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Nuclear DNA clones and sequence information derived from human genetic analyses were used to detect and characterize intra- and inter-species DNA variation at several nuclear loci in hominoids and cercopithecoids. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found at five loci among captive rhesus monkeys. Cross-species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification detected an insertion within the beta-globin gene cluster in hylobatids. The combined use of cross-species PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis detected both species differences and intra-species polymorphism in the homeobox cluster 2 of hominoids. These results a) demonstrate that DNA clones and nucleotide sequence information from human molecular genetics can be used to facilitate studies of the molecular genetics of nonhuman primates, and b) document specific examples of intra- and inter-species molecular variability at several loci. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Some of the derivatives of a cross of maize (Zea mays L.) × Tripsacum dactyloides (L) L (2n = 72) have abnormal development leading to strange and striking morphologies. The Tripsacum chromosomes in these “tripsacoid” maize plants (with Tripsacum-like characteristics) were eliminated and the maize chromosomes were recovered through repeated backcrossing to maize. As an initial attempt to analyze the DNA alterations in tripsacoid maize, we have detected a few restriction site changes in the ribosomal DNA repeat of these plants (Hpa II, Bal I, Sst I, Mbo II, and Sph I) and a new Sph I site was mapped to the spacer region between the 26S and 17S genes. Several possible mechanisms for the generation of a new restriction site are discussed, and we propose that the transient presence of Tripsacum genome during the backcrossing in some way induced a rapid amplification and fixation of new restriction sites in a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   

Twenty-sevenPorphyra lines from 5 classes, including lines widely used in China, wild lines, and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with 24 primer pairs. From the generated AFLP products, 13 bands that showed stable and repeatable AFLP patterns amplified by primer pairs M-CGA/E-AA and M-CGA/E-TA were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with digitals 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band. On the basis of these results, computerized AFLP DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27Porphyra lines has its unique AFLP fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software called PGI-AFLP (Porphyra germ-plasm identification-AFLP) was designed for identification of the 27Porphyra lines. In addition, 21 specific AFLP markers from 15Porphyra lines were identified; 6 AFLP markers from 4Porphyra lines were sequenced, and 2 of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed AFLP DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification, and resource protection of thePorphyra lines.  相似文献   

Simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) comprising three tetranucleotide repeat sequences with two-base ’anchors’, namely 5′-(AGAC)4GC, 5′-AC(GACA)4 and 5′-(GACA)4GT, were used in PCR reactions as primers to develop inter-SSR DNA fingerprints of the outbreeding grass species Lolium multiflorum, L. perenne, Festuca pratensis and F. arundinacea. Each species was represented by DNA samples from 3 to 6 varieties. In all four species distinctive species-specific DNA profiles were produced that were common across a number of varieties despite their diverse origin. While the fingerprints of the two ryegrasses, L. multiflorum and L. perenne, were the most similar, a number of inter-SSR DNA markers were generated that enabled them to be distinguished from each other. Some slight variations were found between varieties, which provided putative variety-specific markers for cultivar identification. In addition, variations in the DNA profiles of the genotypes of L. multiflorum and F. pratensis were examined, and the results showed that variety-specific fingerprints are integrated patterns made up from the profiles of individual genotypes. Amongst the primers used, AC(GACA)4 generated the best distinction between Lolium and Festuca individuals and provides an effective new tool for genome identification. A number of species-discriminating sequences, ranging in size between 550 bp and 1,600 bp, were cloned: three clones for F. pratensis, one clone for L. multiflorum and one clone for F. arundinacea. A F. pratensis fragment pFp 78H582 was sequenced. Southern hybridization confirmed the presence of this fragment in F. arundinacea (which contains one genome of F. pratensis), but no homology was found with L. multiflorum. However, a F. arundinacea clone amplified with (GACA)4GT, pFa 104H1350, was found to be unique to the F. arundinacea genome. Received: 23 June 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) were characterized for pathogenicity and for DNA polymorphism using different PCR-based techniques. Using amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), strains were distinguished from each other and also from other Xanthomonas strains. Cluster analysis showed a high correlation between DNA polymorphism and pathogenicity. Four Xam strains were further analyzed using three PCR-based techniques, AFLP, AFLP-pthB and RAPD-pthB. Various primer combinations were used including primers specific to a Xam pathogenicity gene (pthB) along with RAPD or AFLP primers. The AFLP primer combinations EcoRI+T/MseI+A and EcoRI+T/MseI+T were the most efficient to discriminate among pathogenic and nonpathogenic Xam strains. Polymorphic bands were excised from the gel, amplified and cloned. Sequences analysis showed significant homology with bacterial pathogenicity island, genes involved in pathogenic fitness and regulators of virulence. Three cloned AFLP fragments were used as probes in DNA blot experiments and two of them showed significant polymorphism.  相似文献   

Multiple endonuclease digestion of template DNA or amplification products can increase significantly the detection of polymorphic DNA in fingerprints generated by multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling (MAAP). This coupling of endonuclease cleavage and amplification of arbitrary stretches of DNA, directed by short oligonucleotide primers, readily allowed distinction of closely related fungal and bacterial isolates and plant cultivars. MAAP analysis of cleaved template DNA enabled the identification of molecular markers linked to a developmental locus of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-induced supernodulating, near-isogenic lines altered in the nts locus, which controls nodule formation, could be distinguished from each other and from the parent cultivar by amplification of template pre-digested with 2–3 restriction enzymes. A total of 42 DNA polymorphisms were detected using only 19 octamer primers. In the absence of digestion, 25 primers failed to differentiate these soybean genotypes. Several polymorphic products co-segregated tightly with the nts locus in F2 families from crosses between the allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 and the ancestral G. soja Sieb. & Succ. PI468.397. Our results suggest that EMS is capable of inducing extensive DNA alterations, probably around discrete mutational hot-spots. EMS-induced DNA polymorphisms may constitute sequence-tagged markers diagnostic of specific genomic regions.  相似文献   

Two nuclear honeybee DNA probes, 12R1C1 and 2A2, were reported previously to detect restriction fragment patterns specific to African and neotropical African honeybee populations. Individual drones and workers from several additional Old and New World populations, African and European, were tested further with these probes. With probe 12R1C1, only two of several Hhal fragment patterns were seen among haploid drone progeny of each queen bee, indicating that the patterns represented alleles at a single locus. Four alleles detected by probe 12R1C1 were described previously, three of which had been found only in populations of African descent. In this study, one of the three was found at a low frequency among samples from western Europe, northern Mexico, and the United States. However, ten additional alleles were discovered in South African drones, six of which were seen also in neotropical African colonies. With probe 2A2, only one or the other of two Alul restriction fragments was detected in drones indicating that the fragments represented alles at a single locus. One of the two alleles, seen previously only in populations of African descent, was found at a very low frequency in bees from western Europe and northern Mexico.  相似文献   

The tassel-eared squirrel, Sciurus aberti , includes six subspecies which occupy restrictive and apparently identical habitats in Ponderosa pine forests in the south-western United States and Mexico; the strict habitat requirement of this species is based on dietary requirements which are only fulfilled in these forests. To examine evolutionary relationships among certain subspecies of S. aberti , we obtained estimates of nucleotide diversity within subspecies as well as nucleotide divergence between subspecies using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. Restriction site polymorphisms were identified in samples of the four US subspecies: S. a. aberti (Abert), S. a. kaibabensis (Kaibab), S. a. ferreus (Ferreus), and S. a. chuscensis (Chuska) Fourteen mtDNA clones were resolved that were, with one exception, uniquely subspecific. Dendrograms constructed by neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony methods revealed two major assemblages: (1) an Abert/Kaibab group; and (2) a Ferreus/Chuska group. The Abert vs. Ferreus clones exhibited the greatest net nucleotide divergence, with a lineage separation estimate approximating 572 000 years ago assuming a nucleotide substitution rate of 7.15 × 10-9/year/site. Five out of ten Chuska squirrels shared a clone with one Abert sample; the relative sizes of these two populations and their respective ranges as well as their close proximity support the proposal for relatively recent intermixing of Abert and Chuska populations resulting in what appears to be Abert → Chuska migration. Nucleotide diversity within subspecies ranked as Kaibab < Ferreus < Abert < Chuska; the relatively high diversity for the Chuska sample is based on the apparent introgression of Abert mtDNA. The relative diversity exhibited by Kaibab, Ferreus and Aberti samples corresponds to the range size of the respective subspecies.  相似文献   

In many crop species, DNA fingerprinting is required for the precise identification of cultivars to protect the rights of breeders. Many families of retrotransposons have multiple copies throughout the eukaryotic genome and their integrated copies are inherited genetically. Thus, their insertion polymorphisms among cultivars are useful for DNA fingerprinting. In this study, we conducted a DNA fingerprinting based on the insertion polymorphisms of active retrotransposon families (Rtsp-1 and LIb) in sweet potato. Using 38 cultivars, we identified 2,024 insertion sites in the two families with an Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform. Of these insertion sites, 91.4% appeared to be polymorphic among the cultivars and 376 cultivar-specific insertion sites were identified, which were converted directly into cultivar-specific sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using these insertion sites, which corresponded well with known pedigree information, thereby indicating their suitability for genetic diversity studies. Thus, the genome-wide comparative analysis of active retrotransposon insertion sites using the bench-top MiSeq sequencing platform is highly effective for DNA fingerprinting without any requirement for whole genome sequence information. This approach may facilitate the development of practical polymerase chain reaction-based cultivar diagnostic system and could also be applied to the determination of genetic relationships.  相似文献   

大豆疫霉菌一个DNA指纹分析重复序列探针的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】大豆疫霉菌指纹分析的建立和黑龙江与新疆大豆疫霉菌群体的群体遗传分析。【方法】利用生物信息学方法寻找大豆疫霉菌(Phytophthora sojae)的中度重复序列,并对黑龙江和新疆大豆疫霉菌进行DNA指纹分析。【结果】分析得到一个中度重复序列,定名为PS1227。Southern blot分析表明PS1227在大豆疫霉菌基因组中约有34条可辨的介于1.5-23kb之间的杂交条带,其中21个杂交条带在49个供试菌系中表现多态性。单游动孢子分析表明PS1227指纹特征在病菌无性生殖阶段表现稳定。利用PS1227标记,本实验发现采自黑龙江HP4002、SY6和GJ0105菌系分别与新疆的DW303、71228和71222菌系具有完全相同的指纹特征。【结论】获得一个可用于大豆疫霉菌流行学和群体生物学研究的指纹分析序列PS1227,在分子水平证实了新疆大豆疫霉菌可能由黑龙江传入。  相似文献   

BfiI is a novel type IIs restriction endonuclease that, unlike all other restriction enzymes characterised to date, cleaves DNA in the absence of Mg(2+). The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal part of BfiI has some similarities to Nuc of Salmonella typhimurium, an EDTA-resistant nuclease akin to phospholipase D. The dimeric form of Nuc contains a single active site composed of residues from both subunits. To examine the roles of the amino acid residues of BfiI that align with the catalytic residues in Nuc, a set of alanine replacement mutants was generated by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutationally altered forms of BfiI were all catalytically inactive but were still able to bind DNA specifically. The active site of BfiI is thus likely to be similar to that of Nuc. BfiI was also found by gel-filtration to be a dimer in solution. Both gel-shift and pull-down assays indicated that the dimeric form of BfiI binds two copies of its recognition sequence. In reactions on plasmids with either one or two copies of its recognition sequence, BfiI cleaved the DNA with two sites more rapidly than that with one site. Yet, when bound to two copies of its recognition sequence, the BfiI dimer cleaved only one phosphodiester bond at a time. The dimer thus seems to contain two DNA-binding domains but only one active site.  相似文献   

The recently identified maize retroelement Bs1 encodes domains of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. This is the first example of host DNA captured by a plant retroelement and resembles the acquisition of oncogenes by vertebrate retroviruses. The ability to capture sequences from its host provides plant retroelements with a mechanism to alter gene structure which could be important for evolutionary adaptive change.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to characterize the reproductive behavior of the highly sterile Tripsacum andersonii Gray and its viable progeny through breeding, cytological, and molecular studies. Four progeny were obtained from open-pollinated seeds of clones (M-34445, M-34450 and M-34455) of T. andersonii maintained at the USDA-ARS National Germplasm Repository, Miami, Florida. One of the progeny had 64 chromosomes, which is typical of T. andersonii, and probably resulted from apomictic reproduction. Karyotypes of the other three progeny indicated a tetraploid Tripsacum genomic constitution (2n = 4x = 72) plus a haploid set of Zea (1n = 1x = 10) chromosomes. Two of these progeny were completely sterile, whereas one (95-51) produced ~5% seed set when crossed with diploid (2n = 36) T. dactyloides (L.)L. The partially fertile 95-51 produced four progeny, one with 2n = 72 (elimination of 10 Zea chromosomes), two with 2n = 82 (apomictic reproduction) and one with 2n = 100 (sexual polyploidization). Polymerase Chain Reaction - Random Amplified Polymerase DNA analysis verified that T. andersonii accessions from seven countries were genetically uniform, and that its progeny were derived through apomixis and sexual polyploidization. This analysis also confirmed that chromosome elimination, apomixis, and sexual polyploidization reproductive behaviors occur in the T. andersonii derivative 95-51.  相似文献   

Three different DNA mapping techniques—RFLP, RAPD and AFLP—were used on identical soybean germplasm to compare their ability to identify markers in the development of a genetic linkage map. Polymorphisms present in fourteen different soybean cultivars were demonstrated using all three techniques. AFLP, a novel PCR-based technique, was able to identify multiple polymorphic bands in a denaturing gel using 60 of 64 primer pairs tested. AFLP relies on primers designed in part on sequences for endonuclease restriction sites and on three selective nucleotides. The 60 diagnostic primer pairs tested for AFLP analysis each distinguished on average six polymorphic bands. Using specific primers designed for soybean fromEco RI andMse I restriction site sequences and three selective nucleotides, as many as 12 polymorphic bands per primer could be obtained with AFLP techniques. Only 35% of the RAPD reactions identified a polymorphic band using the same soybean cultivars, and in those positive reactions, typically only one or two polymorphic bands per gel were found. Identification of polymorphic bands using RFLP techniques was the most cumbersome, because Southern blotting and probe hybridization were required. Over 50% of the soybean RFLP probes examined failed to distinguish even a single polymorphic band, and the RFLP probes that did distinguish polymorphic bands seldom identified more than one polymorphic band. We conclude that, among the three techniques tested, AFLP is the most useful.  相似文献   

莲藕品种DNA指纹图谱的绘制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用RAPD技术对14个莲藕品种进行遗传多态性分析,用5个Operon引物和80个SBS的RAPD引物进行筛选,从中选出来自SBS的RAPD-C13和RAPD-D15扩增出的8条多态性条带,绘制了14个品种的DNA指纹图谱,在该图谱中每个品种均有各自特异的DNA指纹。  相似文献   

If chloroplasts purified on sucrose step gradients are treated for 10 min at 4°C with 2 M NaCl, followed by a 1000-g centrifugation, nuclear DNA contamination is reduced 1.5 to 3 fold as estimated by densitometry.  相似文献   

DNA genetic markers, such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs), are powerful tools for studying the genetics of plant growth and development. DNA markers are defined sequences of DNA that can be used in traditional linkage mapping. Using DNA marker technology, scientists can uncover relationships between cloned cDNA sequences and classically characterized genes. DNA markers make it possible to dissect the contributions of multiple genetic loci underlying complex developmental processes. Moreover, changes in genome organization that occur during development or in response to environmental signals can be monitored using RFLP technology. In the future, it may be possible to clone any gene based solely on its map position. This will involve the use of tightly linked DNA markers as entry points for chromosome walking, in which a series of overlapping genomic clones reaching from the tightly linked DNA marker to the gene of interest are identified.  相似文献   

A large amount of banana genetic resource has been found in Thailand which is believed to be one of the centers of its origins. To assess genetic diversity and determine genetic relationships of edible bananas in Thailand, 110 accessions of banana species and cultivars collected from villages and natural locations were investigated. UPGMA clustering of numerical data from Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) patterns showed two large groups which corresponded to genome designations of Musa acuminata (AA) and Musa balbisiana (BB), the known ancestors of most edible cultivars. The AFLP data suggested that among Thai bananas, AA and AAA cultivars were closely related to M. acuminata subsp. malaccensis, while some of ‘B’ genome contained ones closely related to wild M. balbisiana in Thailand and some may have been imported. Eight species-specific PCR-based primer pairs, generated from the AFLP results clearly identify ‘A’ and ‘B’ genomes within cultivars and hybrids. The analyses were useful to readily and easily infer progenitors of these cultivars and pronounce wide genetic diversity of the bananas in Thailand.  相似文献   

 We describe the cloning and the characterization of a 130-bp DNA fragment, called OPG9-130, amplified from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genomic DNA. This fragment corresponds to a minisatellite DNA sequence containing seven repeats of 15 bp which differ slightly from each other in their sequence. Southern analysis showed that the core sequence of 15 bp is repeated in clusters dispersed throughout the genome. The use of this fragment as a probe allowed us to identify common bean lines by their DNA fingerprints. We suggest that OPG9-130 will be useful for line identification as well as for the analysis of genetic relatedness between bean species and lines. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 10 February 1998  相似文献   

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