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G protein-coupled receptor 30 is an estrogen receptor in the plasma membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recently, GPR30 was reported to be a novel estrogen receptor; however, its intracellular localization has remained controversial. To investigate the intracellular localization of GPR30 in vivo, we produced four kinds of polyclonal antibodies for distinct epitopes on GPR30. Immunocytochemical observations using anti-GPR30 antibody and anti-FLAG antibody show that FLAG-GPR30 localizes to the plasma membrane 24 h after transfection. Treatment with estrogen (17beta-estradiol or E2) causes an elevation in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) within 10 s in HeLa cells expressing FLAG-GPR30. In addition, E2 induces the translocation of GPR30 from the plasma membrane to the cytoplasm by 1 h after stimulation. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that GPR30 exists on the cell surface of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells. The images on transmission electron microscopy show that GPR30 is localized to a particular region associated with the plasma membranes of the pyramidal cells. These data indicate that GPR30, a transmembrane receptor for estrogen, is localized to the plasma membrane of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells of the hippocampus in rat brain.  相似文献   

We have identified novel estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) antagonists using both cell-based and computer-based virtual screening strategies. A mammalian two-hybrid screen was used to select compounds that disrupt the interaction between the ERalpha ligand binding domain (LBD) and the coactivator SRC-3. A virtual screen was designed to select compounds that fit onto the LxxLL peptide-binding surface of the receptor, based on the X-ray crystal structure of the ERalpha LBD complexed with a LxxLL peptide. All selected compounds effectively inhibited 17-beta-estradiol induced coactivator recruitment with potency ranging from nano-molar to micromolar. However, in contrast to classical ER antagonists, these novel inhibitors poorly displace estradiol in the ER-ligand competition assay. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) suggested direct binding of these compounds to the receptors pre-complexed with estradiol and further demonstrated that no estradiol displacement occurred. Partial proteolytic enzyme digestion revealed that, when compared with 17-beta-estradiol- and 4 hydroxy-tamoxifen (4-OHT) bound receptors, at least one of these compounds might induce a unique receptor conformation. These small molecules may represent new classes of ER antagonists, and may have the potential to provide an alternative for the current anti-estrogen therapy.  相似文献   

目的:检测雌激素受体β(ERβ)在胃组织的存在状况并研究其在人胃腺癌中的作用。方法:使用免疫组化方法,在蛋白水平对配对的原发性胃腺癌患者的癌组织及其癌旁非癌组织的ERB亚型进行检测,采用20例正常胃粘膜作为对照。结果:ERβ蛋白在部分胃腺癌及其癌旁非癌组织表达,但ERβ阳性率及表达模式不同。与配对的非癌组织相比,部分癌组织发生了ERβ表达减少或丢失,而且ERβ表达减少与低分化程度相关(P=0.041),丢失的ERβ仅见于低分化癌。结论:ERβ可作为识别某些进展期胃腺癌发生发展的标志物,ERβ表达改变在低分化癌中更常见,也提示ERβ阳性胃腺癌可能比ERp表达丢失者预后更好;另外,在非癌组织腺上皮存在E邢的表达提示在正常胃组织中ERB很可能具有一种保护性作用。  相似文献   

Relatives of the vertebrate estrogen receptor (ER) are found in Aplysia californica, Octopus vulgaris, Thais clavigera, and Marisa cornuarietis. Unlike vertebrate ERs, invertebrate ERs are constitutively active and do not bind estradiol. To investigate the molecular basis of the absence of estrogen binding, we constructed a 3D model of the putative steroid-binding domain on octopus ER. Our 3D model indicates that binding of estradiol to octopus ER is prevented by steric clashes between estradiol and amino acids in the steroid-binding pocket. In this respect, octopus ER resembles vertebrate estrogen-related receptors (ERR), which have a ligand-binding pocket that cannot accommodate estradiol. Like ERR, octopus ER also may have the activation function 2 domain (AF2) in a configuration that can bind to coactivators in the absence of estrogens, which would explain constitutive activity of octopus ER.  相似文献   

The origins of signaling by vertebrate steroids are not fully understood. An important advance was the report that an estrogen-binding steroid receptor [SR] is present in amphioxus, a basal chordate with a similar body plan as vertebrates. To investigate the evolution of estrogen-binding to steroid receptors, we constructed a 3D model of amphioxus SR complexed with estradiol. This 3D model indicates that although the SR is activated by estradiol, some interactions between estradiol and human ERα are not conserved in the SR, which can explain the low affinity of estradiol for the SR. These differences between the SR and ERα in the steroid-binding domain are sufficient to suggest that another steroid is the physiological regulator of the SR. The 3D model predicts that mutation of Glu-346 to Gln will increase the affinity of testosterone for amphioxus SR and elucidate the evolution of steroid-binding to nuclear receptors.  相似文献   

Estradiol (E2) and other steroids have recently been shown to initiate various intracellular signaling cascades from the plasma membrane, including those stimulating mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and particularly extracellular-regulated kinases (ERKs). In this study we demonstrated the ability of E2 to activate ERKs in the GH3/B6/F10 pituitary tumor cell line, originally selected for its enhanced expression of membrane estrogen receptor-alpha (mERalpha). We compared E2 to its cell-impermeable analog (E2 conjugated to peroxidase, E2-P), and to the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES). Time-dependent ERK activation was quantified with a novel fixed cell-based immunoassay developed to efficiently determine activation by multiple compounds over multiple parameters. Both E2 and DES produced bimodal responses, but with distinctly different time courses of enzyme phosphorylation (activation) and inactivation; E2-P induced a monophasic ERK activation. E2 also phosphorylated ERKs in concentration-dependent manner with two concentration optima (10(-14) and 10(-8)M). Inhibitors were employed to determine pathway (ER, EGFR, membrane organization, PI3 kinase, Src kinase, Ca2+) involvement and timing of pathway activations; all affected ERK activation as early as 3-6 min, suggesting simultaneous, not sequential, activation. Therefore, E2 and other estrogenic compounds can produce rapid ERK phosphorylations via nongenomic pathways, using more than one pathway for signal generation.  相似文献   

Wolohan P  Reichert DE 《Steroids》2007,72(3):247-260
OPLS all atom force field parameters were developed in order to model a diverse set of novel rhenium based estrogen receptor ligands whose relative binding affinities (RBA) to the estrogen receptor alpha isoform (ERalpha) with respect to 17beta-estradiol were available. The binding properties of these novel rhenium based organometallic complexes were studied with a combination of Comparative Molecular Similarity Indices Analysis (CoMSIA) and docking. A total of 29 estrogen receptor ligands consisting of 11 rhenium complexes and 18 organic ligands were docked inside the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of ERalpha utilizing the program Gold. The top ranked pose was used to construct CoMSIA models from a training set of 22 of the estrogen receptor ligands which were selected at random. In addition scoring functions from the docking runs and the polar volume (PV) were also studied to investigate their ability to predict RBA ERalpha. A partial least-squares analysis consisting of the CoMSIA steric, electrostatic and hydrophobic indices together with the polar volume proved sufficiently predictive having a correlation coefficient, r(2), of 0.94 and a cross-validated correlation coefficient, q(2), utilizing the leave-one-out method of 0.68. Analysis of the scoring functions from Gold showed particularly poor correlation to RBA ERalpha which did not improve when the rhenium complexes were extracted to leave the organic ligands. The combined CoMSIA and polar volume model ranked correctly the ligands in order of increasing RBA ERalpha, illustrating the utility of this method as a prescreening tool in the development of novel rhenium based estrogen receptor ligands.  相似文献   

Eugenol is an essential oil mainly found in the buds and leaves of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill and Perry), which has been reported to have activity on inhibition of cell proliferation and apoptosis induction in human MCF-7 breast cancer cells. This biological activity is correlated to its activity as an estrogen receptor antagonist. In this article, we present the construction and validation of structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) protocols to identify the potent estrogen receptor α (ER) antagonists. The selected protocol, which gave acceptable enrichment factors as a virtual screening protocol, subsequently used to virtually screen eugenol, its analogs and their dimers. Based on the virtual screening results, dimer eugenol of 4-[4-hydroxy-3-(prop-2-en-1- yl)phenyl]-2-(prop-2-en-1-yl)phenol is recommended to be developed further in order to discover novel and potent ER antagonists.  相似文献   

The estrogen receptor (ER), a member of the nuclear receptor (NR) family, is involved in the regulation of physiological effects such as reproduction and bone homeostasis. Approximately 70% of human breast cancers are hormone-dependent and ERα-positive, and, thus, ER antagonists are broadly used in breast cancer therapy. We herein designed and synthesized a set of ER antagonists with a 4-heterocycle-4-phenylheptane skeleton.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms of estrogen receptor alpha gene in endometrial cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is hypothesized that polymorphisms of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) gene are involved in endometrial cancer. To test this hypothesis, the genotype distributions of six different loci (codon 10 T-->C, codon 87 G-->C, codon 243 C-->T, codon 325 C-->G, codon 594 G-->A, and intron 1 C-->G) of the ERalpha gene were investigated and their association with endometrial cancer was determined. The DNA from 113 cases of human endometrial cancer was analyzed by sequence-specific polymerase chain reaction. The relative risk of variant genotype was calculated by comparison with 200 healthy controls. The frequency of variant genotype on codon 10 was significantly lower in endometrial cancer patients as compared to controls. Nine of 113 endometrial cancer patients (8.0%) showed genotype 10C/C compared to 27 of 200 healthy controls (13.5%). The relative risk of genotype 10C/C was calculated as 0.44, compared to wild-type. Forty-five of 113 endometrial cancer patients (39.8%) showed genotype T/C on codon 10 compared to 111 of 200 healthy controls (55.5%). The relative risk of genotype 10T/C was calculated as 0.67, compared to wild-type. The polymorphism on codon 87 was not detected both in endometrial cancer patients and in healthy control. Other loci, intron 1, and codons 243, 325, and 594, did not show a correlation with endometrial cancer. The frequency of alleles on codon 10 was also significantly lower in endometrial cancer patients as compared to controls. Sixty-three of 226 alleles (27.9%) of endometrial cancer patients showed allele C compared to 165 of 400 (41.2%) of healthy controls. The relative risk of allele 10C was calculated as 0.67, compared to wild-type. Other loci, intron 1, and codons 243, 325, and 594, did not show a difference between cancer patients and controls. All genotype and allelic distributions were in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The present study demonstrates for the first time a protective effect of 10C allele against endometrial cancer. Thus, inherited alterations in ERalpha may be associated with changes in estrogen metabolism and thereby may possibly explain inter-individual differences in disease incidences of endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

Muscarinic receptor extracted from porcine atria in digitonin-cholate copurified with Gαo, Gαi1-3, and caveolins. The presence of complexes was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of the receptor, α-subunits, and caveolins in various combinations. Homooligomers of αi2 were detected on Western blots, and heterooligomers of αi2 and αo were identified by coimmunoprecipitation; thus, a complex may contain at least two α-subunits. Other combinations of α-subunit were not detected. The ratio of total α-subunit to receptor was near 1, as measured by [35S]GTPγS and the antagonist [3H]quinuclidinylbenzilate, and the binding of [35S]GTPγS was manifestly biphasic. The ratio of αo to αi1,2 also was near 1, as determined from the intensity of Western blots. Cardiac muscarinic receptors therefore can be purified as a mixture of complexes that contain caveolins and oligomers of α-subunit, some of which are heteromeric. Each complex would appear to contain equal numbers of α-subunit and the receptor.  相似文献   

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