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加拿利海枣两种真菌病害病原菌鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
厦门岛钠加拿利海枣受真菌病害为害较重。经两年系统观察研究确认;茎枯病原菌为半知菌亚门,棕榈盾壳霉;假黑粉病原原菌为亚门,海枣粉座菌。  相似文献   

匡建 《生命世界》2003,(6):47-47
早在20世纪30年代,由外国传教士引入我国的一种树形优美壮观、抗性极强的树种,它一年四季常青。叶形优美,叶色翠绿,具光泽,叶脉坚挺有弹性,树体伟岸、挺拔、飘逸之气,极富有典型的热带风情,为棕榈、蒲葵、铁树等植物所望尘莫及。因此,它曾被我国南方某些地区赞誉为“热带风情树种”。原来它就是原产于非洲西海岸加拿利群岛的  相似文献   

将加拿利海枣(Phoenix canariensis Hort. ex Chab.)幼苗培养在不同盐度(1.2~14.5)的土壤中,探讨土壤含盐量对其生长及生理指标的影响。结果表明:随基质盐度的提高,幼苗新生叶片数降低且叶片死亡数增加。随基质盐度的提高,叶绿素含量增加,叶绿素a/b在低盐度时增加而当盐度超过5.1时下降。土壤盐度在1.2~5.1时,MDA含量约为4.30 μmol g-1,以后随土壤盐度的升高而升高。SOD活性在低盐时升高,土壤盐度超过10.8时,SOD活性迅速下降。盐胁迫下叶片Na+和Cl-含量升高,K+、Ca2+、Mg2+含量及K+/Na+下降。盐胁迫导致加拿利海枣生长下降的主要原因是叶片有效光合面积减少,离子平衡破坏。这些表明加拿利海枣具有很高的耐盐能力,其幼苗在土壤盐度5.1时生长正常,当土壤盐度为10.8时才开始出现受害症状,适宜在滨海地区推广应用。  相似文献   

本研究从广东省罗定市20年生和1年生肉桂的叶、枝、根和皮等不同器官共分离得到90株内生真菌,通过菌落特征、显微观察和ITS序列分析鉴定为2门3纲10目14科22属,其中拟盘多毛孢属Pestalotiopsis、黑孢霉属Nigrospora和间座壳属Diaporthe为优势属;肉桂内生真菌的分布存在明显的组织特异性和偏好...  相似文献   

【目的】向日葵白锈病、黑茎病是2种危害严重的新入侵病害,新疆地区新源县和特克斯县为这2种病害发生区。研究目前种植的油用型向日葵品种对向日葵白锈病和黑茎病的抗性差异,可为新疆伊犁地区向日葵品种选育及其病害综合防控提供理论依据。【方法】选择伊犁地区广泛种植的16种油用型向日葵种质资源为供试品种,试验地设在新源县和特克斯县田间,于2015年5—9月调查样地的病叶数,并计算病情指数,同时测定样地的平均产量,最后综合以上结果确定各品种的抗性水平。【结果】不同向日葵品种在同一供试条件下对白锈病和黑茎病存在明显的抗性差异,在新源县NX19012(西域朝阳)的病情指数分别为7.83和25.62,而品种KWS204的病情指数为21.04和39.50;部分品种在不同的供试地点表现出一致的抗性水平,品种新引S31感染白锈病后在新源县的病情指数为9.41,在特克斯县为9.38;另有部分品种在不同地点存在不同的抗性水平,如G101感染白锈病后在新源县和特克斯县的病情指数分别为9.16和11.78,而感染黑茎病后在新源县和特克斯县的病情指数分别为31.05和37.79。【结论】通过对白锈病和黑茎病病情指数、向日葵产量及当地气象数据的综合研究,发现NX19012(西域朝阳)最适宜在新疆伊犁地区种植,品种S606、TO12244、NX01025(西部骆驼)也可作为多样化种植的候选品种,而新葵杂系列品种中新葵杂5号可作为今后品种选育的试验材料。  相似文献   

豌豆(Pisum sativum)是我国重要的豆类经济作物, 病害对豌豆生产造成重大经济损失。通过形态学观察、分子鉴定以及致病性测定, 最终确定引起豌豆茎基腐病的3种病原菌分别为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、芸苔链格孢菌(Alternaria brassicae)和格氏镰刀菌(F. grosmichelii), 优势菌株为尖孢镰刀菌, 分离率为53.6%。室内毒力测定结果表明, 5种供试杀菌剂对3种病原菌的菌丝生长均有抑制作用, 其中咯菌腈和戊唑醇的抑菌效果最好。研究结果为豌豆茎基腐病的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

木霉(Trichoderma spp.)对三种引起大棚蔬菜病害病原菌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过木霉属(Trichoderma) 3菌株与双鸭山蔬菜大棚中的黄瓜枯萎病菌(FusariumoxysporumSchlecht.f.cucumerinum)、黄瓜果腐病菌(PhytophthoracapsiciLeonian)、菜豆叶枯病菌(Cladosporiumsp .)的对峙培养试验,结果表明:绿色木霉1(TrichodermaviridePers.exGray 1)可作为双鸭山蔬菜大棚中的黄瓜枯萎病、黄瓜果腐病、菜豆叶枯病3种病害的生物防治拮抗菌加以利用,该拮抗菌对菜豆叶枯病菌抑制效果最好;绿色木霉2 (Tricho dermaviride 2 )对黄瓜果腐病菌抑制效果最好;而哈茨木霉(TrichodermaharzianumRifai)对以上3种病原菌都有抑制效果,对菜豆叶枯病菌抑制效果最好。从试验结果还可看出,绿色木霉2对黄瓜枯萎病菌和菜豆叶枯病菌的生长有促进作用。  相似文献   

广东地区两种兰花病毒病害的分子鉴定及检测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据已报道的建兰花叶病毒(CyMV)和齿兰环斑病毒(ORSV)基因组核苷酸序列,在其cp基因上下游设计PCR引物.CyMV预计扩增产物784bp,ORSV预计扩增产物604bp.以采集自广东省顺德的墨兰和文心兰表现病毒病症状的病株叶组织总RNA为模板,进行RT-PCR扩增.对预期大小的5个扩增产物进行克隆和测序,结果表明,来源于不同兰种或同一兰种不同兰场的病样CyMV引物扩增产物核苷酸序列存在少量差异,但均与世界各地的CyMV分离物cp基因高度同源;而来源于不同兰种的病样ORSV引物扩增产物核苷酸序列完全相同,与世界各地的ORSV分离物cp基因高度同源.因此可将侵染广东兰花的两种病毒鉴定为CyMV和ORSV.混合上述两种病毒的 PCR引物,采用双重RT-PCR扩增,对采自广东顺德23个兰场共153份样品进行病毒检测,76份(49.7%)检出CyMV,52份(34.0%)检出ORSV,2份(1.3%)同时检出CyMV和ORSV.  相似文献   

利用常规组织分离法对广西永福地区种植的龙牙百合两种病害的病原菌进行了分离,并对分离菌株进行培养、纯化、回接和重新分离,最后利用形态学和分子生物学技术对致病菌株进行了鉴定;同时观察了三种植物生长调节物质对两种致病菌的抑制效果。结果表明:两种病害(A和B)症状表明是叶枯病和青霉病,分别从感病叶片中分离得到4株和3株病原菌,病原菌室外回接发现只有菌株A-4和B-2分别致病,致病率均达到100%。形态学鉴定,A-4为葡萄孢属病原菌,菌落白色绒絮状,圆型;菌丝匍匐向外、向上生长、气生,无色,有隔膜,有分枝,具有分生孢子和顶生孢子。B-2为青霉属病原菌,菌落圆形或不规则形,外围形成一圈白色绒毛状,中间蓝绿色;菌丝细,匍匐生长,具横隔,分生孢子梗扫帚状,孢子呈球形。两类菌株分别获得全长522 bp和551 bp的序列,把ITS序列与Genbank中已登陆的序列进行相似性分析,并结合田间致病症状,认为龙牙百合叶枯病致病菌可能是椭圆葡萄孢,而青霉病致病菌是扩展青霉。三种植物生长调节物质对两种致病菌的抑制效果表明,0.1~1.0 mmol·L~(-1)的SA不能完全抑制两种病原菌的生长,而0.5~1.0 mmol·L~(-1)BRs和Me-JA均能完全抑制病原菌A-4和B-2的生长。  相似文献   

用常规方法从患典型白底板病黄沙鳖的心脏、肝脏等处进行细菌的接种分离, 通过人工感染确定分离菌株的致病性, API 20NE、16S rRNA基因序列分析进行病原菌鉴定和确定其系统发育地位, K-B纸片扩散法进行药敏试验, PCR检测病原菌的6种毒力基因。试验结果, 共分离到13株病原菌, 其中嗜水气单胞菌9株, 温和气单胞菌4株。在9株嗜水气单胞菌中, 有5株与Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966菌株亲源关系最近, 4株与Aeromonas hydrophila北京株QDC01的亲源关系最近; 而4株温和气单胞菌与Aeromonas sobria ATCC 43979的亲源关系最近。药敏试验结果, 仅头孢哌酮对13株病原菌都高度敏感, 来源于不同养殖区域的病原菌药敏结果相差较大。6种毒力基因的阳性率, Aer、Act和ahp均为100%, hly和Alt为92.31%, ahal为76.92%; 毒力基因型共有4种, 嗜水气单胞菌主要为hly+Aer+Alt+Act+ahal+ahp+基因型, 而温和气单胞菌主要为 hly+Aer+Alt-Act+ahal+ahp+基因型, 同时携带hly基因的菌株其致病力更强。    相似文献   

Isoplexis canariensis is a source of compounds related to the Digitalis cardenolides and anthraquinones. It is a protected endemic plant, but even so, it is rapidly disappearing from nature. An optimal micropropagation procedure was achieved using nodal segments with two axillary buds as explants. A concentration of 0.5 μM kinetin in Murashige and Skoog liquid basal medium was found to be optimal for micropropagation. Rooting in vitro was unnecessary for ex vitro survival. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We used RAPD markers to test whether morphologically intermediate individuals between the Canarian endemic Phoenix canariensis and the widespread P. dactylifera correspond to hybrids. Consistent with previous allozyme evidence, the scarcity of appropriate RAPD markers to distinguish P. dactylifera and P. canariensis indicated a close genetic relationship among these species. Only two of the 54 ten-mer primers (OPM-8 and OPK-14) tested in 221 individuals from 7 localities in different islands enabled us to unambiguously identify both species. While P. canariensis possesses two exclusive monomorphic bands of 1000 bp and 750 bp (for OPM-8 and OPM-14, respectively), dactylifera is characterised by two bands of 900 bp and 950 bp for the same primers. The additivity of these taxon-specific bands in the individuals that were morphologically intermediate provided, for the first time, firm evidence for their hybrid origin. Because these hybridisation capabilities pose clear threats to the survival of the endemic P. canariensis and some individuals that had been morphologically characterised as pure P. canariensis revealed later a hybrid nature in the RAPD analysis, we suggest that RAPD markers be used to estimate the possible incidence of introgression in the scarce extant natural populations of P. canariensis. This procedure will provide a straightforward means to select target populations to implement the in situ conservation strategies suggested previously on the basis of allozyme research.We thank Michel Ferry for providing samples of Phoenix dactylifera from the Hort del Gat Research Station on Date Palm and Arid Land Farming Systems in Elche (Spain). The authors wish to thank Jaime OShanahan for his wise comments about Phoenix canariensis. This research was funded by the Gobierno de Canarias (94-2614). A PhD Research Fellowship (Direccion General de Universidades, Gobierno de Canarias) to Gonzalez-Perez. is also acknowledged.  相似文献   

Abstract: The three-dimensional (3D) morphology of the stomata in leaves of Pinus canariensis is described with respect to the spatial arrangement of guard cells, subsidiary cells, polar and lateral cells. Serial semi-thin sections of the stomatal apparatus were digitally reconstructed and analysed with regard to the position, shape and size of the cell types involved. The stomatal complex consists of 16 cells with uniquely shaped polar and lateral cells. The polar cells form a kind of roof above the epistomatal chamber thereby reducing the surface aperture. The structural features of the stomatal complex differ from other Pinus species and are presumed to be an adaptation to extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The current study was conducted to investigate the chemical composition of Quercus canariensis flour acorns extracts as well as its biological activities in regards to the growing area using spectrophotometric and chromatographic techniques. The phenolic profile was composed of 19 compounds identified through HPLC-DAD analysis. Coumarin was the most abundant compound quantified in BniMtir, Nefza and ElGhorra and gallic (12.58–20.52 %), syringic (4.70–7.64 %) and trans-ferulic (2.28–2.94 %) acids were the abundant phenolic acids while kaempferol was the major flavonoid compounds quantified only in Quercus canariensis growing in BniMtir. On the other hand, Ain Snoussi acorn extract was characterized by its high content in luteolin-7-O-glucoside (58.46 %). The in-vitro antioxidant activities of the studied extracts were investigated and the results showed that Nefza ethanolic extract's has the highest activities. A bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus was observed only by Elghorra population. On the other hand, Ain Snoussi acorn extract was efficient to inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria, mentioned the highest activity against Escherichia coli. These results is the first study highlighted that zeen oak acorns are an excellent source of natural antioxidants and antibacterial compounds related to their lysozyme activity which could be exploited in the pharmaceutical and food sectors.  相似文献   

红棕象甲(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)是对棕榈科植物危害较大的外来入侵害虫,文章介绍该虫的为害症状、形态特征、生活习性以及厦门地区加拿利海枣的受害情况,并提出防治措施。  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate spatial and temporal variation in Gelidium canariensis populations at two shores in northern Gran Canaria during two years. Spatial scales ranged from some hundred meters (distance between shores), 10 to 30 m (distance between plots) to less than 3 m (distance between quadrats). Gelidium individuals were defined as distinct Gelidium clumps. The results show a significant difference in size of clumps between shores, but not on the smaller spatial scales. No significant temporal variation was found. There was no significant temporal or spatial variation in standing crop or density (counts made in quadrats where Gelidium was present, rather than counts for the total shore). Sporophytic and gametophytic clumps were also distinguished by identifying reproductive structures in the field. The total proportion of sporophytes was larger than the proportion of gametophytes, but at a smaller scale there could be a shift in dominance. The survival rate of clumps was similar between shores with a mean survival rate of 85%, but there was a significant difference in recruitment between shores. The results indicate a stable population structure. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aims: Larvae of the red palm weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) feed inside palm stem tissues, making galleries and producing a wet fermenting frass. We characterized the culturable bacteria associated with frass produced by tunnelling larvae inside the Canary island date palms and investigated the role of frass and gut bacteria in plant polymers breakdown. Methods and Results: A culture‐dependent method was used to isolate bacteria from frass and noninfested palm tissues. Bacterial isolates were grouped into operational taxonomic units based on polymorphisms in the ITS‐PCR profiles, and representative isolates were identified by partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Frass bacteria were dominated by 2,3‐butanediol fermenter Enterobacteriaceae. None of the bacterial isolates was able to degrade cellulose; however, cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic bacteria were isolated from the larval gut enrichment cultures. Conclusions: Frass bacteria are specifically associated with the RPW larvae and might play beneficial roles for RPW, other than nutritional, that deserve further investigations. Breakdown of plant polymers probably occurs inside the larvae digestive system. Significance and Impact of the Study: Frass and gut micro‐organisms of R. ferrugineus should be included in studies of the interactions between RPW, its plant hosts, and its enemies.  相似文献   

Dentex ( Cheimerius ) canariensis is recorded for the first time for European waters, on the basis of four specimens captured on the coast of Cádiz (SW Iberian peninsula).  相似文献   

The red palm weevil(RPW; Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is spreading worldwide and severely harming many palm species. However, most studies on RPW focused on insect biology, and little information is available about the plant response to the attack. In the present experiment, we used metabolomics to study the alteration of the leaf metabolome of Phoenix canariensis at initial(1st stage) or advanced(2nd stage)attack by RPW compared with healthy(unattacked) plants.The leaf metabolome significantly varied among treatments. At the 1st stage of attack, plants showed a reprogramming of carbohydrate and organic acid metabolism; in contrast, peptides and lipid metabolic pathways underwent more changes during the 2nd than 1st stage of attack. Enrichment metabolomics analysis indicated that RPW attack mostly affected a particular group of compounds rather than rearranging plant metabolic pathways. Some compounds selectively affected during the 1st rather than 2nd stage(e.g. phenylalanine; tryptophan; cellobiose;xylose; quinate; xylonite; idonate; and iso-threonate; cellobiotol and arbutine) are upstream events in the phenylpropanoid,terpenoid and alkaloid biosynthesis. These compounds could be designated as potential markers of initial RPW attack. However,further investigation is needed to determine efficient early screening methods of RPW attack based on the concentrations of these molecules.  相似文献   

Ishurd O  Ali Y  Wei W  Bashir F  Ali A  Ashour A  Pan Y 《Carbohydrate research》2003,338(15):1609-1612
Alkali-soluble polysaccharides, isolated from the seeds of dates, have been investigated using methylation and partial hydrolysis studies. The polysaccharides are shown to contain D-xylose and 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid in a molar ratio of 5:1. An aldobiouronic acid from hemicellulose was characterized, and investigation revealed that the hemicellulose consists of a polymer of (1-->4)-linked D-xylopranosyl residues having branches of D-xylopyranosyl and 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid.  相似文献   

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