clarke and H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) Z. Y. Li. However, genetic distance and molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ITS and four plastid DNA sequences (atpB‐rbcL, matK, rbcL, rpS16 intron) revealed that H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis is sister to H. subacaulis, and separated from H. subcapitata var. subcapitata, suggesting that it should be raised to the rank of an independent species as H. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) X. Q. Li & X. G. Xiang, comb. & stat. nov. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from H. subacaulis by its calyx 5‐sect from base, segments narrowly oblong‐lanceolate (versus calyx 5‐sect from base or 2‐lipped and adaxial lip 2‐lobed from below middle, segments ovate), peduncle glabrous (versus pubescent), and vermiform sclereids dispersed in leaf mesophyll (versus without sclereids).  相似文献   

本文报道12种国产獐牙菜属和花锚属花用植物叶片的扫描电镜观察结果,并比较对照了光镜下的微形态特征。研究表明:叶片的表面纹饰以及栅表比、气孔指数等显微特征对鉴定该类药用植物有一定的价值。文中并附电镜照片、绘图和比较表等。  相似文献   

何家庆 《植物研究》1996,16(1):51-56
本文第二次增补《安徽植物志》未记入的植物22种5变种。其中20种3变种为安徽地理新分布, 3属(白屈菜属、离子芥属和石莲属)为安徽地理新分布属。本文所引用的植物标本,全部收藏于安微大学资源植物标本室。  相似文献   

武陵山区是中国植物多样性研究的热点地区之一。1988年,中国科学院植物研究所等单位完成了对该地区的第一次生物多样性普查[1],由于行政区域重新划定和交通条件限制等原因,诸多区域未涉及。近期,中南民族大学在国家科学技术部科技基础性工作专项的支持下,再次对该区域(湖北部分)进行了野外调查并采集了大量标本,以相关书籍[2-6]和近期发表的相关调查结果[7-13]为依据,鉴定出一批在湖北省区域内未曾记录的蕨类植物并将陆续予以报道。本文报道了其中的11种1变种,分别隶属于5科10属,凭证标本均存于中南民族大学植物标本馆( HSN),各种类形态特征见图1。  相似文献   

The Chinese Elaeocarpus Linn. is revised. Here reported are those taxa with different treatment in “Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. “, Tomus 49 (1), including one new species and one new variety: Elaeocarpus limitaneioides Y. Tang and E. glabripetalus var. grandifructus Y. Tang, Four species and two varieties are reduced: E. boreali-yunnanensis H. T. Chang is reduced to E. lacunosus Wall. ex Kurz; E. floribundioides H. T. Chang to E. austro-yunnanensis Hu; E. fengjieensis P. C. Tuan to E. duclouxii Gagnep .; E. kwangsiensis H .T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang; E. glabripetalus var. teres H. T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. glabripetalus ; E. prunifolioides var. rectinervis H. T. Chang to E. prunifolioides Hu. It is found that three species, E. rugosus Roxb., E. sikkimensis Mast. and E. decandrus Merr., were wrongly determined as E. apiculatus Mast., E. fleuryi Gagnep. and E. chinensis Hook. f., respectively. In the paper also reported are some provincial new records. The infrageneric systems are discussed briefly and the Masters’ system isfollowed with some modifications.  相似文献   

Two new species and one new combination of the genus Psychotria Linn.from China are described and made , They are P.fluviatilis Chun, P.densa W.C.Chen and P.rubra (Lour.) Poir.var.pilosa (Pitard) W. C. Chen  相似文献   

贵州植物区系增补   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
何顺志 《植物研究》1997,17(3):308-312
本文报道了贵州种子植物地理分布新记录属6个,新记录种14个,新记录变种1个。  相似文献   

陈法军 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):23-64
被孢霉属(Mortierella Coemans)是接合菌纲(Zygomycetes)、毛霉目(Mucorales)、被孢霉科(Mortierellaceae)中的一个大属,目前已知约有90种;主要存在于土壤、植物残体、动物粪便等基物中。我国过去对被孢霉的研究不多,在《中国真菌总汇》(1979)中记录了8个种。本研究从全国22个省、市、自治区采集的2000多号样品中,分离到约220个被孢霉菌株。本研究主要采用Gams (1970, 1977)的分类系统进行分类鉴定,并对该系统进行了修改。在属下分3个亚属(Micromucor, MortierellaGamsiella), 8个组(Actinomortierella, Alpina,Hygrophila, Mortierella, Schmuckii, Simplex, SpinosaStylospora),单囊霉(Haplosporangium)被承认为独立的一个属。本研究鉴定出22个种和3个变种,包括一个新种(武夷山被孢霉Mortierella wuyishanensis sp. nov.)和一个新变种(极细无色被孢霉Mortierella hyalina(Harz) W. Gams var. subtilissima var. nov.), 14个中国新纪录。这14个新纪录为:产芽胞被孢霉(Mortierella. gemmifera M. Ellis)、园圃被孢霉(M. horticola Linnem.)、矮小被孢霉(M. humilis Linnem.)、无色被孢霉(M. hyalina(Harz) W. Gams)、印度被孢霉(M. indica B.S. Mehrotra)、英杜被孢霉(M. indohii C.Y. Chien),詹金氏被孢霉(M. jenkinii (A.L. Sm.) Naumov)、可疑极小被孢霉(M. minutissima Tiegh. var. dubia Linnem.)、易变被孢霉(M. mutabilis Linnem.)、微孢被孢霉(M. parvispora Linnem.)、角胞拉曼被孢霉(M. ramanniana(Moller) Linnem. var. angulispora (Naumov) Linnem.)、网孢被孢霉(M. reticulata Tiegh.& G. Le Monn.)、多疣被孢霉(M. verrucosa Linnem.)、轮枝被孢霉(M. verticillata Linnem.)。文中讨论和评价了一些分类性状,还列出分亚属、分组、分种和变种的检索表.每个分类单元都有描述和讨论以及线条图、并列出分布地区。  相似文献   

广西植物区系新资料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经室内鉴定,共发现广西维管植物分布新记录12种1变种,即滇越水龙骨、云南穗花杉、安顺润楠、三开瓢、毛花松下兰、秀丽兔儿风、杯药草、长梗吊石苣苔、三苞蛛毛苣苔、唇萼苣苔、流苏蜘蛛抱蛋、宽叶线柱兰、长距美冠兰,其中杯药草属和唇萼苣苔属为广西分布新记录属,云南穗花杉为国家一级重点保护植物。列出了每个种的标本引证和地理分布。  相似文献   

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