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青海湖地区植被及其分布规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
青海湖地区位于青藏高原东北部。境内复杂的地貌类型及青海湖的存在对植被有重要影响。本区植物种类贫乏,现有种子植物52科、174属、445种。主要植被类型有寒温性针叶林、高原河谷灌丛、高寒灌丛、沙生灌丛、温性草原、高寒草原、高寒草甸、沼泽草甸、高寒流石坡植被等。植被分布表现出明显的规律性变化。草原分布于湖盆及河谷地带,由东而西植被类型有更加适应寒旱趋势。温性草原以青海湖为中心;呈环带状分布,而高寒草原的分布则与生境寒冷干旱相一致。山地垂直带谱表现为草原带、高寒灌丛与高寒草甸带以及高寒流石坡植被带。本区植被水平地带性分异受到青海湖的影响,其植被组合及特征表现出与青藏高原植被的明显相似性。作为祁连山南麓中部地区的一个大型山间盆地,其东西方向界于青海省东部地区和柴达木盆地之间,植被东西方向的水平地带性并未表现出明显的过渡特征。根据植被特点及分布规律分析,本区植被有其自身的特殊性,并与青藏高原隆升之后气候寒冷干旱相一致。因此,青海湖地区就整体而言应属祁连山地区植被一个相对独立的组成部分。  相似文献   

The geoecological conditions of Xizang (Tibet) are very complicated. An approach on the floristic phytogeographical differentiation of Xizang has been made in the present paper with a quantitative floristic method. According to areal types of the species the flora of Xizang may be classified under five major geoelements: the north temperate zone geo-element (N), the Central Asiatic geoelemcnt (C), the Qinghai-Xizang Tibetan Plateau geo-element (T), the Sino-Himalayan geo-element (SH) and the tropical geo-element (Tr). Different diagrams of spectra of floristic elements of Xizang are presented. Four cross-sections were chosen for illustrating the regional differentiation of spectra of floristic elements of Xizang. It is obvious that the SH-geo-element prevails in the Eastern and Southeastern Xizang and the Trgeo-element is confined at lower elevation of the southern flanks of the Himalayas. On the contrary, on the Plateau proper the Tgeoelement dominates and the C-geo-element plays a significant role in the northwestern part of Xizang. It corresponds to the following horizontal zones of vegetation from southeast to northwest: montane forest-alpine meadow-alpine steppe-alpine desert. An example at the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalayas has been taken to investigate the vertical variation of the spectra of floristic elements, the boundary between the both subbelts of the montane evergreen broad-leaved forest belt at an elevation of 1,800 m has been proposed as the upper limit dominated by the tropical geo-element. On the basis of dominance spectra of the fioristic elements in the grid-square system floristic boundaries are defined, which separate different floristic regions from one another, thereafter a floristic division of Xizang has been discussed. There are the sub-region of the "Himalayan flanks belonging to the Indo-Malaysian sub-kingdom of the Palaeotropical kingdom, the Sino-Himalayan sub-kingdom and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau sub-kingdom of the Holarctic kingdom.  相似文献   

青藏高原高山植被的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原是我国高山植被类型最丰富、独特和分布最广泛的区域,发育有大面积的高山灌丛、高寒草甸、高寒草原,高寒荒漠、高山流石坡稀疏植被及零散分布的高山垫状植被。它们占据着森林上线至永久雪线之间的高山带和广阔的高原面,从高原东南部至西北部有水平方向的地域分异。联系高山带以下各垂直带的植被特征及各地的气候条件分析,初步认为高原东南部的山地植被垂直带谱属于湿润型山地垂直带结构类型,高原腹地及西北部的山地植被垂直带谱属于干旱型山地垂直带结构类型。此外,还对青藏高原高山植被类型的丰富性及高山垫状植被的生态地理分布特点进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

西藏色季拉山种子植物垂直带谱的划分与分布特点研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴勇  樊国盛  李乡旺  郑维列 《广西植物》2004,24(2):107-112,106
将色季拉山种子植物分布划分为山地暖温带针阔混交林带、山地温带针叶林带、亚高山寒温带针叶林带、高山寒带疏林、灌丛、草甸带和高山荒漠带。在上述基础上 ,分析了各带谱的区系组成、性质和特有种分布特点。  相似文献   

西藏羌塘高原高寒草原的基本类型与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘高原,地势高亢,气候寒冷干旱,发育着面积广阔的高寒草原植被。本文论述了高寒草原的区系组成,地理成分、生活型和层片、生态类群与生长发育节律等方面的特点,描述了7个主要群落类型,并探讨了它们的生态地理分布规律。在对羌塘高寒草原与我国温带草原进行比较分析的基础上,将高寒草原作为植被亚型,与温带草原并列于草原植被型之下;在进行地植物学区划时,应该充分考虑羌塘高原高寒草原的广泛分布及其地带性景观意义。  相似文献   

 羌塘高原,地势高亢,气候寒冷干旱,发育着面积广阔的高寒草原植被。本文论述了高寒草原的区系组成,地理成分、生活型和层片、生态类群与生长发育节律等方面的特点,描述了7个主要群落类型,并探讨了它们的生态地理分布规律。在对羌塘高寒草原与我国温带草原进行比较分析的基础上,将高寒草原作为植被亚型,与温带草原并列于草原植被型之下;在进行地植物学区划时,应该充分考虑羌塘高原高寒草原的广泛分布及其地带性景观意义。  相似文献   

贺兰山植物群落类型多样性及其空间分异   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 贺兰山是一座位于阿拉善高原与银川平原之间的高大山体,是我国西部温带草原与荒漠的分界线和连接青藏高原、蒙古高原及华北植物区系的枢纽。本文就贺兰山植物群落的类型多样性特征及其空间分布规律进行了分析,结果表明:贺兰山植物群落有11个植被型55个群系。垂直分异明显,可划分成山前荒漠与荒漠草原带(海拔1 600 m以下)、山麓与低山草原带(1 600~1 900 m)、中山和亚高山针叶林带(1 900~3 100 m)和高山与亚高山灌丛、草甸带(3 100 m以上)4个植被垂直带。阴阳坡差异很大,在低山带,草原群落多占据阳坡,而阴坡则被中生灌丛所取代;在中山带,阴坡以青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)林为主,阳坡以灰榆(Ulmus glaucescens)、杜松(Juniperus rigida)疏林和其它中生灌丛为主;3 000 m以上阴阳坡分异不明显。东、西坡及南、北、中段植物群落分异也很突出,各自均有一些特殊的群落类型。中段以森林和中生灌丛为主,南段和北段荒漠化程度较高,森林面积很小。北段有四合木(Tetraena mongolica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)、松叶猪毛菜(Salsola laricifolia)等特征群系,南段以贺兰山丁香(Syringa pinnatifolia var. holanshanensis)、斑子麻黄(Ephedra rhytidosperma)等群系最具特色。贺兰山东坡比西坡温暖和干燥,森林面积远小于西坡,并分布一些酸枣(Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa)、虎榛子(Ostryopsis davidiana)等喜暖中生灌丛。此外,贺兰山还具有贺兰山丁香、斑子麻黄、内蒙薄皮木(Leptodermis ordosica)、贺兰山女蒿(Hippolytia alashanensis)4个特有植物群落。  相似文献   

The main vegetation types and distributional characteristics in the Qilian Mountain region were studies. It is shown that characteristic of the Vegetation is evidanced by eeo-geography marginal effect and plateau zone law. The vegetation of this region is affected considerably by the vegetation around the Qilian Mountain region, but is advantageous for all kinds of alpine vegetations, and has an evident similarity and an extensive unanimity with those of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. On the other hand, the vegetation of the area has its specificity difference with the plateau plane. So, the authors consider to classify the Qilian Mountain region as the secondary unit of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau vegetation region.  相似文献   

 柴达木盆地位于青藏高原东北部,其植被分布规律较复杂。东部为半干旱荒漠草原地带,地带性植被为荒漠化草原;中部为干旱荒漠地带,地带性植被为灌木和矮半灌木砾漠;西部为极端干旱裸露荒漠地带,在砾石戈壁和低山基本上无植被。本区盆地底部随着地貌、土壤和地下水的变化,出现了植被环带状分布规律。从盆地边缘向中心依次发育着洪积平原灌木、矮半灌木砾漠带,冲积平原灌木沙漠带,冲积—湖积平原灌木盐漠带,湖积平原盐生草甸带,最后为裸露盐壳和盐湖。本区山地的植被垂直带自东而西明显不同。荒漠草原地带的带谱为:山地草原—山地常绿针叶林—亚高山灌丛—高寒草甸—高山稀疏植被;荒漠地带为:矮半灌木山地石漠—高寒草原—高寒草甸—高山稀疏植被;极端荒漠地带为:裸露低山石漠—矮半灌木山地石漠,高寒草原—高山稀疏植被.  相似文献   

祁连山地区植被特征及其分布规律   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
分析和讨论了祁连山地区主要植被类型及其分布特征。祁连山地区随着青藏高原的强烈隆升表现为整体抬升,植被具有明显的生态地理边缘效应特征和高原地带性规律。该区植被虽然受到四周的较大影响,但各类高寒植被占有绝对优势,表现出与青藏高原植被整体明显的相似性和广泛的一致性。另一方面,本区植被也有其特殊性及与高原面存在一些差异。因此,建议把祁连山地区做为青藏高原植被区的次一级独立单元  相似文献   

贡嘎山地区主要植被类型的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
贡嘎山位于青藏高原东南缘横断山系大雪山脉中段,主峰海拔高7556m。该地区有维管束植物185科,869属,约2500种。其植物区系特点为:区系成分起源古老;物种分化显著,特有种丰富;成分复杂,地理替代明显。贡嘎山主要植被类型有:冷杉、云杉组成的亚高山针叶林;松、铁杉组成的中山针叶林;松、杉、柏、油杉组成的低山针叶林;铁杉、桦木、槭树组成的针叶,阔叶混交林;樟、楠、阔楠、石栎,青冈等组成的常绿阔叶林;栎、桦、槭、杨、桤等组成的落叶阔叶林;高山栎类组成的硬叶常绿阔叶林;杜鹃、柳、圆柏等组成的高山灌丛;仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)、金合欢、羊蹄甲等组成的河谷灌丛;嵩草(Kobresia)、羊茅(Festuca ovina), 韭和风毛菊、绢毛菊、绵参(Eriophyton wallichii)等组成的高山草甸与高山流石滩稀疏植被。贡嘎山地区水平地带性植被为常绿阔叶林,它兼有我国亚热带东部和西部常绿阔叶林的特点。 贡嘎山东坡植被垂直带谱是:1.常绿阔叶林带,海拔1100—2200m。2.山地针叶、阔叶混交林带,2200—2500m。3.亚高山针叶林带,2500—3600m。4.高山灌丛草甸带,2600—4600m。5.高山流石滩稀疏植被带,4600—4900m。6.永久冰雪带,海拔4900m以上。贡嘎山西坡植被垂直带谱是:1.亚高山针叶林带,海拔2800一4000m。2.高山灌丛草甸带,4000—4800m。3.高山流右滩稀疏植被带,4800—5100m。4.永久冰雪带,海拔5100m以上。  相似文献   

本文就以下几方面对我国植物生态学和地植物学作了回顾与展望。一、回顾:1.亚热带和热带森林区的植被研究。2.温带森林区的植被研究。3.温带草原区的植被研究。4.温带荒漠区的植被研究。5.青藏高寒高原区的植被研究。6.中国植被及其地理、分区和植被图研究。7.环境植物学的研究等。二,展望1.植被基本理论的研究2.植被图志的编制和植被制图学研究 3.栽培植物群落和经济植物生态学特性研究4.实验群落学和植物生理生态学研究5.陆地生态系统的结构和功能的研究6.环境保护的植物生态学研究7.植物和植物群落指示性研究  相似文献   

再论中国植被分区的原则和方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 本文首先提出中国植被分区的原则和依据以及高级分区单位的标志,将全国划分为八大植被区,其中有五个区包括两个亚区,因作者主张亚区与区作为同一级的辅助单位看待,所以实际上把全国分为13个高级植被分区单位。除少数例外,每一植被区或亚区都分为一过渡带和典型带。全文以植被区或亚区、植被地带或亚地带为单位,论述其植被特点。  相似文献   

The horizontal differentiation of vegetation is very conspicuous, on both the south and the north slopes of the Himalayas. The Eastern Himalayas are the most humid part of the mountain system, being mainly covered by forests. The tropieal forest stretches the south slope of the mountain as far north as 29˚ N, mueh beyond the ordinary boundary of tropieal forest in other parts of the world. On the north slope, the vegetation shows a transition from forest to steppe. In general, 4 vertical spectra of vegetation zones may be recognized in tile Eastern Himalayas with two on either slope. On the south the basic belts of the spectra are respeetively (1) tropical evergreen rainforest plus semievergreen rainforest (humid) and (2) tropical rainforest plus monsoon deciduous forest (subhumid). On the north, the respective basic belts are (3) montane needle and broad-leaf mixed forest (subhumid) and (4) montane shrubby steppe (semiarid). The 4 altogether indicate the regional differentiation of vegetation in the Eastern Himalayas, according to different climatic conditions.  相似文献   

西藏植物区系地理区域分异的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用数量统计方法及植物区系分布区型谱图探讨西藏植物区系地理的地域分异。中国-喜马拉雅成分在藏东和藏东南占优势,热带成分集中分布于喜马拉雅南翼的低海拔地区;在高原内部青藏高原成分占统治地位,而中亚成分则在高原的西北部起重要的作用。植物区系成分的这种水平地域分异和西藏境内自东南向西北植被由森林、草甸、草原至荒漠的地带更迭是相吻合的。海拔1800米可以看作是热带成分占优势的垂直系列的上界。根据优势植物区系成分确定的几条界线,西藏可划归如下植物区系区域:古热带植物区印度马来亚植物亚区的喜马拉雅南翼亚地区,泛北极植物区的中国-喜马拉雅亚区和青藏高原亚区。  相似文献   

By late Carboniferous the flora of northern Xizang differs from that of the northern India. During late Permian, the northern Xizang was inhabited by the Gigantopteris flora, while in the southern Xizang was widespread the Glossopteris flora. The upper Triassic flora of the northern Xizang is closely related to that of southwestern China and quite different from that of India. The Jurassic flora found in Tsaidam of Chinghai and the early Cretaceous flora found in Lhasa of the northern Xizang are closely related to these of the northern hemisphere, and show no relationship with these of the southern hemisphere. The late Cretaceous flora of Rikaze and the early Eocene flora of Ali region are also of northern hemisphere in affinity and show no relationship with the Daccan Intertrappean and the Eocene floras of India. Hence, the northern and the southern Xizang should have belonged to two different continents, Eurasia and Gondwanaland. Between them, a very wide sea, the Tethys, was situated. This strongly supports the view of continental drift that the India block drifted in late Jurassic-Cretaceous from the south-eastern corner of Africa and later on in Eocene joined up with Asia to become its subcontinent. The suture line between Eurasia and the India block perhaps lies in the belt of basic to ultrabasic rocks along the Yalu-Tsangpo valleys. Judging from the nature of the floras ranging from the late Carboniferous to the early Eocene, the northern Xizang most probably was of lowland in topography throughout these periods. The Miocene floras of the central and the northern Xizang were mainly composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, though some evergreen trees existed somewhere else. It reflects the land of the central and the northern Xizang had already uplifted to some extant before Miocene. During the time of Pliocene, the evergreen broadleaved trees were gradually declining in their development in the northern Xizang. The vegetation of the Chaidamu (=Tsaidam) Basin further changed into deciduous broad-leaved to coniferous forests and then turned into grasslands and semi-deserts or deserts. It shows by that time the land of Xizang and Chinghai further upheaved. Up to the late Pliocene, the vegetation of the northern Xizang and Chinghai further changed. But the vegetation of the Himalayan region was still dominated by evergreen oaks and Cedrus forests. Most probably by that time the Himalayas was not so high as present. There was no barrier to prevent the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean passing over the Himalayas. The most active period of the uplift of the mountain ranges in Xizang and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the Quaternary. By that time no evergreen broad-leaved trees could live in the northern Xizang. During the late Quaternary, the vegetation of most parts of Xizang gradually changed into cold alpine desert. At last the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau turned into the present state.  相似文献   

World distribution of 488 out of 619 vascular plant species known from an area of 500 km2 within the western Khentey Mountains, northern Mongolia is analyzed. Most species belong to Eastern Asian (29%) or Asian, Eurasian, or circumpolar temperate species (24%) supporting the classification of the Khentey Mountains as part of the temperate zone of Eurasia. Seventeen percent of species are boreal plants. Circumpolar temperate-boreal (9%), Central (-Eastern) Asian (9%), Continental mountain species (5%), Middle-Central Asian (3%), arctic-alpine (3%) as well as Western Eurasian and western Siberian species are of lower significance for the flora of the western Khentey Mountains. Eastern Asian species occur in all types of habitats, whereas plants of other distribution types are focused on certain habitats. Boreal species preferably grow in the dark taiga, which prevails in the upper montane belt and on northern and eastern slopes of the most humid parts of the lower montane belt. Temperate and temperate-boreal species prefer subtaiga forests, which are found on northern and eastern slopes in drier parts of the lower montane belt as well as in upper parts of sun-exposed, southern and western slopes of the lower montane belt. Central (-Eastern) Asian and Middle-Central Asian species primarily inhabit forest steppe habitats, such as meadow and mountain steppes, Ulmus pumila open woodlands and dry Pinus sylvestris forests on steep, southern slopes.  相似文献   

The diversity of Khakassia lichen biota inhabiting the central part of the Altai-Sayan mountain region and the general regularities in the lichen distribution on substrates and along vertical belts have been studied. The lichen composition of 1330 species, 262 genera, and 82 families was determined via generalization of the lichenological data available for this republic. The main lichen synusia in high mountain, mountain steppe, and mountain forest belts were recorded.  相似文献   

海南五指山森林的垂直分布及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
符国瑷  冯绍信   《广西植物》1995,15(1):57-69
本文探讨了海南五指山森林垂直分布及其特征.并根据五指山自然保护区的600cm2样地调查材料,连同区内一些路线调查材料统计结果,计有维管束植物998种,576属,178科;按照植物地理成份分析,指出以樟科、桃金娘科、壳斗科、棕榈科等科、属、种为主的五指山热带、亚热带植物属占总、属数的89%是很高的。根据调查材料,五指山森林可划分为3个垂直带与11个植被群系,也就是Ⅰ.热带雨林带,一、热带常绿季雨林:1:荔枝,毛丹群系;Ⅱ.热带山地雨林带:一、低山雨林:(一)低山青梅雨林;1,青梅,蝴蝶树群系:2.鸡毛松.公孙锥群系:(二)沟谷雨林:1.尖叶杜英,海南柿群系;(三)低山枫香林:1.枫香.鸭脚木群系.二、中山雨林:(一)中山针阔叶雨林:1.陆均松.岭南青同群系;2.银背锥.白花含笑群系;3.罗浮锥,海南蕈树群系;Ⅲ.中山矮曲林带:一、中山矮曲林:1.硬壳柯,厚皮香群系;2.少药八角.肖柃群系;二、山顶矮林:1.红脉南烛,南华杜鹃群系。五指山森林垂直分布规律与特点:1.乔木树种多样性随着海拔升高而递减;2.温带树种的数量随着海拔升高而递增:3.青梅天然分布的海拔高度为海南各林区之冠。  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saline lake in China. it is situated in the northeastern part of the Qinghai Xizang Plateau. This paper is based on the information of the sporo-pollen assemblages of 47 samples from the drill core and surface samples. The general treads of vegetational and climatic changes since 11,000 years B. P. may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: In the first stage which corresponds to zone Ⅰ of the sporo-pollen assemlage, the vegetation during the past of 11,000–10,000 years was represented by a temperate shrub, semi-shrub and steppe, consisting of Chenopodiaceae. Artemisia, Nitraria, Ephedra and Gramineae were predominant. At the same time, some subalpine conifers, Pinus, Picea and Betula, would grow by the side of rivers and lakes, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the Late Pleistocene. Due to the rising temperature in this zone, the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary might be estimated at about 11,000 years B. P.. The vegetation of the first stage belonges to temperate steppe with a few trees: In the second stage (ZoneⅡ of pollen), the vegetation was characterized by a temperate forest steppe during this period of 10,000 to 8,000 years B. P. Forest area apparently increased and some broadleaf deciduous and need leaf evergretn trees, such as Quercus, Betula, Pinus and Picea, grew by lakes and on mountains. At this time, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the first stage. In the third stage (Zone Ⅲ) between B,000 and 3,500 years B. P, The vegetation was composed of a temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needle-leaf evtrgreen forest. The needle-leaf evergreen forest consisting of Picea, Pinus, Abies, Betula grew in temperate zone mountains. The climate was relatively warm and wet. The fouth stage (zone IV), the vegetation was dominated by shrub semishrub, dwarf semishrubs, steppe and semi-arbors. Some trees consisting of Betula, Picea, and Pinus decreased in number in the lake regions. Some subalpine cold temperature evergreen trees, such as Abies and picea disappeared from the lake region. This indicated that the climate was warmer and drier during the past 3500–1500 years B. P. than the third zone. In the fifth stage (pollen zone V), the vegetation comprised steppe and desert from 1500 years ago to the present time. Some arborealtrus such as Betula and Pinus were less increased about 500 years B. P. at this time the temperate and wet slightly, rose up. From the above analysis, it is clear that the Qinghai lake region has been confronted with the vegetational and climatic changes since ll,000 years B. P. Therefore, the palynoflora of the Qinghai lake has its significance in Geography and vegetational history.  相似文献   

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