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The fish biodiversity of Lake Nokoué, a lagoon in Bénin, was monitored for one year from August 2000 to July 2001 by means of samples from the artisanal fishery collected once a month at three stations. A total of 5 933 fish weighing 95 322g (mean individual weight 16.0g) belonging to 51 species, 47 genera and 34 families were sampled. An abundance of juveniles was observed, confirming the importance of the lake as nursery grounds, rich in exploitable habitats like other tropical estuaries and lagoons. The fish fauna comprised three main components: i) an estuarine component (strict, freshwater and marine origins) which is the basis of the lagoon fauna community and which is stable in space and time; ii) a marine component containing fishes which appeared in the lagoon during the dry season where the salinity remains high (>20‰) and iii) a freshwater component with fishes coming into the lagoon from the river during the flood period. The magnitude of the spatial and seasonal fluctuations of the last two components varies depending on the area: marine (Zogbo), freshwater (Vêki) or intermediate (Ganvié). The global species richness and the relative abundances of fish vary between stations and from month to month. November, with 20 species on average, and January, with 6 species on average, are significantly different as regards species richness.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are thought to be in worldwide decline but available data are practically limited to reefs shallower than 25 m. Zooxanthellate coral communities in deep reefs (30–40 m) are relatively unstudied. Our question is: what is happening in deep reefs in terms of coral cover and coral mortality? We compare changes in species composition, coral mortality, and coral cover at Caribbean (Curacao and Bonaire) deep (30–40 m) and shallow reefs (10–20 m) using long-term (1973–2002) data from permanent photo quadrats. About 20 zooxanthellate coral species are common in the deep-reef communities, dominated by Agaricia sp., with coral cover up to 60%. In contrast with shallow reefs, there is no decrease in coral cover or number of coral colonies in deep reefs over the last 30 years. In deep reefs, non-agaricid species are decreasing but agaricid domination will be interrupted by natural catastrophic mortality such as deep coral bleaching and storms. Temperature is a vastly fluctuating variable in the deep-reef environment with extremely low temperatures possibly related to deep-reef bleaching. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

World-wide declines in arthropod abundance and diversity are a major concern, particularly given their importance in ecosystem functioning. Yet, data documenting long-term trends are rare from the tropics, particularly the Afrotropics. Here we evaluate changes in the arthropod communities in Kibale National Park, Uganda across almost four decades. Systematic sweep-net sampling was conducted in two forested sections of the park that had been logged and in one old-growth forest area over 12 consecutive months in 1983/1984 and 2020/2021. This data was augmented with intermittent samples taken in 1986 and 1995. Arthropod abundance declined in all areas, but only significantly so in the moderately logged forestry compartment (41%). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance indicated that community compositions of arthropods differed between the censuses. Understanding the drivers of changes in the arthropod communities is difficult as the system is complex and dynamic. We document an increase in temperature, but no change in rainfall, increases in 11 mammal species, including a marked increase in elephant numbers, and changes in forest structure. We also report on changes in the landscape outside of the park, which includes the human population increasing by a factor of four and agricultural intensification that now includes the use of pesticides. We document that many components of the ecosystem we studied changed simultaneously, which signals that for effective conservation planning, more long-term multi-disciplinary efforts are needed.  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years, new techniques, new discoveries, and new ideas have profoundly impacted our understanding of deuterostome interrelationships and, ultimately, deuterostome evolution. During the late 1980s and early 1990s morphological cladistic analyses made predictions about both taxonomic history and homology, predictions that would be tested independent of the morphological characters themselves with the advent of molecular systematics, the rise of evolutionary developmental biology, and continued exploration of the fossil record. Thanks to these three areas of inquiry, we have gone from scenarios where animals like mobile enteropneust hemichordates and chordates were derived from sessile filter-feeding animals like modern lophophorates, echinoderms, and pterobranch hemichordates, to a new perspective where hemichordates are recognized as the nearest living relative of the echinoderms, and that vagile gill-bearing animals like Cambrian vetulicolians are seen—at least by some—as close to the deuterostome last common ancestor, with both sessility and filter-feeding convergent features of deuterostomes (e.g., echinoderm) and non-deuterostomes (e.g., lophophorates) alike. Although much of the backbone of the new deuterostome phylogeny is supported by multiple independent data sets, as are statements of homology of several different morphological characters, in particular the homology of gill slits across Deuterostomia, nonetheless, the next quarter century of study on this remarkable group of animals promises to be as equally illuminating and exciting as the past quarter century.  相似文献   

Trichoderma reesei was studied for its ability to produce -mannanase activity on a variety of carbon sources. The highest -mannanase activity was produced on cellulose, whereas -mannan-containing carbon sources (such as kojac powder or locust bean gum) gave lower enzyme titres. The enzyme responsible for the major -mannanolytic activity from T. reesei was purified to physical homogeneity by preparative chromatofocusing and anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography. This -mannanase is a glycoprotein, with a molecular mass of 46 (±2) kDa and an isoelectric point of 5.2. It has an optimal pH at 5.0 and broad pH stability (2.5–7.0). It is stable for 60 min at 55° C, and has an optimal temperature for activity at 75° C. During incubation with locust bean gum, the enzyme releases mainly tri- and disaccharides. Correspondence to: C. P. Kubicek  相似文献   

We aimed to determine whether the copepod assemblages in lakes and ponds of northern Québec, Canada, were closer in composition to those found in southern Québec, or to those reported from the subarctic and arctic. Six calanoid and five cyclopoid species were identified from 37 ponds and lakes located in the region between 55° N and 59° N. Species diversity was generally low, ranging from 0 to 4 species per lake. Dominant species were Leptodiaptomus minutus and Acanthocyclops vernalis. The species assemblages showed high affinity with those found in forested regions of southern Québec. Exceptions were Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli, previously only recorded west of Hudson Bay, and Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, hitherto recorded north of 58° N. Relationships between the lakes, species, and environmental variables were explored using multivariate analysis. Lakes situated along the coast and on two offshore islands clustered together and were characterised by higher conductivity and pH than those lakes located further inland. Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli was common in these coastal lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between copepod distributions and conductivity, dissolved organic carbon and pH. These three variables accounted for 70% of the variation in the species' distribution.  相似文献   



In 1998, following the detection of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in the UK, Belgium installed a surveillance system for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). The objectives of this system were to identify vCJD cases and detect increases in CJD incidence. Diagnostic confirmation of CJD is based on autopsy after referral by neurologists. Reference centres perform autopsies and report to the surveillance system. The aim of this study was to assess whether the system met its objectives and to assess its acceptability.


For 1999–2010, we linked surveillance data with hospital discharge data. We calculated the proportion of CJD suspected patients who died in hospitals and were captured by the surveillance system. We surveyed stakeholders on knowledge of the surveillance system, referral practices and acceptability. We compared proportions using the chi-square test and investigated variables associated with capture using a multivariable logistic regression model.


On average 60 % of hospitalised patients who died with suspected CJD were captured by the surveillance system. This proportion did not significantly differ over the years (p?=?0.1). The odds of capture significantly decreased with every 1 year increase in age (OR?=?0.95, 95 % CI 0.92–0.98, p?=?0.001). Eleven percent of surveyed neurologists would not refer suspect vCJD cases for autopsy, nor contact a reference centre for diagnostic support. Sixty-one percent of surveyed neurologists were not familiar with the surveillance system. Awareness of the existence of the system did not impact referral behaviour (p?=?0.18). CJD and vCJD surveillance were considered important by the majority of stakeholders.


Although 40 % of the suspect CJD cases were not referred for autopsy, our data suggest that the Belgian CJD surveillance system meets one of its main objectives: it can detect changes in CJD incidence. However, we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the system meets its second objective of detecting vCJD cases arising in Belgium. Although not well known, the system was considered acceptable by its stakeholders.

Long-term datasets for high-elevation species are rare, and considerable uncertainty exists in understanding how high-elevation populations have responded to recent climate warming. We present estimates of demographic vital rates from a 43-year population study of white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura), a species endemic to alpine habitats in western North America. We used capture-recapture models to estimate annual rates of apparent survival, population growth, and recruitment for breeding-age ptarmigan, and we fit winter weather covariates to models in an attempt to explain annual variation. There were no trends in survival over the study period but there was strong support for age and sex effects. The average rate of annual growth suggests a relatively stable breeding-age population ( \( \bar{\lambda } \)  = 1.036), but there was considerable variation between years for both population growth and recruitment rates. Winter weather covariates only explained a small amount of variation in female survival and were not an important predictor of male survival. Cumulative winter precipitation was found to have a quadratic effect on female survival, with survival being highest during years of average precipitation. Cumulative winter precipitation was positively correlated with population growth and recruitment rates, although this covariate only explained a small amount of annual variation in these rates and there was considerable uncertainty among the models tested. Our results provide evidence for an alpine-endemic population that has not experienced extirpation or drastic declines. However, more information is needed to understand risks and vulnerabilities of warming effects on juveniles as our analysis was confined to determination of vital rates for breeding-age birds.  相似文献   

Through unexpected circumstances, I went to Lambaréné, in Gabon, to be Dr. Albert Schweitzer's surgeon for 2 months, November and December of 1960.This diary I can honestly say I never thought would become public. The years have passed; I am now 77. I realize that not many of those who served in a medical capacity at his hospital are still alive and not everyone will share his or her experiences.I want to make clear that I was with Dr. Schweitzer only 2 months. I would not want anyone to think that I played a strategic role at the hospital. I did not, but I helped as best I could.Although I have traveled throughout the world and have been a surgeon in many out-of-the-way places, I have not returned to Lambaréné. The reason, I confess, is that I wanted it to remain in my mind as it was. For Dr. Schweitzer and those who served there, his hospital was a way of life. It was a world of its own and, though small, it came into being because of the arching ideals and unflagging dedication of a remarkable man. His example should inspire us to enlarge our personal horizons, not just to recognize the less fortunate but to act without delay on their behalf. For each of us, there is an Ogowe waiting to be crossed.  相似文献   

We report the early phase of yeast comparative genomics conducted by a group of seven French CNRS laboratories: the Génolevures Consortium. This first multispecies comparison of Hemiascomycetes (now called Saccharomycotina) opened the way to yeast evolutionary genomics. This analysis indicates that yeasts are powerful organisms to decipher the different mechanisms acting to reshape the genome of eukaryotes during long evolution periods. This initial DNA approach reveals how biodiversity could be characterized with robust data.  相似文献   

Wang  Shichuan  Trilling  Mirko  Sutter  Kathrin  Dittmer  Ulf  Lu  Mengji  Zheng  Xin  Yang  Dongliang  Liu  Jia 《中国病毒学》2020,35(6):673-684
Virologica Sinica - The recent emergence and rapid global spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pose an unprecedented medical and socioeconomic crisis, and the...  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and abundance of conspicuous gastropod and bivalve species were studied at five rocky beaches in Cuastecomate Bay, Jalisco. Sampling was done from September, 1993 through March, 1994 with 0.75 m2 quadrants placed along replicate transect lines (10 m long) in the supralittoral and mesolittoral (upper, middle and lower intertidal) zones. A total of 6,643 mollusks were collected. Gastropods dominated the samples (6,272 individuals, 44 species); the bivalves were less abundant and diverse (371 individuals, five species). Seventeen species comprised 89.8% of all individuals collected. The gastropods Nodilittorina aspera and Nerita scabricosta were the most abundant with 637.8 and 71.43 individuals/m2, respectively. The most abundant bivalves were Brachidontes adamsianus and Chloromytilus palliopunctatus with 60.7 and 61.3 individuals/m2 respectively. The abundance of gastropods decreased from the supralittoral to the lower tidal zones while the number of species increased in the same direction. The number of species of bivalves also increased from the supralittoral to the lower intertidal zone; the abundance of individuals was higher at the middle intertidal zone. Affinities between groups of species among sampling stations were identified by computing Pearson's correlation coefficient using abundance values (ind./m2) and Jaccard's dissimilarity index using species presence or absence in the lower intertidal zone. Affinity among stations was not dependent upon their vicinity but on the high dominance of few species, the occurrence of many secondary species and beach characteristics.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance with respect to depth and type of substratum of 20 species of gastropods and four species of bivalves of economic importance were examined in the continental shelf of Jalisco and Colima, México. These species were taken with net trawls at depths from 24 to 83 m in August, 1988. Most individuals and species of gastropods were collected in stations with sandy silt substratum. Bivalves were collected in sandy silt and medium sand substrata. The six most abundant species represented 81.2% of all gastropods and bivalves collected. These species are: Cantharus pallidus, Fusinus dupetittouarsi, Ficus ventricosa, Hexaplex brassica, Harpa conoidalis and Arca pacifica.  相似文献   

The Grand Récif of Toliara (GRT) in Madagascar is a large (33 km2) barrier reef system of the SW Indian Ocean that had been well investigated in the 1960s and early 1970s. A massive degradation of the reef has been reported since at least the early 1980s, just a few years after research activities ceased in the area. Examination of historical aerial photographs and modern high-resolution remote sensing images confirms a continuous loss of coral habitat on GRT outer reef flats between 1962 and 2011, with an average loss of 65 % and a range of 37–79 % loss during this 50-year period. The usual suspects of coral community declines (cyclones, bleaching and sedimentation) may have contributed to the demise of the GRT. However, an independent study (Salimo 1997) suggests that the chronic pressure of fisherman gleaning on reef flats with destructive tools is the main driver of the observed changes. Salimo’s reported level of frequentation (6.8 fishermen per day and per km?2) and rates of destruction per fisherman (7.7 m2 of coral habitat h?1) yield a cumulated overall loss in agreement with the image-based rates of habitat loss. The GRT is unlikely to recover because this chronic stress is unlikely to decrease in the near future. Indeed, the GRT daily provides subsistence fishery resources for local Vezo people and to agriculturalist or pastoralist ethnic groups who have turned to exploiting coastal resources due to increasing aridity and dwindling agricultural and livestock production.  相似文献   

The crown gall opines heliopine from tumors induced by octopine type Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains A6, A136(pTiB6-806), E9, A652 and 1590-1 and vitopine from tumor induced by grapevine strains S4 and T2 are identical to synthetic N2-(1'R-carboxyethyl)-L-glutamine. Tumors produced by strains S4 and T2 do not contain octopine or lysopine, but they do contain heliopine and the new opine ridéopine identified as N-(4'-aminobutyl)-D-glutamic acid. Grapevine strains S4 and T2 grow normally on tumor heliopine or synthetic heliopine and on tumor and synthetic ridéopine as well as on ridéopine lactam as sole carbon source. While octopine strains A6 and A136(pTiB6-806) do not grow on heliopine, mutant colonies do appear after a few weeks. Heliopine catabolism by octopine strains is not induced by octopine.  相似文献   

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