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阜新海州组侧羽叶属一新种及其表皮构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了辽宁西部阜新地区下白垩统海州组本内苏铁类植物侧羽叶属的一个新种,即阜新侧羽叶(新种)[Pterophyllum fuxinense(sp.nov.)]。讨论了海州组植物群的性质。并对新种的形态特征及其表皮构造进行了描述。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new species of the genus Phyllocladoxylon on the basis of fossil woods from the Fuxin Formation in Western Liaoning province, Phyllocladoxylon xinqiuensis sp. nov., is reported and its anatomic structures are described.  相似文献   

描述了木兰科玉兰属两新种,湖北玉兰(Yulania verrucata D.L.Fu,T.B.Zhao et S.S.Chen,sp.nov.)和楔叶玉兰(Y.cuneatofolia T.B.Chao,Z.X.Chen et D.L.Fu,sp.nov.)。湖北玉兰的独特特征是:枝、叶背面、叶柄、托叶、花梗和果梗均无毛;幼枝皮孔疣状突起,棕色,狭长椭圆体形。楔叶玉兰的独特特征是:叶楔形;花被片皱曲。  相似文献   

报道了一种具混合型纹孔(互列式纹孔和对列式纹孔)的化石本。化石木产自内蒙古乌达矿区老石旦矿附近太原组上部,地质时代为早二叠世早期。经比较,确认为南洋杉型木属(Araucarioxylon Kraus)一种新;老石旦南洋杉型木(Araucarioxylon laoshidanense sp.nov.).根据混合型纹孔的存在及其他特征,认为新种可能代表了一种原始的松杉类植物的木材化石。主要特征:仅保存  相似文献   

报道了本内苏铁类雄性生殖器官Weltrichia属的一个新种--Weltrichia daohugouensis sp.nov.,标本发现于内蒙古宁城山头乡道虎沟村附近的中侏罗统海房沟组.它是一个分离保存的本内苏铁类单性雄球花(球穗花序),在侧向压缩的平面上展开,呈扇形.基部球花梗未保存,下部由11个窄楔形的裂片融合成漏斗状或杯状,上部裂开成数目相等的游离的小孢子叶.每个小孢子叶的上部有两列花粉囊.文中对新种进行了详细地描述和讨论.并对W.huangbanjigouensis Su et Zheng的鉴定特征进行了修订.  相似文献   

A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. The fossil wood was collected from the top of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) in Wuda Mining District, Nei Mongol. Compared with the Paleozoic fossil woods in the world, it is put into Araucarioxylon Kraus and named as A. laoshidanense sp. nov. Based on the character of possessing mixed pittings (alternate and opposite pittings) on the radial tracheid wall, the fossil wood is believed to be one of the unknown primitive conifers.Diagnosis of the new species: Only secondary xylem preserved and consisting of axial tracheids and rays. Growth ring boundary, resin duct and axial parenchyma absent. One to Four (commonly 2or3) seriates of bordered pits mostly alternate but sometimes opposite)on the radial tracheid wall. One to Four (commonly1, rarely2 to 4) Cupressoid pits in each cross-field. Rays usually uniseriate, sometimes partly-biseriate and 2 to 39 (mainly3-5) cells high.  相似文献   

A new species, Leptolalax laui sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from Hong Kong and Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be distinguished from other known congeners by morphological and molecular data. The new species is characterized by the following characters: 1) small size (adult males SVL 24.8.1 mm-26.7 mm); 2) near immaculate creamy white chest and belly; 3) broad lateral fringes on toes; 4) head longer or as long as wide; 5) distinct dark brown spots in flank; 6) moderate dermal fringes on fingers; 7) brown or reddish-brown dorsum with fine round scattered tubercles; 8) thin traverse brownish-grey bars on the dorsal surface of tibia and lower arms; 9) longitudinal ridges under toes not interrupted at the articulations.  相似文献   

对分布于四川、重庆市、贵州、湖北、湖南、安徽和福建的花臭蛙[Odorrana(Odorrana)schmackeri(Boettger,1892)]标本进行了形态比较,结果发现四川省南江和万源县的花臭蛙标本与其他产地的花臭蛙标本在形态特征上存在明显区别,主要是:1)成体雄雌体长之比值较小,约为1∶1.34;2)犁骨齿列短,两内侧间距宽,距内鼻孔远;3)背面深色斑点周围无浅色边缘;4)股后部深色斑大而稀疏;5)趾间蹼较弱,第四趾蹼达远端关节下瘤;6)腹内成熟卵的动植物极均为乳白色。故将四川省南江和万源的标本订为新种--南江臭蛙[Odorrana(Odorrana)nanjiangensis,sp.nov.]。  相似文献   


Nematodes were extracted and identified from tussocks growing on eight soil types (Conroy, Cluden, Tawhiti, Lammerlaw, Carrick, McKerrow, Obelisk, Harihari) from altitudes of 80–1550 m. Most soils were from schist parent material in Otago. Samples from the bottom 5 cm of the leaves and the 0–5‐cm and 8–12‐cm soil strata were analysed separately. Altogether 4455 specimens of nematodes were identified, and the percentage composition in each stratum was calculated. Seventy species were found; only 1 occurred at all sites, 22 were found at only 1 site; 28 occurred in all 3 strata, 18 in only 1 stratum. A strong site factor was noted in species distribution, and there was distinct stratification. Correlation coefficients were calculated for nematode abundance and diversity with altitude, rainfall, and chemical factors (pH, organic C, and soil N); calculations were also made for only six sites by omitting Lammerlaw and Harihari, which did not reflect stages in the climosequence. Considering the six sites, total numbers of nematodes decline with altitude, but numbers of species do not; numbers in 0–5‐cm soil are significantly positively correlated with pH, and negatively with organic C. The correlation with pH is not causal, but reflects a negative association of pH with both precipitation and altitude which tends to obscure relationships between nematodes and environmental factors. Paratylenchus sp. was dominant at the two driest sites; at the next site it was mixed with Macroposthonia, which occurred at the subsequent wetter sites; this distribution apparently reflects the resistant preadult stage of Paratylenchus. Most Dorylai‐moidea had a wide distribution, but Belondiroidea and Mononchoidea showed a preference for the wetter sites. Of the 70 species found, 30 were named and 18 were previously known from New Zealand, 6 appear cosmopolitan in distribution, 2 have Australian relationships, and 1 has Southern Hemisphere relationships.  相似文献   

A new species of lepidodendroid fructification, Achlamydocarpon sinensis, is described from the coal-balls of the Late Permian of Wangjiazhai, Shuicheng, Guizhou, China. It differs from other species of Achlamydocarpon mainly in the sporangial wall, in which no surface layer of columnar cells is found, instead of isodiameter cells and longitudinal cells. In our opinion, the evolutionary tendency of Achlamydocarpon is as follows: (1) size of sporangia ranges from large to small; (2) walls of sporangium vary from 2 to 4 layers, and then 3, again to 2; (3) the surface layer of sporangium evolves from columnar layer to isodiameter layer and the alternative layer of isodiameter and longitudinal cells. In addition, the habitat of Achlamydocarpon is discussed.  相似文献   

报道了本内苏铁类雄性生殖器官Weltrichia属的一个新种——Weltrichia daohugouensis sp.nov.,标本发现于内蒙古宁城山头乡道虎沟村附近的中侏罗统海房沟组。它是一个分离保存的本内苏铁类单性雄球花(球穗花序),在侧向压缩的平面上展开,呈扇形。基部球花梗未保存,下部由11个窄楔形的裂片融合成漏斗状或杯状,上部裂开成数目相等的游离的小孢子叶。每个小孢子叶的上部有两列花粉囊。文中对新种进行了详细地描述和讨论。并对W.huangbanjigouensis Su et Zheng的鉴定特征进行了修订。  相似文献   

Fossil bones of the frog Platymantis are reported for the first time. Platymantis megabotoniviti sp. nov. is described from fossil bones of late Quaternary age from caves on Viti Levu, Fiji, south-west Pacific, where it was associated with fossils of the extant P. vitianus P. vitiensis . The new species is much larger than any extant congeners, and its robust form indicates that it was a ground-dwelling frog. It appears to have become extinct in the late Holocene after humans arrived on Fiji with commensal rodents.  相似文献   

The morphological characters of Pterophyllum guizhouense sp. nov. were reported and those of P. astartense Harris were supplied and emended. Meanwhile, the significance of cuticle characters chosen in the identification of fossil plants was also discussed.  相似文献   

贵州金线鲃属鱼类一新种记述(鲤形目,鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
描记采于贵州省荔波县茂兰自然保护区范围内的尧兰村地下河中的金线鲃属一新种,命名为尧兰金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus yaolanensis Zhou, Li et Hou, sp. nov.新种的胸鳍、腹鳍和臀鳍等性状以及体形大致与东兰金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis和高肩金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus altishoulderus相似.但是,新种的侧线鳞与二者都具有一定差距,新种的侧线鳞为52(20-21)/(10-11)54;东兰金线鲃为44(14-17)/(9-11)52;高肩金线鲃为54(14-17)/(9-11)58.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the epidermal structure of Rhaphidopteris latiloba sp. nov. and R. liuzhiensis sp. nov. The specimens were collected from the upper Triassic caol series of Liuzhi district, Guizhou province. In R. latiloba, the ultimate pinna are wedge-shaped, segments are wider (about 0.2–0.25cm). The leaf is amphistomatic. Stomatal apparatus are haplocheilic, with sunken guard cells and irregullarly orientated stomata, 28–30 per sq. mm in the lower epidermis. In R. liuzhiensis, leaf is tripinnate, oval. Ultimate pinna lanceolate. Segments are narrow about lmm in width. Stomatal apparatus are haplocheilic and round-oval in shape with irregularly orientated stomata 35–40 per sq. mm in the lower epidermis.  相似文献   

吉林省蓝藻门两新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了采自吉林省的蓝藻门2个新种:具翼单歧藻Tolypothrix alata,脆弱真枝藻Stigonema fragile。  相似文献   

2020年5月在洛阳市嵩县白云山国家森林公园玉皇顶林场(33°38′37″N,111°50′01″E,海拔1 882 m)采集到齿突蟾属(Scutiger)物种9号标本,经形态特征比较及线粒体COI和Cyt b基因联合构建的齿突蟾属部分物种系统发育树显示,采集到的齿突蟾标本系一新种,命名为华夏齿突蟾Scutiger feiliangi Zhou, Guan and Shi, sp. nov.。其主要鉴别特征为:1)体型中等,雄性体长45.7~50.2 mm,雌性体长48.9~51.5 mm;2)头宽略大于头长,鼓膜不显;3)前臂及手长略超过体长之半,后肢较短;4)背面粗糙,布满疣粒;5)指间无蹼,趾间微蹼;6)具两对胸腺,外侧者略小于内侧;7)背部有4行断续排列的纵行肤褶;8)肛周有多个近圆形腺体。同时,对新种华夏齿突蟾的生物学特性进行描述。  相似文献   

Among the ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains isolated from various plant leaves collected in North and Northeast China, 12 strains forming orange to orange-red colored colonies were revealed to represent four novel species of the genus Sporobolomyces by conventional, chemotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic studies, based on the 26S-rDNA D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences. Sporobolomyces beijingensis sp. nov., represented by eight strains (type strain CB 80T = AS 2.2365T = CBS 9730T), and Sporobolomyces jilinensis sp. nov., represented by two strains (type strain CB 118T = AS 2.2301T = CBS 9728T), clustered in the Johnsonii clade of the Sporidiobolus lineage. Sporobolomyces clavatus sp. nov., represented by strain CB 281T (= AS 2.2318T = CBS 9729T), belonged to the Agaricostilbum lineage and showed a close relationship to Sporobolomyces ruber and Sporobolomyces dracophylli. Sporobolomyces symmetricus sp. nov., represented by strain CB 64T(= AS 2.2299T = CBS 9727T), formed nearly symmetrical ballistoconidia and was closely related with Sporobolomyces vermiculatus and Sporobolomyces gracilis in the Gracilis clade of the Erythrobasidium lineage.  相似文献   

Palaeoskapha sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. of Menispermaceae is described here for the first time based on a well preserved fossil fruit. The specimen was found in the Relu Formation of western Sichuan, West China. The specimen, straight, boat-shaped endocarp with large ventral condyle, clearly belongs to the tribe Tinosporeae. The wide aperture of the double condyle, combined with a whole shape not deeply invaginated, indicates a genus different from what was already known to science for this tribe. This fossil widens the distribution of the tribe during Eocene from North America and Europe to Asia, where it was formerly unknown.  相似文献   

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