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CD30 and OX40 (CD134) are members of the TNFR superfamily expressed on activated CD4 T cells, and mice deficient in both these molecules harbor a striking defect in the capacity to mount CD4 T cell-dependent memory Ab responses. This article shows that these mice also fail to control Salmonella infection because both CD30 and OX40 signals are required for the survival but not commitment of CD4 Th1 cells. These signals are also needed for the survival of CD4 T cells activated in a lymphopenic environment. Finally, Salmonella and lymphopenia are shown to act synergistically in selectively depleting CD4 T cells deficient in OX40 and CD30. Collectively these findings identify a novel mechanism by which Th1 responses are sustained.  相似文献   

Costimulation of CD8 T cell responses by OX40   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The persistence of functional CD8 T cell responses is dependent on checkpoints established during priming. Although naive CD8 cells can proliferate with a short period of stimulation, CD4 help, inflammation, and/or high peptide affinity are necessary for the survival of CTL and for effective priming. Using OX40-deficient CD8 cells specific for a defined Ag, and agonist and antagonist OX40 reagents, we show that OX40/OX40 ligand interactions can determine the extent of expansion of CD8 T cells during responses to conventional protein Ag and can provide sufficient signals to confer CTL-mediated protection against tumor growth. OX40 signaling primarily functions to maintain CTL survival during the initial rounds of cell division after Ag encounter. Thus, OX40 is one of the costimulatory molecules that can contribute signals to regulate the accumulation of Ag-reactive CD8 cells during immune responses.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that CD4(+) T cells are required to optimally expand viral-specific memory CD8(+) CTL responses using a human dendritic cell-T cell-based coculture system. OX40 (CD134), a 50-kDa transmembrane protein of the TNFR family, is expressed primarily on activated CD4(+) T cells. In murine models, the OX40/OX40L pathway has been shown to play a critical costimulatory role in dendritic cell/T cell interactions that may be important in promoting long-lived CD4(+) T cells, which subsequently can help CD8(+) T cell responses. The current study examined whether OX40 ligation on ex vivo CD4(+) T cells can enhance their ability to "help" virus-specific CTL responses in HIV-1-infected and -uninfected individuals. OX40 ligation of CD4(+) T cells by human OX40L-IgG1 enhanced the ex vivo expansion of HIV-1-specific and EBV-specific CTL from HIV-1-infected and -uninfected individuals, respectively. The mechanism whereby OX40 ligation enhanced help of CTL was independent of the induction of cytokines such as IL-2 or any inhibitory effect on CD4(+) T regulatory cells, but was associated with a direct effect on proliferation of CD4(+) T cells. Thus, OX40 ligation on CD4(+) T cells represents a potentially novel immunotherapeutic strategy that should be investigated to treat and prevent persistent virus infections, such as HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Memory T cells can be divided into effector memory (T(EM)) and central memory (T(CM)) subsets based on their effector function and homing characteristics. Although previous studies have demonstrated that TCR and cytokine signals mediate the generation of the two memory subsets of CD8(+) T cells, the mechanisms for generation of the CD4(+) T(EM) and T(CM) cell subsets are unknown. We found that OX40-deficient mice showed a marked reduction in the number of CD4(+) T(EM) cells, whereas the number of CD4(+) T(CM) cells was normal. Adoptive transfer experiments using Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells revealed that OX40 signals during the priming phase were indispensable for the optimal generation of the CD4(+) T(EM), but not the CD4(+) T(CM) population. In a different transfer experiment with in vitro established CD4(+)CD44(high)CD62L(low) (T(EM) precursor) and CD4(+)CD44(high)CD62L(high) (T(CM) precursor) subpopulations, OX40-KO T(EM) precursor cells could not survive in the recipient mice, whereas wild-type T(EM) precursor cells differentiated into both T(EM) and T(CM) cells. In contrast, T(CM) precursor cells mainly produced T(CM) cells regardless of OX40 signals, implying the dispensability of OX40 for generation of T(CM) cells. Nevertheless, survival of OX40-KO T(EM) cells was partially rescued in lymphopenic mice. During in vitro recall responses, the OX40-KO T(EM) cells that were generated in lymphopenic recipient mice showed impaired cytokine production, suggesting an essential role for OX40 not only on generation but also on effector function of CD4(+) T(EM) cells. Collectively, the present results indicate differential requirements for OX40 signals on generation of CD4(+) T(EM) and T(CM) cells.  相似文献   

A T cell costimulatory molecule, OX40, contributes to T cell expansion, survival, and cytokine production. Although several roles for OX40 in CD8(+) T cell responses to tumors and viral infection have been shown, the precise function of these signals in the generation of memory CD8(+) T cells remains to be elucidated. To address this, we examined the generation and maintenance of memory CD8(+) T cells during infection with Listeria monocytogenes in the presence and absence of OX40 signaling. We used the expression of killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 (KLRG1), a recently reported marker, to distinguish between short-lived effector and memory precursor effector T cells (MPECs). Although OX40 was dispensable for the generation of effector T cells in general, the lack of OX40 signals significantly reduced the number and proportion of KLRG1(low) MPECs, and, subsequently, markedly impaired the generation of memory CD8(+) T cells. Moreover, memory T cells that were generated in the absence of OX40 signals in a host animal did not show self-renewal in a second host, suggesting that OX40 is important for the maintenance of memory T cells. Additional experiments making use of an inhibitory mAb against the OX40 ligand demonstrated that OX40 signals are essential during priming, not only for the survival of KLRG1(low) MPECs, but also for their self-renewing ability, both of which contribute to the homeostasis of memory CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the role and regulation of OX40 signals during CD4 T cell priming on dendritic cells (DCs). Contrary to expectation, OX40-deficient cells proliferated more rapidly than their normal counterparts, particularly when stimulated with peptide in the absence of added cytokines. This proliferative advantage was not apparent for Th2-differentiated cells. When the reasons for this were investigated, we found that the cytokine IL-4 specifically down-regulated expression of OX40 ligand on T, B, and DCs, but not on the CD4(+)CD3(-) cells linked with selection of Th2 cells into the memory compartment. OX40 ligand expression was also down-regulated on rapidly proliferating Th1 effectors. These data are compatible with OX40 signals acting during priming as a check on naive T cell proliferation while T cells integrate additional DC signals. This would serve to limit inappropriate T cell responses. In contrast, OX40 signals from CD4(+)CD3(-) cells located in the outer T zone select proliferating Th2 effectors into the memory T cell pool.  相似文献   

Members of the TNFR family are thought to deliver costimulatory signals to T cells and modulate their function and survival. In this study, we compare the role of two closely related TNFR family molecules, OX40 and 4-1BB, in generating effector CD8 T cells to Ag delivered by adenovirus. OX40 and 4-1BB were both induced on responding naive CD8 T cells, but 4-1BB exhibited faster and more sustained kinetics than OX40. OX40-deficient CD8 T cells initially expanded normally; however, their accumulation and survival at late times in the primary response was significantly impaired. In contrast, 4-1BB-deficient CD8 T cells displayed hyperresponsiveness, expanding more than wild-type cells. The 4-1BB-deficient CD8 T cells also showed enhanced maturation attributes, whereas OX40-deficient CD8 T cells had multiple defects in the expression of effector cell surface markers, the synthesis of cytokines, and in cytotoxic activity. These results suggest that, in contrast to current ideas, OX40 and 4-1BB can have a clear functional dichotomy in modulating effector CD8 T cell responses. OX40 can positively regulate effector function and late accumulation/survival, whereas 4-1BB can initially operate in a negative manner to limit primary CD8 responses.  相似文献   

In this report, we have examined the expression of the T cell survival signals, OX40 ligand (OX40L) and CD30 ligand (CD30L) on CD4(+)CD3(-)CD11c(-)B220(-)IL-7Ralpha(+) inducer cells from birth to adulthood in mice. We found that adult but not neonatal inducer cells expressed high levels of OX40L and CD30L, whereas their expression of TNF-related activation-induced cytokine (TRANCE) and receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK) was comparable. The failure of neonatal inducer cells to express the ligands that rescue T cells helps to explain why exposure to Ag in neonatal life induces tolerance rather than immunity. The expression of OX40L and CD30L on inducer cells increased gradually in the first few weeks of life achieving essentially normal levels around the time mice were weaned. We found that IL-7 signaling through the common cytokine receptor gamma-chain was critical for the optimal expression of both TNF-related activation-induced cytokine and CD30L but not OX40L. Furthermore, glucocorticoids, which potently suppress T effector function, did not influence the expression of OX40L and CD30L in the presence of IL-7.  相似文献   

CTL are important effectors of antiviral immunity. Designing adjuvants that can induce strong cytotoxic T cell responses in humans would greatly improve the effectiveness of an antiviral vaccination or therapeutic strategy. Recent evidence suggests that, in addition to its well-established role in costimulation of CD4 T cell responses, OX40L (CD134) can directly costimulate mouse CD8 T cells. In this study, we evaluated the role of OX40L in costimulation of human antiviral CD8 T cell responses and compared it with two other important costimulators, B7.1 (CD80) and 4-1BBL (CD137L). Delivery of OX40L to human monocytes using a recombinant replication-defective adenovirus led to greater expansion, up-regulation of perforin, enhanced cytolytic activity, and increased numbers of IFN-gamma- and TNF-alpha-producing antiviral memory CD8 T cells in cultures of total T cells. Synergistic or additive effects were observed when OX40L costimulation was combined with 4-1BBL (CD137L) or B7.1 (CD80) costimulation. In total T cell cultures, at low Ag dose, 4-1BBL provided the most potent costimulus for influenza-specific CD8 T cell expansion, followed by B7.1 (CD80) and then OX40L. For isolated CD8 T cells, 4-1BBL was also the most consistent costimulator, followed by B7.1. In contrast, OX40L showed efficacy in direct activation of memory CD8 T cells in only one of seven donors. Thus, OX40L costimulates human antiviral memory CD8 T cell responses largely through indirect effects and can enhance anti-influenza, anti-EBV, and anti-HIV responses, particularly in combination with 4-1BBL or B7.  相似文献   

Increasing the long-term survival of memory T cells after immunization is key to a successful vaccine. In the past, the generation of large numbers of memory T cells in vivo has been difficult because Ag-stimulated T cells are susceptible to activation-induced cell death. Previously, we reported that OX40 engagement resulted in a 60-fold increase in the number of Ag-specific CD4(+) memory T cells that persisted 60 days postimmunization. In this report, we used the D011.10 adoptive transfer model to examine the kinetics of Ag-specific T cell entry into the peripheral blood, the optimal route of administration of Ag and alphaOX40, and the Ag-specific Ab response after immunization with soluble OVA and alphaOX40. Finally, we compared the adjuvant properties of alphaOX40 to those of alphaCTLA-4. Engagement of OX-40 in vivo was most effective when the Ag was administered s.c. Time course studies revealed that it was crucial for alphaOX40 to be delivered within 24-48 h after Ag exposure. Examination of anti-OVA Ab titers revealed a 10-fold increase in mice that received alphaOX40 compared with mice that received OVA alone. Both alphaOX40 and alphaCTLA-4 increased the percentage of OVA-specific CD4(+) T cells early after immunization (day 4), but alphaOX40-treated mice had much higher percentages of OVA-specific memory CD4(+) T cells from days 11 to 29. These studies demonstrate that OX40 engagement early after immunization with soluble Ag enhances long-term T cell and humoral immunity in a manner distinct from that provided by blocking CTLA-4.  相似文献   

OX40 costimulates T cells, increases activated T cell longevity, and promotes memory acquisition. T cells activated in vivo with agonist anti-OX40 and ovalbumin have a unique pattern of survival and cell division compared to control cells, but are able to respond to recall Ag equally well. BrdU incorporation shows that early cellular division rates of the anti-OX40-treated and the control groups are similar. Nevertheless, more BrdU(+) Ag-specific T cells accumulate in lymphoid tissue upon anti-OX40 administration. Thus, OX40 ligation does not necessarily lead to increased cell cycle entry, but promotes the accumulation of dividing cells. However, CFSE staining shows that OX40 ligation allows cells to progress through more cellular division cycles, while control cells stall or die. Moreover, OX40 ligation leads to a proportional decrease in apoptotic Ag-specific T cells. Thus, OX40 ligation boosts immunity by promoting an increase in the number cell cycles completed, thereby increasing the life span of Ag-activated CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

One goal of vaccination is to promote development of mucosal effector cells that can immediately respond to peripheral infection. This is especially important for protection against viruses that enter the host through the respiratory tract. We show that targeting the OX40 costimulatory receptor (CD134) strongly promotes mucosal memory in the CD8 T cell compartment. Systemic injection of an agonist antibody to OX40 strongly enhanced development of polyfunctional effector CD8 T cells that were induced after intraperitoneal infection with a highly virulent strain of vaccinia virus. These cells were located in lymphoid organs and also the lung, and importantly, long-term memory CD8 T cells were maintained in the lung over 1 year. Anti-OX40 also boosted memory development when mice were vaccinated subcutaneously with viral peptide. These CD8 T cells were sufficient to provide protection from lethal respiratory infection with live vaccinia virus independent of CD4 T cells and antibody. Again, the CD8 T cell populations that were induced after secondary infection displayed polyfunctionality and were maintained in the lung for over a year. These data suggest that agonists to the OX40 costimulatory receptor represent potential candidates for incorporation into vaccines for respiratory viruses.  相似文献   

Immune responses wane during aging, posing challenges to the potential effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies. We previously demonstrated that in the context of a promising immunotherapeutic, OX40 agonist (αOX40), older animals exhibited impaired anti-tumor immune responses and diminished CD4 T cell effector differentiation. In this study, we hypothesized that tumor immune responses could be maintained during aging through caloric restriction (CR) or dietary supplementation with resveratrol (RES), a CR mimetic. Mice were placed on either a calorically restricted diet or a RES-formulated diet starting between 4 and 6 months of age and continued until mice reached 12 months of age. Tumor immune responses were assessed after challenging with either sarcoma or breast tumor cells followed by αOX40 treatment. Our results show that CR, but not RES, maintained OX40-mediated anti-tumor immunity. In addition, CR fully sustained antigen-specific CD4 T cell priming in aged hosts (12 months old), whereas tumor-specific CD8 T cell priming was not fully maintained compared to young reference animals (2 months old). Thus, CR appears to maintain immunological fitness of the CD4 T cell priming environment during aging, which is critical for optimal OX40-mediated responses.  相似文献   

This study documents a striking dichotomy between CD4 and CD8 T cells in terms of their requirements for CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) costimulation. CD40L-deficient (-/-) mice made potent virus-specific CD8 T cell responses to dominant as well as subdominant epitopes following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. In contrast, in the very same mice, virus-specific CD4 T cell responses were severely compromised. There were 10-fold fewer virus-specific CD4 T cells in CD40L-/- mice compared with those in CD40L+/+ mice, and this inhibition was seen for both Th1 (IFN-gamma, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4) responses. An in vivo functional consequence of this Th cell defect was the inability of CD40L-/- mice to control a chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. This study highlights the importance of CD40-CD40L interactions in generating virus-specific CD4 T cell responses and in resolving chronic viral infection.  相似文献   

CD4 Th cells play critical roles in stimulating Ab production and in generating primary or maintaining memory CTL. The requirement for CD4 help in generating and maintaining CTL responses has been reported to vary depending on the vector or method used for immunization. In this study, we examined the requirement for CD4 T cell help in generating and maintaining CTL responses to an experimental AIDS vaccine vector based on live recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing HIV Env protein. We found that primary CD8 T cell responses and short-term memory to HIV Env and VSV nucleocapsid (VSV N) proteins were largely intact in CD4 T cell-deficient mice. These responses were efficiently recalled at 30 days postinfection by boosting with vaccinia recombinants expressing HIV Env or VSV N. However, by 60 days postinfection, the memory/recall response to VSV N was lost in CD4-deficient mice, while the recall response HIV Env was partially maintained in the same animals for at least 90 days. This result indicates that there are epitope-specific requirements for CD4 help in the maintenance of memory CD8 T cell responses. Our results also suggest that choice of epitopes might be critical in an AIDS vaccine designed to protect against disease in the context of reduced or declining CD4 T cell help.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells have been shown to play a critical role in the maintenance of an effective anti-viral CD8(+) CTL response in murine models. Recent studies have demonstrated that CD4(+) T cells provide help to CTLs through ligation of the CD40 receptor on dendritic cells. The role of CD4(+) T cell help in the expansion of virus-specific CD8(+) memory T cell responses was examined in normal volunteers recently vaccinated to influenza and in HIV-1 infected individuals. In recently vaccinated normal volunteers, CD4(+) T cell help was required for optimal in vitro expansion of influenza-specific CTL responses. Also, CD40 ligand trimer (CD40LT) enhanced CTL responses and was able to completely substitute for CD4(+) T cell help in PBMCs from normal volunteers. In HIV-1 infection, CD4(+) T cell help was required for optimal expansion of HIV-1-specific memory CTL in vitro in 9 of 10 patients. CD40LT could enhance CTL in the absence of CD4(+) T cell help in the majority of patients; however, the degree of enhancement of CTL responses was variable such that, in some patients, CD40LT could not completely substitute for CD4(+) T cell help. In those HIV-1-infected patients who demonstrated poor responses to CD40LT, a dysfunction in circulating CD8(+) memory T cells was demonstrated, which was reversed by the addition of cytokines including IL-2. Finally, it was demonstrated that IL-15 produced by CD40LT-stimulated dendritic cells may be an additional mechanism by which CD40LT induces the expansion of memory CTL in CD4(+) T cell-depleted conditions, where IL-2 is lacking.  相似文献   

IL-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays pleiotropic roles in host defense mechanisms. We investigated the role of IL-1 in the humoral immune response using gene-targeted mice. Ab production against SRBC was significantly reduced in IL-1alpha/beta-deficient (IL-1(-/-)) mice and enhanced in IL-1R antagonist(-/-) mice. The intrinsic functions of T, B, and APCs were normal in IL-1(-/-) mice. However, we showed that IL-1(-/-) APCs did not fully activate DO11.10 T cells, while IL-1R antagonist (-/-) APCs enhanced the reaction, indicating that IL-1 promotes T cell priming through T-APC interaction. The function of IL-1 was CD28-CD80/CD86 independent. We found that CD40 ligand and OX40 expression on T cells was affected by the mutation, and the reduced Ag-specific B cell response in IL-1(-/-) mice was recovered by the treatment with agonistic anti-CD40 mAb both in vitro and in vivo. These observations indicate that IL-1 enhances T cell-dependent Ab production by augmenting CD40 ligand and OX40 expression on T cells.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), an adapter protein that associates with the cytoplasmic tail of OX40, may play a critical role in OX40-mediated signal transduction. To investigate the in vivo role of TRAF2 in OX40-mediated generation of Ag-specific memory T cells, we bred OVA-specific TCR transgenic mice to TRAF2 dominant-negative (TRAF2 DN) mice. Following Ag stimulation and OX40 engagement of TRAF2 DN T cells in vivo, the number of long-lived OVA-specific T cells and effector T cell function was dramatically reduced when compared with wild-type T cells. We also demonstrate that CTLA-4 is down-regulated following OX40 engagement in vivo and the OX40-specific TRAF2 DN defect was partially overcome by CTLA-4 blockade in vivo. The data provide evidence that TRAF2 is linked to OX40-mediated memory T cell expansion and survival, and point to the down-regulation of CTLA-4 as a possible control element to enhance early T cell expansion through OX40 signaling.  相似文献   

Mice deficient in OX40 or 4-1BB costimulatory pathways show defects in T cell recall responses, with predominant effects on CD4 vs CD8 T cells, respectively. However, OX40L can also stimulate CD8 T cells and 4-1BBL can influence CD4 T cells, raising the possibility of redundancy between the two TNFR family costimulators. To test this possibility, we generated mice deficient in both 4-1BBL and OX40L. In an adoptive transfer model, CD4 T cells expressed 4-1BB and OX40 sequentially in response to immunization, with little or no overlap in the timing of their expression. Under the same conditions, CD8 T cells expressed 4-1BB, but no detectable OX40. Thus, in vivo expression of 4-1BB and OX40 can be temporally and spatially segregated. In the absence of OX40L, there were decreased CD4 T cells late in the primary response and no detectable secondary expansion of adoptively transferred CD4 T cells under conditions in which primary expansion was unaffected. The 4-1BBL had a minor effect on the primary response of CD4 T cells in this model, but showed larger effects on the secondary response, although 4-1BBL(-/-) mice show less impairment in CD4 secondary responses than OX40L(-/-) mice. The 4-1BBL(-/-) and double knockout mice were similarly impaired in the CD8 T cell response, whereas OX40L(-/-) and double knockout mice were similarly impaired in the CD4 T cell response to both protein Ag and influenza virus. Thus, 4-1BB and OX40 act independently and nonredundantly to facilitate robust CD4 and CD8 recall responses.  相似文献   

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