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The pollen analytical investigations of a 101 m deep CK2022 drilling core from Bieletan of the Qarhan saline lake have been carried out. The Qarhan saline lake is situated at the Qaidam Basin. The climate is cold and dry. Annual mean temperature is about 0.1 ℃, and annual precipitation is 28–40 mm. The vegetation is of desert type, mainly composed of Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Tamaricaceac, Cruciferae, Zygophyllaceae, Leguminosae and Gramineae. Gymnospermae are very poorly represented e. g. Ephedra and Sabina. Ferns are even scanty. Based on the characteristics of CK2022 drilling core sporopollen assemblages 32,000 4,000 years ago five zones may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: 1. In the first zone, the vegetation during the past 31, 000–25, 600 years was represented by a temperate shrub and semi-shrub desert plants, such as Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitraria were predominant. The hydrophytes, such as Typha and Pediastrum boryanum, apparently increased. The climate was wet and rather warm. By this time, lakes and bogs were better developed in this area. 2. In the second zone (Ⅱ), green algae was very flourishing, which indicates a shallow, stagnant and more or less mesotrophic fresh water habitat. The climate was wet and cold, The lakes and bogs were better developed. 3 . In the third zone (Ⅲ), the vegetation consisted of Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitraria. At the same time subalpine conifer and Betula may have grown by rivers. The climate was warmer and drier than before. 4. In the fourth zone (Ⅳ), Shrubby and semi-shrubby deserts were better developed, but trees, ferns and algae were obviously reduced 18, 000–11, 000 years ago. The climate was very dry and cold. 5. In the fifth zone (Ⅴ), Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitratia were still flourishing. Hydrophytes, some trees and mesophytes plants and Polypodiaceae appeared again. Due to the increased temperature at this zone, the Pleistocene Holocene boundary should be demarcated at about 11000 years. BP Since 30000 years age there were alternation of dilution and salinization once and again.  相似文献   

In the previous paper authors found the vegetational and climatic changes in the past 30,000–10,000 years in Beijing. This paper is based on the informations of the sporo-pollen assemblages obtained from the Gaolizang, Dawangzhang, Yinjiahe, Xiwu- tiyng etc. with drilling cores in the vicinity of Beijing. About 12,000–10,000 years ago deciduous broad-leaved trees were flourishing in Beijing. At that time the climate was warm and rather wet. 10,000–8,000 years ago, the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Compositae were flourishing in plain of Beijing and mountainous region was dominant in subalpine conifer forest, consisting of Pinus, Picea and Abies, According to the needle-leaved forest increasing at that time we think about 9,000 B. P. that climate was cool and wetter. In the past 8,000–6,000 years, needle-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest, consisting of Pinus, Quercus and Betula thrived under a warm and wetter climate, the bogs were better developed in plain. During 6,000–2,000 years, in general review on the sporopollen assemblages of the Beijing we think that the climate was warm, especial about 5,000 years ago, the flora was mainly composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, such as Ulmus, Quercus, Morus and Betula. But during 5,600 years ago or so, spruce-fir forest became predominant in the low land and the plain of Beijing again. At that time the annual mean temperature was lower than that of the present. It was corresponed to new glacial period. The flora mainly composed of Pinus was obviously reduced since 2,000 years. The glassland even increased in Beijing.  相似文献   

本文依据内蒙古自治区四个考古地点的孢粉分析资料,指出呼伦贝尔盟东部地区,在11400±230年前,不仅湖沼棋布,而且生长着由松、榆、椴、胡桃等组成的繁茂的温带针叶—阔叶混交林。公元前1700年,昭乌达盟敖汗旗一带,分布着暖温带针叶—阔叶混交林,从花粉分析说明那时的人类已摆脱了单纯狩猎,开始种植作物、饲养动物。自晚更新世以来,内蒙古植被由混交林向草原迅速的发展。  相似文献   

The pollen analytical investigation of 226.07 m,, deep QH70 core from Fulaerji district in the city of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province have been carried out. Based on the characteristics of QH70 core sporo-pollen assemblages, seven pollen zones may be subdivided in the order as follows: The first zone (Ⅰ) belongs to early period of the Late Cretaceous. When the flora was mainly composed of gymnosperm, the next was fern and a little original angisperm. Here the climate was hot and wet and the vegetation showed tropical-subtropical in aspects. In this core the author didn't find the Palaeogene flora. The Ⅱ–Ⅲ zones belonging to the Late Tertiary are characterized by predominance of arboreal pollens, mainly consisting of Amentiferae and some conifers. The flora of the Neogene was mainly composed of Pinus, Betula, Castanea, Ulmus, Corylus, Alnus, ,Juglans, Quercus, Carya, Fagus, Tsuga etc. some subtropical species of Hamamelis, Liquidambar, Castanopsis, Melia. Myrica and Taxodiaceae which still existed. The climate was warm and humid with the annual temperature higher than that of the present. As to the last period of the third zone (Ⅲ) the assemblage of herbaceous plants and semi-shrub were predominant. The climate was changed into cool and less dry. The fouth pollen zone (Ⅳ) is represented by herbaceous plants such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, Polygonaceae etc. indicating the Fulaerji was covered by cold-temperature grassland with a cold and dry climate. According:to temperature decreasing at this zone, magnetostratigraphy and thermoluminescence dating we may take the start of the Ⅳ zone as the mark of the beginning of Quaternary in this region. The age of the boundary between Pliocene and Pleistocene might be 2.4 million years or so. The geological age of pollen zones Ⅳ–Ⅶ, is assigned to Pleistocene. The characteritics of the sporo-pollen assemblage at these zones are quite different from one another. In the fifth pollen zone (Ⅴ), the vegetation was represented by a steppe or tundra with a cold and dry climate at its initial stage, but in the late stage the flora was characterized by a deciduous broadleaved forest and steppe, indicating the climate was warm and less humid. Pollen zones Ⅵ–Ⅶ, the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae etc. were predominant. The climate was rather dry and cold. The plants of the boreal conifers as Picea, ilbices, Larix, Pinus and the subpolor plants such as Betula were thriving in the low land and plain on the last glacial stage demonstrating that time the climate was humid and cold. Judging from the pollen analyses of core QH70, the vegetational development and climatic changes in Fulaerji had been rapid since the Late Tertiary. It is more or less significance to use pollen analysis in hydrogeology and engineering geology.  相似文献   

The spore-pollen assemblages collected from drilling cores in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao district, are analyzed in this paper. We have ascertained paleovegetation and paleodimate since last 20000 years in the studied district. It is concluded that development process can be devided into six stages, each stage has its corresponding characteristics on paleovegetation and paleoclimate. These stages are listed as follows: ( 1 ) Vegetation was mainly herbaceous plants and climate was cold and dry during 20000–13000 years B P (2) During 13000– 11000 years B P, there was a little conifer forest and herbaceous plants, in which aquatic and weter plants were relatively richer in quantities, climate was mild and wet. (3) During 11000–8500 years B P there was a little conifer and broadleaved forest and herbaceous plants, climate was mild and slightly dry. (4)During 8500–5000 years B P broadleaved trees were predominant but mixed with conifer forest, climate was warm and wet. (5) During 5000–2500 years B P conifer trees were predominant but mixed with broadleaved trees and herbaceous plants, climate was mild and slightly dry. (6) From 2300 years B P to present, we can further divide this stage into two periods, the preceding period and the late period. In the preceding period, vegetation was composed by conifer and broadleaved trees and herbaceous plants, climate was warm and wet; while conifer trees (including a little broadleaved trees) were prevailed in the late period, climate was mild and wet. As a result, we have concluded that the general tendency of climate variation for the studied district is consistent with North China and East China one, but there still exists a little differences. The authors suggest that the time limit between Pleistocene and Holocene should be demarcated at 11000 years B P owing to sharply increasing temperature for the studied district.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saline lake in China. it is situated in the northeastern part of the Qinghai Xizang Plateau. This paper is based on the information of the sporo-pollen assemblages of 47 samples from the drill core and surface samples. The general treads of vegetational and climatic changes since 11,000 years B. P. may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: In the first stage which corresponds to zone Ⅰ of the sporo-pollen assemlage, the vegetation during the past of 11,000–10,000 years was represented by a temperate shrub, semi-shrub and steppe, consisting of Chenopodiaceae. Artemisia, Nitraria, Ephedra and Gramineae were predominant. At the same time, some subalpine conifers, Pinus, Picea and Betula, would grow by the side of rivers and lakes, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the Late Pleistocene. Due to the rising temperature in this zone, the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary might be estimated at about 11,000 years B. P.. The vegetation of the first stage belonges to temperate steppe with a few trees: In the second stage (ZoneⅡ of pollen), the vegetation was characterized by a temperate forest steppe during this period of 10,000 to 8,000 years B. P. Forest area apparently increased and some broadleaf deciduous and need leaf evergretn trees, such as Quercus, Betula, Pinus and Picea, grew by lakes and on mountains. At this time, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the first stage. In the third stage (Zone Ⅲ) between B,000 and 3,500 years B. P, The vegetation was composed of a temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needle-leaf evtrgreen forest. The needle-leaf evergreen forest consisting of Picea, Pinus, Abies, Betula grew in temperate zone mountains. The climate was relatively warm and wet. The fouth stage (zone IV), the vegetation was dominated by shrub semishrub, dwarf semishrubs, steppe and semi-arbors. Some trees consisting of Betula, Picea, and Pinus decreased in number in the lake regions. Some subalpine cold temperature evergreen trees, such as Abies and picea disappeared from the lake region. This indicated that the climate was warmer and drier during the past 3500–1500 years B. P. than the third zone. In the fifth stage (pollen zone V), the vegetation comprised steppe and desert from 1500 years ago to the present time. Some arborealtrus such as Betula and Pinus were less increased about 500 years B. P. at this time the temperate and wet slightly, rose up. From the above analysis, it is clear that the Qinghai lake region has been confronted with the vegetational and climatic changes since ll,000 years B. P. Therefore, the palynoflora of the Qinghai lake has its significance in Geography and vegetational history.  相似文献   

Pollen percentage and influx diagrams were prepared from two cores in Jianghan Plain, and studied by means of Fuzzy cluster and radiocarbon dating. This paper reports that there was a cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest in late-glacial epoch, representing that the climate was cold and wet. In Holocene, the hypsithernaal interval took place about 9100–3500 year B. P. and the maximum was about 8000 year ago. At that time, the vegetation, was that of an evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest, and the climate was warmer and damper than that of present. It also shows that the history of vagetational development and climate chenges in this area in the past 21900 years can be divided into five stages: (1). During 21000--10000 year B. P., the vegetation was one of the cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest, dominated by Abies. The climate was cold and wet. (2) During 10000–9100 year B. P., the vegetation was that of the coniferous and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest, consisting of Pinus. Quercus, Ulmus and Liquidambar, with a mild and cool climate. (3) During 9100–3500 year B. P., the mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf was predominant, consisting of Cyclobalanopsis, Fagus, Castanopsis, Castanea, Pterocarya, Quercus and Ulmus. The palaeoecological environment was warm and damp. (4) During 3500–2400 year B. P., there was deciduous broad-leaf, consisting of Quercus, Pterocarya, Liquidambar. and Pinus. The climate was droughter and cooler than that of stage(3). (5) During 2400 year B. P. to present, the broad-leaf forest, consisting of Quercus, Fagus, Liqui-dambar and Castanea, was dominant. The climate was warm and damp.  相似文献   

An understanding of the effects of climate on fuel is required to predict future changes to fire. We explored the climatic determinants of variations in surface fine fuel parameters across forests (dry and wet sclerophyll plus rainforest) and grassy woodlands of south‐eastern Australia. Influences of vegetation type and climate on fuel were examined through statistical modelling for estimates of litterfall, decomposition and steady state fine litter fuel load obtained from published studies. Strong relationships were found between climate, vegetation type and all three litter parameters. Litterfall was positively related to mean annual rainfall and mean annual temperature across all vegetation types. Decomposition was both negatively and positively related to mean annual temperature at low and high levels of warm‐season rainfall respectively. Steady state surface fine fuel load was generally, negatively related to mean annual temperature but mean annual rainfall had divergent effects dependent on vegetation type: i.e. positive effect in low productivity dry sclerophyll forests and grassy woodlands versus negative effect in high productivity wet sclerophyll forests and rainforests. The species composition of the vegetation types may have influenced decomposition and steady state fuel load responses in interaction with climate: e.g. lower decomposition rates in the low productivity vegetation types that occupied drier environments may be partially due to the predominance of species with sclerophyllous leaves. The results indicate that uncertain and highly variable future trends in precipitation may have a crucial role in determining the magnitude and direction of change in surface fine fuel load across south‐eastern Australia.  相似文献   

本文依据哈尔滨地区不同地貌单元内三个钻孔和三个自然剖面孢粉分析资料,结合古地磁测试,热释光和放射性碳素年令测定,进行钻孔和剖面间对比,初步建立起哈尔滨地区第四纪孢粉组合特征,进而讨论了哈尔滨地区第四纪以来植物群发展和气候变化。  相似文献   

Ecogeographical regionalization is the basis for spatial differentiation of biodiversity research. In view of the principle of international ecogeographical regionalization, this study has applied multivariate analysis and GIS method and based on some ecogeographical attributes limited to the distribution of plant and vegetation, including climatic factors, such as minimum temperature, mean temperature of the coldest month, mean temperature of the wannest month, annual average temperature, precipitation of the coldest month, precipitation of the wannest month, annual precipitation, CV of annual precipitation, biological factors such as vegetation types, vegetation division types, NPP, fiorisitic types, fauna types, abundance of plant species, genus and endemic genus; soil factors such as soil types, soil pH;topographical factors as longitude, latitude and altitude etc. The ecogeographical regionalization for biodiversity in China was made synthetically by using fuzzy cluster method. Four classes of division were used, viz., biodomain, subbiodomain, biome and bioregion. Five biodomains, seven subbiodomains and eighteen biomes were divided in China as follows: Ⅰ Boreal forest biodomain. Ⅰ A Eurasian boreal forest subbiodomain. Ⅰ A1 Southern Taiga mountain cold-temperate coniferous forest biome; Ⅰ A2 North Asian mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest biome. Ⅱ Northern steppe and desert biodomain. Ⅱ B Eurasian steppe subbiodomain. Ⅱ BI Inner Asian temperate grass steppe biome; Ⅱ B2 Loess Plateau warm-temperate forest/shmb steppe biome. Ⅱ C Asia-Mrica desert subbiodomain. Ⅱ C1 Mid-Asian temperate desert biome; Ⅱ C2 Mongolian/Inner Asian temperate desert biome. Ⅲ East Asian biodomain. Ⅲ D East Asian deciduous broad-leaved forest subbiodomain. Ⅲ D1 East Asian deciduous broad-leaved forest biome, Ⅲ E East Asian evergreen broad-leaved forest subbiodomain. Ⅲ El East Asian mixed deciduous-evergreen broad-leaved forest biome; Ⅲ E2 East Asian evergreen broad-leaved forest biome; Ⅲ E3 East Asian monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest biome; Ⅲ FA Western East Asian mountain evergreen broadleaved forest biome. Ⅳ Palaeotropical subdomain. IV F India-Malaysian tropical forest subbiodomain.Ⅳ Fl Northern tropical rain forest/seasonal rain forest biome; Ⅳ F2 Tropical island coral reef vegetation biome. Ⅴ Asian plateau biodomain. Ⅴ G Tibet Plateau subbiodomain. Ⅴ G1 Tibet alpine highcold shrub meadow biome;Ⅴ G2 Tibet alpine high-cold steppe biome; Ⅴ G3 Tibet alpine high-cold desert biome; Ⅴ G4 Tibet alpine temperate steppe biome; Ⅴ G5 Tibet alpine temperate desert biome.  相似文献   

唐祎欣  张伟  吴汉卿  胡培雷  肖丹  王克林 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8430-8441
土壤质量提升是生态系统应对气候变化能力增强的关键。为探究气候变化背景下不同植被恢复方式对喀斯特地区土壤质量的影响,基于黔桂喀斯特地区气候梯度样带84个样方土壤物理、化学和生物性质综合分析,分别以耕地和次生林作为退化和顶级恢复对照,探讨了自然恢复(灌木林)和人工恢复(人工林)的土壤质量提升效应及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)植被恢复不仅显著提高了土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌等微生物丰度以及有机碳、全氮、速效氮等养分含量,也对土壤质地有一定改善;(2)自然恢复和人工恢复均提高了土壤质量,两种恢复方式之间土壤质量指数无显著差异,但与次生林依然存在差距。灌木林和人工林的土壤质量仅约为次生林土壤质量的62%-66%;(3)耕地土壤质量随年均温和年平均降雨量的增加而下降,次生林的土壤质量随年平均降雨量的增加而上升,植被恢复对土壤质量的提升率与年均温和年平均降雨量呈正相关关系。阐明了在一定范围的气候变化下进行植被恢复可以显著提升喀斯特地区土壤的气候韧性,揭示了喀斯特地区植被恢复对土壤质量的提升主要是由于提高了土壤碳氮养分含量及改善了土壤微生物群落结构,这为全球气候变化背景下喀斯特退化土地生态恢复和管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

范泽孟  范斌 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5028-5039
欧亚大陆复杂多样的植被生态系统在全球气候变化的驱动下,其时空分布格局将发生系列的偏移变化,进而对欧亚大陆"一带一路"沿线国家和地区的生态环境产生重要影响。如何从全球气候变化驱动的角度来实现欧亚大陆植被生态系统时空偏移趋势的模拟分析,已成为"一带一路"沿线国家和地区生态环境研究的热点科学问题之一。在对HLZ生态系统模型进行改进和构建植被生态系统平均中心时空偏移分析模型的基础上,基于欧亚大陆的气候观测数据(1981—2010年)和CMIP5 RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5三种情景数据(2011—2100年),实现欧亚大陆植被生态系统平均中心时空偏移趋势的模拟分析。结果表明:欧亚大陆植被生态系统平均中心主要分布在欧亚大陆的中部和南部地区;3种气候情景下,欧亚大陆的亚热带干旱森林、暖温带湿润森林、亚热带有刺疏林、亚热带潮湿森林、冷温带潮湿森林、寒温带湿润森林、冷温带湿润森林、亚热带湿润森林、暖温带干旱森林、亚极地/高山湿润苔原和极地/冰原等植被生态系统的平均中心偏移幅度大于其他植被生态系统类型;欧亚大陆植被生态系统在RCP8.5情景下的植被生态系统平均中心偏移幅度大于其他两种情景;在2011—2100年期间,3种气候变化情景下,欧亚大陆植被生态系统平均中心整体上将呈向北偏移的变化趋势。  相似文献   

中国北方林生产力变化趋势及其影响因子分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
森林生产力是反映森林固碳能力的重要指标,是进行碳循环研究的重要环节。用模拟生态系统生物地球化学循环的CENTURY模型,模拟中国北方林(兴安落叶松林)近35a来的生产力动态,用3种趋势分析方法,检验了其变化趋势,并用多元线性回归模型分析了中国北方林生产力的年际波动与气温降水年际波动的关系,以及气温和降水对我国北方林生产力的影响程度。结果表明:中国北方林生产力呈增加的趋势,平均年增长率为0.34%;气温与森林生产力呈显著负相关,对森林生产力的贡献因子为4.0977;降水与森林生产力呈弱的正相关,其对森林生产力的贡献因子为0.3902。从而说明近35a来森林生产力的增加除了受气温降水等非生物因素的影响外,还受其它因素的影响;另外说明以气候变暖为标志的全球变化会对森林生产力产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

该文综述了北京地区全新世以来植被演替和气候变化的相关研究资料,这些资料反映了当前阶段对该地区该时段植被与气候环境格局特征的认识。北京地区全新世早期(约12 000–8 000 cal a B.P.)植被为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林,森林中阔叶树类群逐渐增多,指示了气候由寒冷干燥转为温暖湿润;全新世中期(约8 000–2 000 cal a B.P.前后)植被为暖温带针阔混交林,指示暖湿气候;全新世晚期(约2 000 cal a B.P.以来)转为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林,气候转向凉干。植被演替反映的湿润度变化与季风区其它地区变化趋势一致。值得注意的是,前人研究揭示北京地区山区与平原中植被类型和类群组成已经出现空间分异。今后如能深入开展定量古气候重建研究,有可能精确描述其气候变化的过程,增进中国不同地理单元同时期气候变化的对比。  相似文献   

吴欣宇  朱秀芳 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10202-10215
分析不同区域植被对极端气候的响应对于加深对植被与气候之间关系的理解以及制定应对极端气候条件的措施尤为重要。基于2001—2020年气候数据和归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,以植被区划为分析单元,分析中国8个植被区的NDVI和27个极端气候指数的时空变化趋势,探究各植被区植被NDVI对极端气候的响应特征与差异性。结果表明:(1)整个研究区及各植被区的平均NDVI年最大值呈显著增加趋势,其中,温带针叶、落叶阔叶混交林区增加趋势最明显,青藏高原高寒植被区增加趋势最弱。(2)极端高温指数多呈升高趋势。极端降水指数在研究区东部呈升高趋势,在西南部呈减少趋势。(3)在不同植被区对NDVI影响最大的极端气候指数不同,其中在寒温带针叶林区影响最大的指数为温暖时间持续指数(WSDI);在温带针叶、落叶阔叶混交林区和热带季风雨林、雨林区影响最大的指数为最高低温(TNx);在暖温带落叶阔叶林区和亚热带常绿阔叶林区为简单降水强度指数(SDII);在温带草原区为最高高温(TXx);在温带荒漠区为年总降水量(PRCPTOT);在青藏高原高寒植被区为结冰天数(ID)。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of pollen analysis on sediments of core Cao 2 from Dianchi Lake. Four pollen zones are defined, namely zone I, which is further divided into four subzones, zone Ⅱ, zone Ⅲ and zone Ⅳ. Zone Ⅰ(ca. 47600–11800 yrs B. P.) is characterized by low land pollen sedimentation rates and constant presence of Abies pollen. In zone Ⅱ (ca. 11800–6900 yrs B. P.) broad-leaved tree pollen increases and Abies pollen gradually disappears. In zone Ⅲ (ca. 6900–3800 yrs B. P.) evergreen broad-leaved-tree pollen and total land pollen influx reach their maximum values while, Tsuga pollen decreases. Zone Ⅳ shows a great decreases in pollen influx of various pollen types and a increase in Monolete psilate spores. In the past 40000 years vegetation in this area trend changes from a dominantion of coniferous tree to an evergreen broad-leaved forest, co-existing or mixing deciduous broadleaved forest and coniferous forest. In the past 3800 years, due to climate changes and / or human activities, the vegetation cover in this area has been greatly reduced. The above vegetation changes indicate a climate change process from cool and humid, to warm and humid and finally to mild and dry.  相似文献   

The early Cenozoic was characterized by a very warm climate especially during the Early Eocene. To understand climatic changes in eastern Asia, we reconstructed the Early Eocene vegetation and climate based on palynological data of a borehole from Wutu coal mine, East China and evaluated the climatic differences between eastern Asia and Central Europe. The Wutu palynological assemblages indicated a warm temperate vegetation succession comprising mixed needle- and broad-leaved forests. Three periods of vegetation succession over time were recognized. The changes of palynomorph relative abundance indicated that period 1 was warm and humid, period 2 was relatively warmer and wetter, and period 3 was cooler and drier again. The climatic parameters estimated by the coexistence approach (CA) suggested that the Early Eocene climate in Wutu was warmer and wetter. Mean annual temperature (MAT) was approximately 16°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) was 800–1400 mm. Comparison of the Early Eocene climatic parameters of Wutu with those of 39 other fossil floras of different age in East China, reveals that 1) the climate became gradually cooler during the last 65 million years, with MAT dropping by 9.3°C. This cooling trend coincided with the ocean temperature changes but with weaker amplitude; 2) the Early Eocene climate was cooler in East China than in Central Europe; 3) the cooling trend in East China (MAT dropped by 6.9°C) was gentler than in Central Europe (MAT dropped by 13°C) during the last 45 million years.  相似文献   

Mountain forests are at particular risk of climate change impacts due to their temperature limitation and high exposure to warming. At the same time, their complex topography may help to buffer the effects of climate change and create climate refugia. Whether climate change can lead to critical transitions of mountain forest ecosystems and whether such transitions are reversible remain incompletely understood. We investigated the resilience of forest composition and size structure to climate change, focusing on a mountain forest landscape in the Eastern Alps. Using the individual‐based forest landscape model iLand, we simulated ecosystem responses to a wide range of climatic changes (up to a 6°C increase in mean annual temperature and a 30% reduction in mean annual precipitation), testing for tipping points in vegetation size structure and composition under different topography scenarios. We found that at warming levels above +2°C a threshold was crossed, with the system tipping into an alternative state. The system shifted from a conifer‐dominated landscape characterized by large trees to a landscape dominated by smaller, predominantly broadleaved trees. Topographic complexity moderated climate change impacts, smoothing and delaying the transitions between alternative vegetation states. We subsequently reversed the simulated climate forcing to assess the ability of the landscape to recover from climate change impacts. The forest landscape showed hysteresis, particularly in scenarios with lower precipitation. At the same mean annual temperature, equilibrium vegetation size structure and species composition differed between warming and cooling trajectories. Here we show that even moderate warming corresponding to current policy targets could result in critical transitions of forest ecosystems and highlight the importance of topographic complexity as a buffering agent. Furthermore, our results show that overshooting ambitious climate mitigation targets could be dangerous, as ecological impacts can be irreversible at millennial time scales once a tipping point has been crossed.  相似文献   

Fossil plants provide data on climate, community composition and structure, all of which are relevant to the definition and recognition of biomes. Macrofossils reflect local vegetation, whereas pollen assemblages sample a larger area. The earliest solid evidence for angiosperm tropical rainforest in Africa is based primarily on Late Eocene to Late Oligocene (ca. 39-26 Myr ago) pollen assemblages from Cameroon, which are rich in forest families. Plant macrofossil assemblages from elsewhere in interior Africa for this time interval are rare, but new work at Chilga in the northwestern Ethiopian Highlands documents forest communities at 28 Myr ago. Initial results indicate botanical affinities with lowland West African forest. The earliest known woodland community in tropical Africa is dated at 46 Myr ago in northern Tanzania, as documented by leaves and fruits from lake deposits. The community around the lake was dominated by caesalpinioid legumes, but included Acacia, for which this, to my knowledge, is the earliest record. This community is structurally similar to modern miombo, although it is different at the generic level. The grass-dominated savannah biome began to expand in the Middle Miocene (16 Myr ago), and became widespread in the Late Miocene (ca. 8 Myr ago), as documented by pollen and carbon isotopes from both West and East Africa.  相似文献   

To assess the variation in distribution, extent, and NPP of global natural vegetation in response to climate change in the period 1911–2000 and to provide a feasible method for climate change research in regions where historical data is difficult to obtain. In this research, variations in spatiotemporal distributions of global potential natural vegetation (PNV) from 1911 to 2000 were analyzed with the comprehensive sequential classification system (CSCS) and net primary production (NPP) of different ecosystems was evaluated with the synthetic model to determine the effect of climate change on the terrestrial ecosystems. The results showed that consistently rising global temperature and altered precipitation patterns had exerted strong influence on spatiotemporal distribution and productivities of terrestrial ecosystems, especially in the mid/high latitudes. Ecosystems in temperate zones expanded and desert area decreased as a consequence of climate variations. The vegetation that decreased the most was cold desert (18.79%), while the maximum increase (10.31%) was recorded in savanna. Additionally, the area of tundra and alpine steppe reduced significantly (5.43%) and were forced northward due to significant ascending temperature in the northern hemisphere. The global terrestrial ecosystems productivities increased by 2.09%, most of which was attributed to savanna (6.04%), tropical forest (0.99%), and temperate forest (5.49%). Most NPP losses were found in cold desert (27.33%). NPP increases displayed a latitudinal distribution. The NPP of tropical zones amounted to more than a half of total NPP, with an estimated increase of 1.32%. The increase in northern temperate zone was the second highest with 3.55%. Global NPP showed a significant positive correlation with mean annual precipitation in comparison with mean annual temperature and biological temperature. In general, effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems were deep and profound in 1911–2000, especially in the latter half of the period.  相似文献   

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