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So far, the 15 genera of bamboos with creeping rhizomes in China have been known. Based on the types and evolution of inflorescence, which have been discussed in the paper, and other criteria of classification, the opinions are given as follows: 1. Some species of Semiarundinaria spp. McClure and Sinobambusa spp. McClure should be separated and regarded as representing a new genus, because the racemes of the some species are different from false inflorescence (indeterminate infl.) of the type species of the two genera, and some other species should be transfered to the genus Pleioblastus. 2. On account of the similarities in the type of inflorescence and pistil, Brachystachyum may be combined with Semiarundinaria. 3. As the inflorescence, pistil and rhizome of Sinarundinaria are similar in those of Fargesia, the two genera should be combined. Due to the inflorescence of Fargesia is different from that of Thamnocalamus, therefore, these two genera must be kept separating. 4. Key to the Genera of Chinese bamboos with creeping rhizomes is provided inthis paper. But the key is available to flowering materials only, because the construction of it is mainly based on reproductive organs.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxa of tribe Arundinarieae Steud. subtribe Pleiobalastinae Keng and Keng f. which comprised three genera (Pseudosasa Makino, Pleioblastus Nakai and Brachystachyum Keng) when it was established in 1957. With the analysis of morphological characters and geographical distribution, a number of revisions connected with the taxon are made as follows: (1) Genus Brachystachyum Keng is transferred to the tribe Shibataeeae Nakai according to its false inflorescence. (2) Genus Pseudosasa Makino is transferred to subtribe Sasinae Keng f. according to our study on the numerical taxonomic method. (3) Some species of Pleioblastus Nakai established by Keng and Keng f. should be revised. Pleioblastus actinotrichus (Merr. and Chun) Keng f. should be Ampelocalamus actinotrichus (Merr. and Chun) S. L. Chen, T. H. Wen and G. Y. Sheng in subtribe Thamnocalaminae Keng f.; Pleioblastus dolichanthus (Keng) Keng f. is the synonym of Sinobambusa tootsik (Sieb.) Makino, belonging to tribe Shibataeeae Nakai. The rest species remain in this genus. Since the genus Pleioblastus is related to genus Arundinaria Michaux., subtribe Pleioblastus Keng and Keng f. does not seem to have a reason to be retained as a subtribe in tribe Arundinarieae Steud., according to the newest Code (1978). A part of it should be a synonym of subtribe Arundinariinae and we may cite it as follows: Subtribe Arundinariinae——Subtribe Pleioblastinae Keng and Keng f. pro parte, syn. nov. The other parts of it should be transferred to other subtribes or tribes. In addition, one new variety in Branchystachyum, two new species, one new variety in Pseudosasa and six new species, three new varieties in Pleioblastus, are described in this paper.  相似文献   

Phylogenetics of 33 species (35 species in the ITS analysis) of the Thamnocalamus group and its allies inferred from partial sequences of the nuclear GBSSI gene and from those of the nuclear ribosomal ITS spacer was discussed in the present paper. The analyses of two separate data and combined data sets were performed using the parsimony method. Two species from Arundinaria and Acidosasa were used as outgroups. All three analyses supported the monophyly of the Thamnocalamus group and its allies, which have pachymorph rhizomes and semelauctant synflorescences with three stamens. The two sampled species of Chimonocalamus were resolved as a strongly supported monophyletic group and as basal in the Thamnocalamus group and its allies in the ITS and combined analyses. The resolution of the Thamnocalamus group and its allies in the GBSSI-gene-based tree was generally poor, while the gene still identified some clades with strongly internal supports, i.e., the Chimonocalamus clade, the Ampelocalamus clade, the clade of Thamnocalamus spathiflorus and its variety, that of Fargesia porphyrea and Yushania bojieana, and the clade of Fargesia edulis and Fargesia fungosa. The topology resulting from the GBSSI and ITS combined data analysis had a better resolution than those from the two separate data sets. T. spathiflorus and its variety comprised another strongly supported basal clade and may be next to the Chimonocalamus clade. The positions of the African Thamnocalamus tessellatus and Arundinaria (Yushania) alpina, and the monotypic Chinese endemic Gaoligongshania were problematic. The Thamnocalamus group per se was resolved as polyphyletic. Most species of Fargesia and Yushania formed a group with no bootstrap support. This assemblage was heterogeneous according to the morphological characters and further investigation is needed. This study implicated that the current limitation of three genera of Thamnocalamus, Fargesia (incl. Borinda) and Yushania may not reflect the true phylogenetic relationships of the complex. The phylogenetic utility of GBSSI gene in closely related woody bamboos was also evaluated.  相似文献   

In this paper, 21 species representing 13 genera were studied by means of humerical taxonomic methodes. One geographical and 52 morphological characters were used. The correlation coefficients were computed by standardized data, and the various clustering methods were performed on the correlation matr x. The UPGMA clustering method was selected as the optimal one and its results were shown in the form of dendrograms. We present a simple method to construct the joint and broken lines by which the boundary of the genera, subtribes and tribes in the dendrogram is determined. By means of numerical taxonomic methods, we can easily work out a systematic dendrogram and the following taxonomic treatments are easily proposed: (1) Sasamorpha sinica (Keng) Koidz. should be reffered to the genus Sasa Makino & Shibata. (2) Pseudosasa amabilis (McClure) Keng f. should belong to the genus Pseudosasa Makino and should not be referred to the genus Arundinaria Michaux. (3) The genus Brachystachyum Keng should be considered as a separate one. (4) The genus Pleioblastus Nakai should not be combined with the genus Arun-dinaria Michaux, but kept as an independent one.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses, using the parsimony method and the neighbor-joining method, of 31 species of the Thamnocalamus group and its allies based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences in nuclear ribosomal DNA are presented. Two species from Arundinaria and Acidosasa were used as outgroups. The ITS phylogeny strongly supports the monophyly of the Thamnocalamus group and its allies, which have pachymorph rhizomes and semelauctant synflorescences with three stamens. Within this clade, Chimonocalamus pallens was resolved in the basal position. The Thamnocalamus group, including species placed in Thamnocalamus, Fargesia (Sinarundinaria, Borinda), and Yushania, may be polyphyletic/paraphyletic according to the ITS phylogeny, but internal support was relatively low. All three sampled species of Ampelocalamus were resolved as a monophyletic group and may be related to Drepanostachyum hookerianum. Two taxa of Thamnocalamus and the species Gaoligongshania megalothyrsa were resolved as monophyletic despite their different morphological characters, but again with a low bootstrap support. Within the Fargesia yunnanensis subclade, the sister relationship of Fargesia fungosa and Fargesia edulis was supported. Another subclade, the Fargesia communis clade, was also weakly supported as monophyletic. However, further resolution within the Thamnocalamus group has not been provided by this sequence data. The results indicate that reevaluation of relationships within this group is necessary.  相似文献   

Shibataea Makino is a genus of Subfam. Bambusoideae, with 8 species, distributed in Southeast China and Southwest Japan. In China wild plants of the genus are found in Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, especially in Fujian and Zhejiang. The genus is also cultivated in parks of Guangzhou, Teibei and some other gardens. Raches of inflorescences in genera Semiarundinaria, Brachystachyum, Phyllostachys and Shibataea have many branches, even secondary branches. A large bract is often present at the base of each branch, and a prophyll in the axil of the bract in Tribe Shibataeeae Nakai. Moreover, an inflorescence is composed of numerous dense spikelets. This type of inflorescence may be considered primitive. The genera Indosasa and Sinobambusa are of more stamens (6 in the former and 3 or 4, 5 in the latter) than in the genera Semiarundinaria and Brachystachyum (only 3), and their inflorescences are very simple with fewer spikelets and raches,without the large bract. This type of inflorescence may be considered more advanced.  相似文献   

云南及邻近地区竹亚科增补   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
报道了云南竹亚科新记录2种,即冷箭竹和西藏香竹,归并了5个种名,它们是Chimonocalamus tortuosus Hsueh et Yi,Dendrocalamus factitus Yi,Chimonobambusa yunnnensis Hsueh et W.p.Zhang,Chimonobambusa nepourpurea Yi,Ferrocalamus rimosivaginus  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科矢竹属一新种——中岩茶秆竹(Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。本种与茶秆竹(P.amabilis(McClure) Keng f.)相近似,但箨环具明显箨基残留物和木栓质隆起,高于秆环,箨鞘顶端具小型外翻箨耳,耳缘具皱曲繸毛,箨舌几无毛或有短柔毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

Ixeris Cass., strinctly speaking, is confined to plants which have achenes with sharply winged ribs. Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. contains plants which have persistent radical leaves at anthesis and achenes with obtuse ribs and a fine rostrum at its apex. Paraixeris Nakai is restricted to plants which are of the same achenes as in the genus Ixeridium (A. Gray) Tzvel., but rostra of achenes are robust and radical leaves deciduous in flowering in the former. The Chorisis DC., a monotypic genus, is characterized by ternate palatisect leaves. In the light of the above mentioned understanding of these genera, the author thinks that the division of Chinese Ixeris group, a comparatively complex one, into four genera would be more reasonable than merging them into one genus, namely, Ixeris Cass. Based on the examination of specimens in the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (PE), the author found that there are four species in the genus Ixeris Cass., including one new combination in China. They are I. polycephala Cass., I. dissecta (Makino) Shih, I. japonica (Burm. f. ) Nakai and I. stolonifera A. Gray. The genus Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. has 13 species, including five new combinations and three new species in China, namely, I. sagittaroides (C. B. Clarke) Shih, I. gramineum (Ledb.) Tzvel., I. yunnarense Shih,I. graminifolium(Ledb.)Tzvel.,I, biparum Shih,I.aculeolatum Shih,I. chinense( Thunb. ) Tzvel., I. strigosum( Fisch. ) Tzvel., I. elegans( Franeh. ) Shih, I. sonchifolium (Maxim.)Shih,I. laevigatum (BI.)Shih,I. dentatum(Thunb. )Nakai and I. gracile(DC.)Shih, in China. There are six species in the genus Paraixeris Nakai, including One new combination, namely, P. denticulata(Houtt.) Nakai, P. humifusa(Dunn) Shih, P. cheldonifolia( Makino) Nakai, P. saxatilis( Baran. ) Tzvel., P.pinnatipartita (Makino)Tzvel. and P.serotina(Maxim.)Tzvel.in China.  相似文献   

The fern Athyrium crenulato-serrulatum Makino is found in the whole of Northeastern Asia embracing Northeastern China, Korea, Japan, Ussuri and the Far East USSR. It is similar to the European Athyrium distentifolium, formerly known as A. alpestre, in having exindusiate round or ovate sori, but differs in several essential characters, such as the well-spaced fronds are biseriately arranged along a thick and long-creeping rhizome, the base of stipe is thickened and not attenuated towards the point of attachment, the deltoid-ovate lamina with the basal pinnae as long as those next above, which all are distinctly petiolate and the rachis, costis and especially the costules of pinnules clad in fine pale-colored generally septate hairs underneath. All these clearly show that the fern in question is not an Athyrium sen. str. neither Pseudoathyrium Newman to which latter the fern was referred by Nakai. However, we have been long suspicious of its proper systematic position. In his recent monograph on the genus Cornopteris (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30: 104. 1979.) Kato has pointed out that C.crenulato-serrulata (Makino) Nakai “has the northernmost destribution in the genus and exhibits a few characteristics similar to Athyrium, the swollen base of stipes with projections and cartilaginous lamina margin. By these characteristics the species is clearly discriminated from other species”. According to Kurita (1964), Mitui (1970) and Karo (1978) the species in question has chromosome numbers n=40, the base number of the subfamily Athyrioides instead of x=41, the base number of the subfamily Diplazioides including Cornopteris Nakai. Since thefern in question fits no other athyrid genera, hence a new genus is proposed.  相似文献   

采自四川西部的二个柄锈菌新种,即寄生在小檗属Berberissp.上的岷山柄锈菌PucciniaminshanensisJ.Y.Zhuap&S.X.Wei和寄生在大箭竹Sinarundinariachungii(Keng)Kengf.上的箭竹生柄锈菌PucciniasinarundinarilcolaJ.Y.Zhuang&S.X.Wei。文中对新种进行了拉丁文描述并作了简要讨论,附有显微照片和线条图。标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对中国野青茅属的一些种类进行了修订。首次归并了5个类群,即将Deyeuxia pulchella var. laxa P.C.Kuo et S.L. Lu,D.gyirongensis P.C. Kuo et S.L.Lu,Calamagrostis megalantha Keng ex Keng f.并入 D. pulchella (Griseb.)Hook.f.作为异名;将D.venusta Keng,Calamagrostis longiflora Keng ex Keng f.并入D.flavens Keng作为异名;并确认D. compacta Munro ex Hook.f.与D.holciformis (Jaub.et Spach.)Bor是同一种。  相似文献   

广义青篱竹属(Arundinaria)核糖体DNA ITS序列及亲缘关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用PCR扩增产物直接测序的方法分析广义青篱竹属(Arundinaria)中有关争议类群的代表种或模式种(毛竹为外类群)等18种竹种的核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(Internal Transcribed Spacers,ITS)序列。通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,供试竹种形成一个自然的单系类群,这说明广义青篱竹属中这些不同的类群归属青篱竹属是合理的。17种竹种可聚为2大分支:其中斑苦竹(A,oleosa)、仙居苦竹(A.hsienchuensis)、茶秆竹(A.amabilis)、长叶苦竹(A.chino)、苦竹(A.amara)、宜兴苦竹(A.yixingensis)、菲白竹(A.fortunei)、翠竹(A.pygmaea)为一个分支;而大明竹(A.graminea)、巴山木竹(A.fargesii)、冷箭竹(A.faberi)、凤竹(A.hupehense)、鼓节矢竹(Pseudosasa japonica cv.Tsutsumiana)、矢竹(Pseudosasa japonica)、短穗竹(Brachystachyum densiflorum)、肿节竹(A.oedogonata)、少穗竹(A.sulcata)组合在另一分支。ITS系统发育树还表明,大明竹与巴山木竹、鼓节矢竹与矢竹、少穗竹与短穗竹和肿节竹关系极为密切,均得到较高的Bootstrap(分别为99%、100%和87%)的支持;茶秆竹与仙居苦竹关系非常密切,茶秆竹可归隶到青篱竹属中;翠竹和菲白竹关系密切,且与苦竹类竹种分为两个分支。  相似文献   

The relationship between spatial density and size of plants is an important topic in plant ecology. The self‐thinning rule suggests a ?3/2 power between average biomass and density or a ?1/2 power between stand yield and density. However, the self‐thinning rule based on total leaf area per plant and density of plants has been neglected presumably because of the lack of a method that can accurately estimate the total leaf area per plant. We aimed to find the relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant. We also attempted to provide a novel model for accurately describing the leaf shape of bamboos. We proposed a simplified Gielis equation with only two parameters to describe the leaf shape of bamboos one model parameter represented the overall ratio of leaf width to leaf length. Using this method, we compared some leaf parameters (leaf shape, number of leaves per plant, ratio of total leaf weight to aboveground weight per plant, and total leaf area per plant) of four bamboo species of genus Indocalamus Nakai (I. pedalis (Keng) P.C. Keng, I. pumilus Q.H. Dai and C.F. Keng, I. barbatus McClure, and I. victorialis P.C. Keng). We also explored the possible correlation between spatial density and total leaf area per plant using log‐linear regression. We found that the simplified Gielis equation fit the leaf shape of four bamboo species very well. Although all these four species belonged to the same genus, there were still significant differences in leaf shape. Significant differences also existed in leaf area per plant, ratio of leaf weight to aboveground weight per plant, and leaf length. In addition, we found that the total leaf area per plant decreased with increased spatial density. Therefore, we directly demonstrated the self‐thinning rule to improve light interception.  相似文献   

绿竹密竹链蚧的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏开炬 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):400-403
密竹链蚧Bambusaspis miliaris是危害绿竹(Dendrocalamopsis oldhami(Munro)Keng f.)的一种新害虫。在福建尤溪1年发生1代,以大量的1龄若虫和少部分卵在绿竹秆部、枝条和叶上越冬。每雌产卵量10~105粒,平均43.0粒。产卵、孵化盛期分别在5月下旬和6月下旬。用40%乐果原液2~5 mL秆部注药防治成虫或若虫,防治效果达93.8%以上。  相似文献   

Cornus L. s. 1. is a large polytypic genus. The classificantion of which has been so different that some authors recognize several separate genera, while others treat them as either subgenera or sections. New evidence from many disciplines such as palynology, cytology, wood anatomy and embryology supports the view that the genus should remain in the broad sense. I basically agree with the treatment by Ferguson (1966b) before my finishing a comprehensive study on Cornus L. s. 1. except for supporting the separation of subgenus Afrocrania as an independent genus. A new subgenus Sinocornus Q. Y. Xiang, containing one species, C. chinensis Wangerin, is established here on account of its inflorescence axillary and different from the other members of the genus which all have terminal inflorescences only. The inflorescence developed from a terminal bud implicates the sympodial nature of axis of stem and the one from an axillary bud the monopodial one. It is reasonable to regard the character as of subgeneric value. Also a new combination, Cornus subgen. Syncarpea (Nakai) Q. Y. Xiang, is proposed here as a substitute for Cornus subgen. Benthamia (C. B. Clarke) Schneider used for a long time. Because the valid publication of the former name subgen. Syncarpea Nakai is earlier than the latter one. The types of inflorescences of 8 subgenera represented by type or selected species are illustrated.  相似文献   

蔡联炳  吴珍兰 《植物研究》1997,17(4):380-388
根据外部形态上小穗的结构特征分析了针茅族中三角草属和冠毛草属的系统发育关系,并结合地理分布和生境条件对两属植物的起源中心进行了探讨。结果表明:三角草属和冠毛草属是针茅族中亲缘关系最近的类群;冠毛草属高级于三角草属;三角草属中的三角草是两属植物中最原始的种型,它可能既派生了属内的假冠毛草,同时又派生了属外绝灭了的黑穗茅祖种,而黑穗茅祖种又在自身属内间接衍生出了冠毛草和单蕊冠毛草;冠毛草属和三角草属皆起源于我国的西藏地区,其中三角草属可能源于西藏西部,冠毛草属可能源于西藏东部。  相似文献   

Olmeca, a new bamboo genus of two species is described from southern Mexico. It is unique among New World bamboos in its production of fruits that are large and fleshy, in contrast to the smaller, dry type—caryopsis or achene—that characterizes the other genera. The fleshy fruit is found in few other bamboos, among them Dinochloa, Melocanna, and Ochlandra. These Asiatic genera are not all closely related to each other nor to the new American genus, but do share a similar type of habitat: the tropical lowland rain forest, where ample water is available throughout the year. Besides the rare type of fruit found in Olmeca, the rhizomes of this genus develop necks up to 8 m or more long, an uncommon feature among any world bamboo of the sympodial type. The solitary culms of Olmeca grow widely spaced from one another because of these elongated, intervening necks. One species. O. recta, is known only from the mountain range of Los Tuxtlas, in Veracruz, where it grows on acidic soils derived from basalt; the other, O. reflexa, occurs on calcareous soils and has a wider range that encompasses parts of Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas.  相似文献   

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