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陈欣  付锐锐  张鸿  李家儒 《生物资源》2018,40(5):443-449
尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶(UDP-glucuronosyltransferase,UGT)家族是植物体内最大的糖基转移酶家族。编码合成UGT的基因属于UGT基因家族。UGT催化的糖基化反应广泛地存在于药用植物次生代谢物质的合成过程中。作为代谢通路中的下游修饰,供体分子在UGT的催化下,将糖基连接到受体分子上。这一过程往往会改变终产物的理化及生物学性质,最终影响其实际的利用价值及利用方式。本文综述分析了药用植物UGT家族基因挖掘分析、功能验证和生产应用等方面近年来的研究进展。  相似文献   

梧桐科植物在中国的地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐颂军 《广西植物》2002,22(6):494-498-498
对中国梧桐科植物的地理分布进行研究 ,指出中国梧桐科植物的分布区 ,东起台湾的北部 (1 2 2°1 0′E) ,西至西藏的墨脱 (95°3 0′E ,2 9°2 0′N) ,北起河北的东陵和小五台山 (约 40°2 0′N) ,南达西沙群岛的永兴岛(约 1 6°1 0′N)。其分布范围主要在热带、亚热带 ,只有少数种类可分布到温带。主要根据《中国种子植物属的分布区类型》的划分原则 ,把中国梧桐科植物野生各属划分为 1 0个类型。且对中国梧桐科植物一些属的分布格局进行探讨。  相似文献   

杨亲二 《生物多样性》2016,24(9):1024-23
对洪德元先生最近在《生物多样性》(2016年第24卷第3期)发表的《关于提高物种划分合理性的意见》一文中的部分观点进行了进一步阐述。强调我国植物确实还存在大量种级水平的分类学问题有待解决, 我国植物分类学研究在一些重要发展阶段(如系统阶段和物种生物学阶段)上存在明显缺失, 需要弥补。指出分类学发展到今天, 不宜再强调“经典分类学”和“实验分类学”之分, 应采用多学科手段解决分类学问题; 我国应加强植物分类专著水平的研究工作, 注意培养年轻一辈植物分类学专著工作者; 在分类处理中应用居群概念和统计学方法时应特别谨慎; 在系统植物学中接受物种概念的多元性是必要的, 但要向达到广义的生物学种概念努力, 不宜以有所谓的“归并派”和“细分派”之分为借口而完全主观地划分物种。  相似文献   

巢鼠属(Micromys Dehne, 1841)隶属于啮齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae),是最小的啮齿动物之一。此前的研究显示该属包含巢鼠(M. minutus)和红耳巢鼠(M. erythrotis)两个物种,但由于数据缺乏,红耳巢鼠的有效种地位仍存争议,且两个物种在中国的地理分布也不确定。本研究在安徽清凉峰国家级自然保护区采集到一批巢鼠属标本,经形态与分子学鉴定发现其包含巢鼠和红耳巢鼠两个物种,它们在清凉峰海拔1 600 m处同域分布,支持红耳巢鼠的有效种地位。基于安徽清凉峰巢鼠和红耳巢鼠的外形特点,本文对国家动物标本资源库的巢鼠属照片进行了分析,并结合相关文献资料,对中国巢鼠属的地理分布进行了整理,同时绘制了地理分布图。结果显示:在我国巢鼠主要分布在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、陕西、甘肃、新疆、江苏、安徽、浙江、湖南、江西、广东、福建、台湾;红耳巢鼠主要分布在云南、四川、陕西、湖北、西藏、贵州、重庆、安徽、福建、广西;两者在安徽清凉峰和陕西镇巴县、城固县皆有分布。此外,分子系统学分析显示,我国巢鼠属多样性仍被低估,极有可能存在未知的分类单元,巢鼠属的分类研究...  相似文献   

The fern-allied family Lycopodiaceae(s. str. ) in China is reclassified in the present paper. Six genera, fifteen species and three forms are recorded. The genus Pseudolycopodiella Holub (1983) is adopted, one new name, Lycopodium neopungens H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, is given to replace the invalid name L. pungens Desv., one new form is described: Palhinhaea hainanensis C. Y. Yang f. glabra H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, and nine names are treated for the first time as synonyms: L. annotinum L. var. brevifolium Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. annotinum L. var. aciculare Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. alticola Ching( = L. zonatum Ching), L. simulans Ching et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. interjectum Ching et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. taliense Ching(=L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. pseudoclavatum Ching( = L. japonicm Thunb. ex Murray.), L. pseudoclavatum Ching var. yunnanense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), and L. centro-chinense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray). The distribution of all the taxa is also given. Additionally, some taxonomic discussions are made and it is considered that there is no Diphasiastrum wightianum (Wall. ex Grev. et Hook. ) Holub( = Lycopodium wightianum Wall. ex Grev.et Hook. ) in the flora.  相似文献   

植物DNA条形码、物种形成和分类学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建全 《生物多样性》2015,23(3):283-12797
<正>DNA条形码最大的特点是用一段标准DNA序列就可以鉴定生物材料(特别是不具有分类特征的残缺或来自幼小个体的材料)和生物产品的物种来源(Hebert et al.,2003)。已有研究发现,动物中线粒体基因组的COI基因序列能鉴定多个动物类群的物种,被认为是理想的DNA条形码片段(Ward et al.,2005;TavaresBaker,2008)。而植物DNA条形码序列的确定还存在争议,例如应选择一个片段还是多  相似文献   

中国三种水韭属植物的地理分布与生境特征   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
水韭属(Isoetes)是水韭科中的孑遗属,分类上属拟蕨类,对研究蕨类植物的系统演化具有重要价值。由于人类活动对其水生生境的破坏,水韭属植物在我国的分布范围及其种群数量日趋减少,濒临灭绝,其中,高寒水韭(I. hypsophila)、云贵水韭(I. yunguiensis)和中华水韭(I. sinensis)已被列为国家一级重点保护野生植物。对原产中国的3种水韭的地理分布与生境特征进行调查,将为合理保护该属植物提供相关基础数据和科学依据。本文野外实地考察了原产中国的3种水韭属植物的现存种群及历史记载曾经分布但现已绝迹的水韭属植物种群(绝迹种群)所在地。在每一调查点,测定了各样点的海拔高度、水体基底状况以及水体pH值等生境特征;在现存种群所在地,分别记载了所见水生植物种类、水韭种群规模及其生长状况,并采集和鉴定了3种水韭属植物及其伴生种。调查发现3种水韭属植物种与种之间为间断分布,且具有垂直梯度差异;种内各种群之间相互隔离,各种群的个体数均偏少;现存种群所生长的水体及其水体基底的pH特性无明显差异,为酸性或中性;绝迹种群所在的原生境已遭到严重破坏,一些地点的水体pH和基底pH与以往存在水韭的时期相比已明显升高。此外,调查还发现沼泽地带的水韭种群正面临着其他水生植物的激烈竞争而处于随时灭绝的危险之中,而淡水潮间带沿岸的水韭种群因周期性的水位波动而生长良好。调查结果表明3种水韭属植物的地理分布及其生长状况与海拔、水体pH值、基底pH值以及种间竞争和水位波动密切相关。本文还讨论了保护水韭属植物的基本策略和具体措施。  相似文献   

贵州凯里药市的侗族药用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凯里药市最初由当地少数民族自发组织,药市中不仅有大量的苗族传统药用植物,而且侗族传统药用植物十分丰富,为了掌握该药市侗族药用植物的现状,该研究运用民族植物学和植物分类学等方法于2014—2017年对凯里药市交易的侗族药用植物进行了6次详细调查。结果表明:该药市出售的侗族药用植物种类较多,共有65科100属111种,其中以广义百合科(Liliaceae)植物(6种,5.4%)为主,其次为伞形科(Umbelliferae)、菊科(Compositae)、天南星科(Araceae)植物(各5种,各占4.5%),再次为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物(4种,3.6%)。从植物生活型来看,草本占有绝对优势,共有88种,占79.3%;用药部位具有多样化,但全草类药材占总数的一半。该研究还对药市中侗族和苗族交易的药用植物进行了比较分析,得出凯里药市交易的侗族药材具有独特的地域性和民族性,尤以治疗风湿关节、跌打损伤等常见疾病为主,并对凯里药市的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国珍稀濒危保护植物在江苏省的自然分布及其特点   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
讨论了17种中国珍稀濒危植物在江苏省的自然分布及其特点,它们分别为小叶银缕梅(Parrotia subaequalis)、宝华玉兰(Magnolia zenii)、天目木兰(Magnolia ameona)、秤钎锤树(Sinojackiaxylacarpa)、明党参(Changium smyrnioides)、珊瑚苯(Glehnia littoralis)、独花兰(Changnienia amo  相似文献   

云南省高等植物多样性与分布状况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈丽  董洪进  彭华 《生物多样性》2013,21(3):359-363
云南省为我国乃至世界生物多样性的热点区域之一.为深入认识和保护云南的植物多样性,作者以《云南植物志》为基础,对其中记载的各物种在云南的县级分布情况进行了统计.结果显示:云南省高等植物多样性最丰富的为滇西北地区,其中的玉龙县、贡山县、香格里拉县物种数分别高达4,358种、3,981种和3,874种,其次为以西双版纳州为主体的南部热带边缘,其中的勐腊、景洪的物种数也都在3,000种以上;而以云南高原为主体的滇东和滇中地区植物多样性则较为贫乏,作者认为这与人们的关注度和野外调查的强度直接相关.云南分布有4,008种特有物种,4,509种狭域物种,特有物种的分布规律与总物种相似;含狭域物种最多的为贡山县(556种),是唯一超过500种的县.云南省多数物种的分布范围极为狭窄,64.1%的物种仅分布在1-5个县,46.0%的特有物种只分布在1个县的范围内.通过以上分析,作者指出由于此前对云南植物多样性的调查仍不完善,结果并不能全面反映真实的地带性规律,建议加大调查深度和标本采集量.如果条件许可,一些极易沦为濒危种的狭域分布种也应得到优先关注.  相似文献   

河北省绢藓属(Entodon)植物的分类与地理分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵建成  李琳  王晓蕊 《植物研究》2004,24(2):226-235
在研究文献和标本的基础上,简要回顾了绢藓属(Entodon C. Muell.)植物在中国以及在河北省的研究背景.对采自河北省的210余号绢藓属植物标本进行了研究鉴定,整理出河北省绢藓属植物14种2变种,其中有河北省新记录2种:细疣绢藓(Entodon verruculosus)和中华绢藓(E. smaragdinus).按照吴征镒先生对中国种子植物属的分布类型划分原则\[1\],河北省绢藓属植物可划分为4个类型,其中,密叶绢藓短柄变种(E. compressus var. zikaiwiensis)、亮叶绢藓(E. aeruginosus)、陕西绢藓(E. schensianus)、中华绢藓、短柄绢藓(E. micropodus)、和细疣绢藓6种为中国特有分布.作者根据标本编制了河北省绢藓属植物分种检索表,并概述了每一种的生境、识别特征和地理分布.最后,对河北省绢藓属植物地理分布的特点进行了简要讨论.  相似文献   

This review contains the most recent information on the various substances isolated and Identified in the maitake mushroomGrifola, their source and significance. The majority of the references concern the anti-tumour polysaccharides that have been extracted from fruiting bodies and mycelia, but certain species can also act as metabolic regulators and contain enzymes, essential amino acids, lipids and vitamins. The use of edible fungi in the development and application of beneficial biological activities ofters an advantage in that the active principle is safe and can be tolerated by humans. Cultivation of such edible mushrooms would provide an adequate supply but is unnescessary if mycelial cultures grown in large-scale fermentations can produce the same active principle. It is hoped that this article will be infromative as the search continues for new uses for edible fungi and for educating the public about their potential value.
Résumé Cette revue contient l'information la plus récente sur les diverses substances isolées et identifiées du champignon maitake,Grifola, leur origine et leur signification. La majorité des références concerne les polysaccharides anti-tumoraux qui ont été extraits des corps fructifères et des mycelia mais certaines espèces peuvent aussi agir en tant que régulateurs métaboliques et contiennent des enzymes, des acides aminés essentiels, des lipides et des vitamines. L'utilisation de moisissures comestibles dans le développement et l'application d'activités biologiques bénéfiques offre l'avantage du principe actif sain et toléré par les humains. La culture de tels champignons comestibles procurerait la quantité adéquate de principe actif mais n'est pas nécessaire si les cultures myceliennes, cultivées par fermentation à grande échelle peuvent produire le même principe actif. On espère que cet article sera informatif, comme la recherche continue pour de nouvelles utilisations de moisissures comestibles et pour l'éducation du public au sujet de leur valeur potentielle.

A total of 973 isolates of endophytic fungi were recovered from 1144 tissue fragments of the six me-dicinal plant species belonging to 4 families collected in the Beijing Botanical Garden. Of these isolates 778 sporulated and were identified into 21 taxa by morphological characteristics. Among the taxa 11 belonged to Coelomycetes, 6 to Ascomycetes, and 4 to Hyphomycetes. Various numbers of endophytic fungi (5―8 taxa) were obtained from each plant. Alternaria alternata was the dominant species in the 6 plants, and Microsphaeropsis conielloides was also dominant in Eucommia ulmoides. There were high colonization rates (47.9%―63.1%) and isolation rates (0.7―0.93) of endophytic fungi, and they were conspicuously higher in twigs than those in leaves in the 6 plants examined. The colonization and isolation rates of endophytic fungi increased with the twig age. The results based on the analyses of cluster and Sorenson's similarity coefficients indicated that some endophytic fungi showed a certain degree of host and tissue preference.  相似文献   

A total of 973 isolates of endophytic fungi were recovered from 1144 tissue fragments of the six medicinal plant species belonging to 4 families collected in the Beijing Botanical Garden. Of these isolates 778 sporulated and were identified into 21 taxa by morphological characteristics. Among the taxa 11 belonged to Coelomycetes, 6 to Ascomycetes, and 4 to Hyphomycetes. Various numbers of endophytic fungi (5–8 taxa) were obtained from each plant. Alternaria alternata was the dominant species in the 6 plants, and Microsphaeropsis conielloides was also dominant in Eucommia ulmoides. There were high colonization rates (47.9%–63.1%) and isolation rates (0.7–0.93) of endophytic fungi, and they were conspicuously higher in twigs than those in leaves in the 6 plants examined. The colonization and isolation rates of endophytic fungi increased with the twig age. The results based on the analyses of cluster and Sorenson’s similarity coefficients indicated that some endophytic fungi showed a certain degree of host and tissue preference.  相似文献   

The Market for Medicinal Plants in Sapa and Hanoi, Vietnam. Economic Botany 59(4):377-385, 2005. This article describes the market for medicinal plants sold in the Vietnamese town of Sapa as well as in nine different markets in the Vietnamese capital city, Hanoi. A total of 44 medicinal plants were identified botanically, 27 of which are on sale in Sapa and 28 in Hanoi. Most buyers of medicinal plants in Sapa are members of the Vietnamese middle classes who go to Sapa on holidays. Medicinal plants are gathered or cultivated predominantly by members of ethnic minority groups (Hmong and Dao) who live in small hamlets, some located several hours from the town of Sapa. Sapa is one of the poorest districts in Vietnam with a GDP per household of only U.S. $322 in 2005, so the cash that people are able to earn from the sale of medicinal plants is very important. The article argues that the social roles of the weekend market in Sapa are equally important, as the market helps ethnic minorities to fulfil their needs for a social life beyond the village.  相似文献   

Tile distinguishing characters between Lithospermum and Arnebia are tabulated and these two genera are considered different between each other. Five species of the former and six species of the latter are recognized in China, and two keys to species are given for the two genera respectively. The pattern of the disjunct distribution ofLithospermum offici nale is discussed, and a map of its distribution range is given.  相似文献   

中国的石松科植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国产石松科(狭义)进行了分类学研究,共记载本科植物6属15种3变型。文中引用新建 立的1属,即拟小石松属Pseudolycopodiella Holub,并包含1个新命名:Lycopodium neopungens H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,1个新变型:Palhinhaea hainanensis C.Y. Yang f.glabra H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang和9个新 异名:Lycopodium annotinum L.var.brevifolium Christ(=L .zonatum),L.annotinum L.var.aciculare Christ (=L.zonatum),L.alticola Ching(=L.zonatum),L.simulans Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japoni- cum),L.interjectum Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japonicum),L. taliense Ching(=L.japonicum),L.pseudoclavatum Ching(:=L.japonicm.),L. pseudoclavatum Ching var.yunnanense Ching(=L.japonicum),及L. centro-chinense Ching(=L. japonicum).本文还记述了有关分类群的地理分布,并认为中国没有Dipha- siastrum wightianum(Wall.ex Grev.et Hook.)Holub的分布。  相似文献   

In order to understand the pattern of indigenous uses of medicinal plants available in the Uttaranchal state of the Indian Himalaya, this study was undertaken through literature survey and fieldwork in various parts of the state. A list of all the major and most of the lesser categories of ailments was prepared and categorized with the help of medical practitioners. A total of 300 plant species used in curing 114 ailments prevailing in various ethnic and non-ethnic communities of Uttaranchal were documented. These 114 ailments were further grouped into 12 broad classes of diseases in order to project the indigenous uses of medicinal plants for various ailments. It was found that herbs contributed the highest number of medicinal plants (65%), followed by shrubs (19%) and trees (16%). The maximum number of plant species were used to cure generalized body aches and colic, followed by gastrointestinal and dermatological problems. Vitex negundo was the most important species, used for the treatment of more than 48 ailments. Azadirachta indica, Woodfordia fruticosa, Centella asiatica, Aegle marmelos, Cuscuta reflexa, Butea monosperma, Phyllanthus emblica, and Euphorbia hirta were among other important medicinal plants based on their high use values. The underground parts of the plant were used in the majority of cases. Of 300 medicinal plants, 35 were rare and endangered species, of which about 80% was restricted to the high altitude alpine region of Uttaranchal Himalaya. A priority list of 17 medicinal plant species was prepared on the basis of endemism, use value, mode of harvesting and rarity status. Strategies for long-term conservation of these valuable medicinal plants are discussed.  相似文献   

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