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Summary The phenotypic effects in imaginal hypodermal tissue of a number of Abdominal-B mutations of the bithorax complex are described. Evidence is given from complementation analysis that the phenotypic heterogeneity in both the spatial limits and the nature of the homeotic transformations produced is not an arbitrary classification of allelic differences that we find. We have used genetic mosaic analysis to support the interpretation that the Abdominal-B genetic unit can exist in a number of alternative functional states of expression during development and that individual Abdominal-B mutations may abolish some states whilst leaving others unaffected.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism requires the integration of positional information in the embryo with the sex determination pathway. Homeotic genes are a major source of positional information responsible for patterning along the anterior-posterior axis in embryonic development, and are likely to play a critical role in sexual dimorphism. Here, we investigate the role of homeotic genes in the sexually dimorphic development of the gonad in Drosophila. We have found that Abdominal-B (ABD-B) is expressed in a sexually dimorphic manner in the embryonic gonad. Furthermore, Abd-B is necessary and sufficient for specification of a sexually dimorphic cell type, the male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs). In Abd-B mutants, the msSGPs are not specified and male gonads now resemble female gonads with respect to these cells. Ectopic expression of Abd-B is sufficient to induce formation of extra msSGPs in additional segments of the embryo. Abd-B works together with abdominal-A to pattern the non-sexually dimorphic somatic gonad in both sexes, while Abd-B alone specifies the msSGPs. Our results indicate that Abd-B acts at multiple levels to regulate gonad development and that Abd-B class homeotic genes are conserved factors in establishing gonad sexual dimorphism in diverse species.  相似文献   

The distal region of the Drosophila leg, the tarsus, is divided into five segments (ta I-V) and terminates in the pretarsus, which is characterized by a pair of claws. Several homeobox genes are expressed in distinct regions of the tarsus, including aristaless (al) and lim1 in the pretarsus, Bar (B) in ta IV and V, and apterous (ap) in ta IV. This pattern is governed by regulatory interactions between these genes; for example, Al and B are mutually antagonistic resulting in exclusion of B expression from the pretarsus. Although Al is necessary, it is not sufficient to repress B, indicating another factor is required. Here, this factor is identified as the product of the C15 gene, which is another homeodomain protein, a homolog of the human Hox11 oncogene. C15 is expressed in the same cells as al and, together, C15 and Al appear to directly repress B. C15/Al also act indirectly to repress ap in ta V, i.e., in surrounding cells. To do this, C15/Al autonomously repress expression of the gene encoding the Notch ligand Delta (Dl) in the pretarsus, restricting Dl to ta V and creating a Dl+/Dl- border at the interface between ta V and the pretarsus. This results in upregulation of Notch signaling, which induces expression of the bowl gene, the product of which represses ap.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 VP16 polypeptide is a potent trans-activator of viral gene expression. We have tested the ability of the VP16 activation domain to activate gene expression in plant cells. A plasmid encoding a translational fusion between the full-length 434 repressor and the C-terminal 80 amino acids of VP16, was constructed. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the chimeric protein binds efficiently to 434-binding motifs (operators). For expression in plant cells, the chimeric activator gene was placed between the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and nos terminator sequences in a pUC-based plasmid. The 434 operators were placed upstream of a minimal CaMV 35S promoter linked to the E. coli gus reporter gene. This reporter-expression cassette was then incorporated into the same plasmid as the 434 cI/VP16 activator-expression cassette. Two control plasmids were also constructed, one encoding the 434 protein with no activator domain and the second a chimeric activator with no DNA-binding domain. The chimeric activator was tested for its ability to activate gene expression in a tobacco protoplast transient assay system. Results are presented to show that we can obtain in plant cells significant activation of gene expression that is dependent on both DNA-binding and the presence of the activator domain.  相似文献   

Many animals show regionally specialized patterns of movement along the body axis. In vertebrates, spinal networks regulate locomotion, while the brainstem controls movements of respiration and feeding. Similarly, amongst invertebrates diversification of appendages along the body axis is tied to the performance of characteristically different movements such as those required for feeding, locomotion, and respiration. Such movements require locally specialized networks of nerves and muscles. Here we use the regionally differentiated movements of larval crawling in Drosophila to investigate how the formation of a locally specialized locomotor network is genetically determined. By loss and gain of function experiments we show that particular Hox gene functions are necessary and sufficient to dictate the formation of a neuromuscular network that orchestrates the movements of peristaltic locomotion.  相似文献   

Two burgeoning research trends are helping to reconstruct the evolution of the Hox cluster with greater detail and clarity. First, Hox genes are being studied in a broader phylogenetic sampling of taxa: the past year has witnessed important new data from teleost fishes, onychophorans, myriapods, polychaetes, glossiphoniid leeches, ribbon worms, and sea anemones. Second, commonly accepted notions of animal relationships are being challenged by alternative phylogenetic hypotheses that are causing us to rethink the evolutionary relationships of important metazoan lineages, especially arthropods, annelids, nematodes, and platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

The Suppressor of UnderReplication (SuUR) gene controls the DNA underreplication in intercalary and pericentric heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster salivary gland polytene chromosomes. In the present work, we investigate the functional importance of different regions of the SUUR protein by expressing truncations of the protein in an UAS–GAL4 system. We find that SUUR has at least two separate chromosome-binding regions that are able to recognize intercalary and pericentric heterochromatin specifically. The C-terminal part controls DNA underreplication in intercalary heterochromatin and partially in pericentric heterochromatin regions. The C-terminal half of SUUR suppresses endoreplication when ectopically expressed in the salivary gland. Ectopic expression of the N-terminal fragments of SUUR depletes endogenous SUUR from polytene chromosomes, causes the SuUR phenotype and induces specific swellings in heterochromatin.  相似文献   

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