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金佛山方竹自然扩散生态效应初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探索金佛山方竹在自然扩散过程中对其他物种造成的影响,选择了草地、灌木林和乔木林三种不同的植被布设样方,连续五年观测和统计了金佛山方竹自然扩散过程中各试验点物种种类、各类群物种的平均高度和平均盖度的变化。调查发现,各试验点共有乔木14种、灌木23种、草本41种;随着金佛山方竹的扩散,乔木层植物的种类基本保持不变,其平均高度变化十分微弱,兰花试验点乔木层平均盖度下降约4.6%,上茨盖坝试验点的平均盖度上升12.5%;灌木层植物种类逐渐减少,平均盖度逐渐降低,平均高度呈现出先降低后上升的趋势;草本层植物的物种种类、平均高度和平均盖度均明显降低。  相似文献   

This revision deals with the system, evolution, distribution, cytotaxonomy and taxonomic treatment of the genus Aristolochia Linn. from E. & S. Asia, which covers Japan, USSR (Far East), China, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Total 2 subgenera, 7 sections, 4 series, 68 species and 1 variety (cultivated species not included) are recognized in this treatment, of which 3 sections and 2 species are described as new. In addition, 13 new synonyms and some new records to this region are also included. Ystem Having estimated all the works dealing with the subdivision of the genus by the previous authors, the system of O. C. Schmidt (1935) is chosen as the basis, with a change of the sequence of the subdivisions. The subgenus Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C. Schmidt, which has indefinite stamens and gynandrous lobes, seems to be better considered as the most primitive one in the genus, while the subgenus Siphisia (Raf.) Duch., which has definite stamens and gynandrous lobes, anthers arranged in 3 pairs and more modifications of the perianth, seems to be the most advanced one. The perianth of the subgenus Siphisia has differentiated into several types, and it is more rational using this character to classify sections than lobes of the gynostemium. In this way, three new sections has been established. A suggested system of the genus is summarized as follows: Subgen. 1. Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C. Schmidt Subgen. 2. Aristolochia: Sect. 1. Aristolochia (2 series), Sect. 2. Gymnolobus Duch. Subgen. 3. Siphisia (Raf.) Duch.: Sect. 3. Pentodon Klotz, Sect. 4. Odontosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 5. Leptosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 6. Nepenthesia Klotz., Sect. 7. Obliquosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 8. Siphisia (2 series). Evolution According to the character analysis of the genera of Aristolochiaceae, the evolutionary trends of the family are proposed as follows: 1, the perianth from double to single, from cup-like to tubular, 2, stamens from indefinite to definite, from separate from pistil to united into a gynostemium with pistil, which is a major evolutionary line in the family, 3, ovary from half-superior to inferior, and 4, fruit from a follicle to a capsule. It is evident that the genus Aristolochia, with a tubular perianth, stamens 6, a gynostemium, an inferior ovary and a capsule, is in highly advanced position in the family. The subgenus Pararistolochia, which has more stamens and more lobes of gynostemium, is very similar to the genus Thottea Rottb. and thus better considered as the most primitive subgenus in the genus. The subgenus Siphisia, which has definite stamens (6) in 3 pairs and 6 lobes of gynostemium as well as the polyploid feature (2n=4x=28), is the most advanced subgenus. As a result of the character analysis, the evolutionary trends of the subgenera in the genus, which are in accordance with those of the family, are proposed as follows: 1. stamens from indefinite to definite, and 2. gynostemium lobes from more to less. Distribution The more primitive subgenus Pararistolochia is only distributed in West Africa (except 1 species in Malesia), the subgenus Aristolochia in the tropical and subtropical regions, rarely in the temperate one, and the most advanced subgenus Siphisia occurs mainly in E. Asia, occasionally in N. America. The result of this work shows that the Hengduan Mountains is the second center of distribution after South America. The second center of distribution is of following features: 1. complex composition of taxa, among 3 subgenera and 8 sections, 2 subgenera and 7 sections have been recorded here, 2. rich in species, more than half of the total E. & S. Asian species, i.e. about 42 species have been found in this region, and 3. numerous endemics, more than 85 percent of the total number of species in the region, i.e. about 35 species, are endemic. Cytotaxonomy and taxonomic treatment The known chromosome numbers in 43 species, with 34 reported by Gregory (1956) and Fedorov (1969), together with 9 species newly reported in this work, show that Subgen. Aristolochia with 2n=2x=14, rarely 12, is apparently more primitive than Subgen. Siphisia with 2n=2x=28.  相似文献   

发表了产于云南西部的玉山竹属一新种永德玉山竹(Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J. Y. Shi)。补充记载了雪山箭竹(Fargesia lincangensis Yi)的花部特征。  相似文献   

1植物名称巨紫荆((Cercls gtgantea Cheng et Keng f.),植株来源于本校校园内。2材料类别9月上旬巨紫荆荚果中未成熟种胚。3培养条件幼胚萌发与无菌苗生长的培养基:(1)-(3)1/2MS+6-BA0.5mg.L-1(单位下同)+蔗糖(2%、2.5%、3%);(4)-(6)1/2MS0+6-BA0.5+蔗;膪(2%、2.5%、3%);(7)~(8)1/2MS+6-BA0.5+维生素C(Vc,0.5、1.0);(9)-(10)1/2MS0+6-BA0.5+Vc(0.5、1.0)。芽增殖培养基:(11)MK+6-BA0.5+NAA0.1;(12)MK+6-BA0,75+NAA0.1;(13)MK+6-BA0.5+NAA0.25;(14)MK+6-BA0.75+NAA0.25;(15)MK+6-BA1.0+NAA0.25;(16)MK+6-BA1.5+NAA0.25;壮苗培养基:(17)MK+6-BA0.75+NAA0.1+1.0g.L-1水解酪蛋白(CH);08)MK+6.BA1.O+NAA0.1+1.0g.L-1CH;(19)MK+6-BA0.75+NAA0.25+1.0g.L-1CH;(20)MK+6-BAl.0+NAAO.25+1.0g.L-1 CH;(21)MK+6.BA1.5+NAA0.25+1.0g.L-1CH。生根培养基:(22)MK+IBA0.5+NAA1.O;(23)MK+IBA1.O+NAA0.5;(24)MK+IBA1.0+NAA1.O;(25)MK+IBA1.5+NAA0.5;(26)MK+IBA1.5+NAA1.0。培养基(7)-(26)添加2.5%的蔗糖。  相似文献   

Analysis of the pericarp structure in the four genera of the palm subtribe Dypsidinae reveals tissues similar to those in other taxa within the pseudomonomerous Indo-Pacific arecoid palms, but generally in unspecialized configurations consistent with their presumed basal position within this group. Unique tissues within some members of genus Dypsis include thin-walled, tannin-filled fibers around the vascular bundles. Large-fruited members of the presumably related genera Lemurophoenix, Masoala, and Marojejya show more distinctive arrangements of protective tissues and are quite different from one another. Only Marojejya appears to be closely related to Dypsis. Lemurophoenix and Masoala, by possession of both unsheathed vascular bundles and bundles with heavy fibrous sheaths, show possible affinities with genera well-removed from Dypsis.  相似文献   

This study represents a preliminary sampling of the pericarp histology of the subtribe Iguanurinae (tribe Areceae, subfamily Arecoideae) of the family Arecaceae. At least one sample from each of the 27 recognized genera was examined and illustrated with a line drawing. This sampling serves to characterize fruit structure in the subtribe as a whole, to illustrate the diversity of pericarp adaptations found in the subtribe, to characterize the monotypic genera, to provide hypotheses about the characterization of the larger genera, and to test existing phylogenetic hypotheses about the Iguanurinae. There are no unique tissues present in the pericarp in this subtribe, but genera can be readily characterized by unique combinations and distributional patterns in common tissues. These patterns, and some prominent evolutionary trends, parallel those in related subtribes of Areceae, such as the Ptychospermatinae and Arecinae. Significant in this subtribe is variation in the distribution of tanniniferous cells, raphide-bearing cells and brachysclereids, in the sculpturing of the seed and the locular epidermis, in the thickness of the locular epidermis, in the thickness of the fibrous vascular bundle sheaths, and especially in the number, orientation and distribution of nonvascular fibrous bundles. One major trend is the formation of systems of separate fibrous bundles and their progressive displacement toward the outer layer of the fruit, where a complex exocarp may form. The diversity of pericarp structure in the Iguanurinae is far greater than in the two subtribes previously studied.  相似文献   

Pericarp histology in the Oncospermatinae reveals distinctive characters at the generic level but no unique characters at the subtribal level. Pericarp structure is diverse but parallels the diversity found in other subtribes of the Areceae. The subtribe appears to be divisible into two distinct groups: one in which sclereids alone provide the primary protective barrier in the outer fruit and one in which fibrous bundles, some-times in combination with brachysclereids, form the outer barrier. This division of the subtribe supports similar conclusions derived from morphological data.  相似文献   

粳稻花药培养基因型差异的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
对7个粳稻(Oryza sativa L. sub sp. kcng)品种按双列杂交方式配成的21个杂交组合进行花药培养,测定它们的愈伤组织诱导率和绿苗分化率。统计分析表明,基因型变异方差、一般配合力方差及特殊配合力方差均达到极显著水平。对亲本的一般配合力效应和组合的特殊配合力效应也进行了估算。研究表明,粳稻花药培养力是可遗传的,用高培养力的材料做亲本以提高杂种花粉植株的产量是有效的。此外还观察到供体植株在小孢子单核晚期前10天左右遇到特殊低温会使愈伤组织诱导率下降。  相似文献   

Pericarp histology in the Archontophoenicinae provides little to characterize the subtribe as a whole, revealing instead two separate trends with parallels in other subtribes of the Areceae. The data support a close relationship among the three genera occurring in New Caledonia:Chambeyronia, Actinokentia, andKentiopsis, in which there is a complex endocarp consisting of short, oblique fibrous bundles embedded in a thick mantle of brachysclereids, and a loose endocarp of heavily fibrous, flattened vascular bundles adjacent to a relatively thin locular epidermis. The data also support a close relationship between the two genera of the New Zealand/Tasman Sea region:Hedyscepe andRhopalostylis, in which the pericarp is more or less fibrous throughout, with purely fibrous bundles in the outer pericarp and heavily fibrous vascular bundles in the inner pericarp. These results confirm relationships revealed by other morphological data.Archontophoenix appears to be most like the New Caledonian genera in its pericarp structure, with a similar mantle of short fibrous bundles embedded in a a mantle of brachysclereids in the outer pericarp, although it differs significantly in other aspects of morphology and anatomy.  相似文献   

The pericarp structure of representative species of the four genera of the subtribe Linospadicinae is described and compared. Tissues found in the pericarp of this group are similar to those found in other subtribes of the Areceae, with no characters unique to the subtribe and nothing to suggest its closest affinities. The four genera, as well as each species examined, do show distinctive pericarp features, however.Laccospadix andLinospadix are similar, both with a single series of fibrous, bundles and an outer series of prominent raphide-bearing cells dominating the pericarp. In bothHowea andCalyptrocalyx, a complex exocarp forms from a series of fibrous bundles and brachysclereids, but each genus has other distinctive characters.Howea has vascular bundles in the exocarp zone, an outer series of raphide-bearing cells, and a conspicuously thickened locular epidermis. Based on a limited sample of four species, raphide-bearing cells appear to be always interior to the exocarp inCalyptrocalyx, and the locular epidermis is thin.  相似文献   

獐牙菜亚族(subtribe Swertiinae)是龙胆科(Gentianaceae)中分类处理较困难的一个亚族。为探讨该亚族各属之间和属内的系统关系,选取了该亚族86种及变种,采用ML和BI方法对样本的叶绿体基因mat K和rbc L片段进行分析,构建了该亚族的系统发育树,用马尔科夫蒙特卡洛算法(MCMC)的分子序列贝叶斯分析推算了该亚族的关键演化时间点。结果显示:①龙胆亚族和獐牙菜亚族各自为单系,且互为姐妹类群;②獐牙菜属、假龙胆属、肋柱花属和喉毛花属均不是单系群,各属的种在系统发育树上互有交叉,特别是獐牙菜属的多个种分别聚到不同的支上,与其它属是并系关系;③獐牙菜亚族49个种在约4 Ma开始形成;④分子数据支持何廷农分类系统对于獐牙菜亚属和多枝亚属的属间划分,部分支持多枝亚属下多枝组和宽丝组的划分;⑤异型花属、獐牙菜属、假龙胆属、喉毛花和肋柱花属的属间分类以及獐牙菜属肉根亚属密花组的系统位置仍需进一步讨论。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种:高褶石仙桃[Pholidota advena(Par. & Rchb. f.) Hook. f.],并提供了描述与图片。该种与石仙桃(P. chinensis Lindl.)相似,但下唇具3~5个明显隆起的片状脊以及上唇有3个波浪状龙骨一直向顶端延伸汇合。  相似文献   

三尖杉属(Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.)属名和三尖杉(Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.)种名名称在文献引证时存在混乱和错误.三尖杉属属名被引证为“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.——Gen.Pl.Suppl.2:27.1842.”和“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.ex Endl.——Gen.Pl.Suppl.2:27.1842.”两种形式.而三尖杉的名称被引证为4种形式:①Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.;②Cephalotaxus fortunii Hook.;③Cephalotaxus fortuni Hook.和④Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f..为保持分类群名称的唯一性和稳定性,经原始文献考证,以及按照国际植物命名法规(Vienna Code,2006)的有关规定,确认三尖杉属属名和三尖杉种名名称的正确引证形式应分别是:“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.——Fl.Jap.Ⅱ.66.1870.”和“Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.——Curtis,s Bot.Mag.76:t.4499.1850.‘fortuni’”.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae is reported and the main viewpoints are summarized as follows: (1) Two major types of pollen grains, i.e., monosulcate,ellipsoidal pollen and inaperturate, spheroidal pollen, are identified in the genus Tupistra. The species with monosulcate, ellipsoidal pollen usually have monomodal karyotypes, brightcolored flower, smaller stigma, and stamens inserted at upper or middle part of perianth tube, while the inaperturate and spheroidal pollen is always found in the species with bimodal karyotypes, dingy-colored flower, swollen stigma and stamens inserted at the base of perianth tube. (2) Pollen grains in the genus Rhodea are monosulcate and ellipsoidal, while those in the genus Aspidistra are inaperturate and spheroidal, correspondingly similar to the second type of pollen grains in the genus Tupistra. (3) The most primitive pollen in the subtribe Aspidistinae is regarded as monosulcate and ellipsoidal, having perforate or reticulate exine sculpture. The inaperturate, spheroidal pollen with verrucate, gemmate or rugulate exine sculpture is considered derived; (4) Unlike those reported in other groups of the family Liliaceae, the infraspecific pollen shape, aperture type and exine sculpture in Aspidistrinae are basically stable and may serve as a taxonomic character.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Euphorbiinae were inferred from our analysis of the 3′; end of the chloroplast gene ndhF. A sampling of that subtribe covered 88 species; 3 closely related species from the subtribes Anthosteminae and Neoguillauminiinae and the tiribe Hippomaneae were included as outgroups. A phylogenetic assessment was carried out using the parsimony approach. The relationships revealed via these ndhF data supported the monophyly of subg.Esula, subg.Chamaesyce, subg.Euphorbia, and subg.Lacanthis. However, the polyphyly of subg.Agaloma, subg.Lyciopsis, and subg.Eremophyton also was strongly suggested. The African succulent Euphorbiinae can be divided into primarily two independent groups: 1) spiny succulents, which form a strongly supported clade with three subclades (subg.Euphorbia, subg.Lacanthis, andMonadenium+Synadenium); and 2) non-spiny succulents, which consist of sect.Meleuphorbia, sect.Medusae, sect.Anthacantha, sect.Trichadenia, sect.Pseudeuphorbium, sect.Treisia, and sect.Pseudacalypha. In the ndhF tree, the subg.Esula clade is placed as a sister to the rest of the Euphorbiinae. Thus, the origin of theEuphorbia s.I. should be sought within the herbaceous species of subg.Esula. The core North American endemicEuphorbia groups --Agaloma, Chamaesyce, andPoinsettia — are monophyletic and independent of the South American subg.Agaloma. Instead, they are derived from the AfricanEuphorbia subg.Lyciopsis andEremophyton. The Eurasian subg.Esula clade forms two subclades, which are concordant to sect.Esula and sect.Tithymalus.  相似文献   

发表了云南高黎贡山西坡玉山竹属二新种:大玉山竹(Yushania gigantea Yi et L.Yang)和片马玉山竹(Yushania pianmaensis Yi et L.Yang)。大玉山竹近似西藏玉山竹(Y.xizangensis Yi),不同在于秆柄粗壮,直径7~12 mm,节间长达2.5 cm;秆较高大,高6~7 m,节间分枝一侧基部扁平或具短纵沟槽;小枝具(5)6(7)叶;叶鞘较长,长(2.5)3.2~4.8 cm;叶柄无毛;叶片较大,长(3.5)10~ 18(20) cm,宽(4.5)8~13(18) mm,易于区别。片马玉山竹相似大玉山竹(Y.gigantea Yi et L.Yang),但本种秆较矮小,高2.5~4 m,直径1~1.8(2.5) cm;枝条较多而细,在秆上每节12~30枚,直径1~1.5(2) mm;箨鞘背面无毛,箨片较小,长1.5~3.5 cm,宽1~2.5 mm;小枝具叶较少,为(3)4~5枚;叶片较小,长达12.5 cm,宽达8 mm。  相似文献   

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