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Polarized infrared absorption spectra of film specimens of theepidermal cell wall of the third internode of pea stems wererecorded before and after treatment with endopolygalacturonase(endo-PG) and endo-pectin lyase (endo-PL). The spectra showedthat the pectic polysaccharides solubilized with endo-PG wereessentially the same as those solubilized with endo-PL. Thedegree of esterification of the pectic polysaccharides was about20%, and their major sugar components were uronic acids (32.8%),arabinose (48.1%) and galactose (19.2%). The polarized infraredspectra showed that pectic polysaccharides have an orientedstructure in cell walls with their molecular chains orientedpreferentially parallel to the direction of cell elongation. 1Present address: Research and Development, Kanzaki Paper Mfg.Co., Ltd., Amagasaki, Hyogo 660, Japan. 2Present address: Wakayama Research Laboratories, Kao Soap Co.,Ltd., Wakayama 640-91, Japan. (Received June 28, 1980; )  相似文献   

Thin cell-layer explants (TCLs) have been proposed as favorable tissues for the study of root, vegetative shoot and flower formation. We tested the effects of pH, light quality, light quantity, and IBA and kinetin concentrations on the morphogenesis of TCLs cultured individually on a liquid medium. Alterations of the amounts of exogenously supplied IBA and kinetin were sufficient to induce the formation of roots, vegetative shoots and flowers on TCLs cultured on otherwise identical media. The type and number of organs formed were sensitive to the intensity of light (55, 75, 100 and 120 muEinsteins m-2 sec-1) under which TCLs were grown. Evidence was obtained that the effects of light on TCL morphogenesis were associated with photochemical degradation of IBA in the medium. Evaluation of the organogenesis that occurred in TCLs cultured on a medium containing a range of IBA and kinetin concentrations showed that the number and type of organs formed, and overall growth, were dependent upon the initial concentrations of auxin and cytokinin. We have developed the TCL culture system into a sensitive and reproducible bioassay for the study of morphogenesis. The advantages of using the TCL morphogenesis bioassay for the identification and study of molecules (e.g. cell wall oligosaccharides) that may regulate morphogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunolabelling techniques with antibodies specific to partially methyl-esterified homogalacturonan (JIM5: unesterified residues flanked by methylesterified residues. JIM7: methyl-esterified residues flanked by unesterified residues), a blockwise de-esterified homogalacturonan (2F4), 1,4-galactan (LM5) and 1,5-arabinan (LM6) were used to map the distribution of pectin motifs in cell walls of sugar beet root (Beta vulgaris). PME and alkali treatments of sections were used in conjunction with JIM5-7 and 2F4. The JIM7 epitope was abundant and equally distributed in all cells. In storage parenchyma, the JIM5 epitope was restricted to some cell junctions and the lining of intercellular spaces while in vascular tissues it occurred at cell junctions in some phloem walls and in xylem derivatives. After secondary wall formation, the JIM5 epitope was restricted to inner cell wall regions between secondary thickenings. The 2F4 epitope was not detected without de-esterification treatment. PME treatments prior to the use of 2F4 indicated that HG at cell corners was not acetylated. The LM5 epitope was mainly present in the cambial zone and when present in storage parenchyma, it was restricted to the wall region closest to the plasma membrane. The LM6 epitope was widely distributed throughout primary walls but was more abundant in bundles than in medullar ray tissue and storage parenchyma. These data show that the occurrence of oligosaccharide motifs of pectic polysaccharides are spatially regulated in sugar beet root cell walls and that the spatial patterns vary between cell types suggesting that structural variants of pectic polymers are involved in the modulation of cell wall properties.  相似文献   

以2个荞麦(Fygopyrum esculentum Moench)基因型‘江西荞麦’(耐性)和‘内蒙荞麦’(敏感)为材料,采用悬空培养(保持边缘细胞附着于根尖和去除根尖边缘细胞),研究边缘细胞对根尖铝毒的防护效应以及对细胞壁多糖组分的影响。结果表明,铝毒抑制荞麦根系伸长,导致根尖Al积累。去除边缘细胞的根伸长抑制率和根尖Al含量高于保留边缘细胞的根。去除边缘细胞使江西荞麦和内蒙荞麦根尖的酸性磷酸酶(APA)活性显著升高,前者在铝毒下增幅更大。同时,铝毒胁迫下去除边缘细胞的根尖果胶甲酯酶(PME)活性和细胞壁果胶、半纤维素1、半纤维素2含量显著高于保留边缘细胞的酶活性和细胞壁多糖含量。表明边缘细胞对荞麦根尖的防护效应,与其阻止Al的吸收,降低根尖细胞壁多糖含量及提高酸性磷酸酶活性有关,以此缓解Al对根伸长的抑制。  相似文献   

Pea root segments cut 10–11 mm behind the tip of germinating seedlings were prepared by removal of the central cylinders with a tissue punch. These cortical explants were cultured aseptically on nutrient medium containing auxin with and without added cytokinin. In the absence of kinetin, the cortical cells enlarged and separated but failed to show DNA synthesis, mitosis, cell division or subsequent cytodifferentiation. In the presence of 1 ppm kinetin, cortical nuclei showed 3H-thymidine incorporation beginning between 24 and 32 hr; mitoses began about 48 hr, reaching a maximum of 6% at 60 hr. From an initial number of 8000 cells per segment, the cell count increased to 37,000 by day 7 and 140,000 by day 21. At the outset all mitoses were tetraploid; with time the proportion of tetraploid mitotic cells decreased and an octaploid population increased. A frequency of less than 10% diploid mitoses was observed after day 5. Only 25% of the cortical cells showed initial labeling. Beginning on day 7 tracheary elements differentiated from cortical derivatives. By day 14 about 25% and by day 21 about 35% of the total cell population had formed tracheary elements. As a system for analysis in biochemical and cytological terms, pea cortical explants represent an excellent system for the study of cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pectic polysaccharide epitopes in cells and tissues of the pea testa during late stages of seed development have been examined in relation to anatomy and cell properties. Homogalacturonan, in a highly methyl-esterified form, was present throughout late development in all pea testa cell walls, including the thickened cell walls of the outer macrosclereid layer. Two epitopes, characteristic of the side-chains of the rhamnogalacturonan-I domain of pectic polysaccharides, occurred in restricted and separate cell layers of the pea testa. A (1-->4)-beta-D-galactan epitope was restricted to regions of the outer cell wall of the testa and to inner regions of the macrosclereid layer at 20 DAA and was absent from the osteosclereid and parenchyma cell walls. By 25 DAA the (1-->4)-beta-D-galactan epitope occurred only in the outer epidermal cell walls. A (1-->5)-alpha-L-arabinan epitope was also dependent on the developmental stage of the seed and was found with greatest abundance in the walls of the inner parenchyma cells. Cell separation studies indicated that, although calcium cross-links were involved in the maintenance of the link between the macrosclereid layer and proximal cell layers, most cell-to-cell adhesion in the testa was not due to calcium- or ester-based bonds.  相似文献   

Summary Root cortical explants from seedlings ofPisum sativum L., cv. Little Marvel were cultured on a sterile nutrient medium in the presence of auxins or auxins and cytokinin. Explants were fixed (and subsequently processed for electron microscopic observation) at the outset and after 30, 60, and 72 hours of culture under the two hormonal conditions. In the presence of auxin alone, the cell walls of the cortical parenchyma showed distinctive structural changes involving the deposition of a new, diffusely fibrillar primary wall. A considerable increase of rough ER in the adjacent cytoplasm was associated with the new wall synthesis. These wall changes are interpreted as auxin-induced and prelude to cell enlargement and later cell separation. No dramatic changes occurred in other cytoplasmic organelles or in the nucleus. In the presence of cytokinin and auxin, the striking cytological events observed included marked nuclear changes and greater cytoplasmic density due to increased organelles associated with the onset of DNA synthesis, mitosis and cytokinesis. New cell walls formed from the developed phragmoplasts, cleaving the original parenchyma cells into smaller cellular compartments with no accompanying cell enlargement. No marked changes in the original primary cell walls were observed in cytokinin-auxin-treated explants. By 72 hours some cells already had completed two successive cell divisions. No ultrastructural evidence was obtained suggesting that these cells were committed to their known fate of differentiating into mature tracheary elements in the subsequent 2–4 days. At 72 hours each explant represented a population of actively dividing, still considerably vacuolated meristematic cells.  相似文献   

Infrared absorption spectra of film specimens of the epidermaland parenchyma cell walls of the third internode of pea stem,before and after protease treatment and after treatment forremoval of lipid materials, pectic substances and hemicellulose,were recorded, and characteristic bands in the spectrum of thewall were assigned. Polarization spectrum measurements of thewall provided evidence indicating that the non-cellulosic polysaccharidematrix as well as cellulose microfibrils has an oriented structurein the wall which changes during extension growth as well asupon mechanical extension of the walls. (Received March 9, 1978; )  相似文献   

The possibility was investigated that the inhibition of rooting in pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Weibull's Marma) cuttings caused by low indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations is due to ethylene produced as a result of IAA treatment. Treatment with 10 uμ IAA reduced the number of roots to about 50% of the control and increased ethylene production in the stem bases by about 20 times the control value during the two first days of treatment. Ethylene-releasing compounds (ethephon and 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, ACC), in concentrations giving a similar ethylene release, inhibited rooting to the same extent or more strongly than IAA. These results indicate that IAA-induced ethylene is at least responsible for the negative component in IAA action on root formation in pea cuttings. A higher IAA concentration (100 μ) and indol-3yl-butyric acid efficiently counteracted the negative effect of ethylene on root formation.  相似文献   

The response of unpollinated ovary explants ofPisum sativum L. cv. Alaska No. 7 to several plant growth regulators and nutrients has been studied. Explants consisted of a segment of stem and an emasculated flower with or without the adjacent leaf. They were made on the day equivalent to anthesis and were cultured in a liquid medium. Growth regulators were applied either in the solution or directly to the ovaries. Giberellic acid (GA3) in the presence of sucrose, but not indole-3-acetic acid or N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)-adenine (2iP), induced fruit set and development of parthenocarpic fruits, the final length of these being a function of the intensity of the GA3 treatment. The capacity of ovaries to respond fully to GA3 was not lost after incubation of explants in water or 50 mM sucrose for 1 day and was similar in explants made between the day of anthesis and 3 days later. Limited growth was obtained with 100 mM sucrose alone but this effect was counteracted by 2′-isopropyl-4′-(trimethyl ammonium chloride)-5′-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate (AMO-1618). This inhibitor was ineffective when GA3 was applied to the ovary. The development of the fruit was proportional to the length of the segment of stem up to 5 cm. The presence of the leaf in the explant enhanced the development of the fruit. These results indicate that a gibberellin is necessary for setting and development of fruits from cultured ovaries and that this effect depends on an appropriate source of nutrients. The course of development of parthenocarpic fruits on explants was similar to that of seeded fruits on the intact plant. The cultured pea ovary systemoffers convenient means to investigate the role of gibberellins and nutrients in fruit set and development.  相似文献   

The response of unpollinated ovary explants ofPisum sativum L. cv. Alaska No. 7 to several plant growth regulators and nutrients has been studied. Explants consisted of a segment of stem and an emasculated flower with or without the adjacent leaf. They were made on the day equivalent to anthesis and were cultured in a liquid medium. Growth regulators were applied either in the solution or directly to the ovaries. Giberellic acid (GA3) in the presence of sucrose, but not indole-3-acetic acid or N6-(2-isopentenyl)-adenine (2iP), induced fruit set and development of parthenocarpic fruits, the final length of these being a function of the intensity of the GA3 treatment. The capacity of ovaries to respond fully to GA3 was not lost after incubation of explants in water or 50 mM sucrose for 1 day and was similar in explants made between the day of anthesis and 3 days later. Limited growth was obtained with 100 mM sucrose alone but this effect was counteracted by 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethyl ammonium chloride)-5-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate (AMO-1618). This inhibitor was ineffective when GA3 was applied to the ovary. The development of the fruit was proportional to the length of the segment of stem up to 5 cm. The presence of the leaf in the explant enhanced the development of the fruit. These results indicate that a gibberellin is necessary for setting and development of fruits from cultured ovaries and that this effect depends on an appropriate source of nutrients. The course of development of parthenocarpic fruits on explants was similar to that of seeded fruits on the intact plant. The cultured pea ovary systemoffers convenient means to investigate the role of gibberellins and nutrients in fruit set and development.  相似文献   

Chicory root explants (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum) of two cultivars, taken before and after hydroponic forcing, were cultured in vitro in complete darkness supplemented with red and far-red light treatments. Using 5 min red light per day, the strong stem elongation occurring in complete darkness was converted to rosette formation. This reaction was reversed to stem elongation (accompanied by leaf formation) adding 15 min far-red light after the red light. Fifteen min far-red light per day alone caused the same reaction as 5 min red/15 min far-red light. Far-red light followed by red light caused rosette formation. In stems, formed under complete darkness in vitro, the presence of phytochrome was shown. No phytochrome was detected in the root fragment itself.Abbreviations R red light - FR far-red light - GA gibberellinic acid - A absorbance - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

The study carried out in this work concerns the pectic polysaccharides of olive cell walls as present in olive pulp and that remained entrapped in the cellulosic residue after sequential extraction of the cell wall material (CWM) with imidazole, carbonate and KOH aqueous solutions. These polymers, obtained after neutralisation and dialysis of an aqueous suspension of the residue (sn-CR fraction), extracted with 4 M KOH, were arabinan-rich pectic polysaccharides. They accounted for 11–19% of the total pectic polysaccharides found in the olive pulp cell walls of fruits collected in two years and in three stages of ripening (green, cherry and black). The analysis by powder X-ray diffraction highlighted the existence, in all sn-CR fractions, of crystalline phases related with the presence of calcium-pectic polysaccharide complexes (CPPC) occurring in an amorphous carbohydrate network. The relative crystallinity of the CPPC varied linearly with the Ca2+/GalA molar ratio until a maximum of 0.57. Size-exclusion chromatography showed that sn-CR fractions possessed a bimodal molecular weight distribution. The lower molecular weight fraction of sn-CR (Mw = 70–135 kDa) was independent on the ripening stage of olive fruit, whereas the higher molecular weight fraction showed values of 1.1, 0.6–0.9 and 0.5–0.7 MDa, respectively, for green, cherry and black olives. Treatment of the sn-CR pectic polysaccharides with a 2 M imidazole solution disrupted the CPPC crystalline network showing the loss of low molecular weight galacturonan-rich material during dialysis (12–14 kDa cut off) and the decrease of molecular weight of the polymers to roughly half. These results allowed to infer the presence of oligogalacturonides held within cell walls by calcium ions and that the pectic polysaccharides of sn-CR fraction occurred in olive pulp cell walls as calcium bridged macrodimers.  相似文献   

 In walnut (Juglans regia L.), an otherwise difficult-to-root species, explants of cotyledons have been shown to generate complete roots in the absence of exogenous growth regulators. In the present study, this process of root formation was shown to follow a pattern of adventitious, rather than primary or lateral, ontogeny: (i) the arrangement of vascular bundles in the region of root formation was of the petiole type; (ii) a typical root primordium was formed at the side of the procambium within a meristematic ring of actively dividing cells located around each vascular bundle; (iii) the developing root apical meristem was connected in a lateral way with the vascular bundle of the petiole. This adventitious root formation occurred in three main stages of cell division, primordium formation and organization of apical meristem. These stages were characterized by expression of LATERAL ROOT PRIMORDIUM-1 and CHALCONE SYNTHASE genes, which were found to be sequentially expressed during the formation of the primordium. Activation of genes related to root cell differentiation started at the early stage of primordium formation prior to organization of the root apical meristem. The systematic development of adventitious root primordia at a precise site gave indications on the positional and biochemical cues that are necessary for adventitious root formation. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 16 February 2000  相似文献   

Uridine strongly stimulated adventitious root formation in stem cuttings of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A dose response curve of uridine induced rooting showed that the optimum concentration of uridine was 0.1 µM. At all concentrations employed, uridine had no significant effect on root elongation. The rooting response of stem cuttings to the optimal concentration of indole-3-butyric acid (10 µM) in combination with 0.1 µM uridine did not significantly differ from their response to either of these compounds when applied alone. However, the rooting response of the cuttings to sub-optimal IBA (0.01 µM) was significantly stimulated by uridine. These findings suggested that uridine may have stimulated rooting by increasing the sensitivity of the rooting tissue to auxin.  相似文献   

Explants composed of the epidermis and 4–9 layers of subepidermal cells were excised from internodes of Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera cv. Westar and cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. The three or four terminal internodes excised from plants at an early stage (before any flower buds had opened) were shown to be the best explant source. Both cytokinin and auxin were required for induction of shoot organogenesis. Of six auxins tested, only naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was effective in shoot bud initiation. All four cytokinins tested (when associated with 0.5 mgl-1 NAA) promoted organogenesis, but at differing frequencies. The highest shoot induction frequency was obtained at 10–15 mgl-1 benzyladenine (BA). The organogenic response was strongly affected by the nitrogen content of the medium. The best response was observed when NO3 - was the sole nitrogen source (supplied as KNO3) in the range 30–90 mM. Sucrose and glucose were equally supportive in shoot regeneration with the optimal levels at 0.12 M and 0.15 M, respectively. Shoots were rooted on medium free of growth regulators and mature plants were grown in the greenhouse. Plants were also recovered from leafy structures which differed morphologically and histologically from shoot buds.  相似文献   

Summary Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of thin cell layer explants (Klimaszewska and Keller 1985) yielded large numbers of transgenic plants of a major Canadian rapeseed cultivar Brassica napus ssp. oleifera cv Westar. The morphology and fertility of these plants were indistinguishable from controls. The Ti plasmid vector, pGV3850 (Zambryski et al. 1983) was used as a cis vector and as a helper plasmid for the binary vector pBin19 (Bevan 1984). Selectable marker genes that conferred resistance to high levels of kanamycin (Km) on Nicotiana tabacum were less efficient in the selection of transgenic B. napus. At low levels of Km (15 g/ml) large numbers of transgenic plants (50%) were identified among the regenerants by nopaline synthase activity and several of these were confirmed by Southern blot analyses. Only a small number were resistant to higher levels of Km (80 g/ml). Preliminary analyses indicated that resistance to Km was transmitted to the selfed progeny. Chimeric chloramphenicol acetyl transferase genes were ineffective biochemical markers in transgenic B. napus.Contribution No. 1092 Plant Research Centre, Ontario, Canada  相似文献   

Several culture conditions were examined for promoting efficient plant regeneration from explants of Gentiana. Adventitious shoot regeneration from leaf explants of cv. WSP-3 was very superior on MS medium, compared to B5 medium, supplemented with four cytokinins (TDZ, 4PU-30, BA and zeatin). An auxin / cytokinin combination was required for regeneration. TDZ was the most effective cytokinin, while NAA was more effective than IAA or 2,4-D. Optimum conditions for regeneration from explants (leaf, stem and root) of cv. WSP-3, evaluated in terms of regeneration frequency and number of regenerated shoots per explant, were TDZ and NAA in combination, 5–10 mg/l and 0.1 mg/l for leaf and stem explants, and 10 mg/l and 1 mg/l for root explants, respectively. Application of these conditions to eight other commercial cultivars resulted in 30–100% regeneration from leaf explants. The number of chromosomes in each of ten regenerated plants of each cultivar was diploid, 2n=26. Shoots regenerated in vitro were rooted in phytohormone-free medium and transferred to soil.Abbreviations MS medium Murashige and Skoog's medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) - B5 medium Gamborg B5 medium (Gamborg et al. 1968) - BA 6-benzylaminopurine - TDZ N-phenyl-N'-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl urea - 4PU-30 N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

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