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蚌的形态习性和我国习见的种类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蚌生活在淡水中、属于软体动物门、瓣鳃綱,真瓣鳃目。是经济价值较大的贝类。不论在高等院校,或是中等学校,动物学教学中、讲授软体动物门,或瓣鳃綱皆以蚌为代表。这不仅因为蚌的形态构造是本綱的典型、而且容易解剖、一年四季各地湖沼水域均能采集到标本,用作实验材料最为适宜。本文拟就蚌的形态,生态,经济价值和一般习见的种类作一概述,以供教学上参考。  相似文献   

绢丝丽蚌(Lamprotula fibrosa)隶属于软体动物门、瓣鳃纲、古异齿亚纲、真瓣鳃目、蚌科、丽蚌属,是中国特有的淡水经济蚌类;主要生活在长江流域中下游湖泊中。绢丝丽蚌壳厚质优、坚硬、皎白闪亮,具有较高的经济价值。  相似文献   

作者1977、1978年,在固始县杨山煤矿附近中石炭统庙冲组,采到丰富的海生动物化石,有瓣鳃、介形、(竹蜓)、腹足、腕足、海百合茎等,其中瓣鳃特别丰富,经鉴定,计46种(其中9新种),分属于17属、14科.对庙冲组瓣鳃动物群的研究,将为有关地层的划分对比,岩相古地理图的编制及地层区划等,提供新资料.同时,亦进一步丰富了中国古生代瓣鳃动物群的内容.参加野外工作的还有姜瑗、林德超、刘印环、贺国谦等同志.化石鉴定得到南京地质古生物研究所陈楚震等同志的热心帮助.杨遵仪教授等对文稿提出许多宝贵意见.标本照相主要由成都地矿所张继保同志承担.在此对他们谨致衷心感谢.  相似文献   

通过研究华南沿海珠江口深圳湾红树植物无瓣海桑、海桑和秋茄在不同海拔高度的滩面中的生长适应性,揭示红树植物对海水淹浸的适生特性.研究结果表明:(1)在一定的滩面高度范围内,红树植物无瓣海桑(滩面高度为-12~35.5 cm)、海桑(滩面高度为-1~24 cm)幼树的保存率和生长量随着滩面高度的降低(即海水淹浸程度的加强)而逐渐减低,秋茄(滩面高度为12~24 cm)的保存率和生长量则无明显差异.(2)随生长期的延长,各树种幼树的保存率逐渐减低.当生长期未超过1年时,幼树生长和成活极不稳定,保存率骤减;当生长期超过1年后,无瓣海桑和海桑保存率趋于相对稳定,秋茄保存率继续下降,极难长久保存和定居.(3)无瓣海桑能够忍耐海水淹浸的限度是滩面高度最低为10 cm,海桑是滩面高度最低为6.5 cm,秋茄是滩面高度至少在24 cm以上,在低于此海拔高度的滩面上各树种极难长期保存和定居.为了保证各树种正常生长发育,种植红树林要选择高于此滩面高度的泥滩区域.  相似文献   

通过对茂名水东湾近岸岛屿试验区现有红树林资源的调查, 对比研究红树林在不同的滩面高程、林中位置和波能区的生长差异性, 研究结果表明: (1)红树植物在不同滩面高程中的生长表现具有显著差异性, 不同的红树植物所适合生长的滩面高程也不尽相同, 最适合生长的滩面高程范围拉关木为平均海平面以上(下同)0-10 cm, 白骨壤为15-25 cm, 红海榄为0-20 cm; (2)红树植物在林中不同位置的生长表现具有显著的差异性, 位于林分边缘的无瓣海桑和拉关木明显优于林分内部; (3)红树植物在不同的波能区生长具有一定的差异性, 背风的低能区更加适合红海榄和拉关木的生长。研究结果对认识红树林生长发育规律和指导红树林人工种植具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

曳鳃动物全部海生,蠕虫状。虽然个体小、种数少、罕见稀有,但在动物界仍占一门之地。自1754年报道第一个曳鳃动物以来,人们就对这区区小虫的身世进行争论,迄今已逾二百年。一般外形典型的曳鳃动物,大多可分为翻吻、腹部和尾三个部分(区)(图1)。翻吻,位于虫体前端,可伸缩,口位于其前,咽内具多排环状排列的咽齿。在翻吻外壁有许多纵排的小圆锥形杯状乳突。翻吻有取食小型蠕虫和在泥沙中钻穴的功用;腹部,圆柱形,多  相似文献   

中南地区白垩纪淡水瓣鳃类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文初步总结了中南地区已发现的白垩纪淡水瓣鳃类化石8属28种的分布情况,并记述了6种晚白垩世瓣鳃类化石;褶珠蚌、假嬉蚌各3种,其中有3个新种。褶珠蚌的3个种是这个属目前已被发现的18种中,产出层位最高的种。  相似文献   

孕育对褶纹冠蚌滤食率的影响及鳃微结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比了褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)孕育蚌、未孕雌蚌和雄蚌的滤食率,并运用组织学、扫描电镜和透射电镜对实验蚌的鳃结构进行比较观察,以此探讨鳃结构变化对滤食功能的影响。滤食实验结果表明:孕育事件显著降低了雌蚌的滤食率,而未孕雌蚌与雄蚌的滤食率无显著差异。孕育雌蚌内外鳃均由两鳃小瓣愈合而成,每一鳃小瓣由成排的鳃丝组成,在中介区鳃丝之间通过丝间隔连接,在内部侧区则通过瓣间隔相连。雌蚌内鳃的鳃间隔为外鳃的2~3倍,而雄蚌的内外鳃无差异。孕育雌蚌外鳃在初级水管、瓣间隔等出现明显的变化,并出现了二级水管结构,而内鳃未发现显著变化。扫描电镜显示:在褶纹冠蚌鳃丝表面存在3种类型的纤毛(前纤毛、前侧纤毛和侧纤毛),其形态结构和分布各具特点,长径58~85μm椭圆形的鳃小孔成排相间分布于鳃丝之间,而3组实验蚌的内外鳃丝之间无明显差异。透射电镜观察发现:孕育雌蚌鳃丝表皮细胞表面形成突起,显著增加了表面微绒毛的数量,可能有利于雌蚌在孕育期间由于初级水管转化成育儿囊后对呼吸、滤食等功能的补偿,与其他蚌科物种报道类似。综合实验表明,孕育雌蚌外鳃结构的变化,尤其是初级水管的结构改变和二级水管、鳃丝表面褶皱的出现可能是影响孕育雌蚌滤食功能的主要原因。  相似文献   

大亚湾潮间带软体运动的物种多样性初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1999年7月在大亚湾潮间带4种不同生境(岩石岸、砾石滩、泥沙滩、沙滩)10个样方采集软体动物38种,隶属于23个科。采用丰富度指数和多样性指数对不同生境软体动物的多样性进行研究。研究结果表明,大亚湾软体动物物种丰富度指数砾石滩、岩石岸(D=4.328~9.378)>泥沙滩(D=4.328~6.493)>沙滩(D=2.886)。多样性指数也显示砾石滩、岩石岸(H′=0.429~0.842)>泥沙滩(H′=0.315~0.450)>沙滩(H′=0.182)。对上述样方聚类结果表明,软体动物种类分布及数量受底质、浪击和污染的影响。  相似文献   

前言海相晚三叠世地层,广泛分布于青海南部地区,富含瓣鳃类化石。而青海北部祁连山一带,迄未发现可靠的海相晚三叠世动物群。此次在大通煤矿小煤洞,采得晚三叠世海相瓣鳃类,在本区还是首次发现。这对于研究我国三叠纪的海侵范围、古地理景观、古构造条件、本省三叠系的划分和对比,以及对青藏高原北部隆起  相似文献   

肖汉洪 《四川动物》2003,22(1):24-27
经调查硇洲岛潮间带蟹类共有63种,分隶于11科、34属,其中硬相有20种,软相43种。硇洲岛蟹类属于南海蟹类区系的成分,几乎完全是热带及亚热带性质;并对其种类组成和生态分布进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

北方重点生态功能区生态系统服务权衡与协同   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
祝萍  刘鑫  郑瑜晗  王世豪  黄麟 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8694-8706
北方地区作为我国最重要的生态屏障区,也是我国荒漠化发展最快、生态极为脆弱、受风沙危害最严重的区域。分析了北方地区6个国家重点生态功能区生态系统结构变化和防风固沙、土壤保持、水源涵养、牧草供给等生态系统关键服务多年变化状况,从而客观科学地评价典型生态功能区生态保护效果,总结目前存在的主要生态问题,为重点生态功能区监管和考核提供科学地决策依据。结果表明:1)草地面积除阴山北麓有所增加以外,其他功能区皆减少;荒漠面积在东部三个功能区有所增加,而在西部三个功能区有所减少;草地植被覆盖度皆有所提高,增幅0.4%-7%。2)防风固沙服务除呼伦贝尔有所提升以外,其他功能区皆呈现下降态势;水源涵养在西部塔里木河与阿尔金先上升后下降,中部阴山北麓和科尔沁有所提高,而东部浑善达克与呼伦贝尔呈持续上升态势;各功能区的土壤保持呈现不同程度提升,而牧草供给皆有所下降。3)除呼伦贝尔和浑善达克南端以外,牧草供给与防风固沙服务之间以协同关系为主;除科尔沁西北部和呼伦贝尔东端以外,牧草供给与水源涵养、土壤保持服务之间以协同关系为主。通过生态系统类型变化及供给与调节服务相关关系分析可以看出,生态功能区开垦导致草地减少的现象需要遏制,出现权衡关系的东部区域也是生态保护与生产利用矛盾较大的农牧交错带,需要成为后续保护和修复的重点区域。  相似文献   

Chaerodes trachyscelides White is a highly specialized, flightless burrowing beetle confined to the narrow strip of sand at and just above high water level on sandy marine beaches in New Zealand. Although the ventral surface of the beetle is always pale, the dorsal surface varies from pale to almost black. Large samples of this beetle were taken, together with the sand, from 11 beaches on New Zealand's three main islands. The colour of the dorsal surface of each individual beetle and that of the sand samples was measured using reflectance spectroscopy and expressed as CIE L*,a*,b* (CIELAB) values. The L* values, which are objective, quantitative measures of the degree of lightness of the beetles, were subjected to statistical and frequency analysis. Although the species was very variable in colour and the variation appeared to be continuous, a highly significant correlation was obtained between the mean of the L* values for the samples on each beach and that of the sand, the correlation coefficient being 0.961. This close association between the lightness of the beetles and that of the sand suggests the variable melanism functions as cryptic colouration. On most beaches, the distribution oflightness among the beetles sampled conformed to a normal curve. For beetles from sites where the sand was relatively uniform, such as the black Taranaki beaches, the L* frequency distribution curves were narrow and the coefficient of variation of mean beetle colour was relatively small indicating low colour variability. In contrast, the greatest within-site variability occurred on the two Stewart Island beaches sampled, where in each case there was less uniformity in the colour of the sand. At one of these sites, Maori Beach, darker sand present below the high water level is often deposited on the zone occupied by the beetles after storms. On Lonneker's Beach, the distribution of L* values among the beetles sampled was actually bimodal. On this small beach, there was an area of intensely black sand in the zone occupied by the beetles, but most of the rest was covered with light golden sand. These results are interpreted as evidence that the variability of colour of Chaerodes beetles has the effect of populations being able to match the colour of the sand of their home beaches, presumably as a consequence of the differential survival of individuals.  相似文献   

广东上川岛潮间带软体动物的分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对上川岛潮间带软体动物进行了采集调查,共鉴定软体动物172种,分属53科。其中瓣鳃纲20科81种,占总数47.09%,腹足纲33科91种,占总数52.91%。分析表明,其区系特点是以南海亚热带-热带种和东海、南海亚热带种为主要成分。  相似文献   

Microbial communities within beach sand play a key role in nutrient cycling and are important to the nearshore ecosystem function. Escherichia coli and enterococci, two common indicators of fecal pollution, have been shown to persist in the beach sand, but little is known about how microbial community assemblages are related to these fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) reservoirs. We examined eight beaches across a geographic gradient and range of land use types and characterized the indigenous community structure in the water and the backshore, berm, and submerged sands. FIB were found at similar levels in sand at beaches adjacent to urban, forested, and agricultural land and in both the berm and backshore. However, there were striking differences in the berm and backshore microbial communities, even within the same beach, reflecting the very different environmental conditions in these beach zones in which FIB can survive. In contrast, the microbial communities in a particular beach zone were similar among beaches, including at beaches on opposite shores of Lake Michigan. The differences in the microbial communities that did exist within a beach zone correlated to nutrient levels, which varied among geographic locations. Total organic carbon and total phosphorus were higher in Wisconsin beach sand than in beach sand from Michigan. Within predominate genera, fine-scale sequence differences could be found that distinguished the populations from the two states, suggesting a biogeographic effect. This work demonstrates that microbial communities are reflective of environmental conditions at freshwater beaches and are able to provide useful information regarding long-term anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   

There are major concerns about the ecological impact of extreme weather events. In the oceans, marine heatwaves (MHWs) are an increasing threat causing, for example, recent devastation to coral reefs around the world. We show that these impacts extend to adjacent terrestrial systems and could negatively affect the breeding of endangered species. We demonstrate that during an MHW that resulted in major coral bleaching and mortality in a large, remote marine protected area, anomalously warm temperatures also occurred on sea turtle nesting beaches. Granger causality testing showed that variations in sea surface temperature strongly influenced sand temperatures on beaches. We estimate that the warm conditions on both coral reefs and sandy beaches during the MHW were unprecedented in the last 70 years. Model predictions suggest that the most extreme female-biased hatchling sex ratio and the lowest hatchling survival in nests in the last 70 years both occurred during the heatwave. Our work shows that predicted increases in the frequency and intensity of MHWs will likely have growing impacts on sea turtle nesting beaches as well as other terrestrial coastal environments.  相似文献   

Deciphering ecological effects of major catastrophic events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, storms and fires, requires rapid interdisciplinary efforts often hampered by a lack of pre-event data. Using results of intertidal surveys conducted shortly before and immediately after Chile's 2010 M(w) 8.8 earthquake along the entire rupture zone (ca. 34-38°S), we provide the first quantification of earthquake and tsunami effects on sandy beach ecosystems. Our study incorporated anthropogenic coastal development as a key design factor. Ecological responses of beach ecosystems were strongly affected by the magnitude of land-level change. Subsidence along the northern rupture segment combined with tsunami-associated disturbance and drowned beaches. In contrast, along the co-seismically uplifted southern rupture, beaches widened and flattened increasing habitat availability. Post-event changes in abundance and distribution of mobile intertidal invertebrates were not uniform, varying with land-level change, tsunami height and coastal development. On beaches where subsidence occurred, intertidal zones and their associated species disappeared. On some beaches, uplift of rocky sub-tidal substrate eliminated low intertidal sand beach habitat for ecologically important species. On others, unexpected interactions of uplift with man-made coastal armouring included restoration of upper and mid-intertidal habitat seaward of armouring followed by rapid colonization of mobile crustaceans typical of these zones formerly excluded by constraints imposed by the armouring structures. Responses of coastal ecosystems to major earthquakes appear to vary strongly with land-level change, the mobility of the biota and shore type. Our results show that interactions of extreme events with human-altered shorelines can produce surprising ecological outcomes, and suggest these complex responses to landscape alteration can leave lasting footprints in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects that habitat variation has on the structure and dynamics of a hybrid zone between two closely related crickets in Connecticut. A collecting protocol was developed in which crickets were sampled from characteristic habitats on either side of the hybrid zone and from two distinct habitat types within the zone. Presumptive pure Gryllus pennsylvanicus were sampled from fields in northwestern Connecticut and represent “inland” populations. “Pure” Gryllus firmus were sampled from beaches along the coast and represent the “coastal” populations. Crickets from within the hybrid zone were sampled from two different soil types: the “loam” populations from loamy soils and the “sand” populations from sandy soils. Moreover, an attempt was made to identify closely adjacent sand and loam localities to determine the scale of habitat variation and its possible effects on hybrid-zone structure. In general, there was little variation in morphological traits or in allozyme and mtDNA genotype frequencies among localities from within each of the four habitat types. Between each of the closely situated sand and loam localities within the hybrid zone, however, there were very significant differences in each of these sets of markers. In addition, crickets from hybrid-zone populations were tested for reproductive isolation. The asymmetric outcome of hybrid crosses that exists across the zone (Harrison, 1983) also exists on a finer ecological scale within the zone. Thus, this hybrid zone is a mosaic of strikingly differentiated populations. The dynamics of hybrid zones with mosaic structures are discussed in contrast to the traditional clinal models. The data are also discussed in light of the semipermeable nature of species boundaries. The extent to which a species boundary is permeable varies not only from one genetic marker to the next, but also with the ecological and geographic context of species interaction.  相似文献   

Observations during 1971 and 1972 of some of the physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of contrasting Anglesey beaches, Newborough and Llanddona, are reported. The fine sandy beach at Newborough was observed to be very unstable and topographical changes were recorded. In particular, the movement of a sand wave across the intertidal zone from low water to extinction at the foot of the dune system was observed. The more extensive fine sandy beach at Llanddona had greater stability.Chemically, each beach was variable both spatially and temporally, with ill-defined patterns of concentration changes. Sand from Newborough beach was low in organic carbon (0.07–0.40 mg C/g dry sand) and well aerated, and the soluble inorganic nitrogen in the ground water (up to 30 μg-at. N/l) was dominated by nitrate form (up to 22 μg NO3-N/l). By contrast, Llanddona sand had a more variable organic carbon content (0.22–2.25 mg C/g dry sand), was wetter, and poorly aerated with consequent sulphide lenses; its dissolved inorganic nitrogen (over 70 μg-at. N/l) was completely dominated by the ammonium form.Microbiologically, the beaches possessed dissimilar bacterial floras, and sediment from Llanddona gave higher bacterial counts than that from Newborough. For both beaches it is shown that estimated bacterial numbers decreased with depth as well as down the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

米草属引入中国海岸带的利弊分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秀玲 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1878-1883
1963年以来,中国先后从国外引进3种米草。实践证明,大米草和互花米草是盐渍土壤植物群落形成的先锋植物,适应于中国海岸带自然环境,生长发育正常,具有明显的促淤造陆和保护海岸等生态功能,并具有显著的经济效益.大米草和互花米草在南方海岸繁殖过快是近岸水体富营养化的结果,但并未对环境、动植物种群和人类构成侵害,其在北方海岸未发生异常现象,故应客观地评估米草的功与过。本文从利弊2个方面对中国海岸滩涂引入米草进行了分析。  相似文献   

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