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The relations between allozyme heterozygosity, relative date of first feeding and life history strategy in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were examined using eggs obtained from a 400 family cross (20 male × 20 female adult Atlantic salmon). Multilocus heterozygosity, through its positive associations with the timing of first feeding and growth rate, was correlated with life history strategy in juvenile Atlantic salmon, albeit under genotype × environmental (temperature, food availability) regulation. Under hatchery conditions, a 10 day difference was observed in the relative date of first feeding between early and late first feeding Atlantic salmon. Early first feeding Atlantic salmon exhibited a significantly higher mean heterozygosity, grew faster at ambient water temperature (April to November) and a significantly higher proportion adopted the early freshwater maturation (age 0+ years, male fish) or early migrant (age 1+ years, mainly female fish) strategies compared to late first feeding Atlantic salmon. Elevated water temperatures over the winter (December to April, >10·5° C) provided additional growth opportunity allowing previously mature male parr (mainly early first feeders) and lower modal group parr (mainly late first feeders) to adopt the early migrant strategy by the following spring.  相似文献   

The energetic cost for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to forage in habitats of different salinity and depth was quantified using a behavioural titration based on ideal free distribution theory. When given a choice between freshwater habitats of different depths (>0·83 or <0·83 m), a greater proportion of fish used the deeper habitat. When the deeper habitat was saltwater, the proportion of fish using it increased. When food was added to both the shallow freshwater and deep saline habitats, however, fish distribution returned to that observed when both habitats were fresh water. This indicates that the preference for deep saline habitats during the stratified phase was driven by some benefit associated with residency in deeper water, rather than salinity. The low perceived cost of low salinity might be in part due to the fish's ability to minimize this cost by only making brief forays into the alternate freshwater habitat. When the food ration delivered to the more costly, shallow habitat was 50% greater than that delivered to the less costly, deep habitat, fish distributed themselves equally between the two habitats, presumably because of equal net benefits. This study demonstrates that juvenile Chinook salmon prefer deep saline habitat to shallow freshwater habitats but will make brief forays into the freshwater habitat if food availability is sufficiently high.  相似文献   

Juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus were size‐graded into three groups (small, large and mixing of small and large) and social interactions (feeding, aggressive attacking and activity) and growth of the fish were investigated. Growth of the subordinates (small flounder) was markedly suppressed by the presence of the dominants (large flounder). Dominants did not significantly suppress the overall food intake of the subordinates, but exhibited high aggressive attacking on the subordinates and consequently inhibited their activity. Size dominant interactions had little influence on the aggressive behaviour, feeding, activity and growth of the dominants. Results substantiated the hypothesis that the retardation in the growth of the subordinate flounder was attributed to the physiological costs of 'stress' by the aggression of the dominants. Individual differences in aggressive behaviour, feeding and activity were at least partly responsible for the growth depensation of the juvenile flounder. The dominants could not effectively defend the food in excess and disproportional food acquisition of the subordinates and dominants was not the primary mechanism responsible for the size hierarchy effect. In culture, size grading of the early juvenile flounder could markedly improve the growth and survival and thus possibly increase the overall biomass production of the flounder.  相似文献   

Juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus were size‐graded into three groups (small, large and mixing of small and large) and social interactions (feeding, aggressive attacking and activity) and growth of the fish were investigated. Growth of the subordinates (small flounder) was markedly suppressed by the presence of the dominants (large flounder). Dominants did not significantly suppress the overall food intake of the subordinates, but exhibited high aggressive attacking on the subordinates and consequently inhibited their activity. Size dominant interactions had little influence on the aggressive behaviour, feeding, activity and growth of the dominants. Results substantiated the hypothesis that the retardation in the growth of the subordinate flounder was attributed to the physiological costs of ‘stress’ by the aggression of the dominants. Individual differences in aggressive behaviour, feeding and activity were at least partly responsible for the growth depensation of the juvenile flounder. The dominants could not effectively defend the food in excess and disproportional food acquisition of the subordinates and dominants was not the primary mechanism responsible for the size hierarchy effect. In culture, size grading of the early juvenile flounder could markedly improve the growth and survival and thus possibly increase the overall biomass production of the flounder.  相似文献   

There was a pronounced decline in activity of young pool-dwelling Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and brown trout, Salmo trutta, as the water temperatures dropped in the autumn and early winter, and the fish switched from a predominantly diurnal towards a nocturnal activity pattern. Such a switch in activity pattern has previously been observed in young brown trout, but the present study is the first documentation for juvenile Atlantic salmon under natural conditions. Juvenile fish fed actively even when water temperatures were below 0°C, although foraging behaviour at near-freezing temperatures was recorded exclusively during night surveys. This indicates that other proximate factors, in addition to water temperature, affect the activity of young salmon and trout in rivers. Trout kept feeding positions significantly higher above bottom than salmon in August and September, but both species reduced the height above bottom at the onset of winter, possibly due to reduced swimming performance and lowered food availability in the upper part of the water column.  相似文献   

Qualitative data are presented on the diet of juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta released from the Ryazanovka experimental fish hatchery farm situated in the south of Primor’e Territory. The stomach fullness, frequency of occurrence of food items, their average weight value, and selectivity are estimated. Food spectra of chum salmon juveniles during downstream migration comprised representatives of 51 taxa of bottom freshwater invertebrates and terrestrial insects. The bulk of the diet consisted of larvae of aquatic insects—chironomids, other Diptera, and mayflies. Their diversity increased with the growth of fry. Fry of chum salmon had a wide spectrum of feeding preference, favorite food items were larvae and pupae of chironomids.  相似文献   

盐度对大麻哈鱼幼鱼血液生化指标及肝组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟大麻哈鱼幼鱼降海洄游水域环境盐度,设0(淡水对照)、5、10、15、20共5个盐度组,以体质量(26.57±6.32)g、全长(14.44±1.05)cm幼鱼分别进行130 d饲养试验,通过血液生化指标分析及肝组织观察,研究了大麻哈鱼降海期对不同盐度适应过程的生理变化.结果表明: 血清渗透压和血清Na+、Cl-变化趋势与水体盐度变化基本一致.高盐度(15、20)组血清Na+、Cl-、Mg2+含量与低盐度(5)组和淡水组差异显著;各盐度处理组血清K+含量均显著低于淡水组.盐度10组的血糖浓度显著高于盐度5和20组;各盐度处理组总胆汁酸与淡水组差异显著;幼鱼血清总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLB)含量随盐度的升高总体呈下降趋势,其中淡水组TP和GLB含量显著高于盐度15和20组.淡水组血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)与高盐度组差异显著.低盐度(盐度0、5)下试验幼鱼肝细胞有部分破裂现象,肝组织空泡化严重.各组试验鱼生长和成活率无明显差异,生理生化指标显示大麻哈鱼幼鱼降海期适应盐度以10~20为宜.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation in growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial and temporal variation in length‐at‐age and environmental factors affecting variation in growth rate of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied using data from a long‐term study in the River Stjørdalselva, central Norway. Mean annual instantaneous growth rate among 1+ and 2+year juvenile Atlantic salmon varied between 0·59 and 1·50 g g−1 year−1 and mean instantaneous daily growth rate of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) varied between 0·013 and 0·033 g g−1 day−1. Between year variation in growth was larger than the within year intra‐watercourse spatial variation. For YOY and 1+year Atlantic salmon, a major part of the observed between year variation in growth rates was explained by variation in mean daily water discharge and spring temperature. For 2+year juvenile Atlantic salmon, mean daily water discharge and cohort density were the only variables to significantly explain variation in growth rates. A large part of the within water‐course spatial variation could not be explained by temperature variations and juvenile Atlantic salmon in the uppermost areas of the river, experiencing the lowest ambient temperatures during the growth period, displayed the highest growth rates. Within the baselines set by temperature, biotic and abiotic factors connected to water flow regime and variation in food availability are suggested to be a major determinants of the temporal and spatial variation in juvenile Atlantic salmon growth rates.  相似文献   

Experimental studies revealed that a freshwater ectoparasitic flagellate Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1883) could survive and reproduce in seawater after infected chum salmon fry, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), were transferred directly from fresh water to 33% seawater. Minor morphological changes (slight reduction in body width, loss of twistlike wrinkles on body surface, and reduction in contractile vacuoles) were observed in the attached form of I. necator following transfer to seawater. The field survey also confirmed that I. necator occurs on chum salmon fry in seawater estuaries (salinity 17-34%) and in freshwater habitats. It was assumed that I. necator acquired salinity tolerance as a result of adapting to the migratory behavior of its anadromous host. Two morphologically similar bodonids, I. necator from chum salmon and Ichthyobodo sp. from marine Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck and Schlegel), were differentiated by cross-infection experiments. Thus, the parasite from marine flounder should be regarded as a separate species from I. necator.  相似文献   

Based on feed composition, fish composition and feed conversion, some theoretical effects of feeding on waste discharge are calculated to illustrate the appropriateness of farm effluent monitoring. The effects of feed conversion and feed spillage and feed composition on waste discharge (suspended and dissolved N, P & COD) are demonstrated. Slight variations in feed conversion at the moment of sampling, especially those evoked by feed spillage, have tremendous consequences for discharge values. It appears crucial to determine whether observed conversions are explained by inherent efficiencies of fish growth, or whether higher growth efficiencies are combined with feed spillage. Therefore, thorough knowledge of relationships between nutrient intake and growth should be applied to effluent assessment. A calculation is presented to serve as a preliminary assessment of the impacts of these variables on water quality monitoring. The concept is illustrated using measurements from a recirculation pilot eel culture system.  相似文献   

The interannual variations and general state of the food supply of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the 2000s in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (including the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk) were analyzed based on indirect characteristics that indicate the variability of their forage base, feeding habits, growth, and biomass. A new index for the quantitative evaluation of food supply was suggested. The food supply of the Pacific salmon during the 2000s was found to be sufficient to maintain the normal functioning of populations. With high abundance of Pacific salmon, the food supply tended to decrease. However, this caused no negative consequences for the survival of major salmon stocks during the marine period of life and, as a rule, no marked decrease in the food consumption and growth rates of fish. A relative increase in food competition was compensated by adaptive changes in the diet and diel feeding rhythm of salmon. With the shortage of preferred food organisms (amphipods, euphausiids, and pteropods), Pacific salmon changed to consuming minor prey (copepods and chaetognaths), and numerous mesopelagic species of macroplankton and micronekton in the evening hours.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the diel feeding pattern and seasonal variation in the daily ration of immature and mature marbled flounder (Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae). A day‐night collection by bottom trawls was conducted in Sendai Bay in July 2014. Marbled flounder (131–493 mm total length; Number of collected individuals = 1830, Number of analyzed individuals = 497) fed mainly on polychaetes during the day. At night, stomach content weight decreased with time, but the weight and proportion of bivalve siphons were consistently higher at night than during the day, suggesting nocturnal feeding by the flounder on bivalve siphons. Daily ration was greater in females (<300 mm: 2.6%–3.2% body weight; ≥300 mm: 1.5%–2.5%) than in males (<300 mm: 1.7%–2.6%; ≥300 mm: 1.3%–1.9%). Seasonal surveys were also carried out, and the greater ration in females than males were consistent throughout the year, suggesting that greater growth in females than males attributes to the greater food intake of females. The ration was highest in June, especially for large individuals, although water temperature in June was lower than that in September. These results indicate that the amount of food intake is related to the annual life cycle of the marbled flounder.  相似文献   

Feeding rate experiments were conducted for pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha fry [mean fork length ( L F) 39 mm], juveniles (103–104 mm L F) and juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (106–107 mm L F). Fishes were presented with small copepod ( Tisbi sp.) or larger mysid shrimp ( Mysidopsis bahia ) prey at varying densities ranging from 1 to 235 prey l−1 in feeding rate experiments conducted at water temperatures ranging from 10·5 to 12·0° C under high light levels and low turbidity conditions. Juvenile pink and chum salmon demonstrated a type II functional response to mysid and copepod prey. Mysid prey was readily selected by both species whereas the smaller bodied copepod prey was not. When offered copepods, pink salmon fry fed at a higher maximum consumption rate (2·5 copepods min−1) than larger juvenile pink salmon (0·4 copepods min−1), whereas larger juvenile chum salmon exhibited the highest feeding rate (3·8 copepods min−1). When feeding on mysids, the maximum feeding rate for larger juvenile pink (12·3 mysids min−1) and chum (11·5 mysids min−1) salmon were similar in magnitude, and higher than feeding rates on copepods. Functional response models parameterized for specific sizes of juvenile salmon and zooplankton prey provide an important tool for linking feeding rates to ambient foraging conditions in marine environments, and can enable mechanistic predictions for how feeding and growth should respond to spatial-temporal variability in biological and physical conditions during early marine life stages.  相似文献   

1.?Basal levels of metabolism vary significantly among individuals in many taxa, but the effects of this on fitness are generally unknown. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) in juvenile salmon and trout is positively related to dominance status and ability to obtain a feeding territory, but it is not clear how this translates into performance in natural conditions. 2.?The relationships between RMR, dominance, territoriality and growth rates of yearling Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were examined in relation to predictability in food supply and habitat complexity, using replicate sections of a large-scale controlled semi-natural stream. 3.?Estimated RMR was a strong predictor of dominance, and under conditions of a predictable food supply in a structurally simple habitat, high estimated RMR fish obtained the best feeding territories and grew faster. 4.?When the spatial distribution of food was made less predictable, dominant (high estimated RMR) fish were still able to occupy the most profitable feeding locations by periodically moving location to track the changes in food availability, but RMR was no longer a predictor of growth rate. Moreover, when a less predictable food supply was combined with a visually more complex (and realistic) habitat, fish were unable to track changes in food availability, grew more slowly and exhibited greater site fidelity, and there were no relationships between estimated RMR and quality of occupied territory or growth rate. 5.?The relative benefit of RMR is thus context dependent, depending on both habitat complexity and the predictability of the food supply. Higher habitat complexity and lower food predictability decrease the performance advantages associated with a high RMR.  相似文献   

Prey intake by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was measured across different riparian vegetation types: grassland, open canopy deciduous and closed canopy deciduous, in upland streams in County Mayo, Western Ireland. Fishes were collected by electrofishing while invertebrates were sampled from the benthos using a Surber sampler and drifting invertebrates collected in drift traps. Aquatic invertebrates dominated prey numbers in the diets of 0+ year Atlantic salmon and brown trout and 1+ year Atlantic salmon, whereas terrestrial invertebrates were of greater importance for diets of 1+ and 2+ year brown trout. Terrestrial prey biomass was generally greater than aquatic prey for 1+ and 2+ year brown trout across seasons and riparian types. Prey intake was greatest in spring and summer and least in autumn apart from 2+ year brown trout that sustained feeding into autumn. Total prey numbers captured tended to be greater for all age classes in streams with deciduous riparian canopy. Atlantic salmon consumed more aquatic prey and brown trout more terrestrial prey with an ontogenetic increase in prey species richness and diversity. Atlantic salmon and brown trout diets were most similar in summer. Terrestrial invertebrates provided an important energy subsidy particularly for brown trout. In grassland streams, each fish age class was strongly associated with aquatic, mainly benthic invertebrates. In streams with deciduous riparian canopy cover, diet composition partitioned between conspecifics with older brown trout associated with surface drifting terrestrial invertebrates and older Atlantic salmon associated with aquatic invertebrates with a high drift propensity in the water column and 0+ year fish feeding on benthic aquatic invertebrates. Deciduous riparian canopy cover may therefore facilitate vertical partitioning of feeding position within the water column between sympatric Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Implications for riparian management are discussed.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry (0+) sampled from the River Alta exhibited only minor differences in stomach content weights and feeding rates throughout diel periods, but feeding rates were generally lowest at night. In contrast, salmon parr (1+ to 3+) had large diel fluctuations in stomach content weight, with the largest weights usually being recorded during the night and early morning. Accordingly, their feeding rates were highest at night. This nocturnal feeding pattern was consistent throughout all sampling occasions, and appeared to reflect a persistent feeding periodicity in the salmon parr. The daily food consumption rates of both fry and parr were highest during midsummer and decreased towards autumn.  相似文献   

Based on complex epipelagic surveys in the western Bering Sea, a comparative analysis of food supply of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) was conducted in summer and fall from 2002 to 2006. Nine indirect indices of food supply used in the study were as follows: feeding similarity, width of the feeding spectrum, diet feeding ration, diet feeding rhythms, fraction of accessory food in the ration, growth rate of the fish, abundance of food resources, and abundance of salmon. The food supply of salmon is lower in summer 2003 and fall 2006 in comparison to the food supply in other years of the study. However, well expressed feeding selectivity, consumption of prey items of certain type, and small proportion of accessory food (copepods and chaetognaths) prevailed in plankton, suggests the presence of sufficient food resources for Pacific salmon in the western Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in daily food intake is a well-documented phenomenon in many organisms including wild-type coho salmon where the appetite is noticeably reduced during periods of decreased day length and low water temperature. This reduction may in part be explained by altered production of cholecystokinin (CCK) and growth hormone (GH). CCK is a hormone produced in the brain and gut that mediates a feeling of satiety and thus has an inhibitory effect on food intake and foraging behaviour. Growth hormone (GH) enhances feeding behaviour and consequently growth, but its production is reduced during winter. The objectives of this study were: first, to compare the seasonal feeding behaviour of wild and GH-transgenic coho salmon; second, to determine the behavioural effect of blocking the action of CCK (by using devazepide) on the seasonal food intake; and third, to measure CCK expression in brain and gut tissues between the two genotypes across seasons. We found that, in contrast to wild salmon, food intake in transgenic salmon was not reduced during winter indicating that seasonal control of appetite regulation has been disrupted by constitutive production of GH in transgenic animals. Blocking of CCK increased food intake in both genotypes in all seasons. The increase was stronger in wild genotypes than transgenic fish; however blocking CCK in wild-type fish in winter did not elevate appetites to levels observed in the summer. The response to devazepide was generally faster in transgenic than in wild salmon with more rapid effects observed during summer than during winter, possibly due to a higher temperature in summer. Overall, a seasonal effect on CCK mRNA levels was observed in telencephalon with levels during winter being higher compared to the summer in wild fish, but with no seasonal effect in transgenic fish. No differences in seasonal CCK expression were found in hypothalamus. Higher levels of CCK were detected in the gut of both genotypes in winter compared to summer. Thus, CCK appears to mediate food intake among seasons in both wild-type and GH-transgenic salmon, and an altered CCK regulation may be responsible at least in part for the seasonal regulation of food intake.  相似文献   

To estimate the accumulated food consumption and growth of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, we investigated the relationships between individual food consumption and growth, and the change in the stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C). Japanese flounder juveniles were individually reared and their diet was switched from one formulated feed EP1 (δ13C = − 19.47‰) to another EP3 (δ13C = − 17.21‰) and fed at different feeding regimes. After the switch, the δ13C content of the dorsal muscle was exponentially shifted to a different level in proportion to the feeding and growth rates. Therefore, measuring the carbon stable isotope ratio is a useful tool for estimating the food consumption and growth rate of juveniles. In addition, since the velocity of change and the asymptotic value of the carbon stable isotope ratio varied in muscle, caudal fin and liver tissue, different tissues can be used for different time scale estimations.  相似文献   

Growth rate has been established as a key parameter influencing foraging decisions involving the risk of predation. Through genetic manipulation, transgenic salmon bred to contain and transmit a growth hormone transgene are able to achieve growth rates significantly greater than those of unmanipulated salmon. Using such growth-enhanced transgenic Atlantic salmon, we directly tested the hypothesis that relative growth rates should be correlated with willingness to risk exposure to a predator. We used size-matched transgenic and control salmon in two experiments where these fish could either feed in safety, or in the presence of the predator. The first experiment constrained the predator behind a Plexiglas partition (no risk of mortality), the second required the fish to feed in the same compartment as the predator (a finite risk of mortality). During these experiments, transgenic salmon had rates of consumption that were approximately five times that of the control fish and rates of movement approximately double that of controls. Transgenic salmon also spent significantly more time feeding in the presence of the predator, and consumed absolutely more food at that location. When there was a real risk of mortality, control fish almost completely avoided the dangerous location. Transgenic fish continued to feed at this location, but at a reduced level. These data demonstrate that the growth enhancement associated with the transgenic manipulation increases the level of risk these fish are willing to incur while foraging. If the genetic manipulation necessary to increase growth rates is achievable through evolutionary change, these experiments suggest that growth rates of Atlantic salmon may be optimized by the risk of predation. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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