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The endosperm callus has been induced from the young endosperm of Asparagus officinalis L. on the MS supplemented with auxin. The induction frequency of callus amounts to 65.9%–83.1%. When the callus was transferred to the medium supplemented with lower concentration of NAA 0.1 ppm or containing BA 1 ppm and NAA 0.5 ppm, the differentiation of shoots, roots and a few embryoids began to occur. A few calluses and embryoids can develop into plantlets. The chromosome number in the cells from the same root tip and shoot apex of endosperm plantlet is very unstable. They can be euploids (n=10, 2n=20, 3n=30, 4n=40). or aneupl0ids (n=6, 7, 17, 25, 53).  相似文献   

以盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis)的胚乳为外植体,研究了不同植物生长调节剂对胚乳愈伤组织诱导及植株再生的影响,并鉴定了再生植株。结果表明:愈伤组织诱导形成的适宜培养基为MS+2.0mg·L^–12,4-D+0.5mg·L^–16-BA,不定芽分化的适宜培养基为MS+2.0mg·L^–16-BA+0.1mg·L^–1NAA,生根的适宜培养基为1/2MS+0.3mg·L^–1NAA;再生植株炼苗移栽后,成活率可达80%;对获得的再生植株腋芽生长点进行染色体制片观察,发现染色体数目为20的细胞占观察细胞总数的10%,染色体数目为21–29的细胞占16%,染色体数为30的细胞占74%;获得了三倍体植株。  相似文献   

阳桃胚乳愈伤组织诱导和不定芽发生的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首次成功建立阳桃胚乳组织培养并获得胚乳再生植株。胚乳愈伤组织诱导以培养基MS 2,4-D2.0mgL^-1 BA0.2mgL^-1的效果最好,诱导频率可达94.7%,愈伤组织乳白色,结构致密,生长旺盛;将其接种在培养基MS ZT3.0mgL^-1 NAA0.2mgL^-1上,愈伤组织由乳白色致密型转变为淡绿色致密型,进而形成绿色芽点,分化出不定芽,分化频率可达73.3%;胚乳植株在培养基MS ZT2.0-2.5mgL^-1 NAA0.05mgL^-1上进行壮苗和营养繁殖。  相似文献   

The endosperm callus has been induced from immature endosperm of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on the MS medium supplemented with auxin. When the callus was transferred to the medium supplemented with lower concentration of auxin, the differentiation of shoots began to occur. The regenerated plantlets can be green, albino and whitegreen stripe. The chromosome number in the cells from same root tip of endosperm plantlet is very unstable. They can be euploid (2n=7, 14, 21, 28) or aneuploid (2n = 8, 9, 10, 13).  相似文献   

The endosperm calli were induced on MS basic medium supplemented with lppm 2,4-D, 0.5ppm KT and 5% sucrose. The medium which contained lppm BAP, 0.1ppm NAA and 2% sucrose was used for cell suspension culture. In suspension cell culture, amitosis of cleavage division of nucleus have been observed after 5 days of culture. First the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappeared. The crevice appeared in the center of the nucleus, and the nucleus divided into two daughter nuclei of similar size and each with a nucleolus. The daughter nucleus resembled an eye in shape. Following the emergence of cell wall, the two new unequal cells were produced. Such amitotic division proceeded repeatedly until the callus developed and eventually plantlet regenerated.  相似文献   

本文探讨了草莓试管苗生根诱导期长短、发根数及根长度对移栽成活率和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,诱导期在41~50天效果最好,成活率达94%;根数越多,成活越容易;根长度在5.1~10.0 cm时,有利于成活。  相似文献   

谷类作物胚乳性状遗传控制的鉴别   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30  
莫惠栋 《遗传学报》1995,22(2):126-132
谷类作物种子胚乳生状的遗传表达,可能受三倍体的胚乳基因型和/或二倍体的母体基因型控制,还可能存在细胞质效应。Foolad等和Pooni等提出的分析模型,由于遗传参数的系数间存在线性相关,不能有效地区分上述遗传控制系统。本文的交配设计和相应统计方法,可对一胚乳生状是否存在胚乳基因型,母体基因型蔌细腻质效应分别作出测验,从而可确定合适遗传模型和估计有关遗传参数。这些方法也可方便地推广于鉴别非谷作物种子  相似文献   

Summary Accessions of eight Lycopersicon species and five yellow-flowered Solanum species were used as males in crosses with 2x and 4x L. esculentum to observe seed set and progeny ploidy. Species which failed in crosses to L. esculentum were crossed as males to 2x and 4x L. peruvianum. In cases of low seed set, chromosome counts were undertaken to establish the nature of the progeny. Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) relationships were determined for the crossability groups. Results support the basic concept of an L. esculentum crossability complex and an L. peruvianum crossability complex. Within the L. esculentum complex, all EBNs appear identical with a value of 2. Within the L. peruvianum complex, more variability appears to exist. The EBN values of this group are higher, and may be approximately double those of the L. esculentum complex. The EBN of L. peruvianum var humifusum appears to be somewhat lower than other L. peruvianum types. The EBN values of S. lycopersicoides, S. rickii, S. ochranthum and S. juglandtfolium could not be determined experimentally. Differential aspects of Lycopersicon and tuber-bearing Solanum evolution may be interpreted on the basis of endosperm compatibility.Co-operative investigation of the Vegetable Crops Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

爆裂玉米胚乳数量性状的遗传研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用三倍体胚乳种子遗传模型及其分析方法,研究了4个爆裂玉米膨爆特性的胚乳直接效应、母体效应和细胞质效应。结果表明,百粒重、膨化体积的遗传同时由3套遗传体系所控制,百粒重的细胞质、膨化体积的母体和细胞质遗传率较高。爆花率和膨化倍数受胚乳和母体2套遗传体系的影响,且遗传率相近。爆花率和膨化倍数的直接和母体杂种优势均为负值。要组配出优良爆裂玉米杂交种,必须首先选育出膨爆特性突出的自交系,同时还要注意不同自交系的恰当组配。在6个供试自交系中,必须首先选育出膨爆特性突出的自交系,同时还要注意不同自交系的恰当组配。在6个供试自交系中,P3,P4适宜用作母本,P5则适宜作父本。  相似文献   

枸杞多糖提取工艺的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
龚涛  任大明  王楠 《生物技术》2005,15(6):78-80
采用热水浸提法从枸杞干果中提取枸杞多糖,经正交实验确定浸提时间、温度、料水比最优值分别为:5h、100℃、1:40;微波预处理超过25min时,多糖得率达15.91%;醇沉时当醇沉时间为4h、乙醇加入量为4倍时有利于枸杞多糖提取。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the early development of embryo and endosperm of Paeonia lactiflora. The main conclusions are as follows: 1 The zygote nucleus divides directly to form a coenocytic proembryo with different number of free nuclei. The result confirms the conclusion of Yakovlev[6] as well as Yakovlev and Yoffe[7] On the occurnce of coenocytic proembryo in Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. (P. moutan Sims), P. albiflora Pall. (P. lactiflora Pall), P. officinalis L., P. tenuifolia L., P. anomala L., P. veitchii Lynch (P. beresowskii Komarov), P. wittmanniana, also it agrees with the report of Cave et al.[4] on the occurence of the coenocytie proembryo in Paeonia californica and P. brownii. From the result of our investigation, there is no basis to support Murgai's conclusion obtained in certain species of Paeonia, i.e., the first division of zygote nucleus is accompanied by wall formation and the coenocyte is a suspensor. The primary endosperm nucleus of P. lactiflora divides often earlier than zygote nucleus, or almost at the same time or later in a few cases; 2 Both mitosis and amitosis occur in the free nuclei in the coenocytic proembryo, and mitosis is dominant. In the later stage of development the amitosis occurs at the micropylar region of the coenocytic proembryo, in the free nuclear endosperm at the chalazal region and the appressed part of the chalazal end of the coenocytic proembryo. In addition, in the region of conenocytic proembryo and endosperm polyploid nuclei, irregular nuclei are also frequently met with; 3 Cell wall formation in the coenocyte and the endosperm initiates by means of both cell plate and freely growthing walls, but in the coenocyte wall formation is earlier than in the free nuclear endosperm. At first, wall formation of the coenocytic proembryo begins at the chalazal end, and then extends toward the micropylar region, and in endosperm it begins at the part appressed to the part of the chalazal end of coenocytic proembryo, and then extends toward the chalazal end. We support Cave’s suggestion of the parallel evolution for Paeonia possessed the coenocytic proembryo has no relation to the coenocytic proembryo of the gymnosperms. Further we consider the evolution tendency of the coenocytic proembryo of Paeonia toward a functional specialization.  相似文献   

There was a high frequency in the occurrence of abnormal plantlets during cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. ) tissue culture. Their patterns, ways of development and effected factors, and the technique of their normalization were studied. Based on their morphologic characters, they could be classified into ten kinds, viz. growing point-abnormal plantlets, cotyledon-, hypocotyl-, united-, fasciculated-, single-leaf-, albino-, vitreous-, browning-, and callus forming plantlets. The growing point- and the cotyledon-abnormal plantlets, which were more commonly seen and were affected by multiple factors, are mainly influenced by the kind of explants, the medium composition, the method and time of culture. The abnormal plantlets could either developed from abnormal embryos or transformed from normal plantlets. Under suitable culture condition reversion of abnormality to normal was possible, however such normalization varied with different genotypes and media. The authors point out the interaction of external regulation and intrinsic developmental mechanism as the main factor causing the accurrence of abnormal plantlet and also discuss the technical procedures of reducing the occurrence frequency of such abnormal plantlets which greatly impact cotton tissue culture.  相似文献   

Special attention was paid to the ultrastructure of transfer cells (TCs) in different locations of basal endosperm in Coix lacryma-jobi at 10 and 25 days after pollination. At 10 days after pollination. TCs of the outermost layer had long wall ingrowths (WIs) whereas those of the second layer possessed fewer and shorter Wis. In both layers TCs had a lobed nucleus, abundant mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), ribosomes, and a certain number of dictyosomes and vesicles which contained dense substance connected with plasma membrane of WIs. Mitochondria were located near or between WIs. The distribution of organelles in TCs of the second layer was similar to that of the outermost layer. Mitochondria had well defined cristae and dictyosomes and RER seemed more numerous than in TCs of the outermost layer. At 25 days after pollination, TCs of the outermost and the second layer were almost filled with Wis but the organelles were recognizable. TCs of the fourth layer had branched and network-like WIs, many mitochondria, starch grain within plastids and lipids locating near WIs and in the interstices of WIs. Dictyosomes were frequently found but less RER fragments were seen. TCs of the fifth layer with short WIs contained large starch grains and small protein bodies. Plasmodesmata were not observed in the walls of TCs of the outermost and second layer at both 10 and 25 days after pollination but were found in the walls of TCs of the fourth and upper layers and also in the network-like WIs at 25 days after pollination. The roles of the organelles and functions of TCs of different layers were discussed.  相似文献   

The development processes of embryos and endosperm of trigrain wheat were observed by using paraffin section method and intact dissection. The results were as follows: 1. Fertilization: the development and progression of embryo and endosperm were similar to those as common wheat. 2. The grain come from the primary pistil embryo developed more early among the three-grains. 3. Many abnormal structures, such as Conversion of position between the top and base, back and belly of embryos, horizontal embryos, embryos moved on top, polyembryony and endosperm deficiency etc, appeared in additional pistils. All abnormalities accounted for 88 percent in whole additional pistils.  相似文献   

启动子的克隆对基因表达及基因工程研究有重要意义。根据数据库中EST丰度,从水稻中克隆了两个预测在水稻胚乳中高效表达的启动子Os772和Os359,并将启动子片段与GUS报告基因融合,构建了重组表达载体。通过农杆菌介导方法将其导入水稻愈伤组织细胞。转基因水稻经GUS组织化学分析显示,Os772和Os359能启动GUS基因在水稻胚乳中表达但不能在根、茎、叶和花中表达。该结果表明Os772和Os359为两个水稻胚乳特异性启动子。  相似文献   

胚乳性状的世代遗传方差   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
莫惠栋 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):335-341
本文论述由两个纯系杂交而衍生的各种世代群体的胚乳性状的遗传方差分量。根据有关世代胚乳的遗传组成和加性-显性模型下的基因效应,导出了它们的总的、株间的和自交世代的遗传方差,并分别列于表1—3。  相似文献   

Summary The cytological effects of pollen -irradiation at 50 and 100 krad on both embryo and endosperm development were studied in Malus × domestica. Fruit and seed set were reduced by increasing doses of pollen irradiation, while embryo sacs resulting from the treatments differed in number and morphology of endosperm nuclei and in the presence or absence of an embryo. Nuclear abnormalities, distinguished from normal nuclear behaviour in embryo sacs derived from unirradiated pollen, included enhanced numbers of polyploid restitution nuclei, bridges between nuclei, excluded metaphase chromosome fragments and disrupted mitotic synchrony. Generally, a high dose of pollen irradiation (100 krad) generated an all-or-nothing response in the embryo sac, either creating highly abnormal embryos and/or endosperms which aborted, or showing relatively normal development. Callus produced from excised cellular endosperm differed in average genome size, that derived from 100 krad pollen being smaller than that from unirradiated pollen.  相似文献   

The development of the embryo and endosperm of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn can be summarized as follows: 1. Embryogenesis of N. nucifera belongs to Solanad type; the 1st mitotic division of the zygote takes place later than that of the primary endosperm nucleus. 2. The development of endosperm basically conforms to the Helobial endosperm. After fertilization, the primary endosperm nucleus divides first transversely. This division results in the formation of two cells. The wall of this division is a little oblique to the longitudinal axis of the embryo sac. In accordance with the character of the endospermic development, it can be divided into, three stages: (1) two-celled endosperm stage, (2) multicellular endosperm stage, and (3) the stage of the endospermic nutrition being absorbed and cells atrophy. The developments of the embryo and endosperm are well correlated. This relation is relatively stable. 3. The cotyledons of the mature embryo are comparatively developed, but the radicle is extremely reduced. 4. As the seed is ripening, a thin membrane remains outside the plumule, which is the remainder of the endosperm. Therefore, the seed of N. nucifera is exalbuminous.  相似文献   

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