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距今 14~ 16亿年的华北地区高于庄组黑色层状、结核状和透镜状燧石与叠层石的黑色硅质部分中保存着极丰富的原核和真核生物微化石。宏观藻类在该组的页岩中亦已发现。本组为评估中元古代生命状况、古环境和前显生宙生物地层提供了重要的生物信息。迄今为止在高于庄组地层中已有百余个化石种被人们认识。根据古植物和古环境的特征这些生物种类可分为三个不同的组合 ,即 :1.颤藻和色球藻组合 ,出现在高于庄组一段 ,代表浅水藻席建造者和居住者与一些可能的外来浮游生物的种类 ;2 .念珠藻组合 ,仅发生在该组的二段 ,还含一些底栖藻席建造者或居住者的种类 ;3.第四段的色球藻组合 ,它代表了潮间带至亚潮带的藻席建造者和外来的种类。元古代燧石中的微化石 ,尤其是蓝藻化石 ,尽管在元古代它们就已不断趋向于多样化 ,但由于它们形态上的保守性 ,对环境的指示比对地质时代的指示更有价值。高于庄组微化石的特点和大多数链状念珠藻垂直层理保存的事实表明 :1.高于庄组微化石的个体大小随时间趋向于增大 ;2 .高于庄组的沉积可能是处于一个淡水环境 ,且沉积率可能等于或少于微生物的生长率 ;3.高于庄组织沉积模式可能是从潮间带至亚潮带或深海 ,然后再至潮间带或潮上带 ;4 .当高于庄组沉积时真核生物亦已出现。  相似文献   

距今14~16亿年的华北地区高于庄组黑色层状、结核状和透镜状燧石与叠层石的黑色硅质部分中保存着极丰富的原核和真核生物微化石.宏观藻类在该组的页岩中亦已发现.本组为评估中元古代生命状况、古环境和前显生宙生物地层提供了重要的生物信息.迄今为止在高于庄组地层中已有百余个化石种被人们认识.根据古植物和古环境的特征这些生物种类可分为三个不同的组合,即:1.颤藻和色球藻组合,出现在高于庄组一段,代表浅水藻席建造者和居住者与一些可能的外来浮游生物的种类;2.念珠藻组合,仅发生在该组的二段,还含一些底栖藻席建造者或居住者的种类;3.第四段的色球藻组合,它代表了潮间带至亚潮带的藻席建造者和外来的种类.元古代燧石中的微化石,尤其是蓝藻化石,尽管在元古代它们就已不断趋向于多样化,但由于它们形态上的保守性,对环境的指示比对地质时代的指示更有价值.高于庄组微化石的特点和大多数链状念珠藻垂直层理保存的事实表明:1.高于庄组微化石的个体大小随时间趋向于增大;2.高于庄组的沉积可能是处于一个淡水环境,且沉积率可能等于或少于微生物的生长率;3. 高于庄组织沉积模式可能是从潮间带至亚潮带或深海,然后再至潮间带或潮上带;4.当高于庄组沉积时真核生物亦已出现.  相似文献   

长城群高于庄组主要分布于我国华北地区,地质年龄约在14-16亿年。主要描述了华北太行山北段灵邱县境内高于组白云岩中的层状和扁豆状透镜体燧石及穹隆式叠层石的黑色燧石中的颤藻、念珠藻和色球藻植物的8个新种和3个未定种,其中还有两个新修订属。这些新的促群再加上前人在高于庄组地层中已报道的汇成了近100个种生物组合,进一步证明高于庄组地地球上中元代微化石类群最丰富的产地之一。以下是该 新发现和新修订的分类类群:颤藻科(Oscillatoriaceae): Eophormkidium orculiformis sp. nov., E. sp., Siphonophycus caudataceous sp. nov., Palaeolyngbya complanata sp. nov., P. capitata sp. nvo., P. sp., Oscilaltoriopsis sp.;念珠藻科(Nosto-caceae):Veteronostiocale vaginata sp.nov.;色球藻科(Chroococcaceae):Maculosphaera giganta sp.nov.,Gloeotheceopsis grandis sp.nov.;分类位置未定的类群:Myxococcoides limpida sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Microfossils have been detected in several formations of the McArthur Group (about 1600 m.y. old), in petrological thin sections and in macerations. Some of these occur associated with a lead-zinc ore body; others have been found in well-preserved dolomites and cherts. The variety of microfossils observed is considerable, and their state of preservation is good. Large numbers of singlecelled, colonial and multicellular organisms occur; in the latter, at least one clear case of cell differentiation can be demonstrated. Some of the organisms are morphologically comparable with blue-green algae such as the Chroococaceae, but, unlike the well-known Bitter Springs microflora, the assemblage is notably poor in filamentous algae. The filaments that do occur are not septate, and may represent discarded blue-green algal sheaths. Many of the microorganisms are extremely small in size, and in some cases, colonial structures composed of large numbers of 1 m diameter cells are present, that may represent bacterial remains. Most of the microfossils occur in stromatolitic cherts, but the lead-zinc orebody from which some were obtained is a fine-grained dolomitic shale.Stratigraphically, this new assemblage occurs in sediments of age intermediate between the well-known Gunflint Chert assemblage and the equally well-known Bitter Springs flora. The level of organization of the microfossils represents a great advance on the of the Gunflint Chert microfossils, in that demonstrably colonial and large multicellular microorganisms occur, as well as cells of a relatively large size. No convincing evidence for the presence of nuclei or nuclear membranes has yet been found in McArthur Group microorganisms, but the large size and organizational complexity of some of the structures suggests that the origin of the eukaryotic cell may occur rather earlier in geologic times than previous indications have suggested.  相似文献   

A new diverse assemblage of microorganisms has been discovered in black bedded, nodular and lenticular cherts and dark chert of domical stromatolites in dolostone of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Lingqiu County, northern Taihang Mountains. The geologic relationships, biostratigraphic correlations, and available radiometric age determinations place the age of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation at approximately 1 400-1 600 million years in age. Eight new species, three unnamed species, and two emended genera of oscillatoriacean, nostocacean, and chroococcacean cyanobacteria are described. These data coupled with reports of others indicate that the diversity of taxa in the Gaoyuzhuang Formation reaches 100 species. The Gaoyuzhuang Formation contains one of the richest Mesoproterozoic communities of microfossils. The following new and emended taxa are described: Oscillatoriaceae: Eophormidium orculiformis sp. nov., E . sp., Siphonophycus caudataceous sp. nov., Palaeolyngbya complanata sp. nov., P. capitata sp. nov., P . sp. and Oscillatoriopsis sp..Nostocaceae: Veteronostocale vaginata sp. nov.. Chroococcaceae: Maculosphaera giganta sp. nov. and Gloeotheceopsis grandis sp. nov. Incertae sedis: Myxococcoides limpida sp. nov.  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of exceptionally well-preserved microorganisms, including several previously unknown taxa, has been discovered in stromatolitic black chert from the ca. 680-790 Ma-old Min'yar Formation (Suite) of the southern Ural Mountains, USSR. Like most ancient and modern stromatolitic communities, the Min'yar microflora is dominated by filamentous and unicellular cyanobacteria. Geologic evidence indicates that the microbial community inhabited a shallow water, presumably marine environment. The microfossils occur in two interlaminated and thinly interbedded sedimentary fabrics: 1, fact to wavy-laminated Stratifera-like stromatolitic laminae that presumably were deposited during periods of little wave action; and 2, intraclast grainstone that formed as a result of desiccation and (or) wave agitation. Microfossils are both better preserved and more abundant in the intraclasts than in the Stratifera-like laminae. The occurrence of probable pseudomorphs after replacement of sulfate minerals provides additional evidence for a shallow water, periodically emergent depositional environment for the Min'yar microbial mats. Kerogenous microfossils are three-dimensionally preserved, permineralized in fine-grained silica of primary or early diagenetic origin. In many aspects the Min'yar assemblage is comparable to that of the well-known ca. 850 Ma-old Bitter Springs Formation of central Australia. The following taxa are herein described: Division? Schizomycophyta or ? Cyanophyta, Biocatenoides sp.; Family Oscillatoriaceae, Eomycetopsis robusta Schopf emend. Knoll and Golubic, Rhicnonema antiquum Hofmann, Entosphaeroides? sp., Palaeolyngbya? sp., Siphonophycus capitaneum n. gen., n. sp.; Family? Oscillatoriaceae or? Rivulariaceae, Caudiculophycus? sp.; Family? Scytonemataceae or? Stigonemataceae, Ramivaginalis uralensis n. gen., n. sp.; Family Chroococcaceae, Sphaerophycus medium Horodyski and Donaldson, Eosynechococcus amadeus Knoll and Golubic, Gloeodiniopsis lamellosa Schopf emend. Knoll and Golubic, Gloeodiniopsis magna n. sp., Eoaphanocapsa oparinii n. gen., n. sp.; Division? Chlorophycophyta or? Rhodophycophyta, Glenobotrydion majorinum Schopf and Blacic. Also discussed in the taxonomic section, but not formally described, are intermediate-diameter tubular sheaths (Oscillatoriaceae), small tubular sheaths enclosed by larger tubular sheaths (Oscillatoriaceae?), and undifferentiated spheroidal unicells.  相似文献   

Abundant and preserved chain algal microfossils have been discovered in cherty stromatolitic mats from the second member of Gaoyuzhuang Formation (about 1,500 Ma old), Ling-qiu county of Shanxi province, China. They are described as Veteronostocale moniliforme Xu et Gao sp. nov.. The small diametral trichomes resemble the Family Nostocaceae in possessing specilized cells resembling the classic heterocysts and akinetes. This paper gives emphasis to the following remark: (1) The Gaoyuzhuang stromatolitic mats were products of microbial (Veteronostocale moniliforme) activity and the plant Nostocaceae was one of the main stromatolitic builders as both modern and Precambrian stromatolite-forming microorganisms; (2) Based on the fact that the chain fossils are preserved perpendicularly to the laminations the rates of sedimentation and algal growth were probably equal and each small sedimentary rhythm could be completed in about one or two months; (3) According to the environment and habits of living Nostoc Precambrian hydrosphere might be of a fresh water type.  相似文献   

Large amounts of well preserved microfossils have been reported from the cherts of the Upper Proterozoic of the Bohemian Massif (Middle Europe). They resemble those described by Cayeux (1894) from the Upper Proterozoic (Brioverian) of Bretagne (France). It is shown, unlike the views of Cayeux and his followers (Deflandre, 1955, and Graindor 1957), that the observed structures did not belong to individuals but to colonies of filamentous prokaryotic organisms, most probably blue-green algae (Cyanophyta). These produced specific crystal-like mineral aggregation round each filament. Scanning microscope examination has revealed that the individual facets of these mineral crystals were perforated by the openings through which the thread-like bodies of these primitive organisms protruded. It is shown that these microorganisms were attached to the cells of other, bigger microorganisms and enveloped them. Some of these substrate organisms might have been eukaryotic algae. The thecae gradually accumulated around the cells of these carrier organisms and after death the colonies disintegrated to constitute the main component of the sediment. The microfossils described are just a major component of a complicated fossil assemblage comprising coccoid and filamentous blue-green algae and bacteria. There are indications that several eukaryotic species might also have been present.The following new taxa are described:Thecophytales, new order,Cayeuxidae (Graindor) family emend.,Bohemipora n. gen.,B. pragensis, n. sp.  相似文献   

Large amounts of well preserved microfossils have been reported from the cherts of the Upper Proterozoic of the Bohemian Massif (Middle Europe). They resemble those described by Cayeux (1894) from the Upper Proterozoic (Brioverian) of Bretagne (France). It is shown, unlike the views of Cayeux and his followers (Deflandre, 1955, and Graindor 1957), that the observed structures did not belong to individuals but to colonies of filamentous prokaryotic organisms, most probably blue-green algae (Cyanophyta). These produced specific crystal-like mineral aggregation round each filament. Scanning microscope examination has revealed that the individual facets of these mineral crystals were perforated by the openings through which the thread-like bodies of these primitive organisms protruded. It is shown that these microorganisms were attached to the cells of other, bigger microorganisms and enveloped them. Some of these substrate organisms might have been eukaryotic algae. The thecae gradually accumulated around the cells of these carrier organisms and after death the colonies disintegrated to constitute the main component of the sediment. The microfossils described are just a major component of a complicated fossil assemblage comprising coccoid and filamentous blue-green algae and bacteria. There are indications that several eukaryotic species might also have been present.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in South China is underlain by the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation (glacial rocks) and overlain by the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation. It is characterized by well-preserved, large (normally >100 μm in size) spinose acritarchs (LSAs), which have been shown to be probably the only useful biostratigraphic tool for the global correlation of the early- and middle-Ediacaran. Acritarchs are organic microfossils normally known as single-celled eukaryotic organisms (protists). Although recent research suggests that some large spinose acritarchs may represent diapause egg cysts of metazoans, the biological affinities of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs, especially for those displaying remarkable size ranges, are still debatable.Recently, smaller specimens of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs have been found in cherts and phosphorites of the Doushantuo Formation in South China. Many described Ediacaran spinose acritarch taxa display large size variation (from tens to hundreds of microns in vesicle diameter), but some taxa only have smaller (<70 μm) specimens. The morphological comparison with Paleozoic counterparts indicates that some Ediacaran spinose acritarchs may have phylogenetic affinity to eukaryotic algae. More evidence, including wall ultra-structure, geochemical analysis and comparison with modern analogs, is needed to understand the biological affinity of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs. The remarkable radiation of planktonic protists, characterized by abundant, diverse spinose acritarchs, occurred as early as in the late Neoproterozoic, i.e., 40–60 million years earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

Three species and three genera of algal fossils in the Banded Manganese Formation (BMF) from Nantuo Formation, Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China, which is 720–830 My in age are described and named. All of the microfossils are interpreted as being the remains of bluegreen algae, and of these, one species Eoentophysalis xiangtanensis is new. The assemblage differs from most other Precambrian biotas so far described, it is dominated by coccoid algae, especially E. xiangtanensis. Analysis of the assemblage suggests that it was deposited in the subtidal and lower intertidal area, and that E. xiangtanensis is closely relative to the deposition of BMF. Possible biological origin of late Precambrian BMF, Xiangtan, is emphasized in this paper. The following are noteworthy: 1) E. xiangtanensis needed inorganic matter as its growing factors and the manganese (Mn++) in solution could be absorbed immediately and accumulated when it was alive; 2) Unmovable carboxyl group inside and outside of cells could accept the soluble manganes; 3) soluble manganese in water could be combined with the free oxygen yielded by photosynthesis and from photolytic disassociation of H2O; and 4) cell endoplasm could be replaced by manganese around it during the diagenesis after it was died.  相似文献   

华北高于庄组硅化微体化石组合的古环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华北中元古代高于庄组 ( 1 4- 1 5亿年 )的硅质叠层石中保存了完好的多种微生物化石。从这些叠层石的微细构造分析 ,成岩早期硅质矿物的交代作用为微体化石的原位保存起了很重要的作用。除部分居住者和浮游的分子外 ,两种丝状蓝藻 ( Siphonophycus inornatum和Eoschizothric composita)和两种球状蓝藻 ( Coccostratusdispergens和 Eoentophysalisbelcherensis)是这些藻席的主要建造者。以球状蓝藻 Eoentophysalis为主的藻席可能发育于潮下高能环境中 ;而以多种丝状蓝藻为主的藻席可能反映了当时的沉积环境为中—高潮间带的局部静止小水体  相似文献   

During the past two decades, Precambrian research, especially in the respect of the occurfence of microbial fossils in silicified rocks has been achieved. It is still in argument, however, at what time the origin of the eukaryote, one of the major events in biological evolution appeared according to the different criteria of the low, er eukaryotic organism fossils identified. The difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic algal fossils in the cell size of structure and morphological colony and the model of their reproduction in biologic evolution is interpreted based on the knowledge about living lower organisms in this paper. Eight genera and eight species of eukaryotic algal fossils, including three genera and three species (Proto- cosmarium panduratum, Closteriopsis taihangensis and Phyllophycoma sinensis) newly descover ed in black stromatolitic chert from Gaoyuzhuang Formation, Lingqiu, Shanxi Province, China, which is about 1,400–1,600 My in age are described and named. All of these are characterized by the big cell size and complex structure of colony in which the cells have been divided into different function in physiology, and some of them produce endospore and autospore which are comparable with their mother cell or colony in morphology. According to the morphological characters of complex and diverse microfossils, it is assumed that the evolution of eukaryotic organisms had been achieved and even evolved up to a higher level at least before 1,600 million years.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a new species of Hemiacodon known only from University of Colorado Museum Loc. 92189 (Donna's Locality) in the Turtle Bluff Member of the Bridger Formation, Green River Basin, southwestern Wyoming. Donna's locality has yielded a diverse mostly small-bodied mammalian assemblage of Bridgerian and first appearance Uintan mammalian taxa, as well as range-through taxa. Together with H. engardae sp. nov., the faunal assemblage from Donna's Locality and more recently discovered localities in the same stratigraphic interval provides the first conclusive paleontological evidence of an earliest Uintan age (Ui1A biochron) for the Turtle Bluff Member of the Bridger Formation.The new species is represented by a sample of 11 specimens consisting of well-preserved upper and lower premolars and lower molars. H. engardae is distinct from H. gracilis on the basis of overall larger size as well as a combination of features of the premolars and molars related to a greater development of shearing crests. This suggests that H. engardae may have incorporated more foliage into its diet than the Bridgerian species, H. gracilis.  相似文献   

The Cintura Formation of Albian–Cenomanian age in the Cabullona Basin yielded an important fossil flora, including palynomorphs, leaf impressions and fossil trunks. At the base of the Marquechi Member a poorly preserved palynomorph assemblage is recognised. The palynological assemblage is dominated by gymnosperms, mainly by cheirolepidiacean genus Classopollis. A noteworthy feature is the presence of angiosperm pollen grains of the genera Clavatipollenites, Retimonocolpites and Tucanopollis. A rich, diverse and well-preserved macroflora of leaf impressions has been observed in the uppermost part of this formation belonging to the San Juan Member. There are at least eight morphospecies of leaves including an abundance of taxa with possible botanical affinities to the family Sapindaceae. The angiosperm pollen grains together with the sapindalean leaves constitute the oldest record of such remains in Mexico.  相似文献   

A fossil assemblage of diverse megascopic benthic algae is well preserved on bedding planes in black siliceous shales of the Neoproterozoic Lantian Formation (upper Sinian) at Lantian village, Xiunng county, Anhui Province, South China. Based on morphological differences, 12 taxa are recognized. Most specimens show both a holdfast and a vegetative thallus, some with dichotomous branching, which reveals that they are multicellular benthic algae. Each type presents a certain morphological appearance, e.g., spheroidal - Chuaria sp., filamentous - Doushantuophyton rigidulum , fan-like - Flabellophyton lantianensis. Four to six different benthic forms and more than 15 individuals are well preserved on the same bed with an area less than 150 cm2. These confirm that a great morphological evolutionary radiation of seaweeds took place no later than the Lantian epoch, with an absolute age around 570 Ma. Growth cycles in Flabellophyton strigata n.sp. reveal that periodical events, such as seasonal variations, occurred in that epoch. A benthic assemblage consisting of three differentiated macroscopic remains is similar to the Miaohe Biota reported from the Doushantuo Formation of the Yangtze Gorges 1200 km away, allowing biostratigraphic correlation of both of these Neoproterozoic Formations.  相似文献   

During the past decade, important strides have been made toward deciphering the paleobiology of the Precambrian Eon, the earliest seven-eighths of Earth history. This progress has accured chiefly from micropaleontological and organic geochemical studies of fine-grained, ancient cherts. Although understanding of the early biota—of its composition, diversity, paleocology and evolution—still remains far from adequate, three particularly significant generalizations have emerged: (i) Living systems were extant earlier than about 3000 m.y. ago; (ii) between about 3000 and 1000 m.y. ago, the Earth's biota was dominated by prokaryotic blue-green algae; and (iii) the development of the nucleated, eukaryotic cell type somewhat earlier than 1000 m.y. ago led to a stage of rapid diversification that culminated with the appearance of megascopic life near the close of the Precambrian. Consideration of these generalizations, and of the evidence bearing on them provides a ‘state-of-the-art’ assessment of the current status of Precambrian paleobiology.  相似文献   

Discovery of well-preserved Ambient Inclusion Trails (AITs) is reported for the first time in India from stromatolitic dolomite unit of the Neoproterozoic Gangolihat Formation, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. AITs are distinct microtubular structures formed by migration of a mineral in a rock substrate. They exhibit several noncrystallographic morphologies such as curved and helical types among others. Mode of field occurrence, association, and petrographic textures suggest that AITs are indigenous to the host rock. Based on the physico-chemical conditions necessary for the formation of AITs, involvement of a biological process is considered for the genesis of AITs in the Gangolihat Formation.  相似文献   

Abundant and well-preserved remains of noncalcareous algae and soft-bodied metazoans were collected from Middle Cambrian Kaili biota in Taijiang county, Guizhou Province, China. These remains provide further evidence for the wide geographic distribution of many Burgess Shale taxa. Among the algae, 5 genera (including two new genera) and 5 species are described. They are Marpolia spissa Walcott, Acinocricus stichus Conway Morris and Robison, Udotealga erecta Yang, Eosargassum sawata Yang, and Rhizophyton zhaoyuanlongii Yang. Contrasting the macroalgal fossil assemblage in the Kaili biota with one in the Burgess Shale biota, it is clear that similarity of the Kaili biota and the Burgess Shale biota is reflected by the same content of not only the soft-bodied metazoans, but also the noncalcareous algae.  相似文献   

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