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珠江口盆地第三纪孢粉组合及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
珠江口盆地第三系十分发育。在六个层段中自上而下分为七个孢粉组合带:万山组的壳斗粉-水龙骨科组合、粤海组的藜粉-壳斗粉组合、韩江组的光极弗氏粉-罗曼娜环孔粉(比较种)组合和三瓣弗氏粉-半瓣弗氏粉组合、珠江组的栎粉-网面三沟粉组合、珠海组的苗榆粉-双束松粉组合和宝安组的杉粉-高腾粉组合。本文根据各孢粉组合带的特征,讨论其相关层段的地质时代,同时阐述了珠江口盆地第三纪时期古植物群的更替、古气候的演化和古环境的变迁。还讨论了弗氏粉的起源及其在南海海侵过程中的指相意义。  相似文献   

Plenty of sporo-pollen fossils were found from the Upper Subformation of Hekou Formation at Chaijiatai, Lanzhou of Gansu, Minhe Basin. The sporo-pollen assemblage of the upper stratum of the Upper Suhformation was named as Schizaeoisporites-Cicatricosisporites. It could be further divided into two subassemblages. The upper one was Classopollis-Schiza- eoisporites, and the lower one was Piceapollenites-Cicatricosisporites. By analysing the periods of the important species and genera in the assemblage and comparing with the known assemblages in various districts, the author cosidered that the geologic age of the assemblage was the late phase of Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Alhian). The age of the second subassemblage was later which was Albian. So far, the stratum where the sporo-pollen fossils assemblage were found was the uppermost one of the Lower Cretaceous that have been found in Minhe Basin.  相似文献   

According to the sporo-pollen analysis of the ten localities in Dabusu lake, it could be divided into two sporo-pollen assemblage zones from bottom to top: the lower series (1–2 bed) of Equisetum, lsoites sporo-pollen zone and upper series (3–6 bed) of Ranunculaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Aritemisia sporo-pollen zone. This paper deals also with the course that in the middle later period of the later Holocene Epoch the obvious change of paleogeographic environment is no less than twice in the area surounding Dabusu lake. As for the vegetation, the wet grassy marshland of temperate zone in which the pteridophyta Predominated turned towards meadow -steppe in which herbs predominated. While the wet climate turned towards arid climate and the fresh water lake turned towards salt lake.  相似文献   

内蒙古东胜中侏罗世延安组孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟 3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石 34属 6 3种 ,包括 2个新种。基于 10个样品中发现的 386 3粒孢子花粉化石的鉴定和统计 ,建立东胜地区延安组孢粉组合。该组合中蕨类植物孢子有 19属 37种 ,含量占 46 %~ 49% ,最低为 39%。裸子植物花粉略占优势 ,有 15属 2 6种 ,含量为 5 1%~ 5 4% ,最高达 6 1%。与国内外相关资料对比结果表明该孢粉组合的地质时代应属中侏罗世巴柔期。孢粉植物群反映研究区在中侏罗世早期为暖温带或亚热带的暖湿气候  相似文献   

珠江流域植被覆盖时空变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王兆礼  陈晓宏  李艳 《生态科学》2006,25(4):303-307,311
为阐明珠江流域植被覆盖变化的整体状况,基于RS与GIS技术,应用美国国家航天航空局最新的全球植被指数变化研究数据(GIMMS),对珠江流域1982~2003年间的地表植被覆盖的空间分布及时间序列变化进行了综合分析。结果表明:(1)22年来,珠江流域大部分地区的NDVI都呈现不同程度的下降趋势,表明珠江流域植被活动在减弱;(2)从季节变化来看,珠江流域平均植被覆盖除春季呈不显著上升外,其余各季均呈不显著下降趋势;(3)空间上,中下游地区都呈现不同程度的下降趋势,其中珠江三角洲地区达到了极显著水平;而上游南、北盘江流域、右江、左江及郁江流域则呈不显著增加趋势。这种空间异质性是由于城市化过程、农业生产活动、区域气候特征等综合因素作用的结果。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen species of spores and pollens belonging to 58 genera were found from 66 core samples taken from two boreholes of the Early and Middle Jurassic deposits in the Qiquanhu coal-field of the Turpan Basin, Xinjiang have been investigated in this paper. Two of the species are described as new. Three sporo-pollen zones from lower to upper are described as follows: Sporo-pollen zone Ⅰ (equivalent bed: Badaowan Formation) . The pteridophytic spores are slightly more abundant than the gymnospermous pollen in this assemblage. The most abundant spores are Cyathidites minor, C. australis and Undulatisporites pflugii, U. taenus and so on. The second important fern spores are Osmundacidites, Lycopodiumsporites, Apiculatisporis and Duplexisporites. The most important gymnospermous genus is Cycadopites which ranks highest in the assemblage and includes C. nitidus and C. typicus.The other gymnospermous pollen include Classopollis, Pinuspollenites, Protoconiferus Piceites. Besides, there are a few pollen grains of Taeniaesporites and Chordasporites surviving from the Late Triassic in this assemblage. The present assemblage may be compared with the Early Jurassic sporopollen assemblage from the Daling Formation of the North-East Guangxi. Therefore, the Badaowan Formtion may be referred to Early Jurassic in age, probably Early Lias. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅱ (equivalent bed: Sangonghe Formation) In this assemblage the gymnosperms are predominant.Of them, Podocarpidites and Pinuspollenites increase obviously, and Quadraeculina and Protoconiferus are common. Few surviving elements are observed. The most abundant spores are those of Cyathidites, and the particularly abundant pollens are those of Cycadopites, This assemblage may be compared with the Late Lias sporo-pollen assemblage from the Fuxian Formation of the Northern Shangganning Basin. Therefore, the Sangonghe Formation should belong to Early Jurassic, probably Late Lias in age. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅲ (equivalent bed: Xishanyao Formation). The contents of the spores and pollens are almost equal in this assemblage. Cyathidites and Cycadopites are the most important spores and pollen. Osmundacidites and Quadraeculina are common. Neoraistrickia, Lycopodiumsporites and Eucommiidites troedssonii are present. Ancient striate bisaccate pollen disappears. The characteristics of this assemblage show some resemblances to those of the Middle Jurassic Yanan Formation in Chongxin county of Gansu province. So the Xishanyao Formation should belong to Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Systematic palynological research was conducted on more than 343 samples from a column or rock core obtained by drilling to a depth of 20 m in Gucheng lake. According to three assemblage zones and nine subzones of the sporo-pollen, and the dating of 14℃, we have explored the regularity of palaeoclimatic changes and palaeomonsoon activities since 15.0 ka BP. During 15.0 ~ 11.0 ka BP, the temperature had increased a little, but the climate was still cool and relatively dry, reflecting a weak wet monsoon and low precipitation at that time. In the period of 3~11.0 ka BP, it became cold and wet, with an increased effect of the dry monsoon, and the area was probably situated in a position of the frontal zone. Causing considerable effective humidity. Later than 11.0 ka BP, the temperature increased rapidly within 500 years with a subsquent, turn of the climate towards significantly warmer and wet and a further intensification of the monsoon effect. This rapid temperature increase corre-sponded to the increasing radiation of solar energy during 11.0~10.0 ka BP. From 10.5 to 6.4 ka BP, the wet monsoon was the priority climate of the region, albeit there were at least two or three spells of cooling, as well as decreasing of monsoon precipitation.  相似文献   

2004-2013年珠江流域植被变化及其胁迫分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被对区域气候调节、水文循环等有着重要作用,在近年来中国南部地区极端气候频发的背景下,研究植被变化及胁迫意义重大。以珠江流域为研究区,利用MODIS EVI分析了植被的变化规律,并通过美国军事气象卫星DMSP灯光数据和气象数据探讨分析了人类活动和自然环境对植被变化的胁迫。结果显示:2004年到2013年期间珠江流域内年平均EVI介于0.33-0.38之间,EVI从高到底依次是常绿阔叶林 > 混交林 > 多树的草地 > 常绿针叶林 > 草地,不同植被类型的EVI变化趋势基本一致,同一植被类型EVI年际变化较小,其中混交林和草地年际最大变化量分别为0.07和0.04,而常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和多树的草地年际最大变化量均为0.06;在2004年至2013年年间,城市化水平增长了约71%,其年发展变化与EVI的年变化趋势相反;通过对比分析发现珠江流域人类活动对植被变化影响高于自然环境,即DMSP灯光变化与EVI变化的相关系数明显高于气温和降水。  相似文献   

A newly discovered Paleolithic site in loess deposits in the Lushi Basin, South Luo River, central China, is dated using pedostratigraphic analysis, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and magnetostratigraphic analysis. This region is regarded as an important place for hominin occupation and settlement during the early to middle Pleistocene. Results indicate that the archaeological site dates from 600 ka to 620 ka, reinforcing the view that Homo erectus had occupied a large area of eastern Asia by 620 ka. The lithic assemblages of Lushi Basin is a flake and core technology, typical for this time period in north-central China. It may be compared with that at the Zhoukoudian locality 1 in north China and some sites in the Luonan Basin, and provides important data for understanding the behavior and stone tool technology of early Chinese hominins.  相似文献   

This article reports Chlorococcalean algae fossil in Member 2 of Damoguaihe Formation, Well Haican-5, South of Hailar Basin. They are Pediastrum simplex, P. boryanum, Scenedesmus cf. bijuga, S. cf. dimorphus, S. beierensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

兰州盆地早第三纪植物及古气候意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
化石采自甘肃省兰州盆地咸水河组底部,经研究认为有29种,归属20属12科。它们是:樟科 Lauraceae (Daphnogene),木通科Lardizabalaceae(Akebia),小檗科Berberidaceae(Berberis),榆科Ulmaceae (Planera,Ulmus,Zelkova),桦木科Betulaceae(Alnus,Carpinus),杨梅科Myricaceae(Myrica),杨柳科Sali- caceae(Populus,Salix),紫金牛科Myrsinacese(Ardisia),蔷薇科Rosaceae (Prunus,Sorbus,Sorbaria,Spir- aea),豆科Leguminosae(Gleditsia,Sophora),漆树科 Anacardiaceae(Rhus),忍冬科Caprifoliaceae(Viburnum) 等。经植物区系组成与叶相分析显示,该植物区系的大多数成员是落叶阔叶乔、灌木,少数为常绿灌木。其中特殊的分子是 Rhus turcomanica Korov.ex Vassilvesk,该成分是早第三纪中、晚期的标志化石植物。另一化石植物 Sorbaria callicomifolia Kornilova曾出现在中亚的早渐新世,最晚至早中新世。同一层位采集的孢粉样分析结果显示:该组合仅约20种,种类相对贫乏,并以被子植物的花粉占优势。其中出现裸子植物的麻黄粉,被子植物的白刺粉及蒿粉等,这几个类型均指示沉积时期经历干旱气候。综合植物大化石及孢粉分析研究,均出现一些指示气候为亚热带干旱或周期性干旱气候的特点,并据Rhus turcomanica出现的最晚记录,推测咸水河组底部的地质时代大约是早渐新世晚期。  相似文献   

Fossil plants from the lower part of Xianshuihe Formation in the Lanzhou Basin, Gansu Province were studied. The flora contains 29 species, representing 20 genera and 12 families, which include Lauraceae ( Daphnogene ), Lardizabalaceae ( Akebia ), Berberidaceae ( Berberis ), Ulmaceae ( Planera, Ulmus, Zelkova ), Betulaceae ( Alnus, Carpinus ), Myricaceae( Myrica ), Salicaceae ( Populus, Salix), Myrsinaceae(Ardisia), Rosaceae ( Prunus, Sorbus, Sorbaria, Spiraea ), Leguminosae ( Gleditsia, Sophora), Anacardiaceae (Rhus), Caprifoliaceae(Viburnum). An analysis of the floristic elements and their foliar physiognomy shows that most members of the flora are deciduous broad-leaved trees or shrubs with a few evergreen shrubs. The most noteworthy species is Rhus turcomanica which was present in the Middle Eocene to Late Eocene of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan). Generally, Rhus turcomanica occurred at the same beds as Palibinia, an extinct fossil plant whose presence indicates a subtropical dry climate. Another species, Sorbaria callicomifolia Kornilova was present from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene of Central Asia (Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan). According to an analysis of spores and pollen, this flora contains over 20 species. It is predominated by the angiosperm pollen. There appeared Ephedripites and Nitrariadites which were important elements in the dry area. Ephedripites was found from the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary. Nitrariadites occurred in the Late Miocene, whereas Rhus turcomanica and Sorbaria callicomifolia were both reported in the subtropical dry area from the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene. The latest record of Rhus turcomanica is from the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene of Central Asia. The presence of this element in the lower part of Xianshuihe Formation may indicate that itsage is the latest stage of the Early Oligocene.  相似文献   

从孢粉学论证东海盆地下第三系的存在   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的地质学观点,将东海盆地与台湾海相地层相提并论,以至误解东海盆地只有上第三系沉积。而在东海海域龙井构造中首钻的龙井一井和次钻的东海一井下部地层中所获得的孢粉组合证明,东海盆地龙井构造史前的早第三纪时曾与苏北相连成陆,只是在晚渐新世一早中新世时才全面解体接受海侵,这一事实表明,其成盆历史大体与南海相仿。  相似文献   

A new Monosulcate pollen has been discovered from the upper partof Lower Cretaceous deposits of Hubei, Jiangsu, Jingxi and Hebei Provinces. Thesepollens have a monosulcate on their distal surface with salient features and differ fromCycadopites and Benettites. We call them Zhonghuapollis gen. nov. They are widespread geographically and only restricted to the later Early Cretaceous deposits, so very useful in stratigraphical dividing and correlation of this deposits.  相似文献   

The Aquilapolles are found in Northeast and Eastern part of China. 183 speices are selected from the world. These 183 speices include Aquilapollenites, Mancicorpus, Fibulapollis and Translucentipollis. It is showed that they appeared from Albian of Early Cretaceous to Early Oligocene(?) of Tertiary. They mainly appeared in Senonian. The Aquilapolles are the most flourishing in Cretaceous during Maestrichtian. Tile six speices of which appeared in Tertiary. They are Aquilapollenites granobaculus, A. punctatus, A. quadrilobus, A. spinulosus, Funk., A. spinulosus (Mtched.) n. corab. and Fibulapollis mirificus. There are two phytogeoprovinces of the sporo-pollen in the Northern Hemisphere during Late Cretaceous. One is "Aquilapolles District "-moist subtropical climatic, Circum-Pacific and Siberia. Another is “Normapolles District”-arid (or semiarid) sub- tropical climatic, Circum-Atlantic, Europ and India. The author related the process to form the two phytogeopovinees by distribution of continent and sea in that time. In one country, Tertiary Aquilapollenites is wider than Late Cretaceous Aquilapollenites in palaeogeographic range. The Tertiary speices of Aquilapollenites are Aquila-pollenites spinulosus Funk. and A. granobaculus Song in China. Their kinds, amount and distribution fully show an evidence of relict member. They are relict Aquilapollenires and are not recycled fossils .from Upper Cretaceous strata. On Aquilapollenites, the respective characters of the growth and distribution of each Tertiary Epochs are indicated. The author also explores the relations between the growth, distribution and evolution of paleoenvironment in this paper.  相似文献   

Two Hipparion species, H. forstenae and H. hippidiodus from Gaojiashan locality in the Linxia Basin, Gansu, China are described in this paper, with the first presence of the former in the Linxia Basin. The lower cheek teeth of Hipparion from Gaojiashan bear deep ectoflexids, and after comparisons to other Chinese Hipparion fossils with deep ectoflexids, the mandibles with deep ectoflexids on the lower premolars suggest their attributions to H. forstenae. The presence of a deep ectoflexid on p2 may be interpretable as an intraspecifically variable feature in H. forstenae, and can also be found in H. dermatorhinum. Besides the Hipparion material, at least 8 species of large mammals occur at the Gaojiashan locality, including Adcrocuta eximia, Chilotherium wimani, Shansirhinus ringstroemi, Eucladoceros cf. proboulei, Palaeotragus cf. coelophrys, Giraffidae gen. et sp. indet., and the previously studied Promephitis hootoni and Eostyloceros hezhengensis. Although the sample from Gaojiashan shares five species with the Yangjiashan fauna, the Gaojiashan fossil assemblage may date to the Baodean because of the presence of H. forstenae. The overall taxonomic composition of the Gaojiashan assemblage at least suggests an approximate Baodean age, which would imply survival of C. wimani into the Baodean of the Linxia Basin.  相似文献   

Mesozoic strata are well developed and exposed continuously across the Sichuan Basin, South China. In particular, the Upper Triassic strata yield diverse and abundant spore-pollen fossils, providing a significant reference for the study of palaeoenvironmental variations across the Triassic–Jurassic transition where mass extinctions were occurring. In this paper, we summarize the major progress on Late Triassic palynological studies in this basin. To date, 151 genera (454 species) of sporomorph fossils have been reported from the Late Triassic strata in the Sichuan Basin. Three palynological assemblages are distinguished for the Late Triassic in the Sichuan Basin. Late Triassic vegetation in the Sichuan Basin shows a remarkable predominance of ferns, followed by conifers and cycads/ginkgophytes, and conifers show a distinct increase in abundance in the latest Triassic. In general, the Late Triassic palaeoclimate in the Sichuan Basin was tropical-subtropical, humid and warm. A synthesis of the data shows that the Late Triassic did not have a constant palaeoclimate in the Sichuan Basin, several climatic events are recognized: two warm and humid climate events in Norian-Rhaetian time, coupled with a cooler and drier condition in the latest Late Triassic. Further investigations in higher resolution at more continuous sections in the Sichuan Basin are needed to better understand the Late Triassic vegetation response, climate changes, as well as palaeoecosystem variations across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   

东江流域景观格局演变分析及变化预测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吕乐婷  张杰  彭秋志  任斐鹏  江源 《生态学报》2019,39(18):6850-6859
以东江流域土地利用解译结果为基础,采用转移矩阵、移动窗口法和景观格局指数对1990—2016年对东江流域的景观格局时空变化进行分析,并结合地形因子、交通通达度因子和限制转化因子采用FLUS(Future Land Use Simulation)模型对流域未来景观格局进行预测。结果表明:(1)自1990年以来,研究区的7种土地利用类型皆发生了变化,其中建设用地由于林地和耕地的大量转入增加最明显。(2)1990—2016年,流域景观破碎化呈现以河道为中心向东西两侧减小的趋势,景观多样性呈现流域上游小,下游大的趋势,且高值区在经济较发达的城镇地区。园地的景观破碎程度最高、林地的优势度减弱,城镇建设用地的集聚度增加。(3)2016—2042年,流域各用地类型变化率不大,景观破碎化和多样性程度虽有增加但增长速度相对放缓。  相似文献   

陈志良  吴志峰  夏念和  程炯  刘平   《广西植物》2006,26(6):638-642
对潭江流域森林组分与生物量调查研究发现:与1990年比较,2002年整个流域的林业用地面积增加了18962.1hm2,增长4.48%。流域生物量以湿地松和马尾松占优势,分别占流域森林生物量的39.12%和21.38%,阔叶树占15.39%,桉树和杉树分别占9.08%和7.97%,其它树种只占7.06%,总体来说,流域平均生物量2002年比1995年提高了6.21t·hm-2,平均每年提高0.89t·hm-2。说明近十二年来,植树造林的生态效益逐步体现出来,但同时也存在生物群落以马尾松、湿地松等先锋物种为主,森林结构单一的问题。通过分析研究,为潭江流域森林结构优化与科学管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The development or adaptation radiation of angiosperms has been closely related to the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. Several environmental factors, influencing each other, have affected the evolution or development of angiosperms, which falls into different stages. The lines between these stages are not consistent with the traditional geological ages. Floristic regionalization might be better based on the stages of the development. Angiosperms have become important or dominant elements in the flora since the middle and late period of the Late Cretaceous. The development of angiosperms may be divided into four stages: (1) Initial stage: The angiosperms were not yet well established during the Early Cretaceous. The number of species and individuals was limited, the leaf small, mostly with entire margine, irregular venation and poor differentiation of venation; (2) Flourished stage: The angiosperms increased dramatically and became abundant. The leaf was larger with more regular venation and the differentiation of venation was remarkable. The percentage of angiosperms was from 40%-60% in the flora, and eventually arose, becoming predominant, with important families well presented. This was probably from the Late Cretaceous to the Early Tertiary; (3) Herbs-Flourished stage: Some of woody plants were extinct, while herbs greatly increased, because of the changes in climate, sea level and mountain uplift during the Neogene period; (4)Quaternary stage: The mountain glacier in China, influenced by global glacial-interglacial alternation due to the climatic fluctuation, advanced and regressed during the Quaternary. The climatic fluctuation apparently affected the distribution of plants. But the components of the flora were similar to or slightly different from the features of the present one. The aim of the present paper is to discuss the floristic regions at the second and third stages. The Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary stage: A. The Late Cretaceous-Paleogene flora of northern China 1. Warm-temperate to subtropical deciduous broad-leaved and conifer forests in North and Northeastern China 2. Dry subtropical flora of Northwestern and Central China B. Southern China Late Cretaceous-Paleogene flora 3. Deciduous and evergreen forests with coniferous elements in the subtropical coastal region of east China 4. Evergreen forests of South China 5. Evergreen forests of lower mountains in the Tethys The Neogene stage-Herbs-flourished stage: 1. Temperate forests and grasslands to semidesert-desert floras of northwestern China; 2. Warm temperate deciduous forests of north and northeastern China; 3. Warm temperate to subtropical deciduous and evergreen forests of central and east China; 4. Evergreen forests of the subtropical and tropics mangrove vegetation of south China; 5. Subtropical evergreen and deciduous forests on the Yunnan and Xizang plateau.  相似文献   

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