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Models of the primary cell wall are discussed in relation to results obtained by the present authors from studies of the primary cell wall of lupin and mung bean hypocotyls. A structure of the primary cell wall is suggested that differs in several respects from structures already proposed. It has a non-covalent interaction of much of the pectin, hemicellulose and glycoprotein, and a more direct interaction of the glycoprotein and cellulose microfibrils. An idea of scale is introduced through a consideration of degree of polymerization and monomer size of polymers, and of the volume of the cellulose microfibrils. Wall structure is discussed in relation to polymer orientation and elongation of the primary cell wall.  相似文献   

The modern view on polysaccharide composition of the primary cell wall of angiosperm plants was considered, and five classes of structural proteins were characterized. The model which shows location of enzyme complex synthesizing cellulose, as well as structural model of primary cell walls of the most flowering plants were presented. Besides, there were shown cell wall reactions to environmental factors which have contradictory character and have to be deeply and thoroughly analyzed.  相似文献   

Acid hydrolysis of cell wall-rich material from young leaves of the lycophyte Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring yielded substantial amounts of 3-O-methyl-D-galactose (1) in addition to the usual major monosaccharides (glucose, galactose, arabinose, xylose and galacturonic acid). The yield of 1 approximately equalled that of galacturonic acid. Compound 1 was identified as 3-O-methylgalactose by its 1H and 13C NMR spectra, and shown to be the D-enantiomer by its susceptibility to D-galactose oxidase. Compound 1 was detected in acid hydrolysates of the alcohol-insoluble residues from young leaves of all lycophytes tested, both homosporous (Lycopodium, Huperzia and Diphasiastrum) and heterosporous (Selaginella). It was not detectable in the charophyte green algae Coleochaete scutata, Chara coralina or Klebsormidium flaccidum, any bryophytes [a hornwort (Anthoceros), four liverworts and three mosses], or any euphyllophytes [a psilopsid (Psilotum), a horsetail (Equisetum), eusporangiate and leptosporangiate ferns, the gymnosperm Gnetum, and diverse angiosperms]. A high content of 1 is thus an autapomorphy of the lycophytes.  相似文献   

Molecular weight distribution of cellulose in primary cell walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W. Blaschek  H. Koehler  U. Semler  G. Franz 《Planta》1982,154(6):550-555
The distribution pattern of the degree of polymerization (DP) of cellulose present in the cell walls of mesophyll- and suspension-cultured cells of tobacco was compared to that of newly synthesized 14C-labeled cellulose from regenerating tobacco protoplasts and suspension-cultured cells. The cellulose was nitrated, and, after fractionation according to differences in solubility in acetone/water, the DP pattern of labeled or unlabeled cellulose nitrate was determined by viscosity measurements. A low (DP<500) and high DP-fraction (DP>2500) of cellulose were predominant in the cell walls of protoplasts, suspension — cultured cells, and mesophyll cells. The average DP of the high molecular weight fraction of cellulose in the cell walls of mesophyll was higher (DP4,000) than in protoplasts or suspension — cultured cells (DP 2,500-3,000). In all cell walls tested, minor amounts of cellulose molecules with a broad spectrum of a medium DP were present. Pulse — chase experiments with either protoplasts or suspension —cultured cells showed that a large proportion of the low and medium DP-cellulose are a separate class of structural components of the cellulose network. The results are discussed in relation to the organization of cellulose in the primary cell wall.Abbreviations DP degree of polymerisation - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy of microfibrils in primary cell walls   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Davies LM  Harris PJ 《Planta》2003,217(2):283-289
Examination of angiosperm primary cell walls by transmission electron microscopy shows that they contain microfibrils that probably consist of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by associated non-cellulosic polysaccharides. Previous studies using solid-state (13)C NMR spectroscopy have shown that the cellulose is all crystalline with crystallites of cross-sectional dimensions of 2-3 nm. However, it is not known if each microfibril contains only one, or more than one crystallite because there is no agreement about the dimensions of the microfibrils. Partially hydrated primary cell walls isolated from onion ( Allium cepa L.) and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were examined by atomic force microscopy and the microfibril diameters determined. The cell walls of both species contained tightly interwoven microfibrils of uniform diameter: 4.4+/-0.13 nm in the onion and 5.8+/-0.17 nm in A. thaliana. The effect was also examined of extracting the A. thaliana cell walls to remove pectic polysaccharides. The microfibrils in the extracted cell walls of A. thaliana were significantly narrower (3.2+/-0.13 nm) than those in untreated walls. The results are consistent with the microfibrils containing only one cellulose crystallite.  相似文献   

Primary plant cell walls contain highly hydrated biopolymer networks, whose major chemistry is known but whose relationship to architectural and mechanical properties is poorly understood. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to characterize segmental mobilities via relaxation and anisotropy effects in order to add a dynamic element to emerging models for cell wall architecture. For hydrated onion cell wall material, single pulse excitation revealed galactan (pectin side chains), provided that dipolar decoupling was used, and some of the pectin backbone in the additional presence of magic angle spinning. Cross-polarization excitation revealed the remaining pectin backbones, which exhibited greater mobility (contact time dependence, dipolar dephasing) than the cellulose component, whose noncrystalline and crystalline fractions showed no mobility discrimination. 1HT2 behavior could be quantitatively interpreted in terms of high resolution observabilities. Mobility-resolved spectroscopy of cell walls from tomato fruit, pea stem, and tobacco leaf showed similar general effects. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of the sequential chemical extraction of onion cell wall material suggests that galactans fill many of the network pores, that extractability of pectins is not dependent on segmental mobility, and that some pectic backbone (and not side chain) is strongly associated with cellulose. Analysis of the state of cellulose in four hydrated cell walls suggests a noncrystalline content of 60–80% and comparable amounts of Iα and Iβ polymorphs in the crystalline fraction. Comparison with micrographs for onion cell walls shows that noncrystalline cellulose does not equate to chains on fibril surfaces, and chemical shifts show that fully solvated cellulose is not a significant component in cell walls. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Malaria is an infectious disease that causes serious morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease is associated with a variety of clinical syndromes ranging from asymptomatic to lethal infections involving anaemia, organ failure, pulmonary and cerebral disease. The molecular and cellular factors responsible for the differences in disease severity are poorly understood but parasite-specific immune responses are thought to play a critical role in pathogenesis. Dendritic cells have an essential role in linking innate and adaptive immune responses and here we review their role in the context of malaria.  相似文献   

Maize(Zea mays L.) suspension-cultured cells with up to 70% less cellulose were obtained by stepwise habituation to dichlobenil(DCB), a cellulose biosynthesis inhibitor. Cellulose de ficiency was accompanied by marked changes in cell wall matrix polysaccharides and phenolics as revealed by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy.Cell wall compositional analysis indicated that the cellulosede ficient cell walls showed an enhancement of highly branched and cross-linked arabinoxylans, as well as an increased content in ferulic acid, diferulates and p-coumaric acid, and the presence of a polymer that stained positive for phloroglucinol. In accordance with this, cellulose-de ficient cell walls showed a fivefold increase in Klason-type lignin.Thioacidolysis/GC-MS analysis of cellulose-de ficient cell walls indicated the presence of a lignin-like polymer with a Syringyl/Guaiacyl ratio of 1.45, which differed from the sensu stricto stress-related lignin that arose in response to shortterm DCB-treatments. Gene expression analysis of these cells indicated an overexpression of genes specific for the biosynthesis of monolignol units of lignin. A study of stress signaling pathways revealed an overexpression of some of the jasmonate signaling pathway genes, which might trigger ectopic lignification in response to cell wall integrity disruptions. In summary, the structural plasticity of primary cell walls is proven, since a lignification process is possible in response to cellulose impoverishment.  相似文献   

Summary By quantitative analysis of cellulose microfibril orientation at different levels in the primary cell wall of a number of cell types, the development of wall texture was studied. Meristematic, isodiametric and cylindrical parenchyma cells and cells of a suspension culture were used. Within the newly deposited microfibril population, various orientations were recognized on the micrographs. Within subpopulations the orientation of undercrossing and overcrossing microfibrils were measured. These measurements showed a gradual shift in cellulose microfibril orientation in the different levels. Microfibrils showed predominant orientations at particular levels but microfibrils of intermediate orientation also occurred, although at a much lower density. As cellulose microfibrils of intermediate orientation were not closely packed, lamellae were not formed. Interwoven microfibrils were occasionally present, indicating that differently orientated microfibrils are occasionally deposited simultaneously. Also gradual changes in orientation over the entire inner cell wall surface were observed. From these observations it was inferred that microfibril deposition occurs with a small but regular and progressive change in orientation, the rotational motion, related to that of a helicoidal system.Dedicated to Professor Dr. M. M. A. Sassen on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

In land plants, xyloglucans (XyGs) tether cellulose microfibrils into a strong but extensible cell wall. The MUR2 and MUR3 genes of Arabidopsis encode XyG-specific fucosyl and galactosyl transferases, respectively. Mutations of these genes give precisely altered XyG structures missing one or both of these subtending sugar residues. Tensile strength measurements of etiolated hypocotyls revealed that galactosylation rather than fucosylation of the side chains is essential for maintenance of wall strength. Symptomatic of this loss of tensile strength is an abnormal swelling of the cells at the base of fully grown hypocotyls as well as bulging and marked increase in the diameter of the epidermal and underlying cortical cells. The presence of subtending galactosyl residues markedly enhance the activities of XyG endotransglucosylases and the accessibility of XyG to their action, indicating a role for this enzyme activity in XyG cleavage and religation in the wall during growth for maintenance of tensile strength. Although a shortening of XyGs that normally accompanies cell elongation appears to be slightly reduced, galactosylation of the XyGs is not strictly required for cell elongation, for lengthening the polymers that occurs in the wall upon secretion, or for binding of the XyGs to cellulose.  相似文献   

The cell walls of streptococci   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Advances in determination of polymer structure and in preservation of structure for electron microscopy provide the best view to date of how polysaccharides and structural proteins are organized into plant cell walls. The walls that form and partition dividing cells are modified chemically and structurally from the walls expanding to provide a cell with its functional form. In grasses, the chemical structure of the wall differs from that of all other flowering plant species that have been examined. Nevertheless, both types of wall must conform to the same physical laws. Cell expansion occurs via strictly regulated reorientation of each of the wall's components that first permits the wall to stretch in specific directions and then lock into final shape. This review integrates information on the chemical structure of individual polymers with data obtained from new techniques used to probe the arrangement of the polymers within the walls of individual cells. We provide structural models of two distinct types of walls in flowering plants consistent with the physical properties of the wall and its components.  相似文献   

水孔蛋白在细胞延长、盐胁迫和光合作用中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水孔蛋白属于一个高度保守的、能够进行跨生物膜水分运输的通道蛋白MIP家族。水孔蛋白作为膜水通道,在控制细胞和组织的水含量中扮演重要角色。本研究的重点是属于PIP亚家族的GhPIP1;2和属于TIP亚家族的γTIP1在植物细胞延长中的作用。使用特异基因探针的Northern杂交和实时荧光PCR技术证明GhPIP1;2和GhγTIP1主要在棉花纤维延长过程中显著表达,且最高表达量在开花后5d。在细胞延长过程中,GhPIP1;2和GhγTIP1表达显著,表明它们在促使水流迅速进入液泡这一过程中扮演重要角色。而且也研究了盐胁迫植物中钙离子对水孔蛋白的影响。分别或一起用NaCl或CaCl2处理原生质体或细胞质膜。结果发现在盐胁迫条件下,水渗透率值在原生质体和质膜颗粒中都下降了,同时PIP1水孔蛋白的含量也下降了,表明NaCl对水孔蛋白的功能和含量有抑制作用。同时也观察了Ca2+的两种不同的作用。感知胁迫的胞质中游离钙离子浓度的增加可能导致水孔蛋白的关闭。而过剩的钙离子将导致水孔蛋白的上游调控。同时实验已经证明大麦的一类水孔蛋白-HvPIP2;1有更高的水和CO2转移率。本研究的目标是确定负责转运水和CO2的关键水孔蛋白...  相似文献   

Noiraud N  Delrot S  Lemoine R 《Plant physiology》2000,122(4):1447-1455
In celery (Apium graveolens L.), long-distance transport of reduced carbon occurs both in the form of sucrose (Suc) and mannitol. The presence of mannitol has been related to the resistance of celery to salt stress. To investigate the transport events occurring during salt stress, we have cloned the H(+)/Suc transporter of celery AgSUT1 (A. graveolens Suc uptake transport 1) from a mature leaf cDNA library. The function of the encoded protein was confirmed by expression in yeast. AgSUT1 is a H(+)/Suc transporter with a high affinity for Suc (K(m) of 139 microM). Another closely related cDNA (AgSUT2) was also identified. AgSUT1 is mainly expressed in mature leaves and phloem of petioles, but also in sink organs such as roots. When celery plants were subjected to salt stress conditions (30 d watering with 300 mM NaCl) favoring mannitol accumulation (J.D. Everard, R. Gucci, S.C. Kann, J.A. Flore, W.H. Loescher [1994] Plant Physiol 106: 281-292), AgSUT1 expression was decreased in all organs, but markedly in roots. The results are discussed in relation to the physiology of celery.  相似文献   

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