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不同地理居群蓝尾石龙子染色体组型的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了浙江杭州、洞头、温州和福建宁德4个地理居群蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)的染色体组型,其二倍体均为2n=26(20V 6I),NF=46,含有大型染色体6对、小型染色体7对,除3对小型的近端染色体外,其余均为中部着丝粒。但4个不同地理居群蓝尾石龙子之间的染色体在相对长度、臂比值、着丝粒指数等方面存在着一定的差异,说明不同地理居群的蓝尾石龙子的染色体具有丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

蝙蝠的采集标记与重捕   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴毅  徐剑 《动物学杂志》2001,36(5):33-35
介绍了不同栖息环境中蝙蝠的采集方法,并对蝙蝠的标记方法,标记工具,注意事项以及蝙蝠重捕后对标记环的回收等进行了介绍,可为蝙蝠生态,分类等的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

新疆鸟类环志与回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马鸣  Pau J.LEADER  Geoff J.CAREY  Barry WILLIAMS 《动物学研究》2002,23(2):105-105,106,112,135
2001年8月与14-26日在新疆阿勒泰,吐鲁番的8个环志地点进行了秋际鸟类环志工作。环志鸟类233只,约33种,多以莺亚科(Sylviinae)和鸫亚科(Turdinae)的种类为主。其中的新疆歌鸲(Luscinia sp.)等17种鸟类均属于中国首次环志种类,占环志种数的53%。  相似文献   

黑龙江兴凯湖位于中俄交界,该地区水鸟的迁徙路线及其保护状况受到我国及相邻国家政府和保护组织的高度关注。我们整理了兴凯湖水鸟的环志回收数据,对水鸟的迁徙规律进行了分析。结果表明,从2010年至2019年兴凯湖共环志鹤鹳类和雁鸭类968只,回收记录共29只次,其中白枕鹤(Grus vipio)6只次、东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)8只次、斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)3只次、绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos)3只次、琵嘴鸭(A. clypeata)7只次、凤头潜鸭(Aythya fuligula)1只次和豆雁(Anser fabalis)1只次。水鸟环志回收数据揭示了兴凯湖鹤鹳类和雁鸭类的主要迁徙规律,证实了兴凯湖作为东北亚水鸟迁徙廊道的重要性,为我国与相邻国家开展水鸟的联合保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

荞麦起源于我国西南地区,该地区分布着丰富的荞麦野生种,剖析野生荞麦的核型特征对荞麦进化和育种研究具有重要的意义。本研究以甜荞近缘种、硬枝万年荞、疏穗小野荞、细柄野荞、齿翅野荞为试验材料,采用常规压片法进行核型鉴定。结果表明:甜荞近缘种、硬枝万年荞和疏穗小野荞都为二倍体,核型公式分别为2n=2x=16=12M+4m(2SAT)、2n=2x=16=16M、2n=2x=16=14M+2m(2SAT),而细柄野荞和齿翅野荞为四倍体,核型公式分别为2n=4x=32=32M、2n=4x=32=30M+2m(2SAT)。甜荞近缘种和硬枝万年荞核型属1A型,疏穗小野荞、细柄野荞和齿翅野荞核型属1B型,并且甜荞近缘种、疏穗小野荞和齿翅野荞都有1对随体染色体。研究证明,荞麦野生种染色体的基数为8,有二倍体和四倍体野生荞麦。通过比较分析,硬枝万年荞在进化地位上比较原始,齿翅野荞是比细柄野荞较进化的四倍体荞麦野生种。  相似文献   

中国蝙蝠核型研究20年存在的问题与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对20年来中国蝙蝠核型研究的现状进行了概述,在已有的研究中,报道了39种蝙蝠的核型,中国尚有2/3的蝙蝠种类未进行核型分析。针对以往研究论文中存在部分种类鉴定有误、图表欠准确合理和研究方法上的问题,提出了将蝙蝠核型研究与细胞分类和核型进化相结合的建议,以提高我国蝙蝠研究水平和论文质量。  相似文献   

From Australia to Asia (China),the main species of the migratory bird are the waders and terns. In Oct. 1999,an invitation was extended by Dr. Clive Minton of the chairman of the Victorian Wader Study Group (VWSG) to catch and band waders and terns at Sandy Point,Swan Bay,Swan Island,Anderson Inlet/Inverloch,Phillip Island,Mud Islands,Geelong and Werribee and so on. The paper summarizes the methods (catch,bio-metric data,banding,recoveries,flagging,satellite tracking,data analysis on computer,fox control et al.)and results (species of wader and tern,number of banding from 1975 to 1999,calculate the minimum age,breeding success,age of first breeding,levels of fat deposits,molt,the distance of moved) and discuss. The total 141 787 waders,about 35 species (from 1975 to 1999) and 6 057 chicks and adults of terns,about 7-9 species (1998-1999) were captured and banded by the Victorian Wader Study Group.  相似文献   

本文在分析鹤科(Gruidae)鸟类鸣声特征的基础上,结合其分子系统树,重建了鸣声特征的演化,并检验了体重与鸣声特征及鸣声特征之间在演化上的相关性。同时比较了体重与鸣声特征在物种间的关系。演化支上各物种体重的变化与鸣声时长特征的变化存在显著的关联(对数线性模型,似然比=9.69,P=0.002;Cohen′s d=1.48):体重的增加伴随着鸣声时长的增加。鸣声特征之间在演化上没有显著的关联(对数线性模型,似然比≤0.15,P≥0.701;Cohen′s d≤0.17)。在物种间鸣声时长与体重存在显著的正相关(Pearson相关分析,r=0.54,P=0.048;Cohen′s d=1.27);鸣声的主频特征与体重存在显著的负相关(Pearson相关分析,r=﹣0.56,P=0.036;Cohen′s d=1.37)。本文以鹤科鸟类鸣声为例,分析了非鸣禽鸟类鸣声特征的演化,及影响鸣声特征的因素。  相似文献   

大绒鼠的分带核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用G带、C带和银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)等技术,对大绒鼠(Eothe nomys miletus miletus)的核型进行观察分析。结果表明:2n=56,常染色体和性染色体皆为单臂染色体。X染色体的长度接近于No.1染色体,Y染色体的长度相当于14号染色体。G分带可鉴别每对染色体的特征,C-带核型中全部着丝点C带均显示不同程度的阳性。Y染色体整条呈阳性。Ag-NORs有5对,分别分布于1、2、6、14和27号染色体的着丝粒附近。通过核型分析,对大绒鼠的分类地位进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

白豆杉的核型和性染色体的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管启良  俞仲辂 《遗传学报》1993,20(2):155-158
白豆杉pseudotaxus chienii(Cheng)Cheng是我国裸子植物特有属之一,雌雄异常,根尖 细胞染色体分析表明:雌株有一对异形性染色体,异配性别,属ZW型;雄株是同配性别,属ZZ型,雌株的型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZW) 2T,雄株的核型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZZ) 2T。Giemsa C-带,显示,Z染色体长短臂均具端带,W染色体不显带。  相似文献   

Haploid embryo and plant producing frequencies were studied by crossesing diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat with landraces,hybrids and inbred lines of maize. It showed significant differences among the wheat and maize populations. The tetraploid and hexaploid wheat were better than the diploid. High frequencies were obtained by using tetraploid wheat of Triticum turgidum cv. TG14 and maize landraces cv. Xiaoyumi and Xiao Huangmaya. The highest haploid plant producing frequency (6.95 %) was obtained in the TG14 × Xiaoyumi.  相似文献   

2012年8月在广东省南岭自然保护区采集到6只森林型蝙蝠(3♀,3♂),其鼻部呈管状,毛被厚密而柔软,后腿、翼膜和尾膜被覆有棕色绒毛。体型较大,雌雄之间有明显差异,前臂长♀48.94~52.67mm,♂44.00~46.92 mm;核型为2n=44,FN=52;超声波为调频型,主频率为78.3 kHz。经鉴定为蝙蝠科管鼻蝠亚科的毛翼管鼻蝠(Harpiocephalus harpia)。这一发现使该物种在中国大陆地区目前的分布区与栖息地得以进一步核实和确认,弥补了该珍稀蝙蝠物种的分布、行为和生态学资料。  相似文献   

许多长距离迁徙的雀形目鸟类的种群数量正在持续下降,田鹀(Emberiza rustica)种群数量下降趋势更为突出。通过对田鹀种群数量长期监测和迁徙动态分析,可为此物种保护提供科学依据。从2001年开始,陆续在黑龙江省高峰、青峰、帽儿山、新青和大沾河,吉林省珲春和吉林市,辽宁省的辽宁鸟类研究中心(大连)和旅顺老铁山,以及内蒙古乌尔其汗鸟类栖息的临水林缘处布网环志。截至2018年,累计环志田鹀184181只,其中春季88571只,秋季95610只;各年度环志数量波动较大,总体呈现急速下降趋势。幼鸟的越冬损失率高达41.3%。田鹀106只次的回收信息表明,自然条件下田鹀寿命可达11年以上;日迁飞距离最快可达到300 km,飞行速度可达30 km/h。中国东北地区是田鹀等鸟类的重要迁徙途经地;田鹀的迁徙路线相对稳定,在瑞典北部繁殖的种群经中国东北地区迁徙到天津以南越冬。通过环志发现,近些年田鹀种群数量急速下降。通过比对,发现中国东北地区田鹀的环志数量变化趋势与瑞典的田鹀环志数量变化趋势相似;相对于环志数量最多的年份,环志数量下降95%以上,值得关注。栖息地破碎化、非法猎捕等是影响田鹀生存的主要受威胁因素。建议依据田鹀等鸟类生物学习性,加强鸟类栖息地的保护,坚持长期标准化的鸟类环志监测,进一步探索鸟类迁徙规律,以助于鸟类种群的恢复。  相似文献   

Topological patterns in the development and evolution of metazoa, from sponges to chordates, are considered by means of previously elaborated methodology, with the genus of the surface used as a topological invariant. By this means metazoan morphogenesis may be represented as topological modification(s) of the epithelial surfaces of an animal body. The animal body surface is an interface between an organism and its environment, and topological transformations of the body surface during metazoan development and evolution results in better distribution of flows to and from the external medium, regarded as the source of nutrients and oxygen and the sink of excreta, so ensuring greater metabolic intensity. In sponges and some Cnidaria, the increase of this genus up to high values and the shaping of topologically complicated fractal-like systems are evident. In most Bilateria, a stable topological pattern with a through digestive tube is formed, and the subsequent topological complications of other systems can also appear. The present paper provides a topological interpretation of some developmental events through the use of well-known mathematical concepts and theorems; the relationship between local and global orders in metazoan development, i.e., between local morphogenetic processes and integral developmental patterns, is established. Thus, this methodology reveals a “topological imperative”: A certain set of topological rules that constrains and directs biological morphogenesis.  相似文献   

鹌鹑的核型及G带分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分别采用外周血淋巴细胞培养法和胰酶处理法,对鹌鹑染色体的核型和G带进行了研究。结果表明,鹌鹑染色体数目为2n=78,有10对大染色体(包括Z、W),29对小染色体。染色体形态分别为:NO.1染色体为sm型,NO.2、Z染色体为m型,其余染色体均为t型,这与前人研究结果存在一定差异。G带分析结果显示,鹌鹑的前9对大染色体及Z、W染色体G带可分为27个区,134带。  相似文献   

Karyotype studies on 20 taxa of gymnosperms endemic to New Zealand show a wide diversity of chromosome number and form. Fluorochrome banding with DAPI and CMA reveals a depauperate pattern of bands with CMA and no reliable banding with DAPI. Characteristically one pair of chromosomes shows a prominent CMA band, which may or may not be associated with a secondary constriction. A band size polymorphism was observed in all plants ofDacrycarpus dacrydioides, irrespective of the sex of the plant. Measurements of genome size by flow cytometry show a range of values from 12.3 pg to 40.0 pg DNA per 2C nucleus. Intraspecific variation in genome size was observed inManoao colensoi.  相似文献   

国产8种蜘蛛抱属植物的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次报道了8种蜘蛛抱属植物的核型,其中6种的染色体数目为首次报道,结果如下:峨边蜘蛛抱蛋A.ebianensis,2n=2x=36=18m 2sm(2sat) 16st;盈江蜘蛛抱蛋A.yingjiangensis,2n=2x=36=14m 6sm(2sat) 16st;海南蜘蛛抱蛋A.hainensis,2n=2x=36=20m(2sat) 14st 2t;石山蜘蛛抱蛋A.saxicola,2n=2x=36=16m 4sm(2sat) 16st;要蜘蛛抱蛋白A.muricata,2n=2x=36=18m 2sm(2sat) 16st);啮边蛛抱蛋A.marginella,2n=2x=38=22m 4sm(2sat) 12st;西林蜘蛛抱蛋A.xillinensis,2n=4x=76=48m(4sat) 2sm 26st;十字蜘蛛抱蛋A.cruciformis,2n=4x=76=46m(4sat) 12sm 18st。核型类型都为2C型。首次在中国发现了A.cruciformis和A.xilinensis的野生四倍体。根据外部形态性及已有的38种植物的核型资料分析,认为该属染色体的原始基数可能为x=18,核型向对称性增强的方向演化,其主要表现在中部着丝粒染色体数目的增多,这种演化趋似与其花部结构的进化密切相关。  相似文献   

Based on conserved regions of a sequence of a previously isolated powdery mildew (Pm) resistance gene, Pm3b, from hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a pair of primers was designed, and 11 resistance gene analogs (RGAs) were obtained using a polymerase chain reaction-based cloning approach. Three RGAs were deemed as pseudogenes, while the remaining eight corresponded to protein-encoding genes. At the nucleotide level, all these RGAs shared a sequence identity of 99% and showed 86% sequence identity with Pm3b. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the eight protein-encoding genes were paraphyletic with Pm3 alleles. Positively selected sites were identified using the Selecton 2.1 program, and these were located on secondary structures. Based on these findings, the following two inferences could be made on the mode of evolution of the nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) class of resistance genes. First, the majority of evolution events must have occurred primarily in the LRR domain, and this might have contributed to an increase in the proportion of evolution events in other domains. Second, these evolutionary events in the LRR domain must have occurred initially in secondary structures and then in the β-sheet. The crystalline structure models of RGAs were constructed. De-Shun Feng and Yan Li contributed equally to this paper. Sequence data of 2Q2, 2Q3, 2Q4, 2Q7, 2Q9, 2Q11, 2Q12, 12Q11, 15Q1, and 15Q7 from this article have been deposited at GenBank under accession numbers EF157980, EF157981, EF157982, EF157983, EF157984, EF157985, EF157986, EF157987, EF157988, EF157989, and EF157990.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the karyotype analysis of 10 species of Cupressus including C. arizonica, C. bakeri ssp. mathewsii, C. chengiana, C. duclouxiana, C. funebris, C. goveniana, C. lusitanica, C. macrocarpa, C. pygmaea and C. sargentii. Except for C. arizonica, C. chengiana and C. macrocarpa they are all reported for the first time.The karyotype formula of the 10 species is K(2n)=22=22m which belongs to Stebbins'1A type. After making comparison among the karyotypes of 13 representive species in Cupressus, combined with data from geography, fossil, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate, the author thinks that C. sempervirens in Mediterranean region might be the most promitive one, the species in East Asia-China intermediate, those in North America advanced and C.lusitanica in Mexico and Guatemala the most advanced. The genus may have originated in the Mediterranean during the Jurassic or even earlier and then migrated from East Asia to North America via the Beringia in the Miocene or Pliocene. The regions, covering California, New Mexico, Mexico, Guatemala etc. are the present distribution center and the differentiation center of Cupressus. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. 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