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A widely held view is that directional movement of tRNA in the ribosome is determined by an intrinsic mechanism and driven thermodynamically by transpeptidation. Here, we show that, in certain ribosomal complexes, the pretranslocation (PRE) state is thermodynamically favored over the posttranslocation (POST) state. Spontaneous and efficient conversion from the POST to PRE state is observed when EF-G is depleted from ribosomes in the POST state or when tRNA is added to the E site of ribosomes containing P-site tRNA. In the latter assay, the rate of tRNA movement is increased by streptomycin and neomycin, decreased by tetracycline, and not affected by the acylation state of the tRNA. In one case, we provide evidence that complex conversion occurs by reverse translocation (i.e., direct movement of the tRNAs from the E and P sites to the P and A sites, respectively). These findings have important implications for the energetics of translocation.  相似文献   

During the translocation step of the elongation cycle of peptide synthesis two tRNAs together with the mRNA move synchronously and rapidly on the ribosome. Translocation is catalyzed by the elongation factor G (EF-G) and requires GTP hydrolysis. The fundamental biochemical features of the process were worked out in the 1970-80s, to a large part by A.S. Spirin and his colleagues. Recent results from pre-steady-state kinetic analysis and cryoelectron microscopy suggest that translocation is a multistep dynamic process that entails large-scale structural rearrangements of both ribosome and EF-G. Kinetic and thermodynamic data, together with the structural information on the conformational changes of the ribosome and of EF-G, provide a detailed mechanistic model of translocation and suggest a mechanism of translocation catalysis by EF-G.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the oxygen binding equilibria and kinetics of Panulirus interruptus hemocyanin has been analyzed within the context of the two-state allosteric model. Oxygenation of the T-state is characterized by a more negative value of DeltaH than that of the R-state; therefore, cooperative effects in oxygen binding to P. interruptus hemocyanin are thermodynamically governed by favorable entropy changes. The allosteric transition in the unliganded derivative shows an enthalpy-entropy compensation effect. The activation enthalpies for oxygenation and deoxygenation of the T-state are larger than those for the R-state, while the activation entropies are favorable for the T-state and unfavorable for the R-state. Thus, the activation free energies for oxygen binding to the T- and R-states are similar, while for the deoxygenation reaction DeltaG++ is smaller for the T-state. The analysis reported confirms the applicability of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux two-state allosteric model to P. interruptus hemocyanin and yields a complete thermodynamic characterization of oxygen binding under both equilibrium and dynamic regimes.  相似文献   

The ribosome selects aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) matching to the mRNA codon from the bulk of non-matching aa-tRNAs in two consecutive selection steps, initial selection and proofreading. Here we report the kinetic analysis of selection taking place under conditions where the overall selectivity was close to values observed in vivo and initial selection and proofreading contributed about equally. Comparison of the rate constants shows that the 350-fold difference in stabilities of cognate and near-cognate codon-anticodon complexes is not used for tRNA selection due to high rate of GTP hydrolysis in the cognate complex. tRNA selection at the initial selection step is entirely kinetically controlled and is due to much faster (650-fold) GTP hydrolysis of cognate compared to near-cognate substrate.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ribosomes have a site (E) to which deacylated tRNA binds transiently before leaving the ribosome during translocation. The affinity of the site is Mg2+ dependent and low at physiological Mg2+ concentrations. Correct codon-anticodon interaction is unnecessary in this site. With these features, the E site cannot reduce frameshift errors through additional mRNA anchorage. Occupancy of the A site does not influence the tRNA binding in the E site, although a conformational change of elongation factor G, brought about by GTP hydrolysis, is necessary for efficient tRNA release. The tRNA can dissociate unhindered from the E site when the elongation factor is bound to the ribosome by fusidic acid. During elongation, the thermodynamically stable state is not attained, since E site occupation inhibits translocation. However, the E site can aid elongation by providing an intermediate state for tRNA dissociation, dispersing the process into more than one step.  相似文献   

Unusual chemical properties of hypermodified nucleosides N6-(threoninocarbonyl)adenosine (t6 A) located at position 37 and 3-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)uridine (acp3U) located at position 20:1 have been utilized for the introduction of photoreactive azidonitrophenyl probes to the anticodon loop and to the dihydrouridine loop of yeast tRNA(mMet) and lupin tRNA(mMet), respectively. The very efficient and selective modification procedures involve condensat on of the carboxyl group of t6A with ethylenediamine in the presence of a water soluble carbodiimide followed by acylation of the newly introduced amino group with the respective N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, and acylation of the primary amino or up of acp3U with the respective N-hydroxysuccinimide ester. Binding and crosslinking of the modified, uncharged tRNAs to E coli ribosome have been studied in the presence and absence of poly(AUG) as a message. Both tRNAs carrying about 20 A long photoreactive probes retain their binding activity and upon irradiation with visible light crosslink to the ribosome with high yields showing their usefulness for structural studies on the tRNA-ribosome complex.  相似文献   

Upon transpeptidylation, the 3' end of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) in the ribosomal A site enters the A/P hybrid state. We report that transpeptidylation of Phe-tRNA to fMetPhe-tRNA on Escherichia coli ribosomes substantially lowers the kinetic stability of the ribosome-tRNA complex and decreases the affinity by 18.9 kJ mol(-1). At the same time, the free energy of activation of elongation factor G dependent translocation decreases by 12.5 kJ mol(-1), indicating that part of the free energy of transpeptidylation is used to drive translocation kinetically. Thus, the formation of the A/P hybrid state constitutes an important element of the translocation mechanism.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a 180-kD ribosome receptor (p180) from mammalian rough ER that, when incorporated into liposomes, bound ribosomes with an affinity similar to intact membranes. To directly assess the contribution of p180 to ribosome binding as well as protein translocation, monoclonal antibodies were used to selectively deplete p180 from the detergent extracts of rough ER membranes used in the preparation of translocation-competent proteoliposomes. Proteoliposomes prepared from p180-depleted extracts showed a reduction in ribosome binding to the level of trypsin-inactivated controls as well as a loss in their ability to cotranslationally translocate two different secretory protein precursors. When purified p180 was added back to depleted extracts before proteoliposome formation, both ribosome binding and translocation activity were restored. In addition, the monoclonal antibodies, as well as their Fab' fragments, were able to inhibit ribosome binding and protein translocation when bound to intact rough microsomes. These data provide direct evidence that the 180-kD ribosome receptor is essential for ribosome binding and for the translocation of nascent proteins across the membrane of the rough ER.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA (tRNA) translocates inside the ribosome during translation. We studied the interaction strengths between the ribosome and tRNA at various stages of translocation. We utilized an optical trap to measure the mechanical force to rupture tRNA from the ribosome. We measured the rupture forces of aminoacyl tRNA or peptidyl tRNA mimic from the ribosome in a prepeptidyl transfer state, the pretranslocational state, and the posttranslocational state. In addition, we measured the interaction strength between the ribosome and aminoacyl-tRNA in presence of viomycin. Based on the interaction strengths between the ribosome and tRNA under these conditions, 1), we concluded that tRNA interaction with the 30S subunit is far more important than the interaction with the 50S subunit in the mechanism of translocation; and 2), we propose a mechanism of translocation where the ribosomal ratchet motion, with the aid of EF-G, drives tRNA translocation.  相似文献   

Binding of the chromogenic ligand p-nitrophenyl α-d-mannopyranoside to concanavalin A was studied in a stopped-flow spectrometer. Formation of the protein-ligand complex could be represented as a simple one-step process. No kinetic evidence could be obtained for a ligand-induced change in the conformation of concanavalin A, although the existence of such a conformational change was not excluded. The entire change in absorbance produced on ligand binding occurred in the monophasic process monitored in the stopped-flow spectrometer. The value of the apparent second-order rate constant (ka) for complex formation (ka = 54,000 s?1m? at 25 °C, pH 5.0, Γ/2 0.5) was independent of the protein concentration when the protein was in the range of 233–831 μm in combining sites and in excess of the ligand. The apparent first-order rate constant (k?a) for dissociation of the complex was obtained from the rate constant for the decomposition of the complex upon the addition of excess methyl α-d-mannopyranoside (k?a = 6.2 s?1 at 25 °C, pH 5.0, Γ/2 0.5). The ratio ka?a (0.9 × 104m?1) was in reasonable agreement with value of 1.1 ± 0.1 × 104m?1 determined for the equilibrium constant for complex formation by ultraviolet difference spectrometry. Plots of ln(kaT) and ln(kaT) vs 1T were linear (T is temperature) and were used to evaluate activation parameters. The enthalpies of activation for formation and dissociation of the complex are 9.5 ± 0.3 and 16.8 ± 0.2 kcal/mol, respectively. The unitary entropies of activation for formation and dissociation of the complex are 2.8 ± 1.1 and 1.3 ± 0.7 entropy units, respectively. These entropy changes are much less than those usually associated with substantial changes in the conformation of proteins.  相似文献   

An RNA guanylyltransferase activity is involved in the synthesis of the cap structure found at the 5' end of eukaryotic mRNAs. The RNA guanylyltransferase activity is a two-step ping-pong reaction in which the enzyme first reacts with GTP to produce the enzyme-GMP covalent intermediate with the concomitant release of pyrophosphate. In the second step of the reaction, the GMP moiety is then transferred to a diphosphorylated RNA. Both reactions were previously shown to be reversible. In this study, we report a biochemical and thermodynamic characterization of both steps of the reaction of the RNA guanylyltransferase from Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus 1, the prototype of a family of viruses infecting green algae. Using a combination of real-time fluorescence spectroscopy, radioactive kinetic assays, and inhibition assays, the complete kinetic parameters of the RNA guanylyltransferase were determined. We produced a thermodynamic scheme for the progress of the reaction as a function of the energies involved in each step. We were able to demonstrate that the second step comprises the limiting steps for both the direct and reverse overall reactions. In both cases, the binding to the RNA substrates is the step requiring the highest energy and generating unstable intermediates that will promote the catalytic activites of the enzyme. This study reports the first thorough kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of the reaction catalyzed by an RNA capping enzyme.  相似文献   

The iterative movement of the tRNA-mRNA complex through the ribosome is a hallmark of the elongation phase of protein synthesis. We used synthetic anticodon stem-loop analogs (ASL) of tRNA(Phe) to systematically identify ribose 2'-hydroxyl groups that are essential for binding and translocation from the ribosomal A site. Our results show that 2'-hydroxyl groups at positions 33, 35, and 36 in the A site ASL are important for translocation. Consistent with the view that the molecular basis of translocation may be similar in all organisms, the 2'-hydroxyl groups at positions 35 and 36 in the ASL interact with universally conserved bases G530 and A1493, respectively, in 16S rRNA. Furthermore, these interactions are also essential for the decoding process, indicating a functional relationship between decoding and translocation.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of the lipid translocation in cellular bilayer membranes is presented. We focus on an integrative model of active and passive transport processes determining the asymmetrical distribution of the major lipid components between the monolayers. The active translocation of the aminophospholipids phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine is mathematically described by kinetic equations resulting from a realistic ATP-dependent transport mechanism. Concerning the passive transport of the aminophospholipids as well as of phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and cholesterol, two different approaches are used. The first treatment makes use of thermodynamic flux-force relationships. Relevant forces are transversal concentration differences of the lipids as well as differences in the mechanical states of the monolayers due to lateral compressions. Both forces, originating primarily from the operation of an aminophospholipid translocase, are expressed as functions of the lipid compositions of the two monolayers. In the case of mechanical forces, lipid-specific parameters such as different molecular surface areas and compression force constants are taken into account. Using invariance principles, it is shown how the phenomenological coefficients depend on the total lipid amounts. In a second approach, passive transport is analyzed in terms of kinetic mechanisms of carrier-mediated translocation, where mechanical effects are incorporated into the translocation rate constants. The thermodynamic as well as the kinetic approach are applied to simulate the time-dependent redistribution of the lipid components in human red blood cells. In the thermodynamic model the steady-state asymmetrical lipid distribution of erythrocyte membranes is simulated well under certain parameter restrictions: 1) the time scales of uncoupled passive transbilayer movement must be different among the lipid species; 2) positive cross-couplings of the passive lipid fluxes are needed, which, however, may be chosen lipid-unspecifically. A comparison of the thermodynamic and the kinetic approaches reveals that antiport mechanisms for passive lipid movements may be excluded. Simulations with kinetic symport mechanisms are in qualitative agreement with experimental data but show discrepancies in the asymmetrical distribution for sphingomyelin.  相似文献   

The interaction between tRNA and the ribosome during translation, specifically during elongation, constitutes an example of the motion and adaptability of living molecules. Recent results obtained by cryoelectron microscopy of "naked" ribosomes and ribosomes in functional binding states shine some light on this fundamental life-sustaining process. Inspection of the surface contour of our reconstruction reveals a precise "lock-and-key" fit between the intersubunit space and the tRNA molecule.  相似文献   

Ribosome-stimulated hydrolysis of guanosine-5'-triphosphate (GTP) by guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) translation factors drives protein synthesis by the ribosome. Allosteric coupling of GTP hydrolysis by elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) at the ribosomal GTPase center to messenger RNA (mRNA) codon:aminoacyl-transfer RNA (aa-tRNA) anticodon recognition at the ribosomal decoding site is essential for accurate and rapid aa-tRNA selection. Here we use single-molecule methods to investigate the mechanism of action of the antibiotic thiostrepton and show that the GTPase center of the ribosome has at least two discrete functions during aa-tRNA selection: binding of EF-Tu(GTP) and stimulation of GTP hydrolysis by the factor. We separate these two functions of the GTPase center and assign each to distinct, conserved structural regions of the ribosome. The data provide a specific model for the coupling between the decoding site and the GTPase center during aa-tRNA selection as well as a general mechanistic model for ribosome-stimulated GTP hydrolysis by GTPase translation factors.  相似文献   

The interaction of retinoid X receptor alpha with 9-cis-retinoic acid was studied using stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy. Transient kinetic analyses of this interaction suggest a two-step binding mechanism involving a rapid, enthalpically driven pre-equilibrium followed by a slower, entropically driven reaction that may arise from a conformational change within the ligand binding domain of the receptor. The assignment of this kinetic mechanism was supported by agreement between the overall equilibrium constant, Kov, derived from kinetic studies with that determined by equilibrium fluorescence titrations. Although these analyses do not preclude ligand-induced alteration in the oligomerization state of the receptor in solution, the simplest model that can be applied to these data involves the stoichiometric interaction of 9-cis-retinoic acid with retinoid X receptor alpha monomers.  相似文献   

An 11.7-A-resolution cryo-EM map of the yeast 80S.eEF2 complex in the presence of the antibiotic sordarin was interpreted in molecular terms, revealing large conformational changes within eEF2 and the 80S ribosome, including a rearrangement of the functionally important ribosomal intersubunit bridges. Sordarin positions domain III of eEF2 so that it can interact with the sarcin-ricin loop of 25S rRNA and protein rpS23 (S12p). This particular conformation explains the inhibitory action of sordarin and suggests that eEF2 is stalled on the 80S ribosome in a conformation that has similarities with the GTPase activation state. A ratchet-like subunit rearrangement (RSR) occurs in the 80S.eEF2.sordarin complex that, in contrast to Escherichia coli 70S ribosomes, is also present in vacant 80S ribosomes. A model is suggested, according to which the RSR is part of a mechanism for moving the tRNAs during the translocation reaction.  相似文献   

D R Jeffery  J A Roth 《Biochemistry》1987,26(10):2955-2958
Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT, EC from human brain occurs in both a membrane-bound (MB-COMT) and a soluble form (SOL-COMT). While these enzymes appear to be distinct molecular entities, both catalyze the O-methylation of catecholamines through an ordered reaction mechanism in which S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is the leading substrate [Rivett, A. J., & Roth, J. A. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 1740-1742; Jeffery, D. R., & Roth, J. A. (1985) J. Neurochem. 44, 881-885]. Both MB-COMT and SOL-COMT require the presence of divalent cations for catalytic activity. This series of experiments provides evidence indicating that magnesium ions bind to both MB-COMT and SOL-COMT in a rapid equilibrium sequence prior to the addition of SAM. An equation is presented that predicts the qualitative results obtained in all kinetic experiments carried out with either MB-COMT or SOL-COMT.  相似文献   

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