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Coniopteris magnifica sp. nov., Ctenophyllum chenyuanense sp. nov., C. laxilobum sp. nov., Mironeura dakengensis Zhou, are derived from the Xiangxi Formation (s.s.), Western Hubei. According to the aspect and characteristic of the Xiangxi flora, author considers the Xiangxi Formation as Early Jurassic in age. In this paper, the relative problem between the coal-bearing and the fossil plants is briefly discussed also.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the fossil plants from Gutian Formation in Lianyang, Guangdong, totaling 14 genera and 18 species. They are: Paracalamites sp., Annularia pinglogensis (Sze) Gu et Zhi, Lobatannularia cathaysiana Yao, L. Multifolia Kon’on et Asama, L. sp., Schizoneura wangtangiana sp. nov., Pecopteris hemitelioides Brongn., P. valida sp. nov., Cladophlebis vavia sp. nov., Danaeites guangdongensis sp. nov., Ptychocarpus unauriculatus sp. nov., Odontopteris plicatoides sp. nov., Neuropteridiopsis longovata gen. et sp. nov., Compsopteris contracta Gu et Zhi, Gigantonoclea crassa sp. nov., Gigantopteris ?nicotianaefolia Schenk, G. parvipinnulata sp. nov. and Rhipidopsis sp. Among them one new genus, 9 new spp. and 2 undetermined spp. are described. According to the fusulinids lived in the late Early Permian era are descovered at the top of this Formation, the geological era of present flora must not be later than late Early Permian. Therefore, the geological era of Gutian Formation are certain to be the Late Early Permian.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the fossil plants from the Yuntaiguan formation located between Hunan and Hubei province. There are six genera and ten species (containing a new genus and five new species) to be discussed here, such as Protolepidodendron scha-ryanum Krejci, Barrandeina dusliana (Krejci) Stur, B. contigua sp. nov., B. lixianensis sp. nov., B. multistriata sp. nov., B. laxa sp. nov., Drepanophycus spinaeformis Goepp., “Protopteridium”? minutum Halle, Psilophyti4es sp. and Longostachys latisporophyllus gen. et sp. nov., etc. The appearance of this fossil flora concerned here can be correlated to the Protolepidodendron scharyanum-Barrandeina dusliana Assemblage. Among these fossil plants from Yuntaiguan formation, both the Protolepidodendron scharyanum and Barrandeina dusliana are also the index fossils, the prior was wide spread during the Middle Devonian in whole world and the other was only found at the late Middle Devonian in Europe. In the Yuntaiguan formation the genus Barrandeina containing no less than five species and, the other taxa were also found from the Middle or the late Middle Devonian. So that this formation should be referred to the late Middle Devonian in age and this conclusion corresponds with the result of spore-pollen analysis in the Xiushuigou formation, Xiongzi county, which is similar to the Yuntaiguan formation and has been referred to the Middle Devonian. In this paper, only four species of Barrandeina and one species of Longostachys have been described, those of the former have not been found before in China. The authors think; this will be significant on studying fossil plants and in comparison with the age of the strata.  相似文献   

This paper reports fossil plants from Xingyuan Formation, Pingzhuang Chifeng, Nei Monggol of China. The relationships between this flora and Fuxin Formation are discussed. We have also considered the relationship between this flora and the Japanese Late Jurassic flora. Meanwhile, We have described the new species-Ginkgoites pingzhangensis, and studied its cutical under both optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight dicotyledonous leaf morphotypes and some monocot leaf fragments are described from the Kapcharar, Kabogongoi, Koibo Chepkweny and Inoswa Kamelon localities in the upper third of the Lukeino Formation, Tugen Hills, Baringo Basin (Kenya). The leaves are preserved in fine-grained paper shales and range in length from 9 to 160 mm. Some of the leaves show affinities with extant species in the Burseraceae, Ebenaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Loganiaceae, Malvaceae and Sapotaceae families that are common in the local flora today. There are compound and simple leaves, mostly entire-margined and with only 10% non-entire margins. A CLAMP analysis of the Kapcharar leaves indicates that the local climate was seasonal, summer wet with 1723 mm mean annual rainfall and with a mean annual temperature of 19.8 °C. The vegetation was a deciduous forest or woodland with open areas nearby. A monocot leaf and two fragments of fern pinnae are also described; they imply locally wetter environments. The flora described here is directly associated with the early hominid Orrorin tugenensis.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a few fossil plants of the Jiuligang Formation found ill Jingmen-Dangyang Basin, western Hubei, China. Of which a few are related to paleozoic taxa, such as Compsopteris laxivenosa sp. nov. and C. xiheensis (Feng) comb. nov., Besides those, Paradrepanozamites dadaochangensis Chen, emend, nov. and P. minor sp. nov. are described. The geological age of the Jiuligang Formation is assigned to Carnic to early Noric.  相似文献   

湖北鳞毛蕨属植物分布新记录   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了湖北鳞毛蕨属8个新记录种,所引证的标本。全部收藏于中国科学院武汉植物研究所标本馆(HIB)。  相似文献   

The fossil plants were collected from Taohaiyingzi Formation occurring at Taohaiyingzi and Ailaishaorong of eastern Nei Monggol. The new species, such as Rhipidopsis taohaiyingensis (sp. nov.) and P. ailaishaorongensis (sp. nov.) are described. The writer considered that the fossil plants indicate that this bearingbeds belong to Late Permian.  相似文献   

报道了在鄂西北竹溪县发现的湖北禾本科及莎草科植物新纪录7种,3变种,Catnbrosa Beauv.和Brachyelytrum Beauv.为新记录属。引证的标本保存在中国科学院武汉植物园标本馆或国家标本馆。  相似文献   

报道了在鄂西北竹溪县发现的湖北蕨类和种子植物28个新记录种、1个新记录亚种及1个新记录变种。其中陕西羽叶报春(Primula filchnerae Knuth)曾被植物界视为可能灭绝的植物,为国内植物学者在野外首次重新发现,刺棒南星[Arisaema echinatum(Wall.)Schott]出现长距离间断分布新格局。文中引证的标本收藏入中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE)、武汉植物园标本馆(HIB)、昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

湘鄂边境地区茅口组上段褐藻类化石的发现及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯少南 《植物学报》1989,6(3):178-181
本文扼要地叙述湘鄂边境地区下二叠统茅口组上段含碳硅质泥岩(石煤)中褐藻类化石的发现,定名为拟墨角藻(未定种)Quasifucus sp.,并由此推测藻类是形成石煤的一种主要物质成分。  相似文献   

With a careful study of the external forms and the cuticles of the fossil leaves, a species of Thinafeldia, which was collected from Langdai, Liuzhi County of Guizhou Province, has been identified as T. rhomboidalis Ett. Compare with two other species T. alethopteroides Sze and T. laxa Sze found in Yanchang Formation, Northern Shaanxi, which showed very similar external form (no cuticle structure) of T. rhomboidalis, therefore it is appropriate to clarify them as T. rhomboidalis. As for the genus Thinnfeldia, based on the study of Chinese material, the author set forth her opinion that Thianfeldia should be a separate genus instead of merging into the genus of Pachypteris as has been clarified by many palaeobotanists.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of fossil wood belonging to eleven genera and seven families were identified from 38 well preserved specimens collected from the Lower Coal-bearing Formation of Janggi Group at Donghae-myeon, Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Prefecture, Korea. Seven new taxa were found and described; they are Carya koreana Jeong et Kim, Betula janggiensis Jeong et Kim, Carpinus donghaensis Jeong et Kim, Ostrya geumgwangensis Jeong et Kim, Stewartia pseudo-camellioxylon Jeong et Kim, Acer minokamoensis Jeong, Kim et Suzuki and Acer pohangensis Jeong et Kim. The most abundant taxa are Betulaceae, Aceraceae, Ulmaceae, and Wataria. Except Wataria of which the habitat preference has not been confirmed, these taxa are major elements of cool-temperate vegetation and are similar to the Aniai-type flora of Japan. Previous studies of fossil plants from the Geumgwangdong Shale (leaves and seeds), the Upper Coal-bearing Formation (fossil woods) and the Yeonil Group (leaves and seeds) and this study, show that the climate of the Pohang Basin changed from cool-temperate to warm-temperate and subtropical during the Miocene.  相似文献   

记述产自中国辽西的逍遥蛛科化石1新属:白垩逍遥蛛属Cretadromus gen.nov.,1新种:辽宁白垩逍遥蛛Cretadromus liaoningensis sp.nov.:这是逍遥蛛科化石在中国的首次发现,也是逍遥蛛科在晚侏罗世-早白垩世的首次报道。标本采白辽宁省凌源市大王杖子晚侏罗世-早白垩世义县组地层,现存于大连自然博物馆:  相似文献   

Silicified fossil woods from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Aachen Formation of northeast Belgium, southernmost Netherlands and adjacent Germany were investigated. Gymnosperms dominate this assemblage: Taxodioxylon gypsaceum, T. cf. gypsaceum, T. cf. albertense (all Taxodiaceae), Dammaroxylon aachenense sp. nov. (Araucariaceae), Pinuxylon sp. (Pinaceae), and Scalaroxylon sp. (Cycad or Cycadeoid). Angiosperms are minor constituents: Nyssoxylon sp. (Nyssaceae?, Cornaceae?), Mastixioxylon symplocoides sp. nov. (Mastixiaceae?, Symplocaceae?), Plataninium decipiens (Platanaceae) and Paraphyllanthoxylon cf. marylandense (Anacardiaceae?, Burseraceae?, Lauraceae?).The composition of this assemblage and the anatomy of the woods indicate a seasonal and humid warm-temperate to subtropical climate.  相似文献   

The cordaitean plants distributed throughout the Carboniferous and Permian of Cathaysian in China. There are four modes of the cordaitean plant preservation, viz. by impression, compression, pith cast, and permineralization. The cordaitean plants preserved by the respective types are listed as follows: 1. By impression, Cordaites principalis, C. schenkii, C. borassifolia, C. vetted, C. sandlimorpha, C. linsiana, C. yujiaensis, C. albostriata, C. linearis, C. dengfengensis, C. oblongifolius; Cordaitanthus volkmannii, C. curtus, C. taiyuanensis, C. rigidus, C. digymois ; 2. By compression, Cordaites baodeensis, C. huainanensis, and one unnamed cuticle of Cordaites in the coal of Taiyuan Formation from Xuzhou Coalfield, Jiangsu Province; 3. By pith cast, Artisia approximata; 4. By pennineralization, including four organ assemblages in the coalballs, namely Shanxioxylon sinense assemblage, Sh. taiyuanense assemblage, Pennsylvanioxylon tianii assemblage and Penn. cf. nauertianum assemblage; and one silified cordaitean stem Dadoxylon ( Cordaites ) sahnii with a septate pith. Cordaitean leaves appeared at first in Visean (Early Carboniferous), but they did not become common until Stephanian (Late Carboniferous) and Early Permian and distributed throughout the south, north and northwest of China. Especially in Taiyuan Formation, Shanxi Formation and Lower Shihezi Formation, up to 13 species of the cordaitean leaves have been recorded. Besides some large leaves, such as Cordaites principalis and C. schenkii etc. and several small ones, such as C. vetteri, C. sandlimorpha, C. linsiana, C. albostriata, C. dentgfengensis and C. oblongifolius appeared in Early Permian. In the early kate Permian, cordaitean leaves were abundant only in the southern part of North China and some places of South China. And they became few in the late Late Permian in the whole region of Cathaysian Flora in China. Cones and seeds of cordaites now are mainly reported from the Lower Permian in north and northwest of China and so did the permineralized cordaitean plants.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Lower Carboniferous fossil plants, 19 genera and 41 species including 10 new species, such as Sublepidodeneron wcwgtanense, Lepidodendron sophoroides, Adiantites lianpingensis, A. matouensis, Archaeopteridium shaoguanense, Rhacopteris angusta, Rhodeites lanceolata, Neuropteris shaoguanensis, Potoniea turbinata and P. racemicarpa. According to the distributive regularity of those fossils in stratigraphic section of Early Carboniferous from Guangdong area, the authors propose to divide the flora into three assemblages from lower to upper, namely, 1, Sublepidodendron mirabile assemblage; 2. Cardiopteridium spetsbergense-Adiantites gothanii assemblage; 3. Archaeopteridium-Sphenopteris obtusiloba assemblage, which separately represent the dispositions of Dahu Formation (the 1st assemblage), the lower part of Ceshui Formation (the 2nd assemblage) and upper part of Ceshui Formation or middle part of Zhongxin Formation (the 3rd assemblage).  相似文献   

The conodont fauna from the Willara Formation, a carbonate-dominated stratigraphic unit widely distributed in the subsurface Canning Basin of Western Australia, is represented by 41 species, including a new species, Erraticodon neopatu Zhen n. sp. The Jumudontus gananda and Histiodella altifrons biozones are recognized in the lower and upper parts, respectively, of the Willara Formation. Deposited primarily in shallow nearshore settings, the Willara Formation is characterized by the occurrence of predominantly long-range coniform species of Triangulodus, Scalpellodus, Drepanoistodus, Drepanodus, and Kirkupodus. Several widely distributed age-diagnostic species, including Histiodella altifrons, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella serrata, and Jumudontus gananda, serve as keys for biostratigraphic analysis and correlation. Our study also shows that the basal and top boundaries of the Willara Formation are diachronous across the basin, extending from the middle Floian (Oepikodus communis Biozone) to middle Darriwilian (Histiodella holodentata-Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus Biozone). This contribution provides crucial new biostratigraphic data for precise correlation of the Willara Formation with its time equivalents regionally and internationally.  相似文献   

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