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The clearance of adenine, caffeine, guanine, theophylline, and xanthine from the haemolymph of diapausing pupae and pharate adults of Hyalophora cecropia was studied. In all animals caffeine and theophylline persisted, while the other purine bases were cleared within a few days.  相似文献   

Adenylate and guanylate cyclases were assayed in silkmoth fat body homogenates by measuring the conversion of [α-32P]nucleoside triphosphates to cyclic [32P]nucleotides. Adenylate cyclase was dependent on dithiothreitol, required either Mg2+ or Mn2+ for activity, was activated by NaF, and inhibited by triton X-100. Guanylate cyclase was not dependent on dithiothreitol, was strictly dependent upon Mn2+, unaffected by NaF, and activated by triton X-100. Both cyclases had pH optima near 8.0 and were located chiefly in the particulate fraction of homogenates. Activities of both cyclases were maintained or elevated during the larval-pupal transformation and, in contrast to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, showed little decline in the early diapausing pupa.  相似文献   

Two soluble forms of 3':5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase (o':5'-cyclic-nucleotide 5'-nucleotidohydrolase, EC were found in the larval fat body of the silkmoth Hyalophora cecropia. These differ in elution profile on Sephadex G-200, solubility in ammonium sulfate, metal ion requirements and kinetic properties. Phosphodiesterase I has Km values of 11 muM and 1.8 muM for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, respectively, has 5-fold greater maximal activity with cyclic AMP than with cyclic GMP, and is activated by Mg2+ and Co2+, and inhibited by EDTA. phosphodiesterase II has Km values of 625 muM and 125 muM for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, respectively, has similar maximal activity with both substrates, and is not activated by divalent metal ions or inhibited by EDTA. Cyclic nucleotides and methylxanthines competitively inhibit both enzymes. Phosphodiesterase is found in both soluble and particulate fractions of homogenates. Total activity is highest during the larval stage of the insect, drops markedly following pupation, and rises again during pharate adult development.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(8):803-808
Insect cuticles catalyze the formation of N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE) and N-β-alanylnorepinephrine (NBANE) from N-acetyldopamine (NADA) and N-β-alanyldopamine (NBAD), respectively. An enzyme, involved in the reaction, has now been isolated from fifth stage larval cuticle of Hyalophora cecropia and partially characterized. The enzyme alone has hardly any activity towards NADA, but together with diphenoloxidases [catechol oxidases (EC or laccases (EC] it will produce NANE as the main product from NADA, indicating that NADA-quinone is the actual substrate for the enzyme. The enzyme is presumably an ortho-quinone para-quinone methide isomerase, and formation of NANE is due to non-enzymatic addition of water to the quinone methide. The enzyme combination mushroom tyrosinase-cuticular isomerase has pH optimum at 5.5, and the optimal substrate concentration is about 10 mM NADA.Together with the endogenous cuticular diphenoloxidases the isomerase can account for the formation of NANE observed when pieces of intact cuticle are incubated with NADA, and for the presence of NANE and NBANE in sclerotized cuticle.The possible roles of the enzyme in sclerotization and defense reactions in insects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Fat body cells of silkmoth pupae (Hyalophora cecropia ) contain granules, showing a less dense outer zone and a denser, often crystalline, inner portion appear after cocoon spinning and increase until the larval-pupal ecdysis; more granules are formed in females than in males. Urate granules, appearing fibrous in internal structure, first form about the same time, but their accumulation is more gradual, and continues in the pupa. Both types have been isolated by centrifugation. Protein granules dissolve in buffers to yield proteins 1 and 2, with distinct electrophoretic and antigenic properties. These proteins have been isolated individually from pupal fat body extracts by using their different thermal stabilities in phosphate buffer containing MgCl2 and (NH4)2SO4, respectively, and purification was completed by gel chromatography. Protein 1 has a molecular weight of 480,000 and a subunit of 85,000 daltons, while protein 2 gives values of 530,000 and 89,000, respectively. Their amino acid compositions are similar but distinct. Proteins 1 and 2 accumulate in the hemolymph, beginning 3 days before spinning, reach maximal levels at spinning, and then decline in the hemolymph while granules are formed in the fat body, although the total hemolymph protein concentration does not decline at this time. It is concluded that the fat body of the late, feeding larva synthesizes two related "storage proteins" and secretes them in partially crystalline granules as protein reserves for metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The tubular portion of the colleterial gland of the cecropia silkmoth secretes protein which labels extensively with glycine and appears as a single peak when separated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The radioactive peak does not stain with protein stains or absorb at 280 nm, but is dispersed by Pronase digestion. Synthesis of the peak is sensitive to inhibition by puromycin and cycloheximide but is not sensitive to actinomycin or chloramphenicol inhibition. Amino acid analysis revealed a composition of 30% glycine, 33% aspartic acid, and insignificant amounts of aromatic amino acids; the molecular weight was calculated to be 160,000. Autoradiographic analysis revealed that nearly all the glycine incorporated is transported from the mature secretory cells, and the half-time of secretion is calculated to be 3.4 hr. The possible use of this product as a marker for biochemical differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The levels' of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, trehalose, and osmotic pressure in haemolymph were studied during ontogeny in the silkmoth Hyalophora cecropia, reared on either foliage or an artificial diet. Potassium and calcium in haemolymph changed little with ontogeny or diet, and averaged 35 and 10 m-equiv/l., respectively. The haemolymph levels of sodium and chloride were greater in larvae fed on artificial diet than in those on foliage, reflecting the levels in the respective diets; after cessation of feeding, the levels in haemolymph of the two groups approached common values (sodium 1–2 m-equiv/l.; chloride 20 m-equiv/l.). Magnesium was higher in haemolymph of foliage-fed larvae (100 m-equiv/l.) than in diet-fed larvae (65 m-equiv/l.), and in both groups declined after spinning to an average level of 40 m-equiv/l.Haemolymph from fifth instar Manduca sexta larvae reared on an artificial diet had ion levels very close to those in Cecropia similarly reared. Haemolymph of Danaus plexippus at three stages of development was also similar, but showed some quantitative differences from the other species.  相似文献   

The structure of the prothoracicotropic neurohormone (PTTH) of the silkmoth Hyalophora cecropia was elucidated at the cDNA level. The identified cDNA of 803 nt, which is over 90% identical with the corresponding part of the Samia cynthia ricini PTTH gene, encodes a preprohormone of 240 amino acids. Presence of proteolytic cleavage sites indicates that the preprohormone is split into a signal peptide, an intercalated peptide (64 residues), and the PTTH monomer (125 residues). Preprohormones of H. cecropia, S. c. ricini, Antheraea pernyi, and Bombyx mori diversified considerably in all these parts, indicating that the evolution of PTTH is unusually fast. Since a similarly rapid, and concerted evolution of the corresponding receptor is unlikely, the PTTH activity probably depends on the conservation of relatively few amino acids allowing proper molecular folding.  相似文献   

Incorporation of tritiated leucine into blood and cuticular proteins of male Hyalophora cecropia was monitored during the final third of pharate adult development. We found no changes in specific activity of the total blood proteins, but there were conspicuous alterations in the banding pattern obtained by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The specific activity of the cuticular protein extract decreased with age, but the cause of this decline is not obvious. These final stages of exocuticle formation do not involve the appearance or synthesis of new blood or cuticular proteins.  相似文献   

The tissues of female Ascaris suum were assayed for alpha,apha'-glucoside 1-D-glucohydrolase (trehalase) activity. A soluble from of the enzyme was isolated from muscle tissue and purified approximately 37-fold. The enzyme was specific for trehalose as substrate. The pH optimum for enzymatic activity was found to be 6.0, and the apparent Km for trehalose was estimated to be 2.1 x 10-4 M. The product of the reaction was identified as D-glucose by chemical, chromatographic and enzymatic methods.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of wing epidermis of the giant silkmoth, Hyalophora cecropia, was studied during pupal diapause and the first half of development to the adult. In diapause, the generalized epidermal cells are characterized by many free ribosomes, some vesicles and small lamellae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, some scattered short mitochondria and a few small Golgi complexes. During the early states of post-diapause development, before and after the time of apolysis (separation of the epidermis from the overlying cuticle), there is a marked increase in structures often associated with synthetic functions, such as polyribosomes, lamellate rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. On day five of post-apolysis development, just after the appearance of scale-forming and socket-forming cells, the generalized epidermal cells lay down the cuticulin layer of the adult cuticle. At this stage and later, the polyribosomes and lamellate rough endoplasmic reticulum decrease in abundance. Cell nuclei show three phases of temporary transition from predominantly lobed to predominantly round profile, which correspond to periods of reported DNA synthesis. Throughout this developmental process, therefore, there is good correlation of fine structure with changes in macromolecular synthesis recorded elsewhere.  相似文献   

In wings of the giant silkmoth, Hyalophora cecropia, scale-forming and socket-forming cells are first observed on day four of pharate adult development. Scale-forming cells appear synthetically active when they are first observed, for their basal region is filled with huge stacks of polyribosome-studed lamellate endoplasmic reticulum, numerous Golgi complexes containing secretory vesicles and many elongated mitochondria. During later development, some of these organelles diminish in number. Neck and scale regions are predominantly filled with longitudinally oriented microtubules and microfibril bundles, suggesting that their function is one of transport rather than synthesis. The scales originate as finger-like projections of the cell body. They subsequently elongate, flatten out and deposit a cuticle which has a surface differing somewhat from that in other lepidopterans. It consists of longitudinal ridges (1.8-2.4 μ apart), transverse ribs (0.6-1.0 μ apart) and microribs (0.10-0.13 μ apart). Socket-forming cells produce a socket around the neck region of each scale-forming cell. The socket differentiates into several morphologically distinct regions: an apical fibrillar region, a ribosomal region, a mitochondrial-microtubular region and a basal fibrillar region. The absence of polyribosome-studded lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes suggests that its primary function is not biosynthesis but support and protection of the scale.  相似文献   

The title compounds were synthesized from starting materials of microbial origin by employing a Wittig reaction as the key step.  相似文献   

Acid trehalase (EC was isolated from muscle of Ascaris suum by fractionating with ammonium sulfate, acetone and column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and phenyl sepharose CL-4B. The purified homogeneous preparation of native acid trehalase exhibited a molecular mass of 76 kDa and of 38 kDa on SDS-PAGE. The enzyme has the optimum pH 4.9, pI 4.3, Km of 6.6 mM and Vmax=34.5 nM min(-1) x mg(-1). Besides trehalose, it hydrolyses sucrose, isomaltose and maltose and, to a lesser degree melezitose, and it does not act on cellobiose and lactose. Acid trehalase was activated by MgCl2, KNO3, NaCl, CaCl2, CH2ICOOH and p-chloromercuribenzoate and inhibited by EDTA, ZnSO4 and FeCl3.  相似文献   

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