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Evaluating cell substrates for producing vaccines and other biologicals is one of the critical aspects in assuring quality and safety of these products. As part of its mission in setting standards for biological products, WHO provides recommendations for manufacturing and evaluating biologicals. Regular updates of the guidance documents are important to manufacturers and regulators worldwide. WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) identified a need for revising the requirements for cell substrates (WHO TRS 878, annex 1). In response, WHO established a Study Group (SG) in 2006 that prepared an updated set of recommendations for using cell substrates for the production of biologicals. A summary of the proposed changes that the SG made in 2007 is available at WHO web site (http://www.who.int/biologicals/publications/meetings/areas/vaccines/cells/en/index.html). Draft revised recommendations were circulated to regulators, manufacturers and other experts for comments in April 2009.The SG held its third meeting on 22–23 April 2009 to review progress in the revision and to propose further improvements. In addition, the experts discussed the need for reference preparations, reference cell banks, and standardization of testing methodologies. The SG proposed clarifications of the rationale for in vivo testing as well as the potential for applying new methods for in vitro testing for detecting microbial agents. In line with this, WHO should conduct review of the current manufacturers' practice in using tests for microbial agents and interpreting these results. Additionally, WHO should take a lead in developing an International Standard for nucleic acid amplification test (NAT) for detecting mycoplasma contamination in cell substrates. WHO Collaborating Centers will lead this initiative, involving other relevant institutions in this area. Finally, advice on the replacement of the WHO Vero reference cell bank 10–87 with respect to the source of cells and re-characterization of the bank was provided. The intended use of the replacement cell bank would be the same as for the current cell bank, which is to serve as a source of well-characterized cells for establishing master cell banks for the production of biologicals. The SG will report outcomes of its discussion to the ECBS at its next meeting in October 2009 for further considerations and advice regarding the proposed course of action.  相似文献   

In November 2005, the World Health Organization convened an informal technical workshop on the stability of reference materials for biological medicines and in vitro diagnostics. The meeting was attended by experts from WHO collaborating centres in the area of biological standardization, national control laboratories, industries and other relevant organizations. The consultation group discussed current practices and approaches to predicting and monitoring the stability of biological reference materials. The group agreed to the need for establishing a working group (i) to continue dialogue on potential issues encompassing the principles, strategies and practicality for assuring the stability of WHO international reference standards for biological medicines and in vitro diagnostics and (ii) to develop more detailed guidance for assessment of the stability of WHO international biological reference materials.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are targets for steroid hormones where they regulate important neuronal functions. Some steroid hormones are synthesized within the nervous system, either de novo from cholesterol, or by the metabolism of precursors originating from the circulation, and they were termed ‘neurosteroids'. The sex steroid progesterone can also be considered as a neurosteroid since its synthesis was demonstrated in rat glial cell cultures of the CNS (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) and of the PNS (Schwann cells). Both types of glial cells express steroid hormone receptors, ER, GR and PR. As in target tissue, e.g. the uterus, PR is estrogen-inducible in brain glial cell cultures. In the PNS, similar PR-induction could not be seen in pure Schwann cells derived from sciatic nerves. However, a significant PR-induction by estradiol was demonstrated in Schwann cells cocultured with dorsal root ganglia (DRG), and we will present evidence that neuronal signal(s) are required for this estrogen-mediated PR-induction. Progesterone has multiple effects on glial cells, it influences growth, differentiation and increases the expression of myelin-specific proteins in oligodendrocytes, and potentiates the formation of new myelin sheaths by Schwann cells in vivo. Progesterone and progesterone analogues also promotes myelination of DRG-Neurites in tissue culture, strongly suggesting a role for this neurosteroid in myelinating processes in the CNS and in the PNS.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids, recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains, and backcross breeding experiments were used to locate the gene of transcobalamin II (Tcn-2), the vitamin B12 binding protein in mouse serum. TCN-2 was found to be a useful genetic marker in the somatic cell hybrids. Selected hybrid clones were derived from fusions between GR mouse cells and the Chinese hamster cell line E36. Analysis of mouse specific chromosomal enzyme markers in relationship to TCN-2 secretion, in the hybrid clones, provided provisional evidence for assignment of the Tcn-2 locus to chromosome 11. The strain distribution pattern of the TCN-2 variants S and F in the RI series CXS, constructed from the cross of BALB/cHeA (TCN-2S) with STS/A (TCN-2F), implied a close linkage with the hemoglobin alpha-chain locus (Hba) on chromosome 11. Backcross breeding using inbred strains confirmed these findings and located the Tcn-2 gene closest to the centromere, linked with waved 2 (wa-2) and Hba with recombination frequencies of 6.9 and 19.2% each. The linkage group Tcn-2/wa-2/Hba was established.This work was supported by Swiss National Science Foundation Grants 3.023-0.81 and 3.728-0.80, Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche Stiftung 173, the Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta Foundation, and the Kantonale Zürcher Liga für krebsbekämpfung, Switzerland. M. Prochazka was supported by the Postgraduate Training Program for Experimental Medicine and Biology of the University of Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Although controversy remains regarding direct effects of estrogen on bone, in vivo data clearly show that estrogens suppress bone turnover, resulting in decreased bone resorption and formation activity. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), such as raloxifene, produce effects on bone which are very similar to those of estrogen. In vitro, both raloxifene and estrogen inhibit mammalian osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption activity, but only in the presence of IL-6. Data from a number of ovariectomized rat model manipulations (i.e. hypophysectomy, low calcium diet and drug combinations) demonstrate a strong parallel between the antiosteopenic effects of raloxifene and estrogen. A characteristic action of estrogens on the skeleton is inhibition of longitudinal bone growth, an effect which is not observed with other resorption inhibitors, including calcitonin and bisphosphonates. Consistent with an estrogen-like mechanism on bone, raloxifene inhibits longitudinal bone growth in growing rats. In addition to the overall similarity of the bone activity profile in animals, estrogen and raloxifene also produce similar effects on various signaling pathways relative to the antiosteopenic effect of these two agents. For example, IL-6, a cytokine involved in high turnover bone resorption following estrogen deficiency in rats, is suppressed by both raloxifene and estrogen. Raloxifene and estrogen also produce a similar activation of TGF-β3 (a cytokine associated with inhibition of osteoclast differentiation and activity) in ovariectomized rats. Like 17β-estradiol, raloxifene binds with high affinity to both estrogen receptor- (ER) and estrogen receptor-β (ERβ). Crystal structure analyses have shown that 17β-estradiol and raloxifene bind to ER with small, but important, differences in three dimensional structure. These subtle differences in the conformation of the ligand:receptor complex are likely the basis for the key pharmacological differences between estrogens and the various SERMs (i.e. raloxifene vs tamoxifen). Raloxifene also produces estrogen-like effects on serum cholesterol metabolism and the vasculature. Thus, while raloxifene exhibits a complete estrogen antagonist in mammary tissue and the uterus, it produces beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and prevents bone loss via an estrogen receptor mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1), an orphan nuclear receptor, initially was isolated as a key regulator of the tissue-specific expression of the cytochrome P450 steroid hydroxylases. Thereafter, analyses of sites of SF-1 expression during mouse embryological development hinted at considerably expanded roles for SF-1, roles that were strikingly confirmed through the analyses of SF-1 knockout mice. These SF-1 knockout mice exhibited adrenal and gonadal agenesis, associated with male-to-female sex reversal of their internal and external genitalia and death from adrenocortical insufficiency. These findings showed unequivocally that SF-1 is essential for the embryonic survival of the primary steroidogenic organs. SF-1 knockout mice also had impaired pituitary expression of gonadotropins and agenesis of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH), establishing that SF-1 regulates reproductive function at all three levels of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. This article reviews the experiments that have defined these essential roles of SF-1 in endocrine development and highlights important areas for future studies.  相似文献   

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