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The ratio between the amount of oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein (OSCP) and the amount of the alpha and beta subunits of F1-ATPase in the mitochondria has been determined by a method combining electrophoresis, electrotransfer and immunotitration with monoclonal antibodies. The peptides separated in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were blotted to nitrocellulose sheets by electrotransfer. The nitrocellulose sheets were incubated with 125I-labelled purified monoclonal antibodies specific to various peptides. The 125I-labelled immune complexes were located by immunodecoration using peroxidase-conjugated second antibodies and the blotted peptides were revealed with H2O2 and alpha-naphthol. The amount of immune complex present on the nitrocellulose was determined by counting the radioactivity present on the spots. The amount of peptide blotted is directly proportional to the amount of protein loaded on the electrophoresis. By comparing standard curves made with the isolated proteins to the values obtained in the presence of various amounts of the membrane-protein complex, one can calculate the content of this peptide in the membrane. It was found that the mitochondrial membrane contains 2 mol of OSCP per mol of F1.  相似文献   

We have measured the inhibitory potencies of several local anesthetics (procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and dibucaine) and related compounds (chlorpromazine, procainamide and propranolol) on the ATPase activities of bovine heart submitochondrial particles and purified F1 extracted from these particles. All of these agents cause inhibition of ATPase in F1 as well as in submitochondrial particles. A linear relationship is found between the log of the octanol/water partition coefficients and the log of the concentrations required for 50% inhibition of F1. Sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that 1.0 mM tetracaine caused partial dissociation of the F1 complex. Complete reversibility of the enzyme inhibitory effects was demonstrated, however. This work shows that local anesthetics can affect protein structure and enzyme activity without the mediation of lipid.  相似文献   

Arnost Horak  Mary Packer 《BBA》1985,810(3):310-318
The pea cotyledon mitochondrial F1-ATPase was released from the submitochondrial particles by a washing procedure using 300 mM sucrose /2 mM Tricine (pH 7.4). The enzyme was purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and subsequent sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, the purified protein exhibited a single sharp band with slightly lower mobility than the purified pea chloroplast CF1-ATPase. The molecular weights of pea mitochondrial F1-ATPase and pea chloroplast CF1-ATPase were found to be 409 000 and 378 000, respectively. The purified pea mitochondrial F1-ATPase dissociated into six types of subunits on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Most of these subunits had mobilities different from the subunits of the pea chloroplast CF1-ATPase. The purified mitochondrial F1-ATPase exhibited coupling factor activity. In spite of the observed differences between CF1 and F1, the mitochondrial enzyme stimulated ATP formation in CF1-depleted pea chloroplast membranes. Thus, the mitochondrial F1 was able to substitute functionally for the chloroplast CF1 in reconstituting photophosphorylation.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate three mutations in the uncB gene encoding the a-subunit of the F0 portion of the F0F1-ATPase of Escherichia coli. These mutations directed the substitution of Arg-210 by Gln, or of His-245 by Leu, or of both Lys-167 and Lys-169 by Gln. The mutations were incorporated into plasmids carrying all the structural genes encoding the F0F1-ATPase complex and these plasmids were used to transform strain AN727 (uncB402). Strains carrying either the Arg-210 or His-245 substitutions were unable to grow on succinate as sole carbon source and had uncoupled growth yields. The substitution of Lys-167 and Lys-169 by Gln resulted in a strain with growth characteristics indistinguishable from a normal strain. The properties of the membranes from the Arg-210 or His-245 mutants were essentially identical, both being proton impermeable and both having ATPase activities resistant to the inhibitor DCCD. Furthermore, in both mutants, the F1-ATPase activities were inhibited by about 50% when bound to the membranes. The membrane activities of the mutant with the double lysine change were the same as for a normal strain. The results are discussed in relation to a previously proposed model for the F0 (Cox, G.B., Fimmel, A.L., Gibson, F. and Hatch, L. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 849, 62–69).  相似文献   

Lizhong Xu 《BBA》2008,1777(11):1422-1431
The enzyme F1-ATPase is a rotary nanomotor in which the central γ subunit rotates inside the cavity made of α3β3 subunits. The experiments showed that the rotation proceeds in steps of 120° and each 120° step consists of 80° and 40° substeps. Here the Author proposes a stochastic wave mechanics of the F1-ATPase motor and combines it with the structure-based kinetics of the F1-ATPase to form a chemomechanic coupled model. The model can reproduce quantitatively and explain the experimental observations about the F1 motor. Using the model, several rate-limited situations about γ subunit rotation are proposed, the effects of the friction and the load on the substeps are investigated and the chemomechanic coupled time during ATP hydrolysis cycle is determined.  相似文献   

It has been claimed (Andreu, J.M., Warth, R. and Muñoz, E. (1978) FEBS Lett. 86, 1–5) that the F1-ATPase of Micrococcus lysodeikticus is a glycoprotein containing mannose and glucose as the principal sugars. Even after extensive purification of M. lysodeikticus F1-ATPase by DEAE-Sephadex A25 chromatography, carbohydrate contents varying from 2.7 to 10.8% have been found. Concanavalin A-reactive components corresponding to the succinylated lipomannan have been detected and separated from the ATPase in purified F1 preparations by immunoelectrophoresis (rocket and two-dimensional) through agarose gels containing concanavalin A. Passage of the purified F1-ATPase through concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B columns removed the carbohydrate component(s) without loss of the specific activity of the ATPase. Mannose was the only sugar detectable by gas-liquid chromatography of the F1-ATPase before Con A-Sepharose 4B chromatography and it was completely eliminated after chromatography. No qualitative or quantitative changes in the subunit (, β, γ, δ and ε) profiles were detectable when the sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels were scanned by densitometry of F1-ATPase before and after Con A-Sepharose 4B chromatography. We conclude that there is no evidence of carbohydrate covalently linked to this F1-ATPase and that this membrane protein is not a glycoprotein. The presence of carbohydrate is attributable to contamination with lipomannan.  相似文献   

Specific mgi mutations in the α, β or γ subunits of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase have previously been found to suppress ρ0 lethality in the petite-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. To determine whether the suppressive activity of the altered F1 is dependent on the F0 sector of ATP synthase, we isolated and disrupted the genes KlATP4, 5 and 7, the three nuclear genes encoding subunits b, OSCP and d. Strains disrupted for any one, or all three of these genes are respiration deficient and have reduced viability. However a strain devoid of the three nuclear genes is still unable to lose mitochondrial DNA, whereas a mgi mutant with the three genes inactivated remains petite-positive. In the latter case, ρ0 mutants can be isolated, upon treatment with ethidium bromide, that lack six major F0 subunits, namely the nucleus-encoded subunits b, OSCP and d, and the mitochondrially encoded Atp6, 8 and 9p. Production of ρ0 mutants indicates that an F1-complex carrying a mgi mutation can assemble in the absence of F0 subunits and that suppression of ρ0 lethality is an intrinsic property of the altered F1 particle. Received: 7 April 1998 / Accepted: 10 June 1998  相似文献   

Joël Lunardi  Pierre V. Vignais 《BBA》1982,682(1):124-134
(1) N-4-Azido-2-nitrophenyl-γ-[3H]aminobutyryl-AdoPP[NH]P(NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P) a photoactivable derivative of 5-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AdoPP[NH]P), was synthesized. (2) Binding of 3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P to soluble ATPase from beef heart mitochrondria (F1) was studied in the absence of photoirradiation, and compared to that of [3H]AdoPP[NH]P. The photoactivable derivative of AdoPP[NH]P was found to bind to F1 with high affinity, like AdoPP[NH]P. Once [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P had bound to F1 in the dark, it could be released by AdoPP[NH]P, ADP and ATP, but not at all by NAP4 or AMP. Furthermore, preincubation of F1 with unlabeled AdoPP[NH]P, ADP, or ATP prevented the covalent labeling of the enzyme by [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P upon photoirradiation. (3) Photoirradiation of F1 by [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P resulted in covalent photolabeling and concomitant inactivation of the enzyme. Full inactivation corresponded to the binding of about 2 mol [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]Pmol F1. Photolabeling by NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P was much more efficient in the presence than in the absence of MgCl2. (4) Bound [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P was localized on the α- and β-subunits of F1. At low concentrations (less than 10 μM), bound [3H]NAP4-AdoPP[NH]P was predominantly localized on the α-subunit; at concentrations equal to, or greater than 75 μM, both α- and β-subunits were equally labeled. (5) The extent of inactivation was independent of the nature of the photolabeled subunit (α or β), suggesting that each of the two subunits, α and β, is required for the activity of F1. (6) The covalently photolabeled F1 was able to form a complex with aurovertin, as does native F1. The ADP-induced fluorescence enhancement was more severely inhibited than the fluorescence quenching caused by ATP. The percentage of inactivation of F1 was virtually the same as the percentage of inhibition of the ATP-induced fluorescence quenching, suggesting that fluorescence quenching is related to the binding of ATP to the catalytic site of F1.  相似文献   

Interaction of mitochondrial F1-ATPase with the isolated natural inhibitor protein resulting in the inhibition of multi-site ATP hydrolysis is accompanied by the loss of activity at low ATP concentrations when single-site hydrolysis should occur. Catalytic site occupancy by [14C]nucleotides in F1-ATPase during steady-state [14C]ATP hydrolysis, which is saturated in parallel with single-site catalysis, is prevented after blocking the enzyme with the inhibitor protein.  相似文献   

Ping Xie 《BBA》2009,1787(7):955-962
F1-ATPase catalyzes ATP hydrolysis to drive the central γ-shaft rotating inside a hexameric cylinder composed of alternating α and β subunits. Experiments showed that the rotation of γ-shaft proceeds in steps of 120° and each 120°-rotation is composed of an 80° substep and a 40° substep. Here, based on the previously proposed models, an improved physical model for chemomechanical coupling of F1-ATPase is presented, with which the two-substep rotation is well explained. One substep is driven by the power stroke upon ATP binding, while the other one resulted from the passage of γ-shaft from previous to next adjacent β subunits via free diffusion. Using the model, the dynamics and kinetics of F1-ATPase, such as the rotating time of each substep, the dwell time at each pause and the rotation rate, are analytically studied. The theoretical results obtained with only three adjustable parameters reproduce the available experimental data well.  相似文献   

Yuko Iko 《FEBS letters》2009,583(19):3187-758
F1-ATPase (F1) is a reversible ATP-driven rotary motor protein. When its rotary shaft is reversely rotated, F1 produces ATP against the chemical potential of ATP hydrolysis, suggesting that F1 modulates the rate constants and equilibriums of catalytic reaction steps depending on the rotary angle of the shaft. Although the chemomechanical coupling scheme of F1 has been determined, it is unclear how individual catalytic reaction steps depend on its rotary angle. Here, we report direct evidence that the ATP-binding rate of F1 increases upon the forward rotation of the rotor, and its binding affinity to ATP is enhanced by rotation.  相似文献   

Synthesis of enzyme-bound ATP was demonstrated with purified TF1 (F1-ATPase from thermophilic bacterium PS3) from medium inorganic phosphate (Pi) and enzyme-bound ADP in the presence of organic solvents such as dioxane, ethanol, dimethylformamide, methanol, acetone, acetonitrile or ethyleneglycol. The optimal concentrations of dimethylformamide, ethanol or methanol were 50%, 30% and 40% and the half-maximal concentrations of Pi were 13 mM, 20 mM and 18 mM, respectively. Thus it is evident that the effect of dimethylsulfoxide on TF1 to form enzyme-bound ATP [8] is not due to a specific interaction between dimethylsulfoxide and the enzyme, but to a decrease in polarity of the medium. In the presence of methanol, the dependence of ATP synthesis on various divalent metal ions was compared to that for the ATP-hydrolyzing activity and the ATP-driven proton-translocating activity of TF1. While Mn2+, Co2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ are as effective as Mg2+ for the ATP-hydrolyzing activity of TF1, Zn2+ and Cd2+ are either less or not effective for proton translocation and for ATP synthesis. This result appears to be consistent with the idea that the TF1-ATP complex formed in organic solvents represents one of the intermediates in the reaction sequences of ATP synthesis by H+-ATPase using the proton gradient.  相似文献   

The expression, localization and activity of the serum- and glucocorticoid-induced protein kinase, Sgk-1, are regulated by multiple hormonal and environmental cues including cellular stress. Biochemical fractionation and indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that sorbitol induced hyperosmotic stress stimulated expression and triggered the localization of endogenous Sgk-1 into the mitochondria of NMuMG mammary epithelial cells. The immunofluorescence pattern of endogenous Sgk-1 was similar to that of a green fluorescent linked fusion protein linked to the N-terminal Sgk-1 fragment that encodes the mitochondrial targeting signal. In the presence or absence of cellular stress, exogenously expressed wild type Sgk-1 efficiently compartmentalized into the mitochondria demonstrating the mitochondrial import machinery per se is not stressed regulated. Co-immunoprecipitation and GST-pull down assays identified the IF-1 mitochondrial matrix inhibitor of the F1F0-ATPase as a new Sgk-1 binding partner, which represents the first observed mitochondrial target of Sgk-1. The Sgk-1/IF-1 interaction requires the 122-176 amino acid region within the catalytic domain of Sgk-1 and is pH dependent, occurring at neutral pH but not at slightly acidic pH, which suggests that this interaction is dependent on mitochondrial integrity. An in vitro protein kinase assay showed that the F1F0-ATPase can be directly phosphorylated by Sgk-1. Taken together, our results suggest that stress-induced Sgk-1 localizes to the mitochondria, which permits access to physiologically appropriate mitochondrial interacting proteins and substrates, such as IF-1 and the F1F0-ATPase, as part of the cellular stressed induced program.  相似文献   

Li-Ju Huang  Tsen-Ni Tsai  Rei-Cheng Yang 《BBA》2007,1767(7):888-896
Sepsis and ensuing multiple organ failure continue to be the most leading cause of death in critically ill patients. Despite hepatocyte-related dysfunctions such as necrosis, apoptosis as well as mitochondrial damage are observed in the process of sepsis, the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis remains uncertain. We recently identified one of the differentially expressed genes, mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor protein (IF1) which is down-regulated in late septic liver. Hence, we further hypothesized that the variation of IF1 protein may be one of the causal events of the hepatic dysfunction during late sepsis. The results showed that the elevated mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity is concomitant with the decline of intramitochondrial ATP concentration in late septic liver. In addition, the key finding of this study showed that the mRNA and the mitochondrial content of IF1 were decreased in late sepsis while no detectable IF1 was found in cytoplasm. When analyzed by immunoprecipitation, it seems reasonable to imply that the association capability of IF1 with F1-ATPase β-subunit is not affected. These results confirm the first evidence showing that the suppression of IF1 expression and subsequent elevated mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity might contribute to the bioenergetic failure in the liver during late sepsis.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to allow the level of F0F1ATP synthase capacity and the quantity of IF1 bound to this enzyme be measured in single biopsy samples of goat heart. ATP synthase capacity was determined from the maximal mitochondrial ATP hydrolysis rate and IF1 content was determined by detergent extraction followed by blue native gel electrophoresis, two-dimensional SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with anti-IF1 antibodies.Anaesthetized open-chest goats were subjected to ischemic preconditioning and/or sudden increases of coronary blood flow (CBF) (reactive hyperemia). When hyperemia was induced before ischemic preconditioning, a steep increase in synthase capacity, followed by a deep decrease, was observed. In contrast, hyperemia did not affect synthase capacity when applied after ischemic preconditioning. Similar effects could be produced in vitro by treatment of heart biopsy samples with anoxia (down-regulation of the ATP synthase) or high-salt or high-pH buffers (up-regulation). We show that both in vitro and in vivo the same close inverse correlation exists between enzyme activity and IF1 content, demonstrating that under all conditions tested the only significant modulator of the enzyme activity was IF1. In addition, both in vivo and in vitro, 1.3-1.4 mol of IF1 was predicted to fully inactivate 1 mol of synthase, thus excluding the existence of significant numbers of non-inhibitory binding sites for IF1 in the F0 sector.  相似文献   

(1) Incubation of the beef heart mitochondrial ATPase, F1 with Mg-ATP was required for the binding of the natural inhibitor, IF1, to F1 to form the inactive F1-IF1 complex. When F1 was incubated in the presence of [14C]ATP and MgCl2, about 2 mol 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides were found to bind per mol of F1; the bound 14C-labeled nucleotides consisted of [14C]ADP arising from [14C]ATP hydrolysis and [14C]ATP. The 14C-labeled nucleotide binding was not prevented by IF1. These data are in agreement with the idea that the formation of the F1-IF1 complex requires an appropriate conformation of F1. (2) The 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides bound to F1 following preincubation of F1 with Mg-[14C]ATP could be exchanged with added [3H]ADP or [3H]ATP. No exchange occurred between added [3H]ADP or [3H]ATP and the 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides bound to the F1-IF1 complex. These data suggest that the conformation of F1 in the isolated F1-IF1 complex is further modified in such a way that the bound 14C-labeled nucleotides are no longer available for exchange. (3) 32Pi was able to bind to isolated F1 with a stoichiometry of about 1 mol of Pi per mol of F1 (Penefsky, H.S. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 2891–2899). There was no binding of 32Pi to the F1-IF1 complex. Thus, not only the nucleotides sites, but also the Pi site, are masked from interaction with external ligands in the isolated F1-IF1 complex.  相似文献   

R.J. Wagenvoord  A. Kemp  E.C. Slater 《BBA》1980,593(2):204-211
1. When irradiated 8-azido-ATP becomes covalently bound (as the nitreno compound) to beef-heart mitochondrial ATPase (F1) as the triphosphate, either in the absence or presence of Mg2+, label covalently bound is not hydrolysed.

2. In the presence of Mg2+ the nitreno-ATP is bound to both the and β subunits, mainly (63%) to the subunits.

3. After successive photolabelling of F1 with 8-azido-ATP (no Mg2+) and 8-azido-ADP (with Mg2+) 4 mol label is bound to F1, 2 mol to the and 2 mol to the β subunits.

4. When the order of photolabelling is reversed, much less 8-nitreno-ATP is bound to F1 previously labelled with 8-nitreno-ADP. It is concluded that binding to the -subunits hinders binding to the β subunits.

5. F1 that has been photolabelled with up to 4 mol label still contains 2 mol firmly bound adenine nucleotides per mol F1.

6. It is concluded that at least 6 sites for adenine nucleotides are present in isolated F1.  相似文献   

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