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The male infant rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) undergoes a period of testicular activation similar to that seen in the human infant. Plasma testosterone (T) concentrations rise after birth, reaching levels of about 500 ng/dl at 1-3 mo of age and then fall to approximately 50 ng/dl at 60 mo. The plasma T metabolic clearance rates (MCRT) and production rates (PRT) were measured in two rhesus infants at 1 and 6 mo of age to determine the mechanism of the observed increase in plasma T. While there was little change in the MCRT between 1 and 6 mo, PRT was much higher at 1 mo than at 60 mo of age. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the increased plasma testosterone levels in infant rhesus monkeys reflect an increased production of testosterone rather than an altered metabolic disposition of the hormone.  相似文献   

Changes in metabolic clearance rate (MCR) and production rate (PR) of estradiol-17 beta (E2) and testosterone (T) were evaluated in crossbred boars averaging 35 +/- 1, 91 +/- 3, 118 +/- 4 and 177 +/- 6 kg at 80, 160, 260 and 560 days of age, respectively. A comparison of E2 and T MCR determined in blood or plasma was made in castrate and intact boars at 180 days of age. In the two experiments, estimates of MCR of E2 and T were consistently greater (22.0 and 23.8%) in blood than in plasma. These differences were not influenced by age of boar or castration. The MCR (l X day X kg BW) for E2 and T in plasma was greater (P less than 0.05) for 80-day-old prepuberal boars than the three groups of older boars. Production rates of E2 and T were lower in boars at 80 days of age than in older boars. Thus, a reduction in the MCR and an increase in PR of E2 and T in the boar are involved in the increased concentrations of circulating steroids associated with puberal development. Difference in MCR, determined in blood and plasma for both E2 and T, suggests that the contribution of the cellular component of blood to MCR studies in pigs should not be ignored.  相似文献   

In the pregnant rat, short-term stability of progesterone blood concentrations may involve an active homeostatic mechanism. In the present study, we examined the possibility that the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of progesterone can respond to a change in progesterone production and thus reduce variation in blood concentrations. Progesterone was administered both acutely and chronically to conscious rats, and the effective production rate, MCR, and blood concentration were monitored on Day 16 of pregnancy. Acute, low-dose progesterone supplementation, which effectively raised production rate by 29%, had no effect on the MCR of progesterone. Acute, high-dose supplementation, which raised total progesterone production by 68%, caused a 35% fall in the MCR of progesterone. Chronically supplemented rats received s.c. injections of progesterone (20 mg) once daily over Days 13-16 of pregnancy. The resultant production rate measured on Day 16 was 114% higher than that in controls, but there was no difference in MCR. Collectively, these experiments demonstrate that no short-term homeostatic mechanism involving the MCR operates to control blood progesterone concentrations in Day 16 pregnant rats. Thus, progesterone homeostasis appears limited to long-term developmental changes rather than short-term physiological control.  相似文献   

Plasma immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) levels generally are not elevated in chronic, nonmalignant, hypercalcemic states. Normocalcitoninemia might occur despite increased CT secretion if hypercalcemia itself accelerated the clearance of CT from the circulation. Therefore, we have measured the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of human CT (hCT), infused to constant plasma levels in thyroparathyroidectomized dogs, under conditions of acute and chronic hypo- and hypercalcemia. Acute increases of plasma calcium were without significant effect on the MCR of hCT, but chronic hypercalcemia, induced by dihydrotachysterol treatment, reduced the MCR of hCT by 30% (P less than 0.05) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by 40% (P less than 0.02). There was a significant, positive correlation (r = 0.60, P less than 0.02) between GFR and the MCR of CT. The data suggest that failure to detect elevated iCT levels in chronic hypercalcemia is not the result of an increased MCR of CT. In fact, hypercalcemia should exaggerate the effect of increased CT secretion by decreasing the renal clearance of the hormone.  相似文献   

An antiserum to βh-lipotropin (LPH) which does not cross react with βh-endorphin has been obtained utilizing two different methods of affinity chromatography. This was employed in studies of three normal human subjects in whom the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) apparent volume of distribution (Vd) and fractional rate of disappearance (Kd) of ACTH and βh-LPH were determined following bolus simultaneous injection of 270 μg highly purified βh-LPH and 230 μg of synthetic human ACTH. A biphasic disappearance curve was noted for both hormones. βh-LPH: MCR-0.571, 0.519, and 0.461 L/minute; Vd-30.7, 27.7, 25.0 liters, representing 49, 46 and 35% of body weight; Kd-0.0186, 0.0187, 0.0185 min?1. ACTH: MCR-0.274, 0.266, and 0.332 L/minute; Vd-6.5, 6.5, 14.5 liters, representing 10.4, 10.8 and 20.4% of body weight; Kd-0.0418, 0.0409, 0.0229 min?1. The observed larger MCR of βh-LPH can account for previous observations of basal plasma ACTH/LPH ratios greater than unity, even though these peptides are present in the pituitary in equimolar concentrations.  相似文献   

Changes in plasma testosterone (T), thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), semen output and remex moult were studied in domestic ganders. A bimodal pattern in both plasma T and sperm concentration was observed during the annual cycle. Ganders started to produce semen at the end of January; maximum semen volume (0.32 +/- 0.04 ml) and sperm concentration (148 +/- 38 x 10(3)/mm3) were reached in March and a marked decrease was observed after mid-April, when the moult of the remiges began. Plasma T3 levels peaked in February (9.7 +/- 0.6 nmol.l-1) and this peak coincided with maximum T concentrations (9.8-10.4 nmol.l-1). Elevated levels of T4 were found from late February until mid-April (31.0-33.6 nmol.l-1). Plasma T concentration was low at all stages of remex moult and regrowth. Decreased T4 levels were found in ganders during remex regrowth from the "brush" to half of the full primary growth stage. Higher plasma T4 levels were found before and after this stage of the moult. A reverse pattern was observed for T3 concentrations.  相似文献   



Bile acid sequestrants (BAS) reduce plasma glucose levels in type II diabetics and in murine models of diabetes but the mechanism herein is unknown. We hypothesized that sequestrant-induced changes in hepatic glucose metabolism would underlie reduced plasma glucose levels. Therefore, in vivo glucose metabolism was assessed in db/db mice on and off BAS using tracer methodology.


Lean and diabetic db/db mice were treated with 2% (wt/wt in diet) Colesevelam HCl (BAS) for 2 weeks. Parameters of in vivo glucose metabolism were assessed by infusing [U-13C]-glucose, [2-13C]-glycerol, [1-2H]-galactose and paracetamol for 6 hours, followed by mass isotopologue distribution analysis, and related to metabolic parameters as well as gene expression patterns.


Compared to lean mice, db/db mice displayed an almost 3-fold lower metabolic clearance rate of glucose (p = 0.0001), a ∼300% increased glucokinase flux (p = 0.001) and a ∼200% increased total hepatic glucose production rate (p = 0.0002). BAS treatment increased glucose metabolic clearance rate by ∼37% but had no effects on glucokinase flux nor total hepatic or endogenous glucose production. Strikingly, BAS-treated db/db mice displayed reduced long-chain acylcarnitine content in skeletal muscle (p = 0.0317) but not in liver (p = 0.189). Unexpectedly, BAS treatment increased hepatic FGF21 mRNA expression 2-fold in lean mice (p = 0.030) and 3-fold in db/db mice (p = 0.002).


BAS induced plasma glucose lowering in db/db mice by increasing metabolic clearance rate of glucose in peripheral tissues, which coincided with decreased skeletal muscle long-chain acylcarnitine content.  相似文献   

Tritium-labelled testosterone was infused into four well-trained subjects at rest and during one hour of exercise at about 60% of their maximum aerobic power. This exercise regime led to a mean increase of 27% (range 10-51%) in plasma testosterone concentration. At the same time there were significant decreases in the estimated hepatic plasma flow (EHPF) (45%; range 28-67%), metabolic clearance rate of testosterone (MCRT) (29%; range 18-37%) and plasma volume (8.2%; range 3-10%). The production rate of testosterone decreased by 10% (range 9-22%) but this was not statistically significant. The ratio MCRT:EHPF increased in 3 out of 4 subjects in response to exercise but there was considerable inter-subject variation both at rest and during exercise. These findings suggest that the exercise-induced elevation of testosterone level is due solely to the reduction in the rate at which testosterone is cleared from the plasma. The principal cause of the reduction in MCRT is probably the reduction in EHPF but the variation in the ratio MCRT:EHPF suggests that changes in the extrahepatic clearance of testosterone may also be involved.  相似文献   

Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) has been shown to be a major determinant of testosterone clearance in the primate. It has also been suggested that SHBG would also be a determinant of estradiol clearance (MCR-E2). However, published studies have suggested that the MCR-E2 do not always vary with changes in the level of SHBG. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to address this issue. The baseline MCR-E2 was determined in adult male pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina). Following the baseline determination of MCR-E2 the animals were infused with either purified human (h) SHBG or antibody against hSHBG, which also has a high degree of cross-reactivity with primate SHBG. Following the infusions of either hSHBG or anti-SHBG, MCR-E2 was again determined. In addition, luteinizing hormone (LH) was measured using a mouse Leydig cell bioassay. Following the infusion of hSHBG, a marked increase in serum SHBG was noted and the MCR-E2 decreased. Associated with the increase in SHBG, the SHBG bound T levels decreased and LH increased. Following the infusion of antibody, serum SHBG decreased, and the MCR-E2 also decreased. With the decrease in SHBG following the antibody infusion, non-SHBG bound T increased and serum LH fell. This study demonstrates that an increase in the serum SHBG levels is associated with a decrease in MCR-E2, however, an acute decrease in serum SHBG also decreases the MCR-E2. This later result demonstrates that factors in addition to serum SHBG binding may be important in determining the MCR-E2.  相似文献   

The transfer of non-genetic resources from mother to the offspring often has considerable consequences for offspring performance. In birds, maternally derived hormones are known to influence a variety of morphological, physiological and behavioural traits in the chick. So far, the range of these hormonal effects involves benefits in terms of enhanced growth and competitive ability as well as costs in terms of immunosuppression. However, since yolk hormones can enhance growth and begging activity, high levels of these hormones may also involve energetic costs. Here, we show experimentally that elevated levels of prenatal testosterone increase resting metabolic rate in nestling zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Surprisingly, however, elevation of prenatal testosterone did not result in higher growth rates and, thus, differences in resting metabolism do not seem to be linked to nestling growth. We conclude that apart from immunosuppressive effects, high levels of egg steroids may also entail costs in terms of increased energy expenditure.  相似文献   

One hour urine C-peptide and creatinine clearance rates were determined simultaneously in 25 hospitalized patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) undergoing sulfonylurea and/or diet treatment. The studies had been performed after an overnight fast on the second day of admission and on a day soon before discharge, with intervals of 18.9 +/- 7.0 days. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values decreased significantly at the second examination as compared to the initial values (FPG: 101 +/- 20 mg/dl vs. 161 +/- 47 mg/dl, p less than 0.005; HbA1c: 7.3 +/- 1.5% vs. 8.4 +/- 1.7%, p less than 0.005). The urine C-peptide clearance rate also decreased significantly after metabolic control (0.75 +/- 0.36 l/hr vs. 1.06 +/- 0.54 l/hr, p less than 0.005). Meanwhile, the urine creatinine clearance rate tended to decrease, but the difference was not significant (3.69 +/- 2.04 l/hr vs. 4.87 +/- 2.98 l/hr) at the second examination. The data suggest that the urine C-peptide clearance rate is susceptible to the effects of the fluctuation of metabolic states in NIDDM patients. In order to use urinary C-peptide for a follow up study of pancreatic B-cell secretion, the changes in C-peptide clearance under various metabolic conditions must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Free radicals superoxide (O(2)(-)) and nitric oxide (*NO) are generated by blood vessels and can rapidly react to produce a peroxynitrite anion (ONOO(-)), a powerful oxidant that modifies lipoproteins making them more atherogenic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of peroxynitrite-induced modifications on beta-very-low-density lipoprotein (beta-VLDL) as to its biodistribution and plasma clearance rate, as well as the uptake of these particles by THP-1 cells. After being injected into New Zealand White rabbits, the peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL (99mTc-per-beta-VLDL) was cleared from circulation faster than the native beta-VLDL (99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL) in both normocholesterolemic rabbits (NC) and in hypercholesterolemic rabbits (HC). In HC rabbits, the fractional clearance of 99mTc-labeled beta-VLDL was significantly lower than in NC rabbits. The in vivo studies showed that accumulation of 99mTc-labeled beta-VLDL, expressed per gram of tissue, followed the decreasing order: kidney > liver > spleen > adrenal gland >or= lung > aortic arch > heart >or= abdominal aorta > thoracic aorta > psoas muscle. The high accumulation in the kidneys suggests the processing of 99mTc-labeled apolipoproteins by receptors present in kidney cells. The accumulation of 99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL in the whole organ was the following: liver > kidney > heart > spleen > adrenal gland > aorta in HC and NC rabbits. The uptake of 99mTc-per-beta-VLDL by the spleen was greater than the uptake by the heart in both groups. The in vitro studies showed that the uptake of 99mTc-per-beta-VLDL by THP-1 cells was higher than that of 99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL. These results show that peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL is rapidly removed from plasma and accumulates in several tissues, mainly in the liver and kidney. This may be particularly important in hypercholesterolemic situations that could favor the accumulation of native and peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL in several tissues.  相似文献   

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