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From a shallow marine hydrothermal system at Vulcano (Italy), a new hyperthermophilic member of the Archaea was isolated. The cells are coccoid – shaped and possess up to five flagella. They grow between 56° and 93°C (optimum 85°C) and pH 5.0–9.5 (optimum 9.0). The organism is strictly anaerobic and grows heterotrophically on defined amino acids and complex organic substrates such as casamino acids, yeast extract, peptone, meat extract, tryptone, and casein. Polysulfide and elemental sulfur are reduced to H2S. In the absence of polysulfide or elemental sulfur, the isolate grows at a significantly reduced rate. Growth is not influenced by the presence of H2. DNA–DNA hybridization and 16S rRNA partial sequences indicated that the new isolate belongs to the genus Thermococcus, and represents a new species, Thermococcus acidaminovorans. The type strain is isolate AEDII10 (DSM 11906). Received: September 24, 1997 / Accepted: January 1, 1998  相似文献   

A novel coccoid-shaped, hyperthermophilic, anaerobic archaeon, strain RG-20, was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluid sample taken at 1394-m depth at the Mid-Okinawa Trough (27°32.7′N, 126°58.5′E). Cells of this isolate occur singly or in pairs and are about 0.8 to 2 μm in diameter. Growth was observed at temperatures between 50° and 93°C, with an optimum at 85°C. The pH range for growth is 5.0–9.0, with an optimum around 7.0. Strain RG-20 requires 1%–4% of NaCl for growth, and cell lysis occurs at concentrations below 1%. The newly isolated strain grows preferentially in the presence of elemental sulfur on proteinaceous substrates such as yeast extract, peptone, or tryptone, and no growth was observed on carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, alcohols, or lipids. This microorganism is resistant to streptomycin, chloramphenicol, ampicillin, and kanamycin at concentrations up to 150 μg/ml, but is susceptible to rifampicin. Analysis of the hydrolyzed core lipids by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) revealed the presence of archaeol and caldarchaeol. The mol% G+C content of the DNA is 55.8. Partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA indicates that strain RG-20 belongs to the genus Thermococcus. Considering these data and on the basis of the results from DNA-DNA hybridization studies, we propose that this strain should be classified as a new species named Thermococcus siculi (si′cu.li. L. gen. n. siculi, of the deep-sea [siculum, deep-sea in literature of Ovid], referring to the location of the sample site, a deep-sea hydrothermal vent). The type strain is isolate RG-20 (DSM No. 12349). Received: May 11, 1998 / Accepted: July 24, 1998  相似文献   

A novel coccoid, anaerobic, Fe2+-oxidizing archaeum was isolated from a shallow submarine hydrothermal system at Vulcano, Italy. In addition to ferrous iron, H2 and sulfide served as electron donors. NO3 was used as electron acceptor. In the presence of H2, also S2O3 2– could serve as electron acceptor. The isolate was a neutrophilic hyperthermophile that grew between 65° C and 95° C. It represents a novel genus among the Archaeoglobales that we name Ferroglobus. The type species is Ferroglobus placidus (DSM 10642). Received: 7 March 1996 / Accepted: 4 September 1996  相似文献   

From a hydrothermal vent site off the Mexican west coast (20°50′N, 109°06′W) at a depth of 2,600 m, a novel, hyperthermophilic, anaerobic archaeum was isolated. Cells were round to slightly irregular cocci, 1.2–2.5 μm in diameter and were motile by means of a tuft of flagella. The new isolate grew between 60 and 93°C (optimum: 85°C), from pH 3.5 to 9 (optimum: pH 6.7), and from 0.8 to 8% NaCl (optimum: 2%). The isolate was an obligate organotroph, using chitin, yeast extract, meat extract, and peptone for growth. Chitin was fermented to H2, CO2, NH3, acetate, and formate. H2S was formed in the presence of sulfur. The chitinoclastic enzyme system was oxygen-stable, cell-associated, and inducible by chitin. The cell wall was composed of a surface layer of hex- americ protein complexes arranged on a p6 lattice. The core lipids consisted of glycerol diphytanyl diethers and acyclic and cyclic glycerol diphytanyl tetraethers. The G+C content was 46.5 mol%. DNA/DNA hybridization and 16S rRNA sequencing indicated that the new isolate belongs to the genus Thermococcus, representing a new species, Thermococcus chitonophagus. The type strain is isolate GC74, DSM 10152. Received: 8 May 1995 / Accepted: 26 June 1995  相似文献   

Two extremely thermophilic archaebacteria, strains OG-1 and SM-2, were isolated from newly discovered deep-sea hydrothermal vent areas in the western Pacific ocean. These strains were cocci, obligately anaerobic Archaea about 0.7–2 μm in diameter. Optimum growth conditions for OG-1 and SM-2 were at 85–90°C (range 60–100°C), pH 6 (range pH 4–8), a NaCl concentration of 3% (range 1–5%), and a nutrient concentration (tryptone plus yeast extract) of 0.2% (range 0.005–5%). Elemental sulfur stimulated the growth rate fourfold. Ammonium slightly stimulated growth. Both tryptone and yeast extract allowed growth as sole carbon sources; these isolates were not able to utilize or grow exclusively on sucrose, glucose, maltose, succinate, pyruvate, propionate, acetate, or free amino acids. OG-1 showed the fastest growth rate within the genus Thermococcus. Growth was inhibited by rifampicin. The DNA G+C content was 52 mol%. Sequencing of their 16S rDNA gene fragment indicated that these isolates belonged to the genus Thermococcus. OG-1 and SM-2 were different than the described Thermococcus species. We propose that OG-1 belongs to a new species: Thermococcus peptonophilus. Received: 8 March 1995 / Accepted: 24 May 1995  相似文献   

An extremely thermophilic, sulfur-dependent archaeon, strain WT1, was isolated from a freshwater hot spring in the Lake Taupo area of North Island, New Zealand. The cells are flagellated, strictly anaerobic cocci that grow optimally at 85 °C and 5.4 g NaCl l–1. The strain grows heterotrophically on complex proteinaceous substrates or on appropriate salts plus amino acid mixtures and is also able to utilize maltose, starch, and pyruvate. Elemental sulfur could be replaced by cystine or thioglycollate. The range of temperatures allowing growth is from 60 to 90 °C; the pH supporting growth ranges from 5 to 8 (optimum, pH 7). Strain WT1 grew in a defined medium containing amino acids as the sole carbon and energy sources. The required amino acids were: Arg, His, Ile, Leu, Phe, Ser, Thr, Trp, Tyr, and Val. Strain WT1 showed sensitivity to rifampicin. DNA G+C content was 50.4 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence encoding the 16S rRNA gene indicated that this isolate is a member of the Thermococcales. DNA/DNA hybridization studies revealed no similarity to several species of Thermococcus and Pyrococcus, with the exception of Thermococcus zilligii. Based on the reported results, we propose strain WT1 as a new species to be named Thermococcus waiotapuensis sp. nov. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 19 May 1999  相似文献   

A hyperthermophilic archaeal strain, KOD1, isolated from a solfatara on Kodakara Island, Japan, has previously been reported as Pyrococcus sp. KOD1. However, a detailed phylogenetic tree, made possible by the recent accumulation of 16S rRNA sequences of various species in the order Thermococcales, indicated that strain KOD1 is a member of the genus Thermococcus. We performed DNA-DNA hybridization tests against species that displayed high similarity in terms of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences, including Thermococcus peptonophilus and Thermococcus stetteri. Hybridization results and differences in growth characteristics and substrate utilization differentiated strain KOD1 from T. peptonophilus and T. stetteri at the species level. Our results indicate that strain KOD1 represents a new species of Thermococcus, which we designate as Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 sp. nov.  相似文献   

A novel rod-shaped hyperthermophilic archaeum has been isolated from a boiling marine water hole at Maronti Beach, Ischia, Italy. It grew optimally at 100 degrees C and pH 7.0 by aerobic respiration as well as by dissimilatory nitrate reduction, forming dinitrogen as a final product. Organic and inorganic compounds served as substrates during aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Growth was inhibited by elemental sulfur. The cell wall was composed of a surface layer of hexameric protein complexes arranged on a p6 lattice. The core lipids consisted mainly of glycerol diphytanyl glycerol tetraethers with various degrees of cyclization. The G+C content was 52 mol%. The new isolate resembled members of the genera Thermoproteus and Pyrobaculum by its ability to form characteristic terminal spherical bodies ("golf clubs"). On the basis of its 16S rRNA sequence, the new isolate exhibited a close relationship to the genus Pyrobaculum. It is described as a new species, which we name Pyrobaculum aerophilum (type strain: IM2; DSM 7523).  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA gene from the Thermococcus New Zealand isolate AN1 was cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the gene revealed the presence of signature sequences, indicating that strain AN1 represents a new species of the genus Thermococcus. Since the isolate AN1 differed from other thermococci in both its lower optimal NaCl concentration and generally lower optimal temperature for growth, in its unusual lipid membrane composition, and in its sensitivity to antibiotics, we propose that strain AN1 represents a new species of Thermococcus. The proposed name is Thermococcus zilligii, and the type strain is DSM 2770. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted: 30 May 1997  相似文献   

Enzymatic and thermodynamic characteristics of type II isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP):dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) isomerase (Tk-IDI) from Thermococcus kodakaraensis, which catalyzes the interconversion of IPP and DMAPP, were examined. FMN was tightly bound to Tk-IDI, and the enzyme required NADPH and Mg2+ for the isomerization in both directions. The melting temperature (Tm), the change of enthalpy (deltaH(m)), and the heat capacity change (deltaC(p)) of Tk-IDI were 88.0 degrees C, 444 kJ mol(-1), and 13.2 kJ mol(-1) K(-1), respectively, indicating that Tk-IDI is fairly thermostable. Kinetic parameters dramatically changed when the temperature crossed 80 degrees C even though its native overall structure was stably maintained up to 90 degrees C, suggesting that local conformational change would occur around 80 degrees C. This speculation was supported by the result of the circular dichroism analysis that showed the shift of the alpha-helical content occurred at 80 degrees C.  相似文献   

A hyperthermophilic, anaerobic archaeon was isolated from hydrothermal fluid samples obtained at the Okinawa Trough vents in the NE Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 1395 m. The strain is obligately heterotrophic, and utilizes complex proteinaceous media (peptone, tryptone, or yeast extract), or a 21-amino-acid mixture supplemented with vitamins, as growth substrates. Sulfur greatly enhances growth. The cells are irregular cocci with a tuft of flagella, growing optimally at 98°C (maximum growth temperature 102°C), but capable of prolonged survival at 105°C. Optimum growth was at pH 7 (range 5–8) and NaCl concentration 2.4% (range 1%–5%). Tryptophan was required for growth, in contrast to the closely related strains Pyrococcus furiosus and P. abyssi. Thin sections of the cell, viewed by transmission electron microscopy, revealed a periplasmic space similar in appearance to the envelope of P. furiosus. The predominant cell membrane component was tetraether lipid, with minor amounts of diether lipids. Treatment of the cells by mild osmotic shock released an extract that contained a Zn2+-dependent alkaline phosphatase. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences encoding 16S rRNA and glutamate dehydrogenase places the isolate with certainty within the genus Pyrococcus although there is relatively low DNA–DNA hybridization (<63%) with described species of this genus. Based on the reported results, we propose a new species, to be named Pyrococcus horikoshii sp. nov. Received: December 10, 1997 / Accepted: February 4, 1998  相似文献   

A Gram-negative bacterium designated AC-74(T) was isolated from a highly alkaline groundwater environment (pH 11.4). This organism formed rod-shaped cells, is strictly aerobic, catalase and oxidase positive, tolerates up to 3.0% NaCl, has an optimum growth temperature of 30 degrees C, but no growth occurs at 10 or 40 degrees C, and an optimum pH value of 8.0, but no growth occurs at pH 7.0 or 11.3. The predominant fatty acids are iso-15:0, iso-17:1 omega9c and 16:1 omega7c and or iso-15:2OH. The G+C content of DNA was 43.5mol%. The phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the 16s RNA genes indicated that strain AC-74(T) belongs to the family "Flexibacteriaceae" and is phylogenetically equidistant ( approximately 94.5%) from the majority of the species of the genus Algoriphagus and from the genus Hongiella. Based on the phylogenetic analyses and distinct phenotypic characteristics, we are of the opinion that strain AC-74(T), represents a new species of the novel genus for which we propose the name Chimaereicella alkaliphila gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Enrichments for anaerobic, organotrophic hyperthermophiles were performed with hydrothermal chimney samples collected from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a depth of 3,550 m (23°22N, 44°57W) and the Guaymas Basin (27°01N, 111°24W) at a depth of 2,616 m. Positive enrichments were submitted to -irradiation at doses of 20 and 30 kGy. Two hyperthermophilic, anaerobic, sulfur-metabolizing archaea were isolated. Strain EJ1T was isolated from chimney samples collected from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge after -irradiation at 20 kGy, and strain EJ2T was isolated from the Guaymas Basin after -irradiation at 30 kGy. Only strain EJ2T was motile, and both formed regular cocci. These new strains grew between 55 and 95 °C with the optimal temperature being 88 °C. The optimal pH for growth was 6.0, and the optimal NaCl concentration for growth was around 20 g l–1. These strains were obligate anaerobic heterotrophs that utilized yeast extract, tryptone, and peptone as a carbon source for growth. Ten amino acids were essential for the growth of strain EJ1T, such as arginine, aspartic acid, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, tyrosine, and valine, while strain EJ2T was unable to grow on a mixture of amino acids. Elemental sulfur or cystine was required for EJ2T growth and was reduced to hydrogen sulfide. Rifampicin inhibited growth for both strains EJ1T and EJ2T. The G+C contents of the genomic DNA were 52.3 and 54.5 mol% for EJ1T and EJ2T, respectively. As determined by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, these strains were more closely related to Thermococcus gorgonarius, T. celer, T. guaymasensis, T. profundus, and T. hydrothermalis. However, no significant homology was observed between them with DNA–DNA hybridization. These novel organisms also possess phenotypic traits that differ from those of its closest phylogenetic relatives. Therefore, it is proposed that these isolates, which are amongst the most radioresistant hyperthermophilic archaea known to date with T. gammatolerans (Jolivet et al. 2003a), should be described as novel species T. marinus sp. nov. and T. radiotolerans sp. nov. The type strain of T. marinus is strain EJ1T (=DSM 15227T=JCM 11825T) and the type strain of T. radiotolerans is strain EJ2T (=DSM 15228T=JCM 11826T).Communicated by J. WiegelThe GenBank accession numbers for the 16S rRNA sequence of Thermococcus marinus strain EJ1T and Thermococcus radiotolerans EJ2T are AF479012 and AF479013, respectively.  相似文献   

A morphologically distinct, filamentous methanogen was isolated from hindguts of the subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Rhinotermitidae), wherein it was part of the microbiota colonizing the hindgut wall. Individual filaments of strain RFM-3 were 0.23–0.28 μm in diameter and usually > 50 μm in length and aggregated into flocs that were often ≥ 0.1 mm in diameter. Optimal growth of strain RFM-3 was obtained at pH 7.0–7.2 and 30° C with a yeast-extract-supplemented, dithiothreitol-reduced medium in which cells produced stoichiometric amounts of methane from H2 + CO2. The morphology and gram-positive staining reaction of strain RFM-3, as well as its resistance to cell lysis by various chemical agents and its restriction to H2 + CO2 as an energy source, suggested that it was a member of the Methanobacteriaceae. The nucleotide sequence of the SSU-rRNA-encoding gene of strain RFM-3 confirmed this affiliation and also supported its recognition as a new species of Methanobrevibacter, for which the epithet filiformis is herewith proposed. Although M. filiformis was one of the dominant methanogens in R. flavipes collected from Woods Hole (Mass., USA), cells of similar morphology were not consistently observed in R. flavipes collected from different geographical locations. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   

From anoxic marine sediment samples, new anaerobic, microaerotolerant, Gram-negative, non-sporeforming bacteria were isolated which grew in mineral medium with malonate as sole source of carbon and energy. Cells were motile thin rods, often forming large aggregates. Malonate was decarboxylated to acetate with concomitant growth yields of 1.9–2.1 g dry cell matter per mol malonate degraded. Fumarate and malate were fermented to succinate and CO2. No other substrates were used. No inorganic electron acceptors were reduced. At least 150 mM NaCl was required for growth with either substrate. High amounts of a periplasmic cytochrome c were detected, as well as small amounts of a membrane-bound cytochrome b. All enzymes of the citric acid cycle were found to be present. The DNA base ratio was 48.3 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Since this new bacterium cannot be affiliated with any of the known genera and species, a new genus and species, Malonomonas rubra is proposed.  相似文献   

A new strain of syntrophically propionate-oxidizing fermenting bacteria, strain KoProp1, was isolated from anoxic sludge of a municipal sewage plant. It oxidized propionate or lactate in cooperation with the hydrogen- and formate-utilizingMethanospirillum hungatei and grew as well in pure culture without a syntrophic partner with propionate or lactate plus sulfate as energy source. In all cases, the substrates were oxidized stoichiometrically to acetate and CO2, with concomitant formation of methane or sulfide. Cells formed gas vesicles in the late growth phase and contained cytochromesb andc, a menaquinone-7, and desulforubidin, but no desulfoviridin. Enzyme measurements in cell-free extracts indicated that propionate was oxidized through the methylmalonyl CoA pathway. Protein pattern analysis by SDS-PAGE of cell-free extracts showed that strain KoProp1 differs significantly fromSyntrophobacter wolinii and from the propionate-oxidizing sulfate reducerDesulfobulbus propionicus. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed a significant resemblance toS. wolinii allowing the assignment of strain KoProp1 to the genusSyntrophobacter as a new species,S. pfennigii.  相似文献   

Two strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria (J.5.4.2-L4.2.8T and J.3.6.1-H7) were isolated from a pyrite-forming enrichment culture and were compared phylogenetically and physiologically to the closest related type strain Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans DSM 3696T. The isolated strains were vibrio-shaped, motile rods that stained Gram-negative. Growth occurred from 15 to 37 °C and within a pH range of 6.5–8.5. Both strains used sulfate, thiosulfate, sulfite, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as electron acceptor when grown with lactate. Lactate was incompletely oxidized to acetate. Formate and H2 were used as electron donor in the presence of acetate. Dismutation of thiosulfate and pyrosulfite was observed. The two new isolates differed from D. sulfodismutans by the utilization of DMSO as electron acceptor, 82% genome-wide average nucleotide identity (ANI) and 32% digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH), thus representing a novel species. The type strain of the type species Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Essex6T revealed merely 88% 16S rRNA gene identity and 49% genome-wide average amino acid identity (AAI) to the new isolates as well as to D. sulfodismutans. Furthermore, the dominance of menaquinone MK-7 over MK-6 and the dominance of ai-C15:0 fatty acids were observed not only in the two new isolated strains but also in D. sulfodismutans. Therefore, the definition of a new genus is indicated for which the name Desulfolutivibrio is proposed. We propose for strains J.5.4.2-L4.2.8T and J.3.6.1-H7 the name Desulfolutivibrio sulfoxidireducens gen. nov. sp. nov. with strain J.5.4.2-L4.2.8T defined as type strain. In addition, we propose the reclassification of Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans as Desulfolutivibrio sulfodismutans comb. nov.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of hyperthermophilic archaea in their extreme hydrothermal vent and subsurface environments are controlled by chemical and physical key parameters. This study examined the effects of elevated sulfide concentrations, temperature, and acidic pH on growth and survival of two hydrothermal vent archaea (Pyrococcus strain GB-D and Thermococcus fumicolans) under high temperature and pressure regimes. These two strains are members of the Thermococcales, a family of hyperthermophilic, heterotrophic, sulfur-reducing archaea that occur in high densities at vent sites. As actively growing cells, these two strains tolerated regimes of pH, pressure, and temperature that were in most cases not tolerated under severe substrate limitation. A moderate pH of 5.5–7 extends their survival and growth range over a wider range of sulfide concentrations, temperature and pressure, relative to lower pH conditions. T. fumicolans and Pyrococcus strain GB-D grew under very high pressures that exceeded in-situ pressures typical of hydrothermal vent depths, and included deep subsurface pressures. However, under the same conditions, but in the absence of carbon substrates and electron acceptors, survival was generally lower, and decreased rapidly when low pH stress was combined with high pressure and high temperature. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

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