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本文记述了蜡蚧一新种:贵州克里蜡蚧Kilifia guizhouensis sp.n.。模式标本保存于贵州农学院植保系。该种是克里蜡蚧属在中国记录的第二种。它与本属的其它种可由下面检索表区分。 克里蜡蚧属分种检索表1.背孔(dorsalpore)在背面中央形成一纵带,在背侧面正对后足基节的上方各形成一横带………K.diversipes(Cockerell) 背孔在背面既不形成纵带、也不形成横带。…………………………………………………………………………………………… 22(1)肛板(anal plate)前侧边与后侧边之比为2.2—2.7………………………………………………K.americana Ben—Dov. 肛板前侧边与后侧边之比为1.4-2.1……………………………………………………………………………………………………33(2)至少4%的缘毛(marginal setae)顶端不分枝…………………………………………………………………………………4 除2—3根位于肛裂边(each side of anal cleft)的缘毛处.所有缘毛顶端均分枝………………………………………54(3)至少80%的缘毛顶端分枝.其分枝长……………………………………………………贵州克里蜡蚧K.guizhouensi sp.nov. 最多50%的缘毛顶端分枝、其分枝短………………………………………………………………………… 相似文献
依据形态特征比较和分子系统发育分析,将采自浙江丽水的树蛙属物种订为一新种——丽水树蛙Rhacophorus lishuiensis Liu,Wang and Jiang,sp.nov.。新种丽水树蛙主要鉴别特征为:1)体型较小,雄性体长34.2~35.8 mm,雌性体长45.9 mm;2)鼓膜直径大于眼径之半;3)后肢较短,胫跗关节前伸贴体达眼后角;4)背面光滑,无明显疣粒;5)生活时背面绿色,无斑或散有稀疏的浅蓝绿色细点;6)咽喉部白色,虹彩黄色;7)雄性具单咽下内声囊,第一指基部具浅黄色婚垫。依据线粒体基因12S rRNA、tRNAval和16S rRNA共2 038 bp序列以贝叶斯法构建树蛙属41个物种间的系统发育关系,新种丽水树蛙为一个独立的支系,并与绿背树蛙(R.dorsoviridis)支系以高支持率形成姐妹群(后验概率1.00),支长较长。 相似文献
本文记述铲头叶蝉科(Hecalidae)长头叶蝉属(Bumizana)一新种。模式标本存放在贵州农学院。折端长头叶蝉Bumizana reflexana,新种(图 1-8) 相似文献
我国西南地区拟粉蝇属二新种(双翅目:丽蝇科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文报道的拟粉蝇属Pollenio psis Townsend,1917二新种,分别采自西藏南部和云南东北部。其中一种以周氏命名,特此纪念周尧教授执教五十周年。新种模式标本均存上海昆虫研究所。 相似文献
于2017年至2018年对广东丹霞山国家级自然保护区的翼手目动物进行调查,主要采用日栖息地与夜栖息地、捕食区网捕等调查方法,共调查到翼手目5科13属23种,其中蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)9属15种,菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)1属4种,蹄蝠科(Hipposideridae)1属2种,假吸血蝠科(Megadermatidae)1属1种,犬吻蝠科(Molossidae)1属1种。从区系组成来看,以东洋界为主(19种),其次为广布种(3种),古北界仅1种。从栖息类型上看,分为洞栖型、树栖型及建筑物栖息型,以洞栖型为主(15种),建筑物栖息型其次(12种),树栖型最少(5种),但其中9个物种的栖息地类型同时包含了上述3种栖息类型中的2种。本研究在广东丹霞山发现中国蝙蝠新分布记录1种,为卡氏伏翼(Hypsugo cadornae);而中印鼠耳蝠(Myotis indochinensis)为中国分布的再次确认。 相似文献
我国伊蚊—新亚属及—新种(双翅目:蚊科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1985年6月,在进行滇西类业区系调查中采获一批伊蚊,经鉴定,发现1新亚属,现将该亚属及1新种描述如下。华蚊亚属Sinoaedes,新亚属 亚属特征:雌蚊 中型,暗黑色,具银白鳞饰。触须暗色。喙暗色。前胸前背片平覆宽白鳞。中胸盾片平覆褐色窄鳞;小盾片三叶状,具宽鳞;后背片光裸。有气门后鬃;有1根中胸下后鬃。翅鳞暗色。各足除股节腹面具白色区外,一致暗色。腹节暗色。第 相似文献
报道了香港17种植物新记录:无配膜叶铁角蕨[Hymenasplenium apogamum(N.Murak.&Hatan.)Nakaike]、似薄唇蕨(Leptochilus decurrens Blume)、穿心藤[Amydrium hainanense(H.Li,Y.Shiao&S.L.Tseng)H.Li]、毛背... 相似文献
作者在研究园林叶螨时,在安徽黄山发现了属于叶螨族Tetranychini Reck,1950的一新属新种,属订名为忻叶螨属Xinella gen.nov.,,以示作者对复旦大学忻介六教授的崇高敬意和感谢。忻叶螨属Xinella Ma et Wang,新属 模式种:黄山忻叶螨Xinella huangshanensis,新种。 相似文献
HSU Ping-Sheng 《植物分类学报:英文版》1998,36(5):470-480
Nooteboom (1992) and Peter Raven (pers. comm. ) have pointed out that Chinese
taxonomists often hold a narrow species concept and that this may due to the small volum of
collections, especially type specimens, available to them which led to the unadequate study
on the variability of the species. Raven remarked that “this leads me to believe that the actual concept of species used in plant systematics in China tends to be fairly typological”. What
they said are by no means unreasonable. Indeed, the taxonomical status of a considerable
number of species in the Chinese flora is probably open to question. New species based on a
single character or solely on vegetative characters are of frequent occurrence. Evidences from
a very limited number of researches on the patterns of plant variation heretofore available in
China have shown that some “species” are, in fact, ecological races ( Clinopodium ), geographical races (Cunninghamia & Indigofera ), or taxa with topoclinal variation (Lespedeza & Rhododendron ). Species based on plasticity of phenotype variation have been or
still regarded as “good species” ( Rorippa ). Segregates of an interspecific hybrid with diverse
leaf characters have been given different species names ( Ilex ). The originally complicated
situation in taxonomy of an agamic complex becomes even more complicated after the publication of additional new species (Malus). A careful analysis of a species with rather complicated patterns of variation leads to the combination of 25 specific names, of which 10 were
published in the 80’s by Chinese taxonomists ( Clematoclethra ). Examples of these kinds
will greatly increase with the broadening of research work at the species level.
Orthodox plant taxonomy is based largely or solely on morphological characters. The exomorphic characters have the practical advantage that they are relatively easy to observe and to record. The taxonomical species concept can meet the needs of general purpose classification. But the notion that the taxonomical species concept is a solely intuitive judgement or
preference of an individual worker and one could hardly say what is right and what is wrong
is quite problematical. The species category today is much more capable of objective interpretation than ever before. A correct species concept stems from a correct and thorough understanding of the nature of variation pattern of plants and its taxonomical value. Hence, as a
herbarium taxonomist, the first thing is to study as many collections as possible. Secondly,
the incorporation of evidence from other sources whenever possible is highly desirable. These
evidences,if they are not very useful as taxonomical criteria, are frequently of great significanee in contributing to a better understanding or interpretation of the variation pattern of a given taxon. The taxonomist might find the discontinuities he seeks better expressed in either the phenotypic or the genetic variation. A logical application of these two sorts of criteri-a would lead to a more rational classification at the specific level in a great many genera. 相似文献
中国绒茧蜂属二新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文ixon(1965)分类系统报道采自江西和湖南的绒茧蜂属二新种。新种模式标本存湖南农学院昆虫学教研室标本室。长尾绒茧蜂Apanteles longicaudatus You et Zhou,新种(图1-3) 雌 体黑色,大型;唇基、上颚、触角柄节基半部、足(除后足腿节端部、胫节端部及跗节色稍深外)均为红黄色;翅乳白透明,前缘脉、翅痣边缘及痣后脉深褐色,翅痣(除缘)及其余脉黄色。 相似文献
This paper describes three fossil woods, which were firstly found in Zigong city, Sichuan Province, China. The localities of the fossil woods are close to the locality of the famous Dashanpu dinosaur quarry of Zigong. The strata of the fossil woods beating are Xiashaximiao Formation and Xintiangou Formation of the Middle Jurassic, approximately match the strata of the Dashanpu dinosaurs. According to the structures of the secondary xylem, the fossil woods belonged to the primitive conifer genus-Araucarioxylon. Because it was comparatively and obviously different from the other species in this genus, it is assigned as a new species: A. zigongensis. As there was neither fossil leaf nor fossil pollen or spore found in the dinosaur bearing strata before, the discovery of these fossil woods might bear some important significance in the dinosaur research. 相似文献
作者于1982和1984年在广西农科院及广西林业厅的支持和配合下两次考察,加上1963年所采的标本,发现一些新的种类及记载,将陆续发表。本文记述了1新属3新种,对黄槿瘦木虱作了重新描述。新增加了寄主植物。文中体长为由头顶至翅端长度。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。 相似文献
长江流域兽类物种多样性的分布格局 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
共记录了长江流域内兽类280种,隶属于11目36科135属,特有种和受威胁物种分别有14种和154种。根据兽类分布特点,依据山系和水系将长江流域分为19个区域,除了江源区外,物种丰富度、G-F多样性指数和特有种比例,从上游到下游区域总体趋势是随海拔降低逐渐降低,形成以四川盆地和沅江为分界线的3个数量级;利用Jaccard物种相似性系数对长江流域内19个区域进行聚类分析,发现整个流域分成4部分:江源区;横断山区、川西高原、云南高原、四川盆地和秦巴山区;贵州高原、江南丘陵、鄱阳湖平原和长江三角洲;淮阳山地、两湖平原和长江下游平原,基本反映了流域内自然地理环境及我国大陆地势三级台阶变化的特点。 相似文献
中国浙江新昌化石木研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文介绍了发现于中国东南沿海地区浙江省新昌县中生代地层中的一种化石木新种———新昌南洋杉型木 (AraucarioxylonxinchangenseDuansp .nov .)。这种化石木保存在早白垩世馆头组中、下部的紫红色泥砂岩中 ,分布在新昌县城西部 ,南北绵延 2 5公里、东西宽约 2公里的狭长地区。由于在化石木产区曾发现过多种植物化石 ,因而确定了该区在早白垩世时期处于我国的欧洲 中国植物区内 ,属亚热带 热带气候区 ,种种迹象表明此时气候有些干旱。同区发现的松柏目叶化石 ,其气孔构造与南洋杉科有一定的亲缘关系 ,这一点似乎与化石木之属可以对应。 相似文献
A new species, Buxus pliosinica H.S. Huang, T. Su et Z.K. Zhou n. sp. (Buxaceae) is designated based on leaf architecture and cuticular features of five compressed fossil leaves from the Upper Pliocene Sanying Formation of Yunnan, SW China. Leaves of B. pliosinica are elliptic and small, with entire margin, retuse tip, intramarginal vein, and exmedially ramified tertiary veins. The leaves are hypostomatic with anomocytic stomatal apparatuses and giant stomata. Based on comparisons of leaf morphological and cuticular features, B. sempervirens Linnaeus is considered as the nearest living relative of B. pliosinica. Morphologically, these species share similar elliptic shape and size, cuneate base, retuse tip, similar ranges of petiole length, angles of 2° vein to midvein, and distance from the intramarginal vein to the margin. In terms of cuticular features, they are similar in type of stomatal apparatus, maximum length of giant stomata and range of stomatal length, but differ in the presence of indumentum. This discovery represents the first fossil record of Buxus from the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and confirms the existence of Buxus in this region by the late Pliocene. Meanwhile, the newly described fossil species contributes to our understanding of the evolution of extant Buxus. 相似文献
中国沿海海鞘的物种多样性 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
至今,中国海已经记录了66种海鞘。其中,渤海有5种,黄海21种,东海24种,南海53种。种类分布从北往南逐渐递增,柄瘤海鞘在黄海、渤海数量很大(8100个/m2),但往南分布,未发现超过罗源湾。皱瘤海鞘在南海数量很大(2225个/m2),往北也未发现超过罗源湾。玻璃海鞘和乳突皮海鞘在全国沿海都有分布。 相似文献