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长城群高于庄组主要分布于我国华北地区,地质年龄约在14-16亿年。主要描述了华北太行山北段灵邱县境内高于组白云岩中的层状和扁豆状透镜体燧石及穹隆式叠层石的黑色燧石中的颤藻、念珠藻和色球藻植物的8个新种和3个未定种,其中还有两个新修订属。这些新的促群再加上前人在高于庄组地层中已报道的汇成了近100个种生物组合,进一步证明高于庄组地地球上中元代微化石类群最丰富的产地之一。以下是该 新发现和新修订的分类类群:颤藻科(Oscillatoriaceae): Eophormkidium orculiformis sp. nov., E. sp., Siphonophycus caudataceous sp. nov., Palaeolyngbya complanata sp. nov., P. capitata sp. nvo., P. sp., Oscilaltoriopsis sp.;念珠藻科(Nosto-caceae):Veteronostiocale vaginata sp.nov.;色球藻科(Chroococcaceae):Maculosphaera giganta sp.nov.,Gloeotheceopsis grandis sp.nov.;分类位置未定的类群:Myxococcoides limpida sp.nov.。  相似文献   

A new diverse assemblage of microorganisms has been discovered in black bedded, nodular and lenticular cherts and dark chert of domical stromatolites in dolostone of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Lingqiu County, northern Taihang Mountains. The geologic relationships, biostratigraphic correlations, and available radiometric age determinations place the age of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation at approximately 1 400-1 600 million years in age. Eight new species, three unnamed species, and two emended genera of oscillatoriacean, nostocacean, and chroococcacean cyanobacteria are described. These data coupled with reports of others indicate that the diversity of taxa in the Gaoyuzhuang Formation reaches 100 species. The Gaoyuzhuang Formation contains one of the richest Mesoproterozoic communities of microfossils. The following new and emended taxa are described: Oscillatoriaceae: Eophormidium orculiformis sp. nov., E . sp., Siphonophycus caudataceous sp. nov., Palaeolyngbya complanata sp. nov., P. capitata sp. nov., P . sp. and Oscillatoriopsis sp..Nostocaceae: Veteronostocale vaginata sp. nov.. Chroococcaceae: Maculosphaera giganta sp. nov. and Gloeotheceopsis grandis sp. nov. Incertae sedis: Myxococcoides limpida sp. nov.  相似文献   

Well preserved microfossils were here described from the middle of Hebiancun Formation, Hutuo Group, northern China, estimated to be 2,000 2,400 Ma years old based on the K-Ar and U-Pb isotopic. They were coccoids (Globophycuswenshanensis Xu sp. nov.) and filamentous (Siphonophycus cf. kestron and Siphonophycus sp.) and occur in petrographic thin sections. The coccoids were preserved by permineralization in the chert part of the conical stromatolites (Zhongtiaoshanella) and the filamentous in black chert. The paleoenviromental modal for the setting of the Hebiancun Formation was able to be reconstructed according to the microfossit assemblage and different lithology observed. The formation was divided in ascending orders as follows: The breccia; the thick sandy dolomite; the black chert in which the filamentous microfossils in subparalled colonies were preserved; and the dolomite with conical stromatolites in which the coccoidal microfossils with hyaline and unlamelleted sheath was observed. As mentioned above, it was conjectured that the descent and uplift of the geosynclinal area led to transgression and regression during the Hebiancun time. Compared with the all microfloras in the world known uptodate the characteristics of the microfossils from Hebiancun Formation was similar to that from Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Both of them show of the big sizeof the algal bodies inspite of different types. The algae Seemed to have a big cell period during their systematization.  相似文献   

Populations of the multi-trichomous microbial fossil Eoschizothrix composita n.gen. et sp. are preserved in growth position in silicified stratiform stromatolites of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation, Hebei Province, northern China. The microbial fossils consist predominantly of preserved sheaths, although several specimens retain shriveled remains of trichomes within sheaths. Comparisons with modern morphological counterparts, including shape, growth habit and orientation, degradational sequences, and habitat, support the interpretation of the multi-trichomous microfossils as cyanobacteria, which acted as frame-builders of ancient stromatolites. The distribution and orientation of multi-trichomous microfossils within a synsedimentary context reveal their behavioral responses to sedimentation regime. Horizontally spread, interwoven mats formed during periods of sedimentary stasis. During periods of rapid sediment influx, the filaments assumed an upright orientation, possibly to avoid accumulating particles. This is the first record of fossil stromatolite-building multi-trichomous cyanobacterial which underscores early morphological and functional diversification in cyanobacterial evolution.  相似文献   

研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石34属63种, 包括2个新种. 基于10个样品中发现的3 863粒孢子花粉化石的鉴定和统计, 建立东胜地区延安组孢粉组合.该组合中蕨类植物孢子有19属37种, 含量占46%~49%, 最低为39%.裸子植物花粉略占优势, 有15属26种,含量为51%~54%, 最高达61%.与国内外相关资料对比结果表明该孢粉组合的地质时代应属中侏罗世巴柔期.孢粉植物群反映研究区在中侏罗世早期为暖温带或亚热带的暖湿气候.  相似文献   

内蒙古东胜中侏罗世延安组孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟 3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石 34属 6 3种 ,包括 2个新种。基于 10个样品中发现的 386 3粒孢子花粉化石的鉴定和统计 ,建立东胜地区延安组孢粉组合。该组合中蕨类植物孢子有 19属 37种 ,含量占 46 %~ 49% ,最低为 39%。裸子植物花粉略占优势 ,有 15属 2 6种 ,含量为 5 1%~ 5 4% ,最高达 6 1%。与国内外相关资料对比结果表明该孢粉组合的地质时代应属中侏罗世巴柔期。孢粉植物群反映研究区在中侏罗世早期为暖温带或亚热带的暖湿气候  相似文献   

Oldhamia trace fossils represent a complex horizontal burrow system usually associated with microbial mats, occurring in the upper part of the Cambrian Stage 2 of the Terreneuvian Series, with a peak in abundance during Stage 3 and 4 of Series 2, and then rapidly disappearing in the Wuliuan Stage of the Miaolingian Series. We here report Oldhamia radiata from the Cambrian Series 2 Xinji Formation in western Henan of North China, associated with microbial mats, as evidenced by the presence of wrinkle structures. The distinctive patterns indicate the exploitation of microbial mats by the tracemakers of O. radiata, featuring a specific feeding strategy under the mats where possibly anoxic and sulfidic conditions prevailed during the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

三叶虫是寒武纪演化动物群中最引人注目的成员之一,其内部解剖结构一直以来受到广泛关注.与其他非生物矿化软体结构相比,三叶虫的消化系统更容易留下化石记录,为探索其内部结构提供了难得的机会.本文描述了来自山东省潍坊市寒武系馒头组的Proasaphiscus,Lioparia,Deiradonyx和Iranoleesia,以及...  相似文献   

寒武系腕足动物属种多样性高、个体数量丰富、形态差异明显、地理分布广泛,具有辅助寒武系三叶虫生物地层划分和对比的潜力.华北板块寒武系苗岭统沉积和化石记录发育良好,是中国苗岭统的经典研究区之一.前人己针对华北寒武系苗岭统乌溜阶腕足动物的系统古生物学开展了一系列基础工作,但这些相关研究主要集中于辽宁地区,目前对华北其他地区苗...  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in South China is underlain by the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation (glacial rocks) and overlain by the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation. It is characterized by well-preserved, large (normally >100 μm in size) spinose acritarchs (LSAs), which have been shown to be probably the only useful biostratigraphic tool for the global correlation of the early- and middle-Ediacaran. Acritarchs are organic microfossils normally known as single-celled eukaryotic organisms (protists). Although recent research suggests that some large spinose acritarchs may represent diapause egg cysts of metazoans, the biological affinities of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs, especially for those displaying remarkable size ranges, are still debatable.Recently, smaller specimens of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs have been found in cherts and phosphorites of the Doushantuo Formation in South China. Many described Ediacaran spinose acritarch taxa display large size variation (from tens to hundreds of microns in vesicle diameter), but some taxa only have smaller (<70 μm) specimens. The morphological comparison with Paleozoic counterparts indicates that some Ediacaran spinose acritarchs may have phylogenetic affinity to eukaryotic algae. More evidence, including wall ultra-structure, geochemical analysis and comparison with modern analogs, is needed to understand the biological affinity of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs. The remarkable radiation of planktonic protists, characterized by abundant, diverse spinose acritarchs, occurred as early as in the late Neoproterozoic, i.e., 40–60 million years earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

The earliest unequivocal bryozoans occurred in the Fenhsiang Formation (upper Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician) of Yichang, South China, providing important clues about the early evolution of primitive bryozoans. In this study, SEM and EDAX were used to analyze the microstructure of the walls of two bryozoan genera, Nekhorosheviella and Orbiramus, from the Fenhsiang Formation. All walls of Nekhorosheviella and endozonal walls of Orbiramus show poor preservation in thin sections, with a granular appearance reflecting extensive neomorphism, whereas exozonal walls of Orbiramus are distinctly laminated. These preservational differences may reflect skeletal chemistry, particularly the magnesium content of the calcite. Phosphatic skeletal linings were found to be distributed unevenly in the autozooecia of Nekhorosheviella, but were absent in Orbiramus.  相似文献   

A dispersed cuticle from the coal of Taiyuan Formation, Xuzhou Coalfield, Jiangsu Province, North China was described. It was considered as the cuticle of Cordaites because of its epidermal structures and other features evidenced by optical and scanning electronic microscopic study. Compared with the known cuticles of other species of Cordaites, it was clear that the specimen under discussion was a new type of cuticle of Cordaites. Stomata were few in number on the upper cuticle, and usually arranged in a lengthwise and intermittent file, seperated by nonstomatal cell rows. Stomatal apparatus haplocheillic nearly square in shape, 30--50 μm long and 35--55 μm wide in size and consisted of a pair of slightly sunken guard cells surrounded by 2 lateral and 2 polar subsidiary cells, orientation longitudinal and regular. Numerous stomatal apparatus on the lower cuticle were arranged mostly in a defenite file seperated by nonstomatic band with 1--10 (often 3--5) rectangular cell rows. Usually small papillae were situated on the outer periclinal wall. The guard cell was reniform and bean-shaped, 10--14 μm long and 3--5 μm wide in size. The lateral subsidiary cell was more or less rectangular or elliptical in shape, 40--125 μm long and 17—25 μm wide in size, and with papillae on the outer periclinal wall. The polar subsidiary cell was some what round, short-elliptical or some rhomboid in shape and usually shared by adjacent stomatal apparatus in the same file.  相似文献   

Llandovery sporomorphs and graptolites have been recovered from the Manbo Formation, Mojiang area, western Yunnan, China, which belonged to the Indo-China Palaeoplate in the Palaeozoic. The graptolite fauna, including 8 genera and 12 species, is considered Mid Telychian, Llandovery in geological age, confirming the existence of Llandovery rocks in this region. The Silurian stratigraphical sequence of this area is reconsidered as in the ascending order: Manbo Formation (Llandovery–early Wenlock), Shuiqing Formation (late Wenlock–Ludlow) and unnamed formation (Pridoli?). The sporomorph assemblage from the Manbo Formation includes seven species in five genera. The dominant members of this assemblage are Tetrahedraletes medinensis and Laevolancis chibrikovae. Based on the low diversity and low abundance, the geological age of this assemblage is considered to be approximately the Telychian, Llandovery. The parent plants of sporomorphs probably inhabited the landmass near Mojiang area, these sporomorph-producing plants probably included bryophyte-like land plants and primitive vascular land plants. The sporomorph evidence shows that the South China and Indo-China palaeoplates may have been in close proximity (maybe with some continental bridges linking them) to each other at least in the Llandovery. They were also closely related with Gondwanaland in the Llandovery.  相似文献   

报道了产于山东枣庄矿区太原组16号煤层煤核(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)中一种具解剖构造的鳞木目茎.茎呈压扁状,长轴约6 cm,短轴约2.5 cm.中柱、外部皮层、周皮和叶座均保存.茎具原生中柱,无次生木质部发育,外部皮层由较发育的径向的厚壁的细胞条带和已经毁坏的薄壁的细胞区域交替排列构成.周皮较发育,厚约4~5 mm,由木栓层和栓内层构成.其中栓内层较厚,细胞构造均一,或在有些地方分化为弦向的薄壁的细胞条带和l厚壁的细胞条带,二者交替排列.其中薄壁的细胞条带常保存不好而形成弦向的裂隙.叶座的高和宽近相等,呈近正菱形.叶痕盔形或双凸镜形,位于叶座上部,微微突出于叶座表面之上.叶座表面平坦,未见明显的中脊和横皱纹.叶迹在叶座内近水平状延伸,但在近叶座表面处略向上然后向外弯曲成不太明显的"S"形进入叶痕内.径切面上叶舌穴略向上斜伸,具一宽大的基部,其开口直接位于叶痕顶角处.叶舌大,宽卵球形,长轴达1.2 mm,短轴达1 mm.与目前已知的鳞木目几个属的茎比较,当前标本与Diaphorodendron属的茎最为接近,仅在叶座上有些不同,本文将其归入该属内.Diaphorodendron属目前共有3个种,全分布于欧美植物区晚石炭世中期(威斯法期),它们与当前标本区别明显,因此,将当前标本归入新种D.rhombicum内.本文是国内首次报道Diaphorodendron属在华夏植物区的存在.其高和宽近相等的叶座形态可能表明了一种进化的特征,这从其所在地层的地质时代(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)较欧美植物区的3个种(晚石炭世中期)较新这一事实得到支持.  相似文献   

The lower/upper Emsian boundary witnessed prominent diversification of biostratigraphically important genera Polygnathus Hinde, Caudicriodus Bultynck, and Latericriodus Müller. In contrast, conodonts previously reported around this boundary from the South China Block were characterized by relatively low species or subspecies diversity, and only a few widely distributed and extensively studied zone-defining taxa were recorded. In this paper, conodonts from the Daliantang Formation at the Daliantang section (Guangnan, southeastern Yunnan), one of the representative sections of the transitional facies between the benthic Xiangzhou facies and the pelagic Nandan facies, are investigated. The conodont fauna shows a remarkably high species or subspecies diversity, with fourteen taxa that are assignable to the notoperbonus Zone and inversus Zone. Five polygnathid species are described: P. gronbergi Klapper and Jonson, P. inversus Klapper and Jonson, Polygnathus sp. B, P. luciae Martínez-Pérez and Valenzuela-Ríos, and P. mashkovae Bardashev. The latter two are reported for the first time from the South China Block. Additionally, three icriodontid taxa are also described, of which L. guangnanensis n. sp. is characterized by distinctly chevron-shaped transverse rows in the anterior part and a well-developed process branching off to the outer side. The new conodont record increases our understanding of the diversification and faunal composition around the lower/upper Emsian boundary in the South China Block. It contributes to the regional and inter-regional biostratigraphical correlation between shallower- and deeper-water facies and also furnishes important South China material for future discussion and deliberation on the position of the lower/upper Emsian boundary.  相似文献   

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