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The 13C NMR spectra at 25.2 MHz of the Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes of the antitumor antibiotic bleomycin A2 are discussed. Complexation of the drug to Zn(II) causes 38 of the 52 resonance lines of bleomycin A2 to shift to new positions. All but ten of these shifted lines have been assigned in the Zn(II) bleomycin complex. Although the specific donor sites of the drug cannot be identified from the 13C NMR data, the analysis clearly shows that the pyrimidine-imidazole portion of the molecule is affected by chelation. This finding is in agreement with the previously reported metal-binding site of the antibiotic. The analysis also shows that carbon atoms which have large through-bond distances from the binding site can experience substantial chemical-shift changes upon metal binding. Complexation of the drug to Cu(II) eliminates 23 resonances from the spectrum of the molecule. All of these resonances emanate from carbon atoms which are located in the pyrimidine-imidazole portion of the drug.  相似文献   

The 1H NMR spectrum of the glycopeptide antineoplastic antibiotic bleomycin has been examined in D2O solution (Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance, 270 MHZ) and in H2O solution (correlation nuclear magnetic resonance, 250 MHZ). Resonances have been assigned to specific hydrogens of the two most abundant congeners, bleomycin-A2 (BLM-A2) and bleomycin-B2 (BLM-B2), on the basis of (1) homonuclear spin decoupling, (2) comparison of the spectra of BLM-A2, BLM-B2, fragments of these antibiotics, and the related antibiotic phleomycin, and (3) the pH dependence of chemical shifts. Resonance assignments are presented for all the CH protons of BLM-A2 and BLM-B2 except for the saccharide groups, for which only the anomeric proton assignments are given. All of the NH protons have been identified with specific resonances except for the two primary amide groups, which yield four well-resolved peaks, whose specific assignment was not attempted. This study serves as a basis for future investigations of the conformation of bleomycin and its interaction with metals and nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to perform screening of a novel drug for treating liver injury. Bis(maltolato)zinc(II) complex [Zn(Mal)(2)], which was previously reported to possess insulinomimetic activity, was found to have potency against experimentally induced liver injury both in vitro and in vivo. Cultured rat hepatocytes were treated with bromobenzene for 24 h to induce cellular injury. Zn(Mal)(2) of various concentrations was added along with bromobenzene in order to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of Zn(Mal)(2) in vitro. The number of viable hepatocytes decreased by 42% in the culture with bromobenzene. However, hepatocyte viability was maintained when Zn(Mal)(2) was added to the bromobenzene culture. The hepatoprotective activity of Zn(Mal)(2) in vivo was investigated using a concanavalin A-induced liver injury model in BALB/c mice. Changes in serum aminotransferase activities and the secretion of several cytokines were measured. The hepatoprotective effect of Zn(Mal)(2) was also demonstrated in vivo by the suppression of serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase elevation. No significant changes in serum cytokines associated with the induction of hepatic damage were observed in the concanavalin A-induced injury model. However, examination of concanavalin A-treated mouse splenocytes revealed a dose-dependent suppression of cytokine secretions by Zn(Mal)(2). Zn(Mal)(2) possessed hepatoprotective activity and might exert its effect by a number of mechanisms.  相似文献   

Five coordinate complex formation of zinc(II)–octaethylporphyrin (Zn(OEP)) and zinc(II)–tetraphenylporphyrin (Zn(TPP)) have been studied in the presence of seven systematically selected electron donor molecules. Stability constants in toluene were determined at various temperature ranged between 20 and 60°C by absorption and steady-state fluorescent measurements from which thermodynamic parameters were determined. Depending on the porphyrin and the axial ligand the entropy is changing between −127 and −61 J mol−1 K−1 while the enthalpy is ranging from −49 to −24 kJ mol−1.  相似文献   

In contrast with BLM(or TALM)-Cu(II) complex system, Cu(I)-O2 system of BLM(or TALM) as well as the corresponding Fe(II) system evidently produces reactive oxygen radicals as detected by ESR spin trapping. The sulfhydryl compound strongly prevented the generation of hydroxyl radical in BLM(or TALM)-Cu(I)-O2 system. TALM forms metal complexes similar to BLM. The action mechanism of BLM and TALM has been proposed to be substantially same.  相似文献   

Sinefungin (SFG) is an antifungal and antiparasitic nucleoside antibiotic composed by ornithine and adenosine moieties both having the potential to bind copper(II). NMR studies performed at physiological pH have shown that the alpha-amino and the carboxylate groups in the ornithine unit are the preferred donor sites for Cu(II) binding. On the contrary, at acidic pH, Cu(II) complexation starts from adenosine nitrogen being the alpha-amino group still protonated and not available for metal binding. The proton paramagnetic relaxation enhancements measured at neutral pH allowed to obtain the 3D structure of the 1:2 Cu(II)-SFG complex. Molecular dynamics calculations were revealing for the existence of secondary Cu(II) interaction with the purine nitrogens of the adenosine moiety.  相似文献   

The reaction of Co(II)bleomycin with dioxygen has been investigated. Dioxygen binds to the Co(II) complex within the time of mixing according to electron spin resonance and uv-visible spectroscopy and dioxygen analysis. Then, two dioxygenated cobalt centers react, releasing 1 mol of O2 and forming an intermediate characterized by a few highly shifted 1H NMR resonances and loss of the ESR spectrum. This is thought to be a dioxygen-bridged dimer of cobalt bleomycin molecules. Time-dependent absorbance and dioxygen measurements yield the same second order rate constant for this step of the reaction. According to uv-visible and NMR spectral analysis, the intermediate decays into diamagnetic products in a first order rate process. High performance liquid chromatography and 1H NMR studies demonstrate that the product contains two bleomycin species of equal concentration. One component is Co(III)bleomycin, designated Form II. The other is the peroxide adduct of Co(III)bleomycin, Form I, as determined by direct determination of hydrogen peroxide, which is slowly released from the product at low pH. In contrast, hydrogen peroxide is readily detected during the reaction of Co(II)Blm with O2. In isolation, Form I is unstable at pH 7 and is converted within 24 h into a mixture of Form I and Form II.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (Bm), a 1.4 kDa glycopeptide excreted by Streptomyces verticillus, is a natural antibacterial compound used in therapy as antineoplastic drug. To counteract its biological activity, cells have developed several resistance mechanisms, one of these based on proteins able to tightly bind Bm. In this paper, the interaction of Zn(2+)-Bm with the Streptoalloteichus hindustanus Bm resistance protein (ShBle) has been investigated by solution state NMR. Sequential nOe and chemical shift index have shown that the fold of the protein (in absence or presence of Bm) is identical to the previously published X-ray structure. The dimeric nature of ShBle is confirmed by the diffusion tensor as determined by NMR relaxation data. Using isotope filtered nOe experiment, intermolecular nOes between Bm and ShBle have been observed as used for modeling. While the interaction of the Bm metal binding site with ShBle appears to be uniquely defined, several conformations of the bithiazole moieties are compatible with the NMR data. Binding of Bm also induces changes of the local dynamics (stretch N85-G91), as shown by (15)N relaxation data. These results are discussed in the context of several Bm analogues able to interact with ShBle and of the recently published X-rays structures.  相似文献   

Quercetin zinc(II) complex was investigated focusing on its hydrolytic activity toward DNA. The complex successfully promotes the cleavage of plasmid DNA, producing single and double DNA strand breaks. The amount of conversion of supercoiled form (SC) of plasmid to the nicked circular form (NC) depends on the concentration of the complex as well as the duration of incubation of the complex with DNA. The rate of conversion of SC to NC is 1.68x10(-4) s(-1) at pH 7.2 in the presence of 100 microM of the complex. The hydrolytic cleavage of DNA by the complex is supported by the evidence from free radical quenching, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) assay, and T4 ligase ligation.  相似文献   

Rotational frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) and (13)C NMR measurements were carried out to study the molecular interaction between maltodextrin, a digestive byproduct of starch, and an anionic surfactant. Significant differences in chemical shifts were observed when sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was introduced into the maltodextrin (DE 10) solutions. (13)C NMR measurement indicated that there were downfield shifts and broadening of peaks, especially in the region of 75-81 and 100-103 ppm, which were assigned to carbons 1 and 4 of the d-glucopyranose residues of maltodextrin, respectively. ROESY spectra indicated cross-peaks between the SDS and maltodextrin protons. These peaks can arise only in the case of the designated SDS protons and maltodextrin protons being less than 0.5 nm apart for a substantial period of time. The most intense cross-peaks are those between the central CH(2) protons of SDS near 1.2 ppm and the maltodextrin protons ranging from 3.5 to 3.9 ppm. The SDS-H3 CH(2) protons were resolved from the bulk of the SDS protons, with peaks and shoulders at 1.25 ppm, which indicated an especially strong interaction of the SDS hydrophobic tail with MD6 and some less intense interactions with MD2, 4, and 5.  相似文献   

The initial binding of Cu2+ ot L-lysine, L-histidine, glycyl-histidine and histidyl-glycine in aqueous solutions was examined by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The measurements were carried out in a substantially improved way employing the pulse Fourier transform technique. Spectra of both high quality and resolution were obtained. Cu2+ complex formation with L-lysine occurred with the alpha-amino and carboxyl group attributable to the well expressed broadening effect of the 13C signals of the alpha-carbon atom and the carboxyl atom. The epsilon-amino group was not involved. Measurements of the Cu chelates using L-histidine and glycyl-histidine and histidyl-glycine confirmed the ambidentate nature of the histidine residue. It was concluded that an equilibrium exists between two Cu-complex species designated as histamine-like and histamine-like/glycine-like species. In the homogeneous histamine-like Cu complex, the Cu2+ is exclusively bound with 4 nitrogens, while in the other species one oxygen of the glycyl carboxyl group is involved in the Cu2+ binding. Blocking of this carboxyl groups by peptide bonding as found in histidyl-glycine favoured the formation of a Cu complex where the imidazole carbons of the histidyl residue were the most influenced species.  相似文献   

Solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of bacteriorhodopsin labeled with [4-13C]Asp show that resonances of single amino acids can be resolved. In order to assign and characterize the resonances of specific Asp residues, three different approaches were used. (1) Determination of the chemical shift anisotropy from side-band intensities provides information about the protonation state of Asp residues. (2) Relaxation studies and T1 filtering allow one to discriminate between resonances with different mobility. (3) A comparison of the spectra of light- and dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin provides evidence for resonances from aspartic acid residues in close neighborhood of the chromophore. In agreement with other investigations, four resonances are assigned to internal residues. Two of them are protonated in the ground state up to pH 10 (Asp96 and Asp115). All other detected resonances, including Asp85 and Asp212, are due to deprotonated aspartic acid. Two lines due to the two internal deprotonated groups change upon dark and light adaptation, whereas the protonated Asp residues are unaffected.  相似文献   

The aerobic oxidation of Co(II)bleomycin bound to calf thymus DNA has been investigated in relation to the mechanism of reaction in solution in the absence of DNA. Kinetics of dioxygenation of the Co(II) complex were followed by spectrophotometric and electron spin resonance spectroscopy as well as dioxygen analysis. The reaction is slower than when carried out in solution; its rate is inversely related to the ratio of DNA base pairs to Co(II)bleomycin. The subsequent oxidation reaction, observed spectrophotometrically and by dioxygen analysis, is second order in cobalt complex. The calculated second order rate constant is also inversely related to the base pair to metal complex ratio. Once this ratio exceeds three, the reaction rate slows significantly with each additional increment of DNA added to the starting reaction mixture. Taking advantage of the high stability of O(2)-Co(II)bleomycin bound to greater than a 3-fold excess of DNA base pairs, it could be demonstrated that the rate constant for oxidation of two O(2)-Co(II)bleomycin molecules is much slower than that for O(2)-Co(II)bleomycin plus Co(II)bleomycin. With the same technique it was observed that the metal centers of O(2)-Co(II)bleomycin and Fe(II)bleomycin also undergo oxidation. The binding to DNA of both solution products of the oxidation of Co(II)bleomycin by O2 was examined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Peroxy-Co(III)bleomycin, Form I, binds with higher affinity than Co(III)bleomycin, Form II. At lower ionic strength, the size of the DNA binding site for each form is about 2 base pairs/molecule of drug.  相似文献   

A thorough spectral investigation of the copper(II) complex of the antitumor compound, bleomycin, has been carried out in solution employing optical, difference optical, electron spin resonance, and circular dichroism techniques. The optical spectrum of a pH = 7 solution of the 1:1 complex between copper(II) and bleomycin is characterized by a broad weak band in the visible region (λmax = 610 nm) that cannot be resolved and intense ultraviolet bands at 317 (? = 2800), 327 (shoulder), 250 (? = 4700), and 257 nm (shoulder). The circular dichroism spectrum in the visible region shows the broad and weak visible absorption band contains at least three components (558, 675, and 880 nm) that are likely to be “d-d” in origin. The electron spin resonance spectrum is characteristic of a tetragonal d9 copper(II) system showing no rhombic distoritions at X-band frequencies (gx = gy ± 0.002). The spin Hamiltonian parameters for the pH = 7.0 solution corrected for second order effects are A = 177 × 10?4 cm?1, A ? 15 × 10?4 cm?1, g = 2.214, g = 2.039. Most interesting was the observation of extra hyperfine splitting due to endogenous nitrogen coordination in a 30% glycerol glass (AN = 12.0 × 10?4 cm?1). That pattern is best interpreted as a seven-line sequence associated with three liganded nitrogens. A dramatic change in all spectral properties occurs when the pH of the copper(II)-bleomycin complex is lowered to 2.5. All these data taken together suggest a CuN3O coordination complex in solution. Details and justifications as well as a discussion of the limitations of the interpretations are presented.  相似文献   

The formation constants for complexes of Zn(II) with GHL and related peptides have been determined by means of potentiometric titration and 1H NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution. GHL has a high affinity for Zn(II) but this somewhat higher affinity compared to the related peptides AH, LH and HL is not a sufficient explanation for its biological role.1H NMR spectroscopy allows structural assignment of the relative chemical shifts to complex structures and the method, therefore, is a powerful tool for the determination of complex structures when the metal ion is diamagnetic and the ESR method previously applied to the GHLCu(II) system (see ref. 4) cannot be used.  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanism of binding of Cu-(II).bleomycin, Fe(III).bleomycin, and Cu(II).phleomycin to DNA were studied by using fluorometry, equilibrium dialysis, electric dichroism, and temperature-jump and stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The affinity of Cu(II).bleomycin for DNA was greater than that of metal-free bleomycin but less than that of Fe(III).bleomycin. Cu(II).bleomycin exhibited a two-step binding process, with the slow step indicating a lifetime of 0.1 s for the Cu(II).bleomycin.DNA complex. Fe(III).bleomycin binding kinetics indicated the presence of complexes having lifetimes of up to 22 s. DNA was lengthened by 4.6 A/molecule of bound Cu(II).bleomycin and by 3.2 A/bound Fe(III).bleomycin but not at all by Cu(II).phleomycin, suggesting that both bleomycin complexes intercalate while the phleomycin complex does not. However, phleomycin exhibited nearly the same specificity of DNA base release as bleomycin. These results suggest that the coordinated metal ion plays a major role in the binding of metal-bleomycin complexes to DNA but that intercalation is neither essential for DNA binding and degradation nor primarily responsible for the specificity of DNA base release by these drugs.  相似文献   

In this work we present the synthesis and structural and spectroscopic characterization of Cu(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) coordination compounds with the antibiotic metronidazole ([double bond]emni). Coordination to metal ions is through its imidazolic nitrogen, while the hydroxyethyl and nitro groups act as supramolecular synthons. [Co(emni)(2)Br(2)], and [Zn(emni)(2)X(2)] (X(-)=Cl, Br) stabilize zig-zag chains, and a 2D supramolecular structure is formed by inter-chain contacts through inter-molecular hydrogen-bonding. Pleated sheet or layers are formed by [Co(emni)(2)Cl(2)] and [Cu(emni)(2)Cl(H(2)O)](2)Cl(2), respectively. The dinuclear Cu(II) compound [Cu(emni)mu(O(2)CMe)(2)](2) gives a one-dimensional zig-zag arrangement. The contribution of metal ions in metronidazole coordination compounds is shown in the stabilization of the different aggregate structures.  相似文献   

Two new homo- and hetero-dinuclear complexes, [Cu2L(im)](ClO4)34H2O (1) and [CuZnL(im)](ClO4)34H2O (2) (where Im=1H-1midazole and L = 3, 6, 9, 16, 19, 22-hexaaza-6, 19-bis(1H-imidazol-4-ylmethyl)tricycle[22, 2, 2, 211,14]triaconta-1, 11, 13, 24, 27, 29-hexaene) were synthesized and characterized as model compounds for the active site of copper(II)–zinc(II) superoxide dismutase (Cu2Zn2–SOD). X-ray crystal structure analysis revealed that the metal centers in both complexes exhibit distorted trigonal-bipyramid coordination geometry and the CuCu and CuZn distances are both 6.02 Å. Magnetic and ESR spectral measurements of 1 showed antiferromagnetic exchange interactions between the imidazolate-bridged Cu(II) ions. The ESR spectrum of 2 displays typical signals of mononuclear Cu(II) complex, demonstrating the formation of heterodinuclear complex 2 rather than a mixture of homodinuclear Cu(II)/Zn(II) complexes. pH-dependent ESR and UV–visible spectral measurements manifest that the imidazolate exists as a bridging ligand from pH 6 to 11 for both complexes. The IC50 values of 1.96 and 1.57 μM [per Cu(II) ion] for 1 and 2 suggest that they are good models for the Cu2Zn2–SOD.  相似文献   

The coordination of zinc(II) ion to hyaluronate (Hya), a natural copolymer, in aqueous solution at pH 6 was investigated by potentiometric and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic methods, and by monitoring the changes in macroscopic properties by high-precision measurements. The zinc(II)-selective electrode, and CD measurements proved the binding of zinc(II) by Hya. A number of Hya fragments (Mr approximately 3.3 x 10(3)-1.4 x 10(6)) were studied to estimate the contributions of the polyelectrolyte effect, the solvation and host-guest interactions to the extra stabilization of the macromolecular zinc(II) complexes as compared with the monomeric unit. The zinc(II) ion activity increase reflected a stability decrease for the fragments with Mr < 4 x 10(4). This molecular weight differs from that where cleavage of the Hya skeleton starts (approximately 5 x 10(5), according to the size-exclusion gel, and anion-exchange chromatographic behavior of the Hya fragments) and from that where the polyelectrolyte effect stops (approximately 6 x 10(3)). The excess volumes and Bingham shear yield values of the solutions revealed the transformation of the coherent random coil structure stabilized by intermolecular association in the NaHya to an intramolecular association producing the globular structure of the ZnHya molecule, with a smaller but more strongly bound solvate water sheet.  相似文献   

A triple resonance NMR experiment, denoted CO_H(N)CACB, correlates1HN and 13CO spins with the13C and13C spins of adjacent amino acids. Thepulse sequence is an out-and-back design that starts with1HN magnetization and transfers coherence viathe 15N spin simultaneously to the 13CO and13C spins, followed by transfer to the13C spin. Two versions of the sequence arepresented: one in which the 13CO spins are frequency labeledduring an incremented t1 evolution period prior to transfer ofmagnetization from the 13C to the13C resonances, and one in which the13CO spins are frequency labeled in a constant-time mannerduring the coherence transfer to and from the13C resonances. Because 13COand 15N chemical shifts are largely uncorrelated, thetechnique will be especially useful when degeneracy in the1HN-15N chemical shifts hindersresonance assignment. The CO_H(N)CACB experiment is demonstrated usinguniformly 13C/15N-labeled ubiquitin.  相似文献   

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