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Eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are usually organized into high-molecular-weight complexes, the structure and function of which are poorly understood. We have previously described a yeast complex containing two aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, methionyl-tRNA synthetase and glutamyl-tRNA synthetase, and one noncatalytic protein, Arc1p, which can stimulate the catalytic efficiency of the two synthetases. To understand the complex assembly mechanism and its relevance to the function of its components, we have generated specific mutations in residues predicted by a recent structural model to be located at the interaction interfaces of the N-terminal domains of all three proteins. Recombinant wild-type or mutant forms of the proteins, as well as the isolated N-terminal domains of the two synthetases, were overexpressed in bacteria, purified and used for complex formation in vitro and for determination of binding affinities using surface plasmon resonance. Moreover, mutant proteins were expressed as PtA or green fluorescent protein fusion polypeptides in yeast strains lacking the endogenous proteins in order to monitor in vivo complex assembly and their subcellular localization. Our results show that the assembly of the Arc1p-synthetase complex is mediated exclusively by the N-terminal domains of the synthetases and that the two enzymes bind to largely independent sites on Arc1p. Analysis of single-amino-acid substitutions identified residues that are directly involved in the formation of the complex in yeast cells and suggested that complex assembly is mediated predominantly by van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions, rather than by electrostatic forces. Furthermore, mutations that abolish the interaction of methionyl-tRNA synthetase with Arc1p cause entry of the enzyme into the nucleus, proving that complex association regulates its subcellular distribution. The relevance of these findings to the evolution and function of the multienzyme complexes of eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is discussed.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is critical for many developmental processes and requires complex trafficking of both Notch receptor and its ligands, Delta and Serrate. In Drosophila melanogaster, the endocytosis of Delta in the signal-sending cell is essential for Notch receptor activation. The Neuralized protein from D. melanogaster (Neur) is a ubiquitin E3 ligase, which binds to Delta through its first neuralized homology repeat 1 (NHR1) domain and mediates the ubiquitination of Delta for endocytosis. Tom, a Bearded protein family member, inhibits the Neur-mediated endocytosis through interactions with the NHR1 domain. We have identified the domain boundaries of the novel NHR1 domain, using a screening system based on our cell-free protein synthesis method, and demonstrated that the identified Neur NHR1 domain had binding activity to the 20-residue peptide corresponding to motif 2 of Tom by isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. We also determined the solution structure of the Neur NHR1 domain by heteronuclear NMR methods, using a 15N/13C-labeled sample. The Neur NHR1 domain adopts a characteristic β-sandwich fold, consisting of a concave five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet and a convex seven-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The long loop (L6) between the β6 and β7 strands covers the hydrophobic patch on the concave β-sheet surface, and the Neur NHR1 domain forms a compact globular fold. Intriguingly, in spite of the slight, but distinct, differences in the topology of the secondary structure elements, the structure of the Neur NHR1 domain is quite similar to those of the B30.2/SPRY domains, which are known to mediate specific protein-protein interactions. Further NMR titration experiments of the Neur NHR1 domain with the 20-residue Tom peptide revealed that the resonances originating from the bottom area of the β-sandwich (the L3, L5, and L11 loops, as well as the tip of the L6 loop) were affected. In addition, a structural comparison of the Neur NHR1 domain with the first NHR domain of the human KIAA1787 protein, which is from another NHR subfamily and does not bind to the 20-residue Tom peptide, suggested the critical amino acid residues for the interactions between the Neur NHR1 domain and the Tom peptide. The present structural study will shed light on the role of the Neur NHR1 domain in the Notch signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The trans-envelope Tol complex of Gram-negative bacteria is recruited to the septation apparatus during cell division where it is involved in stabilizing the outer membrane. The last gene in the tol operon, ybgF, is highly conserved, yet does not seem to be required for Tol function. We have addressed this anomaly by characterizing YbgF from Escherichia coli and its interaction with TolA, which, based on previous yeast two-hybrid data, is the only known physical link between YbgF and the Tol system. We show that the stable YbgF trimer undergoes a marked change in oligomeric state on binding TolA, forming a one-to-one complex with the Tol protein. Through a combination of pull-down assays, deletion analysis, and isothermal titration calorimetry, we map the TolA-YbgF interface to the C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain of YbgF and 31 residues at the C-terminal end of TolA domain II (TolA280-313). We show that TolB, which binds TolA domain III close to the YbgF binding site, has no impact on the YbgF-TolA association. We also report the crystal structures of the two component domains of YbgF, the N-terminal coiled coil from E. coli YbgF, which forms a stable trimer and controls the oligomeric status of YbgF, and the monomeric tetratricopeptide repeat domain from Xanthomonas campestris YbgF, which is also able to trimerize. Although the coiled coil is not directly involved in TolA binding, we demonstrate that the regular hydrophilic patterning of its otherwise hydrophobic core is a prerequisite for the TolA-induced oligomeric-state transition of YbgF. We postulate that rather than YbgF affecting Tol function, it is the change in YbgF oligomeric status (with an accompanying change in its function) that likely explains the necessity for tight co-regulation of the ybgF and tol genes in Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

M-phase phosphoprotein 8 (MPP8) harbors an N-terminal chromodomain and a C-terminal ankyrin repeat domain. MPP8, via its chromodomain, binds histone H3 peptide tri- or di-methylated at lysine 9 (H3K9me3/H3K9me2) in submicromolar affinity. We determined the crystal structure of MPP8 chromodomain in complex with H3K9me3 peptide. MPP8 interacts with at least six histone H3 residues from glutamine 5 to serine 10, enabling its ability to distinguish lysine-9-containing peptide (QTARKS) from that of lysine 27 (KAARKS), both sharing the ARKS sequence. A partial hydrophobic cage with three aromatic residues (Phe59, Trp80 and Tyr83) and one aspartate (Asp87) encloses the methylated lysine 9. MPP8 has been reported to be phosphorylated in vivo, including the cage residue Tyr83 and the succeeding Thr84 and Ser85. Modeling a phosphate group onto the side-chain hydroxyl oxygen of Tyr83 suggests that the negatively charged phosphate group could enhance the binding of positively charged methyl-lysine or create a regulatory signal by allowing or inhibiting binding of other protein(s).  相似文献   

Homo sapiens ECT2 is a cell cycle regulator that plays critical roles in cytokinesis. ECT2 activity is restrained during interphase via intra-molecular interactions that involve its N-terminal triple-BRCT-domain and its C-terminal DH–PH domain. At anaphase, this self-inhibitory mechanism is relieved by Plk1-phosphorylated CYK-4, which directly engages the ECT2 BRCT domain. To provide a structural perspective for this auto-inhibitory property, we solved the crystal structure of the ECT2 triple-BRCT-domain. In addition, we systematically analyzed the interaction between the ECT2 BRCT domains with phospho-peptides derived from its binding partner CYK-4, and have identified Ser164 as the major phospho-residue that links CYK-4 to the second ECT2 BRCT domain.  相似文献   

Bromodomain-PHD finger protein 1 (BRPF1) is part of the MOZ HAT complex and contains a unique combination of domains typically found in chromatin-associated factors, which include plant homeodomain (PHD) fingers, a bromodomain and a proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline (PWWP) domain. Bromodomains are conserved structural motifs generally known to recognize acetylated histones, and the BRPF1 bromodomain preferentially selects for H2AK5ac, H4K12ac and H3K14ac. We solved the X-ray crystal structures of the BRPF1 bromodomain in complex with the H2AK5ac and H4K12ac histone peptides. Site-directed mutagenesis on residues in the BRPF1 bromodomain-binding pocket was carried out to investigate the contribution of specific amino acids on ligand binding. Our results provide critical insights into the molecular mechanism of ligand binding by the BRPF1 bromodomain, and reveal that ordered water molecules are an essential component driving ligand recognition.  相似文献   

Human cystathionine β-synthase (hCBS) is a key enzyme of sulfur amino acid metabolism, controlling the commitment of homocysteine to the transsulfuration pathway and antioxidant defense. Mutations in hCBS cause inherited homocystinuria (HCU), a rare inborn error of metabolism characterized by accumulation of toxic homocysteine in blood and urine. hCBS is a complex multidomain and oligomeric protein whose activity and stability are independently regulated by the binding of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) to two different types of sites at its C-terminal regulatory domain. Here we study the role of surface electrostatics on the complex regulation and stability of hCBS using biophysical and biochemical procedures. We show that the kinetic stability of the catalytic and regulatory domains is significantly affected by the modulation of surface electrostatics through noticeable structural and energetic changes along their denaturation pathways. We also show that surface electrostatics strongly affect SAM binding properties to those sites responsible for either enzyme activation or kinetic stabilization. Our results provide new insight into the regulation of hCBS activity and stability in vivo with implications for understanding HCU as a conformational disease. We also lend experimental support to the role of electrostatic interactions in the recently proposed binding modes of SAM leading to hCBS activation and kinetic stabilization.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) is required as a cofactor by many enzymes. The predominant de novo biosynthetic route is catalyzed by a heteromeric glutamine amidotransferase consisting of the synthase subunit Pdx1 and the glutaminase subunit Pdx2. Previously, Bacillus subtilis PLP synthase was studied by X-ray crystallography and complex assembly had been characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry. The fully assembled PLP synthase complex contains 12 individual Pdx1/Pdx2 glutamine amidotransferase heterodimers. These studies revealed the occurrence of an encounter complex that is tightened in the Michaelis complex when the substrate l-glutamine binds. In this study, we have characterized complex formation of PLP synthase from the malaria-causing human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum using isothermal titration calorimetry. The presence of l-glutamine increases the tightness of the interaction about 30-fold and alters the thermodynamic signature of complex formation. The thermodynamic data are integrated in a 3D homology model of P. falciparum PLP synthase. The negative experimental heat capacity (Cp) describes a protein interface that is dominated by hydrophobic interactions. In the absence of l-glutamine, the experimental Cp is less negative than in its presence, contrasting to the previously characterised bacterial PLP synthase. Thus, while the encounter complexes differ, the Michaelis complexes of plasmodial and bacterial systems have similar characteristics concerning the relative contribution of apolar/polar surface area. In addition, we have verified the role of the N-terminal region of PfPdx1 for complex formation. A “swap mutant” in which the complete αN-helix of plasmodial Pdx1 was exchanged with the corresponding segment from B. subtilis shows cross-binding to B. subtilis Pdx2. The swap mutant also partially elicits glutaminase activity in BsPdx2, demonstrating that formation of the protein complex interface via αN and catalytic activation of the glutaminase are linked processes.  相似文献   

Originally discovered nearly a century ago, the Notch signaling pathway is critical for virtually all developmental programs and modulates an astounding variety of pathogenic processes. The DSL (Delta, Serrate, LAG-2 family) proteins have long been considered canonical activators of the core Notch pathway. More recently, a wide and expanding network of non-canonical extracellular factors has also been shown to modulate Notch signaling, conferring newly appreciated complexity to this evolutionarily conserved signal transduction system. Here, I review current concepts in Notch signaling, with a focus on work from the last decade elucidating novel extracellular proteins that up- or down-regulate signal potency.  相似文献   

Rhomboids are ubiquitous integral membrane proteases that release cellular signals from membrane-bound substrates through a general signal transduction mechanism known as regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP). We present the NMR structure of the cytosolic N-terminal domain (NRho) of P. aeruginosa Rhomboid. NRho consists of a novel alpha/beta fold and represents the first detailed structural insight into this class of intramembrane proteases. We find evidence that NRho is capable of strong and specific association with detergent micelles that mimic the membrane/water interface. Relaxation measurements on NRho reveal structural fluctuations on the microseconds-milliseconds timescale in regions including and contiguous to those implicated in membrane interaction. This structural plasticity may facilitate the ability of NRho to recognize and associate with membranes. We suggest that NRho plays a role in scissile peptide bond selectivity by optimally positioning the Rhomboid active site relative to the membrane plane.  相似文献   

Suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) is responsible for regulating the cellular response to a variety of cytokines, including interleukin 6 and leukaemia inhibitory factor. Identification of the SOCS box domain led to the hypothesis that SOCS3 can associate with functional E3 ubiquitin ligases and thereby induce the degradation of bound signalling proteins. This model relies upon an interaction between the SOCS box, elonginBC and a cullin protein that forms the E3 ligase scaffold. We have investigated this interaction in vitro using purified components and show that SOCS3 binds to elonginBC and cullin5 with high affinity. The SOCS3-elonginBC interaction was further characterised by determining the solution structure of the SOCS box-elonginBC ternary complex and by deletion and alanine scanning mutagenesis of the SOCS box. These studies revealed that conformational flexibility is a key feature of the SOCS-elonginBC interaction. In particular, the SOCS box is disordered in isolation and only becomes structured upon elonginBC association. The interaction depends upon the first 12 residues of the SOCS box domain and particularly on a deeply buried, conserved leucine. The SOCS box, when bound to elonginBC, binds tightly to cullin5 with 100 nM affinity. Domains upstream of the SOCS box are not required for elonginBC or cullin5 association, indicating that the SOCS box acts as an independent binding domain capable of recruiting elonginBC and cullin5 to promote E3 ligase formation.  相似文献   

Human centrin 2 (HsCen2), an EF-hand calcium binding protein, plays a regulatory role in the DNA damage recognition during the first steps of the nucleotide excision repair. This biological action is mediated by the binding to a short fragment (N847-R863) from the C-terminal region of xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC) protein. This work presents a detailed structural and energetic characterization of the HsCen2/XPC interaction. Using a truncated form of HsCen2 we obtained a high resolution (1.8 A) X-ray structure of the complex with the peptide N847-R863 from XPC. Structural and thermodynamic analysis of the interface revealed the existence of both electrostatic and apolar inter-molecular interactions, but the binding energy is mainly determined by the burial of apolar bulky side-chains into the hydrophobic pocket of the HsCen2 C-terminal domain. Binding studies with various peptide variants showed that XPC residues W848 and L851 constitute the critical anchoring side-chains. This enabled us to define a minimal centrin binding peptide variant of five residues, which accounts for about 75% of the total free energy of interaction between the two proteins. Immunofluorescence imaging in HeLa cells demonstrated that HsCen2 binding to the integral XPC protein may be observed in living cells, and is determined by the same interface residues identified in the X-ray structure of the complex. Overexpression of XPC perturbs the cellular distribution of HsCen2, by inducing a translocation of centrin molecules from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The present data confirm that the in vitro structural features of the centrin/XPC peptide complex are highly relevant to the cellular context.  相似文献   

The inhibitory switch (IS) domain of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) stabilizes full-length PAK1 in an inactive conformation by binding to the PAK1 kinase domain. Competitive binding of small guanosine triphosphatases to the IS domain disrupts the autoinhibitory interactions and exposes the IS domain binding site on the surface of the kinase domain. To build an affinity reagent that selectively binds the activated state of PAK1, we used molecular modeling to reengineer the isolated IS domain so that it was soluble and stable, did not bind to guanosine triphosphatases and bound more tightly to the PAK1 kinase domain. Three design strategies were tested: in the first and second cases, extension and redesign of the N-terminus were used to expand the hydrophobic core of the domain, and in the third case, the termini were redesigned to be adjacent in space so that the domain could be stabilized by insertion into a loop in a host cyan fluorescent protein (CFP). The best-performing design, called CFP-PAcKer, was based on the third strategy and bound the kinase domain of PAK1 with an affinity of 400 nM. CFP-PAcKer binds more tightly to a full-length variant of PAK1 that is stabilized in the “open” state (Kd = 3.3 μM) than to full-length PAK1 in the “closed” state (undetectable affinity), and binding can be monitored with fluorescence by placing an environmentally sensitive fluorescence dye on CFP-PAcKer adjacent to the binding site.  相似文献   

GluR0 from Nostoc punctiforme (NpGluR0) is a bacterial homologue of the ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR). We have solved the crystal structure of the ligand-binding core of NpGluR0 in complex with l-glutamate at a resolution of 2.1 Å. The structure exhibits a noncanonical ligand interaction and two distinct subunit interfaces. The side-chain guanidium group of Arg80 forms a salt bridge with the γ-carboxyl group of bound l-glutamate: in GluR0 from Synechocystis (SGluR0) and other iGluRs, the equivalent residues are Asn or Thr, which cannot form a similar interaction. We suggest that the local positively charged environment and the steric constraint created by Arg80 mediate the selectivity of l-glutamate binding by preventing the binding of positively charged and hydrophobic amino acids. In addition, the NpGluR0 ligand-binding core forms a new subunit interface in which the two protomers are arranged differently than the known iGluR and SGluR0 dimer interfaces. The significance of there being two different dimer interfaces was investigated using analytical ultracentrifugation analysis.  相似文献   

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